San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
13 Feb 1914
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
February 13 1914

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch

Description: General Transcription
Daly City Record
February 13, 1914

Daly City, San Mateo County, California
Vol. 5 No. 46 Friday, February 13, 1914

Robert J. COWELL, aged 25, Los Angeles, and Mary WALSH, aged 21, San Francisco
William BROUGRAND, aged 29, and Joe Marie GAUTHER, aged 29, both of San Francisco
Frank Pierce MOSS, aged 29 and Lela B. BUIS, aged 26, both of San Francisco
Forrest F. WHITE, aged 52, and Mary C. WASHINGTON, aged 45, both of San Francisco
Francis L. BROWN, aged 29 and D.R. PHARRIS, aged 28, both of San Francisco
William H. ROBERTS, age 39, San Francisco, and Eathel FEINE, aged 24, Reno, Nevada
Chas. C. HELMER, aged 34, and Marion E. FREEDMAN, aged 29, both of San Francisco
Kenneth McDONALD, aged 48, and Addie NELSON, aged 48, both of San Francisco
(Initial Filming of the Newspaper has cut off a couple of letters in the ditch – when the word can be deduced – it was used, otherwise spaces will be used.)
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
The case of Gladding, McBean & _o, against J.D. GRANT and others has been dismissed.
Judge Buck has granted a final decree of divorce of Hazel K. HYATT from her husband Edgar HYATT. The interlocutory decree was granted on January 30, 1913. The plaintiff was permitted to resume her maiden name, Hazel K. BRADIE.
Judge Buck has appointed R.F. Chilcott inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Bridget DUNN, deceased.
Judge Buck has appointed H.W. Schaberg appraiser of the estate of Margaret HATTABOUGH, deceased.
Judge Buck has appointed J.C. WILLIAMSON and C.J. COBURN of Pescadero and H.W. Schaberg of Redwood City appraisers of the estate of John QUADRO, deceased.
The Bank of Italy has brought foreclosure proceedings against John _urz and others to recover the sum of $2,600. The property on which the mortgage is to be foreclosed consists of lots 8 and 9, block 6, Western Addition to the town of San Mateo.
The Federal Construction Company has brought suit against the following defendants to recover the sums _et opposite their names for street work done in front of their property on Poplar avenue, San Mateo; San Mateo Building and Loan Association $58.15; Kathryn GRUMMON, et al., $60.10, Frank S. GRUMMON, $37.53; W.J. GUINN $7.43; Henry J. OLSEN, et al, $157.12.
Elei SALABERT has commenced foreclosure proceedings against Jules RO_AL, et al, to recover the sum of $450. The building on which the mortgage is to be foreclosed consists of lot 13, Daly City.
William C. KNOX has commenced an action against John H. PLATTNER and others to foreclose a mechanic’s lien on a house and lot at San Carlos.
Annie MEARS and others have brought an action against John_chelling to quiet title to lots 9 and 10, block 19, Western Addition to the Town of San Mateo
Silvio BELLI and others have brought suit against the School House Land Association to quiet title to lot 5 and portion of lots 1 and 2, block 16, School House Land Association.
Judge Buck has granted a final decree of divorce to Julia Marie Pederson from her husband, Adolph Pedersen. The interlocutory decree was granted on January 23, 1913. By the decree the defendant is relieved from the payment of alimony or for support. The couple was married at Burlingame on May 2, 1909.
Joe Wilson Printing Company vs Rose MATTHAI. Motion for judgment resubmitted on briefs.
Thomas J. BRADY vs L.S. READING. Demurrer continued to February 13.
John H. DAWSON vs C.M. JOHNSON. Notice for motion of judgment continued to February 13.
H.C. SAWYER vs L. L. SOLOMONS, judgment orders for plaintiff as prayed for.
Edw. KIRKPATRICK vs Hensley Smith Co. Demurrer overruled and defendant given ten days to answer.
G.J. McGREGOR vs Emilie McGREGOR. Demurrer overruled and defendant given ten days to answer. Motion for alimony continued to February 26.
Miller Estate Co. vs Mark Lane. Case ordered resubmitted.
Walter SEALEY vs Samuel KNIGHT. Trial continued to February 14.
Moria SJHOLM vs J. JAMES et al, Trial continued to February 9.
G. BARBIER vs Adolph SCHENONI. Judgment ordered for defendant
L.M. PFLUGER vs James G. YOUNG. Case submitted.
Horace J. FERREL, who was charged by the late grand jury with the crime of failing to support his wife, was tried before Judge Lampkin at Redwood City last Thursday and exonerated from the charge, the evidence presented from the charge, the evidence presented showing that FERREL was doing all that his means would permit for his wife. FERREL resides at Daly City and earns $75 a month, a portion of this he pays for doctor bills and has to live on the remainder of the income. His wife, who is at the county hospital, is given a part of his income. On hearing the evidence the court immediately dismissed the charge.
Mary McLaine HANSEN has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Oscar HANSEN, who died in this county of May 21, 1908. The estate consists of a parcel of land in Alameda valued at $1,000 , from which a monthly rental of $12.50 is derived.
Estate of Mary CALLAN, deceased. Petition to set aside homestead continued to February 26.
Estate of Elena A. SEELEY, deceased. First account allowed and settled.
Estate of Kate MOTZ, an incompetent person. Sale of lot 2C, in block 2, town of Burlingame to Marie BAURETT and Francois VAURE for $150 confirmed.
Estate of Fred BAKEWELL, deceased. Elizabeth BAKEWELL granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $7,5000.
Estate and guardianship of Gust EHMAN, an incompetent person. Petition for appointment as guardian continued to February 13.
Estate and guardianship of Jean MARIE, deceased. First annual account allowed and settled.
Estate of Ellen S. McGOWAN, deceased. Petition for partial distribution dropped from calendar.
Estate of Margaret HATTABOUGH, deceased. Margaret DIAS granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $900.
Seth COHEN agrees to do the electric wiring for the C. Frederick KOHL building at Easton for $2230.
The following builders’ contracts are filed in the county recorder’s office yesterday: Croop and Keegan agree to erect a building in the Central Addition to San Mateo for the Peninsula Building Company for $2400. The same contractors agree to erect another building in the same portion of San Mateo for the Peninsula Building Company for $3404.
Miss Rose SPADONI who is employed in San Francisco is home on her vacation for a few weeks.
Mr and Mrs. PENBROOK of Napa is spending a few days in Daly City visiting Mrs. PENBROOK’s sister, Mrs. Lottie WHITE.
White Western, whose home was destroyed by the recent fire that consumed sever houses on Beta avenue and Mission, is erecting a beautiful house.
Jim WALLACE, one of the popular Constables of this township, who resides at South San Francisco, is recovering from a recent operation from appendicitis and made his first appearance of the street last Friday.
Splendid South City Hospital
One day last week the editor of the Record visited the South San Francisco General Hospital that was recently established by Dr. H.G. PLYMIRE, and through the courtesy of that genial gentleman was shown through the institution.
Perfect nearness, the most essential thing in a first-class hospital, was noticed in every detail. The operating rooms, the wards, private rooms, dinning rooms and kitchen, all showed perfect order, including the well arranged office and reception rooms.
While not familiar with such things, the equipment such as X-ray, apparatus, surgical instruments, sterilizing facilities and all else that seemed essential, were unquestionably first-class and the very best that can be procured.
Dr. PLYMIRE is naturally very proud of this hospital and well he may be, for it equals anything in San Francisco. In fact, it has many advantages over the large hospitals in the insuring of better care and is more reasonable in price.
The two sons of A.L. GRAHAM, western manager of the International Correspondence Schools, disappeared Friday from their home in San Mateo Park while their father was away on a trip to Santa Rosa.
Constable Michael SHEEHAN, who has been asked to find the missing boys, in uncertain whether they have just run away or been kidnapped by their mother, recently divorced from GRAHAM and who lost the custody of her four children, the boys and two girls. Mrs. GRAHAM’s whereabouts are not known to the family.
GRAHAM’s married sister, with servants, has had the care of the children. The boys – Albert , aged twelve years, and Norris, aged nine years – have been traveling from their home to school on bicycles. It was on such a trip that they vanished, leaving absolutely no clew as to where they went.
The San Mateo Board of Supervisors met in an adjourned meeting Monday with all members present except BLACKBURN.
A.G.C. HAHN resigned as a member of the Mosquito Commission and Harold P. BROWN of Anthony was appointed in his stead.
Surveyor NEUMAN in a communication withdrew his resignation, in which he stated that he would not likely be a candidate to succeed himself and considered that it would be best for the county to make the change now. He asked that some other arrangement be made for securing rights of way so that he might be relieved from that extra duty.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific's Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
Mrs. B. MURPHY, mother and Miss Virginia JASON, niece of Mrs. George FLINT are in Moss Beach visiting the latter.
The R. MARTINI Company, leading artichoke growers on the Coast Side, have announced their intention to purchase automobile trucks to haul their produce to the San Francisco markets.
Henry BAACH, E. SEEKAMP and Harry THORNHILL of San Francisco, members of the Moss Beach Boating and Fishing Club were here Sunday looking after the club’s building on the Torre Ranch.
Henry MAIER of Burlingame was in Half Moon Bay Monday and J.M. FRANCIS is making arrangements to have him lay out his year. Mr. MAIER is a famous landscape gardener.
Emiel BEDENBECK of Oakland has married a charming young lady of that city. Mr. DEDENBECK Is a well known low tide visitor at Moss Beach, as he has missed very few of them in the past three years.
Mrs. P. DeLUCIA, Mrs. J. CLARK and Miss Clara MULLEN of Miramar went to San Francisco via Half Moon Bay and San Mateo Tuesday. They say the automobile stage ride was delightful and the scenery beautiful.
Fourteen people of Half Moon spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. Thomas QUINLAN in Miramar. A delightful evening was spent, and all went home satisfied with life, as Mrs. QUINLAN had treated them to one of her famous chicken and spaghetti dinners.
Rev, C.H. STEVENS has now recovered from his recent attack of gastitis, and filled the pulpit of his church Sunday. During his illness his pulpit was billed by Rev. Jacob SPOOLMAN.
Geo. EIKERENKOTTER, who is storekeeper on one of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company’s boats, was home last week after a pleasant trip to Honolulu. George is pleased with his life on the rolling main and claims to be a good sailor.
S.H. BOWMAN, a former principal of the Belmont School who resided in Redwood City in 1907 and 1908, has been elected to a principalship in Los Angeles and has gone to the southern metropolis. For the past four years Mr. BOWMAN has been principal at Paso Robles.
Mrs. C.L. McCRACKEN left on Thursday for San Mateo to take up her duties as matron of the new Peninsula hospital.
County Tax and License Collector A. McSWEENEY started Monday on his second annual inspection tour of the merchants and liquor licenses of the county. The trip is made at the direction of the board of supervisors, the object being to see that all stores, hotels and saloons are operating under the proper licenses. Mr. McSWEENEY will take the coast route first, covering the territory from Salada Beach to Pescadero.
H.D. McGarvey to W. H. Ferguson Lot 1, blk 4 McGarvey Sub, Reese Sub
Shore Line Invest Co to Abbie Dunfield Lot 4, blk 95, Granada
C.D. Brown to J.E. Barnes Por. Sec 22, 11 Tp 3, S R 6 W
T.B. Potter Realty Co to H.D. Hogrefe Portions blks 5, 35, 1, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20 Arleta Park
Frances Bennett to A. Bennett. In Town Pescadero
Same to M. Bennett In town Pescadero
R.H. Smith to Sarah Z. French. Lot 44, blk 4, lot 2, 3, blk B, Huntington Park
H.J. Foreman to G. Podesta Lot 1, blk 67, Abbey Homestead
Dalton Investment Co to R.C. Schaffter. Portion blks 9, 11, 22, Wave Crest
H.H. Specht to F.T. Finch Lot 55, blk 1, San Bruno Park
J.McLeachlan to K.P. Hickey Lots 16, 19, 20, blk 1, Marina Vista Park
Cal Sub Home Co to Jos Cozzi Lot 8 blk 29, Farallone
Calara Valley Realty Co to J. Jennings Lots 31, 32, blk 24, Vallemoar
Hensley-Green Co to A. Sweetser, Lot 46, 47 blk 4, San Bruno Park
Bowie Estate Co to S.F. Payne, Portion lot 3, blk 40, Bowie Est Ern. Addn, San Mateo
J.W. Timaney to A. Timaney Lot 21, blk 64, Dumbarton Oaks
J.A. Boyd and wife to Jno. Leitner E ½ Lot 8, block H. Boyn and Kent Addn Redwood
T. Callan to A. Oneto Lots 4, 5, blk 17, $75, Lot Homestead
J.H. Howard to S.D. Hayne E ½ lot 1B, Bowie Estate
K.P. HICKEY to H.L. Bartlett Lots 16, 19, 20, blk 1 Marino Vista Park
Crocker Estate Co to D.A. Hare, Lots 3, 4, blk 12, Crocker Tract
R.H. Smith to W. Weissbach Lots 46, 47, blk 22, Huntington Park
Guadalupe Dev Co to C.A. Stehle, Lot 4, blk 14, same map
Sophie E. Offermann to C.G. Stalter Lots 7, 8, blk 48, Ern Add Redwood
Pulgas Land Co to O. Batista Lots 37, 38, 39 Gray Tract
H. Stainberger and wife to Redwood City Realty Co. Portion lot 1, blk R. W.W.&M Sub
Arthur W. Nelson et al to same. Same property as above
Rockaway Beach Co to J. Hengeliere Lots 25, 26, blk 22, Rockaway Beach
Chas Winters to L.H. Winters Lot 9, 12, blk 22, Lomita Park
Dalton Invest Co. to Mer Trust Co of San Francisco, Por blks 18, 13, 22, Wave Crest
Ira M. Cobe and wife to M.E. Wolfe and wife Lot 12, blk 5, Burlingame Terrace
M. Pfeifer and G. Oento and wife, Lot 1, blk C Boyd Kent Addn
San Mateo Invest Co to E.J. Turk Lots 1, 2 blk C. Boyd Kent Addn
Shore Line Invest Co to Rebecca Hitchens Lot 6 blk 59, Granada
Ed Bohnert to L. Bohnert Lot 65, blk 1, San Bruno Park
C. Monson and wife to O. Monson, Lots 14, 16, blk 30, Brighton Beach
R.A. Brothers to A.C. Stewart Lots 14, 15, blk 18, Arleta Park
A.U. Larsen to Bertha Larsen Lot 7, 8, blk 2, De Coulon Sub., Burlingame
Menlo Realty Co to F. Crane Lot 1h, blk 3, Stanford Park
North Fair Oaks Land Co to Mrs. G.M. Parsons Lot 22, blk 50, No Fair Oaks

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last updated: 21 May 2005