San Mateo County History
History of San Mateo County
by Philip W. Alexander, 1916

Charles N. Kirkbride

CHARLES N. Kirkbride, the City Attorney of San Mateo, came to the town in 1889 and started the San Mateo Leader, taking in R. H. Jury as an associate. He subsequently became editor of the Times-Gazette and moved to Redwood City, but in 1891 resumed the study of law, begun at the College of the Pacific in San Jose, under Justice John E. Richards, now of the Appellate Court. Mr. Kirkbride entered Northwestern University College of Law at Chicago, Ill., and had lectures under such eminent men as Justices Harlan and Brewer of the United States Supreme Court; Henry Wade Rogers, dean of Harvard Law School and Seymore D. Thompson, author of Commentaries on Corporations. He graduated in 1893 and obtained his diploma at the hands of Theodore Roosevelt, who addressed the students on the political duties of the college man.

Mr. Kirkbride opened a law office in San Mateo December 4, 1894, and has been here ever since. He has held the office of City Attorney since 1895. He continued to practice alone until 1912 when Joseph B. Gordon, who had almost grown up in the office was admitted to partnership. The firm title has since been Kirkbride & Gordon.

Eighteen years ago he was one of the founders of the League of California Municipalities, pronounced the most efficient state organization of city officials in the Union. He organized the San Mateo Mutual Building and Loan Association in 1896. He took an active part in the organization of the San Mateo Public Library and, through a friend, secured an option on the old Knights of Pythias Library in San Francisco at the nominal figure of $500. The library contained 5000 volumes. Geo. W. Dickie advanced the necessary funds to close the purchase. Later when the question of getting a lot became a problem, Mr. Kirkbride and J. H. Hatch advanced the $625 necessary to make a deposit to hold the present site until public officials could act in the matter. In 1902 he took up the matter of forcing the establishment of a high school and canvassed the town at night on a bicycle to secure signatures to the necessary petition, others having failed in the attempt. Opposition developed from those interested in a private school but an election was called and the school established. At that time the number of pupils attending high schools could be counted on the fingers of one's hands. The school then started, has developed into an institution having an enrollment of near 400 and assents of near three hundred thousand. Mr. Kirkbride prepared all the legal papers incident to the issuance of bonds for the high school district, for the purchase of land and erection of buildings without charge. He has always taken an active part in organizations devoted to local improvement and is a member of the present Chamber of Commerce. In San Francisco he has been a member of the Commonwealth Club for years and serves on important committees.


He has been active in Militia circles and is a 1st Lieutenant on the Regimental Staff of Col. Geo. A. Schastey of the Coast Artillery Corps and holds high rank as to his qualifications as an artillery officer. He is also a trustee of the College of the Pacific in San Jose.

Maurice F. Boland

MAURICE F. Boland, proprietor of Boland's Cigar Store and Billiard Room in San Mateo, and for eleven years Chief of Police of San Mateo is well known throughout the county. As police chief, Boland had an enviable record. In addition to preserving order in the community, Chief Boland figured in the capture of many famous criminals. So satisfied were the citizens of San Mateo with his work, that he was re-elected several times and was in office at the time his business interests forced him to retire from public life.

Of powerful physique Boland was a splendid athlete when a young man. He. won prizes in all branches of sport. He is still a close follower of athletic events and keen authority on sports. Boland is a San Mateo property owner and in him the city finds a booster who always puts in a few good words for the city to every stranger that patronizes his place.

Maurice F. Boland was born in Boston, Mass., where he lived for only three years. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Boland came from Ireland. Since coming west Mr Boland spent a great part of his life in California and has been a resident of San Mateo for many years. He has been in the cigar business for the last four years. On December last he was married and lives with his family at 611 North C Street.

Henry T. Daley

MR. Henry T. Daley, a dentist of Burlingame, is one of the leading young professional men of the peninsula. Before coming to Burlingame to establish his practice, Dr. Daley had offices in San Francisco. He has practiced in Burlingame since 1909.

Dr. Daley is a native son. He was born at Lockeford in 1885. He received his early education in California.

Dr. Daley was married on June 25, 1911. He is associated with several college and business organizations and is a member of the San Mateo Lodge of Elks and the Royal Arcanum.

Thomas L. Hickey

ONE of the best known residents of San Mateo County is Thomas L. Hickey who has been actively identified with the business, civic and fraternal interests of this section for many years. He has been a leading spirit in movements that tend to the betterment of this county and has made a host of friends through his genial disposition.

Born in Chicago September 17, 1871, Mr. Hickey received his education in the public schools of that city. At an early age he entered the employ of the Armours where he remained four years. At the end of that period he was employed by Swift & Co., which firm sent him to California in 1892 to take charge of the killing department of the Western Meat Company's plant at South San Francisco. He continued there until 1908. During these 16 years and to the present time he has remained a resident of South San Francisco. For the past five years Mr. Hickey has been a representative of the Equitable Life Assurance Society and his ability has frequently been recognized by the home office in New York. He has attended conventions of the representatives of the Society as a result of his successful efforts in affording protection in the form of life insurance.

Although actively engaged in business affairs, Mr. Hickey has always found time to display his interest and zeal in behalf of the county in which he makes his home. He was City Trustee of South San Francisco for six years from the time of its incorporation and many public improvements were well under way when he retired, leaving the completion to others. Mr. Hickey is one of the board of Governors of the San Mateo County Development Board and took an active interest in the campaign for good roads.


Mr. Hickey is a man of family. His son, Thomas E. Hickey, is a prominent figure in amateur athletics, especially in the departments of football and baseball. He has turned down several offers to enter the ranks of professional baseball preferring to continue his law studies at Santa Clara.

As a member of the Elks, Knights of Columbus and Loyal Order of Moose, Mr. Hickey has been a moving spirit in fraternal circles.

August D. Jenevein

THERE is no man in San Mateo County who is better or more favorably known than August D. Jenevein. For many years Mr. Jenevein was the genial host at the most popular resort in the county,—Uncle Tom's Cabin, and during the fourteen years that he occupied this position as proprietor since 1878, he met and entertained all the notable characters who passed through the county.

Mr. Jenevein was born in Lorraine, France in the year 1851, on February 15. He lived his early years in the old country and received his education there before he came to America to seek his fortune in the new world.

When about twenty-four years of age he came to California, and shortly afterward took up his permanent residence in San Mateo County where he has remained for the last thirty-eight years. In 1883 he was married in San Bruno to Miss Amelia Schnell.

During the years of his residence in San Mateo County Mr. Jenevein has remained in the hotel business and has prospered to a considerable extent, so that today he owns valuable property and has lucrative business interests in San Bruno where he has invested much of his money, as he believes in the future of this thriving little town. In addition to looking after his own business interests, Mr. Jenevein assumed the duties of trustee of the School Board in 1908. He believes in good schools and the careful education of the young.

Mr. Jenevein is blessed with a large family of children, all of whom have and will receive sound and helpful educations following out his theory of education. Their names are August J., Luvina Gamble, Amelia Sherman, Julia C., George A., Hilda B., Viola C., Hortense E. M., and Joseph E. B.

Fernand Levy

MR. Fernand Levy, well known in San Mateo business and social circles not only as the president and founder of Levy Brothers but as a man who takes a sincere interest in all matters of public importance.

The firm of Levy Brothers exemplifies the saying that "Rome was not built in a day." It grew to its present magnitude and prosperity from a small beginning. In 1872 Levy Brothers was established—not in San Mateo, strange as it may seem—but in Half Moon Bay. In 1892 it was incorporated. Similar stores at this time also belonging to Levy Brothers, sprang up—one at Pescadero and one in San Gregorio. In 1898 it was decided to move the business to San Mateo, where it has been steadily growing ever since, having assumed more and more the functions of a department store. At the present date, it is a fact that this store, the largest of its kind in the county, maintains a standard of service and high quality of merchandise not surpassed by the larger department stores of our next door neighbor—San Francisco.

Mr. Fernand Levy was born in Lorraine, France in the year 1848. When not quite twenty he left France for America, accompanied by his brother Jo, a lad of sixteen years. Since that time, over forty-seven years ago, the brothers have been almost constantly associated together in their business enterprises; and it is due in no small part to this harmonious co-operation, that the firm has prospered.

John F. Davis

JOHN F. Davis, justice of the Peace in the first township and City Attorney of Burlingame, is one of the county's promising young lawyers. He has practiced for the past eleven years, the last seven of which have been in the courts of this county.

As City Attorney of Burlingame Mr. Davis has played an important part in the growth of that city. He has done all the legal work in connection with hundreds of thousands of dollars that Burlingame has spent on sewers, sidewalks and street improvements, the municipal water system and the extension of the city's boundaries. During his incumbency in office he has won many important cases for the city, notable among which was a case against an asphalt company which resulted in the saving of thousands of dollars to the property owners. Although pitted against big corporation lawyers he and other Burlingame officials forced the United Railroads to spend $30, 000 improving its right of way in Burlingame.


John F. Davis was born in Sacramento on June 19, 1879. After graduating from the Sacramento high school, he attended Stanford University and later took a law course at the University of Michigan. He was then associated with several large law firms after being admitted to the bar.

Besides a beautiful home in Easton, Mr. Davis owns other Burlingame property. He is also closely identified with the social life of Burlingame, being a member of the Burlingame Commercial Club and a member of the Masonic order.

John Francis Johnson

AFTER living in San Mateo County for fifty-nine years and holding public office for over twenty-five years, John F. Johnson takes a place among San Mateo County's leading citizens. Few men, can boast of a longer residence and a better knowledge of the growth and development of the peninsula than Mr. Johnson.


Mr. Johnson spent the first part of his life in Halfmoon Bay when that was the most important town in the county. Later he came to Redwood City where after many years of service in public office he started the J. F. Johnson Abstract Company of which he is the owner and proprietor.

Only few men have been longer in public office in this county than Mr. Johnson. Important among his public positions were eight years as deputy county clerk and recorder and ten years as county clerk and recorder and then later when the county developed sufficiently to separate these offices, eight years as county recorder.

Mr. Johnson has been as prominent in the business and social life of the county as he has in its political life. He was a charter member and the first past president of the Redwood Native Sons and has been Financial Secretary of that order for twenty-five years. He also belongs to the Elks and Odd Fellows. Mr. Johnson is one of the pillars of the Redwood City Chamber of Commerce and belongs to the San Mateo County Development Association. He is a director of the San Mateo County Building and Loan Association and the Redwood City Realty Company.

John Francis Johnson was born in Halfmoon Bay on September 2, 1856. He resides in Redwood and has two grown children, John Leslie who is practicing law in Santa Cruz and Petra, who is teaching in the Redwood City Grammar school. Both are graduates of Stanford.

Asa Edward Hull

IT is a well proven saying that, "A rolling stone gathers no moss," while on the other hand the career of Asa Edward Hull who was born in San Carlos (San Mateo County) just goes to show that a man who sticks close to his native town and county, not only "gathers moss", but earns the respect and admiration of his fellow townsmen.

Mr. Hull was born in San Carlos on July 1, 1870, his father's name being Mr. Wm. Whipple Hull, being the pioneer brick maker of this county. He received his education in the San Mateo County schools, and began at an early date to master the dairying and farming business, which he will testify has as many technicalities and ins and outs as any of the so-called "chosen professions." He thoroughly mastered these pursuits, and then went into the hardware business. At the present time he is President of Hull Bros. Hardware Company, located in Redwood City, and is also a director of the San Mateo County Building and Loan Association.

Mr. Hull has always taken pride in the condition of his herds, taking great care that no diseased animal should corrupt the output of milk, cream and butter fat. His herd of Holstein cows is the largest tested herd in the county, and attracted considerable attention recently by the creditable manner in which they pessed the tuberculin test, which in the last few years has become extremely rigid.

When Mr. Hull was only fifteen years old he went into business for himself in 1885. Besides business friends and acquaintances innumerable throughout the county, Mr. Hull takes an active interest in fraternal circles where he is very popular, belonging to B. P. O. E., 1112 and also N. S. G. W., Parlor 66.

R. F. Chilcott

AMONG San Mateo County's foremost citizens is R. F. Chilcott of Redwood City, secretary of the San Mateo County Abstract Company, who has been intensely active for the past twelve years in the affairs of the county and particularly those of Redwood City.

After a thorough training in abstracting and record searching in other counties of the State of California and the State of Washington, Mr. Chilcott came to Redwood City in 1904 to engage in this line of work. Days spent, year in and year out, examining the San Mateo county records has made him an authority on this subject and an expert on land titles in San Mateo county.

Mr. Chilcott's loyalty to San Mateo county is evidenced by the time he has devoted to civic work. As president of the old Redwood City Board of Trade he labored faithfully for the upbuilding of this community. Such far reaching results did he obtain that he was made chairman of the harbor committee of the new Redwood City Chamber of Commerce, one of the most important branches of that body. Mr. Chilcott also belongs to the San Mateo County Development Association.


Richard Frederick Chilcott was born in Washington on December 31, 1882. He came to California fifteen years ago. On February 8, 1906, Mr. Chilcott was married to Miss Olga Heiner of Redwood City. His business interests are generally confined to Redwood City. Besides being secrotary of the San Mateo County Abstract Company, he is Inheritance Tax Appraiser for John S. Chambers, State Controller.

Mr. Chilcott's fraternal affiliations include the San Mateo Elks and the Masons in which he ranks high.

Frank B. Bettencourt

WITH a record of having shown over 14,000,000 feet of film, Frank B. Bettencourt, operator at Hart's Peninsula Theatre in San Mateo, lays an easy claim to being the leading moving picture operator in the county.

Mr. Bettencourt went into moving picture business when it in its infancy. He began in San Mateo with Charles Hart. In the eight years that he has operated the cameras in Mr. Hart's theatre, Mr. Bettencourt has projected over 14,000 reels which include all the important pictures that have been manufactured.


During his spare time Mr. Bettencourt has conducted extensive investigations and experiments. He is now waiting for patents on accessories to moving picture machines which he has invented. The two most important are an automatic shutter and a take up device which overcomes the flicker so bothersome to the eyes.

Mr. Bettencourt has given many private exhibitions in the county. He has shown pictures at the San Mateo Polo Club, the Burlingame Country Club, the Beresford Country Club and at many private homes.

He recently started with a brother, Mr. C. E. Bettencourt a pictorial news service of the county events for use in the moving picture houses of the peninsula.

Mr. Bettencourt was born in San Mateo on December 22, 1892 and has spent his entire life in California. He is endeavoring to secure a charter of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Operators of the United States and Canada, for San Mateo County, which will be organized shortly.

Harry H. Putnam

AFTER months of travel in the United States looking for a business opening, Harry H. Putnam, contractor and builder of Redwood City, chose California as the state offering the most to the newcomer. He then spent two years deciding beyond a doubt that the peninsula offered him more opportunities than any other place in the state and that for one in his line, Redwood City was the logical place to locate.

Since coming to Redwood City, Mr. Putnam has developed a large contracting and building business. He has erected 10 homes in the Redwood Highlands district alone and his contracts for houses and other structures are strung along from Redwood City to San Jose. A number of the attractive places in Stanford Park are being built by Mr. Putnam.

Mr. Putnam came west after considerable experience in building and contracting lines. He was in business in Omaha for several years, where he built a number of homes.

Harry H. Putnam is a native of Nebraska and was born on May 28, 1885. After graduating from the Omaha High School, he took a course at the University of Nebraska. He was married at Omaha on September 10, 1904. Mr. Putnam is a member of the Masons and the Woodmen of the World, and also a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Frat. He resides with his family at 712 Brewster Ave., Redwood City.

Frank K. Towne

THE lesson of the opportunities San Mateo County holds for its young men is taught by the life of Frank K. Towne, assistant cashier of the First National Bank at Redwood City.

Twenty-five years ago when Mr. Towne was still in his teens, he went to work for this bank as a clerk. This was on September 1, 1891. He has continued in its employ ever since, his advancement keeping pace with the growth of the institution. Mr. Towne is now assistant cashier and cashier of the San Mateo County Savings Bank.

Mr. Towne has played a leading part in the civic life of Redwood City. He has held the position of City Treasurer for the past fourteen years. When the bond issue for a county highway system was suggested Mr. Towne became an enthusiast on the subject and did a great deal to secure its passage.

Frank K. Towne was born in Santa Clara County on January 11, 1875 and received his education in the Santa Clara County schools. He moved to Redwood City shortly after, starting to work for the First National Bank. He has three sons, Kendall B., Frank L. and Gerald E. Mr. Towne's property interests are both in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. He is a member of the Elks, Native Sons and Masons, being Past Master of the Redwood City lodge of Masons.

Joseph M. Francis

ONE of the most active workers for his own district and the county at large is Joseph M. Francis, chairman of the Board of Supervisors and Supervisor of the Fourth Township of San Mateo County. Mr. Francis is serving his seventh year as Supervisor and his second year as chairman of the county board.


Few Supervisors in California can boast of more satisfied constituents than "Joe" Francis. He secured good boulevards for his district and improved the streets of Halfmoon Bay so that they are now the best streets in any unincorporated town in the county. So well satisfied were the residents with Mr. Francis' work on the board that when his name was submitted for re-election in 1912 he was elected as the candidate of all three parties. Even eighty-six of the ninety-one Republican voters in one precinct took the trouble to write his name in on the ballot at the primary.

While Mr. Francis has been in office the ocean boulevard has been completed throughout its length in his township, the Crystal Springs road to San Mateo has been boulevarded, and Marine View, Farallon and Purissima roads have been built, in addition to the extensive street improvements in Halfmoon Bay and the other coastside cities.

Supervisor Francis has keen plans in store for the future. The money is already available for the improvement of the Crystal Springs boulevard from Halfmoon Bay to the Second Township. He also plans to build a road into Purissima Canyon, opening up to motorists one of the beautiful spots in San Mateo County.

Supervisor Francis has been one of the most progressive members of the county board. He was one of the strongest advocates for the passage of the $1,250,000 bond issue for good roads and no one supported the bonds more enthusiastically than the people of his township.

None has a more thorough knowledge of the fourth township than Supervisor Francis, who was born in Halfmoon Bay in 1872 and who has been a resident there ever since. Supervisor Francis' long residence in Halfmoon Bay is no more a matter of pride to him than the fact that he has never passed beyond the boundaries of his native state.

Most of Supervisor Francis' property interests are in and around Halfmoon Bay. Francis Bros., general merchandise, is one of the oldest and largest establishments on the coastside. Mr. Francis is also the president of the Bank of Halfmoon Bay.

Supervisor Francis comes from one of the oldest families on the coastside, his parents settling at Halfmoon in the early sixties. They were ranchers and merchants, and the days that Mr. Francis did not spend at Halfmoon Bay Schools he spent on his father's ranch.

Mr. Francis is a member of the San Mateo Lodge of Elks, and of the Native Sons and the Eagles of Halfmoon Bay.

Horace H. Walling

HORACE H. Walling has been a resident of San Mateo County since October, 1905. He was born in Kirkville, Iowa, on December 5th, 1869. In 1882 his parents came to California, locating in Woodland, Yolo County, where he finished his education in the public schools.

Upon leaving school he entered the office of the Woodland Mail to learn the printing trade and journalism, and for a number of years followed the printing and publishing business. During his newspaper experience he was the founder and owner of one of the principal papers of Placerville, El Dorado County.

In 1901 he became identified with the Type Foundery and Printers Supply business in San Francisco, and since then his business interests have been in San Francisco. He is the Vice-President and Manager of the Keystone Type Foundary of California, located at 638 Mission Street.

In 1891 he married Miss Elisa Stevenson, of one of the pioneer families of Marysville, Cal. Mrs. Walling is a prominent worker in Civic and Literary Clubs in San Mateo, taking an active interest in the welfare of the Public Schools as President of the Parent-Teachers' Association. They have two children, Horace S., and Elisa B.

Mr. Walling takes an active part in fraternal circles; is a member of San Mateo Lodge No. 226 F. & A. M., and San Mateo Lodge No. 1112 B. P. 0. E. The family home is at 236 Elm Street, San Mateo.

H. C. Tuchsen

IT is probably true that the real estate operator has the opportunity as well as the responsibility of doing more actual good for the county that he represents than any other profession. He brings settlers and homeseekers and builds up the county in more ways than one. This is particlarly true of Mr. Tuchsen whose election to serve as President of the Redwood City Board of Trade and San Mateo County Development Association as well as City Trustee of Redwood City, amply testifies.

Mr. Tuchsen was born on February 11, 1864 in Germany. He came to America when comparatively a young man and has resided in California the last thirty-four years. Twenty-one of these years were spent in San Mateo County.

Before settling in this county he tried successively San Luis Obispo, Monterey and Alameda Counties, but found none so much to his taste as the county of his choice.

On March 31, 1897 he was married at Redwood City where his home is now located. There are two children to this union: Elena and Valentine.

Mr. Tuchsen entered the real estate business in Redwood City and San Mateo County at a comparatively early period and participated in the substantial profits accruing therefrom to almost all who had the foresight to see the opportunities in this field of activity. He enjoys a most enviable reputation as an appraiser of real estate values and his opinion has been accepted in difficult cases by the leading men in banks of San Francisco.

Alphonsus S. Liguori

FEW men are better and more favorably known in the fraternal circles of the county than Alphonsus S. Liguori of Redwood City. In the business world Mr. Liguori is a salt manufacturer and superintendent of the Redwood Water Company. In the fraternal world he is the prince of good fellows, and is pronounced one of the leading spirits in every organization to which he belongs.

Mr. Liguori was one of the leaders in the movement to bring the 1916 convention of the Foresters to Redwood City, which is one of the greatest fraternal honors ever accorded a San Mateo town. He is secretary of the Foresters Hall Association and was for nine years District Deputy Grand Chief Ranger.

The Native Sons have always had an enthusiast in Mr. Liguori. Besides being recording secretary of the Redwood Parlor for ten years, he has worked in the interests of this order throughout the county. He was one of the organizers of the Colma Parlor five years ago.

In the Redmen lodge, Mr. Liguori has been chairman of the Board of Trustees. He is also a member of the San Mateo Lodge of Elks, the Owls and the Odd Fellows.

Alphonsus E. Liguori was born at Mount Eden, Alameda County, on September 1, 1882. He has spent his entire life in the state and passed the last fifteen years in Redwood City where he has property and business interests. Mr. Liguori is a member of the Redwood fire department holding the position of secretary and treasurer of Hose Co. No. 1. He is also secretary of the San Mateo Game Protection Society.

Mrs. William Douglas

OF the few surviving women who lived through the infancy of San Mateo County, Mrs. William Douglas of San Mateo is one of the best known. Mrs. Douglas has lived in the county for fifty years in which time she has seen a few scattered settlements develop to the present peninsula cities.

Mrs. Douglas' career has been most interesting. While in her 'teens she came around the Horn in a sailing vessel which took eight months to make the trip. She arrived in San Francisco in 1850 and a year later she was married.

She then spent a few years in Placer County. Her husband moved his family to San Mateo in the late fifties. Here he built up a profitable abstract and real estate business.

Mrs. Douglas is the mother of ten children. This remarkable woman survives her husband by fifteen years and has survived all of her children with the exception of two, Robert Lee Douglas and Mrs. Dr. Sanderson, both of San Mateo.

Mrs. Douglas tells most interesting tales of the early days of San Mateo. She describes the business district, containing a few buildings and restricted to less than the size of a block. She remembers of the planting of the long rows of gum trees that have become peninsula land marks and the years that there was only a morning and afternoon train down the peninsula.

Pieces of property which Mrs. Douglas now owns were purchased for a song in the early days but even at that time Mrs. Douglas anticipated the growth that was coming to San Mateo and vicinity and stubbornly held on to her land until she now finds her fond dream of a large city fully realized.

Judge George H. Buck

FEW names stand out more prominently in the history of California jurisprudence than that of George H. Buck, Superior Judge of San Mateo County, who is completing his twenty-fifth year on the bench and his thirty-third year in public office.

As a jurist Judge Buck is one of the most eminent in the State. In addition to sitting on the San Mateo County bench, Judge Buck has been called many times to preside for other judges, and three years ago Governor Johnson appointed him to fill Judge Dooling's unexpired term when he left the San Benito county court to become a Federal judge.

Judge Buck entered public life in 1882, when he was elected District Attorney of San Mateo County. He was re-elected each term until 1890 when the citizens of San Mateo County elevated him to the Superior Bench.

The best evidence of Judge Buck's popularity and ability is the handsome majorities by which the voters have returned him to office at each election for Superior Judge since then. It was only last year that he was reelected at the primaries for a six-year term by a sweeping vote.

Judge Buck was born in Maine in 1847. After completing his education, he had charge of Gorham's Seminary and Academy in Maine. He later studied law in the office of Woodbury & Ingalls at Boston. He was admitted to the bar of Maine in 1871 and held the position of associate attorney of the Indianapolis, Cincinnatti and Lafayette Railroad until 1874, when he resigned to come to California. He moved to Redwood City where he started the practice of law.

Mrs. E. F. Brown

FEW residents of this county realize that just north of Redwood City is the largest and possibly the most valuable lot of dogs on the Pacific coast. The kennels called the Browndale Kennels and famous in dogdom the world over, are conducted by Mrs. E. F. Brown who has been interested in dogs for many years.

Mrs. Brown specializes in collies and the dogs which she owns of this breed are the best in the world. A still greater honor that comes to Mrs. Brown is the fact that the dogs that have defeated all comers in shows in all parts of the country, have practically all been bred by her.

The Browndale Kennels were formerly at Easton but recently moved to Redwood where eight acres are devoted to the culture of these aristocratic dogs. In the kennels at present are 65 dogs. This year Mrs. Brown raised fifty puppies which have been shipped to all parts of the world several going to European nobility and one to the ex-president of San Salvador, Central America.

Mrs. Brown's collection of medals, plaques and cups which were won by entries from the Browndale Kennels, comprises over 300 pieces. She won the bronze plaque of the Immortal Anfield Model, the type most desired by breeders. Her dogs won the highest awards for quality and condition at the P. P. I. Exposition, where they competed against the dogs of all nations.

Mrs. Brown has bred eleven champion dogs. Perhaps the most famous is her Champion Browndale Model which has defeated all coastbred collies and English dogs. He began his career when only seven months old by competing in thirteen shows and winning medals for the best puppy.

Mrs. Brown is president of the Pacific Coast Collie Club.

Charles G. Landscheit

ONE of the best known realty dealers of the peninsula is Charles G. Landscheit, manager of the Redwood City Realty Company. Since coming to Redwood City twenty-one years ago Mr. Landscheit has been connected in one way or another with the realty business; and his long experience has made him the county's leading real estate man.

As manager of the Redwood City Realty Company Mr. Landscheit has been connected with many of Redwood City's large enterprises. Notable among them was the building of the Hotel Sequoia which gave Redwood City the finest hotel now in operation between San Francisco and San Jose.

Being a man of great civic pride and a tireless worker Mr. Landscheit has always furthered Redwood City's interests. He is one of the most influential members and president of the Chamber of Commerce.

Charles George Landscheit was born on January 17, 1872, in Blandford, County of Dorset, England. At seventeen he joined the Grenadier Guards under Queen Victoria; at nineteen he was promoted to corporal and at 20 to sergeant. His regiment was stationed at the Tower of London and in the City of Dublin.


Following his honorable discharge he came directly to California.

Few men of the county have been accorded more fraternal honors than Mr. Landscheit. He is Past Grand, Bay View Lodge, No. 109, I. 0. 0. F.; Past Master, Redwood Lodge No. 168, F. & A. M., and Inspector of the 36th Masonic district, and past Exalted Ruler of San Mateo Lodge, No. 1112 B. P. 0. Elks.

Mr. Landscheit was married at Belmont on June 30, 1898.

L. C. Brandt

ONE of the great army of commuters who believes that there is no place like San Mateo for the home of the San Francisco business man, is L. C. Brandt, manager of the San Francisco branch of the Buffalo Brewing Company of Sacramento.

Mr. Brandt moved down the peninsula six years ago, and each succeeding year has strengthened the convictions which caused him to locate in San Mateo.

The city has profited handsomely by having Mr. Brandt as a citizen. When he bought property in San Mateo Heights he started to safeguard the interests of that district. He became one of the most active workers in the San Mateo Heights Improvement Club and later served as its president.

The demand for industrial sites in San Mateo began to result in the owners of large plants infringing on Mr. Brandt's pet residential section. His resentment was immediate and before plans could even be drawn for plants in this district, Mr. Brandt had a campaign well under way to exclude industries from the 'Heights.'

The result of the campaign has been the passage of a residential and industrial act which confines industries to what are now flourishing industrial districts, and prohibits any violation of residential districts.

Louis Charles Brandt was born in Vienna, Austria, on July 20, 1867. He came to California twenty-five years ago. Mr. Brandt was married in San Francisco in 1898 and lives with his family at 322 Grand Boulevard. His son Robert, attends the San Mateo Union High School.

Rev. W. A. Brewer

NO man has been more closely identified with the growth and best interests of San Mateo County than Rev. W. A. Brewer, Mayor of Hillsborough and, until its discontinuance a few months ago, rector of St. Matthew's Military School.

Mr. Brewer is known throughout the State for his tireless energy in putting the county in the foreground. He was one of the organizers and the first president of the San Mateo County Development Association. As its executive he contributed perhaps more than any one individual in putting this organization on its firm basis and in bringing about the achievements and accomplishments for the good of the county that marked its first year.

As Hillsborough's first and only Mayor, Mr. Brewer has given his town a progressive and business-like administration that has made it a model in city government. Mr. Brewer was active in bringing about Hillsborough's incorporation and was one of the leading figures in many conferences that preceded the moulding of the scattered countryside into an ideal suburban city.

Rev. W. A. Brewer was born in Detroit, Michigan on June 2, 1863. In September 1895 he was married in San Francisco to Miss Ellen Douglas Wheaton. He has two sons, William Augustus, Jr., aged 15, and Wheaton Hale, 18, a student in the University of California.

Mr. Brewer is an Episcopal clergyman and is now pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Burlingame.

Horace E. H. Ruggles

THE task of educating children of one of the peninsula's most flourishing cities is the responsibility that falls on Horace E. H. Ruggles, supervising principal of the Burlingame schools.

It was not long ago that Burlingame although destined to become one of the county's leading cities, did not have a single school house within its boundaries. It was shortly after that Mr. Ruggles accepted his present position. With 217 children the Burlingame system was founded. In only three years the number of pupils increased to nearly 500. Burlingame has two handsome, modern, up-to-date school houses of which any community would be justly proud.

A recognized feature of the Burlingame school system is the perfect co-operation between the teachers. To bring this about was one of Mr. Ruggles' first undertakings; and succeeding in that he is now encouraging a closer relationship between the schoolroom and the home through the mutual efforts of the parents and teachers.

Mr. Ruggles came to Burlingame well prepared for the responsibilities of his position. After a splendid primary and preparatory school education he attended the Potsdam Normal School in New York. After holding several teaching positions he became principal of the high school at Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania.

Mr. Ruggles is a native of Vermont. He has lived in California for five years.

Francis T. Rapp

ONE of San Mateo's hustling young men who stands high in the business circles of the county is Francis T. Rapp. insurance broker and chief probation officer of San Mateo County.


Mr. Rapp was born in San Mateo and has spent the twenty-six years of his life in the county. After graduating from the San Mateo schools he attended Santa Clara University where he took a leading part in athletics and student activities. He played right field on the famous Santa Clara team of 1908 which won the Pacific Coast Intercollegiate championship.

Since finishing college Mr. Rapp has been prominent in the business life of the county. For the past three years he has been engaged in the insurance business and he has built up a large patronage in all the peninsula cities.

Mr. Rapp has the distinction of being the youngest chief probation officer in California. He was appointed last year to succeed Sheriff Michael Sheehan. Since taking office Mr. Rapp has faithfully investigated probation and delinquency matters. The competent manner in which he has handled these matters has brought letters of praise from prominent juvenile and probation workers.

Mr. Rapp is recorder of San Mateo Council, No. 1346, Knights of Columbus, Secretary of the Vexillian Society of San Mateo and has served as secretary of the Peninsula Club of San Mateo.

Albert Mansfield

SAN Mateo county's bar claims many of its best citizens. Among these is Albert Mansfield, city attorney of Redwood City, and son of former Sheriff Joel H. Mansfield, who has spent his lifetime in this county.

Mr. Mansfield is one of the county's most successful young attorneys. Although he opened up offices only eight years ago he has built up a large and growing practice. To care for this business Mr. Mansfield maintains an office in Halfmoon Bay in addition to his offices at the county seat. During the eight years that he has practiced in the county, Mr. Mansfield has been associated with many famous litigations among which was the Coburn case and the trial of S. R. Timothy for the killing of J. J. Moore.

In public life Mr. Mansfield has been city attorney of Redwood for the past eight years, and in this position he has had a most intimate connection with the growth and development of this city. He has been a spirited worker in all leading civic movements.

Albert Mansfield was born at Halfmoon Bay on October 21, 1884 and has spent his entire life in the county. He graduated from the county schools and later from Hastings College of law in San Francisco. He started to practice after five more years of study in the law offices of Ex-Governor Budd in San Francisco and Stockton.

Mr. Mansfield is a member of the Elks, the Native Sons and the Redmen. He was married on August 27, 1911 to Miss Elizabeth P. Winter of Redwood City.

Ambrose McSweeney

SAN Mateo County's officialdom has not a more popular and efficient member than Ambrose McSweeney of South San Francisco who for the past five years has been Tax Collector. Mr. McSweeney is serving his second term of office, being returned to that position at the last county election by a majority that stamped his popularity.


The standard of efficiency in the Tax Collector's office was never higher than during Mr. McSweeney's regime. He has supplemented his own competency and ability by a staff of high-class deputies. They have put this important function of the county's government into such a splendid state that it has won high commendation from the Grand Jury accountants, the Supervisors and the citizens at large.

Mr. McSweeney's practice of going to the different cities and collecting taxes on certain appointed days, is a great convenience to tax payers. Many persons living in the remote parts of the county are saved long and costly trips to the county seat; and it is a boon to the many small taxpayers who cannot leave their work to settle their tax bills.

Before he was elected Tax Collector, Mr. McSweeney was Justice of the Peace in the first township.

Ambrose McSweeney was born in San Francisco on December 20, 1870. He was married at San Jose in July, 1897. Mr. McSweeney is identified with more than a half-dozen of the leading fraternal orders in the county.

Michael F. Healy

MICHAEL F. Healy is a San Mateo County pioneer who has proved his confidence in the county and particularly in South San Francisco by the investment of his fortune in that city. Healy has resided in San Mateo county for 24 years, most of them being spent in South San Francisco where he is now the owner of a large grocery business and many other interests.

Since coming to South San Francisco Mr. Healy has engaged in many lines of business. He was best known as a lumber man, his yards supplying lumber and building material to South San Francisco and many of the surrounding towns. He has now retired from this business and is devoting his time to the large grocery store of which he is the proprietor.

Mr. Healy has always taken an active interest in civic and municipal affairs. During his long residence in South San Francisco there has never been a general welfare movement in which he has not been a leader. He recently completed a term as city trustee and while in this office he was an indefatigable worker for South San Francisco.

Michel F. Healy was born in County Claire, Ireland in June, 1852. After emigrating to America he spent some time in Worcester, Mass., where he was married in 1872. He brought his bride to California where he has resided for the past thirty-four years. Mr. Healy is a member of the Eagles.

William H.  Brown

NO person is more responsible for San Mateo County's highway system than Wm. H. Brown, Supervisor from the Second Township. The scenic boulevards which lure thousands of autoists into the county every day is a realization of Brown's dream of years ago.

The second township shows Brown's good roads mania. Practically all its paved roads and boulevards have been built during his term of office. At a cost of $10,000 he has just completed the resurfacing of the road from Beresford to Redwood City.

As a member of the Board of Supervisors and chairman for one term, Brown has worked faithfully for the interests of the county at large. At a speech delivered at San Bruno in 1912 he started the good roads movement that resulted in the passing of the $1,250,000 bond issue and the building for this county of one of the finest systems of boulevards in the United States.

Brown has also been exceedingly active in the affairs of San Mateo. In 1904 he was elected city trustee and he served one term as mayor. He was one of the organizers and the first foreman of the San Mateo fire department.


Mr. Brown has also been one of the mainstays of the San Mateo County Development Association, being a member of the Board of Governors.

William H. Brown came from one of California's oldest families. He was born in Nevada County on January 11, 1862 and has spent his entire life in California, forty-five years of which was passed in San Mateo County. He was married in Oakland in 1893 and has a family of five boys and one girl. He belongs to several fraternal organizations.

Franklin Swart

FEW if any officials of San Mateo county enjoy more public confidence than Franklin Swart who is serving his second term as district attorney.

District Attorney Swart is a self made man. He was born at New Paris, Indiana, on June 25, 1878. He came to California eighteen years ago to attend college. By digging ditches during his vacations and doing odd jobs during the school term, Mr. Swart managed to work his way through Stanford University where he received A. B. and Juris Doctor degrees.

Swart has practiced law in San Mateo County since his graduation.


In 1910 he was elected district attorney. During his administration he has won, with a single exception, every civil case for San Mateo county; he has purged Colma of the hog and swill nuisance; he won $20,000 for the county in the disinterment cases, and, although not his official duty, he has prepared all legal proceedings in the different school bond elections.

One of the most important services performed for San Mateo county by District Attorney Swart was conducting the legal work in connection with the $1,250,000 bond issue for good roads. Standing on a creditable record during his first term of office, the voters returned Mr. Swart in 1914 by a flattering majority.

Mr. Swart is secretary of the District Attorney's Association of California.

Mr. Swart was married in San Francisco in 1914 and resides in Redwood. He belongs to the Odd Fellows, the Elks and the Masons.

George H. Wallace

GEORGE H. Wallace, hotel owner and city trustee of South San Francisco, has been a resident of California for eighteen years; and all of that time he has spent in San Mateo County.

Mr. Wallace was born in Chicago on November 22, 1873 and he spent the early part of his life in the Windy City. He had a very responsible position with the firm of Oppenheim, Case & Co., a big butcher supply house. It was while he was representing this house that he was sent out to South San Francisco. Although this was eighteen years ago when South San Francisco was but a settlement and the Bay Shore Cutoff was not even projected, Mr. Wallace quickly grasped the situation and saw the brilliant future that was in store for the city. He immediately sold out his Chicago interests and located in South San Francisco.

Since coming here Mr. Wallace has been one of South San Francisco's staunchest citizens. Besides co-operating in all civic movements, Mr. Wallace has shown his faith in the city by investing in property and establishing property interests. His intimate association with the affairs of the city brought about his election as city trustee, in which capacity he now officiates.

Mr. Wallace is a member of the San Mateo County Development Association and one of the leading spirits in the Chamber of Commerce of South San Francisco. He has many fraternal affiliations, belonging to the Tribe No. 111, Improved Order of Redmen, the Eagles and the Olive Grove of Druids at Colma.

P. G. Schneider

P. G. SCHNEIDER, vice president and general manager of the Pacific Car & Equipment Co., which has one of the largest plants of the South San Francisco industrial district, is a native of California, having been born in San Francisco forty-five years ago. He was educated in the San Francisco schools and started the business career which launched him into his present position of prominence in South San Francisco.

As general manager of the Pacific Car & Equipment Company, Mr. Schneider has built up one of the largest and best equipped industrial plants in the county. The big orders and ever-increasing volume of business is only commensurate with improvements, alterations and additions that have been made to this plant in the last few years.

Mr. Schneider is another captain of industry who is loud in his praise of South San Francisco as an industrial center. His generous praise of the place has fallen on the ears of his many friends in industrial life, with the result that their eyes have been turned to South San Francisco and away from other places for suitable locations for mills and factories.

Mr. Schneider has an interest in the Pacific Car & Equipment Co., as well as other business enterprises. Although his company is running to full capacity and its business exceeds the anticipations of the most hopeful, Mr. Schneider does not deny that the plans for enlarging it are under way.

Michael Sheehan

FEW police officers in California can boast of the record of Michael Sheehan, sheriff of San Mateo county. A list of the important captures made by Sheriff Sheehan in the sixteen years he has been a peace officer, would include some of the most desperate men who are in the State Prisons today serving for daring crimes not only committed in this county but in every county of the state.

Sheriff Sheehan was constable of the Second Township for twelve years and refused to again become a candidate although urged by the residents to enter the race for Sheriff. In these years the Second Township was the terror of criminals who seldom stepped over the border before they were apprehended by this alert constable.

As sheriff, Mr. Sheehan has built up one of the strongest organizations in that office in the history of the county. He has secured a cooperation between the constables, the police departments of the different municipalities and the Sheriff's office that has been the dream of all sheriffs.


Perhaps Sheriff Sheehan's greatest service for the county has been as a probation officer. He handled probation matters for eight years so efficiently that he was again appointed after being elected sheriff; but the press of his duties forced him to resign.

Michael Sheehan was born in Ireland on February 2, 1861. Of the thirty-two years he has spent in California, thirty were passed as a resident of the Second Township. Mr. Sheehan belongs to the Knights of Columbus, the San Mateo lodge of Elks, the Foresters and the Eagles.

Andrew Skelly Barron

WHEN Andrew Skelly Barron, of good Scotch stock, landed in New York City fifty years ago with his bag of luggage and pocket of savings, he first did two things. He took out his naturalization papers and became a citizen of the United States the day he arrived; and then looked for the land of the greatest opportunity.

In this quest the good ship Moses Taylor brought him around the Horn to San Francisco. Having been raised on a farm, Mr. Barron followed agricultural pursuits which eventually brought him to San Mateo County.

This was twenty-six years ago. At that time Mr. Barron saw an opening in the dairy business and he rented three cows. This was the beginning of Mr. Barron's present business. He now operates one of the largest dairies on the peninsula at Beresford, besides farming large tracts of land in this county. There are 135 cows now at his Beresford dairy. Among his other interests is his fertile Romac ranch of 300 acres.

Andrew Skelly Barron was born in Ayar, Scotland on March 10, 1851. His parents were Scotch farmers sand before he emigrated to America Mr. Barron spent most of his time on the farm. Not only is Mr. Barron a selfmade man but he has helped many others through the struggle of life. He helped bring up his sisters and their children who came out here from Scotland. Mr. Barron is a member of the Masons having joined the order while in Halfmoon Bay.

Dr. Arthur J. Belton

DR. Arthur J. Belton, dentist of Burlingame, stands prominently among the large class of young professional men who have selected San Mateo County for their field of practice. When Dr. Belton took his degree at the University of California in 1910 he was confronted with the most important question of his career, where to locate and establish his practice.

A painstaking and thorough investigation, which is characteristic of Dr. Belton, was made before he paid Burlingame the high compliment of deciding that it was the field of greatest opportunity for a young man starting out in a profession.

Dr. Belton has laid a firm foundation for the practice of dentistry. In addition to graduating from the University of California, he has pursued special study under eminent specialists and dentists. Since leaving college he has practiced one year in San Francisco and five in Burlingame.

Dr. Belton was one of the leading spirits in the formation of the Burlingame Commercial Club; and since its organization he has been untiring in serving on important committees and carrying on the work of the club. At present he is secretary of the club.

Dr. Arthur J. Belton was born in San Francisco on November 4, 1887. He has lived in California his entire life and has been a resident of San Mateo County for the past eight years. He was married in Burlingame on September 8, 1915. Dr. Belton is a member of Masonic lodge, No. 400.

Fred A. Cunningham

SOUTH San Francisco has a reputation of getting almost everything it goes after for the reason that most of its big men are unselfishly imbued with civic pride and interest, or in the language of the streets are "live ones." Among these "live ones" is Fred A. Cunningham, real estate dealer and trustee and formerly mayor of South San Francisco.

Mr. Cunningham is a worker for South San Francisco and the county at large. He was one of the organizers and is at present a member of the Board of Governors of the San Mateo County Development Association. He was a potent factor in the campaign for $1,250,000 good roads bonds, the lower rates fight and other undertakings of the association. In a like manner he has been one of the most active members of the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. Cunningham is engaged in the real estate and insurance business, being manager of E. E. Cunningham & Co. He is also one of the principal stockholders and a director of the Peninsula Rapid Transit Company.

Mr. Cunningham has been city trustee since 1912 and during that time he has served a term as mayor of South San Francisco.

Fred A. Cunningham was born in Falls City, Neb., April 6, 1872. He completed his education which was begun in the Nebraska schools at the Salina Normal School, in Kansas. Following his graduation he was in the milling business at Perry, Oklahoma where he remained ten years ago. He was married in South San Francisco in June, 1907.

As a member of the Twentieth Kansas Volunteers, Mr. Cunningham served in the Spanish-American war. He is a member of the Nelson A. Miles Camp of the Spanish War Veterans.

Porter E. Lamb

FAR more extensive than his enviable record as a magistrate, which is known in every corner of San Mateo County is Porter Emerson Lamb's fame as an athlete. Although it was back in 1903 that Porter Lamb was at Stanford, his remarkable feats on the cinder path are still vivid in the memories of all followers of sports.

For ten years Lamb's record of 22 2-5 for the 220-yard dash at Stanford stood unassailed. In those days he was also holder of the world's record for the fifty-yard dash. In the sprints and as a member of the relay teams Lamb tallied up many points for his Alma Mater.

After leaving college Mr. Lamb started in the real estate and insurance business in Burlingame. He spared enough time from business to serve the people as Justice of the Peace so satisfactorily that last year he was returned to the position by a flattering majority. Mr. Lamb has also taken an active part in the political and civic life of Burlingame. He was one of the organizers of the Burlingame Commercial Club; and has held the office of vice-president.


Born in Milford, N. H., on May 29, 1879, Porter Emerson Lamb received his early education in the Massachusetts schools. He moved to California twenty years ago and has been a resident of San Mateo County for nine years. He was married in San Francisco on June 15, 1904, moving shortly after to Burlingame where he bought up large realty holdings. Mr. Lamb is a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, San Mateo lodge, No. 1112 B. P. O. Elks, the Masons and the Moose.

James T. Casey

ABROAD stretch of waste at San Francisco's door, which was spanned by an almost impassable road and a set of rails twenty years ago, is now one of the most highly developed and thickly populated parts of San Mateo County, a district of homes, boulevards, large industrial plants and towns. This is the first township of San Mateo County.

At present the first township is represented on the Board of Supervisors by James T. Casey, a man who was born and raised in this district and who has passed through, with it, all its successive stages of development.

Born on a ranch near Colma in 1861, "Jim" Casey picked up his education while earning a livelihood. He fought stubbornly to get ahead. Progress for Mr. Casey was slow but certain. His pluck and perseverance, coupled with an unshakable faith in the first township, finally earned their reward; and we find "Jim" the proprietor of two butcher shops and owning many other interests in this prospering district, which he had watched grow from a few scattered ranch houses.

In 1908 Mr. Casey was elected Supervisor of this district. When he took office there were nothing but wooden bridges in the township and the roads were notorious through California. Casey's path was again strewn with obstacles, but he courageously launched his campaign of road construction. Every wooden bridge has been replaced with concrete or iron culverts. The State Highway, the Ocean Boulevard, the Junipero Serra Boulevard and many miles of laterals and cross streets have been constructed and plans are under way for still greater improvements. During his administration, also, five lighting districts were formed—at Colma, San Bruno, Lomita Park, Easton and Salada Beach.

Mr. Casey led the fight to have the State Highway built over its present route, the most direct way to peninsula points. He was also one of the leading spirits in the building of ocean boulevards, of which the twenty-two miles between Colma and Montara are in his township.

Mr. Casey is engaged in the insurance and real estate business, although his duties as Supervisor of such a large township take most of his time, as he is chairman of the County Hospital and Supplies committees as well as a member of all the committees of the Board.

He is a director of the Redwood City Commercial Bank and of the San Mateo Savings and Loan Company, and a charter member of the Mission Parlor of Native Sons.

Leonides R. Dennison

SOUTH San Francisco is destined to become one of the great industrial centers of the west. In its massive plants thousands of workmen whose paychecks are the barometer of the city's prosperity, are turning out materials and articles of a quality that is distinctive to South San Francisco, and are making its products of world-wide fame.

For this high standard of quality, credit is due those efficient men who direct this army of toilers. One of them is Leonides R. Dennison who is superintendent of the great plant of the Steiger Terra Cotta and Pottery Works. Mr. Dennison has been with this firm for thirteen years, and superintendent of its plant for 10 years. During this time its output has increased many fold and it has grown from a small factory to one of the largest and most important industrial plants in the west.

Mr. Dennison who is also a stockholder in the company, is enthusiastic over South San Francisco as an industrial center.

"I am sure that we could not get the same results out of the men any place else," said Mr. Dennison. "Besides the transportation facilities and countless other advantages, South San Francisco has the ideal climate for the workmen, as the heat is never oppressive in the daytime and the tired toiler can go home and sleep through a cool night any time of the year."

Mr. Dennison has been a resident of South San Francisco for the last eighteen years. He was born in the Yosemite Valley on February 3, 1885. He is a member of the Francis Drake lodge 376, F. & A. M., the Charles Frederick Crocker Chapter, No. 106 of the Masons and the Knight Templars.

George Carl Plump

GEORGE Carl Plump is one of Redwood City's citizens who can really say that he grew up with the town. Born in Redwood City 45 years ago when Redwood City was a scant settlement, Mr. Plump has watched a full-fledged city gradually unfold and cover the green fields and pastures that he used to romp over as a boy.

Mr. Plump never wavered from his belief that the town of his birth was destined to become a thriving commercial city. After receiving his education in Redwood schools, Mr. Plump's business activities over several years finally focused on Plump's Grocery store, of which Mr. Plump is the owner and proprietor.

Although building up his grocery business made large demands on Mr. Plump's time, he found that he had time for other work. The result was that eight years ago his friends launched him into the city clerkship. Mr. Plump has held that office since. He was so thorough and capable in this position that he was quickly chosen to succeed himself at the expiration of his last term of office.

Mr. Plump has been an enthusiastic worker for all public movements and has devoted considerable time and efforts to the welfare of Redwood. Among the movements in which he was especially interested, was the Redwood City orchestra of which he was formerly leader.

George Carl Plump was born in Redwood City in 1870, his parents being old residents of San Mateo county. He was married in Oakland, in 1909, and has two children, Carla, four years old; and Lorna Jane, two years old. Mr. Plump is a member of the Native Sons and the Eagles.

Source: Alexander, Philip W. History of San Mateo County : from the earliest times, with a description of its resources and advantages, and the biographies of its representative men.  Burlingame, Calif.: Press of Burlingame Pub. Co., 1916, 247 pgs.

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last updated: 14 April 2005