1900 Federal Census
San Mateo County Hospital

Source: 1900 Federal Census, California, San Mateo County
Second Township, Enumeration District No. 38, Sheet 5B
County Hospital, Dwelling #101, Family #104
Surname Given Name Relation-
ship to Head of Household
Race Sex Born Age Marital Status Nativity Father Born Mother Born Year to U.S. Years in U.S. Naturali-
Occupation Can Read Can Write Speak Eng-
HATCH John H. Head w m Nov 1854 45 married 17 yrs Canada Canada  England  1860  40 naturalized Superintendent yes yes yes
HATCH  Mary I. Wife w f Nov 1855 44 married 17 yrs California Ireland Ireland         yes yes yes
CALLAHAN  Michael Inmate w m 1830 70 widowed Ireland Ireland Ireland  1849  51 naturalized Indigent yes yes yes
GILLESPIE  William Inmate w m Mar 1872 73 single Mass.  Mass.  Mass.        Indigent yes yes yes
INDEAR  Frank Cook w m June 1834 60 widowed England  England  England  1866 34 alien Cook yes yes yes
BOYD Robert Inmate w m Dec 1818 81 single Maine  Maine  Conn        Indigent yes yes yes
LELAND James H. Inmate w m Jan 1838 62 single Indiana New York Kentucky        Indigent yes yes yes
MYERS  Charles H. Inmate w m July 1835 64 single Germany Germany Germany  1852 48 naturalized Indigent yes yes yes
ERICKSON Edward Inmate w m July 1828 72 single Wisconsin  Norway  Norway        Indigent yes yes yes
LAURENCE Manuel Inmate w m 1810 90 single Portugal Portugal  Portugal  1848 52 naturalized Indigent no no yes
JORGENSEN Jorgen C. Inmate w m Apr 1835 65 single Denmark Denmark  Denmark  1868  32 naturalized Indigent yes yes yes
COLMAN Martin J.G. Inmate w m Feb 1868 32 single Mass. Ireland  Ireland        Indigent yes yes yes
ALECK  Miguel Inmate w m 1867 33 single Ladrone Is.  Ladrones  Ladrones  1879 20 alien  Indigent no no yes
WILBUR  John H. Inmate 2 m June 1815 84 widowed New York  Vermont  New Hamp.       Indigent yes yes yes
DEMSEY Joseph Inmate w m Jan 1813 87 widowed New York  New York  New York        Indigent yes yes yes
WEALING Fred Inmate w m May 1830 70 single Germany Germany Germany 1872 28 naturalized Indigent yes yes yes
WELSH Morris Inmate w m March 1840 60 single Ireland Ireland  Ireland 1881  19 alien Indigent yes yes yes
WELSH John Inmate w m Dec 1835 64 widowed Ireland Ireland  Ireland 1865  35 naturalized Indigent no no yes
WILSON John F. Inmate w m July 1818 81 single Sweden Sweden Sweden 1859  41 naturalized Indigent yes yes yes
KENNY Thomas Inmate 2 m 1822 78 single Ireland Ireland Ireland 1850  50 naturalied  Indigent no no yes
SMITH Frank Inmate w m Nov 1845 54 single Indiana Vermont Vermont       Indigent yes yes yes
PAPES William Inmate w m June 1844 55 single Germany Germany Germany 1858 42 naturalized Indigent yes yes yes
BOWMAN Laurence B. Inmate w m May 1820 80 single Sweden Sweden Sweden 1850 1850 naturalized Indigent yes yes yes
GUERIN James Inmate w m Aug 1837 62 single Ireland Ireland Ireland 1854  46 naturalized Indigent yes yes yes
DOWDEN Samuel C. Inmate w m Nov 1816 83 widowed Virginia Virginia  Virginia       Indigent yes yes yes
MORRIS Robert Inmate w m July 1825 74 single England  England  England 1868  32 alien Indigent yes yes yes
CONSLASE? Antone Inmate w m Dec 1821 48 single Italy  Italy Italy 1870  30 alien Indigent yes no yes
REYES Gregorio Inmate w m April 1856 44 married Phillipines Phillipines Phillipines 1895 5 alien Indigent yes yes yes
MORRIS James  Inmate w m April 1835 64 single Ireland Ireland Ireland  1846  54 naturalized Indigent yes yes yes
MILLS John Inmate w m Aug 1835 64 single New Hamp.  Vermont Vermont       Indigent yes no yes
IULLIVAU? Patrick Inmate w m March 1861 39 married 18 years Ireland Ireland Ireland  1878  22 naturalized Indigent yes yes yes
MORRISEY Anne Inmate w f June 1830 70 widow
(mother of 2, 1 child living)
Ireland  Ireland  Ireland 1847  53   Indigent no no yes
SILVA Maru Inmate w f Oct 1842 57 single Azore Islands Azores Azores 1885 15   Indigent no no no
O'REILLY Michael Inmate w m Aug 1836 63 single Ireland Ireland Ireland 1845 55 naturalized Indigent yes yes yes
HAIL James Inmate w m July 1832 68 married 33 yrs Penn. Penn. Penn.       Indigent yes yes yes
MALEY James Servant w m March 1870 30 single California Ireland Ireland       Farm Hand yes yes yes
BURDICK Charles M. Inmate w m Nov 1859 43 single Michigan New York New York       Indigent yes yes yes
FOLEY James R. Inmate w m Sept 1819 80 widowed Ireland Ireland Ireland 1852 48   Indigent yes yes yes
TAVANI Giovanni Inmate w m 1823 77 single Italy Italy Italy 1870 30   Indigent no no no
FUL[???] Evan Inmate w m June 1820 78 single France France France 1850 50 naturalized Indigent yes no yes
RYAN Dan Inmate w m Dec 1832 67 widowed Ireland Ireland Ireland 1859 41 naturalized Indigent yes yes yes

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