San Mateo County History
Daly City Record
27 Mar 1914
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Daly City Record
March 27 1914

Location: Daly CIty
Source: Daly City Library - Serramonte Branch
Description: General Transcription

Daly City Record
March 27, 1914

Daly City, San Mateo County, California
Vol. 5 No. 52 Friday, March 27, 1914

R.M.I, SHEFFER, aged 31, Palo Alto and Florence WHITNEY, aged 31, San Mateo
Edwin R. ANTON, aged 23, and Florence D. KRUG, aged 19, both of Burlingame
Norman B. BENNETT, aged 26 and Norma K. BENNETT, aged 21, both of Oakland
Harry ROOKARD, aged 26, San Francisco and Lily McGAHN, aged 18, Palo Alto
A.M. STREET, Jr., aged 22, Vallejo, and Elsa A. VANDERHOFF, aged 18, San Francisco
Laurence P. RICHARDSON, aged 29 and Lillyan SETH, aged 29, both of Oakland
Arthur G. ULRICH, aged 21, and Lillian S. HEWITT, aged 19, both of San Jose
Timothy FLYNN, aged 40, and Julia DANECKER, aged 31, both of San Francisco
(Initial Filming of the Newspaper has cut off a couple of letters in the ditch – when the word can be deduced – it was used, otherwise spaces will be used.)
Cases Pending, in Progress, Settled, With Interesting Details to San Mateo County Folks
Margaret L. ROGERS has brought suit against James P. ROGERS and others to quiet title to lots 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, portion of blocks 2 and 14, Brewer’s subdivision, San Mateo.
Natalia BUSCHWACHTER has brought an action against her husband, Edward BUSCHWACHTER, for an interlocutory decree of divorce on the ground of cruelty. There are no children nor community property. The couple was married in Russia on May 31, 1898.
James W. McDONNELL has commenced an action against Mervyn J. CODY, as administrator of the estate of Mary Agnes McDONNELL, deceased to quiet title to lots 19, 20, block 8, Eastern Addition to Burlingame.
Sherman Clay & Co. has brought suit against P.T. BRUNSING and others to recover possession of a piano sold to P.T. BRUNSING in February, 1911, for $750. Defendants agreed to pay for the instrument by monthly installments of $20 but defaulted in the payments and on January 17 of this year, plaintiff made a demand for the piano and failed to secure possession of it. The company besides asking for possession of the instrument, asks for damages in the sum of $500.
E.R. WHITEHEAD has commenced an action against the East San Mateo Land Company and others to foreclose a mortgage on lots 5 and __, block 18, San Mateo. The amount sought to be recovered is $1750. The note which was secured by the mortgage was executed in San Francisco on March 14, 1910 for $1750.
Ernest PORTER has brought suit against J.H. TRERISE to recover the sum of $856.25 for certain for certain services tendered defendant during the two years last past at his special instance and request. Plaintiff also asks for the sum of $49.50, money advanced the plaintiff.
Marie WOHLGEMUTH has brought divorce proceedings against her husband Morris WOHLGEMUTH of Daly City. The couple was married at Daly City on January 28, 1912. There are no children as a result of the marriage and no community property. Plaintiff asks to resume maiden name, Marie SCHLIEFER. She asks for alimony in the sum of $25 a month, costs of suit and reasonable attorney fees. Defendant earns over __00 a month.
Eugene B. LORTON, et al vs W.H. _nderhill. Return of writ continued to March 21.
Ida M. SCHNEIDER vs. W.R. SCHNIEDER. Interlocutory decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
De Laval Dairy Supply Co. vs __ind & Langley. Judgement ordered for defendant.
Edythe M. DALY vs. Arthur G. DALY. Trial dropped from calendar.
Lester DANZ vs L.L. SOLOMONS. Sale of property confirmed.
Ira M. COBE vs Arthus CRANE et al. Motion for new trail denied.
C. ETTLIN vs F.A. SMACK. Demurrer continued to March 27.
Joe SILVA vs James JACOBS. Trial set for March 30.
Walter SEALY vs Samuel KNIGHT. Trial continued to March 27.
Estate of James HATCH, deceased, final account allowed and settled and petition for distribution granted.
Estate and guardianship of Ralph NOISAT, a minor. Return of sale continued to April 16.
Judge Buck made an order directing M.H. HYNES, guarding of the estate of Loren COBURN, to make, on or before April 15, a report and account of his guardianship. Mr. Hynes has been guardian of the aged capitalist for the past two years, during which time he handled the numerous ___rs of the vast estate. The report __ be a voluminous document.
The papers in the appeal case of ___ Silva against James JACOBS from __ justice court of the second township have been filed in the county clerk’s office. Plaintiff sued defendant for $80, the price of a cow sold to JACOBS. P.E. LAMB, justice of the peace of Burlingame gave judgment to plaintiff for $20 and costs of suit amounting to $16.80.
On Wednesday Judge Buck granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to Ida M. SCHNEIDER from her husband W.R. SCHNEIDER on the ground of cruelty.
Mary Frances NASH has applied for letters of administration upon the estate of John C. NASH who died at the City of San Mateo on March 9th, 1914. The estate consists of a ranch at Half Moon Bay, having an annual rental of $550, and two parcels of land at San Mateo. The entire value of the estate does not exceed the sum of $10,000. The heirs at law are the petitioner
New Building Contracts
James E. BRITT and Patrick TROY executors of the estate of the late Nellie A. SULLIVAN, deceased, have awarded a contract to E.A. WEISENBURGER of San Francisco to erect in 120 days a burial vault in Holy Cross Cemetery, Colma for $4,600.
Miss Eva REDDING and Paul MEETH, who are attending Ursulene College at Santa Rosa, visited home folks in Daly City Sunday.
Mrs. G.W. SAVAGE has returned from a two week’s stay at San Jose, in attendance at the bedside of her mother who is quite ill.
Last week Mr and Mrs. H. WILCOX left for Fresno where they expect to make their future home. Mrs. WILCOX is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. P.H. MOLLER of Daly City.
Albert COLLI, charged with numerous raids on chicken coops of Daly City was tried before Judge Johnson Tuesday and given a 60 day sentence in the county jail where they eat beans.
Dr. G.L. MARION had a painful accident Tuesday while cutting kindling wood, when a stick flew up striking his left eye. The eyeball was considerably injured so that he went to the city to have it properly cared for.
A Birthday Party
Mrs. Katie WIGHT, whose pleasant home in on F street, near the Boulevard, Colma, gave a very fine party on the evening of St. Patricks Day, March 17, 1914, for the anniversary of her eldest daughter, Irene, she being sixteen years old.
There were about forty guests present and each joined in the spirit of the occasion. The surroundings were profusely decorated with Shamrock and evergreens, in which much taste had been displayed.
It was a surprise to see the young people of Colma – no one before realized there were so many nice young girls and boys. Each joined heartily in the fames and dances, following fine piano music and Mrs. C.P. LAMBERT’s concertina which was a band in itself.
It was certainly an occasion long to be remembered and many were the sincere wishes extended to Miss Irene, who is one of Colma’s most interesting young ladies.
Two Business Building Destroyed – Another Badly Damaged – Loss About $14,000
A few minutes after three o’clock Monday morning a brisk fire was discovered in the HEIME market on Mission street, between Knowles and Los Angeles avenues, and it gained headway so rapidly that by the time the volunteer fire company arrived the building was a mass of flames and doomed, so that efforts were exerted to save adjoining property on each side.
The water supply was fairly good but it was discovered that the Theta avenue hydrant would not work and that delayed the fire fighters considerably, so that the fire spread in both directions, consuming in its path the small real-estate office and setting fire to the large PESCARO building while to the north the new GENOCHINO building was also in flames, notwithstanding the heroic efforts that were exerted to keep the fire from spreading in that direction.
The origin of the fire is unknown except that it started in the building that is owned by Emelio SCRAMAGLIA and occupied by Louis HEIM.
The losses were as follows:
E. PESCARO, damage to building about $2,5000; stock about $3,5000. Fully insured.
Dr. F. BUSH, dentist in Pescaro building, total loss of about $1,000. Insurance $500.
Dr. G.L. MARION, physician in Pescaro building, loss about $1,000, no insurance.
Emalio SCRAMAGLIA, building $1,500 Louis HEIM, market fixtures $1,200, insured for $800.
Tony GENOCHINO, the new building on the corner of Los Angeles avenue and Mision, that was to be occupied by J. PANNELLI with a grocery stock as soon as complete, loss about $3,000.
KASSER, real estate office, loss about $150.
What Our Neighbors Along the Pacific's Shore Have Been Doing, Are Doing and Will Do
E.K. HUTCHINSON and wife of Oakland spent the week-end with Mrs. HUTCHINSON’s sister, Mrs. H. AMSELER at Farallone City.
Word has just been received by friends residing on the Coast Side of the death of Mrs. Albina B. BOFFA at her home in Petaluma.
Mrs. J.E. MEYERS of Brighton Beach was taken to San Francisco Monday where she had a very serious operation performed. Mr. MEYERS accompanied his wife to the city.
Dick DANERI is on the waterwagon again. At which the people of Half Moon Bay rejoiceth, for the streets of the town needed sprinkling, the dry weather having caused musch annoyance in migrating much dust. Dick is a good shot at deer, but when it comes to throwing rocks he is no better at it than a lefthanded cross-eyed woman. Judge KERRICK can verify this.
Death has again invaded the LUIZ household. Two weeks ago the busband and father answered the summons to pass beyond, and yesterday morning the wife and mother, Mary F. LUIZ, made the same sad journey. She was aged 55 and leaves several relatives and many friends in the community to mourn her loss.
L.H. PFISTER, an inspector of the State Dairy Bureau, swore to a warrant for the arrest of M. ALBRECT, charging him with maintaining an unsanitary dairy. ALBRECHT appeared before Justice PITCHER Friday for trial and was fined $10, with the admonition that if he did not put his dairy in proper condition within thirty days the full penalty of the law would be administered to him. He promised to be good.
Ocean Shore Dev. Co to R.J. Ganow et al Lot 4 block 16, Resub. Marine View Terrace
Same to same Lot 5 blk 16, Resub Marine View Terrace
V.W. Hogan and husband to P.R. Dickie and wife, S ½ of lots 7, 8, blk 13, Crocker Tract
R.H. Smith to Eliza Hoffman Lots 46, 47, blk 3, Huntington Park
Farallon Home Realty Co to Olive G. Shirk Lot 20 blk 31 Resub Farallone City
W.E. Schwarz to N.K. Haliatsoa Lot 15 blk 3, Tobin Park
F.I. Devlin and wife to Henry Toft, Lot 20 blk 8, Hillcrest
Guadaloupe Dev Co to J. Hannon Lot 24 blk 19 Tobin Park
W.C. Brown and wife to J.J. Beerli Lot 11 blk 41, Lyon & Hoag Sub Burlingame
J.J. Dawidschik to E.N. Mrozinski Lots 13, 14 blk 2, W W & M Sub
W.E. Schwarz to A.G. Rizavas Lot 43 blk 9 Tobin Park
Same to G.E. Zeoyas Lot 24 blk 2 Tobin Park
Same to T.P. Panagis Lots 22, 23 blk 2 Tobin Park
Same to G.A. Buches Lot 32 blk 9 Tobin Park
Geo C. Ross and wife to L. Pescaro and wife Lot 9 blk 13, Redwood Range B
W.L. DeWolfe to W.B. Partman. Lots 14, 15 blk 26, Easton Addition to Burlingame
E.S. Ogden to Harry C. Warren Lots 6, 7, blk G, El Cerrito Park
W.J. Martin and wife to W.R. Hough Portion lots 25, 26 blk 146 So. San Francisco
P.F. Roberts and wife to R.F. Roberts Lots 13, 14 Millbrae Villa Tract
F & A Levy Co to J. Carigues Lots 5, 19 blk 2 Miramontes Tract
J. Beasette to F. Pelissier and wife Lot 11, West End Homestead
Pulgas Land Co to U. Gesko S ½ lot 86 Gray Tract
E.W. Magruder and wife to B.M. Weikai Lot 9 W.W.&M. Sub
M. Butterfield to E.F. Summerson Lot 15 blk 2 $75 Lot Homestead
Hensley Realty Co et al to C.C. Skov Lot 74 blk 2 San Bruno Park
San Mateo Land Association to M. Maier and wife Lot 8 blk A, San Mateo Heights 2
Ansel M. Easton and wife to D. McMahon Lot 26 blk 8 Easton Add to Burlingame
Central Trust Co of Cal to L. McGill Lot 15 blk 11 Am Belle Air Park
W.E. Schwarz to E. Oliver Lot 26, blk 16 Tobin Park
Same to Bessie Oliver Un 1-2 lot 26, blk 16, Tobin Park
Anglo Cal. Trust Co. to J. Osian and wife Lot 11 blk 6, Hillcrest
Owners Realty Co to J.L. Henessey Lots 33, 34, 35 blk 3, Ocean Shore Tract
Mildred M. Davidson and husband to S.M. Haslett Lots 7, 8 blk 5, Bernardo Station Tract
C.M. Johnson to Karl Bareis and wife Lot 10 blk 16 Resub Farallone City
Elizabeth Beeson to W.L. Beeson Lots 8, 9, 10 blk 5, Hancocks Addn. Redwood
Cutoff Land Co to Frances D. McClellan Lot 16, blk 9, Dumbarton

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last updated: 21 May 2005