San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
20 Feb 1914
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
February 20 1914

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch
Description: General Transcription

Daly City Record
February 20, 1914

Daly City, San Mateo County, California
Vol. 5 No. 47 Friday, February 20, 1914

Joseph ZANONI, aged 35, and Seni SCHWICK, aged 32, both of Burlingame.
Frank STEWART, aged 28, San Francisco and Emma J. EBENER, aged 23, Redwood City
Alonzo C. GREEN, aged 23, San Francisco and Dolores G. SANDERS, aged 19, San Jose
Henry JOUNNEAN, aged 32, and Laura A. STEWART, aged 31, both of San Francisco
A. TENGBERGEN, aged 22, and Phoebe ROORK, aged 26, both of San Francisco.
Henry ROHR, aged 23, and Mary COOKE, aged 19, both of San Francisco.
Paul COLLISCHONN, aged 22, San Francisco, and Winnifred WEBB, aged 19, Los Angeles.
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
The papers on appeal from the justice court of the Fifth Township in the case of W.J. DEBENEDETTI against C.V. THOMSPSON, have been received and filed in the county clerk’s office.
R.S.K. MacMILLEN has brought suit against the Crocker Estate Company to compel the later to execute a deed to lots 29 and 30 in block 19, Crocker Tract, to him. The complaint recites the fact that in 1907 an agreement was entered into between the parties whereby plaintiff was to pay a monthly installment on the property until the full amount was paid. Plaintiff claims to have done this and now wants a deed to the property, which defendant refuses to give him.
Christina ETTLIN has commenced an action against F.A. SMACK to recover the sum of $490 for rent of a certain building in Daly City. Defendant rented the place on November 26, 1912. Mr. SMACK succeeded William RAVEN, who leased the property on September 1, 1911, for a period of three years. He became bankrupt in 1912 and defendant bought his stock of liquor and succeeded to the business held by RAVEN.
Ethel Soule COOK has brought suit for an interlocutory decree of divorce against her husband, Joseph W. COOK, on statutory grounds.
The National Brewing Company has brought suit against F.O. BRANDT to recover the sum of $1648,98 for merchandise, ware and goods delivered defendant during the two years last past.
The Bank of Italy has brought foreclosure proceedings against R.S. HARRIS to recover the sum of $500, costs of suit and attorney fees in the sum of $150 and the further sum of $125 for money advanced in connection with the property. The real estate on which the mortgage is to be foreclosed consists of a portion of block 35, Eastern Addition to the town of San Mateo.
Horace HILL Jr., et al has commenced an action against L.W. WILLIAMS to determine adverse claims and clouds upon title to 985 acres in the Fifth township.
Hannah SULIVAN has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Jeremiah SULLIVAN, who died at San Mateo on December 5, 1913. The estate consists of real property consisting of town lots and San Mateo and a parcel of land in the town of Mayfield. The personal property is worth $100. The value of the estate is unknown to the petitioner. However, it will exceed in value the sum of $10,000. The heirs at law are the petitioner, widow of the deceased, and the following children, all residing in San Mateo: Annie H. SULLIVAN, Mary E. MADDEN, Kate Z. KEATING, Lena N. McDERMOTT, Timothy P. SULIVAN and Daniel J. SULIVAN. (Sulivan/Sullivan as printed)
Abbie W. FULLERTON has applied for letters of guardianship upon the person and estate of Ernestine CLAXTON, a minor, who, being over the age of 14 years, and being competent to select her guardian, nominated the petitioner to be her guardian. There is no estate. Grace M. CLAXTON is the present guardian and Mrs. FULLERTON wishes to displace her. The minor is 17 years old. The parties reside at San Mateo.
Otis M. CARRINGTON has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Walter R. NOBS(?), who died in South America on September 1, 1913. The estate consists of cash in the San Mateo County Savings Bank, amounting to $892.65 and the sum of $65.28 on deposit in the First National Bank of Redwood City.
Pietro MOLINARI has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Domenico CANEPA, who died at Colma on February 1, 1914. The estate consists of money in the bank, the amount of which is unknown to petitioner, and an interest in a vegetable garden at Colma. The entire value of the estate does not exceed the sum of $1500. The heirs at law are a brother and two sisters living in Italy.
The following builders’ contracts were filed in the office of the county recorder during the week:
C.C. MOOREHOUSE agrees to do the artificial stone work for the C. Frederick KOHL new residence at Easton for $9750.
Fred J. MAUER agrees to erect for the Warranty Investment Co. in 90 days, a five-room bungalow at “Blossom Heath Manor,” Beresford, for $2550.
The Van Sant-Houghton Company agrees to complete the interior wood finishing “trim” in the conservatory and bed rooms of the Geo. A. POPE residence at Burlingame by March 21, 1914, for $2047.
A.J. GREEN, one of Daly City’s most popular sheet metal workers, is engaged at present on the Kohler mansion at Easton.
Richard HARRIS who has been confined to his home at 147 Santa Ana avenue for the past two weeks from a capital operation, is slowly improving and hopes soon to be around.
Mrs. Robert R. HOWARD presented her husband with the finest valentine in Daly City on the 14th inst. – a splendid, health, baby boy. Papa HOWARD permits passenger to ride free on his car, he is so joyful, and Grandpa S.E. SANDERS just owns the earth, that’s all.
Frank R. SAMPSON, who owns a beautiful cottage home on Santa Ana avenue and a resident of Daly City since the town was first started after the great fire in San Francisco, having resigned his position with the American Type Foundry after a continual service of twenty-two years, left Thursday morning for Dinuba, California, where he will probably locate. Daly City is losing one of her very best citizens and Dinuba will be indeed fortunate if he locates there.
New Petit Jury
The following is the list of one hundred petit jurors selected for the ensuing year:
First Township
Daly City
Harry T. ROBB, Minnie BOYLE, Elizabeth BEAN, Mary J. HUTLEY, Hewey SCHULKER, Mrs. C. PENDERGAST
San Bruno
Harry GRADY, E.G. LIENIZ, Honora L. O’CONNOR, Carrie HOFF
South San Francisco
Rosa E. SNYDER, Ethel C. BRITTON, E.N. BROWN, Nellie CARMODY, M.F. HEALY, Herman CAERDES(??-filming line through micro-film)
Second Township
Kate F. FARNHAM, Anna B. CAR, Geo. O. RUSSEL, Geo. A. NEAL, Mary H. COLE, Fred T. COLBY, L.E. NORBERG, Virginia M. PHL, Richard FIDDY, Ed J. SCHAUB, Evelyn J. FRIST, Georgia M. CUNN, Caroline DEHUMAN, B.A. PECKHAM, Charles STADER, Claud H. MOORE, Harrold FITZGERALD, Wm. MORRIS, Sr., Frank E. PALIN, Milton EDWARDS, Edith E. DORTON, Kate GITTINGS, James D. KEN, Laura S. HUYCK, Albert GIBSON, Edmund LEVY, Henry ELMERS, Harriet C. HAYDOCK, Stephen R. DOYLE, Martha CHAPMAN, W.H. DAVIS, Catherine A. BAIR, Henry ELMERS, Elizabeth M. FISHER, W.M. STANTON, Anne G. WEIGERSE, Charles B. MORTON
Third Township
Fourth Township
Fifth Township
Jurorettes Organizing
One hundred prominent peninsula clubwomen have received invitations to attend a meeting Friday at the Burlingame town hall for organizing a feminine civic betterment league in San Mateo county. The grand jurorettes, who served recently, are interested. One of the jurorettes, Mrs. Mary MILLER of Burlingame, is the temporary chairman of the committee. Mrs. Racine McROSKEY, another jurorette, is the secretary.
In the matter of the estate of Mary Crocker, deceased.
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Mary Crocker, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four (4) months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administrator at his office in South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, California, the same being his place for the transaction of the business of said estate in the said County of San Mateo, State of California.
Administrator of the estate of Mary Crocker, deceased
Dated, Redwood City, Cal., Feb. 18, 1914
Edw. F. Fitzpatrick, Attorney for said estate
This notice first appeared in the Daly City Record, Feb. 20, 1914 and published 5 times
In the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Mateo.
In the Matter of the Estate of Patrick Oakes, sometimes known as, and called Patrick Oaks, deceased. No. 1738
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Julia Oakes, administratrix of the estate of said Patrick Oaks, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said Patrick Oakes, deceased, or his estate, to exhibit and present them with the necessary vouchers, within four (4) months after the first publication of this notice (made February 20th, 1914) to the administratrix of said estate, at the law office of Henry Ward Brown, on Washington street, between Dunks and Briggs streets, in Colma, County of San Mateo, State of California; the same being the place hereby designated by said administratrix for the transaction of the business of the estate of said Patrick Oakes, sometimes known as and called Patrick Oaks, deceased.
Dated: February 20th, 1914
Administratrix of the Estate of Patrick Oakes, sometimes known as and called Patrick Oaks, deceased. Henry Ward Brown, Attorney for said Administratrix, Colma, San Mateo County, Cal.
This notice first appeared in the Daly City Record, February 20, 1914
(Initial Filming of the Newspaper has cut off a couple of letters in the ditch – when the word can be deduced – it was used, otherwise spaces will be used.)
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific's Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
John NORTON, of Sacramento, is in Moss Beach visiting his sister, Mrs. Ed SCHNERR.
Daniel SAUR and family, who left Granada nearly two years ago, going to Arizona, are back again to stay.
Mrs. M.J. BETTINCOURT, with her mother and sister, are visiting Mrs. Dave ADERE, another sister in Lo_itos.
The sand plant at Farallone which was seriously damaged by the high tides, has been repaired and is now loading cars again.
Miss INGHAM arrived from Placerville during the week and is enjoying some of this ideal summer weather in her home at Marine View.
The telephone company has authorized C.B. SMITH, who will be its manager here, to state that it will have its service installed here by the 15th of March.
Mrs. Edith GALLAGHER is making extensive improvements at her new home. The small buildings have all been removed and Mr. BAKER has graded the streets and grounds.
T.L. JORDAN, Ocean Shore agent at Moss Beach, is acting as chief dispatcher in the city for his company. Mr. JORDAN is taking S.S. SEATON’s place, who resigned last Sunday and will be in the city until relieved, which he hopes will be soon.
Mrs. J.F. GONZALES met with a distressing accident at Half Moon Bay last Wednesday. In crossing a street just graded she had to step up a slight embankment. The earth gave way and losing her balance, she fell and broke her elbow.
William SOUZA passed through Half Moon Bay Monday on his way to San Diego, where he is engaged in business. He has been on a visit to his relatives in San Gregorio, where he was born. Mr. SOUZA says that his new home cannot compare with the old.
James Wilson, the contractor for the boulevard over Pedro Mountain, was in Farallone, and he expects to begin work this week. WILSON has __traction steam shovel on the way from the East and several care of grading and road tools are here now, but it certainly looks as if thing “are doing” on the blessed road soon.
The NOTLEYS, father and son, doing an extensive business in the feed and __el line in San Mateo, have purchased 640 acres of the Coburn timber and are already engaged in manufacturing it into ties and shingles. George NORLEY, the son, is at Pigeon Point managing the enterprise, which is located on Garzos creek, about nine miles from Pescadero. Shipment can be made from Pigeon Point, where a store will be established by the firm. A shingle mill is near completion and two big trucks will be utilized to transport its product as well as the output of ties, which will be shipped to Los Angeles in schooners, a number of which the NOTLEYS __n. They also have a large land __sessions at Shelter Cove, Humboldt County.
T.L. LILLARD, who has had charge of the Stone Sand Plant, near Half Moon Bay has been transferred by his company to Sacramento, where it has a large contract of building levies.
A.E. CLINE and F.E. LITTLEFIELD are busily engaged in building Miss ROBERTSON’s cottage, in Montara, on the heights near the inn. It is said that these gentlemen will build three more cottages and bungalows at Montara between now and July 1st.
Mrs. Ada MOLL, sister of E.B. MORSE of Moss Beach, sailed for the Hawaiian Islands, on the steamer, Manchuria. She will be away for three months and while there will take in the coming carnival at Honolulu.
The county surveyors who are surveying the coast boulevard between Montara and Half Moon Bay expect to finish that work within the next few days, and the contract will be let very soon. This road will be built with a concrete base and asphaltic surface and when completed will be one of the best and prettiest driveways in the state.
The Half Moon Bay Light and Power Company, who were recently awarded the contract to give Princeton, Marine View, Farallone, Moss Beach and Montara (Montara Highway Lighting District) street lights, have commenced the work of installing 101 lights which will be completed in three weeks. The first work was started at Princeton by the Sea.
While at Salada Beach one day recently we had the pleasure of being escorted through the Salada Beach schoolhouse by Miss MADDEN, teacher of that school. The Comet man found several big light and airy rooms, ideal for school purposes, and a school library, containing 600 useful books. The basement has been arranged so the Improvement Club of Salada Beach and Brighton Beach have a delightful home.
Mrs. Clara HARRIS, of Table Grove, Illinois, is here on a short visit to her girlhood friend, Mrs. James E. RALSTON, of Redwood Highland. She is delighted with Redwood City.
J.J. BULLOCK was here from Oakland on Thursday calling on friends. He has decided to return to Redwood City to practice law, and has rented his former offices in the Lipp building.
Miss Emma Janet EBENER, of Roosevelt avenue, was united in marriage to Frank STEWART, of San Francisco, at the home of the bride’s parents Thursday evening, Rev. STEVENS officiating.
Hubert KIRKPATRICK, who has been here for the past six weeks left Wednesday for Alaska, where he holds a responsible and trusted position as electrical engineer for the GUGGENHEIMS, the capitalists.
Harold PARKER, eldest son of Rev. J. APRKER, will take the competitive examination for Annapolis on February 17, in San Francisco. Young PARKER is a bright boy and is especially skilled in mathematics and leads his class, the senior, in all subjects.
A.G.C. HAHN, the executive commissioner of the County Exposition Commission, has appointed Miss Gertrude PITCHER of this city his stenographer and clerk. She will also have charge of the office of the commission at the court house. Mr. HAHN, who will devote much of his time to the work of getting up the display for the fair, will be at the office every forenoon.
W.H. HANSON and family, who have had apartments at the St. Francis all winter, have moved down from the city to occupy their cozy home on Arguello street for the summer months.
Mr and Mrs. Clifton WOODHAMS came down from Sacrament last Sunday to spend the day with their parents. Mr. WOODHAMS holds a very responsible position in the State Controller’s office at the capitol.
William PHILLIPS, United States consul at Guaymas, Mexico, is here with Mrs. PHILLIPS for a few weeks. Mr and Mrs. PHILLIPS will return to Mexico in a few weeks. Their children will remain here to attend school. Mr. PHILLIPS in speaking of the trouble in the southern republic says that the accounts sent out are exaggerated and distorted. He believes that President Huerta will soon be overthrown and that a stable government will be established.
“Papa John” Biggio’s 68th Birthday
On Thursday of last week the BIGGIO home at Biggio Park was the happy scene of a most complete surprise, occasioned by the birthday of John BIGGIO, Sr.
The BIGGIOs have a large rock and brick crushing contract at the San Francisco city hall and the men folks were busy in the city, so the party was arranged by “Papa John’s” Daughter-in-law, Mrs. Enrico BIGGIO and their charming daughters, Charlotta and Erminia.
Owing to the probable lateness that the men would return home, a ruse was made in which a telephone message was sent saying that a man was there who wished to buy or lease the Biggio Park. This worked splendidly, so, of course there was no hitch in the arrangements.
So overjoyed at the surprise was “Papa John” that he never thought of the prospective buyer until all were seated at the table that was laden with the most delicious Italian delicacies, including of course, raviolis, abalone, mussels, crab salad, chicken, etc., and then he inquired. Jim DOWNEY had been acquainted with the ruse and at once proceeded to offer a dollar for the property that worth several thousand. This caused a great laugh of course and no one joined in more heartily that the grand man in whose honor the dinner was given.
Following the sumptuous repast, there was music and dancing until the midnight hour and every minute of the time was joy supreme.
W.C. Boock to W.F. Dreyer. Lot 20, blk 18, Crocker Tract
W.F. Dreyer to C.D. Beach and wife, Lot 21, blk 18, Crocker Tract
A.C. Banta to L.E. Banta Lot 35, blk 21, Granada
C.H. Mikelsen and wife to G.H. Eckert and wife Lot 41, Villa Homestead Association
W.E. Schwartz to C.N. Orton Lot 32 blk 22 Tobin Park
Jno A. Boyd and wife to M.E. McCurcheon Lot 3, blk J, Boyd and Kend. Addn., Redwood
J.J. Clark to Edith Condon Lot 3, blk 7, Addn to Arleta Park
W.E. Schwartz to Arno L. Bachrodt Lot 38 blk 19 Tobin Park
Same to Ella A. Nisbet Lot 13, blk 6, Tobin Park
P.E. Longwell and husband to B. Spaulding Lot 9, blk 5, First Addn Montara
M.A. Felton and wife to Conservative Land Co. Lot 24, blk 1, Cooper and Cunningham Sub and lots 38, 39, W.W. and M. Sub Redwood Park
W.E. Schwarz to Mary A. Mee Lot 30 blk 6 Tobin Park
G.F. Voight and wife to J.H. Ebert Lot 20 blk 16, Vista Grande
Hensley-Green Co to Sophie Eggert Lot 28, blk H, San Bruno Park
C. Brown and wife to J. Bjorkman and wife Lot 1 blk 53, Dumbarton
J.A. Valencia to R.F. Duberke Lot 10 blk 21 Town San Mateo
J. Calatro et al to Cal Sub Home Co. Lots 5, 6, blk 33, Farrallone City
Jas Cuiffo et al to same Lots 7, 8, blk 33 same map
J. Triglia and wife to same Lot 10, blk 30 same map
Shore Line Invest Co to F.C. Mindach Lot 5 blk 46 Granada
Hensley-Smith Co to S.R. Leon Lot 28, blk 8, San Pedro Terrace by the Sea
Hensley Realty Co et al to J.H. Liddell Lots 16, 17, 18, blk 11, San Bruno Park
Redwood City Realty Co et al to H.G. Klung Lot 3, blk 9, Wellesley Park
E.D. Kelley to Etta Kelly Portion lot 2, Jose Martinez Estate
Crocker Estate Co to O. Armando Lot 1 blk 6 Crocker Tract
Crocker Estate Co to H. Witts Lot 1 blk 10, lot 2, blk 27, Crocker Tract
Dalton Invest Co to A.W. Porter Lots 23, 24, 25, 30 blk 22, Wave Crest
Hensley Grren Co to G.H. Erickson Lots 35, 36, blk 15, San Bruno Park
F.H. Cory to V.B. Matlock Lot 6, blk 2, Lomita Park
Ansel M. Easton and wife to V.B. Matlock et al, Lot 7, blk 2, Lomita Park
Boston Invest Co to Henry J. DeVries Lot 3, blk 35, Lyon and Hoag Sub
F.P. Brophy and wife to Della F. Stubbs Lot 1 blk 7 Princeton by the Sea
Adeline C.S. Byfkogel to W.H. Lord Portio lot 2 blk 7, Property Burlingame Land Co
The Moxey Realty Co to Rebecca K. Morris et al Lot 2 blk 1 W.W.&M. Sub
West Redwood Land Co to S. Braunstein Lot 55 blk 4 West Redwood
C.J.R. Peterson Portion Burlingame Terr
Cal Sub Land Co to J. Galatro Por lots 8, 9, blk 35 Farallone City
Same to Jas Triglia Portion lots 11, 12 blk 30 same map
Same to J. Chettero Lot 1 blk 33, same map
Ocean Shore Land Co to F.E. Dreisbach Lot 24 blk 31 Revised Salada Beach
Baden Brick Co to T. Butler 22.16 acres near So. San Francisco
Beatrice Shoemaker to Laura C. Spivalo 30.16 acres Belmont Terr
H.D. McGarvey to Minnie Wahlicht Lot 68, blk 1, McGarvey Sub
Same to A. Wahlicht Lot 19, blk 1, same map
Thos Harrison and wife to V. Bollentini and wife. Portion lot 6, blk 7, School House Land Assn.

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