San Mateo County History
History of San Mateo County
by Philip W. Alexander, 1916

Eric Wold

ERIC Wold who has been city engineer of Burlingame for the past four years and at present is also acting in the same capacity for the infant municipality of San Bruno, has been engaged in engineering work the greater part of his life. His college training and wide experience has splendidly fitted him for the important work that he is now doing; while Burlingame's streets, the water system and other municipal improvements well bespeak Mr. Wold's ability.

Anxious to have their municipality profit from the same competent engineering that Burlingame did, the San Bruno citizens retained Mr. Wold. He is now at work perfecting plans for bridges, street improvements, sidewalks and a water system which when completed will make San Bruno one of the ideal towns of the county.

Besides his wide experience as a municipal engineer Mr. Wold has followed his profession in other lines. He was in the service of the government for three years. While engaged in railroad work he made many important locations for the Western Pacific and other lines.

Eric Wold was born in Norway on April 5, 1878. While just a child his parents brought him to Quebec and from there they moved to Minnesota where Mr. Wold spent the early part of his life. After graduating from the La Crosse High School at La Crosse, Wisconsin, he entered the University of Minnesota. In 1902 he graduated from the engineering department of this institution. Since then he has been following this profession in different parts of the United States, having been in California for the past ten years.

Mr. Wold was married at Marshfield, Oregon on July 7, 1907. He is a member of the San Mateo lodge of Elks and the Burlingame Masons.

Ferguson Owen

ONE of San Mateo County's most efficient peace officers is Ferguson Owen, constable of the 2nd Township. As well as the important part Owen has played in the suppression of crime in his township, he has figured in many important criminal cases.

One of the best known is the capture of Nick Greelish, the highwayman, who assaulted Mrs. L. Guggenheim in the Home of Peace Cemetery. While a thousand officers were in pursuit of this criminal, Constable Owen cleverly worked out his own set of clues and tracked him into a saloon on the state highway. Working single-handed Owen had Greelich handcuffed before the desperate criminal even realized that Owen was looking for him. Greelich is now serving a twenty-five year sentence for highway robbery.

Three years ago Owen's bravery saved the lives of a score of San Mateo citizens. A drink crazed Austrian was standing on a balcony on Main street shooting with a rifle at every passerby. Exposing himself to the fire of the maniac Owen took a dead aim at the man and shot him through the arm which held the gun.

By trade Constable Owen is a painter but he has had to put aside the brush most of the time because of his arduous duties as constable. He was born in Virginia City, Nevada on July 25, 1875 and has lived in California 35 years, eight of which were spent in this county. He is a member of the Eagles, the Knights of Pythias and the Masonic orders.

Frank P. Simmen

MAYOR Frank P. Simmen stands out as one of the most progressive and constructive executives San Mateo has ever had. Being a sound business man of the highest type, Mr. Simmen set out not to play to a political gallery but to give San Mateo a clean-cut businesslike administration. The condition of the city finances, the completion of the new city hall, the extensive street improvements, the proposed municipal baths and a dozen other matters bear out the success of Mayor Simmen's policies.


Mayor Simmen is a man of many responsibilities; and San Mateo is to be congratulated on securing a man of his type to administer its affairs. In addition to diversified interests in San Francisco and San Mateo, Mr. Simmen is manager of Rudgear Merle Company, ornamental iron and metal works, of San Francisco, one of the largest institutions of its kind on the coast. The ornamental iron work in many peninsula estates and large buildings throughout the state was produced by this establishment.

Mr. Simmen is prominent in fraternal circles. His pleasing personality and enthusiasm about anything he undertakes soon made him a dominant factor in the San Mateo lodge of Elks. After holding many positions his brethren conferred on him the honor of Exalted Ruler this year. Mr. Simmen is also Past Master of King Solomon's lodge, No. 260, F. & A. M.

Mr. Simmen was born in Chicago, Illinois, on February 26, 1870. He is married and lives with his family on Elm Street in San Mateo.

I. Lindeman

AFTER twenty-five years of business experience in San Francisco, l. Lindeman sold out his interests there to enter what he considered a more productive field; and as a result we find him sole owner and proprietor of the Peninsula Creamery, and one of San Mateo's most active and progressive business men.

Mr. Lindeman's house in San Francisco supplied many of the large wineries and liquor dealers in the state with corks, bottles, labels, and machinery. This brought him into intimate contact with conditions in many localities. With this general knowledge of the state he decided that the most advantageous move he could make was to locate on the peninsula.

With the old Sam Mateo Creamery as a nucleus, Mr. Lindeman established the Peninsula Creamery which is a model in sanitation and improved methods. The improved facilities and service brought a large increase in business; and now the institution serves a large part of the community.

Mr. Lindeman has prominent fraternal affiliations. He has been secretary of the Foresters lodge for over 20 years. By carrying delinquents who otherwise would have had to drop out of the order, Mr. Lindeman has made many steadfast and lifelong friends. He has also been a member of Bay City Parlor, N. S. G. W. for twenty-eight years and for twenty-five of these years he acted as secretary.

I. Lindeman was born in San Francisco on February 1, 1866, and has two sons, Elwood aged nine, and Leland, aged 25, who assists his father in the management of his business. Mr. Lindeman and his family have been residents of San Mateo for nine years.

Terence Masterson

TERENCE Masterson, street commissioner, capitalist, and proprietor of the Wisnom Hotel, has been a resident of San Mateo for twenty-five years. He came here a total stranger; but his fair dealings, enterprise and confidence in San Mateo's future, have made him one of the leading citizens of the community.

As city trustee and street commissioner Mr. Masterson has been devoting the greater part of his time to the welfare of San Mateo. His keen business ability is reflected throughout the work of the city trustees. The streets of San Mateo were never cleaner and in a better state of repair than during his administration. He has also supervised the vast amount of street improvements made during the last few years.

Mr. Masterson has extensive business interests in San Mateo. Besides being proprietor of the Wisnom Hotel he is a stock holder in several banks of the county and the Peninsula Rapid Transit Company. He is also a member of the Board of Governors of the San Mateo County Development Association and the energy he devotes in this cause is only a small part of his civic devotion.

Among the interests that Mr. Masterson holds outside of the state is stock in the famous Silver King mine in Utah from whose ore treasures, over $25,000,000 in metals has already been taken.


Terence Masterson was born in Quebec, Canada on March 19, 1864. He was born on the old family farm which has been owned by his family for over 100 years. Once a year Mr. Masterson migrated back to the old home for a visit, until last year when he was called back on the sad mission of attending his old mother's funeral. Mr. Masterson was married in San Francisco four years ago and has one son, Hugh, who is three years old. Mr. Masterson is a member of San Mateo lodge, No. 1112, B. P. O. Elks.

Jesse Calvin Robb

ONE of the progressive and influential citizens of the first township is Jesse Robb of Millbrae, manager of the Millbrae Dairy and superintendent of the D O. Mills estate for the past twenty-seven years.

Mr. Robb was born at Bonaparte, Iowa, on September 9, 1885 and came to California thirty-nine years ago. After passing ten years in San Francisco he became connected with the country estate of D. O. Mills at Millbrae. Under his supervision this has become one of the show places of California. Although busily engaged looking after this large tract of land, Mr. Robb found time to build up the Millbrae dairy which is not only a model institution of its kind but one of the largest on the peninsula.

Mr. Robb has been active in civic affairs. He was a leader in the movement to have the state highway constructed over the mission road and has been one of the county's greatest good roads boosters. At present Mr. Robb represents the first township on the Advisory Road Commission having been appointed to that place after the death of the late George L. Perham.

Mr. Robb has also been prominent in the educational life of the county. He has been a trustee of the San Mateo Union High school for the last ten years during which time it has developed into one of the best institutions of its class in California.

Mr. Robb was married in San Mateo in 1889 and has one son, Harry. Mr. Robb is a member of the Masons and the San Mateo Lodge of Elks.

Dr. Leo J. Flanagan

DR. Leo J. Flanagan, one of the county's well-known physicians and surgeons, is located in South San Francisco where he has been practicing for the past year.  Before moving into this county Dr. Flanagan had a large practice in San Francisco.

Dr. Flanagan is another of the young professional men who has been attracted to San Mateo County by the wonderful opportunities that the future holds. He sees a great period of growth and prosperity ahead for South San Francisco and his confidence in this era of development was such that he gave up a flourishing practice in San Francisco to come into this territory comparatively unknown and establish himself.

Dr. Flanagan is a native of California. He was born at Napa on August 6, 1885 where he took the first steps in preparation for his professional career. After graduating from Santa Clara College Dr. Flanagan finished the medical course at Johnstown University at Washington, D. C. For several years he was resident physician at St. Mary's Hospital and Mary's Help Hospital in San Francisco and was also with the San Francisco emergency service.

Dr. Flanagan has many fraternal connections. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Eagles, the Redmen and the Foresters. He was married in Portland in 1913.

Dr. J. E. Chapin

AN  important addition to the medical fraternity in San Mateo county is Dr. J. E. Chapin who came to Redwood City three years ago to practice medicine. Dr. Chapin came to Redwood after an extended practice in several large cities and a vast experience in his profession.

Since taking up his residence in Redwood City, Dr. Chapin has become intimately associated with the social and business life of Redwood City. His engaging manner and charming personality have drawn many people to him and the small circle of friends that surrounded him when he arrived, has gradually enlarged until it now includes the greater part of the community.

Dr. Chapin has a large practice in Redwood City and the neighboring towns, families and individuals from San Carlos to Menlo Park seeking his aid at the time of sickness.

Although Dr. Chapin's practice demands most of his time and attention he is one of the community's most progressive members. He has actively co-operated in many civic movements and others have his loyal indorsement and support.

Dr. J. E. Chapin was born in Auburn Cal., on February 3, 1871 and has been a resident of this state for 44 years. He was married in Chicago in 1902. After completing a course at Stanford University Dr. Chapin graduated from the medical department of Washington University in 1909. Dr. Chapin is a member of the Foresters, the Masons and the Knights of Pythias.

Joseph J. Bullock

OF the names connected with the San Mateo County Bar few stand out more prominently than Joseph J. Bullock. Mr. Bullock is still practicing at Redwood City and is finishing the twenty-fifth year that he has been before the courts of this county.

Mr. Bullock has also played a leading role in the public life of the county. In 1897 he was elected to succeed H. W. Walker as District Attorney. In 1901 he was elected to succeed himself in that office and in 1905 he was returned to that position for a third time. Being for 12 years in one of the most important political offices of the county, Mr. Bullock's part in the growth, development and advancement of San Mateo county has been no small one.

During his long experience as a lawyer, Mr. Bullock has been identified with some of the most important litigations in the county. He has been especially successful in criminal practice and he is known to be one of the most able criminal lawyers of the State.

Mr. Bullock came to California with his parents in the early eighties. He was educated in the Santa Clara county schools and then took up the study of law under Judge Allen and other noted jurists, being admitted to the bar in 1889. For the next three years he was associated with the Southern Pacific law department.

At present Mr. Bullock resides at Belmont. He is a member of the Odd Fellows and the Woodmen of the World.

George W. Dickie

ONE of San Mateo County's most distinguished citizens is George W. Dickie of San Mateo, marine architect and naval designer who drew the plans for the famous old battleship Oregon and a score of other vessels of the United States Navy.

Mr. Dickie is known the world over as a designer of fighting craft. Perhaps his most famous work was the Oregon, "the bulldog of the American navy," which at the time it was commissioned, was the most notable warship afloat. Other vessels that were designed by Mr. Dickie are the battleships Wisconsin and Ohio, the armored cruisers Colorado, South Dakota and San Diego, the cruisers Olympia which was Admiral Dewey's flag ship in the battle of Manila Bay, Charleston, Milwaukee and the destroyers Paul Jones, Preble and Perry and the gunboat Wheeling. Mr. Dickie also drew the plans for many of the large freighters and passenger boats on the Pacific among which is the Congress.

Another important work undertaken by Mr. Dickie was the designing of the machinery for the Comstock mine.

George William Dickie was born in Scotland on July 17, 1844. He studied engineering in his father's shipyard. In 1869 he came to the United States making his home on the Pacific coast shortly after his arrival. He has been a resident of San Mateo for twenty years. Many honors have come to Mr. Dickie because of his notable engineering achievements. He was recently elected a fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Mr. Dickie is vice president of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.

Mr. Dickie is the author of several books on marine engineering and articles by him have appeared in all the leading engineering journals.

Dr. Norman D. Morrison

BECAUSE of his extended practice and prominence in public affairs, Dr. Norman D. Morrison is one of San Mateo's best known physicians.

Dr. Morrison came to San Mateo eleven years ago. From the day of his arrival he has been successful as a practicing physician and surgeon and his clientele of patients includes some of the peninsula's most prominent families.

Dr. Morrison has unselfishly devoted his time to civic service. During his years of residence here he has served many terms on the Board of Health and for the splendid sanitary conditions of San Mateo, few men share more in the responsibility than Dr. Morrison. The time that he has spent in travel has been devoted almost exclusively to the study of sanitation in other cities and the conducting of investigations from which San Mateo has appreciably benefitted.

Dr. Morrison has also been one of the most active members of the Board of Trustees of the San Mateo Union High School. The body of men comprising this board has been devoted to their task with the gratifying result that San Mateo district boasts of one of the best high schools in the state.

Dr. Norman D. Morrison was born on October 14, 1876 in Ontario, Canada. He is a member of the San Mateo lodge of Elks and Masons.

John J. Shields

SAN Mateo county is to be congratulated that the office of auditor, one of the most important functions in the county government is in the hands of such a competent person as John J. Shields who was elected by a handsome majority.

When Mr. Shields began his duties he revolutionized the auditor's office. The latest and most up-to-date systems of bookkeeping were installed and sweeping changes and improvements made, with the result that Mr. Shield's office has been paid many flattering compliments by expert accountants.


Before being elected county auditor, Mr. Shields was under sheriff for Sheriff J. H. Mansfield. He was one of the most thorough and efficient deputy sheriffs that the county has had.

Besides being one of the best known figures in the political life of the county, Mr. Shields has been one of its staunchest citizens. He is a member of the Redwood City Chamber of Commerce and is one of the enterprising citizens of that community that stands behind every movement for the general good. Mr. Shields has property interests in Redwood City and San Francisco.

John Joseph Shields was born in Colfax on March 24, 1866. He has lived in California forty-nine years, fifteen of which he has spent in this county. He was married in San Francisco on October 24, 1893. Mr. Shields belongs to the Knights of Columbus, the Fraternal Order of Eagles, the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Modern Woodmen of America.

Dr. A. L. Offield

FROM years of practice in this county Dr. A. L. Offield of Burlingame is one of its oldest physicians. He gave up a large practice in San Francisco to come to Burlingame nine years ago. At that time Burlingame was one of the smallest towns on the peninsula but its growth bears out the predictions that Dr. Offield made for it at that time.

Dr. Offield is a member of the Burlingame Board of Health which has given Burlingame one of the best health departments of any municipality on the peninsula. The activity of the health board is apparent in Burlingame's sanitary conditions and general state of cleanliness which have made it one of the healthiest cities in the state.

Dr. Offield has built up a large practice in Burlingame, San Mateo and Hillsborough.

Dr. Offield demonstrated his faith in Burlingame's future by erecting a handsome business building on Burlingame avenue. At the time Dr. Offield built his building it was on the outskirts of the business district but Burlingame's business district is growing at such a rate that the Offield block will soon be engulfed by similar buildings.

Dr. Archie Leonard Offield was born in Oregon City on June 3, 1877. He has been a resident of California for twenty-seven years. Dr. Offield was married in San Francisco on July 9, 1908. He belongs to the Burlingame Commercial Club, San Mateo Elks and the Burlingame Masons.

L. P. Behrens

FEW men have brought more honor and recognition to San Mateo county then L. P. Behrens, cashier of the First National Bank and president of the San Mateo County Savings Bank of Redwood City. As a banker and financier Mr. Behrens has become known throughout the state so favorably that the honor of being president of the California Bankers' Association fell to him.

This was a rare distinction to come to a man from a county which had so few members of the Association and was so unimportant compared with the great financial centers of the state. As a recognition of the splendid service of Mr. Behrens to the Association, he was presented with a beautiful loving cup when he retired from office.

As the directing genius of two of the county's largest financial institutions, Mr. Behrens has been a potent factor in the development of Redwood City and the peninsula. He has financed many large business enterprises and has been instrumental in locating several large industrial plants on the peninsula.

The $1,250,000 bond issue for good roads is only one of the big movements for the betterment of the county that has received Mr. Behrens' hearty support and which can attribute its success in a great measure to his work and influence.

Mr. Behren's business demands have partly restricted his activities in public life, although he has found time to serve as a member of the Board of Governors of the San Mateo County Development Association and president of the Sequoia Union high school board.

Mr. Behrens was born in Shasta City, Cal., on August 24, 1860. Before coming to Redwood City twenty-five years ago he had interests in Colorado and Alameda county. He belongs to the Masons and Odd Fellows.

John Edward Layng

ONE of the newcomers to Redwood City who has worked himself into the esteem of its citizens is John Edward Layng, one of the proprietors of the Redwood City Undertaking parlors.


Since taking residence in Redwood Mr. Layng has won a place of prominence in its business and social life. He is accorded a place among the town's most enthusiastic boosters. Mr. Layng always finds time to point out places of interest to the stranger within the gates. Redwood's even climate, accessibility, business opportunities and industrial advantages afforded by its water front that is yet only in the infancy of development, are subjects in which Mr. Layng is well versed and which are always at his tongue's end.

Although one of Redwood's infant institutions, the Redwood City Undertaking Parlors has become a flourishing business under Mr. Layng's competent management. Before coming to Redwood City Mr. Layng had taken several professional courses and had a great deal of practical experience in undertaking in different cities.

John Edward Layng was born in San Francisco on January 15, 1884 and has spent his entire life in California. He is a member of the Redwood City Chamber of Commerce. In fraternal circles of Redwood City he holds a high place, claiming membership in the Masons, Eastern Star, the Redmen, the Foresters, the Odd Fellows and the Native Sons.

Dr. Herbert S. Anderton

ONE of the most successful physicians and surgeons on the peninsula is Dr. Herbert S. Anderton of Burlingame, who although only established in this county two years, has a large and growing practice. Dr. Anderton was located in San Francisco when he saw the field of opportunities that waited at the door of the metropolis and quickly recognized this county as the land of advancement.

After finishing medical school Dr. Anderton specialized on different subjects in several large eastern institutions. He then studied at the Marine Hospital in San Francisco and later was a surgeon in the emergency service in San Francisco.

Dr. Anderton is one of the directors of the Burlingame Commercial Club and one of the leading spirits of that organization. He has unbounded faith in the future of Burlingame and the peninsula and has made investments in Burlingame property.

Dr. Herbert Seth Anderton was born in Virginia on September 29, 1885 and has been a resident of California for five years.

Dr. Anderton belongs to the Burlingame lodge of Masons.

Horace W. Amphlett

BRILLIANT futures are in store for some of San Mateo county's young men. Among these is H. W. Amphlett, formerly assistant postmaster of San Mateo and amateur playwright. Famed not only for his literary talents but admired for his sterling character, rare personality and keen ability, Horace Amphlett easily takes a place among the best liked young men on the peninsula.

After acquiring his early education in the San Francisco schools, Mr. Amphlett continued his studies in San Mateo graduating from the local high school in 1908. He immediately went into the postoffice and in only two years he worked up to the position of assistant postmaster. He has served in this capacity for the past five years. Mr. Amphlett resigned his position in February to fill the position of assistant cashier of the National Bank of San Mateo, where he will no doubt become a fixture.

In the literary world Mr. Amphlett has brought himself into fame. His sketches and small playlets have been produced locally by the Peninsula Club, the Elks and the Catholic Club. Some were of sufficient merit to interest big eastern producers who sent to Mr. Amphlett for his manuscripts. The best known are "Thru Green Eyes," "Tess of the Tennement," "The Misogynist," "The First Stone" and "The Roof Garden," all of which are copyrighted.

Mr. Amphlett is one of the organizers and is past president of the Peninsula Club. He also belongs to the San Mateo lodge of Elks and the Knights of Columbus.

Horace W. Amphlett was born in San Francisco on June 27, 1890. He has spent the past ten years in San Mateo.

Joseph Ambrose McCormick

JOSEPH A. McCormick, Justice of the Peace in the second township and insurance broker, has claimed San mateo as his home for the past sixteen years. During that time he has grown up from one of the popular young fellows 'bout town to one of its substantial busienss men.


As a young man when Mr. McCormick first came to San Mateo he was a great favorite. He was a brilliant athlete and a great future awaited him as a baseball pitcher had he chosen a career on the diamond. However the sterner life appealed to Mr. McCormick and he chose to launch the business career for which he prepared himself.

Mr. McCormick has been a factor in the business life of San Mateo. He has been proprietor of a stationery store, and was associated with Charles Brown in the Smoke Shop.

In public life Mr. McCormick has been one of the most popular officials in the second township. After serving one term as justice of the peace the voters chose him to succeed himself at the last election.

Joseph Ambrose McCormick was born at Vallejo on December 23, 1874 and has spent his whole life in the "Golden State." He belongs to the Elks, the Knights of Columbus, the Eagles, the Moose and the Hibernians.

William Albert Crowell

WILLIAM Albert Crowell, manager and proprietor of the James Crowe Co., of Redwood City, the oldest undertaking establishment of the county, has made a host of friends since his arrival in Redwood City three years ago. Mr. Crowell has made the interests of his new place of residence his interests and few newcomers have taken a more prominent place in the community than that held by Mr. Crowell.

When Mr. Crowell took over the establishment that was founded in 1868 by the late James Crowe, a pioneer undertaker of San Mateo county, Redwood City gained a man of wide experience in this line. Mr. Crowell has been in the undertaking business in several cities, his last venture being in Sacramento where he was established for nine years.

Mr. Crowell has been appointed a deputy to Coroner W. A. Brooke. This is another position in which Mr. Crowell is thoroughly experienced. He was coroner and public administrator of Placer county. At that time he was established in the undertaking business at Auburn.

William Albert Crowell was born on August 9, 1862 in Massachusetts. He has lived in California thirty-five years. On August 9, 1889, Mr. Crowell was married in Tulare. He has three children Bethel, aged 24, Elaine, 15, and Wilma, 13. Mr. Crowell is high in Masonic circles, being past master of the Eureka lodge and past high priest of Delta Chapter in Placer County. He also belongs to the Knights of Pythias.

Dr. George Borden Yount

DR. George Borden Yount is one of the few professional men of the county who was born and reared here. Dr. Yount spent the early part of his life and received his preliminary education within a stone's throw of the office where he now attends to his large and growing practice.

Dr. Yount was born on September 28, 1882. After passing his childhood days in Redwood he entered the Redwood grammar school. After graduating he prepared himself for college at the Sequoia Union High School. After more preliminary study Dr. Yount entered the dental department of the College of Physicians and Surgeons at San Francisco from which he graduated.

Since starting his practice in Redwood City Dr. Yount has been interested in other business affairs and has taken an active part in civic life. Acreage in Laurel Terrace and real estate in Oakland are among Dr. Yount's property interests. He is also perfecting an automatic control for aeroplanes that will assist in the science of aviation. Dr. Yount is one of the most active workers in the Redwood Highlands Improvement Club and is interested in the Horace Hawes gymnasium movement.

Dr. Yount was married in San Francisco February 21, 1906. He has two children, Adrienne Muriel, aged six years and George Borden, Jr. aged one year. Among Dr. Yount's fraternal affiliations are Psi Omega dental fraternity and the San Mateo Elks and the Native Sons.

John V. Doherty

ONE of the livest insurance brokers on the peninsula is John V. Doherty, city treasurer of Burlingame and one of the Queen City's leading boosters.

Doherty is primarily a Burlingame booster and the only time he is not talking about Burlingame is when he is talking insurance. No man can boast of having more data, figures and statistics on Burlingame's growth at his tongue's end than John V. Doherty. He is an authority on increase in realty values, public improvements, population increase, health and climatic statistics in so far as they concern Burlingame.


Mr. Doherty has lived in Burlingame for eight years and its steady rapid growth in that time has given him such faith in the city that he believes the rest of the world should know the same things about the town that he does.

Since becoming city treasurer, Mr. Doherty has been an important factor in the administration of the city affairs. He has not confined his efforts to his official duties but every city officer has found a willing helper in him when anything for Burlingame's interest was undertaken.

Besides being a hustling insurance broker, Mr. Doherty has real estate and other business interests in Burlingame.

Mr. Doherty is a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Young Men's Institute, the Hibernians and the Burlingame Commercial Club.

Rev. Bradford Leavitt

REV. Leavitt is a minister of the Gospel; he is indeed more than this, for he is the pioneer in a new vocation in which his qualifications as a minister fit him for the perfect administration of his self imposed combined duties of clergyman and funeral director.

When Rev. Leavitt entered this new field comparatively recently, opinion was divided as to the wisdom of his decision. Today the many hundreds whom he has served in this double and truly Christian role will testify that he was most certainly right in his decision; as he has proved that he could with his dual qualifications lessen the burden of grief attendant upon the last rites of those who pass away.

Rev. Leavitt was born in 1868 in Boston, Mass. He came to California when a comparatively young man and has been a resident of Woodside for the last ten years. In 1893 he was married in Cambridge, Mass.

The Rev. Leavitt was pastor of the First Unitarian (Star King) Church in San Francisco from 1900 to 1914 where his sermons and the administration of the affairs of the church attracted widespread comment of the most favorable nature.

At the present day the Rev. Leavitt occupies the position as vice president of the N. Gray and Company of San Francisco and is the manager of the Burlingame and South San Francisco branches of this enterprising firm.

The Rev. Leavitt is a member of the following clubs and organizations: Commonwealth Club, Harvard Club, Chit-chat Club, Unitarian Club and University Club. He belongs also to California Lodge No. 1, F. & A. M. His home is at the Shine Ranch, Woodside.

Dr. H. D'Arcy Power

DR. Power has been a resident of San Mateo county for a period of ten years, and although his professional duties are confined for the most part to San Francisco, he takes an active interest in county affairs, as serving as chairman on the Board of Health of Burlingame signifies.

Although a resident of the state for twenty-two years, Dr. Power believes that his choice of Burlingame as his home will be permanent.

Dr. Power has risen high in his chosen profession,—medicine—being Dean of Medicine in the San Francisco Polyclinic, Staff Physician of the San Francisco Hospital and chairman of the health committee of the Civic League of San Francisco.

Medicine, nevertheless is not Dr. Power's only accomplishment; he has a hobby, if such a difficult subject as color photography could be so termed. Dr. Power is an authority on this branch of photography upon which he publishes valuable and instructive papers from time to time.

Henry Martens

MR. Henry Martens has been a resident of California for thirty-five years, during all but five years of which period he has devoted himself to the steel industry in San Mateo County.

In 1886, after an exhaustive search for the best location for a foundry, Mr. Henry Martens together with Mr. J. W. Heney, selected South San Francisco and founded the Enterprise Foundry. In 1892 the firm was incorporated.

Mr. Martens is one of South City's strongest boosters. In a recent interview he stated that the Enterprise Foundry of which he is president owes much of its prosperity to its advantageous location which splendidly meets all their requirements. The heavy steel buildings they have erected during the last few years in making additions to the plant, make it the largest and most perfectly equipped steel foundry on the Pacific Coast.

Mr. Martens was born in Germany on April 17, 1860 and secured his early education in that country. He came to America and on September 22, 1884 he was married in San Francisco.

Mr. Martens is a member of the Redwood City Chapter of the F. & A. M. 168.

Dr. F. Holmes Smith

DR. F. Holmes Smith is a comparatively young man, yet he has already passed through a most interesting career, one phase of which was a stirring trip up into the frozen north where he faithfully followed the call of medical duty in Alaska, upon the shores of the Behring Sea, as the company doctor for the North American Commercial Company. Upon his return to civilization he took up the less arduous duties of a practicing physician and surgeon at San Bruno in 1909.

Dr. Smith was born at Lake City, Minn., on October 29, 1879, and received his college education at Stanford University, after which he received his doctor's degree at Cooper Medical College. Thereupon he immediately entered into the practice of medicine, being interned at the French Hospital, where he secured much valuable practical experience. From here he went to Alaska.

Upon his return from Alaska he was married in 1911 at San Jose and shortly afterwards decided to throw in his lot with San Mateo County. Following this wise decision he moved to San Bruno and nailed up his shingle. He entered into the life of this thriving town with enthusiasm, with the result that he soon had established a lucrative practice. In a short time he was elected health officer of San Bruno—another result of conscientious attention to his duty.

Although deeply interested in his profession, Dr. Smith has not neglected the social side of life. He is a member of the B. P. O. E., 1112 as well as a member of the Masonic Lodge of South San Francisco.

Dr. Smith owns property in San Bruno and also has business interests in this town. A son, Harry F. Smith, three years old will soon be going to school, and in time it is hoped [that he will] follow as successful a career as his father.

Sebastian Lombardi

SUCCESSFUL dairyman, farmer and cattleman. Thus in a few words we can outline the interesting career in San Mateo county of Sebastian Lombardi.

Nevertheless success did not come without effort and a hard struggle. When Mr. Lombardi first came to San Francisco to go into the dairying business he was without money, but he soon had established a paying business. With the capital he realized in his San Francisco venture he again entered the dairying business in San Bruno upon a larger scale in 1900. He rented a place here in the beginning. Today he owns this place together with other property in San Bruno, San Francisco and Stanislaus County.

Mr. Lombardi was born on Dec. 8, 1866 in Switzerland. He has been living in California since 1890 and has been a resident of San Mateo County for the last fifteen years. He was married in San Francisco on February 15, 1902.

Before leaving San Francisco for San Mateo county, Mr. Lombardi took a thorough course education in the night schools of that city to fit himself for the responsibilities he knew would in time be thrown upon his shoulders, as well as to prepare himself to earn more money.

In recognition of his ability and of his sterling integrity he was appointed postmaster of San Bruno, which term he served for two years. He is also prominent in fraternal circles being a member of the W. O. W., and of the Y. M. Institute.

Mr. Lombardi is the father of four children, Steve, aged twelve, August ten, Rose, eight and Loretta six.

Mercedes Silvia

BELONGING to one of the oldest and most representative families of the county, Miss Mercedes Sylvia has much to remember and to be justly proud of in the part that her forbears took in the settlement and upbuilding of San Mateo County in the early years when there were hardly any settlers, inadequate transportation and no conveniences to speak of.

She was born in San Bruno, July 23, 1887, educated in San Mateo county, and has continued to live here ever since. Provided with ample means that would enable her to live anywhere she chose, she has nevertheless elected to remain in the county of her birth—which speaks much for the charm that this beautiful section of country never fails to weave about all who live within its limits.

Her father, Custodio Silvia, now deceased, lived a most useful life, and bequeathed to his daughter an estate of sixty-three acres of very valuable land in San Bruno which is constantly increasing in value.

Miss Silvia is deeply interested in church work and devotes much of her time to furthering the cause of the Catholic faith in San Bruno. In 1909, shortly after San Bruno had been made a separate parish, the Silvia family bought a piece of ground 50x100 feet, where the church now stands and presented it to the church, while the San Bruno people collected $1500. The little mission church is a familiar and beautiful object to all who pass along the Camino Real. It is called the "Mission San Bruno;" and is in part a monument of the generosity of the Silvia family of which Mercedes Silvia is the only heir.

Richard Charles Stickle

THE career of Mr. Richard Charles Stickle, particularly since he settled in San Mateo county, is well worth reading and points a moral. Nine years ago he came to San Bruno practically without a penny in his pocket, and went into business for himself carpentering and contracting. For quite a time he labored under considerable difficulty, as he was without capital.

Being an exceptionally good carpenter and thoroughly conscientious, business came his way—and it was not so very long before he had plenty of money to swing his contracting operations.

Perhaps Mr. Stickle's success can better be portrayed by a plain statement of what he has accomplished. The houses he has built in San Bruno only this last year number fourteen; and in fact he has built more houses in this town than all his competitors combined.

Mr. Stickle was born in Illinois on August 23, 1878, and only came to California twelve years ago. The first three years of this period was spent in Sonoma county where he was married at Santa Rosa the December of 1906. While in Santa Rosa he worked as a carpenter until he decided to come to San Francisco to try his luck. But he only remained in the city for a short time and made his final move to San Mateo county, which proved to be the best thing he could do.

Mr. Stickle has two children: Cecil, eight years old and Logar, six years of age.

Mr. Stickle is comfortably well off and owns considerable property in San Bruno as well as the beautiful home where he resides.

George E. Seely

GEORGE E. Seely, justice of the peace in the third township was elected to office two years ago. This was his first experience in public life and since first taking his oath of office he has by fairness, thoroughness and soundness of his decisions, attracted county-wide attention as a magistrate.

Mr. Seely is a machinist by trade and has worked at his profession in Redwood City for nine years. Being an able mechanic and of an inventive turn of mind, Mr. Seely has several patents which in time bid to make him famous. Justice Seely's modesty has made these almost unknown to his friends but they are of such merit that big manufacturers have examined them. Some which are now in Justice Seely's hands for minor improvements will soon be on the market.

Mr. Seely is a collector of autographs and he has the genuine signatures of many of the famous men of the world. He is also known as a great reader and a deep thinker. His knowledge of law was obtained by night study while following his vocation.

George Everett Seely was born in New York City and is a comparatively young man. He was married on April 14, 1896. He has lived in San Mateo county for the past nine years living all this time in Redwood where he has property interests.

Justice Seely is a member of the Foresters, the Odd Fellows, the Eagles, the Knights of Pythias, the Fraternal Aid and Royal Arcanum.

John MacBain

THE development of a few graveled lanes to eighty miles of paved and macadam boulevards is part of the story of "honest" John MacBain's seven years as supervisor of the Third Township.

When John MacBain took office, in 1904, his dream was to give his constituents a system of perfect roads. With not a foot of macadam or paved road in his township, he started out on this gigantic undertaking, on which he has worked tirelessly ever since, with the exception of the four years that he was not in office.


The roads of the Third Township now have no superiors in the State. The two main arteries are the State Highway and the Middlefield road, both of which are paved. From them branch off Atherton avenue, Fair Oaks avenue and Oak Grove avenue, all of which are paved, and Ringwood road, Glenwood avenue and Valparasio avenue which are macadamized. The Woodside road is a perfectly paved stretch running from Five Points, six miles back in the hills, to Woodside. A beautiful macadam and paved road connects Woodside, Portola and Menlo Park. Plans are in preparation for the improvement of the Alpine road and the macadamized boulevard into La Honda considered to have few rivals in California.

Supervisor MacBain has administered his other official duties as competently as he has built his roads. He was one of the leading spirits in the building of the new county court house, and he has been active on all the leading committees of the board. The careful and thorough manner with which he has deliberated on the claims against the county has caused him to be popularly called the "watch dog" of the San Mateo County Treasury.

In private life Supervisor MacBain is one of the leading contractors of the peninsula. He was a carpenter by trade. In 1880 he branched out into contracting and since then he has been identified with the largest building projects in San Francisco and San Mateo County. He has constructed many large business blocks and public buildings in San Francisco. At present he is engaged in reconstructing the American Theater there, which was one of his first large contracts in San Francisco.

No contractor has built more of the magnificent country mansions for which San Mateo county is noted than John MacBain. He just completed the beautiful country home of C. Frederick Kohl at Easton. Others that he erected are the homes of David F. Walker, at San Mateo; Samuel Knight in Hillsborough; John Henry Meyer at Atherton; E. W. Hopkins, Gus Taylor and William H. Taylor at Menlo Park. Many of the public buildings, schoolhouses and large industrial plants of the county were built by MacBain.

John MacBain was born in Picto County, Novo Scotia, on October 3, 1849. His parents were farmers. After he had learned his trade he worked in several large eastern cities and in 1874 he came to California. He moved to Menlo Park in June, 1878, where he has since resided and where he now lives with his family.

P. H. McEvoy

THE subject of this sketch was born May 9, 1848, in Sidney, Australia. He left Australia with his parents in 1849, for San Francisco, by way of Honolulu.

After leaving Honolulu the vessel met with such adverse winds and weather, that it was six months before land was sighted at Monterey, California. This long voyage had depleted the stores of provisions and water to such an extent that for two weeks prior to sighting land, everyone on shipboard was put on an allowance of both food and water, passengers receiving such small rations that when land was sighted they compelled the captain to land them at Monterey, rather than take any further chances of landing at San Francisco.

After a residence in Monterey of less than three years, he moved with his parents in March, 1852, to the Carey Jones ranch, south and west of what is now Redwood City, and now known as the Hawes ranch, which was at this time part of San Francisco county, San Mateo county being organized in April, 1856.

He attended the first school in San Mateo county, which was located on the extreme corner of what is known as Redwood Highlands, continuing until 1863 when he entered what is now known as St. Mary's College, on Mission Hill, San Francisco.

At the age of eighteen we find him farming 320 acres on the Woodside road near his parents' home. He continued farming and contracting until 1914 when he retired to private life.

Mr. McEvoy was naturalized in the 12th district court in August, 1869. He has been a life-long Democrat, serving his party as supervisor of the third township for sixteen years.

He has the distinction of being the first and only democratic supervisor who has held office in the third township for the period of sixteen years.

Mr. McEvoy is still very active, hale and hearty, and his many friends in this county have urged him again to seek the office of supervisor.

Dr. Frank S. Dolley

ONE of the most important institutions in the north end of San Mateo county is the South San Francisco General Hospital owned and Conducted by Dr. Frank S. Dolley. Situated near the great South San Francisco industrial district and close to San Bruno, Daly City and Colma, the residents of these cities are saved the cost and inconvenience of going to San Francisco or San Mateo for treatment.

The South San Francisco General Hospital was founded by the late Dr. Harry G. Plymire and on his death it was taken over by Dr Dolley. The institution is modern and upto-date in every detail and fills one of the most serious needs of the north end of the county.

Dr. Dolley came to South San Francisco after a wide experience in medicine and surgery. After graduating from the medical school of Maine he studied under some famous surgeons at several New York hospitals. He was three years at the Presbyterian Hospital and two years at the Roosevelt Hospital. After coming to San Francisco Dr. Dolley spent several months in the surgical department of the Lane Hospital.

Dr. Frank S. Dolley was born in Maine on July 26, 1883. With the exception of the last two years which he spent in California, Dr. Dolley passed his entire life in the East. He was married in New York in 1912.

Mrs. (Leonard H.) Racine McRoskey

RACINE McCoy McRoskey was a native of Oregon, raised and educated in Portland where she passed with credit through the grammar and high schools of that city. In her early womanhood she moved to San Francisco where she lived until after the earthquake of 1906. In 1907 the McRoskeys came to San Mateo where they were living at their home on San Mateo Drive at the time of Mrs. McRoskey's death in April, 1915.


Mrs. McRoskey took an active part in club and social affairs, being a member of the Thursday Club and the Woman's Club of San Mateo and also of the Women's Pacific Coast Press Club and Laurel Hall Club of San Francisco. Besides these she belonged to a number of social clubs in Burlingame and San Mateo. However she will be remembered best as the author of "Drift O'Dreams," a collection of poems and short prose sketches; and "The Missions of California," a sympathetic study of the buildings and work of the Franciscan Fathers in this state.

The nervous break-down which caused her death was the direct result of overwork incident to the writing and publishing of this book.

While the artistic temperament was dominant, there was also a strongly practical side to her nature as was evidenced when she served so efficiently as chairman of the finance committee on the first grand jury in which women were chosen. Though Mrs. McRoskey was not a militant suffragette, she took an active interest in political matters and local campaigns, and was an officer of the San Mateo County Civic Center.

She was one of the talented and energetic women of San Mateo county and is richly deserving of a place in the local hall of fame. Her untimely death is a distinct loss to the community and a sad bereavement to her family, friends and admirers.

Not only for her social activities will Mrs. McRoskey be remembered long in the community in which she lived, but also for her quick sympathy and steadfast loyalty which her friends will always associate with the name of Racine McRoskey.

E. I. Woodman

MR. Woodman is one of the leading newspaper men of the county, his sphere of activity being South San Francisco where he is the editor and manager of The Enterprise. He is also secretary of the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, a body that has been instrumental toward the substantial upbuilding of its city, in which Mr. Woodman in his two-fold capacity as newspaper man and civic booster, has taken no small part.

Mr. Woodman has been in the newspaper business for over forty years, coming from Sacramento in June, 1907 where he was also engaged in the newspaper business. He has resided in South San Francisco ever since. Mr. Woodman is a member of the San Mateo Press Association.

James McCormick

THE business enterprises of the little city of Pescadero are largely represented by the interest of James McCormick, who though not a native Californian, has thrown himself heartily into the upbuilding of his adopted land, which owes much to his earnest efforts.

He was born in Ireland in 1841, the son of Peter and Catherine (Gibeny) McCormick. His parents emigrated when he was seven years of age, settling in Cathage, Jefferson County, N. Y.

In 1863, James McCormick left home, for San Francisco, and arrived in that city January 15, 1864. After about nine months in Santa Cruz, he came to Pescadero where he has resided since. In 1873 he started his mercantile business which is now the leading store in his district.

In the milling business he also has timber interests and owns valuable timber lands.

James McCormick is one of the most prominent figures in the public life of the county. He has served as road supervisor, deputy assessor, and later was a member of the San Mateo County Exposition Commission. In politics Mr. McCormick is a Democrat.

Mr. McCormick was married in 1866 to Miss Julia s. Shaffrey, and the children born to them are Alice A., Francis, Ella M., Florence, James, Lillian E., and Julia.

Asa Thomas Weeks

WAS born in La Honda on March 1, 1859, where he spent his early boyhood, being educated in the public schools and St. Matthew's School.

In 1881 he decided to leave home and try his hand at mining in Idaho; and while there built the finest house at Sand Point. He then removed to Alaska to engage in mining; and while there served three years as United States Commissioner. In 1904 he came to Pescadero and engaged in the lumber business which he continued for five years. He then decided to try his hand at mining again in Mexico, but after one year spent there he returned to Pescadero and married Elma Chandler a member of one of the pioneer families of Pescadero. Mr. Weeks then settled down to farming and stock raising, in which he has been more than successful.

William Alexander Moore

THE subject of this sketch was born July 19, 1851 on his father's ranch north east of the village of Pescadero. His father Alexander Moore was one of California's earliest settlers, coming to California from Jackson County, Missouri, in 1847 and making the trip over the plains with ox teams, arriving at Johnson's ranch on Bear river, October 2, 1847, where he remained until he removed to Santa Cruz, Nov. 15, 1847.

The early life of Moore was spent in farming and stock raising with such success that he has continued to follow this vocation.

On April 9, 1883 he was married to Hattie Huff. The couple have one son, James Alexander, who is now with his father on their ranch of 117 acres, on Pescadero creek.

Mr. Moore is a member of the Native Sons, and the Ancient Order of Foresters.

Loren Coburn

ALTHOUGH a resident of Pescadero, the active years of Mr. Coburn's life have been spent in the mining regions of California and the growing cities of Oakland and San Francisco. Loren Coburn was born in Berlin, Orange County, Vermont, January 11, 1826, with New England blood, a promise of future success.

When ten years of age, his home was changed to Massachusetts, where he remained until he started for California in 1851. He shipped from New York on the steamer Falcon, bound for Cuba. After passing over the Isthmus of Panama he took passage on the ship Panama, arriving in San Francisco on June 1, 1851.

From there he went to the northern mines, by way of Sacramento, Greenwood valleys, and remained four months at the placers, on the middle fork of the American River. On returning to San Francisco, laden with the fruits of his successful mining experience, he was induced to enter a business life.

He engaged in the livery business in Oakland where he remained four years, after which he disposed of his stable and bought another in San Francisco, continuing in active business for twelve years.

While still in the city, Mr. Coburn purchased the Punto del Ano Nuevo Rancho, a Spanish Grant of four leagues.

After the sale of his San Francisco business he leased his ranch to the Steele Brothers, and in 1866 took his long deferred trip back to the land of his birth.

Returning in 1868, he spent the next four years in San Francisco and at the expiration of the Steele Brothers lease in 1872, he removed to Pigeon Point and assumed charge of his vast property, having added to it, 10,000 acres on the Salinas river in Monterey County, and a large tract of timber land near Pescadero.

The famous Pebble beach is located on this property, and on it he has erected a beautiful hotel. The United States lighthouse is also located on property once owned by Loren Coburn. For many years he engaged in the dairy and stock business with the same success that characterized his early efforts.

Mr. Coburn has made Pescadero his home for many years, and has won the esteem of his fellow citizens by his worthy efforts to make himself an honor to the land of his adoption. He has the honor of being the largest individual land owner in San Mateo County.

Mr. Coburn married Miss Mary Antoinette Upton, a native of Reading, Massachusetts. She died in Pescadero in 1896, leaving one son, Wallace Loren Coburn. Mr. Coburn then married Miss Satira S. Upton, an estimable woman and sister of his dead wife, who has brought him happiness and companionship during his declining years.

Josiah C. Williamson

MR. Williamson was born February 18, 1851, in Marshfield, Massachusetts, coming to Pescadero, California, December 14, 1869, via the Isthmus of Panama. He lost no time, but immediately engaged in the dairy business. After four years spent at this, he clerked in a store until 1885, when he opened up a general merchandise store, which is still continued by him and is the largest mercantile establishment in Pescadero.

On December 14, 1879 he married Harriet Hornsinger. The children born to this union, who are now living, are: Frank, Gladys, and Elmira.

Mr. Williamson served as postmaster in Pescadero for eight years. Fraternally he is a member of the Odd Fellows.

Dr. Isaac R. Goodspeed

FOR fifty-six years—more than half a century, Dr. Isaac R. Goodspeed has been one of the foremost citizens of San Mateo County; coming here when a young doctor with the ink on his diploma hardly dry, he remained in the county ever since. During this time he has been identified with many successful business enterprises and has faithfully filled the various offices he has held for both San Mateo City and County.

Dr. Goodspeed was born in China, Maine, on May 30, 1831. In 1854 he graduated from Bowdoin Medical College, one of a class of nineteen. Today he is the only living member of that class. He began the practice of medicine at Milwaukee, and in 1854 he was married to Miss Elizabeth P. Woodcock at Gardiner, Maine.

A short time after his graduation he went west to Chicago, and in 1858 came to California. He tried mining in Nevada for a while, but with indifferent success; and soon came to San Francisco and opened an office on Kearny street, where he remained until 1860. In the Spring of this year he decided to try his luck down the peninsula. He liked the climate of Pescadero so well that he settled in this town and remained there for the next ten years. For two years he taught school and practiced medicine. Then he went into the merchandise business and later on tried ranching,—all the time keeping up the practice of medicine. His other activities while at Pescadero were, serving as Justice of the Peace, ex-officio Coroner, and Associate County Judge with one of the justices of the Santa Cruz Bar.


In those days Pescadero was in Santa Cruz County, and did not until 1868 become a part of San Mateo County. It was through Dr. Goodspeed's ceasless activity, in conjunction with Judge Templeton's legislative work, that this addition was made to San Mateo County, amounting to about 140 square miles of new territory. While at Pescadero, although there were many hard characters to deal with, Dr. Goodspeed was instrumental in keeping this place as peaceable as a New England town by driving out the unruly element.

In 1870 he came to San Mateo and began to practice. His career at Pescadero had been most successful: everything that he touched seemed to turn to gold. The corner where the cigar store stands, opposite the S. P. Station was purchased by him when he came to San Mateo, and is still owned by him.

Dr. Goodspeed was soon elected Coroner. He served as postmaster from 1875-82. In 1882 he received the Republican nomination for the state senate but like all other candidates of that party, he suffered defeat, although he ran 5000 ahead of his ticket and received 400 majority in his own county. He was chairman of the Republican Central Committee for sixteen years. He held the position of Surgeon of the Sat Mateo County Hospital for thirty-five years, and was the Division Surgeon for the Southern Pacific Company from San Francisco to Monterey from 1895-97. In 1882 he was appointed Surgeon of the Steamship, City of Sidney; and on his return to San Mateo found that his property had been destroyed by fire, which wiped out a whole block, with a loss of $5,000 to him.

Dr. Goodspeed has served several years as school trustee, and filled an appointment about fifteen years ago, from former Governor Pardee, as State Examiner for Insanity. In addition to his local activities, Dr. Goodspeed has found time to make five trips to the east.

January 23, 1916 was the sixtieth anniversary of Dr. Goodspeed's marriage. Both Dr. and Mrs. Goodspeed are hale and hearty. There are a son and daughter: Edward Goodspeed, freight agent at San Mateo; and Mrs. R. J. Pye of Santa Rosa.

Dr. Clarence Victor Thompson

THE subject of this sketch was born in Eureka, Humboldt County, California, October 27, 1881. He received his education in the grammar and high schools; and attended business college until he decided to study medicine. He entered the Cooper Medical College, and after he graduated, immediately entered the City and County Hospital at San Francisco as house physician. He then removed to Eureka and became acting assistant surgeon and officer in command of the station. After two years he left for Alaska, practicing there for two years before locating in Pescadero, where he has been more than successful.

Two years ago Dr. Thompson entered the political field and was elected supervisor from his district, which term he is now serving.

Dr. Thompson is a member of the Masonic and Elk Lodges.

Jurgen Frederick Wienke

WAS born in Germany, July 15, 1844, where he was educated. At the age of twenty-five he left his native county to seek his fortune in the States, coming to California in 1869. He is an engineer by profession, serving in this capacity on the ferryboats in Germany.

In 1881 he purchased a farm at Moss Beach and opened up a hotel for an investment, under the impression they were to put a railroad through his property within a year. But it was many years after before he saw this in reality, although his land has greatly enhanced in value, enabling him to retire in comfortable circumstances for the remainder of his life.

Mr. Wienke was married in San Francisco in 1881, one child being born to this union,—Lizzie Wienke Nash.

Mr. Wienke served as school trustee for 24 years.

Source: Alexander, Philip W. History of San Mateo County : from the earliest times, with a description of its resources and advantages, and the biographies of its representative men.  Burlingame, Calif.: Press of Burlingame Pub. Co., 1916, 247 pgs.

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