San Mateo County Genealogy
Redwood City, California
Source:  Sequoia High School Annual

Published by the Students of Sequoia High School, Redwood City, California, June 1956
Thank you to Bev Colgin for transcribing this material

Abrams, Denny
Addiego, Diane
Allen, Dick
Almgren, Kathleen
Applegate, Sonny
Aragni, Joan
Arends, Walter
Arnold, Mimi
Ashley, Lyman
Ashworth, John
Bailey, Gloria
Baker, Ronald
Baker, Yvonne A.
Balocco, Edward
Barber, Robert
Barclay, Tuhingaia
Barker, Junior Felon
Barnes, James R.
Barrios, Mary
Baynham, Barbara
Beck, Dick
Beckstrom, Lyle
Bedwell, Betty
Beer, Linda L.
Behrens, Robert
Bell, Patricia
Bello, Bill
Benedetti, Raymond
Bingley, La Verne
Birchett, Robert
Blagg, James
Blinde, Donna
Blocker, Joanne
Bonaparte, Kenneth
Bordenave, Tom
Borges, Al
Bostrom, Mary Louise
Bostwick, Sue
Bradshaw, Robert
Brady, Rodger
Braun, Louise
Bredel, Sandra Jeanne
Brooks, Karen
Brown, Bob Allan
Brown, Bob J.
Brown, Kerwin
Brown, Zona
Buckwald, Sharon
Burch, Beverly A.
Burgin, Carol Ann
Byram, Bruce
Caballero, Carol
Calavano, Duane
Calderon, Sylvia
Calijiuri, Fred
Camacho, Jack
Capurro, Beverly
Carman, Al
Carmichael, Patricia
Case, Marilyn Jeanne
Castellucci, Angelo
Cato, Lorraine
Chapman, Sharon
Chew, Mary Ann
Christensen, Sandra
Clapes, Roxana
Clark, A. George
Clarke, Jim Clifford
Clarkin, Michael
Cleghorn, Peter
Cloutier, Emil E.
Clover, Constance
Coats, Joyal
Coats, Tommy Lincoln
Coehlo, Sally Alice
Cohen, Rosemarie
Conroy, Avis
Conway,Elizabeth Nancy
Conway, Evelyn
Cook, Mary Rosine
Copeland, Elizabeth
Corkery, Robert
Cosby, Shirley
Cowan, Raea
Cowart, Marjorie
Cox, Barbara
Crandall, Claudia
Crumrine, Dale
Darden, Samuel, Jr.
Darrow, Claire LaVerne
Daughty, Doris
Davis, Bob G.
Davis, Bobbie Jean
Davis, Donald M.
Davis, Gene M.
De Cristoferi, Bob
De Giovanni, Sharon
De Giovanni, Virginia
De Hoff, Bill
Demma, Joe
Dengler, Ron
Derrigan, Mary Ann
Des Jardins, Nancy E.
Dickinson, Robert S.
Dolezal, Jerry
Dotoli, Angela
Elder, Gary Lee
Elgin, Dema
Eltringham, Elaine
Ends, Marianne
Engel, Roselle Marie
England, Janet
Farnetti, Ronald
Fawcett, Susan Alberta
Fauss, Billy
Figone, Toni
Fincher, Susan
Fischer, Bob
Flora, Frances E.
Formentini, Donald
Forsberg, Carol
Franceschi, Robert
Franceschi, Sonny
Franzen, Ralph
Franzetti, Peter
Fresenborg, Ruth
Fuentes, Donald
Garcia, Cliff
Gaughran, Allan Jos.
Georgeson, Darrel
Gianfermo, Laurel
Gluskin, Mike
Green, Junie
Greenman, Curtis
Greer, Dave
Grotts, Bill
Gruenig, Paul
Hale, Paula J.
Halvorsen, Bernita
Hamel, Dale Wayne
Hamilton, Fred
Hanni, H. Ernest
Hansel, Rex
Hansen, Betsy
Hardt, Marilynn
Harrington, Mona Lisa
Harrison,Richard Arnold
Hawley, Willis
Haydock, Irwin
Haythornewhite, Ray
Heaton, Dan
Hedlund, Georgette E.
Hedvall, Richard A.
Hendrickson, Walter
Heubel, Norman Jean
Hicks, Jackie
Hight, Larry Lee
Hinman, Coralee
Hinman, Richard
Hirotsu, Grace Sachiye
Hirotsuka, Isao
Hogsett, Orval Lee
Holland, Bud
Holm, Mary
Hopkins, Thomas
Hosford, Joelle
Hostetter, Joanna
Houghton, Joan Yvonne
Huff, Sharren
Hunter, Jodella
Huntington, Nancy
Hurliman, Fran
Ipsen, Ron
Irwin, James A.
Isaccs, La Verne
Jackson, Gail
Jaimes, Josephine
James, Ted
James, Tommy
Jiles, Joyce
Jimerson, Birdie
Jimerson, Helen
Johnson, Deverl
Johnson, Marva
Jordan, Janice
Joseph, Keith
Joslin, Darlene
Josue, Claudene M.
Joyce, Patrick
Jue, Ronald
Kawata, Ed
Kazeski, Dick
Kelley, Frances
Kelly, Sheila
Kelty, Michael
Keniston, Paul
Kent, Violet
Kerr, Robin
Kerstan, Chrystel
Kessel, Don
Kimball, Richard
King, Karen
Koch, Robert
Koonce, Judy
Krause, Carol
Kuhn, Ronald
Langley, Jack
Langley, Jill Diane
Lara, Lillian
Larson, Richard A.
Lawless, Barry K.
Learned, Mary
Ledbetter, Anne
Leonhart, Jerry
Licavoli, Jim
Likes, Robert Michael
Lindland, Pat
Long, Raymon W.
Longo, Jean
Lopez, Evelyn
Lopez, Jack
Love, Barbara Ann
Lovell, Pat
Lubushkin, Toma
Lucksinger, Sandra
Magee, Timothy
Magnaldi, June
Mansfield, Ernest
Marcroft, Mary
Marozick, Carole
Marquess, Rosalie
Marr, Wayne
Martin, Edgar
Matejka, James
Mattson, Al
May, Larry D.
Maynard, Estelle Le Rae
Mc Farland, Donne Mae
Mc Gee, Michael Gerald
Mc Govern, Barbara
Mc Intosh, Judith Ann
Mc Kenzie, Donald
Mc Mahon, Eugene
Mc Millan, Denise
Mc Murry, Mike
Mc Reynolds, Don
Meek, Beverly
Mellberg, Dale
Mendiola, Rigoberto
Menifee, Patricia
Metcalf, Darcy
Miles, Jocelyn
Milheim, Judith
Miller, Marilyn
Mitchell, Fred
Mitchell, Thomas
Molin, Carolyn
Moll, Barbara Marie
Montague, Richard
Monus, Lawrence
Mooneyham, Delores
Morales, Lila Jean
Morgan, Pam
Morrison, Darryl R.
Morrow, Pat
Moskoff, John C.
Muchna, Milton
Muetzenberg, Joan B
Myers, Jeanie
Nadell, Bill
Nakasora, Evelyn
Neff, Ralph
Neilson, Adele
Newberry, Normarae
Niccoli, Claudia
Nobs, Julie
Nolan, Ed
O’Connor, Michael
Ortega,Patricia Suzanne
Otis, Robert
Packer, Korla
Padgett, Joyce Evelyn
Padilla, Michael
Palagi, Harvey
Paolucci, John
Parks, Virgil D.
Parodi, Philip Alan
Parutto, Arlene
Paul, Bob
Paulson, Carol Lee
Peacock, Norman
Pellizzari, Ken Gordon
Perdue, Walter A.
Perrins, Jacquelyn
Person, Sonny Joseph
Peterson, Donald
Peterson, Gary
Pettigrew, Bennie
Pfeifer, Nancy
Pitt, Richard N.
Platt, Marion
Poch, Carole
Porrazzo, Richard
Puff, Jerry
Pujalet, Leon
Pushkin, Robert
Pyatt, Kenneth
Quigley, John
Radetich, Ronald B.
Rafello, Pat
Raines, Garriett H.
Ramirez, Lupe
Randel, Ronald
Ray, Glenn Phillip
Regnier, Paul
Richards, William
Richardson, Rick
Rivers, James Belanger
Roberts, Judith
Robertson, Kent
Robinson, Arnold
Rodriquez, Edward
Rolla, Elizabeth
Romero, Gilbert
Rood, Dick
Ross, Joan
Rossi, Lucille
Rowson, Joyce J.
Ruano, Carol
Rynear, Stanley
Salter, Walter B.
Sanchez, Danny
Sanderson, Nancy Claire
Sasso, Carol
Schiappacasse, Mary L.
Schlegel, Marty
Schroeder, Dolores
Schweickert, Tom Robt.
Scott, Bob
Scutero, Angelo
Shaw, Ronald
Shields, Janice
Siegle, Tom
Silliman, Marilyn
Silva, Joe
Simmons, Sally
Simmons, William
Simon, Robert
Simoni, Caroline
Sjoberg, Karen
South, Patricia
Spencer, Sandra
Stagnaro, Clorinda
Sterger, Arline
Stewart, Mike
Stewart, Nancy Ann
Stimpson, Martha Helen
Stojanovich, Al
Stoliar, Irene
Stolpp, Robert
Stroud, Duke
Tallmon, Diane
Taylor, Barbara
Terry, Raymond
Terry, William James
Tessendorff, Ken
Thomas, Dolores
Thompson, Donald Jon
Thompson, Sally
Thornton, Gail
Thorp, Catherine
Tiegel, Elfie-Ann
Toledo, Richard J.
Toll, Robert
Tombow, Suelyn M.
Torbert, Kalani P.
Torres, Daniel
Unger, Julian
Valdez, Emily
Vera, Rudy
Vickers, Betty Lou
Voelker, Marian K.
Wagner, Gary L.
Wagner, Harriette
Wagner, Johnny
Waight, Shirley
Walker, Carol
Walti, Cecilia
Wangeman, Jim
Warren, Elsa
Wells, Kenneth Lloyd
Wetzel, Nina Virginia
Weymouth, Ray
White, Carol
White, Gage
White, Gertrude
White, Mary Louise
White, William John
Widmer, Carl
Williams, Amelia Ann
Wincott, Gary Lee
Winters, Barbara
Witt, Roy
Woods, Otha
Wuttke, Karl
Yeitz, Shirley
Zaccanti, James L.
Zertuche, Eulalia Solera

Anderson, Bob; Boys Physical Education
Anderson, Julia; Social Studies Department
Awbrey, Helen; Business Education Department
Barney, Mr.; Maintenance Crew
Bastow, Mr.; Industrial Arts Department
Bateman, Mrs.; Secretary
Batto, Mr.; Maintenance Crew
Bava, Mr.; Language Department
Benezra, Joseph; Language Department
Bissell, Richard; English Department & Social Studies Department
Bogie, Donald; Vice Principal
Brown, Donald; English Department
Bryan, Gordan; Social Studies Department
Burns, Anne; Library
Callis, George; Business Education Department
Caplan, Rae; Board of Trustees
Chaney, Sam; Social Studies Department
Cherry, Donald; Social Studies Department
Clark, Elizabeth; Girls Physical Education
Clark, Helen; Language Department
Clark, Robert; Music Department
Claypool, Dr. Vincent B.; Principal
Cochran, Miss; English Department
Connell, Mrs.; Business Education Department
Cooper, David; English Department
Cooper, Mrs.; Social Studies Department
Cost, John; Board of Trustees
Cot, Mr.; Maintenance Crew
Coucette, Mr.; Industrial Arts Department
Cowden, Miss; English Department
Daetz, Robert; English Department
Dean, Doris; Dean of Girls
Delbon, Miss; Business Education Department
Dell’Ergo, Robert; Board of Trustees
DeMello, Don; Business Education Department
De Mello, Mr.; Industrial Arts Department
DePolo, Mr.; Industrial Arts Department
Devine, Clyde; Boys Physical Education & Science Department
Dimick, Hal;  Boys Physical Education
Dimick, Ray; Boys Physical Education
Doak, Ruth; Girls Physical Education
Dockstader, Miss; Girls Physical Education
Dusel, John; Science Department & Social Studies Department
Elson, Mr.; Chairman, English Department
Estep, Dorothy; Girls Physical Education
Falconer, Helen; English Department
Faulder, Ed; Science Department
Folsom, Mr.; Industrial Arts Department
Franceschi, Mr. Sonny; Boys’ Sports Editor
Galindo, Mr.; Art Department
Garcia, Elbert; Chairman, Business Education Department
Gelber, Max; Mathematics Department
George, Donald; Art Department
Gilles, Jack; Industrial Arts Department
Gong, Walt; Science Department
Goss, Virginia; Homemaking Department
Graham, Mr. D.; Head Custodian
Griffin, Mr. Frank; Boys Physical Education Coach
Hansen, Mr. C.; Maintenance Crew
Hanson, Bernice; Homemaking Department
Hatch, Lawrence; Chairman, Science Department
Herzing, Richard; Industrial Arts Department
Hockinson, Mrs. Jessie; English Department
Hutchinsons, Mr. Francis; Registrar
Isaac, Mr.; Maintenance Crew
Jarmen, Miss; English Department
Jelenfy, Irene; English Department
Johns, Shirley; Library
Johnson, Mrs.; Attendance
Jordan, Mr. Jim; Photography Editor
Kauffman, Mrs.; English Department
Kaufman, Edward; Dean of Boys, Mathematics Department
Kimball, Clyde; Social Studies Department
Kirtland, Donald; Industrial Arts Department
Kleemeyer, Henry; Industrial Arts Department
Kyle, Cecil; Science Department
La Lanne, Mr.; Industrial Arts Department
LeProtti, Stan; Boys Physical Education
Lewis, Fauvette; Homemaking Department
Little, Miss; Social Studies Department
Logano, Mrs.; Maintenance Crew
Lucas, Marjorie; Girls Physical Education
Lynch, Humphrey; District Business Manager
Mahoney, Mrs.; Secretary
Mangiola, Marino; Boys Physical Education
Martin, Mr.; Social Studies Department
Marvin, Joe; Boys Physical Education
Maslin, Philip; Mathematics Department
Mayo, Mr. Scovel; Assistant Superintendant
McCracken, Mr.; Industrial Arts Department
Melton, Vivian; English Department
Miles, Mr. Ferris; Board of Trustees
Miller, Gladys; Secretary
Miller, Mr.; Maintenance Crew
Mitchell, Malcolm; Social Studies Department
Modden, Mr.; Maintenance Crew
Mott, Miss; Girls Physical Education
Newton, Mr. Al; Business Education Department
Nix, Florence; Secretary
Olds, Ruth; Girls Physical Education
Paine, Charles; Mathematics Department
Palmer, Violet; English Department
Pastorino, Miss; Attendance
Peck, John; Language Department
Petherick, Margaret; Attendance
Philbrick, Eunice; Science Department
Poole, Robert; Chairman Industrial Arts Department
Pritchard, Marie; Science Department
Raapke, Mrs.; Chairman, Language Department
Richmond, Barbara; Library
Rogers, Mr.; Maintenance Crew
Roy, Miss; Homemaking Department
Russell, Mrs.; Secretary
Rustad, Hugo; Mathematics Department
Salvi, Evelyn; English Department
Salz, Lorraine; Attendance
Sanderson, Lawrence; Business Education Department
Scott, Hank; Science Department
Sears, David; Board of Trustees
Sevier, Helen; Chairman Homemaking Department
Shayer, Mr.; Mathematics Department
Smith, Robert; Band
Smythe, Miss; English Department
Sohns, Beulah; Mathematics Department
Steindorf, Miss; Social Studies Department
Stevenson, Mrs.; Maintenance Crew
Tendick, Owen; Science Department
Tompsett, Lawrence; Chairman, Art Department
Truitt, Althea; Chairman, Social Studies Department
Turner, Dr. Rex;  District Superintendent and Board of Trustees
Twist, Mrs.; Social Studies Department
Van Patten, Claude; English Department
Watkins, Miss; English Department
White, Mr.; Maintenance Crew
Whitmore, Bob; Boys Physical Education
Wilson, Mr.; Maintenance Crew
Winnburg, Frank; Business Education Department
Winter, Miss; Girls Physical Education
Wuesthoff, Geraldine; Homemaking Department
Wyatt, Clarence; Chairman, Mathematics Department

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