San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
27 Feb 1914
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
February 27 1914

Location: Daly City Record
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch
Description: General Transcription

Daly City Record
February 27, 1914

Daly City, San Mateo County, California
Vol. 5 No. 48 Friday, February 27, 1914

Morris V. BODDOE, aged 21, Alameda, and Florence G. MORSER, aged 19, San Francisco
Hartwell T. WILLOCK Jr., aged 31, San Francisco, and Elizabeth P. BRITTAN, aged 28, Redwood
Fred HAMER, aged 30, San Francisco, and May BABLE, aged 34, San Jose
Fred McCRARY, aged 23, and Anna WIERCKE, aged 18, both of San Francisco
John B. PEDRO, aged 28 and Jessie CARREIRA, aged 20, both of San Mateo
Henry E. OTTERSON, aged 25, and Catherine A> COYNE, aged 24, both of San Francisco
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
Judge Buck has granted a final decree of divorce to Lizie CHAVES from her husband, E. CHAVES. The interlocutory decree was granted on December 4, 1912. By the decree the plaintiff was permitted to resume her maiden name, Lillian E.R. SIMMONS.
The civil suit of Anna L. FEATHERSTONE against Mary C. CASEY and others was dismissed.
The case of Peter FABER against M. BLACK et al that has been pending for some time was dismissed.
The damage suit of J. GRAMZA against the Leslie Salt Refining Co. was dismissed, the case having been settled out of court.
Irene D. ARMSTRONG has brought suit against John Franklin ARMSTRONG for an interlocutory decree of divorce on statutory grounds.
Eugene B. LORTON, Henry J. MORJKEN company, filed a petition in the superior court Tuesday asking that a writ of mandate be issued compelling Auditor W.H. UNDERHILL and Treasurer P.P. CHAMBERLAIN to deliver a warrant for $485 assigned to the petitioner by L.Q. HAVENS, expert accountant for the recent grant jury. The petition states that the claim of Mr. HAVENS for 48 ½ days’ work was approved by the court January 19, and the auditor drew the warrant January 23, but he has refused to deliver it to the petitioner without an order from the court. Judge Buck issued a writ compelling the auditor and treasurer to pay the petitioners to appear in court at 10 o’clock February 28 and show cause why they have not done so.
W.J. MORGAN has commenced an action against J.E. HUNT and others to foreclose a vendor’s lein. The plaintiff sold to defendant in May 1912, lots 49, 50 and 51, block 8, Wave Crest, for $270. HUNTER subsequently sold the property to a third party. Plaintiff contends that the claims for the $280 is a lein on the property and asks that the sum be paid with interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum or if not that the land be sold and the proceeds turned over to him.
T.J. BRADY vs L.S. READING. Demurrer continued to February 26.
Walter SEALEY vs Samuel KNIGHT. Trial continued to February 26.
H.H. SELLERS vs George HOWARD et al. Trial continued to Feb. 26.
John H. DAWSON vs C.M. JOHNSON et al Notice of motion for judgment given.
A. BERG et al vs. A. KILGOUR. Demurrer overruled and defendant allowed 10 days to answer.
Carrie E. GILLESPIE vs. W.W. GILLESPIE. Trial continued to Feb. 21
Edyth M. DALY vs A.G. DALY. Further trial continued to Feb. 21
Maria G. BEGHIN vs G. BEGHIN. Order made allowing plaintiff alimony in the sum of $50 per month and $25 on account of attorney fees.
Joe Wilson Printing Co vs Louis MATTHAI. Judgment ordered for plaintiff as prayed for, less $10.
Levy Bros vs H.G. PLYMIRE and administrator. Judgment ordered for plaintiff quieting title to north east quarter section 32, Township 7, south Range 4 West M D B and M, containing 160 acres.
Eli J. ALLEMAND vs American Real Estate Company. Demurrer to answer submitted.
James D. SKELLY vs S.H. COWELL et al. Trial set for April 7.
Marnia SJOHOLN vs J. JAMES et al. Case submitted
People vs Thomas MERRITT. Defendant pleads guilt to a charge of burglary and was sentenced to serve one year in San Quentin.
Judge Buck has fixed March 5th as the day for the hearing of the application of Ernest W. HEWSON, the administrator of the estate of Nathalie T. HEWSON, deceased, for allowance of fees as executrix of the estate of N.J. BRITTAN, deceased, and for attorney fees for services rendered the executrix by Powell and Dow. Mrs. HEWSON was appointed administratrix after the death of her father on May 27, 1912. Mrs. HEWSON died on January 3, 1914, when the affairs of her father’s estate were about settled. The BRITTAN estate was valued at $475,000.
H.A. POWELL has petitioned for a termination of the life estate of Miranda E. MILLS to a certain small strip of land at Belmont adjoining the Robert Mills ranch. The property was set aside to Mrs. MILLS as a homestead under the will of the late Robert MILLS, she to hold it during her life time.
William W. BARNES has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of John M. HUGHES, who died on December 18, 1913. The estate consists of an unliquidated claim for damages for the death of said deceased, and a right of action thereon, against the W.P. Fuller Co. and the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. The entire value of the estate consists of property not in excess of the sum of $10,000.
Estate and guardianship of Frances BRAGHETA, a minor. Fifth annual accountant allowed and settled.
Estate of John M. LANE, deceased. Order of sale of real estate located at Fresno made.
Estate of Elizabeth STALTER, deceased, Carl STALTER appointed administrator with bond fixed at $200.
Estate of Charles BRADLEY. Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of L.T. CARTER, deceased. Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of Jeremiah SULIVAN, deceased. Hanah SULIVAN granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $1200.
Estate and guardianship of Ralph P. NOISAT, a minor. Partial hearing had on return of sale and further hearing continued to March 5th.
Estate of Walter R. NOBS, deceased O.M. CARINGTON granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $2000.
Estate of Carsten OTTEN, deceased. Probate of will continued to February 26.
Estate and guardianship of Joseph G. McCARTHY, deceased. Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate and guardianship of Gust EHMAN, an incompetent person. John A. FLINK, appointed guardian with bond fixed at $1600.
Estate of Phebe A. HAWKINS, deceased. Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of C.F. DAHLEN, deceased. Partial hearing had on first and final account and hearing continued to February 26.
Estate and guardianship of O.R. HUTCHINGS, a minor. M.H. INGLES appointed guardian with bond fixed at $600.
Estate of Oscar HANSEN, deceased. Mary McLane HANSEN granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $500.
Judge Buck has appointed R.F. Chilcott inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Fred F. BAKEWELL, deceased. The court also appointed R.F. Chilcott inheritance tax appraiser for the estate of Walter R. NOBS, deceased.
Judge Buck has appointed H.W. Schaberg of Redwood City and C.P. Mosconi and J.M. Francis of Half Moon Bay appraisers of the estate of Mary WOODS, deceased.
The following builders’ contracts were filed in the office of the county recorder during the week.
J.E. DICKERSON agrees to erect for Thomas J. FEELEY in 65 days a bungalow at Lomita Park for $2250.
E. QUAGELLI agrees to erect for C. WOLTERS and his wife, Marie WOLTERS, in 90 days, a two-story residence at San Mateo Park for $4145.
Mrs. Angela SELMI is again quite sick this week with rheumatism.
Rev. WOOLEVER will preach at eleven o’clock at the M.E. church
Miss Gladis CINNAMOND, of Lake Merrit, Oakland, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Mollie WHITE.
George LIVELY of Hillcrest Drive, who has been very sick with pneumonia at St. Lukes hospital, has returned home very much improved.
Mrs. B.F. JARVIS left Tuesday morning for Mendocino City, to join her husband who has a fine situation there and will probably remain all summer.
Mrs. A. McCLELLAN, the trained nurse who resides of Hillcrest Drive, has returned from Oakland, where she has been engaged professionally for a couple of weeks.
John CAMPBELL is greatly improving his valuable home on Santa Ana avenue, by moving his cottage a few feet back and placing it on a concrete foundation.
The windstorm was so severe last Friday that a house in Hillcrest on the San Francisco side of the line, was blown down and completely demolished. Fortuantely no one was injured.
Mr and Mrs. W.J. THOMPSON, who reside on E street, Colma, left last Thursday for Kansas City, Mo., called to the bedside of Mr. THOMPSON’s father who is very ill. They will probably remain away several weeks.
Sidney HARRIS made a visit in San Mateo Sunday. They say that his attraction is San Mateo is the beautiful daughter of one of the leading millionaires down there. Sid is a fine young man and nothing is too good for him.
Fred MICHAELSEN and G.F. WILD went to Lomita Park Sunday to arrange for the interior decoration work on the new residence of A.A. PUTSNEY. The firm of Menzer & Menzer, architectural moulders and sculptors, have the contract.
Roscoe E. BABER, formerly connected with the Record and quite well known in Daly City, was here Monday looking after this property on Crocker boulevard. Mr. BABER with his family now reside in San Francisco, but expect to erect a home in Daly City in the near future.
Thelma Sturla’s Birthday
Miss Thelma STURLA, one of Colma’s most interesting little ladies was tendered a very pleasant birthday party last Saturday evening, February 21, 1914, at which there was music and general splendid time.
The following friends were present: Misses Reta GASS, Norma BELLI, Irene WIGHT, Irene VER LINDEN, Elvira ROSAIA, Erminia BIGGIO, Pearl LUCE, Ruby LUCE, Marie GIBLIN, Katherine GIBLIN, Palmeira FERRECHIO, Thelma STURLA, Winnefred CORTAGE, Grace CORTAGE, Emily BOCCI, Jennie BOCCI, Wilma NEVILLE, Alba FEGONE, Mrs. WIGHT, and Mrs. A. STURLA, Messrs Jack LONDON, Henry CONSERVA, Nick ARMONINO, Will McGRATH, Evo ANTROCOLI, Rudolph WITT, Howard GREENE, Bentley GASS, Bert STURLA and James DOWNEY.
On Tuesday, February 17, 1914, Corpus Christi church in San Francisco, was the scene of the very quiet wedding of Miss Olive M. DAVIDSON of Colma to Mr. Emil L. CEREGHINO of San Francisco. So quiet was the wedding that none of the young lady’s friends in Colma found it out for several days. It is understood that when the happy couple return from their bridal tour, they will reside in San Francisco.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific's Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
A.B. McFADDEN of Seattle was at Salada Beach Sunday visiting his daughter Mrs. George S. McDOWELL.
W.H. SPENCER, who moved to San Mateo last May to go into the garage business, has returned to Farrallone to live.
Mrs. BANGHART, an old resident of Purissima, but who now lives with her daughter in Los Angeles, had a paralytic stoke recently.
What is the matter with Half Moon Bay? There is a fine little orange tree loaded with ripening fruit in Mr. Manuel BETTENCOURT’s yard.
Dr. George F. NEVIOUS, husband of Mrs. NEVIUS, music teacher in the Half Moon Bay high school, died in San Francisco last Tuesday at the age of 72 years.
E.J. HUTLEY has been appointed deputy sheriff for Salada Beach by Sheriff MANSFIELD. Mr. HUTLEY will make a good official, as he was one of the rangers in the early days in Kansas.
Last year was one of considerable activity in the line of building in Half Moon Bay, according to Mr. A.S. HATCH, Half Moon Bay’s foremost lumber dealer. There were more dwellings erected last year than any previous year.
Mr and Mrs. John MEYN of Lobitos will visit their old home in Germany in the near future. While in the Fatherland they will attend the golden wedding celebration of their sister. Mr. HEUSLER will assume charge of Mr. MEYN’s place while the latter is away.
The construction camp of James WILLISON, the boulevard contractor on the MARTINI ranch, is rapidly being completed and a large force of men and 100 head of horses and mules are expected this week. Graders, road plows, steam shovels, and other machinery necessary for the work are already on the ground and next week will see the work under way.
Joseph Y. SMITH of Moss Beach, one of the grandest old pioneers of the Coast Side, father of C.B. SMITH, celebrated his 93rd birthday last week. The birthday dinner was given by Mrs. C.B. SMITH, whose excellence in that line is unsurpassed and of course was a most pleasant affair.
George F. WATERS, assistant keeper of the Montara Lighthouse, went to Half Moon Bay Thursday in a buggy, accompanied by his son and another boy. The horse he was driving took fright and dashed madly down the street to the high school building, where it made a sharp turn and upset the buggy, throwing its occupants to the ground with great force. The boys escaped injury, but Mr. WATERS was severely bruised. The vehicle was badly wrecked.
Mrs. M.H. ABBOTT of New York, sister of A.J. FROMM, called on him during the fore part of the week. Mrs. ABBOTT left here last summer to travel in the Orient. She was accompanied here by Mrs. G.A. KISSAM, also of New York.
Josephine READ was elected manager of the tennis club of Sequoia high school at a meeting of the club last Monday. The girls have already received challenges from San Jose and San Mateo, which games will be played in April.
Mrs. H.C. FINKLER, entertained about fifty members of the Redwood City Woman’s club at luncheon at the Hotel Sequoia Thursday. The dining room and tables were artistically decorated with cut flowers and potted plants that lent a charm to the affair. Mrs. J.B. SCROEDER, delivered one of her original poems in a pleasing manner that won applause. Mrs. James M. EVA, recited beautifully, and John D. GISH, the only male person at the luncheon, eloquently spoke of the good work of the Redwood City Woman’s club. Mrs. KINKLER demonstrated her cleverness as a hostess.
An automobile belonging to Chas. W. FAY, postmaster of San Francisco, was discovered by Marshall Jas. COLEMAN stuck in the mud near the Begger tannery Wednesday. The owner was notified and he at once dispatched his chauffeur for it. The machine was stolen on Tuesday from Mr. Fay’s garage. Evidently the culprit came down the peninsula and having become stuck in the adobe abandoned the care and made his escape.
Bertha Knox et al to Myra Knox Lots 1 to 5, 26, 27, 28, blk 3, University Tract
Ansel M. Easton and wife to Jas A. Forune Lot 3 blk 43, Easton Addn to Burlingame
Oaks Co to Edna J. Wells Lot 11, blk 66, lot 12, blk 66, Dumbarton Oaks
T.D. Boardman to Mary K. Wehlan Lot 9, blk 8, Stanford Park
Western Metropolis Realty Co to A.J. Scheib et al Lots 18, 19 blk 6 Concordia Land Co
Sequoia Terr Realty Co to H.E. Weston Portion Lot 14, San Mateo Land Assn
R.H. Smith to G.J. Nolan and wife. Lots 32, 33, 34 blk 5, Huntington Park
Boston Invest Co to S. Hill Lots 1, 2 blk 5 Burlingame Park Sub 2
Rockaway Beach Co to L.A. Andrus, Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 blk 20; lot 30, blk 5, lot 5 blk 8, lot 19, blk 9, Rockaway Beach
H.C. Breeden and wife to S. Knight Portions lots 28, 29, 4q(?), 48, 49, Burlingame Park sub 4
C.J. Johnson and wife to E.C. Bruge Lot 8, blk 15, Easton Addn to Burlingame
E.F. Lowary to D.S. Hinds, Lot 24, blk 23, Vallemar
Margaret Groner to Annie M.E. Gould Lot 6 blk 4, Redwood Range D
Ocean Shore Dev Co to E.F. Hall, Lot 26, blk 16, Revised Ocean Villa
Hensley Green Co to J.M. Peregrino and wife Lot 55, blk 1, San Bruno Park
R.D. Hagerty to Josephine Forsyth Lot 13, blk 24, Crocker Tract
Ella M. Mercer and husband to Cora M. Fish Lot 61, blk D, Mission St Tract
S. Cassinelli and wife to H. Swenson Lots 1, 2, 3 blk 3, North Millbrae
Hensley Green Co to Annie M. Haigh Lot 18 blk 4 San Bruno Park
Glucksman Levy Realty Co to G. Donati and wife. Portion lot 144, West End Homestead
P.H. Murphy to Crichton Lot 21, 22, blk 5, Concordia Land Co.
Boston Invest Co. C. Collins, Lot 15, blk 44, Lyon & Hoag Sub
P.E. Lamb to F. Bour et al Lot 2c, blk 2, Burlingame
J.M. Newbert to E.J. Newbert Portion blk 39, Eastern Addn, San Mateo
H.D. Newhouse to E. Holmfren Lots 41, 42, blk 4, North Millbrae
Cal. Sub Home Co. to Mrs. M. Ingream, Lot 8, Blk 15, Farallone City.
F.V. Wilbert and wife to J. Marquart Lot 23, blk 39, Easton Addn to Burlingame 3
Ravenswood Investment Co to Stanford Meat Co Lot 26, blk 11, Town of Ravenswood
H. Wagner and wife to Myrtle Bonetti Lot 1, blk 3, Montara
W. Rohbery to Mary E. McGraw Lot 33 blk 10 So San Francisco
A.H. Wilson to M.J. Grene Lot 5 blk 16, Western Addn, San Mateo
J.A. Boyd and wife to S. Berry Lots 8 and 8 (as printed) blk E. Boyd & Kent Addn. Redwood
Crocker Estate Co to F. Snyder Lots 24 and E part Lot 25 blk 23, Crocker Estate Tract
H.D. McGarvey to J.M. Cestal Lots 38, 39, blk 3, Portola Addn
W.E. Schwarz to M.S. Russell Lot 41, blk 2 Tobin Park
Same to E.G. Russell Lot 40 blk 2 Tobin Park
W. Kelley to V. Bonolanza Ey ½ lot 23, blk 124, So. San Francisco
W. Quinlan to J. Scarpa Port S.E. 1-4 Sec 28 to 7 S R 3 W
H.D. McGravey to A field and wife Lots 52, 53, blk 1, McGarvey’s Subdivision
W. Schwarz to C.A. Brehler Lot 2 blk 14 Tobin Park
Redwood Highlands Co to E.H. Heath Lot 16 blk 46 Redwood Highlands
F.G. Wisker and wife to C.S. Pitkin Lot 4, blk 11, Burlingame Land Co
Calara Valley Realty Co to C.M. Clark Lot 45, blk 24 Vallemar
L.G. Hill to B.L. Hill Lot 18, blk 5 Miramontes Tract
Small Farms Impro Co to C.L Paddon, Portion lot 11, San Mateo Land Assn
C.A. Carlson to Jessie Schaetzer, lot 19 blk 44, Lyon & Hoag Sub
J.D. Brynes Co. to W.O. Booth, Portion lot 8, blk 17, Town of San Mateo

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