San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
30 Jan 1914
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
January 30 1914

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General Transcription
Daly City Record
January 30, 1914

Daly City, San Mateo County, California
Vol. 5 No. 44 Friday, January 30, 1914

Frederick M. GARNJOIST, aged 21, and Nina A. FRELLANI, aged 18, both of San Francisco.
Joseph OSTOJA, aged 36, Watsonville and Lena GROSSI, aged 25, San Mateo
Adolfo PROJETTI, aged 27 and Adele LUCINI, aged 23, both of South San Francisco
Harry JACKSON, aged 35, San Francisco and Elizabeth McTIEMAN, aged 36, Santa Cruz
Louis VIDOVICH, aged 30, Mountain View and Annie MOZARA, aged 26, Portola
(Initial Filming of the Newspaper has cut off a couple of letters in the ditch – when the word can be deduced – it was used, otherwise spaces will be used.)
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
G.J. McGREGOR vs Emile McGREGOR demurrer and notice of motion continued to January 30.
Auto Gas Engine Co vs H.H. Mc_WEN. Notion of motion continued to January 29.
Amelia BOITANO, et al vs Joseph __EBENEDETTI. Trial dropped from calendar.
Mary B. WEST vs Juanita BETTS. Notice of change of trial continued to January 29.
Mary C. AZEVEDO vs Margaret COS__. Demurrer overruled and defendant granted 10 days to answer.
J.F. BRANDON vs Mrs. James BROG__ETTA. Notice of motion to dismiss dropped from calendar.
Occidental Land and Improvement Co vs Ansel M. Easton. Case dismissed under 583 C.C.P.
Carrie E. GILLESPIE vs W.W. GILLESPIE. Order to show cause entered continued to Feb. 17.
Joseph D. DAY has brought foreclosure proceedings against James L. DAY and others to recover the sum of $240.
The note, secured by a mortgage on lots 16, 17, Farallone City, was executed at San Mateo on January 19, 1909.
H.D. COLLIER has brought suit against W.S. DUNLEAVY to recover the sum of $301.83 for merchandise delivered to defendant by the Standard Oil Company during the past year.
Joseph WEHREN has brought suit against Alexander U. LARSEN and others to foreclose a chattel mortgage on a one-story frame building or shop at Burlingame for the sum of $500.
The civil suit of Carmele BOITANA, as administratrix, against Joseph DEBENDETTI, filed some months ago has been dismissed.
Judge Buck has granted a final decree of divorce to Arthur C. SHEFFIED from his wife, Mary E. SHEFFIED. The interlocutory decree was granted on October 17, 1912. The allowance for support of the minor child, Madeline, and defendant was set aside and a cash settlement was made that was satisfactory to all parties. The plaintiff was absolved from all claims for support. The defendant was allowed to resume her maiden name.
Fred H. HOOPER has brought suit against his wife, Dora G. HOPPER for an interlocutory decree of divorce on the ground of desertion. The couple was married in San Francisco on August 20, 1901. There is one minor child, Westly Irving HOOPER, the custody of whom the plaintiff wishes defendant to have, provided he may be permitted to see the boy at stated times. The community property consists of lots 47 and 48, block A, Mission Tract, Daly City. Plaintiff asks that the property be divided equally between himself and wife. Henry Ward Brown is the attorney for Mr. HOPPER.
Estate of John GLASCOCK, deceased. Will admitted to probate and Mary W. GLASCOCK granted letters testamentary. No bonds required.
Estate of Ellen McGOWAN, deceased. Petition for partial distribution continued to January 29.
Estate of Margaret ROCKEFELLER, deceased. Petition for letters of administration continued to January 29.
Estate of C. OTTEN, deceased. Further hearing in petition for probate continued to January 29.
R.F. Chilcott, inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of John I. HOGAN, deceased has filed his inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is placed at $2403.83. It consists of cash in the hands of the administrator amounting to $1027.58, a claim against the County of San Mateo for street sprinkling amounting to $123.75, a promissory note appraised at $1082.50, and personal property valued at $162.50.
Margaret DIAS has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Margaret HATTABOUGH, who died at Pescadero on January 11, 1914. The estate consists of a mortgage on real property located on Cheney street, San Francisco, money in bank amounting to $239 and a life insurance policy. The entire value of the estate does not exceed $10,000. The heirs at law are: W. HATTABOUGH and Laura F. SMITH, residing at San Francisco and Margaret DIAS living at Pescadero, children of the deceased.
Judge Buck has appointed R.F. Chilcott inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Hugh A. RAMSAY, deceased.
Judge Buck has appointed H.W. Schaberg, M.F. Boland and F.J. Rochex, appraisers of the estate of Ralph P. NOISAT, deceased.
Judge Buck has appointed R.F. Chilcott inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Marie BONNET, deceased.
Recorder Heiner Reports
Annual statement of the business transacted in the office of County Recorder H.O. HEINER for the year 1913.
Number of papers recorded – 7,590
Deeds - - 4,724
Trust deeds – 122
Mortgages – 902
Releases of mortgages, full or partial – 625
Builders contracts – 146
Maps – 119
All other documents – 1,152
Total – 7590
Total amount of fees collected - $10,993.30
Expended for salaries of Recorder, two deputies and five copyist $8,316.74
Profit to county - $2,476.56
Average time taken by recorder’s office to file, index, copy, compare and return papers by mail to patrons of office – four days
Compared with 1912 and 1911, the year 1913 in the business of the recorder’s office shows a decease as follows:
1911 – papers recorded, 7825, fees collected, $11,128.50
1912 – papers recorded 8528, fees collected - $11,833.90
1913 – papers recorded 7690, fees collected $10,193.30
Mrs. Anna EADE, is visiting her husband at Chico this week.
Mrs. H. FREDERICK, 111 Green Avenue, gave birth to a fine baby boy on the 12th day of this month.
Mrs. Margaret KOSS was afflicted last week with a paralytic stroke, leaving one of her eyes very bad.
R.B. ROSE, editor of the Chico Tribune, made a visit to his niece, Mrs. Rowland HAMILTON, 127 Peoria Street, Monday evening.
Miss Esther O’BRIEN, daughter of Mrs and J.S. O’BRIEN, 115 Green Avenue, has been quite sick, but is well and attending school again.
Little Miss Gertrude HENDRICKS celebrated her eighth birthday at her home on Brunswick Street on the 17th inst., with a number of her little schoolmates present.
Fritz HANSEN is the happiest individual in Daly City, with that new forty-dollar automobile. He has promised the Record editor a ride and the invitation is being seriously – quite seriously considered.
An unidentified man was struck by a south-bound San Mateo electric car near Holy Cross Cemetery about 10 o’clock Sunday night. He was picked up by the car crew and taken to San Mateo, where he was sent to the Red Cross Hospital. He was unconscious and there was nothing to show his identity. He was poorly dressed and was apparently a laborer or tramp.
Last Monday was the date designated for the Civil Service examination to fill the position of postmaster of Daly City, made vacant by the resignation of Mrs. Hazel C. RUSSEL. Mrs. Janet Currie CAMPBELL, Samuel CERF and William Wingo BALLENGER took the examination, either of whom would undoubtedly fill the bill and give good service to the patrons of the office.
August A. RESKE, who was well and favorably known in Colma, died in San Francisco January 27th and the funeral takes place today, Friday under the auspices of Colma Vista Grande Aerie 1848, F.O.E. of which he was an honored member. He was also a member of Olive Grove, 116, U.A.O.D. The deceased was a native of Germany, aged 54 years, and leaves a wife and four children, Martha, Charles, Elsie and William to mourn his loss. Interment Mount Olivit.
Al Green “Took The Cake”
A.J. GREEN often demonstrates his foxyness and gets away with it, but on Tuesday evening Mrs. GREEN spoiled one of his prettiest stunts. It seems the Lady Forresters were preparing a nice feed at their hall and about dark, Al met a couple of the ladies with cakes and told them that he had been delegated to assist them, so they filled his arms with the delicious edibles and he at once started for the Civic Betterment League hall, where there was also a big feed that evening. He had not gone far however when Mrs. GREEN emerged from the door of the restaurant across the street and with the assistance of the other ladies rescued all the cakes except three nice ones which helped the Betterment League banquet very much.
Boy Dies Under Auto
With a group of school playmates, Lester BACIGALUPI, aged nine, ran into the street at Twenty-fifth and Valencia last Friday, laughing over his shoulder as he look back, and was killed. The front wheel of an auto driven by Thomas SPELLMAN, a contractor living in Colma, caught the child’s foot and the fender knocked him down.
Witnesses to the accident say SPELLMAN was driving slowly and that the boy was look backwards rather that in the direction he was going.
SPELLMAN took the lad from the street, and Mrs. SPELLMAN, the only other occupant of the car, held him while SPELLMAN hastened to St. Luke’s Hospital, near by. Dr. SANDBURY pronounced the child dead on his arrival at the hospital.
There were no bruises on the boy’s body and Dr. SANDBURY was unable to state whether he had died from shock or a broken neck. SPELLMAN was charged with manslaughter.
Carl Browne Dies
Word was received from Washington of the death there Friday of Carl BROWNE of Calistoga, Sacramento and the world at-large. He died of heart disease. BROWNE was a leader of COXEY’s army in the famous march to Washington. Later he married COXEY’s daughter.
BROWNE for 50 years was one of Californi’a most picturesque figures. He was an artist, printer, writer, publisher, a knight of the open road, a champion of the poor and the weak, a labor patriot and a lover of humanity.
For 35 years he attended the sessions of the State Legislature. Every Senator, Assemblyman, attaché and newspaperman in the last generation has had his face drawn by Carl BROWNE. In those years he brought out a daily paper “The Labor Knight.”
In 1877 BROWNE first sprang into public view by joining himself to Dennis KEARNEY, the sand-lot agitator, who was then making a great anti-Chinese stir. They were partners in a hand-print journal.
BROWNE led the first parade of the unemployed through Chicago in 1893 and then became first lieutenant in COXEY’s army to the national capitol. General COXEY’s daughter divorced him in 1910.
In 1906 BROWNE ran for Governor of California on the People’s Party ticket, making his campaign from curbstones and soap boxes.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific's Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
Chas. McCOREY is making some very notable improvements on his house at Granada.
Mrs. Margaret HATTABAUGH of Pescadero and E. BURTOLLITO of Half Moon Bay passed away last week.
Columbus and Francis O’BRIAN of San Mateo are in Princeton-by-the-Sea visiting their sister Mrs. Alex BONZGANI.
H.C.P. MORSE of Half Moon Bay has established an auto stage line between that place and San Mateo, making two trips a day and using a twelve passenger Stanley steamer.
Cleaveland GRANGER formerly of Half Moon Bay and Miss Dora SHROUDER of San Francisco were married in the city Monday and left immediately for Oklahoma, where Mr. GRANGER has work in an oil field.
Rev. Father A. ANDRIANO, Mrs. Ed CAMPBELL and Phillip GONZALEZ of Half Moon Bay were called to Pescadero Wednesday where they held High Mass over the body of the late Mrs. Joseph FRISCO. Mrs. GRISCO was a native of Ireland, aged 78 years and has lived on the Coast Side since the age of 16 years.
Little Gertrude, only child of Mr and Mrs. Charles T. NYE, and who narrowly escaped a fatal scalding nearly a month ago, has convalesced sufficiently to get out into the sunshine when it arrives. The loss of a few freckles by reason of her new face, acquired through a peeling off of the skin after the burning, doesn’t worry her a bit. She says she can get some more.
It’s a Good Ad
F.R. BARRETT of the Steamer San Juan, which runs between San Francisco and Panama, was at Montara Sunday visiting Harr WAGNER. He is like Capt. JORDAN, who has command of a passenger boat running between San Francisco and Los Angeles. He paid one of the highest compliments that could be paid to any locality, in saying that the 21 street lights at Farallone was one of best advertisements that could be, as it showed that the citizens were up-to-the-minute and believes in leading the procession of progress. Mr. BARRETT stated that hundreds of passengers aboard the San Juan had asked him what place it was and reports that the lights made a fine showing from the ocean and he was trying to picture in his minds eye how 101 street lights would appear.
Salada Beach and Brighton Beach are the next places on the Coast Side, Mr. BARRETT, to have lights. Watch for them. - Comet
Harry JACOBSON, formerly a merchant and postmaster here, but now an official of the Frank Tanning Company was in Redwood Tuesday.
Miss Ivy WILKINSON, commercial teacher in the South San Francisco high school spent the week end here with her friend Miss Harriet MERRIL.
Reports from the Children’s Hospital, San Francisco, are to the effect that Harold STEVENS is getting along nicely and will soon be able to return to his school work.
Rev. C.H. STEVENS has been quite ill during the past week and his pulpit was filed last Sunday by Rev. Jacob SPOOLMAN, who is here from Kansas with his family, visiting Mrs. SPOOLMAN’s parents, Mr and Mrs. W.O. DODGE.
Ernest WERDER left Friday with the Mystic Shriners for Truckee to enjoy the winter carnival now in progress at that place.
Two hundred and eighty-eight voters have registered up until yesterday according to the figures in the county clerk’s office. They were as follows: Republican 179, Progressive 31, Democratic 67, Socialist 4, declined to state politics 3, Prohibition 2, Union Labor 1, Independent 1.
The Academic Council of Stanford University granted the Bachelor of Arts degree to fifty-four students who had completed the required amount of work for graduation. Among the number was Miss Petra JOHNSTON Of this city who had been enrolled in the Germanic Language deparment. Miss JOHNSTON will continue her work for another year to secure a higher degree. Although the students have graduated, they will not receive their diplomas until May.
Co-operative Land and Trust Co to J. Mancuso Lots 17, 18, blk 14, North Palo Alto
Shore Line Invest Co to C.O. Gould Lot 4, blk 66, lot 10, block 89, Granada
Hensley Green Co to F. Brookbank. Lots 27, 28, blk 17, San Bruno Park
Chas J. Wesel to W.H. Wuarg Portion lot A blk 6, Burlingame Land Co.
Dalton Invest Co to E. Greenbaum Lots 2, 3, blk 12, lots 14, 15, 33, 34, blk 17, Wave Crest Am. Lots 8, 9, blk 30 Wave Crest
F. Hahn to J.T. Casey et al Portion lots 51, 52, blk 9, School House Extension Land Assn.
H.S. Hinds et al to Faraloon Home Realty Co Lots 19, 20 blk 61, Farallone City
H. Wagner et al to same. Portion blks 6 and 13, Hanemans Seaside Tract
H.J. Reef et al to same Portion blks 14, 19, same map
San Mateo Land Assn to P.A. Smith Lot 18 blk R San Mateo Heights
Glucksman Levy Realty Co to S. De Matteis, Portion lot 10, 11, blk 5, Concordia Land Co
A.M. Easton and wife to Fred D. Parr Lot 38, blk 43, Easton Addn, Burlingame
S.P. Knight to J.F. Reed Lot 49, blk 7, Oakleigh Park Tract
Nellie Armstrong to A.M. Armstrong Lots 14, 15 blk 8, Easton Addn Burlingame
Ocean Shore Land Co to M.J. Marino Lot 4 blk 27 Salada Beach
Hensley Green Co to R Snider Lots 41, 42, blk 30 San Bruno Park
Same to Wm Toogood Lot 11 blk 9 San Bruno Park
Dalton Invest Co to J.R. Moulthrop Lots 39, 40, 41 blk 15, Wave Crest
W.E. Schwarz to J.H. Calussen Lot 2 blk 20 Tobin Park
San Mateo Impr Co to San Mateo School Dist Lots 1 to 8, blk G, Hayward Park
Redwood City Realty co to H.D. McGarvey Lot 12 blk 1, Menlo Grove
Helen C. Culett and husband to Ethel C. Mills Part Quillota Tract
J.H. Contad to R.W. Benson, Lot 7, blk 4, Granada
Crocker Estate Co to W.E. Head and wife, Lot 35 blk 10 Crocker Tract
Calara Valle y Realty Co to W.D. Malov lots 16, blk 7, Vallemar
Owners Realty Co to E Himmel Lot 2 blk 1 Oakleigh Park
Same to B.F. Himmel Lot 1 blk 16 same map
R.H. Smith to Ida P. Hansen Lots 7, 8, blk 4, Huntington Park
Same to J.L. Gerks Lots 10, 11, 1 same map
P. Pillma to A.H. Cohen Lot 11, blk 16, Marine View Terr
Mrs. J.J. Ferlin to same Lot 20, 12, blk 20 same map
Nellie E. Heshaw and husband to B.C. Loomis. Lot 157 San Mateo Park
W.F. Ebener to Lizzie Egener L.N.W.W.&.M. Sub
The Moxey Realty Co. to G.H.Egling, Lots 6, 7, blk 2, Reese Sub
J.A. Leuenberger to Caroline L. Leuenberger Lots 5, 6 blk 5, Salanda Beach
Ansel M. Easton and wife to F.A. Tibbitts Lots 16 blk _ Lomita Park
J.A. Hooper to A.B. McKee Lot 18 Valota Park
Same to H.C. Tuchsen Lot 19 same tract
Mm. E. Ebner to Annie E. Ebener, Lots 14 to 29, blk 1, lots B, 3 to 20, blk 2, W.W.&M Sub
O. Grethen et al to Western Metropolis Realty Co. Portions blks 7, 8 Concordia Land Co.
Burlingame Co to N. Wislow and wife Lot 32, blk 15, Burlingame Grove
Owners Realty Co to Mrs. J.P. Nichols Lot 1, 2 blk 5, Venice Beach
Addie P. Tripp to C. Josselyn 7,203 acres, Greet Lands
J.H. Lyons and wife to Edw. L. Eyre N ½ lot 1, Sec 2 and N ½ lot 1 Sec 3 Tp 3, S.R.6.W
A.E. Easton and wife to B. Baldwin Lot 2 blk 19, Easton Addn Burlingame
J.R. Cunningham and wife and J.T. Lynch Lot 5, blk 57, Second Addn, Faraloone City
R.H. Smith to G.A. Lynch and wife Lot 19 blk 4, Huntington Park
H.J. Reef and wife to J.T. Lynch Lot 17 blk 6 Hanemanns Seaside Park
Anglo-Cal Trust Co to E. Fall, Lots 14, 16, blk 17, North Fair Oaks
F. Scheidegger to C.L. Paddon Lot 9 blk N, San Bruno Park
Montara Realty Dev. Co to C. Erskine Lots 27, 28 blk 10, 1st Addn, Farallone City
Glucksman Levy Realty Co to Mrs. J. Suling Lot 45 portion 44 blk 4, Concordia Land Co
I.M. Cobe and wife to M. Miller. Lot 21, blk 6, Burlingame Terr.
L.A. Smith to W.C. Davidson. Lot 21, Blk 40, Easton Addn No. 2
M. Regan to Mary Regan W ½ lot 11 blk H, Boyd & Kent Addn
Annie E. Ebener to M. Hansen Portion blks 1, 2, W.W.&M Sub
R.J. Young to E.J. Johnson Lot 16, and portion 15, San Mateo Land Assn
Farrallone Home Realty Co to G.G. Smith et al, Lot 30, 31, 32, blk 32, Resub. Farallone City
Hensley Green to Mary A. McGuinn, Lot 38, blk 27, San Bruno Park
A.R. Brunner to J. Brunner. Lots 22, 23, blk 2, West Belmont, Lot 1 blk N. Hayward Park
Mrs. P.J. Bilyl to B.E. Masfield Lot 43, blk 2, San Bruno Park
Halfmoon Bay Realty Co to Dr. M.L. Pettit Lot 12, blk 1, Grand View Terrance
Edith Apple to F. McKenna Lot 31, Burlingame Heights
Crocker Est Co. to T. Collins Lot 18 blk 19, Crocker Tract
J.M. Thompson to Ethel C. Thompson Lots 43, 44 blk 17, Belle Air Tract
Same to R.L. Thompson Lot 25, blk 4, same map
Ihler to A.T. Ihler, Lot 2 blk 16, Granada
J. Anderson to Mary Anderson Lot 5, blk 19, Lomita Park
President – J.H. FLYNN
Meets every Thursday evening at 8
Business Agent – A.S. BROWN
Fin-Sec-Treas. – C.H. MORRISON

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last updated: 21 May 2005