San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
06 Feb 1914
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
February 6 1914

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General Transcription
Daly City Record
February 6, 1914

Daly City, San Mateo County, California
Vol. 5 No. 45 Friday, February 6, 1914

Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
Attorneys for M.J. HYNES, administrator of the estate of Loren COBURN, the Pescadero millionaire, has filed an answer to the suit brought by Archer KINCAID for attorney’s fees amounting to $15,000.
Judge Buck has granted a final decree of divorce to Annie R. TASKEY from her husband, Paul TASKEY. The interlocutory decree was granted on November 1, 1912. The plaintiff was permitted to resume her maiden name of Annie R. ROBINSON.
Judge Buck on Wednesday granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to Pietro VIANINO from his wife, Louise VIANINO, on the ground of extreme cruelty.
“Good cause appearing therefore, it is ordered that M.J. HYNES, as guardian of Loren COBURN, and estate of the said named incompetent, be, and he is hereby authorized to pay in advance such moneys as may be required for the maintenance and support of Loren COBURN and his family, and for expenses incurred by or on behalf of said Loren COBURN in the matter of the Loren COBURN petition for restoration to competency, not to exceed the sum of $12,000 in any twelve successive months and subject to an accounting by said guardian and the approval of this court.”
James D. O’KANE vs W.E. DETELS, et al, judgment ordered for plaintiff quieting title to certain property at Menlo Park.
Auto Gas Engine Starter Co. vs D.H. McEWEN. Trial set for February 25.
Mary W. WEST vs Juita BETTS. Motion for a change of place of trial granted.
A.T. FRENCH vs Louise PULLMAN. Demurrer overruled and 15 days allowed defendant to answer.
Thomas I. BRADY vs L.S. READING. Demurrer continued to February 15.
J.C. RUED vs Geo. LANDINI. Demurrer overruled and defendant given 10 days to answer.
J.H. DAWSON vs C.M. JOHNSON. Notice of motion for judgment continued to February 5.
Chas. STALLMBAN et al vs Mabel C. ALEXANDER as administratrix. Judgment ordered for plaintiff.
Pietro VIANINO vs Louise VIANINO. Divorce granted to plaintiff
E.W. McLELLAN vs East San Mateo Land Co. Remittur from Supreme Court ordered filed.
J.C. EIKERENKOTTER has brought suit against William GASSERT to quiet title to lots 3 and 4, block 206, Abbey Homestead Association
Ida E. VARNEY has begun foreclosure proceedings against Frances FOSS to recover the sum of $400, counsel fees and interest. The property on which the mortgage is to be foreclosed consists of lots 27 and 28, blk 10, San Bruno Park.
Juanita Mendicoa has commenced an action against Theodore ROBART and his wife, Jennie ROBART, for an accounting for and for the partition of the Medcioca ranch in the Alpine district. The complaint alleges that Theodore ROBART holds the property in trust for plaintiff and Jennie ROBART, who are sisters, and will not transfer her portion of the ranch to her. He has farmed the land and has failed to make an accounting. She asks that he be made to do so and the property be apportioned or sold and the proceeds of such sale be divided between herself and her sister.
Julius WALLMANN Has petitioned for an order declaring certain lots in the San Mateo Homestead community property and for an order vesting the title of said land in the petitioner. His wife, Lena WALLMANN, died last November.
HULL Bros. have begun an action against J.H. PLATTNER and others to foreclose a lein on lot 1, block 17, San Carlos. The lien was secured for materials furnished for the construction of the PLATTNER new home and the materials were ordered by Mr. PLATTNER. The sum sought to be recovered is $106.25, the sum of $3.20 for filing lien, interest from September 3, 1913, and attorney’s fees in the sum of $150.
The Oldsmobile Company has brought suit against J.L. PUNDERSON to recover the sum of $1250 on a promissory note executed at San Francisco on January 2, 1914.
Ann CLAFFEY has commenced an action against William PULLMAN and others to recover the sum of $1533.75 on a promissory note secured by a mortgage on a portion of lot 6, and all of lots 10, 11, 12, block 67, Santa Ynez Park, San Mateo.
The remitter in the case of the E.W. McLELLAN Co against the East San Mateo Land Company has been received at the County Clerk’s office from the Supreme Court. The opinion rendered by that tribunal on December 29, 1913, reverses the judgment of the lower court and gives appellant his costs on appeal. Plaintiff brought the action some time ago in the Superior Court of this county to recover the sum of $10,727.19 for material furnished and work done for the land company at San Mateo. The lower court gave a judgment for defendant and plaintiff at one appealed the case to the Supreme Court.
The law firm of Denson, Cooley, Denson and D.W. Burbank has withdrawn as the attorneys for L.S. READING, the defendant in the case of Thomas BRADY against L.S. READING.
Judge Buck has rendered an opinion in the matter of the settlement of the report and statement of the trustees of the POPE minors, viz: “In the matter of the settlement of the accounts of the trustees of the POPE minors. The accounts of the trustees, John J. DOYLE and Edmund M. DOYLE, presented herein, will be approved. There may be, but of that I am not sure, some small loss to the POPE minors, resulting if at all from errors in bookkeeping, but in any event it would be a very small sum of money. The trustees of the DOYLE estate, by my interpretation of the will of John T. DOYLE, have treated liberally the POPE minors, in fact these minors have received more than their share of the property from the DOYLE estate. There has been no evidence presented to warrant me finding any bad faith or breach of trust on the part of these trustees, and there is nothing to warrant me in finding that these trustees should be removed.”
Judge Buck has appointed R.F. Chilcott inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Amalie REH, deceased.
H.F. Butts, George Winter and R.F. Chilcott, appraisers of the estate of Mon Sam, have filed their inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is placed at $1,071.75
R.F. Chilcott, appraiser of the estate of Margaret McCORMICK, deceased has filed his inventory and appraisement. A certain lot of land and improvements at Pescadero is appraised at $1800.
W.H. INGLES has applied for letters of guardianship upon the person and estate of Oscar Raymond HUTCHINGS, a minor. The petitioner is a brother-in-law of the minor, who resides with his mother at Belmont.
Elizabeth BAKEWELL has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Fred BAKEWELL, who died at the City of Burlingame on January 16, 1914. The estate consists of four lots on Oak Grove avenue, Burlingame, a livery business on the same street and money in the bank. The personal property is worth $3000. The entire value of the estate does not exceed the sum of $10,000. The heirs at law are the petitioner, wife of the deceased, and Frances William BAKEWELL, aged 5 years, and Edward T. BAKEWELL, aged 2, children of the deceased.
Jos. H. NASH has applied for letters of guardianship upon the estate of Gust EHMAN, an incompetent person. The petition recites the fact that said incompetent person is unable to care for himself or property. The estate consists of a house and lot a Farallone City, valued at $800.
Carl F. STALER has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Elizabeth STALER, who died at Redwood City on October 8, 1904.
Estate of Ellen McGOWAN, deceased. Petition for partial distribution continued to Feb. 5.
Estate of Margaret ROCKEFELLER, deceased. Ida ROWAN granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $500.
Estate of C. OTTEN, deceased. Further hearing on petition for probate of will continued to February 13.
Estate of Mary CROCKER, deceased, H.G. PLYMIRE appointed administrator.
Estate and guardianship of Frances A. BRAGHETTA, a minor. Fifth annual account continued to February 19.
Estate of Raymond COMERFORD, deceased. Eliza C. HERBERT granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $100.
Estate of Margaret McCORMICK, deceased. Sale of real estate confirmed.
George LYONS after a week’s illness returned to work Monday.
Mrs. Ben HANSEN, after her serious operation, is getting along nicely.
Andfew VOGLER, of the Vista Grande bakery, is quite sick with rheumatism.
Mrs. A.J. GREEN who was quite sick is improving and able to be about again.
A movement is on foot for the organization of a Masonic Lodge in Daly City.
Mrs. L.A. WAGGNER of Berkeley visited her sister, Mrs. A.G. ROBERTSON on Hillcrest Drive Wednesday.
Mrs. E. SQUIER, of Park avenue, after a serious illness caused by an abscess in the ear, is able to be about again.
E. FORSELL, wife and their two little daughters, Esther and Elsie, visited Mrs. FORSELL’s brother, Ed NELSON, in San Francisco Sunday.
A notable business change is a Daly City news feature this week, J. PANNELLI having sold his grocery store to his brother-in-law, Tony MILO.
Miss Isabell GLORIANNA, a prominent Daly City belle, while gathering flowers Sunday, accidentally fell, straining her knee near the wireless telegraph station.
Urbono GRANNUCCI, of the pioneer mercantile establishment of E. BELLI & Co., Colma, has returned from a three months visit at Lucca per Marlia, Toscany, Italy.
Mrs. N. MEETH was in the city one day last week visiting her old schoolmate of Marinett, Wisconsin, who now is Mrs. Esther ADLER, whose husband is in the Mission work in San Francisco.
There is an exceedingly happy home in Colma since Saturday, when Mrs. B.W. Haubrich presented her husband with a fine and bright nine-pound baby boy – a companion for the little sister, Sylvia.
The cigarette smoked by a San Mateo society belle during application for a marriage license could hardly have been kindled by the spark of love.
Miss Susie Leonard of Daly City, who teaches at the San Bruno school has returned to her position after an absence of several weeks in the hospital, where she underwent a capital operation.
Mrs. E.I. WOODMAN, wife of the genial editor of the South City Enterprise, came over from South San Francisco Wednesday and spent the day with her daughter, who resides in the Crocker tract.
The Record is not running a matrimonial bureau, but there is a nice looking young man named EADE at the Pride of the Hill market, who, when asked for a news item, replied: “Yes, tell your readers I want a wife.”
A Christening took place at St. Anne’s church in Colma Sunday of the one-month old son of Peter CALLAN, and now there is another “Jim” CALLAN who will take the place of his popular uncle and Godfather, sometime in the future.
John BARNETT returned home Saturday from the city and county hospital, San Francisco, where he was confined seven months on account of the amputation of his left leg. He was injured by falling from a scaffold while at his trade, carpentering.
Saturday night a Daly City car struck a vegetable cart at the corner of Ford street and San Jose avenue killing the driver, an Italian whose name it has been unable to learn. Louis BACCIGALUPPI who lives at 23 Bismarch street was riding with the Italian and was also thrown off and badly bruised, though not seriously injured.
Mrs. Williard L. McKAY of Los Angeles avenue gave a kitchen shower last Wednesday to Mrs. Ernest FERGUSON, an old resident of Daly City and a sister of Mrs. Jess SHEPHERD. Those present were: Miss Amy McDOUGAL, sister of San Francisco’s city treasurer, John McDOUGAL, Mrs. Jess SHEPHERD and son Robbie, Mrs. W. CAMMEL and daughter Helen, Mrs. J. TRUMPY, Mrs. Edward FREYER, Mrs. C. HOUSTON, Mrs. W.M. TALBOTT and Mrs. C.W. BUTLER.
Fred J. HOOPER has brought suit against his wife, Dora G. HOPPER, for an interlocutory decree of divorce on the grounds of desertion. The couple were married in San Francisco on August 20, 1901. There is one minor child, Westly Irving HOPPER, the custody of whom the plaintiff wishes defendant to have, provided he may be permitted to see the boy at stated times. The community property consists of lots 47 and 48 block A, Mission Tract, Daly City. Plaintiff asks that the property be divided equally between himself and wife. Henry Ward Brown is the attorney for Mr. HOPPER. (HOOPER/HOPPER as printed)
“Cupid Eleanor Falvey”
Monday evening’s Call had a fine picture of Miss Eleanor FALVEY, the popular and pretty deputy in County Clerk NASH’s office, who has been named “Cupid Eleanor” on account of the large number of marriage licenses that she has issued.
“Runaway couples are my specialty,” says Miss FALVEY. “I just delight in being taken into their confidence. It is all so very romantic, you know. Oh course, they expect the secret to be kept, and I respect their wishes.”
Eleven Are on List From Which Next Grand Jury Is to Be Selected
The legality of the jurorettes of the recent Grand Jury of San Mateo county and the right of women to serve as jurors were attacked Saturday before Superior Judge George Buck of Redwood City by William Hoff COOK, attorney for Auditor W.H. UNDERSHILL, against who an accusation was returned.
A few moments after COOK announced that he would test the legality of jurorettes, Judge Buck selected a list of eleven women and nineteen men from which will be drawn the next grand jury.
Cook attacked the validity of the accusation on the grounds that men only can serve as grand jurors and that the auditor did not keep his books and records as required by law.
The UNDERHILL case was continued for one week. The auditor’s counsel is prepared to take the case before the State Supreme Court to test the validity of women jurors.
The list of the grand jury venire, which will report in court probably next November follows:
Katie WIGHT, Colma; Lillian G. MacBAIN, Lomita Park; Charlotte DIGGLES, Lomita Park; Carrie A. JURY, San Mateo; Mamie SHIELD, San Carlos; Eleanor McCULLOUGH, San Mateo; Margaret KRAUS, San Mateo; Mamie L. MERK, San Mateo; Nellie O;KEEFE, Menlo Park; Lottie HEISE, Redwood City; Sarah E. MERRIL, Redwood City.
Edward R. POOR, Daly City; Henry GEILFUSS, Colma; W.J. DeGEAR, Easton; P.E. FLEMING, Rockaway Beach; Thomas HICKEY, South San Francisco; A.D. JENEVEIN, San Bruno; J.P. RODGERS, San Mateo; J.E. CASEY, San Mateo; M.J. CONWAY, San Mateo; J.P. Daly, San Mateo; W.B. McKINNON, San Mateo; J.J. RODGERS, Redwood City; P.J. FOLEY, Redwood City; W.W. BYRNE, Woodside; C.J. BETTIN, Redwood City; A.F. JOSEPH, Half Moon; John KYNE, Moss Beach; Charles E. STELLE, Pescadero; T.E. ROE, San Gregorio.
The grand jury claims that were held up by Auditor UNDERHILL and then approved by him are as follows:
Walter KNIGHT - $70.15
Dora WILSON - $48.30
W.F. TURNBULL - $38.10
Elizabeth VICKERSON - $46.20
Mary H. GILBERT - $45.30
Julia HAWES - $49.90
Jno. A. FLINK - $61.90
Miss Diva BELLI - $40.90
James CALLAN - $55.10
Mary E. FLETCHER - $41.05
Wm FAHEY - $55.15
Augusta GEARY - $54.30
E.A. SHAW - $68.40
Jas. M. BELL - $62.35
Harry HATCH - $42.60
Mrs. L.R. McROSKEY - $42.60
Mrs. Martha E. BILLINGS - $42.10
Mrs. Mary M. MILLER - $46.20
Mrs. Delia F. SPELLMAN - $61.20
L.Q. HAVEN, expert - $485.00
Gertrude E. PITCHER, typewriting - $22.00
Gertrude L. GEARY, typewriting - $14.10
Diva BELLI, stationery - $1.40
Russell & Stalter, team hire - $10.00
Burlingame Garage, auto hire - $15.00
Delia F. SPELLMAN, auto hire - 25.00
Nellie M. O’KEEFE, summoned - $3.00
W.J. PLUMP, summoned - $3.00
J.V. AZEVEDO, summoned - $3.00
The report of the late Grand Jury filed recently with Judge Buck, had the following to say regarding the office of the County Clerk.
“The office of the County Clerk probably has ore details than any other office within our county as this officer has to act as clerk of the Board of Supervisors, clerk of the Superior Court and has charge of naturalizations, hunting licenses, registrations and the holding of all county elections.”
The report goes on to state that several recommendations of the precious Grand Juries had been carried out by Clerk Nash, adding much to the efficiency of his office.
Fees amounting to $4,904.93 were collected during the year 1913, which is a remarkable showing considering the fact that while the clerk’s office is not a fee office, thousands of pages of recording have been done for which no fee can be collected.
When the above amount is compared with the fees collected in 1909, amounting to $3,372, one has some idea of the great increase of business of the clerk’s office.
The report states that but few clerical errors were found by the expert and that the work of the office was well in hand which was not the finding last year. Clerk Nash made a change in his office force early last spring to which he attributes its improved conditions.
Judge Buck, in speaking of the County Clerk’s good work, expressed himself as follows:
“The people of this county are to be congratulated on having men of the Joe Nash type in office. He has proven himself capable, honest and fearless and is always to be found at his post of duty.”
The Board of Supervisors of San Mateo county met Monday with all members present.
Liquor Licenses were renewed as follows:
Mrs. ARCHIBALD, Belmont
Partini Brothers, Colma
H.C. CALDWELL, Belmont
J. GRANNUCCI, Half Moon Bay
McCORMICK & Son, Pexcadero
Barney WARD, San Bruno
Deputy Supreme Chief Companion Mrs. Kate KENNEDY visited Vista Grande Circle, Companions of the Forest, Ancient Order of Foresters, officiating at the installation of officers for the ensuing year. She also complimented the Circle for having won the first prize offered by the Supreme Circle for making the greatest percentage gain last year, the Circle having doubled its membership.
The installation was public, a large gathering of members and friends attending. These were installed:
Chief Companion – Miss Rose SPODONI
Sub-Chief Companion – Miss Elizabeth O’BRIEN
Financial Secretary – Mrs. Margaret D. PARKER
Recording Secretary – Mrs. Katherine GREEN
Right Guide – Mrs. M. ARNOLD
Left Guide – Miss Myrtle NEUMAN
Inner Guard – Miss Frances BEHRE
Outer Guard – Miss Jenny ROSENBERG
Physician – Dr. D. Norman MORGAN
The deputy supreme chief companion was assisted in the installation by the San Francisco Board of Deputies.
A valuable gold emblem was presented to the retiring past chief companion, Mrs. Margaret PERETTA. Mrs. Rose NEUMAN was give a cut glass punch bowl. The affair was followed by a collation - Examiner
Arthur BLOMQUIST died at Pescadero last Monday. The deceased was a man of considerable prominence in that section and was generally referred to as “the Apple King.” His orchard is one of the largest in the county and contains sixty acres. - Review
Mike Sheehan Out For Sheriff
For a long time it has been generally understood that Michael SHEEHAN, constable for the Second Township and county probation officer, would be a candidate for sheriff, but not until this week has be definitely decided to throw his hat into the ring.
Mr. SHEEHAN Has been a resident of San Mateo for twenty-seven years and constable for the Second Township for twelve years, during which time, he has been a faithful official, a terror to evil doers and a friend to the right. Just the sort of man who would make good anywhere.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific's Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
Mrs. J.A. McCORMICK of Pescadero, accompanied by her daughter Daisy, spent a few days of last week with her brother, Fred JOHNSTON, at Purissima.
M.B. WIGGINS is preparing the Sunshine Valley road for a coat of macadam, which will be given it just as soon as the crushed rock can be received from the quarry.
G.H. FLINT, for many months in the employ of C.B. SMITH of Moss Beach, will leave shortly for southern Siskiyou, where he will engage in ranching. His wife will go with him.
According to the record made by C.B. SMITH at the depot at Half Moon Bay, 15.20 inches of rain fell during the month of January, or an average of over half an inch per day. The total for the season amounts to 26.55 inches.
M. LEAZER of Marine View had planted eight varieties of South American fruit trees, which were furnished by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the people in this section will watch with interest this experiment and if successful, many more trees of the same kinds will be planted.
Mr and Mrs. C.B. SMITH entertained a number of friends at their home in Moss Beach last Sunday, it being the occasion of Mrs. SMITH’s birthday. A number of persons, who would have been guests from San Francisco were hindered from being present on account of the storm. However a number of Moss Beach Beach friends made the occasion joyous.
Miss Annie BROWN and Emiel BEDENBECK of Oakland visited Mr and Mrs Charles T. NYE, several days during the past week. Mr BEDENBECK is a regular visitor to Moss Beach when the low tides fall on Saturdays and Sundays. He is an expert fisherman and always gets his share when out after eel, abalone and other fish caught at this point.
Getting Ready
Contractor WILLSON, accompanied by Supervisor J.M. FRANCIS, drove up to Montara Wednesday for the purpose of locating a camp to be used by the force of men to be employed in the construction of a boulevard over Montara mountain. He decided that MARTINI’s ranch was the best place and will commence operations there, turning the first earth near the barn on that place. The preparations for camp will commence within a few days, bur work on the grading is not expected to be started for about en days yet, as the modern steam shovel on the way from the East are not expected to arrive before that time. Mr. WILLISON has a large contract on hand in Hollister, which he is rushing to completion. He expects to clean up there about the time his shovels get here so that he can give his undivided attention to his work here. He intends to establish another camp at San Pedro and work from both ends of the section at the same time. – Comet
Miss FALVEY, who presides over Cupid’s department of the county clerk’s office granted a marriage license Friday to a young lady named PEPPER. It does not necessarily follow that the husband’s married life will be a hot one.
Mrs. H.W. TAGGART, wife of the late Dr. TAGART, on Wednesday received a check for $3000 from Embarkadero Camp, Woodmen of the World, the amount due on a life insurance policy held by the doctor. (Taggart/Tagart as printed)
John J. READ Jr. took the government civil service examination for a position in the railway mail service in San Francisco last May. The young man passed a splendid test, standing four from the top of the list. Recently he received an appointment from the post office department in Washington, and was assigned to the Ogden district. His salary for the first year will be $900. He will be raised every year for ten years when he shall have reached the limit, $1900 per annum.
Gilbert MOORE and his bride of seventeen who are to walk across the continent in six months for a wager of $3000 were in Redwood City Thursday night, having started on their long journey from San Francisco last Wednesday. They seemed cheerful and full of confidence of making the trip in the required time. The MOORES will keep a southerly route across the continent and expect to make their way by selling postal cards and photographs of themselves and of the Panama Pacific exposition. They each carry knapsacks with extra clothes and provisions.
S.F. Payne to M. Daba, Lots 2, 3, 4, portion 1, blk 40, Bowie Est Ernr Addn, San Mateo
Atlas Land and Con Co to F.W. Bartley Lots 38, 39 blk 5, Bernardo Station Tract
Same to J. Benson Lots 11, 12 blk 2, Redondo Tract
M.S. Silva to G.H. Riberio Lot 14 blk 6 Ola Vista Tract
So. San Francisco Land and Imp Co to Hensley-Green Co Portion blks 4, 8, 15, 18, San Bruno Park
Emma C. Thomas to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco Lots 1 to 5, Abbey Homestead
The Moxey Realty Co to J.C. Price Lots 36, 37, 38, blk 5, Central Park, Redwood
W.E. Schwartz to C.H. Bingham et al, Lot 2, blk 7 Tobin Park
Anglo-Cal Trust Co to J. Hanacek Lots 31, 32, blk 6, Belle Air Park Am
Anna M Forde et al to Mary E. Denehy Lot 8 blk 34 Easton Addn Burlingame
Hensley-Green Co to A Downmiller Lot 34 blk 18, San Bruno Park
Lilly Philips to Geo Philips Lots 7, 8 blk D, Mission St Tract
Farrallon Home Realty Co to F.W. Garner Lots 12, 13 and portion 11, blk 42 Farallon Heights
E.W. Magruder and wife to C.W. Donley Lots 4, 5 blk 9, Hancock’s Addn Redwood
Delia Walker to Eva T. Andrews Lot 4, blk 5, Dingee Park
Richard Hade to Anna Hade, Por. Blk 75, Ern Addn Redwood
The San Mateo Land Assn to M.A. Young Lot 6, blk G, San Mateo Heights
Isabell Fletcher to S. Fletcher Lot 7, blk 35, Granada
I. Bernhardo to W. Wneck and wife Lots 5, 6, 7, 11, 12 blk 5, Easton Addn Burlingame
Russell T. Ainsworth to J.S. O’Brien Lot 35 blk 9, Crocker Tract
Jas. Lee et al to S.F. Earl Lots 24 to 30 blk 2, Brewers Sub
Burlingame Land and Water Co to Burlingame County Club 43.01 acres near Burlingame
Dalton Investment Co to A.S. Holmes Portion blks 13, 9, 2, Wave Crest
Same to M.D. Curtell, Portion blks 31, 15 Wave Crest
J.M. Keaarse and wife to G.S. Brown and wife, Lot 22 blk 29, Lyon & Hoag Sub
Hensley-Smith Co to Otto Mox Lots 9, 11 blk 10, Town Baden Sec W of R.R.
W.E. Schwartz to C.W. Beattly Lot 3, blk 20, Tobin Park
Pulgas Land Co to M. Gerbe Lots 66, 67, Gray Tract, portion EcEvoy Tract
G.W. Dickie and wife to C. Hopper and wife. Portion blk 17, Wrn. Addn San Mateo
Henry Rix and wife to C.C. Shattuck Lot 19 blk 54 First Addn Farallon City
Crocker Estate Co to T.E. Grier lots 16, 17, blk 24, Crocker Tract
R.H. Smith to E. Parnow and wife Lot 43, blk 3, Huntington Park
Oaks Co to P.J. McInenry. Lots 36, 37, blk 65, Dumbarton
J.A. Boyd and wife to F.B. Keliler Lot 5 blk G, Boyd & Kent Addn
Shore Line Invest Co to P.J. Everly and wife Lots 2, 3 blk 18, Granada
Luella B. Glick and husband to C.H. Price Lots 14, 15, blk 4, Lipton by the Sea
Hensley-Green Co to J.A. Durnford Lot 44 blk 12 San Bruno Park
Same to Cora A. Durnford Lot 43 same map
P.J. Connolly to I.M. Cobe Lots A, B Blk 10, Burlingame Terrace
Anna Scheliens and husband to E.W. Magruder Lot 1 blk 2, W.W. M. Sub
C.H. Greenlin to E.C. Greenlin Lot 19, blk 50 Granada

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last updated: 21 May 2005