San Mateo County Poor Farm and Hospital

At various times, this facilitiy was known by various names such as the San Mateo County Almshouse, the San Mateo County Hospital and Poor Farm, and the San Mateo County Relief Home (among others).  It was located near what is now the intersection of Highway 280 and 92.

"Poor Farm Road" as shown on this map is now Polhemus Road, turning onto Tower Road at the southern end.

"Alms House Canyon" as shown on this map is now Polhemus Road, turning onto Tower Road at the southern end.

San Mateo 15-minute Quadrangle, U.S. Geological Survey, 1896
Historic Topographic Maps of California, Earth Sciences & Map Library, UC Berkeley

"Blended" map layering the 1894 and 1896 maps


Yahoo! Maps

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