1880 Federal Census
San Mateo County Hospital and Poorhouse

Source: 1880 Federal Census, California, San Mateo County, San Mateo
Enumeration District 237, Supervisor's District No. 1, page 27 [written], page 388 [stamped]
County Hospital, Dwelling #212, Family #217
Surname Given Name Race Sex Age Relationship to Head of Household Marital Status Occupation Health Number of Months Unemployed Education Nativity Father born Mother born
BROWN Albert A. w m 46   married Superintendant       New York New York Conn.
  May A.  s f 26  Wife  married Keeping House       New York New York New York
  Ida M. w f 8 Daughter single       in school Cal. New York New York
  Wm. A. w m Son single       in school Cal. New York New York
  Geo. O.  Son  single         Cal.  New York New York
SUAREZ Alex. w m 14 Pauper single   Ague    in school Cal. Peru Mexico
  Frederick w m 13 Pauper single at school Sore eye   in school  Cal.  Peru Mexico
  Arthur w m 11 Pauper single       in school Cal. Peru Mexico
  Almira w f 8 Pauper single       in school Cal Peru Mexico
FABER Gertrude w f 35 Pauper married Nurse       Holland Holland Holland
  William w m 24 Pauper single Laborer       Holland Holland Holland
  Peter w m 8 Pauper single       in school Iowa Holland  Holland
  Bernard w m 5 Pauper single       in school Cal. Holland Holland
  Annie W. w f 1 Pauper single         Cal.  Holland Holland
HILLES Thomas w m 50 Servant single Laborer   7   Ireland Ireland Ireland
DACHARD Jules w m 59 Pauper widowed Watch Maker Rupture - maimed, crippled, bedridden or otherwise disabled  12   France France France
MILLS George w m 70 Pauper single Laborer Sore leg 12   Scotland Scotland Scotland
MADDEN Francis w m 56 Pauper single Laborer Broken arm - maimed, crippled, bedridden or otherwise disabled  7   Ireland Ireland Ireland
RUSSELL Joseph w m 74 Pauper single Laborer maimed, crippled, bedridden or otherwise disabled 6   Mass. Mass. Mass.
PALMER Moore C. w m 68 Pauper widowed Carpenter Neuralgia - maimed, crippled, bedridden or otherwise disabled 6   Vermont Conn. Mass.
ENGLISH John w m 40 Pauper single Laborer maimed, crippled, bedridden or otherwise disabled 3   Ohio Penn. Penn.
WALKER Thomas w m 69 Pauper widowed Brick Mason maimed, crippled, bedridden or otherwise disabled 12   England England England
BIE Bernadino mu m 20 Pauper single Laborer   12   Manilia Manilia Manilia
BEACUITA Frank mu m 86 Pauper single     12   Manilia Manilia Manilia
GEORGE Charles w m 30 Pauper single   one leg - maimed, crippled, bedridden or otherwise disabled 12   Germany Germany Germany
KELLEY Timothy w m 40 Servant single Laborer maimed, crippled, bedridden or otherwise disabled 4 can't read or write Ireland Ireland Ireland
JUAN   mu m 15 Pauper single Laborer idiot   can't read or write  Cal. Cal. Cal.
WILSON John F. w m 52 Pauper single   one leg -  maimed, crippled, bedridden or otherwise disabled 12   Sweden Sweden Sweden
ANGLE Miles B. w m 21 Pauper single School Teacher Heart disease     Cal. New Yrok New York
HART Frances w f 37 Servant widow Cook in house    3   Ireland Ireland France

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