San Mateo County Genealogy



San Mateo, California
Source: El Tesoro, 1965
Published by Aragon High School, San Mateo, California, June 1965

Kenneth G. ALLEN, Principal
Audra LONGLEY, Dean of Girls
Henry THERKELSEN, Dean of Boys

Paul ARMSTRONG, Counselor
Robert BENNETT, Counselor
Helen BROWN, Counselor
William HOUSER, Counselor
Downing McKEE, Counselor
Joe MARCHI, Counselor

Jean CLARKE, Business
Thomas HARNEY, Business
Ormand HEACOCK, Business
Alane LARSEN, Business
ELectra POHLE, Business
Donald TINGLEY, Business

Donald CRAFORD, Art
Henry RIANDA, Art

Judy Cotter, Language
David EAKIN, Language
Ilse GLUCKSTADT, Language
Joseph LEDDY, Language
Grace THOMAS, Language
Jean WHITMAN, Language

Norman ARSLAN, Science
Harold BOWMAN, Science
Robert BRANDEBERRY, Science
Carl JOHNSON, Science
William LARSON, Science

Helen AUSTIN, English
Richard BELL, English
Peter DROBAC, English
Philip FISHER, English
Hershel HERZBERG, English
Robert KNEES, English
Jack LEE, English

Marion MEDING, English
Robert PARKER, English
James PRICE, English
Jack SHACKLETON, English
Odile STANNARD, English

Charles BENNETT, Math
Harold HUNTER, Math
John MAHAFFY, Math
James MALLOW, Math
Henry WARNER, Math

Bill DRANSFIELD, Social Science
James DUNSTAN, Social Science
Harry EAGAN, Social Science
James HERBINAUX, Social Science
Donald HILL, Social Science
Lawrence HYINK, Social Science
Peter LAWRENCE, Social Science
Frank MacGRAW, Social Science

Ben DENTON, Music
Elmer REVELLI, Music

Ferucio FRESCHER, Industrial Arts
Patrick HARRISON, Industrial Arts
Norbert RUPP, Industrial Arts
Richard RUPPEL, Industrial Arts

Anne GELLING, Home Economics
Donna SCOTT, Home Economics
Helen STUDEBAKER, Home Economics

William DASKAROLIS, Safety Education
Elmer SCHAAKE, Safety Education

Mrs. GRIFFITH, Library Staff
Mrs. HENRIKSEN, Library Staff
Mr. PETTINICHI, Library Staff

Edward DIAZ, Physical Education
Eugene GORDEN, Physical Education
Ben McGUIRE, Physical Education
Charles POLK, Physical Education
Wayne TAYLOR, Physical Education
Cheryl ANDERSON, Physical Education
Audrey HARRISON, Physical Education
Ruth JOHNSON, Physical Education
Judy UMLAND, Physical Education

Mrs. JENNINGS, Main Office Staff
Mrs. SCHWARTZ, Main Office Staff
Mrs. CLARK, Main Office Staff
Mrs. GODSHALL, Main Office Staff
Mrs. HUGHES, Main Office Staff

Mrs. EVANS, Attendance Staff
Mrs. GLOVER, Attendance Staff
Mrs. SALCH, Attendance Staff

Mrs. HILPISCH, Nurse

Mrs. POLLARD, Cafeteria Staff
Mrs. COPPENBARGER, Cafeteria Staff
Mrs. AHLVIN, Cafeteria Staff
Mrs. GERVASI, Cafeteria Staff
Mrs. TITUS, Cafeteria Staff

Mr. GANDOLFI, Gardening Staff
Mr. DICKEY, Gardening Staff
Mr. BRUSA, Gardening Staff
Mr. DISPENZA, Gardening Staff

Mrs. Salabert, Custodian
Mr. CHITTKA, Custodian
Mr. CONTINHO, Custodian
Mr. SEIFERT, Custodian
Mr. HERRON, Custodian
Mr. SOTO, Custodian
Mr. NADWORNICK, Custodian
Mr. McKINNEY, Custodian

ALHORN, Robert
Bob's ambition: to enter the electronics field.  A member of the swim team for two years, he loved girls and wicket parties.  Says, "What's happening?"
ALLARD, Ronald
"It is better to have loafed and lost than never to have loafed at all." --  James Thurber.
Jan, who has been on Student Council, the Rally Commission, and G.R.A., plans to attend C.S.M.
AMENT, William
"B.B." who wants to be a man who walks with his left leg in the gutter, asks, "Is life worth living?"  This is a question for an embryo, not for a man.
Ron, who enjoys playing basketball every minute, lives for the day when George Lee and "Watch Wood" are noted M.V.P. of the N.B.A.
Scott, who says, "Hey guys!" likes mechanical drawing, water and snow skiiling, and playing his electric guitar.  He wants a smoking lounge on campus.
ASBURY, Joanne
Joanne:  Basalits Tri-Y, AGA Hospitality and Finance Committees, and Student COuncil, wants to better her skiiling talents.  She says, "Don't take life so seriously . . . be happy!"
"Bubbles" enjoys water and snow skiing and being sarcastic to guys.  Ambition:  to have "Annette" get "D.L."  She can be heard saying, "How exciting."
Mary plans to go to college--either Cal or CSM.  She wants to travel afterwards.  "Give us all the luxuries and we'll manage to do without the necessities" she says.
BACON, Robert
Bob:  Boys' State, Cheerleader, CSF, Senior Justice Student Court, Varsity Track, Block "A", SSS, Editor-in-Chief Aristocrat, President Frosh Class, Furids Hi-Y, hopes to reach as many people as he can.
Vic has been dieting and working out all through his senior year so he can run for "Mr. Junior America."  "When you don't have anything to do, throw up your hands and take over."
Barbara hopes to go to business school.  Her ambition:  to save B.L. from the oil.
BALE, Virginia
Virginia will continue her schooling and major in physchology.  In her spare time she hopes to invent a freckle remover, which she's sure will make a big hit among fellow redheads.
"Midnight":  usually found around T.P. saying "Stay our of stagnant puddles."  He wants to teach T.P. how to surf;  would like to cut Gary Juchert's hair.
BARNES, Barbara
A member of class and student councils, Junior Class Sec-Tres., and Yearbook Editor, Barbara loves animals, collecting jewels, and eating, but warns, "don't eat the do-nut whole."
BARR, Martha
Marti, Yearbook Staff, enjoys piano playing, skiing, and traveling.  Hobby--Grocery shopping at W.F.I.  Goal:  To be a dental hygeinist.  Believes:  "Monotony is the awful reward of the careful."
BARRETT, Barbara
Barbara, active in the International Relations Club, Speech Club, and Advanced Modern Dance, hopes to work with retarded children and dance ballet in her spare time.
BECKER, Bartley
Bart, a member of Savantes Hi-Y, track and cross-country, wants to get his B.A. in 1969.  He also wants to meet Elke before Tom, George, or Kirk.
BEHM, Lynette
Lynette has participated in Band, CSF, Modern Dance and Latin Club.  Her ambition:  To be a high school English teacher so that she can become truly insane.
Tony is an amateur radio operator and gun collector.  He plans to attend the College of San Mateo.
BENNER, Robert
Bob was active in basketball, track, the Order Commission and Artesians Hi-Y.  He wants to study pediatrics at Stanford so he can help deliver the tribe.
Dave enjoys basketball and swimming.  His ambition is to major in Political Science in college and then go on to study law.
Rich believes that Aragon is an unbelievable experience for each butterfly.
BERRY, Donald
Don participated in the band as the principal of his section.
Louise, A.G.A. President, Class Secretary, Student Council, and Yearbook Staff member, wants to find out "what's the deal" with K.K.'s M.V., and how to be serious.
BLOCK, William
Bill seeks his B.A. in four years, participated in D.D.C., Furuds Hi-Y, basketball and track teams.  Bill hopes "to fly for Lufthansa and created a 'nead' bigger than Ron Croci's."
"The Nose" would like to be a liquor dealer for Skid Row.  He likes to read "Peanuts" and listen to Vince Guaraldi and Gene Krupa.  He says, "You're putting em on!"
"E.E." is an active member of the C.C., Student Body, and Art Commission, who enjoys painting and vacationing at Lake Shasta.  She also likes peaches.
Marsha, A.G.A., Representative, member of Student Council, Hospitality Committee, Finance Committee.  She says, "Love makes the world go round," and hopes to be heading for S.L.C. April 9.
BOYD, Kathlyn
Kathy, a true grey Southerner, says, "I got a letter from Creighton today--George is coming up," Memories--Guy--still hopes "Love is a many splendored thing."
"Shelly's" main ambition; to ride the "big surf" at Hawaii.  Her hobbies: skateboarding, surfing and watching CSM basketball games; says "Bo," CSM or bust.
Dave participated in the Varsity football team.
Active in G.R.A. Junior Achievement, Thespians, Bowling League.  Often says, "Hi, Sweetie!"  Ambition:  "To write steno at 100 words a minute."
BROWN, George
George has been Aragon's head drum major.  He plans to attend C.S.M. but is undecided as to a career.
"To many people I'm known as a Chevy-lover and I know that Chevy rules.  On Saturday nights I can be found watching either Submarine races or abominable snoman foot-races."
Alan is better known to his friends (especially Steve Meyers) as "Crash" because--well, one rainy Sunday . . . His lifetime ambition is never to scratch another fender.
BURRELL, Jeffrey
Jeff, a member of the Order Commission, is often seen in the parking lot giving citations to fellow classmates.  His future goal is to become an a.b.c. man.
Lorraine, French and Pep Clubs, likes summer vacations and the beach.  She wants to ride a bicycle through the Congo.
Jim's future ambitions are to get out of school, go to college, to become an accountant, and find out how hard life really is.
BYRNE, Suzanne
"Suzi", active in drama and Art Commission, says, "J.R., you don't understand."  She wants to give Freida the Bird of Paradise when she and L.D. get to the Pool.
CANTUA, Charon Diane
Diane's activities include Varsity PomPon girl, A.G.A. Vice-President, Student Council, Drama and RAY.  She is known for "never idle, never still; always talking, always will."
Wordlessly gasps:  "This school is -----."
Kris, member of A Cappella and active in "props" department in drama, likes swimming, football and basketball games.  Future goal:  to graduate from C.S.M. or Bust!
"Nanc," member of the band and the Medical Careers Club, says, "Guy, not Paul, Karen," and "You can't bathe twice in the same river."  Favorite pastime:  P.N.
CARTER, Stephen
Steve, a member of the varsity track team and Deputy Order Commissioner, is interested in aviation and plans to go to college.
D. Michael Angelo C. believes in "Italian Domination" of the world.  He enjoys basketball and arguing with M.M. about Nationalities.
CASSA, James
"Slats" a member of DDC, wants to play harmonica with John Coltrane.  He likes Miles Davis and Italy dislikes Sweden and phony jazz fans.
"Very often the quiet fellow has said all he knows." -- Kin Hubbard.
CHAPMAN, Stephen
Steve, active in band, orchestra, and ensembles, likes to play his recorder and wants to be on Pitcairn Island with Shelley, Fletcher Christian, and the crew of Bounty--undisturbed.
"Cannonball" was a member of varsity football and baseball teams, Order Commission, and Block "A".  Ambition:  to become defensive halfback for the Boston Patriots.
CLARK, Christopher
Chris enjoys sailing and water skiiling, wants to design an Ocean-racing sailboat for himself, and plans to study marine architecture or law in college.  "Say!  Who's that little old man?"
Paul, from Half Moon Bay, was in the Order Commission and track team, and plans to enter oceanography.  He wants to meet that "very sepcial girl".
COCKLIN, Virginia
Ginny treasurer of her Tri-Y, likes to bowl.  She wants to become a beautician, so she can give Ginny, Diane, and Donna new hair styles.
COHEN, Marsha
Marsha, active in Student Council, French Club, and Thespians, enjoys collecting albums.  Her ambition is to get a sports car the legal way.
Sam or Sammy enjoys stamp cellecting, Spanish Club and good movies, but his time is taken up by homework.  He says, "Leave for tomorrow--every thing you please."
COHEN, Willaim
"B.C." was a member of J.S.A., Block "A", varsity wrestling and class councils.  His ambition is to get to that university in the South and get his "B.S." in 1969.
COIBION, Elizabeth Ann
"Becky" loves tennis, checkers, and gin (runny) . . . understands why some people like strawberry sodas without strawbetties; hopes to achieve understanding of mankind and live her life to the fullest.
COLE, Curtis
"Dusty" was a member of the Order Commission and varsity track team and explains to the curious that he and Carol are not Siamese twins--but almost.
Mark participated in Student Council, football and gymnatics, and Executive Board; he was Guidance Commissioner and a M.P.L. Conference Delegate.  He hopes to enter medicine or engineering.
Kent:  track, football, C.S.F., and Senior Council.  He plans to see the world aafter college.  His favorite quote:  "You on the five-year plan at Aragon?"
John likes listening to Doug Uttley talk about himself and watching Mr. Diaz take points off.  He wants to join the Ron Rotondo fan club.
COOK, Dennis
Dennis wants to help others help themselves.  Plans to go to college and to major in business.  Also plans to visit the stars with a certain someone.
COOK, James
Jim is a member of the track team.  His hobbies are electronics, racing pigeons, and skin diving.  His ambition:  to attend college, majoring in business and electronics.
COPPO, Russell
Russ, who studies people's natures, participated in football, track, band, drama, and Block A.  He wants to study law, and enjoys the follies on weekends.
CORT, Randall
Randy:  president and secretary of the Block A., member of the Order Commission, and letterman in Varsity football and swimming.  He wants to become successful.
COSGRIFF, Christine
Chris, a member of A Cappella and Basalits Tri-Y, wants to learn to make people happy.  Believes:  "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."
CRAM, Kenneth D.
Although afflicted since youth with the terrible crippler, "bo-legs," Kenneth most sincererly hopes to fulfill his ambition to become President.  "All I need is a brea," he says astutely.
CRANERT, Daralyn
Daralyn, a member of the Yearbook Staff, Historical Commission, and A.G.A. Hospitality Committee, wants to learn how to smile and believes that no ideal is as good as a fact.
CRETAN, Clifford
Cliff, a member of the varsity track team, the Madigrals, and the president of A Cappella, plans to attend college, possibly tthe U. of California.
"Foxie," future elementary educator, member of modern dance class, student court, class council and Amega Lynda Y, says, "Happiness is when it's time to go . . . home."
CURRY, Barbara
Bobbie, who dislikes art, is a member of National Thespians and Basalits Tri-Y.  She believes, "Art, like morality, consists of drawing the line."
CURTIS, Edward
Ed prides himself on being just wonderful.
DACUS, Diane
Diane, who plans to attend C.S.M. and Become a Dental Assistant, says: "I don't care, it's the principle of the thing."
DALLEY, Suzanne
Suzie, who is sometimes referred to as "Squirrel Head," enjoys riding with Debbie on a bicycle into trees and over boulders.
DALUZ, Irene
"It is now and in this world that we must live." -- Andre Gide.
DANA, Paul
Paul, Student Body Treasurer, participated in varsity cross-country and baseball.  He wants to make S.J.L. very happy for a long time.  Says, "Have some ulcers."
"Jaybird" is often saying "Yes, Pamela" . . . His ambitions are to propose to a certain blonde and to build another little yellow roadster.
Active in Order Commission, Jim wants to get into Police work when through school.  He hopes to date a certain person before leaving Aragon.  He hopes everybody will Do It.
"Education has its object in the formation of character.
DAYTON, Charles
"aut pax aut bellum"
DEAN, Kathy
"Kat" is active in the Tokaes Tri-Y, and wants to go to Hawaii on a cattle boat with Louise and Jenny.  She often says, "Hi ya, honey."
DeROW, Cynthia
CIndy hopes to get that apartment in Chrismas Valley with Jud and not to mention the Crusaders or the yellow thing.
"My trade and art is to live." -- Montaigne
"Boom Boom," order commission, is star fullback and linebacker or the football team and pitcher on the baseball team.  Favorite saying -- "Beaver shot and you know!"
DIAS, Carol
Carol was Junior Prom Queen, a member of Senior Class Council and Basalits Tri-Y.  Her secret ambition is Dustry's secret.  She says, "Remember!  Curiosity killed the cat!"
Lorie is interested in folk music and wants to travel in the future.  She is Chan-ti-su-ta Tri-Y secretary.  Likes water sports.  Says "Oh, I'm so embarrassed."
DODDS, Deborah
"Dabbs" hobby is folk music.  She belongs to Chan-ti-su-ta Y and hopes to go to college, take chances and not get caught.
DOLL, Pamela
Being Varsity Cheerleader, in Student Government, and "Member of Block A," Pam was found painting posters or making decorations.  "Being part of Aragon's tradition is an honor for every student."
DROESE, Douglas
Doug is a member of the Ducalians Hi-Y and the golf team.  Doug likes albums, chicken wings, and Kathy.  Ambition:  to make Lan be nice to Kathy:  for once.
John, active in Student Council.  Executive Board, Senior Class Council, football, wrestling, and Furud Hi-Y, hopes to keep all the good friends he made in high school.
EDWARDS, Kathryn
Kit:  Thespian Society, Job's Daughters, G.A.A.  Hospitality; active in after school sports; wants to get from the back side of the curtain to the front--the theatre curtain!"
"King of the Laurdramat," enjoys chowing down, women, and surfing.  He says, "High Class, I'll say!" while with Bud or at the follies on the wekend.
EGAN, Warren
Warren, Block A and Varsity basketball team member, wastes most of his time wating for a straight flush in poker.
"Fuzz Bunny" wants to get his B.A. in four years and, possibly, join the Peace Corps.
Being Soph and Student Body President, and membe rof football, basketball, and track teams has kept George busy.  Furuds Hi-Y, girls, and sports cars fill up spare time.
"Mouth" loves eating, drinking, laughing and girls.  He is interested in the Suantes Hi-Y, hiking, Tony, his over-sexed cat, and girls.  His ambitions: girls.
K.H. participated in Drama and P.E. -- R.L.  I. -- P.P.P.F.S.D.H. -- and T.F.F.W. -- can be heard saying "Good" and "Where's Engleman?"
Gary's chief ambition is to spend a lifetime with "El".  Other prospects include going to college and becoming a P.O.
Dave has been an active member of the Order Commission and has participated in wrestling.
Jill, who was active in dramatics and student government funcions, is looking forward to college.  She is often heard saying, "We must be conservative", and "Don't get the wrong connotations!"
Sue spends most time going to North Beach and cutting school . . . says: "Evil spells live backwards!"  She wants to see Europe from the top of a cycle.
EPPES, Christine
Chris, head Varsity Pom-pon girl, and senior class council member, enjoys the sport of skygazing.
"Jeannie" was active in A Cappella, Student Council, and class council.  She plans to attend C.S.M. and hopes to be employed by the Federal Government in the future.
Peg, a member of A Cappella, A.G.A. and Basalits Tri-Y, believes "Experience is the Mother of Knowledge."
Betty, member of the Pep Club, dedicates this to the wachiest, most uneven-tempered guy:  "You're the best medicine at times for all. The best to you and Mike."
FATHY, Richard
Rich, active in basketball, cross-country and Block A., wants to go to college.  He is often in the gym saing, "I fouled him!"
Ruth, a member of the California Scholarship Federation and the G.R.G., enjoys tennis and skulpeppering through the dark draights of Anglo Saxona.
FERRY, Diane
"My life is dedicated to the pursuit of large bumblebees."
Ron plans to attend Stanford, and hopefully expects to go into medicine to become a famous baby doctor, along with Dave Jefferson.
Davie, a member of Savantes Hi-Y, enjoys skiing, hunting and playing the guitar.  He wants to become an architect and says, "The sports of life and love will glow forever."
Don, Senior Class President, has been on the Varsity track and cross-Country teams.  He enjoys skiing and wants to achieve solitude through turbulent exixtence.  He says, "Say, Fred!"
FLINT, Kevin
Kevin, who hopes to be a master mechanic of Ford Syndicate, wants to rebuild his 272 cu. in. Ford V-8 as a Cobra engine.  Other intersts:  Girls, surfing, sports.
Stig's hobbies are skiing and surfing and his greatest ambition is to go to C.S.M. in a very fast corvette.  Says:  "I can't believe it."
FOLEY, Stephen
FORD, Andy
Christmas in Chinatown and a fuzzy green sweater.  Track kaesers, Cretan sickist K.T.C.  844 cas Daskarolis Hollister 336 miles walking Cobra 880. T.J.Y. Cal fly Diane.
FORD, Robert
"Saddle your dreams afore you ride 'em." -- Mary Webb.
Gary, a member of the Aristocrat Staff and a cheerleader, likes basketball and tropical fish and hopes to be a head yell leader in college.
FRANZ, Edith
"Edee", newspaper staff, C.S.F., Foreign Relations and Hospitality Commission member, says "Think Ethnic" and wants to see Annette get through a deadline without Mr. Drobac yelling at her.
"Flush", Frosh basketball team, Madrigals, and Yearbook staff, says he's the royal Lush of a big card deck.  His grandfather invented something???  His gurure ambision -- Sheila.
Fang . . . order commission, and Yearbook Staff; hopes to become a dental hygenist and an expert at playing jacks so she can beat her opposition.  Favorite saying:  "Hi Sweetie!"
FULLER, Cheryl
"Life has a way of continuing, and thoughts have a way of melting into memories only to be searched out at a moment of sadness, no longer to thrive as deeds."
Super Don, Tennis team captain, originator of "Hey You!" says, "He who climbs to the top of the mountain first gets to stick the flag in," hopes to get B.A. in 1969 from Duke U.
Eileen is a member of the A.G.A. Hospitality Committee, Latin Club, Order Commission and th eRotagallians; says, "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."
GADD, Victoria
Vicki, A.F.S. host sister, Treasurer and President of A.G.A., Homeroom Commissioner, Exec Board, and student council, plans to get her MRS. and B.S. degree as a R.M. by 1970.
A transfer student from Centralia, Missouri, Anne participates in F.T.A. and Basalits Tri-Y.  She enjoys sewing, knitting, and sports.  She plans to study business and P.E. in college.
Weez, active in the Tokaes Tri-Y, wants to make a million.......!  She is often heard saying "take gas."
"Gandy" enjoys having a good time!  She plans to attend C.S.M., then who knows what!
Royal has participated in Latin Club and cross-country.  His hobbies:  playing tennis, outsmarting teachers, and getting good grades.  Lucky for teachers, he graduated in three years.
Stan's goal is to attend U.C.S.B., join the Peace Corps, and live the life of a Tennis bum on the Hond COast.
Cheri, who can alwasy be found dancing at the Y, wishes everyone in the class of '65 much happiness.
GENECK, Rebecca
"Bekcy" enjoys synchronized swimming and archery.  She wants to major in recreation, attend dental collect at the U. of Hawaii, and says, "patted," or "move the bod".
Don wants "to involve myself in piteous existence through the lamentable tragedy, life."  He "Hshall validly despair" his birth, and teach himself to feel beauty.  L.S. agrees.
Howard Johnson, I leave my locker to you and you alone -- #1238  38-10-2.  "Good luck this year, fella!"
"W.W.", member of A Cappella and Madrigals, Job's Daughters, and a Candy Striper, wants "to help Fe' solve her problems instead of getting her to solve mine."
Nancy hopes to be a nurse so she can help B.C. in her discovery.
GILMORE, Allen Douglas
Doug enjoys serious conversation and good times.  He wants to see Europe before 1969, and can usually be found swinging from a giant scaffold or Bobbie's hand.
Jeff, a science club member, enjoys camping, model railroading, and canoeing.  His ambition is to become a biologist.
GIUSTO, Diane Marie
"Di" loves water skiing, dancing, and horsebackriding.  Her goal:  Legal secretary.  Favorite saying:  "I know it!"  Her ambition: to make someone happy someday.
"P.G.", active member of the C.C., dislikes people who are continually flippant.  Says, "What's anything without happiness".  Ambition:  to see Barb in Ohio.
"Little Boose" likes waterskiing, motorcycles, and the things they sometimes carry on the back.  His ambition: to surpass his brothers "Jot" record and to get his B.A. by 1969.
GODWIN, Joseph
When Joe isn't working on cars, he's busy cutting school (as often as possible).  His life ambition is to be a toll collector on S.M. bridge.
Paul likes working with ham radios, hi-fis, motorcycles, and dragging Grand Prix.  In sports, he enjoys wrestling and swimming.
Joanne has been a member of the Sophomore Council, Future Teachers Club, and Spanish Club.  Ambition -- To go to college in the fall and to succeed in all that she attempts.
John was active in swimming, wrestling, and D.D.C.  He wants "To make his first million picking fruit in the valley of the Jolly Green Giant."
GRAY, Terry
Terry, whose hobby and living is music, says "Out of sight," and wants to make it out of high school before he's old enough to vote.
Bernice, an A Cappella member, is active on varied commissions.  She would rather knot baby booties than be president of Rof Nedia Tri-Y.
GRIMES, Nancie
Nancie:  J.V. Cheerleader, Order Commission, Junior Council, and Service Commission.  Hobbies -- bongo boarding at M.T.'s Ambition -- to learn how to gobble on skiis.
GUNN, RIchard
Richard, a member of the P.A. crew and National Thespians, wants to be a communications technician.
John, member of A Cappella and Block A, participated in Varsity track and football.  He hopes someday to become a professional bum and wants to know, "Who's buyin' this week?"
HALL, Stan T.
Stan, whose hobby is truck driving, wants to be an operating engineer and says, "I love money!"
Margo, an officer of A.G.A., and the Junior Class, is a member of the Student Council and likes playing snuggles with her teddy bear.
HANEY, Barbara
Bobbie says, "I have met people here who have opened new channels of thought for me.  I realize how much I want to travel and meeet more such people."
HANRAHAN, Patricia
Pat, Election Commissioner, A.G.A. vice president and secretary, is member of C.S.F. and Aristocrat Staff; she wants to be first to drive across the Atlantic.
Bob wants to build a 327 double overhead cam shaft Chevy, and "to get Mr. Ruppel's Chevy six overhauled before I graduate."
HARVICK, William
"Crip" wants Swedes to conquer the world, is President of D.D.C., likes Sweden, W.W.S. and jazz;  says; "May our thirst for knowledge never wine."
Keith, who likes hunting and fishing, plans to go to C.S.M. for two years and then to the University of California.
HEATH, Harvey
Harvey likes sports cars and night rallies.
Susan, member of Rainbow Girls, THespians, and B.Y.F. wants to be able to finish her homework before the period it's due.  She says, "Let's cut!"
Pete, a part-time student, plans to make nothing but money.  His favoritepastime is thinking of angles on how to make more money.
HENRY, Pamela
Member of Aristocrat Staff, Rof-Nedia Tri-Y, G.R.A., A.G.A., Finance, A.F.S., Historical Commission and class council, Pam wants to be a Whole-Hearted Friend.
Gregg, generally known as the founder of the second Pan-German Club, is interested in history and plitical science.  He likes to say, "Sieg-heil, Kelly."
Sheri, active member of the C.C., hopes to see The Broad Mind published; says, "'They are not long, these days of wine and roses,"' so live them now."
HIATT, Susan
Nikki, an M.P.L., delegate, a member of the Silver Swod Commission and the badminton, tennis and basketball teams, likes to say "or wheat."
"Wes", an active student, has been league champion in tennis, a basketballer, and is a yodeling Swiss skier.  Plans to have a successful college career.  He says, "Let's be friends."
HOGG, Adrienne
"Butch" is always found at football and basketball bames with "Shelly" and "Sam."  She needs a bigger hope chest even though it's hopeless.  Favorite saying:  "Bo!"
Jan, head J.V. cheerleader, varsity cheerleader, Service Commissioner, Rally Commission and Executive Board member, wants to make seven days a week a life long game.
Gil likes reading, eating and sleeping; wants to be commanding officer of the 15th Panzer Grenadiers when he grows up.  He says, "Ai Tan!", and generally means it.
Dennis, who likes hunting and fishing, is active on the swimming team at Hillsdale, and wants to study Forestry at Oregon State.
HUDSON, Jeanne
Jeanne has been a member of Student and Junior Class Councils.  She hopes to make a success in the big wide world out there, and marry that certain someone.
John plans to make a milliion by the time he is twenty and then spend the rest of his life relaxing on an island in the South Pacific.
HUMBER, Richard
"Piccolo Pete": Bank, International Relations, S.S.S., and Student Council.  Anywhere there is a musical group he says, "All right.  I have the baton now".
Ann, who was A.G.A. JunioR Representative and participated in the French Club and school plays, likes winter rain, summer seas, and Golden Gate Park.
Jim, a member of "B" basketball, likes cars and basketball and hopes to make his first mission before he's 21.  Favorite saying: "Let's torque!"
HUTCHING, Donna Lynn
Donna likes to spend her time bowling and sewing.  Her ambition is to learn to ski.  She wants to become a secretary.  Favorite saying:  "Ya know!"
IMBLER, Martin
"Pseudo" likes Aragon and plans to graduate.  He enjoys playing basketball or golf.  This young whipper-snapper likes dancing and chemistry experiments.  To his fans:  "Surf's up!"
Carol, a member of the Republican Club, hasn't made many plans for the future.
Grace, active in A Cappella, National Thesbian Society, and Basalits Tri-Y (Secretary), always heard saying, "Give my regards to . . . " Secret ambition:  To wake up early someday.  Says:  "Better late than never."
"Izzy" is the biggest nose in the class of '65.  He hopes the yearbook won't goof him up again and says, "Big noses are a sign of intelligence."
Dave plans to attend Stanford with Ron Figone and hopes to go into medicine with him.  The first baby they will work on?  Mike Bechtold!
JONES, Linda
"Squecky", hopes the wish sh emade at the Hyatt House comes true.  Her ambition is to have Mar give up "candy."  She says, "How's Dennis?!"
John, a member of the Stamp Club and the Merry Marvel Marching Society, is the world's foremost authority on the subject of comic books.
Linda has been in the Medical Careers Club, the Latin Club, and Pep Club.
JOHNSON, Linda Calcagno
Linda, a member of student coucil, wants to spend a rich and happy life with her hubby, Eric, and daughter, Tracy.
JOST, Gayle
"Invisible threads are the strongest ties." -- Friedrich Nietzsche.
JOYCE, Pamela
Diety, Tin, Roberts, SSS, Perception, "Paganized through the glass", the tank, Hillsdale.
Gary, a member of the Gymnastics team, hopes to marry J.T. in four years.
"To live is like to love -- all reason is against it, and all healthy instinct for it."
Randy, a member of Aragon's basketball and baseball teams, wants to start a new life after graduation.  He enjoys Fridays and wants to forget the bad things.
Bruce, who likes to ski, wants to rise above Aragon's halls.
KANE, Rita
Rita, who loves playing hockey and basketball with T.F.F.W., ways "Don't give me a bad time", and "just wants to have a friend named Rob."
John enjoyed track, Hi-Y activities, being in Mr. Rupp's illustrious M.D. 7-8 class.  John hopes the "valuable" training received in Mr. Rupp's class will some day be of great use.
KEILES, Barbara
Barbara has been active in A.G.A. Hopsitality Committee, Elections Commission, Pep Club, and Spanish Club.  Her ambition is to be den mother of troop No., 8427186 at San Jose.
KELLY, Royce
Royce, typically says little, does less, and likes maple-nut ice-cream.  He can be heard muttering to himself that "sincerity will triumph over snickering friends."
"The only good thing about high school is getting out."
KING, Katherine
"Kathie" was news editor of the Aristocrat, and a member of the Senior and Student Councils, Elections Commission, Ways and Means Committee, and Rof Nedia Tri-Y.
"Kirk", participated in tennis and basketball.  His ambitions are not to attend any more cast parties and to always have someone home.  Favorite saying: "Stoke".
No one saw what Klinger did:  He shut the world outside; Such won'drous things beneath that lid, that wept for air . . . and died.
"Chubs", who enjoys water-skiing, wants to travel around the world as a secretary for a handsome executive.  Favorite saying:  What's the skinny?"
KRASE, Robert
Bob is active in being non-active except for nasty Aristocrat columns and C.S.F.  He hopes to fill himself with the nextar of life, and says, "O.K. then."
KRAUS, Cheri
R.M. is getting a visit soon from Cheri because her motto is "Don't put off tomorrow what you can do today!"  Says:  "The future has promise."
KREMPETZ, Mary Alice
Mary, a member of the G.A.A., has participated in gymnastics meets and dance concerts.  Her hobbies are swimming and surfing.  She plans to take a liberal arts course in college.
Sue, student council member and A.G.A. Secretary, after making a fast million playing her banjo in the Ozarks, plans to move to Sausalito and sue the Sandal Maker.
KRUG, Phil
Phil, a ham radio operator, plans a future in electronics.  He enjoys good hop boot sessions and a certain girl; asks:  "How about a sour Reaber Snatcher?"
Karyn:  Student Body Secretary, A.G.A.  Secretary, Service Commission.  She discovered with Janie, "When it rains it pours."  Says:  "A nose is a nose is nose."
Pam, a Rof-Nedia Tri-Y member, is planning to go to C.S.M. -- after that, who knows?  She'd like to visit Marit in Norway sometime.  Favorite saying:  "Let me drive!"
LANDON, Linda Lee
Linda, president of the French and Medical Careers Clubs, wants her B.S. and MRS. degrees and a $5 bet from Ginny: says, "Cry on my shoulder -- it's water-proof!"
LANG, Virginia
Ginny can't wait till school is out.  She's trying her best not to collect a bet from Linda.  Her favorite saying:  "Wanna see Mike's picture?"
Sue, who enjoys swimming and horseback riding, plans to go to Cal Poly.    Favorite saying:  "Move your bod!"
Kay is Vice President of her Tri-"Y".  She wants to become a nursery school teacher, marry Rick, and raise six kids.
Lars, a member of the Senior Lunch Room, likes coin collecting, annoying Mr. Knees, and scoring basketball, track gymnastics, and cross-country.
"Brat" transferred from Mercy for her senior year.  Her hobby is keeping "Zorro" out of trouble.  Ambition:  To marry Mike Bobisen sooner or later.
LAZAR, Barbara
"Zorro" is jazzed on waterskiing and skiing and says, "We're fighting again."  Ambition:  To marry a certain North Dakota boy named "Loppy."
LEAHY, Patricia
Patty, a member of A Cappella, wants to spend her life eating congo squares and living in a world where laziness is a virtue.
LEARN, Dixie
Dixie has participated on the Medical Careers Club and Latin Club.
Judy, most importantly, is an active member and official chauffeur of the C.C.  She has been active in the A.G.A., enjoys working on term plays, and says, "Man the torpedoes!"
LEAVY, Susan
Sue, who knows her ins and outs, is being sent by Speedy Air mail, special delivery to Missiouri, to get her away from the Jolly Green Giant.
Jerry:  "Spider" has been an active participant on the varsity track team.  He can be found anywhere he's not supposed to be, saying, "Today, nothing: Tomorrow, the World!!!"
A gymnast and wrestler, Lew is nicknamed "The Little Ape."  He likes to ride his Honda to Daly City on rainy days.  He plans to be a teacher.
LEWIS, Barbar
Barbara hopes to be a doctor so she can find a cure for oil.  She hopes to get out before she slips on it.
LINTINI, Virginia
"Ginny," president of "Chan-Te-Su-Ta Tri-Y," enjoys sewing.  She plans to go to college after graduation, and to be a successful housewife for someone.
LOY, Michael
Mike has been a member of X-Country and swimming teams.  Hobbies:  skiing, skiing and more skiing.  HIs ambition:  To be as famours as aStein Eriksen.
LUND, Susan
"Slund":  Medical Careers Club, Bank and P.H.W. of Job's Daughters, plans to be an Occupational Therapist.  Says, "People are like that, Yeh! they are!"
After Marit returns to Norway, she plans to secure her teaching degree.  She has been honorary member of Exec. BOard, Student Council, and a member of Rof-Nedia Tri-Y.
MANGIS, Martha
Martha, who was Art Commissioner for 1 1/2 years and an Executive Board member, is headed for a teaching career.
Debbi likes riding with Sue on a bicycle into trees and over boulders.  Her ambition is to go to S.F, during Chinese New Year -- safely.
MARCUS, Jeffrey
Jeff, who hoes to get a job like Smokey and go over his head, says, "God knows I'm sorry."  His hobbies include wine, women, song and grappling.
"Markpint" wants to crush imbler in basketball and sing "Twist and Shout" better than Cram and Furlow.  Wishes luck to unfortunate students.  Says instinctively, "Illinois stinks."
MARTIN, Carlene
Carlene was Varsity and J.V. Cheerleader, Rally Co-Commissioner, and A Cappella Choir member.  Hopes to have a career and go to Europe before she gets her Mrs. degree.
Sue wants to meet the Leader of the Pack, see "Tina Delgado" dead, travel to find regional folk music, and meet Bob Dylan.  Says:  "Okay go -- Okay stop!"
"Ig" hopes  to come back to San Mateo after graduation, also hopes to keep certain plans with a certain friend.  Likes to "polka after dinner down the poopin' hill."
MAYO, Terrance
Terry spends as much time as possible shooting, stuffing and eating beavers.  He intends to become a corporation president at 25, retire at 40, and then go into politics.
McCARTHY, Patty Jean
Pat, a member of Chan-Te-S-Ta tri-Y and Job's Daughter's Honored Queen, wishes she could make up her mind about the future.
Peggy, sixth period modern dancer, plans to become a dental hygeinist.  She wishes luck to a certain teacher who cherishes English 8.  Says:  "Keep thinkin' it!"
McCOOL, Denise
"Mac's" activities include International Relations Commission, Latin Club, and French Club.  She enjoys going to the beach and dancing and can be found admiring a certain black VW.
"It is easy to be heavy; hard to be light." -- G.K. Chesterton.
McFALL, Suzanne
"Sue" likes to roller skate and can always be heard saing: "not really!" and "Really?"   Sue plans to make that certain someone happy in the near future.
McGRAW, Vickie
Vicki participated in Art Commission.  "That's all."
McLAIN, Douglas
Doug has been Order Commission head, on Student Council, on Financial Control Board, and President of Pwseidon Hi-Y.  Ambition:  To do all things in life, and get away with it.
MEEDS, Randal
Randy, a transfer student from Salinas, participated in Varsity football and baseball, is intereted in art and design and hopes to become an architect.
Ed, a member of varsity wrestling, and Furuds Hi-Y, has the favorite activity of spending lunch in the S.B. room.  Ambition:  "To get my B.A. in 1969."
A transfer from Burlingame in 1964, Gail participated in Madrigals, Modern Dance, and Future Teachers.  An officer in her church group, she plans to attend C.S.M.
Steve, who dedicates this caption to "Crash" Brudno's seat belts, gives this advice:  "Don't itch while in armor."
"Charlie" plays the guitar and roller skates when she sings, "Hey, wait a minute!"  Her ambition is to bowl a 300.
MILTON, Meredity
"Mertz" was vice-chairman of the Thespians and Student Director of "Night Must Fall."  Her ambition is S.F. State, class of 1969.  She says, "Cheer up, things'll get worse."
Sally, member of Pep Club, enjoys yelling a lot and being around people.  She hopes to become a secretary.  Favorite saying:  "You know it."
Roger, member of Frosh and Varsity football teams and Order Commission, likes water-skiing, football, and riding.  He hopes to be with "H.K."; says "OK" and "sure guy."
MIZER, Diana
Diana, member of Art Commission, hopes to succeed as an interior designer.  Her hobbies include spectator sports, out-door activities, and art.
MORSE, Scott
Scott has been active with the P.A. and sound crews, and a member of National Thespians.  He hopes to be an electronics engineer.
Member of Furud Hi-Y; Activities: frosh football, varsity cross country, head yell-leaders, swimming, drama, Aristocrat editor.  Wants to join U.N.C.L.E. and wipe out Thrush.
MURFEE, Marilyn
"Moose", AGA Finance Committee and Roto Gallian Tri-Y member, plans to operate a Popcorn Factory with Doug, and further education.
NARUP, Karen
Karen likes art and guitars.  Honor Queen of Job's Daughters, Pacific Bethel, she plans on Business College and an apartment in L.A. with her girl-friend.
NESS, Deborah
"Debbie" plans to go to C.S.M. for one year, then to the University of Arizona.  She is going to Europe in the summer of '66.  Her hobby:  a "Sting Ray."
Todd says, "THank goodness I don't have to laugh at any more teachers' jokes."  Ambitions: -- Continuation of his br5ewery.
NIELSON, Michael
Mike, a member of the Furud Y, order commission, block "A" society, and varsity football, baseball, and basketball teams, hopes to get a B.S. in 1969.
Carrie likes to collect stray animals.  She wants to travel and afterwards become a beautician.
NOE, Michael
Michael likes R.B. bumps in the road, submarine races, and his "Y" parties.  He plans to be healthy, wise and very wealthy.  He is often heard sahing "Shazz am."
NOLAN, Timothy
"Head" wants to fly around the world with Carol.  He hopes he can get out of Aragon alive and then show some teachers how to really live.
"Smoxie" enjoys waterskiing with "Chubs".  She wants to travel everywhere with "Hooch" in lead a useful, satisfying life.
John hopes to own and drive a fast and reliable car in the near future.
O'BRIEN, Jefrey
O'B. belongs to NORTH COAST SURFERS and wants everyone else out of the water!  He generally hates people, except his friends, and can be heard saying and doing anything.
Sam's hobby is electronic expreimentation.  He hopes to be an electronic engineer, electronic curcuit designer, or T.V. repairman.  Goal:  to be a star wrestler on channel two.
ODDEN, Cynthia
Cyndee was on A.G.A. hospitality committee, Guidance committee, and Student council.  Her ambition is to break more pins and keep rusty nails.
OGATA, Marilyn
Marilyn, an art and order commission member and member of Rota Gallians TipY, hopes to give a citation before graduation and to have a successful future with a "special" someone.
OKADA, Jerry
Jerry, J.A.P.K.C., Student council, and Kaesers Hi-Y, enjoys baseball, dancing, bowling; spends time working in the rice fields.  He hpes to see more nogara's in the future.
O'NEIL, James
"Red", a member of the Furud's Hi-Y, the varsity football, basketball and baseball teams, likes to eat out at the J.A.R. ranch.
OSTROFF, Barbara
Barb, an active member of the CC, is indifferent about Mexican food, especially tacos.  Ambition -- to come back to California to meet Michele.
"Dutchman", whose main ambition is to be serious and strike oil in the Highlands, likes to eat, dance, and say "Hey mon!"
PAEZ, Dolores
Dolores is active in 6th period modern dance, GRA, and AGA Hospitality.  Her ambition is to be taller than her "little" sister.
Jane, a Varsity Pom-Pon girl, on Aristocrat Staff, Financial Control Board, Order and Elections Commissions, is heard saying to Karyn, "When it rains it pours!"
Carol, a member of the modern Dance Class and Rota-Gallians Tri-Y, says "Oh! I didn't know," and plays "Dear Abby".  Ambition:  to succeed at something.
"Penquin" is usually heard saying "nothing" and "I don't know".  Her hobbies are sewing and people-watching.  Her wish is for happiness for all her friends.
PAUL, Dennis
Dennis, active in track, Rally Commission, Senior Beaver and Kaesers Hi-Y, plans to get his B.A. in 1969, be a rich bachelor, and eat out every night.
PEARSON, Stephen
"Fish-foot", an active member of Varsity Basketball, Tennis, Swimming, and Student Council, hopes to win an argument with Mr. Fearon.
Neil, President of the Science Club, is a member of the Toyomaka Commission.  He plans to become an Industrial Designer.
"Turtle's" greates ambition is to stay out of car accidents and to go to Japan.  She enjoys being V.P. of Rota-Gallians Tri-Y.
"Mare" enjoys parties with Becky, Patti, Margaret, and Suzy.  Her hobbies:  art and horseback riding.  Ambitions:  to go to Hawaii soon and to go on to C.S.M.
POOLE, Catherine
Cathy, a transfer from Burlingame, wants to sell elevator shoes to the pygmies.  Favorite saying:  "It's a gas!"
Jim is responsible for sound effects for plays and the schoolwide P.A. system. A member of the National Thespian Society, Jim wants to be a communications technician.
"Suzy's" hobbies are painting and skiing.  She plans to have an apartment, work, and go to the U. of Wisconsin in Madison.  Her ambition is to return to Europe this summer.
QUEEN, Goerge
"Remember, red Corvairs rule!"  His ambition is to be an architect and to meet Elke before Kirk and Tom.
RAIN, Jack
Jack, a member of the National Thespians and active in Aragon Drama work, wants to go into radio and television, announcing.  His favorite saying is, "Just Wuunderrful."
Louise, a member of the French CLub, Silver Sword Commission, and A.G.A. Finance Committee, wants to rollerskate through the Congo.
Sue, a member of the Basalits Tri-Y, believes that "you may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough."
RIST, John
"If at first you do not succeed, don't take anymore chances."  Kin Hubbard.
ROGERS, Travis
Travis' activities include Rally Commission, Amega Lynda Tri-Y, and A.G.A. Hospitality.  She often says, "Hunk the Horn," and "You All."
"J.R.", who likes driving a certain Ford, wants to understand certain people and still keep laughing.  Favorite saying:  "It is all worth it?"
ROLLEY, Pamela Lynn
"Cuddles" . . . often says, "No!  Jaybird!" . . . Ambitions . . . to won a 1956 Chevy . . . to accept a certain proposal from a certain gymnast.
Kenny, a Furud, hopes to be admitted to C.S.M. and to someday get the Metro back from his brother.  He was Hi-Y "Coach of the Year" and loves to blow his horn.
Roso is active in Art commission and A.G.A.  Plans:  to see if she can spell "Bechtold" right and someday to stop the world and get off.
As a hobby, Rick likes to shoot beaver.
Ron, who is stoked on waves, tries to convince Ridley that big waves are better than big bulbs.  He is often heard saying, "Hi Fool".
"A man that will enjoy a quiet conscience must lead a quiet life." -- Lord Chesterfield.
RUMELL, Rhonda
Rhonda is eagerly anticipating that long walk down the aisle.  Until that happy day, she exploits her energy in trying to beat her opponents in jacks!  Says, "Guy!"
Janet, an active member of the CC's, loves someone's greasy fingernails beyond repair.  Her ambition is to be a karate teacher.
SALK, Barbar
Barbara exclaims, "Gee whiz, kids, isn't Aragon neat?"
"Doll-Face" loves dancing and the Beatles.  Her ambition is to become a stewardess and travel most of her life.  Favorite pastime:  Beatles "65".  Favorite saying, "Paul, not Guy, Nancy."
Lan, a member of Student Council, Order Commission, and Ducahas Hi-Y, enjoys snow skiing, water skiing, and being with Jan.
"Ronnie", who says "thanks a lot", likes cutting down the B.A. chick and P.P., and wants to learn to drive her mother's honda and T.W.F.T.R.B.T.C.A.
Active in A.G.A. and Order Commission.  Dee wants to conquer a Musketeer and pull more Kapers.  She hopes to attend U. of Arizona and become a Dental Hygienist.
Wayne played Varsity Basketball, was active in Student Court as sophomore, junior, and Chief Justice, and was a member of CSF and SSS.
Linda, a member of Chan-ti-Su-ta Tri-Y, wants to marry R.T. and have lots of little R.T.'s.  Her goal is to own an X.K.E.
"Shelly" has participated in varsity swimming, X-country, band, dance band.  This Senior class vice-president will go to Cal at Davis on a pre-medical program.
This Hamletian Cowardly Lion, substituting pleasing poetery for amost Pyrhic prose, skirmishes with Kosciuskos in Reds and Blacks.  A member of Aristocrat Staff, he emulates Henvy V for Galatean Brynhild.
SCHUTTE, Shirley
"Little One", varisty Pom-Pon girl, loves modern dance and tall boys, she hopes to surpass her twin in height and become a member of Aragon's fabulous basketball team.
Nancy's hobby is helping (?) her boyfriend with his car;  she can be heard saying, "Remember Bermuda!"  She wants to be a registered nurse specializing in pediatrics.
SCNEDER, Suzanne
Sue, Aristocrat Feature Editor, Court Justice, and dough-nutter.  A disciple of Price, she recalls Oepipus, reality, Portrait, cognac and 329!  Ambition:  Calmer traumas, self-discipline, and sincerity.
SEARLS, Gwynne L.
 . . . dietics . . . PJ . . . June 26, 1964 . . . SSS . . . revelation . . . Bob Dylan . . . competition . . . Volsky . . . Lilly and Jamo.
Howard's favorite activities are sleeping and flirting.  Most of his time is spent with a certian "blonde."  He hopes to become a successful business man.
"Arnie" can most often be found looking for his "sticks" and saying, "Yep, gotta hit some today."  After high school he plans on hitting the "tour".
SHINHUA, Yoshiki
"Yoi" who enjoys the Rota Gallians Tri-Y and going to "Benujo" in the car, hopes someday to go back to Japan with a couple of friends.
Judy, Foreign Relations Co-Commissioner, News Editor of Aristocrat, member of Student Council and Elections commission.  She hopes to become a teacher and warp the minds of little children.
SHOAF, David W.
Dave, active member of gymnastics team and Naval Reserve, wants to settle down with a certain L.G.B.
SJOGREN, Christine
Chris is a member of A.G.A. Hospitality and Roto Gallians Tri-Y.  Next year she plans to attend C.S.M.
SLADE, Sharon
"Sis" enjoyed A.G.A.  Hospitality, Order Commission, and the Pep Club.  She spends most of her time at school, and says "Are you serious?"
SMITH, Annette
Annette, Feature and News Editor or Aristocrat, C.S.F., Elections, and Better Government Commissions member;  wants to invent a mate for the I.B.M. machine.
SMITH, Daniel
"Half the things that people do not succeed in, are through fear of making the attempt." -- James Northcote.
SOAL, Carol
My desires are twofold; to continue studying ballet, and to see the places I have studies about in history and literature.
YMCA record-holder, most consecutive fun-nites missed . . . Expects Wood to star in AAU ball, taught Anderson everything he knows . . . confident in McCarty's "Blueprint for Aragon."
SPENCER, Richard
Rich participated in Student Council, Orientation Committee, and was a member of the Artesians Hi-Y.  He wants to make M.A., very happy, and set an endurance record with the "A."
SROKA, Renee
Renee likes riding around with Mary, Judy and Maxine.  She says "Dumb Ace" and hopes to marry and keep Dean happy and have three little 300 rollers.
Kirk, Executive Board; Student and Class Councils; Rally, Order, and Better Government Commissions; Baseball, tennis, and football; wants to meet Elke before Tom and George.  Future? Architectural Engineering.
Diane enjoys Job's Daughters, striping, and working on the Hospitality Committee.  Her hobbies are art and putting up with Freshmen.
Gary flies high with a pure mixture.  He played frosh and J.V. football, but failed sandbox.  He accepts Jeff's apology.
Lee, a member of the Pep Club, hopes to go to college and become a Medical Secretary.
"The result of the education process is capacity for further education."  -- John Dewey.
"Kit," an active member of M.P.L. Conference, Student Court, Rally Commission; was Senior Class Secretary and a member of the Rof Nedia Tri-Y.
SUSOFF, Catherine
Cathy's ambition is to be a teacher ("My favorite enemy!")  Favorite pastime; "bombing" in San Jose.  Favorite saying, "Oh, Duh."
It made me gladsome to be getting, some education, it being like a big window opening." -- Mary Webb.
Dave, who wants to be a political scientist, participated in Varsity football and track.
Laura would like to have an education, work, then travel; likes sewing, modern dance and says, "Holy-moly."
"Swede," who has never let his schooling interfere with his education, was a member of the football and wrestling teams, Order Commission, and Block A.
Bob, who enjoys surfing, scuba-diving and playing in the band, would like to try and/or hack oceanography:  favorite saying, "B.F.D."
Sue, who was International Commissioner and band member wants to find a green shade where everything doesn't come out boum.  Ars est masntum.  Vale (valve?)
Ed, whose nickname is "Tak, Tick-Tals, Tako" wants to throw 20 feet on the potter's wheel.  His ambition is to receive a Master's degree.  His favorite sports are football and volleyball.
Bob's hobby is racing pigeons, and he has to run darn fast to beat them.  When he goes on dates he quits.
TELLER, Miriam
Miriam, 1964 Grid Queen, says, "Let's seriously back up and re-group the Sprite situation."  A member of Order Commission and Hospitality Committee, she wants to get to "Arizona or Bust."
THODAS, Dennis
Dennis, member of Block A and varsity track team, enjoys hunting, horseback riding, and going to the follies with the boys.
TOBY, Diane
Diane, has been Junior class elected Rep. and in the Madrigals and Thespians.  Her ambition is "to make Who's Who in American Witches."
"My great ambitions are to pull a 4-F before I'm 18, smile when a girl passes, and do something with my four years of Technical Drawing."
TOMLIN, William
"Education has for its object the formation of character." -- Herbert SPencer
Wishes luck to:  P.W. and D.F. with Mother W.; to King D.T. and K.K.: toi J.H. and sis; to B.P. with his grape juice; and to T.B. with South Africa.
TOSCHI, Robert
Bob, 1964 Junior Prom King, has been active in Order Commission and has participated in varsity basketball for three years.  Ambition:  to travel around the world.
TRAUGOTT, Margaret
Margaret, student body treasurer and a past representative to Girl's State, hopes someday to make it to Boys' State.
TREMAIN , Dennis
Dennis' goals are to become an engineer and to see Gregg tarred and feathered by his own hordes.  He'll someday say, "Parva propia magna, magna aliena parva."
Mark has participated in Varsity football, basketball and Furuds Hi-Y.  His hobbies:  all sports, especially water and snow skiing.  He wants to become a CIA agent.
Sue hopes to attend University of Washington and come back to visit her friends in San Mateo.
Vic has been a member of the swimming team for four years and manager of the basketball team for two years.
"Gleeker", member of the Rangers and Order Commission, often says, "That's too bad" and "Haryley's rule".
UTTLEY, Douglas
Doug's favorite activity is surfing and his goal is to live in Hawaii again.  His life's ambition is to sket Styeve Ridley.  "All I care about is surfing."
Tom, active in sports and the Savantes Hi-Y, enjoys warm water and relaxation.  His goals are to major in business administration and to meet Elke before Kirk and George.
"How sweet it were . . . with half-shut eyes ever to seem falling asleep in a half-dream!" -- Tennyson
"Vaseline" likes to play the piano whenever anyone will listen.  His hobbies are bridge, chess, and girls in that order;  he hopes to be a doctor.
VEJMOLA, Jerrold
Jerry, active in Aragon's music program, plans to study music at Berkeley School of Music.  He would like to see the Aragon Dance Band be as good as C.S.M.'s.
"Dave" wants to become India's best surfer, and longs to be able to "Purl like Pearl."  SPending his time mooching rides, he says: "How are you getting there?"
Paul regrets his inactivity throughout his four years, because he can't think of a ------thing to write in this book now.
WAHRER, Raymond
Ray hopes for a future of beer and schnaps.
Kaye, who hopes to return to Australia, served on the A.G.A., Hospitality and Order Commissions.  Ambition:  to be a dental assistant and tour Europe.  Any volunteers?
WATERS, Donald
Don, varsity football player and "surfer," hopes to get his B.A. in four years and live off all his rich buddies.
WAYNE, Pamela
Pam, who will be living in L.A. hopes to see her old buddies again and says to S.S.C.J.  "See you in Balboa."
WELCH, Sarah
Sarah's active in G.R.A., A.G.A., and commissions, but regrets never being able to join the varsity swim team.  She plans on attending Davis next year to awaken the "aggie town."
WELLS, Robert E.
Robert has the distinction of being a direct decendent of the great confederate general Robert E. Lee.
WHITE, Brenda
Brenda hopes to help N.G. and B.L. find a cure for that oil so we won't slip on it!  Goal:  to find that tall dark guy wherever he is!
"Wiggy" participated in after school sports, A.G.A., Hospitality, and Job's Daughters.  Her ambition:  to be the only nurse in a hospital where all the doctors are sick.
"Sue" likes to go to the beach, bowl, and play tennis.  Ambition:  to be an efficient (?) secretary.  Goal:  "to fly away with my favorite Marian."
Carole spends most of her time working on volunteer jobs.  She enjoys meeting famous people.  Her greatest ambition is to go to Europe and see T.B.
WILLYERD, Mary Ellen
Mary Ellen, student store manager, was active in art commission and drama, she says, "If you haven't got time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?"
Bill says that best things come in small boxes.  Often says, "Go Frita" to J.R., B.W., etc.
John, who is interested in track, skiing, surfing, and sports car driving, wants to pole vault 18 feet, write an irrefutable essay for Mr. Price, and attend college.
"Windy", a varsity football and baseball player, wants to go to Mexico and "eat at the Blue Fox."  Favorite saying:  "Oh Boy!"
Keith plans a mysterious future attending C.S.M.
"Peanut", varsity football player, wants to make Rosanne happy and enjoys Bacardi.  He is forever saying," I.S.D.L.Y." and "Let's have a serious conversation."
WOLLNER, Kristen
Kris -- usually seen dashing around school, has participated on many commissions and in Rota-Gallians Tri-Y.  Goal -- To be on time for a change.
WOOD, Paul
Paul has participated in Varsity and B basketball and plans to play in the A.A.U. league in San Francisco.
WOOD, Robertr
Rob enjoys hunting and surfing.  He is almost always found with Rita, either walking around school with her or at her home.
WRIGHT, Douglas
Doug, a member of the golf and frosh football teams and A Cappella, also enjoys skiing and skateboarding.  He wants to own a popcorn factory with Marilyn.
Mark likes track, basketball, the J.A.P.K.C., and the Kaesers Hi-Y.  He wants to hit the ancestral soil and establish M.A.Y.
YOUNG, Michael
Mike, who participated in cross-country, wresting, B basketball, and varsity baseball, hopes to play professional ball against his brother-in-law.
ZATKIN, Rochelle.
Roch, A.G.A., Orientation Commission, and Pep Club -- Wants to conquer a musketeer, pull more kapers, keep making true predictions and major in Physchology at the U. of Arizona.

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