San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
06 Mar 1914
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
March 6 1914

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch
Description: General Transcription

Daly City Record
March 6, 1914

Daly City, San Mateo County, California
Vol. 5 No. 49 Friday, March 6, 1914

Arthur E. SEAGREN, aged 22, San Francisco and Edith STENROTH, aged 21, San Jose
W.E. MATTHEWS, aged 25, and Edna LOCKBAUM, aged 21, both of San Francisco
Harry H. FLYN, aged 34, Portland, and Sadie McGILL, aged 34, Eureka
Antonio FLACCHIO, aged 28, and Corinna TOMASINI, aged 30, both of Menlo Park
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
Thomas J. BRADY vs L.S. READING. Demurrer continued to March 6th.
H.H. SELLERS vs Geo. HOWARD. Trial continued to March 4th.
Carrie E. GILLESPIE vs W.W. GILLESPIE. Order to show cause dropped from calendar. Trial dropped from calendar.
Edyth M. DALY vs. Arthur G. DALY Trial continued to March 13.
Gustav J. McGREGOR vs Emilie McGREGOR Notive of motion continued to March 13.
Joseph WEHREN vs. Axel LARSEN Demurrer continued to March 6th.
Samuel GOODHUE, et al vs Henry P. BOWIE. Decree quieting title to a portion of block 3 in the Western Addition to Town of San Mateo granted.
The People vs Carl KLEVERSAHL. Defendant pleads guilty an is sentenced to pay a fine of $25.
The suit entitled Bank of Italy against F.W. METZGAR and W.T. METZGAR has been dismissed by mutual consent.
All the papers in the suit of F.L. GADSBY against William F. EBNER have been received at the county clerk’s office from the Superior Court of San Francisco. The complaint was filed in the latter tribunal on January 1, 1914 and by the request of the defendant it was transferred to this county for trial. The action is brought to recover the sum of $2500 on a promissory note and costs of suit.
The Federal Construction Company on Wednesday filed sixteen suits against property owners in San Mateo Park for various sums for street work in front of their homes. The amounts vary from $10 to $100.
Emma SPENGEMANN has brought suit against the San Mateo Creamery Company to recover the sum of $500 on two promissory notes executed on December 14, 1912.
Arthur L. WILSON and others have brought suit against George A. KERTELL, administrator of the estate of Josephine H. WILSON, deceased, to quiet title to lot 5 block 16, Western Addition to the Town of San Mateo.
Antone Silva MIGUEL Has commenced an action against his wife, Hilda Catherine MIGUEL for an interlocutory decree of divorce on the ground of desertion. The couple were married in San Francisco on December 19, 1912.
Arthur DAVIS has brought foreclosure proceedings against Mrs. Eliza THORROLD and others to recover the sum of $1000. The property on which the mortgage is to be foreclosed consists of lots 1 and 2, block 1 and lot 6 block 12.
Nat COUGLAN, attorney for Lester DANZ, has filed a petition asking that the case entitled Lester D. DANZ against J.H. MANSFIELD be set for trial. Mr. COUGLAN will appear in the Superior court on next Thursday and will ask for an order setting the case for trial. Mr. DANZ brought the suit against the sheriff last year and in the complaint charged the sheriff with falsely imprisoning plaintiff. Mr. DANZ asks for damages in the sum of $10,000.
Estate of C. OTTEN, deceased. Further hearing on petition for probate of will continued to March 13.
Estate of Mary CALLAN, deceased. Petition to set aside homestead continued to March 13.
Estate of C.F. DAHLEN, deceased. First and final account and petition for distribution continued to March 13.
Estate of Domenico CANEPA, deceased. Petition for letters of administration continued to March 6.
Estate of Ellen S. McGOWAN, deceased. First and final account and petition for distribution continued to March 13.
Estate of Agnes FERRY, deceased. Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of Louis DEMARTINI, deceased. First annual account allowed.
H.G. PLYMIRE has filed an opposition to the petition of P. MOLINARI for letters of administration upon the estate of Dominico CANEPA, deceased, on the ground that petitioner is only a cousin of the deceased and not an heir to any of the property left by CANEPA. The deceased left a brother and sister in Italy, and they are his direct heirs. Therefore, the public administrator is entitled to administrate upon the property. CANEPA died at San Francisco on February 1, 1914. The estate consists of an interest in a vegetable garden at Colma valued at $1500. P. MOLINARI applied for letters last week.
Judge Buck has appointed H.W. Schaberg inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Frederick RICHARDS, deceased.
Judge Buck has appointed R.G. Chilcott inheritance tax appraiser of the estate of Jeremiah SULLIVAN, deceased.
Joseph O. RASPADORE has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Domenico ZARO, who died on February 16, 1914. The estate consists of cash in bank amounting to $3000 and real estate at Colma, exceeding in value the sum of $10,000. The heirs at law are the following children: Joseph O. RASPADORE, Mary BUSWELL, E.C. ZARA, E.L. ZARA, residing at Colma, and Anna M. DeLANCIE, living at Berkeley and John A. ZARA, residing at San Bruno.
Mary E. O’CONNOR has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of James F. O’CONNOR, who died at sea on January 14, 1914. The estate consists of an undivided one-half interest in lot 6, Burlingame Park.
John H. CLAFFEY has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Mrs. Ann CLAFFEY, who died at Burlingame on February 19, 1914. The estate consists of property at Burlingame and San Leandro valued at $5000, cash in bank, furniture and other personal property, the value of which is in excess of $10,000.
Mrs. N. MEETH’s little daughter, Azalia, has been quite sick but is better.
Mrs. Fred HARPER has been confined at her home for several weeks with a severe illness.
Miss “Sweetie” BEHRE has been confined to the house several days with a very sore throat.
Mrs. E. FORSELL visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ed. NELSON in San Francisco Wednesday.
Mrs. Daisy SHEAN of Ft. Bragg, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lewis PODESTA, in Daly City this week.
Frank STURLA arrived on his ship from Australia on Thursday of last week and remains in port about ten days.
J.W. MELVIN, who for some time has been local manager of the Peninsula Drug Co. left Monday for Coulterville, where he hopes to make his future home.
Mrs. B. GAESINA, of one of the fine florists gardens on Mission road in Colma, gave birth to twins last Thursday, a fine boy and girl, weighing four and five pounds.
J.M. PITTS, who with his family recently went to Quincy, Plumas county, is reported as doing nicely. He rented his beautiful little cottage on Hillcrest Drive to Richard LEATHERWOOD.
Rumor has it the “Jim” DOWNEY, the popular lighting inspector and “Duck” SULLIVAN, the equally popular poundman of the First township, are contemplating matrimony in the very near future. Cupid certainly is after them. Ladies names – not yet.
C.J. ZULK, who died last Thursday, February 26, 1914, aged 55 years, 10 months and 4 days, was a native of Germany, and one of Colma’s oldest residents. He was proprietor of the large C.J. ZULK monumental works near Mt. Olivet Cemetery, corner F street and the Boulevard. He leaves a family and a very large circle of friends.
Daly City Municipal Candidates
On Wednesday evening, March 4, 1914, the following candidates had legally filed their verification papers with County Clerk Joseph H. Nash, as contestants for the municipal offices of Daly City:
FOR TRUSTEES – Three to elect
Timothy Francis O’ROURK
Thomas Paul MORAN
Edward Richard POOR
Althens John GREEN
Reuben Raymond CASTLE
Raymond A. JESS
William WEISS
Charles Leo BIEBEL
William R. GEGAX
George Napoleon SMITH
Robert Edward FINE
Mrs. Emma HOBSON
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific's Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
C.D. SMITH, agent of the railroad at Half Moon Bay, records the rainfall for the season as 29.85 inches. The heavy storm last week showed a precipitation of 3.25 inches. .85 being the record since that time.
Supervisor Joseph M.FRANCIS says that he intends to replace the old wooden bridge near Miss Annie G. SMITH’s residence, with a modern concrete bridge.
Presbyterian Church Ladies Guild
Last Wednesday afternoon the Ladies’ Guild held one of its social meetings at the church, Corner Green avenue and Hanover street, at which five visitors, Mrs. J.S. ROCKWELL, Mrs. Edward FREYER, Mrs. E.J. GOZZETT, Mrs. Wm. M. TALBOTT and Mrs. J.L. BROWN were present.
It being the date for election of officers, the courtesy was extended to Mrs. E.J. GOZZETT to preside and Mrs. Edward FREYER to act as secretary, and then the Guild proceeded to elect the following officers for the ensuing term:
President – Mrs. Frank ALDWOOD
Vice-President – Mrs. B.L. LARSEN
Secretary-Treasurer – Mrs. P.H. MOLLER
The affair was exceedingly pleasant, including an elegant luncheon.
Laben Langley’s Will Filed
The will of the late Laben LANGLEY was filed in the Superior Court of Alameda county for probate last week. The total value of the estate is placed at $55,000. By the terms of the will, Ruth TARR and Leroy TARR, grandchildren of the deceased are each bequeather the sum of $5 and Emma NICKERSON, Mrs. Abe TAYLOR and William LANGLEY and S. LANGLEY, children of the deceased are each left the sum of $500. The rest and residue of the estate is bequeathed to the widow. Before Mr. LANGLEY passed away he deeded the ranch near Woodside to his son, William LANGLEY and that piece of property does not appear in the inventory.
Miss Elma EARLY, the popular clerk of San Mateo, was in town yesterday calling on friends.
C.H. WOODHAMS has had the front of his furniture store improved with a coat of paint.
Mrs. T.H. GLAZE of Philadelphia is here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. J.F. CURRY, whom she has not seen for twenty-seven years.
The certificate of registration of Mrs. W.E. CROCKER of Hillsborough has arrived at the clerk’s office. Mrs. CROCKER registers as a plain farmer. Mrs. CROCKER will no doubt have a dumper crop this season.
The John WILLISON caravan, nearly a quarter of a mile long, composed of about 200 head of horses and fifty wagons, passed through town Friday from Hollister on the way to Farallone City. Mr. WILLISON has the contract to grade the coast road. He will begin work on the road early next week.
John F. FORD has purchased a Ford automobile and will go into the taxi business here. Because of his wide circle of acquaintances Mr. FORD will probably have a good business.
Last Friday County Clerk NASH certified to the correctness of the nomination papers of the following aspirants for office at Hillsborough: John A. HOEY, clerk; Charles T. CROCKER, treasurer; Henry T. SCOTT, W.A. Brewer and Norris K. DAVIS, trustee. The certificates were neatly bound and carefully tied with pink ribbon. This was the work of the popular clerk, John A. HOEY.
County School Board Issues Certificates
The San Mateo County Board of Education met at the office of the County Superintendent of Schools last Saturday. Certificates were issued on credentials to several applicants. The certificates of Mary STEWART, Annie C. MULLEN and Jennie JONES were renewed for six years. Natalie HANSEN and Margaret SILVERIA were recommended to the State Board of Education as applicants for life certificates.
Stanley Smith Given Probation
Stanley Smith, who entered the DeSABLA home at Hillsborough on February 15 and stole a diamond-set cuff buttons valued at $140 from Leon DeSABLA, pleaded guilty on Wednesday and the following day the court admitted the prisoner to probation for a period of one year, during which time SMITH will have to report the first of every month to the district attorney, telling of his whereabouts and his occupation. At the end of the year the information filed against him will be dismissed. SMITH stated to Judge Buck that he was born in England 20 years ago and came to this county when 12 years old. His parents reside in Portland. Young SMITH promised to make good if given his liberty. He appeared penitent and was in tears when making his statement to the court. In response to Judge Buck as to whether or not he wanted SMITH sent to San Quentin, Leon de SABLA who was in court, replied that he did not want to send the young man to San Quentin, but thought that some slight punishment should be inflicted in order that the young man might mend his ways and become a useful citizen. Judge Buck in passing judgment severely lectured SMITH, calling his attention to the ways of evil doers and the result. SMITH, who is a handsome fellow, told the court that the reason he committed the crime was that he lost his head.
Montara Realty Dev Co to Wm Shaw Lots 40, 41, blk 2, 1st Addn Montara
W.J. Morgan to W.H. Lessley Lots 20, 21, blk 11, Am. Wave Crest
L.A. Andrus to Maggie Scherer Portion blks 20, 5, 8, 9 Rockaway Beach
Shore Line Invest Co to J. Lazzie Lot 2 blk 79 Sub 8, Granada
Same to G. Croydon Lots 13, blk 24 Granada
W.E. Schwarz to Mary E. Herzinger Lot 8 blk 20, Tobin Park
Shore Ling Invest Co to S.C. Brown Lot 14 blk 50 Granada
Hensley-Green to P.P. Curtis Lot 66 blk 1, San Bruno Park
L.P. Behrens and wife to P.A. Ryan Portion lot 1 blk 3, Range C. Redwood
Ocean Shore Land Co to Mrs. W.A. Uhser Lots 3, 2 blk 20, lots 8, 9, 14, blk 25, Revised Salada Beach.
Same to same Lots 30, 31, 33, 34 blk 16, Salada Beach
Anglo-Cal Trust Co to F.B. DeLauhey Lots 43, 44, blk 13 Am Belle Air Park
Atlas Land and Con Co to C. DeFarrari Lots 13, 14, blk 2, Redondo
Same to T.H. Roscoe Lot 17, blk F Lot 13 blk E Redondo Beach
South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co to South City Lot 23, 24, blk C Peck’s Sub South San Francisco
Cal United Land Assn to B. Williams Lot 10, blk 5, Ola Vista Beach
F.A. Martin to Mary T. Martin Ey ½ lot 4, blk 139, So San Francisco, lot 15, blk 123, South San Francisco
C.C. Kendrick to G.M. Lee Lots 1, 2 blk E Manhattan Beach
R.H. Smith to G. Blenginio Lots 24, 25 blk 6, Huntington Park
W.E. Schwarz to F.J. Behler Lot 3, blk 14 Tobin Park.
H. Snyder to Maria S. Brau Portion blk 58, Abbey Homestead
Julia Oakes to M. Massaglia Lot 2 blk 6 School House Ex Land Assn
Same to L. Maffei Lot 1 blk 6 same map
Crocker Est Co to A.A. Walter Lot 24 blk 13 Crocker Tract
W. Michie and wife to M. Tortzen Portion lot 13, 14 blk 30 East San Mateo
Owners Realty Co to H.A. McKim Lots 53, 54 blk 8, Oakleigh Park
Bowie Estate Co to C. Schwabe Lot 18 blk 52 Ern. Addn San Mateo
J.H. Brune and wife to H.W. Taylor and wife Portion lot 3 blk 25 Wrn Addn, San Mateo
Warranty Invest Co to Annie Dunne Lot 9, blk 8, Blossom Heath Mannor
Menlo Realty Co to Albert F. White, Lot 3, blk 2, Stanford Park
Same to Cornelius White, Lot 2, same map
C.W. Iverson to E.J. Joy Lot 26, blk 15 Hilcrest
Annie C. Seivers to Hugo Swanson Lots 54, 55
Juliane C. Heiner to C. Zinola Lot 3, blk 19, San Carlos Park
W.E. Schwarz to T. Angeles Lot 21, blk 1, Tobin Park
J.T. Baldwin to Bessie Baldwin Lot 15, blk 11, Lomita Park
An. M. Easton and wife to B.P. Baldwin Lot 16, blk 11, Lomita Park
Hattie B. Dawson to Anna J. Smith Lots 13, 14, blk 21, Belle Air Park Am
Owners Realty Co to W. Jamison and wife Lots 29, 30, blk 5, Oakleigh Park
W.E. Schwarz to W.W. Still Lots 44, 45 blk 6, Tobin Park
F. Pelisseier and wife to J. Bessette Lot 11 and portion lots 135, 137 West End Homestead
Hensley Green Co to C.L. Reich Lots 1, 2 blk 20, San Bruno Park
Herman Spohr and wife to H.C. Bush Portion blk 38, Eastern Addn San Mateo
Redwood Highland Co to W.S. Lockhart Lots 19, 20 blk 33, Redwood Highlands
Hensley Green Co to E. Boim Lot 4 blk 7, San Bruno Park
H.D. McGarvey to T.P. Gorham Lots 6, 7 blk 4 McGarvey’s Sub
Same to E. Gorham, Lots 4, 5 same map
J.B. Hour to Anne Hour Lot 11, blk 36, Revised Salada Beach.

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