San Mateo County History
History of San Mateo County
by Philip W. Alexander, 1916



SAN MATEO COUNTY'S History with its exposition of contemporary local conditions, resources and advantages, would be incomplete without the following biographical sketches of pioneers and leading business and professional men. These supplement the history and add that intimate and personal touch, without which no work of this kind could be truly interesting.

In the following life stories may be found many of the most important events that have taken place in both early and contemporary county history.

A collection of biographies of this kind is always interesting; but their greatest value lies in the fact that they chronicle much that might otherwise be forgotten, thereby becoming of greater value as time goes on. They are arranged in no particular sequence, being printed on the following pages in the order in which they were obtained.

Frederick Ernest Beer

FREDERICK Ernest Beer, one of the proprietors of the San Mateo Garage, came to San Mateo in 1907, and with his partner, Mr. C. B. Morton, opened the San Mateo Garage and Machine Works. Since then the business has steadily grown, and today is one of the largest on the Peninsula.

Mr. Beer's early business training fitted him splendidly for the managership of a garage. By profession he was a mechanical engineer and for six years he was connected with a firm which manufactured mine supplies. He traveled into all corners of the globe installing mining maichinery. He was also engineer on various steamship lines running out of San Francisco and New York.

Mr. Beer has his share of civic pride, and every movement for the welfare of the community finds an enthusiastic supporter in him. At present Mr. Beer is Master of the San Mateo Masonic Lodge.

Frederick Ernest Beer was born in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Canada, on June 20, 1880. He has been in California fourteen years. Mr. Beer was married in San Francisco on May 23, 1903 and lives with his family at 335 Griffith Avenue.

Jesse Penton

TO Jesse Penton, landscape gardener of San Mateo, can be attributed the beauties of many of the pretentious estates for which the peninsula is famed. Mr. Penton has made San Mateo county his home for the last forty-five years and during that time he has laid out and superintended the gardening of many of the county's show places.

Hundreds of the homes around San Mateo owe their floral embellishments to Mr. Penton, but the work for which he is best known was done on the estates of Harry Hastings, Mrs. Bothin, R. G. Hooker, Henry P. Bowie, and C. Frederick Kohl, the Kohl property being at that time in the possession of Alexander Austin.

In many of his early undertakings Mr. Penton was associated with John McLaren; and when Mr. McLaren left to take charge of Golden Gate Park, Mr. Penton carried on important work that he had started on the peninsula. Mr. Penton has had charge of the Cherry Canyon Water Company for years, and under his supervision its development took place and its large distributing system was built.

Mr. Penton was a member of the building committee of the Masonic Hall Association. He unselfishly surrendered a great part of his time and energy to this project.

Jesse Penton was born near Winchester, England on October 2, 1842. He left his home in 1872 and came directly to Millbrae to D. O. Mills' estate and has been a resident of San Mateo county ever since. At present he lives with his family in his own home, 124 Santa Inez. Mr. Penton was married at the Grace Church in New York on February 18, 1907. Mr. Penton is a Mason of high standing and was one of the charter members of the Order of the Eastern Star in San Mateo.

George E. Jones

THE same high standards which mark all departments of Burlingame's city government are found in the police department which has been built up to its present state of efficiency and usefulness by George E. Jones who still retains the position lie has held for many years as Chief of Police.


In this capacity Mr. Jones has done much for Burlingame. Being a man of lofty ideals he has kept the city free from anything that would cast a single reflection on its moral status. He has had traffic rules enacted and directed the passage of vehicles through Burlingame in such a manner that this city boasts of one of the lowest rates of accidents of any city in the state. Mr. Jones and the capable officers under him have run down many daring criminals, and have recovered stolen goods whose value to their owners can hardly be estimated.

In addition to his activity in the police department, Mr. Jones has served the city in many other capacities. When the town was first incorporated he was appointed Health Officer and Superintendent of Streets by the first board of trustees.

The growth of Burlingame has multiplied many times since he first took office; and has now become a city which has relieved him of these duties. He still retains the responsible position of License and Tax Collector, together with Chief of Police and Truant Officer for the Burlingame School District.

For his efficiency, honesty and ten years of faithful service, his friends awarded him a gold badge of his office.

George E. Jones was born in San Francisco on July 13, 1869. He received his early schooling in San Francisco, and later attended St. Matthew's Military Academy when it was located on Baldwin avenue in San Mateo, on the ground where the High School now stands.

After finishing school he entered business in San Francisco where he remained until ten years ago, when he moved to Burlingame. Mr. Jones is one of the leading members of the Burlingame Commercial Club and the Royal Arcanum. He resides with his family in his own home at 226 Myrtle Road.

Mrs. George C. Ross

THERE is not a resident of San Mateo County whose life history is more closely woven into the fabric of the chronology of this county than Mrs. Geo. C. Ross. Having lived here the best part of her life, she has the added distinction of being the second white child born in San Mateo—Mrs. Frank Miller, now a resident of Berkeley, being the first.

Possessed of sufficient wealth to live in any part of the world, San Mateo County has nevertheless always been her first choice.

When married, on December 24, 1877, in San Mateo, she went with her husband to Redwood City to live, but remained there only a short time. The Rosses next took up their residence upon a 60-acre park in Belmont, where a beautiful home was erected. They remained there for twenty years; but during all this time Mrs. Ross cherished a desire to set up a permanent residence in San Mateo. This wish was fulfilled when the Rosses came to San Mateo in 1913 and built the home which they now occupy at 9th and Laurel Avenue. This in only a quarter of a mile from the place where Mrs. Ross was born.

It was at St. Matthews Church that Mrs. Ross was baptized when a child—as were her children and grand children in later years. Here also she was confirmed and has always attended church services.

Mrs. Ross was educated at the fashionable Laurel Hall School, many of whose graduates are among the peninsula's leading families.

Mr. Donald, her father, came to the county in 1851 and purchased a tract of land where the Parrott Estate is now located. Speaking Spanish fluently, Mr. Donald rapidly won the confidence of the Indians who could converse only with the white man in this tongue, and who at that time formed no inconsiderable portion of the population. His holdings ran from the Hayward place to Laurel Creek.

Living so long in the county, Mrs. Ross has been able to notice every interesting phase of its growth. Particularly noticeable has been the solving of the transportation problem for residents of the county—especially to San Francisco which in the early days meant a trip which consumed a day each way when one went upon a shopping tour.

Mrs. Ross has taken an active and prominent part in the club life of the peninsula being a member of the San Mateo Woman's Club, the Burlingame Woman's Club, life member of the Redwood City Woman's Club, an honorary member of the Board of the Auxilliary of the P. P. I. E., and a member of the Laurel Hall Club, whose membership list is made up of the graduates of Laurel Hall School which Mrs. Ross attended when a girl.

Mr. George C. Ross has practiced law thirty-seven years in the county with headquarters in Redwood City. There are three sons; Dr. D. H. Ross, practicing in San Jose; Hall C. Ross and Lee T. Ross, both practicing law with their father in Redwood City.

Ernest L. Norberg

ARCHITECT Ernest L. Norberg and his associate, Architect Thos. M. Edwards, with offices in the Phelan Building, San Francisco, have through their branch office in the Bank Building at Burlingame established a thriving clientele in this community. Judging from the number of public and private buildings already constructed from their designs and under their supervision, the future prominence of this firm is assured.


Mr. Norberg's early architectural training was obtained at Hopkins Art Institute, and later under the American Society of Beaux Arts. He was afterward associated with the most prominent architects of San Francisco, including Willis Polk, whom he assisted in designing such magnificent structures as the new Hobart Building and the Templeton Crocker residence in Hillsborough.

Mr. Norberg is well known in Club circles, being a member of the San Mateo Elks, Peninsula Club, California Auto Association, the San Francisco Architects Club and was recently highly honored by being elected a Chapter Member of the American Institute of Architects. He has always taken active interest in public affairs and is at present a member of the Burlingame Park Commission. Mr. Norberg is a native of Omaha, Nebraska, but has resided in San Mateo County for the past nine years.

Mark E. Ryan

MARK E. Ryan, electrical contractor and proprietor of Ryan's Electrical Store in the Sequoia Hotel Bldg., Redwood City, arrived in that city seven years ago, after he had traveled in all parts of the United States. The climatic advantages and business opportunities quickly appealed to Mr. Ryan, and he decided to establish himself in business in Redwood City and make it his home.

Mr. Ryan has had a wide and varied experience in electrical work which he has followed since boyhood. After completing his education in New York City, he worked as a lineman in New York and large cities of the east. Since then he has been in charge of important work for large companies in all parts of the United States.

Mr. Ryan's electrical store is one of the thriving businesses of Redwood City and one of the most complete and best equipped shops of its kind on the peninsula. This firm has taken many large contracts for the electrical work in public buildings, industrial plants and country mansions; and the character of its work is known in all parts of the county.

Mark E. Ryan was born in New York City on February 15, 1884. He was married in San Mateo in 1909 to Miss Mary Britt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Britt, pioneer residents of San Mateo. He has three children, Mark E. Jr., Walter and Thomas. In addition to the Ryan Electrical Shop, Mr. Ryan has property interests in Redwood. He is at presemt City Electrician and Chief of the Fire Department in Redwood City. In fraternal circles Mr. Ryan is affiliated with the Masons, Woodmen of the World and the Odd Fellows.

William Henry Barg

 FEW of the San Mateo county offices have a better reputation for efficiency than the office of County Recorder William Barg. His system, modern and up-to-date in every respect, is known through the bay regions as a model of its kind.

Mr. Barg is the son of one of Redwood's best known and highly respected citizens and is himself well known throughout the county.

When the Supervisors elected him to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Harold O. Heiner, Mr. Barg's agreeable personality, accommodating manners and ability to carry on the work of his office, soon made him one of San Mateo county's most popular officials.

William Henry Barg was born in Hollister, Cal., on September 17, 1882. He received his primary and preparatory education in the public schools of San Francisco. He completed his education at the Sacred Heart College.

Having specialized in accountancy and bookkeeping while in college, Mr. Barg followed this line of work after leaving school. He held many positions and was connected with many firms, gaining a wide experience in his chosen line of work. Mr. Barg had a responsible position with one of the largest firms on the coast, when he resigned to become County Recorder.


Mr. Barg is well known for his interest in the "national game." Back in 1905-6-7-8 and 9 he was a familiar figure upon the local diamond. From 1908 to 1909 he managed the Redwood Team; and they used to have from 1200 to 1500 people at the games when San Mateo and Redwood City crossed bats.

Barg is a member of the Elks and the Native Sons.

Jean Perichon

MR. Perichon is the popular host at the Perichon House; and in the role of hotel keeper and genial host is probably one of the best known and well liked characters in the city of San Mateo as well as the entire county.

Mr. Perichon was born at Vichy, France, September 24, 1870, just a few months before the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. When a comparatively young man he came to America where he has lived ever since during the last twenty-one years. His first years in this country were spent in New York City where he followed the occupation of hotel keeper with marked success and achieved an enviable reputation in his chosen calling.

After five years he decided to come to California; and it so happened that he came first to San Mateo where he has lived ever since.

Ten years ago Mr. Perichon was married to a lady of his own country, Miss Eugenie Rouquette. The couple have two children, Jeanne, aged three and Marguerite who is eight years old.

At the time of his marriage Mr. Perichon purchased the property upon which he built the attractive hotel which he is still running. The Perichon House was originally built with one dining room in the front, but this has since been added to and the dining room enlarged to accomodate the ever increasing patronage.

The Perichon House was the first structure erected upon the Taylor Addition which ran from the Wisnom property to the county road and was surrounded by the Catholic Church, Red Cross Hospital, High School Gymnasium, High School and the Public Library. It seems hard to realize—so fast has the city grown—that at that time there was no road passing the hotel. Now the well paved street passing the Perichon House is only one of hundreds of miles of well paved roads that now gridiron the entire county.

Edward Buchmann

EDWARD Buchmann is one of San Mateo's oldest merchants, having been in business in that city for more than a score of years. He was founder of Buchmann's Hotel and the San Mateo Bakery, both of which have become old landmarks and have kept up with the pace of the times. For many years Mr. Buchmann was the proprietor of a wholesale liquor store. In 1914 he bought out the San Mateo grocery and combined it with his liquor business. He now operates them both under the name of "E. Buchmann & Co., Wines and Groceries."

Mr. Buchmann has been a persistent good roads advocate. Long before the days of the automobile he fought for paved streets and good roads, declaring that the time would come when they would be the county's greatest asset. Now that he has seen his prediction fulfilled he is still interested in any new boulevard project. Mr. Buchmann is also an automobile enthusiast. No highway or byway within one hundred miles has escaped his notice.

In Mr. Buchmann the proposed municipal baths at San Mateo Beach have a staunch supporter. This has been a pet scheme of his for many years and he says he expects to see it become a reality just as he realized his dream of good roads.

Mr. Buchmann was born in Alsace on October 12, 1864, when that province was a part of France. He left his native land for America thirty-one years later. Mr. Buchmann is a member of the Masons and the Elks lodges.

James V. Swift

JAMES Vincent Swift, postmaster of Redwood City and editor and proprietor of the Redwood City Democrat, is one of the county's best known and respected citizens. Born in January 1862 at West Union, a few miles from Redwood, Mr. Swift has lived and wrought his career in San Mateo County.

After receiving his early education in the Redwood schools Mr. Swift entered the printing office of the Times-Gazette at the early age of seventeen. He soon mastered the mechanical and editorial ends of the paper and in 1898 he had advanced sufficiently to buy a half interest in the Democrat. In 1902 this paper became his sole property and has so remained. Mr. Swift has succeeded well in his ambition to make his paper one of the most progressive and enterprising in the county; and no move for civic betterment or the public good has failed to find a staunch supporter in Mr. Swift and his paper.


Mr. Swift's deep interest in Redwood's progress has caused him to serve four terms as city assessor, three terms as city trustee and five terms as trustee of the Redwood school district. Although San Mateo was recognized as a strong republican county, Mr. Swift has worked untiringly and fearlessly for the democratic party. As a fitting tribute to his party loyalty came Mr. Swift's appointment as postmaster this year. No appointment to public office ever received more genuine approval.

Mr. Swift has been married and has a son, Arthur and a daughter, Eileen (Mrs. J. J. McCormick). Arthur is head of the mechanical department of the Democrat, the editorial being in charge of Mr. James Hedge, since Mr. Swift took over the duties of postmaster. Mr. Swift belongs to the Native Sons, and the Eagles.

John E. Casey

Mr. Casey was born in the county where he has spent both his activities in business and public life.

He was born on January 10, 1861 in San Mateo and grew up on his father's ranch of 327 acres which was located just six miles out of town. About sixteen years ago this ranch was sold by Michael Casey, his father, to the Spring Valley Water Company at a fraction of the amount that the land would command at the present time.

Mr. John E. Casey has successfully turned his talents to two totally different pursuits, dairying and contracting. For thirteen years he had charge of the Palace Hotel Dairy with headquarters in San Francisco. When it was proposed to move the dairy over to Mill Valley, Mr. Casey who did not believe this was practical, refused to manage the business any longer under those circumstances. As a result, the Palace Hotel Company gave up this plan and have thereafter bought their milk, rather than assume the responsibility of running a dairy without Mr. Casey's assistance.

Mr. Casey then went into the contracting business, devoting his energies to street paving. He has done a great deal of work on the State Highway as well as such private contracts as the picturesque De Sabla driveway and the roads and drives upon the Parrott Estate.

Besides his private business interests, Mr. Casey found time to serve the city both as town trustee and as school trustee. This was five years ago, and he has since been asked to run again for school trustee, but refused as he desired to devote all his time to his rapidly increasing business interests.

On January 6, 1886, Mr. Casey was married in San Mateo to Miss Anne Josephine Coleman, of the well known Coleman family. Mr. Casey has a son, Harold and a daughter Irene. Mr. Harold Casey is in the motor truck business and contracting business for himself, with headquarters in the Coleman Building, San Mateo.

E. C. Cottier

EUGENE Charlie Cottier who owns a plumbing and tinning establishment at No. 37 B Street, San Mateo, is a man who did not learn his trade "from the ground up" but "from the box up." He was just a youngster in short pants when he first took up the solder irons, and in order to work on the high bench he had to stand on a soap box. This old shop in Minneapolis where he learned his primary lessons in the trade, still stands; and Mr. Cottier is still known to the old hands there as the man who learned his trade "from the box up."

The thoroughness with which Mr. Cottier learned his profession is exemplified in his establishment which is one of the most modern and complete in the State. He put in the plumbing in many of the large country places. One of the branches of his establishment is an extensive wholesale department.

The pursuit of his chosen profession has taken Mr. Cottier to five different cities since leaving his home in Minnesota twenty-eight years ago. He established himself in Sacramento then sold out and started business in San Francisco. Believing that greater opportunities awaited him in Paso Robles he went there and started a plumbing and hardware store. After devoting several years to this business he disposed of it, to again return to San Francisco.

It was here that reverses overtook him, and he came to San Mateo penniless to start anew. Although a total stranger, Mr. Cottier gradually built up a business which although only ten years old, is one of the largest on the peninsula.


Eugene Charlie Cottier was born in Owatonna, Minnesota, on Septemher 10, 1868. His father was a tailor. He spent his boyhood days there and was married in 1885. Since becoming proprietor of a successful plumbing establishment, Mr Cottier has done considerable traveling. With his wife and son, John Eugene Cottier, who is ten years old, he has made three trips to Europe and has toured the United States. Mr. Cottier and his family live at 522 South E Street, San Mateo.

Erik O. Lindblom

NO fiction story teems more with interest than the biography of Erik O. Lindblom, millionaire mine owner, capitalist and banker. From the time he left his home in Sweden at the tender age of seventeen until he uncovered untold riches in the frozen gravel of Alaska, his life has been one of adventure with hardship and good fortune intermingling.

Mr. Lindblom's father was a wealthy and highly respected land owner and school master in Sweden. Misfortune dealt him a severe blow when by going bondsman for a relative, a large dam which he signed the bond for was washed out, dissipating the fortune he had spent a lifetime accumulating.

Although Erik Lindblom was only seventeen, he set out into the world to recover the family's lost wealth. Born and reared in the iron and copper region he had a fundamental knowledge of mining; and his quest for precious metals took him to Russia, Germany, France, England and finally back to his native land. He had met with fair success, but believing greater treasures lay hidden in the mountains of this continent he came to America in 1886 and engaged in mining in Colorado, Idaho and Montana.

In 1898 Mr. Lindblom went to Alaska and suffered hardships of the Frozen North for months. Sleeping bags were the only beds he knew, and twice he found himself on the verge of death from starvation when he ran out of provisions. At various times he fell through the ice which wind and tide keeps in almost constant motion in the Behring Sea and the Alaskan rivers. It was only his skill as a swimmer that saved him from being sucked down into the icy flow.

Late that winter coming as a reward to his toil and hardship Mr. Lindblom uncovered the first gold found in Nome, Alaska, and founded the extensive mining interests there which have produced more than fourteen million dollars worth of gold. Since then Mr. Lindblom has divided his time between San Francisco and Alaska, making annual trips north.

Besides his mine holdings Mr. Lindblom has extensive interests in Canada, Washington, California and Mexico. He is a large stockholder in some banks, water companies and steamships, and is the sole owner of the Parral Electric Light, Telephone and Water Co., at Parral, Mexico, as well as mines in California and Mexico.

Mr. Lindblom has many important fraternal affiliations. He holds a life membership in many orders. Among them are the Order of the Eastern Star, The Masons, the Elks, the Odd Fellows, the Woodman of the World, Knight Templars, Olympic Club, Artie Club of Seattle, the Swedish Club of San Francisco and Seattle, the San Francisco Press Club, the Artie Brothers and Pioneers of Alaska.

Last year he was appointed Commissioner to the Exposition by King Gustav of Sweden, and later was knighted by that monarch, being presented with the Royal Order of Vassa of the first degree.

Mr. Lindblom was born in Dalarna, Sweden on June 27, 1857.

Roy Donald Mullenhour

ROY Donald Mullenhour, proprietor and manager of the San Mateo Motor Car Co., of San Mateo, is making the study of automobiles and mechanics his life work. Mr. Mullenhour received his first training in the bicycle and novelty shop of his father in a small Ohio town. He showed such skill and natural aptness at this sort of work that it was quickly decided he should follow it throughout his career.

Mr. Mullenhour became an expert in repairing bicycles but when automobiles came into use he branched out into this more promising field as it developed from the old "one-lungers" to the latest and most perfected type of car.

Coming to California six years ago, Mr. Mullenhour found little trouble in establishing himself here. He went to work for the San Mateo Garage and soon became foreman of the repair department. He then went to the Andrew Smith Garage where he acted in a similar capacity. His success was so pronounced that Mr. Mullenhour decided to profit from the fruits of his labor and go into business for himself. The result of this determination is the San Mateo Motor Car Co., on Second Avenue. This big concrete garage with 7000 feet of floor space is one of the largest and most up-to-date on the peninsula. It was only recently that the Peninsula Rapid Transit Company appreciating the advantages of this place decided to house and repair its big busses there in preference to building its own garage.

Roy Donald Mullenhour was born in Lima, Ohio, on August 1, 1887. He was married at Covington, Kentucky, on June 10, 1905 and has two children who attend the San Mateo schools, Roy Donald, Jr., and. Helen Margaret.

Stephen Edward Throwell

STEPHEN Edward Throwell is one of San Mateo county's citizens who testifies to his loyalty by having lived here from the time of his birth. Born here 45 years ago Mr. Throwell has turned a deaf ear to flattering offers to leave his native home, and preferred to stake his lot with this community.

Mr. Throwell is one of Lomita Park's energetic residents. When this district was covered with large ranches, and the few residents were the inhabitants of the houses on those large undivided tracts, Mr. Throwell saw a future in the present Lomita Park where the man of moderate means could enjoy all the charms of country life. The doubled tracks of the Southern Pacific, the electric cars from San Francisco, and the paved highway are all predictions Mr. Throwell made for Lomita Park years ago.

In addition to the interest taken by Mr. Throwell in all the civic and public movements in the last twenty years, he has served the people in several capacities. He is a member of the Board of Health of the city of San Mateo, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Millbrae district and sanitary inspector of the cities of Burlingame and San Mateo. In this office he has installed a system of sanitary inspection that is unrivaled in any small community.

Stephen Edward Throwell was born in San Mateo County. In addition to being manager of the Lomita Park Water Works, he is engaged in a general real estate and insurance business. Mr. Throwell is a member of San Mateo lodge, No. 1112, B. P. O. Elks.

Major Bert Johnson

FOR its advancement in the last three years San Mateo county owes no more to any one citizen than Major Bert Johnson of Montara, president of the San Mateo County Development Association and chairman of the advisory road commission. In an unparalleled spirit of county loyalty Mr. Johnson has relegated his important personal interests into the background to devote practically all his time and energy to the momentous civic tasks that have been thrust on his shoulders.

When Mr. Johnson accepted the presidency of the San Mateo County Development Association two years ago, he said he would make it a banner year. So great were the fruits of his efforts that some of the county's most influential men urged him to accept the presidency for one more year that he might carry to completion the great undertakings that he had started. Again his spirit of loyalty overcame his personal duties, and he consented to surrender one more year of time and vim to the county.

During this time Mr. Johnson has represented the county at conventions of civic bodies at San Francisco and different parts of the state. He has become a national authority on highways and development work, and has directed the vast undertakings of the Development Associations. As chairman of the advisory roads commission he carefully watched the expenditure of the $1,250,000 bond issue for good roads in the county.

What time Mr. Johnson allows himself to devote to personal interests finds him secretary and manager for large real estate projects at Montara on the coastside, manager of big land and cattle companies in Mexico and associated with business projects throughout the state.

Major Bert Johnson was born in Iowa in 1874. He has lived in San Mateo county for eight years. Sixteen years ago he was married in San Francisco. Mr. Johnson is a Mason and a member of the Sequoia Club of San Francisco.

Charles E. Hart

"LET'S go to Hart's Theatre tonight."

The writer took out his pencil and paper and started to figure out just how many times San Mateans said these magic words each evening after supper as they were planning the evening's amusement. How many times do they say this each month—and how many hundreds of thousand times a year?

Mr. Hart is known as the owner and manager of Hart's Theatre located in the heart of town on B Street, and has earned the reputation of being a sterling business man who has made most of his money right here in San Mateo—and is spending it right here where he has earned it.

Mr. Charles E. Hart was born in London on Dec. 15, 1869, and took up his residence in the United States eighteen years ago, having been a resident of California only eight years, seven of which he has spent in San Mateo.

The foundation of Mr. Hart's prosperity was laid in following his chosen vocation—music. He made considerable money as musical director of several comic opera companies in New York, composing many of the most successful productions himself. Many of his ealry compositions are still on the market.

Mr. Hart started in the moving picture line in San Mateo with a small theatre, and when the Elks built their home here, he leased the first floor for a moving picture and vaudeville theatre which proved a great success. From this investment he built Hart's Theatre, a thoroughly up-to-date playhouse at a cost of $20,000, equipping it only a short time ago with a pipe organ that cost $6,000. It is an admitted fact that there is not a town on the Pacific coast the size of San Mateo that can boast of a more popular playhouse.

Mr. Hart received a thorough musical education in conservatories of the highest order in the old country, where he was organist in various Catholic Churches. Besides his duties as manager of the theatre, Mr. Hart is director and manager of an up-to-date and complete orchestra which supplies the different clubs and homes of this part of the peninsula with music for entertainments as well as the society circles of Burlingame and Hillsborough.

Has Mr. Hart a "hobby"? Yes, he certainly has—and when you ask him this question his eyes brighten, and he will inform you that his "hobby" is music, as he derives most of his pleasure in life from this source. He was married in New York City in 1898. Mrs. Hart, who is a native daughter of this state, born in San Francisco, is also a talented musician having been educated in San Francisco and New York, after which she appeared in several high-class productions as prima donna, as well as in concert work.

Since the Harts have located in San Mateo, she has appeared several times in local concerts and answered frequent calls for professional work in San Francisco.

Mr. and Mrs. Hart are firm believers in every phase of home production—that loyal San Mateans should patronize local merchants and thereby help build up the locality in which they live.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Mr. Hart's sudden death last February, just a short time before this volume went to press, came as a great shock to his family and hosts of friends in San Mateo County.

Mrs. E. S. Hunt

MR. and Mrs. Hunt are some of San Mateo's pioneer families and on Mrs. Hunt's side come from a family of pioneers. Mr. and Mrs Hunt originally settled in the immediate neighborhood of their present home, 317 Ellsworth avenue, at a time when there were only two or three neighbors within calling distance. They bought their home direct from the Howards who at that time practically owned the entire city of San Mateo. Two picturesque log cabins were erected on their lots, one of which they occupied themselves. One of these cabins was burned down not so long ago, but another was soon erected in its place. These cabins stand today as one of the show places of San Mateo, simple yet artistic and inviting from the outside. The interior of Mrs. Hunt's cabin is the very picture of an ideal home with its dainty furniture, wide tiled fireplace and beautiful fixtures. The grounds surrounding it are laid out in harmonious detail and fenced in by a low wall of rustic redwood boards.

Mr. and Mrs. Hunt were married in the east on October 21, 1868 on a farm near Trenton, New Jersey, and soon after this came out to California and settled in San Mateo where they have been living for the last twentyfive years, with the exception of a short period spent in San Francisco and Stockton.

Mr. Hunt was a successful dry goods merchant and dealt largely also in wholesale millinery. He has now retired from active business and is living comfortably off the proceeds of the money he made in his earlier and more active years.

Mrs. Hunt comes from a family noted for their longevity, springing from the Philadelphia Biddles, her grandmother being a Biddle. Both her mother and father lived to a ripe old age and passed the last years of their lives close to their daughter; both died under her roof.

No couple in San Mateo have a larger number of loving friends than Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, as their circle of acquaintances embraces not only those who are numbered among the early settlers of the town, but large numbers who have built their homes in San Mateo in the later years.

Mrs. Hunt belongs to the Laurel Chapter of the Eastern Star; and Mr. Hunt is a member of the Knights of Pythias which he joined in 1877 in Stockton, affiliating himself with Centennial No. 138.

Dr. William C. McLean

IT is safe to say that it would be hard to find any city or county official in San Mateo County whose duties keep him busier than do those of Dr. William C. McLean, Health Officer and Dairy Veterinarian for the city of San Mateo.

Dr. McLean was born in Palo Alto and came to San Mateo when a boy. Since then, up to the present time he has resided in the county almost continuously. He began his education in his chosen profession, in the Veterinarian Department of the University of California which was located at Post and Fillmore Streets, San Francisco. When the University discontinued this department, he completed his course at the San Francisco Veterinary College.

His first important public appointment was Veterinary Inspector for the federal government during 1906-07 when his office was located in San Francisco. Dr. McLean's next appointment was for the office which he now holds, undertaking this work two years ago. Accomplishment has always been the keynote to Dr. McLean's public stewardship. Instead of being content to follow his work in the beaten path, Dr. McLean has systematized his work along original lines so that he has been able to accomplish daily an almost amazing amount of work.

The passage of ordinance No. 175 on December 8, 1913, was accomplished by Dr. McLean's efforts; and is a piece of legislation that reflects great credit upon the city government of San Mateo. It provides for the inspection of meat and meat products, and prevents the sale of that which is not up to high standard, providing for its condemnation and destruction.

Dr. McLean is a member of the San Mateo Odd Fellows, No. 265. He maintains headquarters at the Wisnom Hotel.

W. L. Glascock

MR. Glascock is principal of the San Mateo Union School. This short statement is perhaps the most interesting fact in Mrs. Glascock's life; and is the keynote to his chosen vocation,—education.

He was born in Indiana, and has been a resident of California for a period of seventeen years, four of which have been spent in San Mateo with the school department of that city.

Mr. Glascock graduated from the University of Indiana, in Bloomington, with the degree of A. B., having worked his way through that college.

His next move was to come out to California and take up post graduate work at Stanford University, where he graduated with his master's degree in 1906.

Glascock is president of the California Scholastic Federation; Secretary of the California Teachers' Association and a member of the California Teachers' Council. He belongs to the San Mateo Lodge No. 226 of the F. & A. Masons; B. P. O. E. No. 1112 and the Sigma Chi fraternity at Indiana, Lambda Chapter, and the Alpha Omega Chapter of this fraternity at Stanford.

W. F. Turnbull

MR. W. F. Turnbull occupies a place of undisputed prominence in the history of San Mateo County, not only because of his present position as Superintendent of the San Mateo Water Company, but by virtue of his successful enterprises in the lumber business—undertaken recently, as well as his achievements in the field of landscape gardening.

To tell the story of Mr. Turnbull's life aright, it is necessary to start from the first chapter of his life which opens in the month of March in 1847, when he was born in the town of Alva, Scotland.

His first business experience was in the tweed wool manufacturing industry in the Old Country where he learned the wool trade thoroughly—from the "sheep's back to the finished cloth." While still in the Old Country he took up gardening, serving his apprenticeship at Tulliallan Castle and it was this profession that he followed when he came to America in 1870, and to California in 1874 and got his start.

Mr. Turnbull assumed full charge of the buildings and the gardening work of the W. H. Howard place from 1887 to 1897, being retained when Charles Crocker bought this estate, and remaining there until 1907.

In 1903 Mr. Turnbull entered the lumber business with the Jas. Wisnom Lumber Company and became a silent partner from 1903 to 1906. He continued as a member of the firm when it was succeeded by the Loop-Wisnom Lumber Company. Then he became identified with the San Mateo Water Company of which the Peninsula Water Company is the successor. This company of which he is the superintendent is a sound financial success. It draws its supply from local wells and a riparian right with the Spring Valley Company which entitles it to 30,000 gallons of water daily. Mr. Turnbull controls a large interest in this company.

Mr. Turnbull believes in taking an active part in public life, as his serving on the Board of School Trustees, readily shows; he still nevertheless does not care for politics as he considers it a rather expensive profession to follow.

He is a member of the San Mateo Elks Club and.of the Masonic Order, Royal Arch Chapter F. & A. M., of San Mateo.

Mrs. Mary J. Linsay

TO help our fellow travelers as we meet them along the highway of life is commendable, but there is one way of doing good that far surpasses this—and that is to "help people help themselves."

Mrs. Mary J. Linsay makes this a business, helping people help themselves—and we are informed that it is a paying business. In short Mrs. Linsay operates a busy and successful employment agency in San Ma teo at 338 Minnie Street within only a few doors of her home.

Coming out to California with her father twenty-five years ago to settle in San Mateo she can justly lay claim to the distinction of being one of the pioneer residents of this city.

John Cook, her father achieved a successful career as a landscape gardener, having laid out the D. 0. Mills home at Millbrae, and some other fine residences at Piedmont, California.

In August 6, 1901 her marriage to Thomas Linsay took place in San Mateo. From the very start the couple prospered so that in a few years they were able to purchase considerable San Mateo real estate. Unfortunately Mr. Linsay did not live to enjoy the fruits of his labor but passed on but a few years ago leaving his estate to his widow. This includes the home at 324 Minnie St. together with considerable other real property.

Mrs. Linsay takes an active interest in public matters as well as social and fraternal affairs. Whenever elections are called on important civil matters, she always answers the call of the poles. A charter member of the Eastern Star, Laurel Chapter 186; and also of the Rebekahs, having once been their District Deputy, Mrs. Linsay feels that she has done—and is now doing her full duty in these channels of fraternal endeavor. In both these lodges she occupied every chair and rose as high as was possible.

Mrs. Linsay did not enter the Employment business; on the contrary, it came to her—gradually at first, when her friends sent her business. "Go to Mrs. Linsay, she will find you a position" they would say to anyone who was looking for work or help. The business proved to be pleasant work, and so, although she was amply well provided for, she decided to continue in this work, simply because she liked it and realized that in this field there are unlimited opportunities for well-doing. Many the girl she has not only found a position for but taken into her home and cared for her as a guest until a position could be found for her.

Clarence S. Crary

MR. Clarence S. Crary is not only a banker, but has in the comparatively few years of his business career, earned the title of "Builder of Banks." Mr. Crary is the Cashier of the Bank of Burlingame, and resides in Burlingame, where he is prominently identified with the business and social life of that city, being the Treasurer of the Burlingame Commercial Club and the Treasurer of the Merchants' Association of San Mateo and Burlingame. He is also a member of the San Mateo lodge of Elks, and a member of the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity at Stanford University, where he graduated with the class of 1903.

Mr. Crary was born in Boone, Iowa March 30, 1879 and attended preparatory school at Grinnell, Iowa, where he went to Grinnell College prior to entering Stanford University, California. Upon graduation, he accepted a position with the St. Francis Hotel as Assistant Clerk.

Shortly before the San Francisco fire he left the hotel to enter the real estate business where he was associated with Bovee Toy & Co., San Francisco.

His first step in the banking business came after this. From 1906 to 1908 he was cashier of the Mayfield bank. From there he went to the Merchants National Bank of San Francisco where he remained a year in the capacity of Assistant Cashier of their Fillmore Street Branch, and was promoted to receiving teller of the main bank on Market Street.

About this time, Clinton E. Worden of the First National Bank of San Francisco was establishing banks in and about the oil fields, and sought out Mr. Crary to assist him in this work. This string of banks included Maricopa, Taft, Wasco, Bakersfield and Richmond, California. During this period Mr. Crary erected two bank buildings in the oil fields.

In addition to assisting in the organization of these banks, Mr. Crary occupied the position of Assistant Cashier of the First National Bank of Maricopa. Later he assisted in the organization of the First National Bank of Taft of which he was cashier. From Taft he came to assume the position he now holds with the Bank of Burlingame, of which he is a large stockholder. During the time he has been with this local bank, which is practically three years, the bank's business has just doubled in volume. Mr. Crary's brother, Chas. J. Crary is also in the banking business, being Vice-President of the First National Bank of Richmond, California.

Mrs. E. O. Lindblom

MRS. Lindblom has achieved a notable success in her chosen field of endeavor—the motion picture world, not only as a producer but as an actress of exceptional ability. Although very wealthy in her own name, and with the millions of her husband behind her to draw upon, Mrs. Lindblom has chosen to work—and work hard—for the motion picture business is, as everybody knows, one of the most exacting in the world. The hours are long and the work is strenuous.

This is especialy true in the case of Mrs. Lindblom, who not only plays the leading parts in her productions but carries upon her shoulders the entire responsibility and all the worries of her producing organizations, the Liberty and the Banner Film Companies.

Mrs. Lindblom was born in Oakland on September 29, 1890 where she attended Miss Horton's school. Upon graduation she traveled extensively. When sojourning in Alaska she met and later married Mr. Lindblom at San Francisco. In 1914 she decided upon her return to San Mateo where the Lindbloms established their residence, to devote all of her time to motion picture work. In July of that year the studio was built, and the Liberty Film Company was launched, followed in a short period by the Banner Film Company which latter was for the production of one and two reel comedies. Mrs. Lindblom is president of both companies and owns a controlling interest in both.

One of the greatest difficulties that confronted Mrs. Lindblom was finding efficient, loyal workers; and it is a fact that only three of the original staff still remain, while a corps of exceptionally efficient actors has been gathered; so that now, no more fully equipped and organized companies can be found upon the Pacific Coast than the Liberty and the Banner companies. The studios are very compact and complete in every detail, including three stages, a property room, garage, laboratory, carpenter shop, and a room for the projection of their own pictures before they are placed upon the market. There is also a complete scenario department, although it is the policy of the companies to purchase scenarios that have real merit and can be used to advantage.

Mrs. Lindblom selected San Mateo for her studios because of its splendid scenery, good climate and congenial people who, in an admirable spirit of local patriotism, have almost invariably allowed the use of their premises for the production of the companies' various scenes.

Mrs. Lindblom selected Mr. Anderson to assume the responsibility of managing both her companies. He also acts as secretary and manager. Mr. R. H. Mauser is the producing director and part owner of the Banner Company and is perhaps better known as "Bill Stinger" the editor of a witty little magazine called "Stung."

Mrs. Lindblom has a home at 28 Presidio Terrace, San Francisco. She is a member in that city to the Rebekahs and the Eastern Star as well as an active working member of the Theosophical Society. She is deeply interested in all things occult and has done some interesting original work along these lines, although her greatest claim to public recognition is in the moving picture world. It is in this latter field that her future greatest efforts will be staged, in the production of some big ideas that she is quietly working out, to be developed in the near future.

Some of Sadie Lindblom's productions—for this is her stage name—are "The Crumpled Letter," "The Plaid Coat," "The Movie Nut," "Love Finds a Way," and many others.

Ebenezer E. Cunningham

EBENEZER E. Cunningham was born April 6, 1839 in Marion County, Missouri. He received his education in the public schools of Iowa. At the age of 18 years he emigrated to the Territory of Nebraska. He enlisted in the Civil War and served as 2nd Duty Sergeant in Co. C, 2nd Nebraska Cavalry and in the 48th Missouri Infantry as 1st Lieutenant of Co. K. In 1868 Mr. Cunningham was elected to the Nebraska State Senate from the first district (Richardson County) and reelected in 1870, was elected President of the State Senate and presided at the impeachment trial of Governor David Butler, session of 1870 and 1871.


In March 1871 was appointed U. S. Surveyor General for Nebraska and Iowa. which position he held until the spring of 1876 when he resigned to take up the work of U. S. Surveys in the field. Judge Cunningham followed mining for 15 years and in 1886 came to San Francisco. In 1892 he removed to South San Francisco, and in April of that year was appointed postmaster, a position he has held continuously to the present time. For fourteen years he was also Justice of the Peace for the First Township of San Mateo County, which latter office he gave up when the post office was raised to the third class.

Clarence M. Doxsee

THE abstract of title business is one of the most important lines of activity in Redwood City, county seat of San Mateo County, and many of Redwood's most reputable residents are engaged in this work. Standing out among them is Clarence M. Doxsee, manager of the George H. Rice Abstract Company, who has directed this pioneer firm for the last ten years.

Mr. Doxsee came to California from Iowa where he had considerable experience in abstract work and since then he has been associated with the George H. Rice Abstract Company. Under his competent management this firm which was started forty years ago and which was the only business of its kind in Redwood City for twenty-five years, has been able to maintain its high rank and standard. Nearly every large tract of property in the county has been abstracted by this firm.

Mr. Doxsee is a close student of horticulture and is an authority on this subject. Besides the abstract business he has diversified interests throughout the county.

Clarence M. Doxsee was born in Medina County, Ohio on July 30, 1861. He received his primary education in the state of Iowa. Later he entered the Iowa State College, graduating from that institution with the class of '83. Mr. Doxsee was married to Mary H. Ingham at Algona, Iowa, where he had a flourishing abstract business. Since his residence in Redwood City Mr. Doxsee has been a member of the Congregational Church of that city.

P. J. Cochran

P. J. Cochran, a modest, unassuming San Mateo blacksmith, has the distinction of having shod more record breaking horses than any man living. In the days when racing flourished, horses were brought from far and wide to Cochran's shop as the owner of every fast string of ponies had heard of Cochran as the originator of the famous Palo Alto shoe.

Among Cochran's prized possessions is a cabinet of horses' shoes. They are shoes that were worn by kings and queens of the turf. Among them are names familiar to every follower of the turf. There are such record holders as Sunol, Palo Alto, Arion, Bell Bird, Azote, Abdell and Stamboul, every one of which is a record holder and everyone made its record while shod with Cochran's shoes.

In the gala days of Governor Stanford's famous Palo Alto stock farm, Cochran was the shoer, and no one but Cochran was ever allowed to put a shoe on any of Stanford's fleet horses. Cochran knew every horse on the farm like a book and by designing special shoes for every horse he lowered their records many seconds.

In 1895 Monroe Salisbury took Cochran east to shoe his string of fast ones, among them were Alex, 2.03 3/4 and Azote whose best record had been 2.07. Cochran made a long study of the horses' needs and a few months later he had put shoes on them that enabled them to set a new world's mare and gelding record of 2.01 1/4 and 2.04 3/4.

P. J. Cochran was born fifty years ago, California being his native state. He has lived in San Mateo for the last twenty years. He learned his trade when a small boy and has followed it ever since. Prominent in fraternal circles Mr. Cochran belongs to several orders. He is a Mason, a Native Son and an Odd Fellow.

Roy W. Cloud

AS head of the San Mateo County school system, Roy W. Cloud, Superintendent of schools, is known in almost every household in the county, and he is known to be fully competent and capable to discharge the responsibility that falls upon one in charge of the county's future citizens.


This is Mr. Cloud's ninth year of office, having been elected for a third term in 1914. During his incumbency the San Mateo County schools have expanded to one of the finest systems in the state with a teaching corps and a set of buildings that should be a pride to every San Mateo County citizen.

Roy W. Cloud was born at Crystal Springs, San Mateo County, August 24, 1876 and received the first part of his education in the schools of this county, completing his preparatory work at the Sequoia Union High School. He graduated from Stanford University with an A. B. degree. Before becoming County Superintendent of Schools Mr. Cloud had considerable experience in educational lines. He was principal of the school at Bodie, Cal., and before taking his degree at Stanford he taught in Redwood City schools.

Mr. Cloud comes from a well known San Mateo family, his mother having come to the county in 1856 and his father, Joseph James Cloud, having been County Surveyor for sixteen years. He resides in Redwood City with his family, and his nine-year-old son Noble attends the Redwood schools.

Mr. Cloud has prominent fraternal affiliations. He is Past Master of Redwood City Lodge No 168 F. & A. M., Past Patron of Sequoia Chapter No. 203, Order of the Eastern Star and is a member of the Foresters, the Sons of the American Revolution and the California Schoolmasters' Club.

Jesse O. Synder

IN charge of the great plant of the Western Meat Company at South San Francisco which employs hundreds of men and turns out thousands of dollars worth of products monthly, is Jesse O. Snyder, a resident of South San Francisco for the past twenty years or more and one of its leading boosters.

Mr. Snyder is a native of Pennsylvania and it was in Chicago that he gained his fundamental knowledge of the packing business. Before coming west he was with Swift & Co. He worked himself up to a responsible position with these interests who sent him out to take charge of the plant of the Western Meat Co.

As general Superintendent of the Western Meat Company Mr. Snyder holds one of the most important positions in the industrial life of San Mateo County. The great institution which he superintends on the bay front is the largest packing plant on the whole Pacific coast.

Besides his work with the Western Meat Company Mr. Snyder is well known for his interest in the affairs of South San Francisco and his part in its development. 'He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and a director of the Bank of South San Francisco which has been the city's most progressive influence.

Jesse O. Snyder was born in Alexander, Pa., in the month of February, 1876. He spent nearly all his life before coming to California twenty-one years ago, in Chicago following different branches of the packing business. Mr. Snyder was married seventeen years ago at Coyote, Cal., and lives with his family in South San Francisco. He belongs to the Masons and the Elks.

The San Mateo County News

THE San Mateo County News, the only daily newspaper in San Mateo County, is published in the city of San Mateo every afternoon except Sundays and holidays and was founded by A. P. Bellisle and J. D. Bromfield in the year 1914, its first number appearing on the 5th of January. It is the county publication in the sense that its influence and scope of action extend throughout the entire district from South San Francisco and Daly City on the north to Menlo Park and Pescadero on the south, which demonstrates its prestige all over the county.

Preeminently, San Mateo County is a district of homes and for many years a real need had been felt for a daily newspaper that would publish the news of the county in a prompt efficient and unbiased manner. The foundation of the San Mateo County News responded to the necessities of this epoch in the peninsula's development which were clearly understood by Messrs. Bromfield and Bellisle, who thus endowed the County of San Mateo with an independent newspaper, free from political influences of the various factions whose frequent struggles had agitated the county.

On November 1, 1913, the two young men who later were to establish the county's first daily paper, took over the San Mateo Leader from Charles M. Morse. Prior to that time A. P. Bellisle had been associated with Mr. Morse in the publication of the Leader and J. D. Bromfield had been connected with the San Francisco Morning Call for about five years. Two months after assuming control of the San Mateo Leader, Messrs. Bellisle and Bromfield announced through the columns of their weekly paper their determination to establish the county's first daily. In less than two days, over six hundred subscribers had been secured.

Despite the enthusiastic reception accorded the new paper by the public, some doubts were expressed as to the success of the enterprise. A few pessimists and a number of envious contemporaries voiced the opinion that the News would cease publication before the expiration of three months. Hearing these generous expressions about the "foolhardy" young editors, many persons declined to invest more than forty cents at a time for subscriptions because of a fear that they might lose their money.

In the face of these dark predictions, however, The News thrived and prospered. Independence, respect to the private citizen, the judicious attack on public officials, and not against the individual personally, have formed the doctrine of The News from the beginning. Truth, honesty; that was the starting point. Liberty, progress and development are the only ends which the paper has pursued.

Such complete liberty of judgement and action, far from implying a lack of definite issue or clear perspective, were indispensable to form a basis of the program which the San Mateo County News outlined from the beginning and which it has maintained up to the present, and will continue in the future.

The News has now entered upon its third year and is steadily gaining in the confidence and esteem of the communities which it serves. Its efficiency and independence in giving the news has caused it to grow rapidly and steadily until it now has nearly 10,000 daily readers. This large and growing circulation has won for it the patronage, and not the sympathetic support of the advertising merchants. It can be truthfully said of the News that it has never solicited advertising except on the basis of giving value received. In this respect it differs from the ordinary country newspaper.

There is a popular demand for The News in all parts of the peninsula and today it holds first place in the journalistic field of the county and still has the distinction of being the only daily newspaper in a county of 35,000 population.

The News Publishing Company, which not only publishes the San Mateo County News and the San Mateo Leader, but does a large printing business as well, has twenty regular employees on its pay roll and has become one of the leading business enterprises of the county.

The San Mateo Leader, companion publication of The News, is the oldest established weekly in San Mateo, having been founded in 1889. The Leader, which is made up of the best local news selected from the daily, is without doubt the most newsy weekly paper in the county and is invaluable to those who can not avail themselves of the daily service of The News. The Leader is conducted with the same independent policy that characterizes the daily paper.

The News has correspondents in all centers of population throughout the county, however small they may be, and the public in general aids materially in facilitating the work of gathering the news of the county by communicating information of current topics and important events direct to the editorial rooms.

The San Mateo County News has become one of the permanent institutions of the county and its present success presages a brilliant future. Messrs. Bellisle and Bromfield are to be heartily thanked for filling a longfelt want in San Mateo County.

Frank Clair Wyckoff

FRANK Clair Wyckoff is one of the many newcomers in Burlingame who has been attracted by the splendid opportunities that the rapid development of that town offers. Although Mr. Wyckoff came to Burlingame as a stranger just a year ago, he has risen to a high place in the esteem of his fellow business men and has established one of the most up-to-date undertaking and embalming establishments on the peninsula.

Mr. Wyckoff is a native son, having been born in Sierra Valley, near Sierraville, Sierra County on June 1, 1872. After completing his education, he tried rubbing shoulders with the world in other parts of the country but returned to his native state in 1890 to become associated with the California Casket Company of San Francisco. He was with this company for nearly twenty-five years, advancing from an inconsequential place to the responsible position of office manager.

A year ago Mr. Wyckoff saw the reawakening of the peninsula and at the same time succumbed to the lure of being in business for himself. As a result he resigned his position with the California Casket Company and established an undertaking business in Burlingame.

Besides his undertaking business in Burlingame, Mr. Wyckoff is an accountant and has charge of the bookkeeping for a large peninsula concern.

Mr. Wyckoff is a member of the Elks and the Masons. He also belongs to the Burlingame Commercial Club and the San Mateo and Burlingame Merchants' Association.

Robert W. Mantz

ROBERT W. Mantz is now entering on his fifth year as the first supervising principal of the Redwood City public schools. Beginning with about 300 pupils under his supervision the schools have now nearly 600 enrolled.

On the initiative of Mr. Mantz is the first public school playground in San Mateo County was equipped at Redwood City and a play ground carnival held to celebrate the event. Also on his recommendation sewing, cooking and manual training in all the grades were introduced, this being the first elementary school in the county to adopt these courses. The Redwood City Grammar School now has one of the best manual training laboratories in the state, housed in a separate building, and is successfully accomplishing junior high school work.

The school has an annual exhibit in the school auditorium of hand work from all grades including furniture from the 7th and 8th grades. This exhibit is exceedingly popular, draws large crowds and antedates in its inception, the Junior Exposition of San Francisco by two years.

Three years ago Mr. Mantz arranged for an art exhibit which resulted in the purchase of $400.00 worth of pictures and statuary for the classrooms and corridors. The school holds the state record for returns from such an exhibit. Two new school houses are now being built to accommodate the overflow in the lower grades from the Highlands and Five Points sections.

The 6th, 7th and 8th grades are now practically accomplishing intermediate high school work.

The perfect harmony existing at all times in the board of trustees and the cordial cooperation of the trustees and teachers with the principal in his efforts for school betterment are responsible for the progress of the school. Before being invited by the County Superintendent and the trustees to take charge of the Redwood City schools Mr. Mantz was head of the mathematics department of the Belmont school for boys—W. T. Reid Foundation. Prior to this he was for several years professor of mathematics and dean of the faculty of California College and Academy, of Oakland, an accredited high school and junior college whose graduates were accorded junior standing at the State University.

Though born in Illinois, Mr. Mantz is an ardent Californian, having moved with his parents and sisters to this state when a boy and receiving his education at a State Normal school and State University, besides taking various Stanford and Berkeley summer courses.

He has contributed articles to several newspapers and magazines. Mr. Mantz is a trustee of the First Congregational Church, he is a Mason, an Odd Fellow, a member of the Fraternal Aid and of several clubs. He has two sons in the 8th grade and a daughter at Stanford University. His wife Mrs. Annie F. Mantz was before her marriage a successful teacher. She is now president of the Redwood City Parent-Teachers' Association, President of the San Mateo County Federation of Parent-Teacher Associations and a member of the executive council of the State Mothers' Clubs.

Source: Alexander, Philip W. History of San Mateo County : from the earliest times, with a description of its resources and advantages, and the biographies of its representative men.  Burlingame, Calif.: Press of Burlingame Pub. Co., 1916, 247 pgs.

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last updated: 14 April 2005