San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
13 Mar 1914
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
March 13 1914

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch
Description: General Transcription

Daly City Record
Daly City, San Mateo County, California
Vol. 5 No. 50 Friday, March 13, 1914

Charles B. STROBLE, aged 35, Los Angeles and Malbelle WOOD, aged 31, San Francisco.
Anselm SCHAFFER, aged 53, Napa, and Johanna C. HARTSTRICK, aged 43, Sacramento.
John CERIN, aged 26 and Alice LYTLE, aged 26, both of Los Angeles.
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
Judge Buck on Thursday granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to Edith M. WEEKS from her husband, William H. WEEKS on the grounds of desertion and extreme cruelty. All the property rights, alimony, attorney fees, etc., were settled out of court.
Elizabeth V. THOMPSON has commenced an action against R.E. CALLAGHAN and his wife to recover certain personal property in the possession of the defendants. The property consists of clothing, crockery, chinaware, and personal effects valued at $500. Plaintiff asks for the return of the articles or if not, their equivalent, to wit, $500. Plaintiff also asks for damages in the sum of $250 for unlawfully detaining the property.
G.R. STAFFORD has commenced foreclosure proceedings against E.F. LAFFITY to recover the sum of $1000. The property on which the mortgage is to be foreclosed consists of lots 10 and 11, block 7, Burlingame Grove.
Edwin L. CROOP has begun an action for an interlocutory decree of divorce against his wife, Eliza M. CROOP on the ground of desertion. The couple was married at the City of San Mateo on July 23, 1904. Plaintiff asks for the custody of the minor child, Walter Hudson CROOP, aged 8 years and also for the community property consisting of lots 15 and 16, located in the San Mateo Homestead.
G. MANGINI has commenced an action against Ah Sam to recover the sum of $257 and for the restitution and possession of lot 5 block 8, Millbrae Villa Tract. In 1902 the parties entered into an agreement whereby defendant leased the property, agreeing to pay a monthly rental of $20, payable in advance. He has failed to settle for his rent from January 1913 to January 1914, and is in arrears to the amount of $257. Besides the amount due and the possession of the premises, plaintiff asks for his costs of suit.
Thomas J. BRADY vs L.S. READING. Demurrer continued to March 12th.
Walter SEALEY vs. Samuel KNIGHT. Trial continued to March 19.
Lester DANZ vs J.H. MANSFIELD. Motion to set cause continued to March 19.
The People vs Spring Valley Water Co. Trial set for April 14.
Termination of life estate of Miranda MILLS, deceased, to certain real property at Belmont, granted.
Edith M. WEEKS vs William H. WEEKS. Interlocutory decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
George W. PENNINGTON et al vs Thomas PENNINGTON et al. Motion to strike out continued to March 12.
A.L. Stockton Lumber Co. vs. Patrick DOYLE, et al. Demurrer overruled and defendant allowed ten days to answer.
Joseph WEHREN vs Axel W. LARSEN et al. Demurrer overruled and defendant allowed ten days to answer.
Geo. DITTUS vs Andrew S. BARRON Demurrer set for March 12.
Miller Estate Co vs Mark Lane. Judgment ordered for plaintiff as prayed for.
Estate and guardianship of Ralph P. NOISAT, deceased. Partial hearing had and further hearing continued to March 12.
Estate of D. CANEPA, deceased. H.G. PLYMIRE granted letters of administration.
Estate of John W. HUGHES, deceased. William M. BARNES granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $100.
Estate of Mon SAM, deceased. Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of N.J. BRITTAN, deceased. Partial hearing had on final account and further hearing continued to April 12.
Estate of Jane L. KREISS, deceased. Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate of Margaret McCORMICK, deceased. Final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate and guardianship of Lawrence W. GREEN, et al, minors. First annual account allowed and settled.
Estate of D. ZARO, deceased. Josephine A. RASPADORE granted letters of administration with bond fixed at $8000.
William L. BUTLER, a minor, aged 19 years, has petitioned to have J. Early CRAIG appointed his guardian. The estate consists of an interest in the estate of Mary BENSON, deceased. The petitioner, through his guardian ad litem, Charles W. BUTLER, father of the minor, has filed a contest in Solano county against the probate of the will of the said Mary BENSON. If the contest is successful young BUTLER will have an interest in the estate consisting of 80 acres of agricultural land in Solano county valued at $5000, cash in bank amounting to $4700, and personal property worth $1000. The father, who is a resident of Daly City, is at present in New York. J. Early CRAIG is also the attorney for the minor.
H.G. PLYMIRE has applied in the Superior Court for letters of administration upon the estate of Duane HOPKINS, who died at San Mateo on December 19, 1913. The estate consists of cash in two banks in San Francisco amounting to $3,587.86.
Born to the wife of Jason WIGHT in Daly City of March 6, 1914, a daughter
Born to the wife of William JOHNS in Colma, on March 2, 1914, a daughter.
A Mr. ADRIONIC of San Francisco has moved into the RAE residence of F street in Colma.
Owing to four cases of smallpox in South San Francisco the school of that place has been closed.
C.F. RAE and family who have lived on F street in Colma for 22 years have moved to Alameda.
The sweet little daughter, Verion, of Mr and Mrs. E.J. GOZZETT, who has been quite ill is improving rapidly.
Joseph LEVERTON, proprietor of the marble works near the 9-mile house, has returned from a visiting trip to Los Angeles.
Mrs. H.M. SHAUR of Greenwood, Mendocino county, with her two children, is visiting her mother in Colma, Mrs. W.G. BEATTIE, and expects to remain a month.
Card of Thanks – To my dear friends of Colma and vicinity, Colma-Vista Grande Aerie, 1848, F.O.E. and Drum Corps and the Indoor Yacht Club of San Francisco, I extend my most sincere thanks for your assistance and sympathy in my recent bereavement, the death of my beloved husband, William H. ALMON.
Most sincerely yours,
Mrs. Margaret ALMON
Death Calls a Highly Respected Citizen – Funeral Took Place Wednesday
The funeral of the late John Clement NASH took place Wednesday morning from the family residence, 7 Twelfth avenue, San Mateo, thence to St. Matthew’s Church where a requiem high mass was celebrated for the repose of his would, after which the remains were laid to rest upon that beautiful hill top, known as St. John’s Cemetery, west of San Mateo.
The deceased had been ill for several weeks from complications due to old age and passed away at an early hour last Monday morning. He was 76 years of age and a native of Ireland.
He came to California direct from his native land via the Isthmus of Panama in 1863 and became a student at St. Mary’s College, where he received a fine education that fitted him for a very useful life, and he surely made good in all his undertakings as an educator and worthy citizens, having taught at Half Moon Bay, San Bruno and other places for a period of twenty-five years.
He was a member of the first board of education in San Mateo county for 20 years. Among the old residents who were his pupils and are now prominent in life can be named, Supervisory James T. CASEY, William B. LAWRENCE, Thomas E. BYNES, W.W. CASEY and others.
Mr. NASH is survived by his loving wife, Mrs. Mary F. NASH; three sons, Joseph H. NASH, county clerk of San Mateo county, C.J. NASH of Maricopa, Frank J. NASH of San Mateo and one daughter, Mrs. Helen Nash STEVENSON of San Francisco, together with a very large circle of sincere friends throughout the entire county.
(Initial Filming of the Newspaper has cut off a couple of letters in the ditch – when the word can be deduced – it was used, otherwise spaces will be used.)
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific's Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
F.E. HAMLIN, the Farallone postmaster, has added more lock boxes, which have already been rented.
J.P. STRAUCH and wife of Sacramento have moved into one of Tom _eele’s cottages in Moss Beach.
Frank BALDWIN of Bakersfield was in Marine View several days during the past week visiting his wife.
John NORTON, who has been visiting for some time in Moss Beach has returned to his home in Sacramento.
Harry MARTINI was in Colma last Saturday and while there he purchased a number of thoroughbread (sic) __lves.
Thomas STEELE, on of Moss Beach’s most progressive citizens has returned home after spending four months __ his ranch near Visalia.
J.J. GOMES, manager of the Half Moon Bay Light and Power Co visited his parents at Livermore several days during the past week.
More telephone fixtures has arrived at the Coast Side Comet office and it commences to look as if installation would start in the very near future.
Sixteen pioneer friends of Mr and Mrs. W.H. SPENCE, gave them a complete surprise party at their home in Farallone City, one night this week. All present had a fine time.
Thirty friends of Mr and Mrs. W. _ STEWART met at the latter’s Farallone home Sunday evening , when a house-warming party was held. Every one had a most delightful time.
Casper ZINDELL is having Mr. NEIL__N improve his four acre tract at Montara. Mr. SINDELL intends to build a house, plant trees and otherwise make his property productive.
Alvin S. HATCH and County Engineer NEUMAN are this week pro__ing right-of-ways for the county boulevard, under the $1,250,000 good road bond-issue, between Half Moon Bay and Colma.
Mrs. R. LAUGHINGKINNI and Dr. _ecker BECKWITH of Beckwith, Plumas Co., were at Farallone Sunday visiting Mr and Mrs. J.J. ROBERTSON. When they left Plumas Co. one foot of snow covered the ground.
Fred and Warner OLSCHEWSKY of Montara and Sacramento, have just been admitted to the bar by the Appellant Court of California. Both of the boys were put through a hard examination and passed with high honors.
The R. MARTINI Company has just completed the planting of 200 acres __ potatoes and 500 acres to train. Besides the above this company has several hundred acres of land planted to vegetables, such as artichokes, peas, beans, sprouts, etc.
A.A. CHILSON of Nebraska, who is occupying the SIZER cottage, has just returned from a two weeks hiking trip to Santa Cruz, San Jose, and Watsonville. He covered nearly 300 miles and he says that he enjoyed the scenery so well that he is going to take another hike some day soon.
Taxcollector A. McSWEENEY returned Friday from a tour of the coast towns where he went to collect the merchant license tax. He reports doing a good business. Every where he noted signs of prosperity and found farmers jubilant over the prospects of bumper crops.
According to Dr. D.E. BLACKBURN, Supervisor from the firth township, eleven mad dogs have been killed in Pescadero recently. The head of one of the animals, owned by Matt HAYES, was sent to the state laboratory at Berkeley and word came back that the examination revealed positive signs of negri bodies – indicating rabies.
C.P. MOSCONI registered four hundred and forty-three voters at Half Moon Bay up to the 3d inst., and Registrar HAMLIN took down the names of one hundred and fifty at Farallone. Interest in the coming high school election caused the large registration. George CROYDON is reported to have registered sixty at Granada.
District Attorney Franklin SWART and Tax Collector A. McSWEENEY were here Wednesday, the former to prosecute a misdemeanor case in the local justice’s court and the latter to see that all people doing business on the Coast were provided with the proper licenses. Mr. McSWEENEY was accompanied by his son and young Mr. WOODMAN, son of the Enterprise editor.
The first work on the coast boulevard was started Tuesday, when Contractor WILLISON turned his men and teams, with big Fresno plows loose on the highway over Montara Mountain. The steam shovel is now on the ground and work is being pushed to completion. It is thought that by July 1st, the grading of the road, under the $1,250,000 county good road bond issue from Montara to Tobin creek will have been finished.
Miss Wanada ABBOTT and Frank L. DALRYMPLE of Farrallone City stole a march on Mr and Mrs. W.M. ABBOTT, parents of Miss ABBOTT and went to Alameda County Saturday, where they were united in wedlock. Both groom and bride are well known young people and have a large number of friends on the Coast Side who wish them a long and prosperous wedded life. The young couple are making their home with Mrs. DALRYMPLE’s parents at present.
The regular monthly meeting of the Half Moon Bay Parent’s Club last Friday afternoon was attended by Mrs. C.F. McCARTHY, president of the San Mateo Woman’s Club, who explained the workings, aims and objects of that organization, which are in full accord with the worthy ambitions of the Parent’s Club. The visitor was listened to with much interest and furnished many ideas that will enable the younger club to proceed on lines of the least resistance in accomplishing its good purpose.
Beresford Club Open May 1
The new clubhouse of the Beresford County Club in San Mateo county will be ready for occupancy probably by May 1. The building and furnishings, when completed, will cost in the neighborhood of $150,000. The structure is unique and contains a beautiful open air swimming pool. The Beresford links are considered perfect from a landscape standpoint.
William FRIES is president of the club, of which many millionaires are members.
Mr and Mrs. L.B. THOMAS spent Sunday here with friends. They reside in Berkeley, where they have a very pretty home.
Miss Ulreca SAHLBERG, who graduated from the State Normal School in San Francisco last week, has been appointed a teacher in the Alpine school, near La Honda. She will begin teaching next Monday.
WEEDEN Brothers of Menlo Park have been awarded a contract to erect a neat cottage for W.A. MALONEY adjoining his wholesale liquor store on El Camino Real, south of town at a cost of $3000.
Miss Sophie MENGEL left last Tuesday for Arizona to spend six weeks with her aunt, who has been a resident of that state for some years. The many friends of the young lady wish her a pleasant journey and a delightful time in the land of cactus and sagebrush.
Harold STEVENS has resumed his studies at the grammar school after spending two months in a San Francisco hospital. The little fellow met with an accident while shooting on the marsh last winter and suffered the loss of two of the fingers of his right hand by the discharge of a gun while he was attempting to cross a fence. The boy will not be handicapped very much as he will have the full use of the hand.
The justice court of the Third township earned in fines during the year of 1913, the sum of $2025, the amount being more than twice the annual salary of the justice. However, the amount was not near as large as the year previous. This may be accounted for by the fact that motorist are beginning to learn that they must obey the speed laws and fines are not so much, in fact they have dropped nearly sixty per cent since 1912.
J. SOMERS was sentenced Friday by Judge Lampkin to pay a fine of $35 for speeding. He was arrested for the offense on March of last year by Officer Brown and told to appear for trial, but disregarded the admonition, and did not come to Redwood City. Brown saw him the other day coming down the peninsula and he again arrested him. Judge Lampkin was at first inclined to impose a jail sentence, but on the pleadings of SOMERS, he finally let him off with a fine.
P.H. McEVOY will hold a big auction sale on Saturday, the 21st instant at which he will dispose of all of his stock and farming implements. Mr. McEVOY will retire from business.
San Mateo Civic League
The San Mateo Center, California Civic League, has effected a permanent organization in San Mateo with the following officers:
Mrs. George B. MILLER, president
Mrs. R. McROSKEY, first vice-president
Mrs. George A. MERRILL, second vice-president
Mrs. L.E. AUBURY, secretary
Mrs. Augusta GEARY, treasurer
Mrs. J.E. VICKERSON, chairman districts
The idea originated with the ladies who served on the late grand jury. They claim to have the approval of Judge Buck and almost all the county officials. It is their intention to work along in an earnest way for all the objects that civic betterment implies – viz: health, sanitary conditions, extermination of filth and flies, etc.
Estate of Domenico Zaro, Deceased
No. 1757
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Josephine O. Raspadore, the Administratrix of the Estate of Domenico Zaro, deceased, to the Creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within ten (10) months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Administratrix, at her home, at Zaro’s Ranch, which is about two miles Southwest of the Town of Colma, in the County of San Mateo, State of California, which Ranch adjoins Holy Cross Cemetery on the South Westerly side thereof, which said Zaro’s Ranch the undersigned selects as her place of business in all matters connected with said Estate of Domenico Zaro, deceased.
Dated, Colma, San Mateo County, California, March 10, A.D. 1914
Administratrix of the Estate of Domenico Zaro, deceased
William F. SAWYER
Attorney for said Administratrix
333 Kearny Street, California
This notice first appeared in the Daly City Record March 13th and to appear five times
United Contracting and Realty Co. to W.H. Dalton, Lot 5, blk 5, Nash Tract
A. Andrini and wife to G. Solari Portion lot 1, blk B.W.W.& M. Sub. Redwood Farm.
Crocker Est. Co. to J.L. Ross, Lot 4, blk 17, Crocker Tract.
J.L. Ross and wife to C.F. Johnson, Same as above
Marie J. Hansen to A.V. Anderson Lot J, blk 5, Property Burlingame Land Co.
J. Indergand to J. Rockstaller Portion lot 5 and all 6, blk 37, Abbey Homestead
W.E. Schwarz to T.J. Pappas Lot 11 blk 15, Tobin Park
Hensely-Green Co. to Mary Elliot Lot 47, blk 12, San Bruno Park
R.H. Smith to Frieda Trenka Lots 50, 51, 52, blk 9, First Addn, Huntington Park
Reba B. Bailey and husband to A.J. De Lancey Lot 8 blk C San Mateo Heights
Crocker Estate Co to A.H. Algren Lot 41 blk 26 Crocker Tract
Surf Beach Realty Co to Louise Fuendeen Lot 19 blk 27, Surf Beach Tract
Shore Line Investment Co to W. Helms Lot 8, blk 57 Granada
A.J. Knepper and husband to F.R. Noyes 30.56 acres Corte Madero Rancho
Geo. Chandler and wife to August Chelini Lot 5, blk 15, Arleta Park.
Carmichael Bros. to N. Carmichael et al. Portion sections 10, 15, 2, 23, Tp 8 S R 3 W
Alice E. Stevens and husband to J.B. Nissen Portion blk 4 Western Addn San Mateo
Montara Realty Dev Co to Gus Johnson Lots 20, 30 blk 77 Montara Am.
J.J. Morgan to J.E. Connors Lot 16 blk 11 Wave Crest
Ocean View Land and Impro Co to Sophie Levinson Lot 39, blk 19, Vista Grande
Same to Susan Couglan Lot 46 blk 7 Vista Grande
Small Farms Impro Co to Western Central Corporation Lot 48 blk 7, Crocker Estate Tract
E.R. Willmarth and wife to E.C. Miles Lots 9, 10, blk 4, Weinke Addn, Montara
W.E. Schwarz to Carl Behm Lot 21 blk 14 Tobin Park
D.O. Daggett to C.H. Stuermann Lot 21 blk 148 So. San Francisco
E. Dahl and husband to same Lot 23, 24, blk 148 So. San Francisco
R.H. Smith to J.W. Coppini Lot 44, 45 blk 22, Second Addn Huntington Park
Lizzie D. Pitcher to C.A. Hooper & Co. Strip 10 in rear of lots 17, 18, blk 11 Eagle Hill Addn
A. Larsen to E.W. Magruder Lot 112, Gray Tract
M.S. Mitchell to E.W. Magruder, Lot 5, blk 10, Redwood, Range C
Owners Realty Co. to Mary Prees Lots 12, 13, blk 4, City of Naples
T. Eagan and wife to G. Toso Lots 5, 6 blk 16, School House Land Association
W.E. Courtright and wife to H. De Witt Kittle Lot 17, blk 24, Easton Addn, Burlingame
Wm. Locke and wife to Western Central Corp Portion lot 11, San Mateo Land Assn
Chas L. Paddon and wife to same Portion lot 11, San Mateo
Bowie Estate Co. et al to L.S. Fish Lot 17 blk 6, Central Addn, San Mateo
Redwood City Realty Co. et al to Annie R. Robinson Lot 2 blk 8, Wellesley Park
Ansel M. Easton and wife to W.J. Hendrickson Jr. Lots 8, 9, 12, 12, blk 3, Lots 9, 12, 13, 15 blk 7, Lots 4, 5, 7, blk 7, Lomita Park
Boston Investment Co. to W. Hendrickson Jr. lots 23, 24, 25 blk 2, Lots 8, 9, 10, 29, 30 and 31 blk 3 Burlingame Park

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last updated: 21 May 2005