1910 Federal Census
San Mateo County Poorfarm

Source: 1910 Federal Census, California, San Mateo County
Township 2, Enumeration District No. 55, Supervisor's District No. 5, Sheet 33A/33B
San Mateo County Poorfarm
Surname Given Name Relationship to Head of Household Sex Race Age Marital Status Natity Father Born Mother Born Year to U.S. Naturalization Home
Occupation Can Read Can Write Home
FORD John F. Head  m w 59 married 6 yrs, 1st marriage Massachusetts Ireland Ireland      English Superintendent County Farm yes yes rents house
FORD  Mary wife f w 51 married 6 yrs, 2nd marriage;
mother of 8 children, 4 living
California U.S.  U.S.      English none yes yes   
LONG Raymond E. step-son m w 20 single California  Ohio California      English Laborer yes yes   
[can't read, ?]  John inmate m w 68 married 44 years, 1st marriage Ireland  Ireland Ireland  1859 naturalized English Farmer yes yes  
HOLLY James inmate m w 78 ? Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania     English none yes yes  
JOHNSON James M. inmate m w 73 single Missouri  Ireland Germany      English none yes yes  
MARTIN  James inmate m Ind 76 single California California California     English none no no  
DREW Roscoe inmate m w 77 widowed Maine  Maine  Maine      English none yes yes  
McGUIRE  Edward inmate m w 68 widowed Ireland  Ireland Ireland 1872 naturalized English none yes yes  
RYAN John inmate m w 82 widowed Ireland Ireland Ireland 1858  naturalized English none yes yes   
LONG Percy H. step-son m w 16 single California Ohio  California      English attended school yes yes   
HAYMAN  George F. grandson m w 14 single California  U.S.  U.S.      English attended school yes yes  
TURNER  Luciluis H. nurse m w 29 widowed Illinois  Illinois  Illinois      English Nurse at Poorfarm yes yes  
ADAMSON  John inmate m w 83 single Denmark  Denmark  Denmark  1862  naturalized English none yes yes   
McFADDEN Charles inmate m w 72 single Ireland Ireland Ireland 1858  naturalized English none yes yes  
GREEN (*) Charles S. inmate m w 69 single New Hampshire New Hampshire  New Hampshire     English none yes yes  
HUNTLEY Charles G. inmate m w 72 widowed New York U.S. U.S.     English none yes yes  
GAUBURTY  Fernand inmate m w 74 widowed Maryland Germany Germany     English none yes yes  
INGLEBERT Beir inmate m w 75 widowed Germany Germany Gemany 1866  alien English none yes yes   
B[URDER?] Daniel inmate m w 76 single Ireland Ireland Ireland 1854  naturalized English none yes yes   
FRICK Edward inmate m w 67 single Germany Germany Germany 1865  papers filed English none yes yes   
REINE[N?] Louis inmate m w 63 widowed Louisiana Ireland Ireland     English Cook at Poorfarm yes yes  
C[OURSSON?] John inmate m w 48 single Iowa England  Germany     English none yes yes  
B[ACHFLOOD?] John inmate m w 56 single Ireland  Ireland Ireland 1884  alien English none yes yes  
E[LDIGAR?] James O. inmate m w 56 single New York  Massachusetts Massachusetts     English Sailor - general shipping yes  yes  
HARVILLE Augustus inmate m w 86 single  Maine New Hampshire Maine     English none yes yes  
ERICKSON  Edward  inmate m w 81 single Wisconsin Norway Norway      English none yes yes   
YATES Thomas C. inmate m w 87 single England  England England 1852  naturalized English none yes yes  
[QUIMBY?] Henry inmate m w 72 single New Hampshire New Hampshire Massachusetts     English none yes yes  
ALLEN William F. inmate m w 71 single Tennessee  U.S.  U.S.     Englsih none yes yes  
YOUNGBERG Peter inmate m w 71 single Sweden Sweden Sweden 1875 natuaralized English none yes yes  
CON[GDEN?] Ella inmate f w 36 single California Ireland Ireland     English none yes yes   
HATFIELD Margaret sister f w 52 widowed, childless California Ireland Ireland   English none yes yes  
MALEY James inmate m w 40 single California Irleland Ireland     English Farmer at Poorfarm yes yes  
[GALLIUS?] Simon inmate m w 74 single Ireland Ireland Ireland 1865 naturalized English Farmer at Poorfarm yes yes  
HATCH William inmate m w 50 single Australia U.S. U.S.     English Poultryman at Poorfarm yes yes  
DIXON  Bernard inmate m w 47 single New York U.S. U.S.     English invalid (permanent) yes yes  
O'REILLY Michael inmate m w 72 single Ireland Ireland Ireland 1865 naturalized English none yes yes  
FERNANDEZ Manuel inmate m w 53 widowed Portugal Portugal Portugal 1880   English Laborer on general farm no no  

(*) Per his relative, Marilyn (Green) Day, Charles S. Green was born at Bow, NH, 19 Oct. 1840, son of Samuel Rogers GREEN and Jane  TAGGART.  When his mother died, there was correspondence:   On Aug. 13, 1898 he wrote to his brother from “Lobelis, San Mateo Co., Cal., Dear Brother, Anna’s letter of July 29th received day before yesterday, the 11th and will write you a few lines in answer.  I will state in as few words as I can of what I have decided to do (it is) that I must ask for the alloted share of the money left by mother and I will sign off.  I do not wish to have the Household goods, wearing aparal etc divided or distributed at all.  I want you to have them without reserve of any kind.  I feel that you have quite hard feelings toward me for what I have done and that they will be more so when you receive this, if so must trust to the future to settle.  I will now close for this time assuring you that I have the kindest feelings for all.  C. S. Green.  (P.S.) Please send Ex order or check. C.S.G.”

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