San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
20 Mar 1914
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
March 20 1914

Location: Daly City
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch
Description: General Transciption

Daly City Record
March 20, 1914

Daly City, San Mateo County, California
Vol. 5 No. 51 Friday, March 20, 1914

John S. McCORMICK, aged 23 and Beulah COCHRANE, aged 21, both of Oakland
Oscar F. BERGMAN, aged 52, Oakland and Nancy BERGMAN, aged 46, San Jose
Raymond C. O’BRIEN aged 31 and Martha BROZ, aged 27, both of San Francisco
Robert WEST, aged 32, and Bessie WEIDNER, aged 26, both of San Francisco
Henry FRANKI, aged 31 and Josephine MOREY, aged 34, both of Palo Alto
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
Chris STADER, has brought suit against the Hartford Fire Insurance company of Hartford, to recover the sum of $1075. The complaint alleges that on September 22, 1910 plaintiff insured his property at Beresford with the company for $1000 and also took out a policy for the same amount on his furniture, that on December 9, 1912, the building was burned, together with two valuable pictures worth $75. Mr. STADER, in the complaint says that the property was fully worth $4000. He made demands on the company for the full amount of the policy, but it has refused to settle.
Ansel M. EASTON has brought suit against the Burlingame Land and Water Company to abate a nuisance. The complaint alleges that defendants have placed an obstruction across a strip of land leading to lot 31, Burlingame Park, preventing plaintiff from having access to his property.
Samuel SAARI has brought suit against M. BERMAN and others to foreclose a mechanic’s lien on a building on lot 16, block 15, Vista Grande. The plaintiff is a contractor and the party who erected the structure. The amount sought to be recovered is $586.55.
John P. GUNSAULS has commenced an action for damages against the Shaw-Batchers Co., of South San Francisco. The amount of damages sought to be recovered is $5000. The complaint alleges that on April 3, 1913, while plaintiff was employed in the factory of the defendant at South San Francisco, a heavy piece of steel fell from a large crane to the floor, striking plaintiff on the feet fracturing the bones of one leg and badly injuring the other limb. GAUNSAULS states in the complaint that the injuries occurred through the negligence and carelessness of the owners of the factory and asks damages to that amount, together with costs of suit.
Francisco M. VIVUTINO and others have brought suit against Edgar L. WILSON, and others, to quiet title to lot W, containing 19 acres and lot H, containing 23 acres, both pieces of land being a portion of the JOHNSON Ranch near Half Moon Bay.
James A. Lee and Miss Mary LEE, owners of the Hotel Mateo property and other valuable holdings in San Mateo, are defendants in a suit for $1150 filed by Miss Madelyn Birdie WALSH, who lives with her father, A. _. WALSH, in the Hotel Mateo grounds.
Thomas J. BRADY vs L.S. READING demurrer dropped from calendar
Edythe DALY vs A.G. DALY. Trial continued to March 19.
Auto Gas Engine Co. vs H.H. McEWEN. Case ordered re-submitted.
Ethel S. COOK vs J.W. COOK. Interlocutory decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
Geo. DITTUS vs Andrew S. BARRON. Demurrer overruled and defendant allowed ten days to answer.
A.L. Stockton Lumber Co. vs Patrick Doyle et al. Demurrer sustained and plaintiff given ten days to amend complaint.
C.H. MULLEN vs. W.C. A. KOEHNCKE, et al. Demurrer overruled by consent.
Irene D. ARMSTRONG vs John F. ARMSTRONG. Interlocutory decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
C.J. McGREGOR vs. Emelie McGREGOR. Notice of motion dropped from calendar.
Geo. W. PENNINGTON et al vs Thomas PENNINGTON et al. Notice of motion continued to March 19.
Maria SJOHOLM vs Emelia JAMES, judgment will be entered canceling the note and mortgage and defendant will be awarded damages in the sum of $500.
Frederick HERMANN vs Frank PET__ON, et. Al, Judgment ordered for plaintiff but without recourse to C. __ CHRISTENSEN.
Tony CANADAS vs Hugh RIDGES et al. Judgment ordered for plaintiff for __929.39
Joseph STEFFEN vs Emma STEFFEN, judgment ordered for defendant.
Mary A. TOBIN vs Henry W. BROWN et al. Demurrers sustained with the ___ght give plaintiff to amend if so __vised by bringing in the owners of ___land.
William Turnbull, C.W. Elffing and H.W. Shaberg, appraisers of the estate of Josephine H. WILSON, deceased, have filed their inventory and appraisement. The total value same on hand amounts to $319. Portion of block 16, Western Addition to San Mateo is appraised at $1500, improvements thereon - $2000. Another portion of the same block is valued at $750, improvements $1000, and household effects $25.
H.W. Schalberg, Henry Root and Frank S. Grummon, appraisers of the estate of Miranda E. MILLS, deceased. The total value of the estate is placed at $83,112.35. It consists of cash in the Bank of Italy amounting to $112.35, lot 5 block 5, San Mateo is appraised at $6500, lot 6, block 5, is valued at $4500. There are two two-story buildings on the property. A lot on Grant avenue, San Francisco, is appraised at $66,000, an interest in a building on Sutter street, San Francisco, is valued at $5000, household furniture $500, a plot in Cypress Law Cemetery, $500.
J.C. Williamson, C.J. Coburn and H.W. Schaberg, appraisers of the estate of John QUARDO, deceased, have filed their inventory and appraisement. The total value of the estate is placed at $5672.20. It consists of cash on hand amounting to $1127.20. Twenty acres of land and improvements near Pescadero is appraised at $4000. The personal property is valued at $545. Franklin SWART is the attorney for the estate.
Architect Edward FREYER is busy on plans for Abel FIBISH to remodel his house which will be quite attractive when completed.
L. FELLAMN is putting in a new sewer system for the Jefferson Hall School. He is determined to improve the conditions there.
Chester PRATT is nominated as delegate from El Carmelo Parlor, which meets in Los Angeles this year.
W.L. GREGORY, one of Daly City’s good citizens, returned last week from Marshall, California, where he had been employed for a couple of months.
Died. At Grass Valley, California, Emilio MADRIGALI, beloved brother of G. MADRIGALI, proprietor of the Hotel Italia, Mission road, Colma. A native of Italy, aged 50 years.
Mrs. Frank R. SAMPSON and her little daughters, and Frances, left Wednesday to join Mr. SAMPSON at Dinuba, where they will likely make their future home. Their many friends regret to lose such good citizens.
Rudolp KRAMER had the misfortune of getting his hand caught in a saw Monday, in the box factory in the city where he is employed. He is at the hospital, where it was learned that he will probably lose his thumb and will be laid up for two or three months.
Mrs. Margaret KOSS, who lives on Santa Ana avenue, become seriously ill Wednesday and her mental condition was so deranged that it thought best to take her before Judge Buck in Redwood City, who decided after a careful examination that the should go to St. Agnews for a few weeks. Mrs. KOSS is an unfortunate but good woman, having had great trouble lately on account of the divorce from her husband, and has the sympathy of many friends.
Resolutions of Respect
Bro. William H. ALMON. Whereas, The Almighty Ruler in His infinite wisdom, has seen fit to enter out ranks and take from us our Brother, William H. ALMON, be it.
Resolved, That it is but a just tribute to the memory of the de0parted to say in regretting his removal that, we, the members of the Colma Vista Grande Aerie, 1848, of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, mourn for one who was a faithful and conscientious worker, worthy of our highest respect; be it therefore
Resolved, That his immediate family have our sincere condolence in this, the hour of their bereavement, that has come so unexpectedly upon them, and we humbly commend them for sympathy to Him who orders all things for the best, and that this testimonial of our sympathy be forwarded to his wife, a copy be spread on our minutes and our charter be draped for thirty days.
Committee: Geo.W. SAVAGE, A.K. BODIEN, H. HARPER
James Scott CRONK Is Laid to External Rest
The remains of James S. CRONK, formerly constable of the Third township for eight years, who died at the Soldiers’ home near Los Angeles, last Sunday, arrived here Tuesday afternoon and were at once taken to the Redwood City Undertaking Parlors on Broadway. The funeral took place from there the following afternoon. Long before the hour set for the funeral service the parlors were crowded with sorrowing relatives and friends of the deceased. The beautiful services of the Methodist church were conducted by Pastor YOUNG in an impressive manner. At Union Cemetery the services were under the auspices of Embarkadero Camp, Woodmen of the World, the impressive ritual service being read by Commander F.N. HARRIS. The deceased served in the U.S. Navy during the Spanish American war, and was honorably discharged. Mr. CRONK was 37 years old.
“Jim” CRONK, as he was known by his many friends, grew up, and lived in Redwood City until a few months ago when he was afflicted with eye trouble which rendered him almost totally blind. Through the efforts of friends he was sent to the Soldiers’ Home, where it was hoped his sight might be restored. CRONK served with distinction in the navy during the Spanish American war.
He is survived by a widow, Mrs. Minnie CRONK, and three children, Bryant, Irene and Gladys, all of whom reside in this city. His mother, Mrs. BYERS, lives in San Jose and a married sister, Mrs. Charles NICHOLS, is in San Francisco. His father, the late Samuel CRONK, was the owner of a livery stable here for many years. – Times Gazette.
Every Inch a Man
J.H. FLYNN, a carpenter by carpenter by occupation and for many years a respected resident of San Mateo is seeking the office of constable for the second township. He has long been a leading spirit in the affairs of the Building Trades Council, among the members of which he knows not an enemy, and has every qualification to eminently fit him for the position. The writer has personally known him for a long time and can vouch for the truth contained in the claim made by the caption to this article. – Coast Side Comet.
Misfortunes of Angelo Michletti
That misfortunes never come singing is well illustrated in the case of Angelo Micheletti, whose ranch is in the gulch beyond the wireless telegraph station from Daly City, near what is known as the “Nigger Mitchell” ranch. He is well-known in Colma where he has a host of friends who truly sympathize with him. Angelo Micheletti came to Colma about fifteen years ago and settled on the ranch that he still owns and by the greatest industry, succeeded in the accumulation of considerable property. In fact, everything that he touched seemed to turn to cash until about a year ago.
The first disaster that befell him was an accident in which his boy was run over, necessitating the amputation of his leg, and his life was saved only by the greatest efforts that required the best medical and surgical skill. This of course cost a large sum of money, but even that did not insure the lad’s good health. Not long after that, Micheletti lost a barn, containing two car loads of valuable hay by fire, with no insurance, and during the last year eighteen of his best horses have died. The again, his brother was the victim of a runaway accident, being thrown out in front of Coakley’s road house about three months ago and was instantly killed. With all else, Micheletti’s family has been cursed with a great deal of sickness and a streak of general misfortune seems to have puvated the atmosphere, so that all his neighbors and friends are most sincerely in sympathy with him.
Twenty-five hundred candidates to Moosedom, were put through a series of rituals Sunday in Dreamland Rink and before night became full-fledged members of the order. This was one of the features of the four day’s convention started Saturday by the Moose.
Judge George CROTHERS of the Superior Court was sponsor for the applicants and went through the secret work while the newly made members looked on. Those in charge of the ceremonies were Frank MONAHA, dictator; Thomas ROACH, past dictator; Marc ANTHONY, past dictator; Frank J. DEVLIN, treasurer; Louis A. EASTON, secretary, and Dr. Louis KUTTNER, financial secretary.
After the events in Dreamland Rink a banquet, at which were seated 500, was given in Knights of Columbus Hall to the national supreme officers, who are attending the convention. Supreme Dictator Walter E. DORN made an address, reviewing the objects of the Loyal Order of Moose and the strides it has made since its inception ten years ago. He laid especial stress on the necessity of co-operation from the rank and file of the order in making Moose Heart, a city built and controlled the Moose near Aurora, Ill., a full success.
DORN was followed by James J. DAVIS of Pittsburg, supreme dictator, whose speech created enthusiasm.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific's Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
Mrs. J.J. HIGGINS, who has been very ill is improving in health
Roy McAULLIFFE, one of the surveyors who surveyed for the boulevard between Montara and Half Moon Bay has been transferred to San Gregorio.
Antone Manuel LUIS, aged 72, and well and favorably known on the Coast Side, having resided here many years, died last week.
Father BERTHOLA of Ocean View spent an enjoyable time with Father ANDRIANO in Half Moon Bay Monday and Tuesday. Being classmates in days gone by, the visit was fraught with much pleasure to both.
Fred BOISEN, manager, Omaha, Neb., branch of California Redwood Atlas Tanks, was at Farallone visiting C.J. HORN and C.M. JOHNSON. Mr. BOISEN owns property in the Coast Side Triangle and after a tour of this section he see a great future for us.
BAILEY, who confessed to a misdemeanor charge last week before Justice PITCHER in preference to standing trial for a graver offense was fined $50. He wasted lots of water when the supply was short by secretly connecting with the water company’s mains. This seems to be a case in which too much water is as hurtful to one’s pocketbook as too much wisky.
In the matter of the estate of Dominico Canepa, deceased
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Administrator of the estate of said deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four (4) months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Administrator at the office of said Administrator, South San Francisco, California, the same being his place for the transaction of the business of said estate in the said County of San Mateo, State of California.
Administrator of the estate of said deceased
Dated, Redwood City, Cal., March 18, 1914
Edw. F. Fizpatrick, Attorney for said estate
Publish 5 times
This notice first appeared in the Daly City Record, March 20, 1914
Articles of Incorporation Filed
The Alex Murdock Co. has incorporated with a capital stock of $25,000, divided into $2500 share at a par of one dollar each. The purpose is to engage in the sale of real estate and personal property. The actual amount of stock subscribed is $50 by the following stockholders, who have subscribed one share each, Alex Murdock, Fred Hambleton, Caesar Rodoni, F.F. Bacon, and J.A. McCarl.
The following marriage license was issued at San Rafael Friday: Charles E. BACON, aged 26, and Christine S. RUL, aged 25, both of Redwood City.
Harry LYNDALL has removed with his wife to Oakland. Mr. LYNDALL has accepted a position with the Standard Oil Company in San Francisco. He was employed for some time with the same company at this place, but resigned some months ago.
The population of San Mateo county was 6635 in 1870, 1880 it was 8667, in 1890 it increased to 10,087 and in 1900 it was 12,094 and in 1910 it had reached 26,185. Thus the population doubled in the past ten years and it is safe to predict that it will treble in the coming ten years.
Miss Louise PITCHER graduated with honors as a professional nurse from the Children’s hospital in San Francisco last week. She at once came here to reside with her mother and to practice her profession. Ever since she has been engaged on a case at the Huling sanitarium.
The small cottage belonging to J.J. TRAVERS on Oak avenue was destroyed by fire Thursday night. The origin of the blaze is unknown. Mr and Mrs. TRAVERS were down town at the time and when the alarm was turned in, they left for the scene of the fire at once, but before they reached there, the house was burned to the ground.
C.J. HOWARD, a chauffeur for the Kelly Livery Company of San Francisco was arrested for speeding Sunday by Motorcycle Officer Jas. LOGAN at Menlo Park, was sentenced to a fine of $20 or an alternative of two days in the county jail by Justice of the Peace Lampkin Friday. “I haven’t got the money, I guess I’ll have to go to jail,” said the prisoner. Howard was warned against speeding by Officer LOGAN several months ago.
Charles SCHMEIR passed away at his home in San Francisco last week after a brief illness. His wife was formerly Miss Lilly RUMBOL of this city.
“Friday, the 13th, Mighty Unlucky Day for Other Side,” Declares Aged Man
Loren Coburn, the 88 year-old Pescadero millionaire, walked out into Kearny street from the Hall of Justice Friday evening and was looking across the way to Stevenson’s monument where a band of Chinese children played, when a bailiff of the court hurried out and said:
“The jury has returned a verdict and they say you are competent to handle your own estate.”
The aged millionaire climbed back up the stairs so fast that it made the bailiff who followed breathless to keep up. When he got back into Judge Cabanish courtroom it was all over. The jury had been discharged. But if Coburn had needed any verification of the bailiff’s words he found it when he saw his aged wife, Mrs. Salira Coburn, kissing and shaking hands with every one there whom she knew.
Same to Jno Faber and wife. Lots 17, 18, blk 22, Rockaway Beach
Rose McDonald and husband to Mary Feldman Lots 47, 48, blk 5
A.G. Skelly to Mina Dallman 318.23 acres Ro. Carrel de Tierra
J.C. Zulk to Anna Zulk Lots 25, 26, 11, 24, blk 15 Clark Tract Lot 2 blk 100 Abbey Homestead
G.W. White et al to L. P. Pembreck Lot 18 blk 2 Vista Grande
Dalton Investment Co. to D.K. Smith Lots 10, 12, 13, 14 blk 28, Wave Crest
So. San Francisco land and Improvement Co. to W.J. Martin Lot 25, 26, blk 146, South San Francisco
C.H. Chesley et al to Fee Title Co. Lots 19, 20, 21 blk 11 University Heights
Hensley-Green Co. to S.M. Pearlman Lot 50 blk 14, third Add San Bruno Park
C.L. Paddon and wife to Western Central Corp Lots 9, blk No. San Bruno Park
Hensely-Green Co. to Joseph Geyer Lots 32, 33 blk G, San Bruno Park
T.M. Diviny to Nellie McCarthy Lot 9, and S 1-2 lot 6 blk 55, Bowles Estate Ern- Addn, San Mateo
P.W. Belton and wife to L.A. Heiner Lot 5 blk 19, Dingee Park
L.A. Heiner and wife to J.A. Walker Lot 5, 19 Dingee Park
R.H. Smith to H.J. Realini Lot 36, 37, blk 10, First Addn. Huntington park
Anglo-Cal Trust Co to R. Nelson Lots 30, 31, blk 12, Hillcrest
A. Kelly to E. Kelly Lot 3, blk 2, map 23, lots belonging to S.J. Collins and others
Glucksman-Levy Realty Co to M. Lynch. Lot 38 blk 4, Concordia
Dalton Investment Co. to Lina P. Baruth. Portion blk 8, 13, 14, 25, 31 Wave Crest
L.A. Kern to Ellen S. Kern Lots 29, 30 blk 8, Burlingame Park Sub 2
Anglo-Cal Trust Co to B.L.G. Schiff et al Lots 21, 20, 22 blk 2, Belle Air Park
H.W. Taylor and wife to J.F. Fells et al 3 acres Ro. Canada Raymundo
J. Hengeliere to F.L. Taylor Lots 28, 39, 30 blk 22 lots 41, 42, blk 21 Rockaway Beach
Atlas Land and Con Co to F. Hampton Lot 13, blk H. Redondo View
Same to same Lot 16, blk D, Redondo Beach
Ocean Shore Dev Co. to J.V. Miller Lot 27, blk 16, Marine View Terrance
D.A. Thompson et al to W.H. Groshein Lot 10, and 11, blk 30, Lyon & Hoag Sub
W.J. Bracken et al to Celia Bracken Lots 6, 7, 8, blk 17, Union Park Land Co
Ansel M. Easton and wife to L.L. Ruegg et al Lots 6, 8 blk 62 Easton Addn to Burlingame
A. Faivre to R. Valenti et al Portion lots 9, 10, blk 128 So. San Francisco
Atlas Land & Con Co. to Podjarsky Lots 19, 20 blk 4 Rodondo
J.E. McCormick to Mary H. McCormick Lot 13 blk C, San Mateo Heights
Ocean View Land & Imp Co to Josephine Lendrum Lot 17 and S. ½ lot 18 blk 27, Vista Grande
R.H. Smith to Emma M. Johnston Lots 9, 10 blk 4, Huntington Park
Brighton Beach Dev Co to M.P. Hanningan Lot 6 blk 10 Brighton Beach
A.M. Easton and wife to Laura Ames Lot 3 blk 40 Easton Addition to Burlingame
W.E. Schwar to F. Girando et al Lots 5, 6 blk 13, Tobin Park
Emmie C. Thompson to Wanda C. Thompson Lots 34, 39, 40 Burlingame Heights
Same to same Lot 2, blk 10, lot 10 blk 1, blk 4 Easton Addn to Burlingame
Jno. Creagh to A. Janowska Lot 35 blk 26 Montara Am and Sup
Brighton Beach Dev Co to C Knoll Lot 43 blk 26 Brighton Beach
Jessie A. Duhain to J.G. Duhain Lots 17, 34 Salada Beach
Albert Meyer to Chas Sonntag Lots 12, 13, 14 and Ey 3. Lots 15, 17 blk E Fair Oaks Acres
Jno H. Harch et al to C.J. Hatch 22.75 acres, portion Rancho Carral de Tierra
C.W. Buck to P. Grankhuisen and wife, lot 28, blk 36, Easton Addn to Burlingame

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