San Mateo County Genealogy
Redwood City, California
Source:  Sequoia High School Annual

Published by the Students of Sequoia High School, Redwood City, California, June 1958
Thank you to Bev Colgin for transcribing this material

Adair, Robin W.
Adam, Jack W.
Adams, Carol J.
Adams, Marilee A.
Allen, Karen L.
Allen, William W.
Anderson, Judith L.
Anderson, Maxine G.
Anderson, Ronald J.
Apel, Ronald C.
Arimiti, Diane M.
Ary, Athrum E.
Ashton, Carolyn L.
Ashworth, Sara M.
Bacon, Lawrence W.
Baker, Barbara
Baker, William E.
Bakker, Elaine G.
Barber, Linda L.
Barker, Pauline
Barnes, Marcia A.
Barnett, Judith A.
Barr, Lowayne
Barrios, Rosa
Bastasini, Jerome L.
Bastian, Sandra L.
Bateman, Joan E.
Bauman, Lorraine R.
Bautista, Keith J.
Baynham, Sharon W.
Beall, Dennis R.
Beargeon, Loretta M.
Bellatorre, Ronald W.
Benassini, Marilyn E.
Berggren, Carline M.
Berglund, Leon A.
Bering, Brenda F.
Bianchini, Albert J.
Bickell, Joyce J.
Bierman, Allan C.
Bishop, James I.
Blagg, Fred A.
Blake, Carol A.
Blandino, Doreen
Blank, William R.
Bostrom, Evelyn A.
Bowers, Arleen J.
Bowers, Robert
Brooks, Philip L.
Brown, Robert G.
Brown, Ronald
Browning, William G.
Bryan, Sharon L.
Bryan, Sylvia J.
Bullock, Keitha C.
Burke, Douglas P.
Bursick, Veronica A.
Bustardo, Judy L.
Butler, Darrell W.
Cabell, John R.
Cameron, Douglas
Camier, Robert
Cant, Robert
Cardona, Arcelia P.
Cardoza, Kenneth E.
Carlin, David M.
Carlson, Richard
Carpenter, Robert A.
Carper, Vivian
Carvalho, Ronald R.
Caya, Clyde A.
Cereghino, Leonard L.
Chapralis, Thomas
Chesler, Joan
Christensen, Roberta
Cirelli, Charles
Claire, Richard S.
Clanton, Charles
Clapes, Antonia
Cohen, Marilyn
Cohn, Michael
Cole, Laura L.
Collins, Gail E.
Coreris, Ellen
Cortez, Richard
Corwin, Frank
Couris, Dean C.
Cox, Beverly K.
Cravalho, Geraldine F.
Crawford, Lindsay G.
Crider, Robert A.
Cronin, Grace
Crothers, Constance R.
Crowe, Don
Crowe, William L.
Cruze, Edmund
Currie, Robert
Currier, Richard D.
D’Antonio, Patricia A.
D’Entremont, Robert
Daetz, Douglas
Damato, Marie Ann
Davy, Diane S.
Davy, Maureen
Deckman, Joanne C.
De Clerck, Michael C.
De Giovanni, Carol
Del Ben, Anna Mae
Delucchi, Dorine
Demaderios, Ronald J.
De Maio, Anthony
De Mara, Phillip L.
Denney, Charlotte
De Oliviera, Sally M.
De Polo, John L.
Devine, Michael J.
Dickenson, William J.
Dirovizza, Richard L.
Dixon, Wilberta M.
Doninguez, Richard D.
Dorsett, Roberta D.
Doss, Eugene
Duncan, Eleanor
Dunlap, Thomas H.
Duplessis, Carolyn
Duplessis, Salvadore
East, Donald Y.
Edmonds, Bruce D.
Eldredge, Caroline
Elmgren, Connie L.
Enslow, Linda A.
Eva, Deanna
Fallstead, Carren
Farley, Patrick C.
Farrell, Thomas M.
Farris, Leslie
Fauss, Patricia J.
Fernandez, Jean
Ferretti, Paul
Firstenberg, Beverly F.
Fitts, Jim L.
Fitzgerald, Maureen E.
Fixman, Kent L.
Flexen, Mary C.
Floyd, Daniel W.
Folmer, Gerald J.
Forbes, Alfred D.
Ford, Larry
Ford, William
Foster, Carol A.
Franklin, Kenneth A.
Frazee, Sharon
Freund, Dorothea A.
Friegang, Nancy A.
Fritz, Heidi G.
Fuentes, Antonio M.
Fulcher, Franciel Y.
Gadow, LaVonne
Galvin, Frank
Gandee, James M.
Garcia, Angelo
Garcia, Charlotte A.
Gariano, Jacqueline E.
Garl, Michael
Geraghty, Anne
Getman, Nancy J.
Gettman, Gerald F.
Getz, Melville J.
Gianfermo, Peter
Gilbert, Michael
Giraudo, Joseph J.
Giraudo, Mary C.
Godfredsen, Walter E.
Gonzales, David W.
Gonzales, Gary
Goode, Joyce L.
Goodrich, James M.
Gottberg, Freda
Gottschamer, Larry
Graves, Susan
Greco, Nancy M.
Green, Harlan
Green, Keith A.
Green, Richard J.
Green, Robert
Green, William
Gregory, John
Griffen, Norma B.
Groh, Helen A.
Gunderson, Ruth
Gunter, Delbert D.
Gwin, Barbara J.
Haglund, Ruth
Hahn, James S.
Haigh, Lois K.
Hale, Joyce
Hammett, Sandra
Hansen, Marie A.
Hansen, William W.
Hanson, Lynn T.
Harris, Eugene G.
Harris, John
Hazak, Elizabeth A.
Herbach, Gail D.
Hernandez, Philip A.
Higgins, Dennis
Hinman, Barry E.
Hodges, Ronald C.
Holleran, Martin R.
Hopkins, Madeline P.
Howard, Charles W.
Hubbard, Gordon A.
Hudson, Janet A.
Huggans, Laramie J.
Hughes, Linda R.
Hughes, Marilyn R.
Hunter, Joseph
Indelicato, David
Isaacs, Loretta A.
Jackson, David
Jackson, Jerry R.
Jackson, John W.
Jackson, Robert
Jacobs, Darryl
Jacobsen, Barbara
Jacoby, Loretta I.
Jeffords, Rosamond C.
Jensen, Edmund G.
Jensen, Roy A.
Johnson, Barbara J.
Johnson, Judith A.
Jones, David
Jones, Diana K.
Jones, Donna
Jones, Karol S.
Jones, Philip D.
Jordon, Eleanor A.
Jordon, Gayland
Kalteren, Joyce A.
Kawaye, James I.
Kazezski, George
Keck, Diane L.
Kelly, Richard G.
Kennon, James
Keys, Mildred R.
Keyser, Ronald G.
King, Patricia A.
Kirk, Judith A.
Kirsch, Carl R.
Kitayama, Sachi
Koch, Dolores
Kopfer, Carl
Kopling, Nathan
Krieg, Barbara A.
Krogstad, Virginia M.
La Barbera, Kenneth J.
Labernik, Vernon G.
Lakosky, Mina
Larsen, Ronald J.
Larson, John
Larson, Russell E.
Latapie, Judith G.
Lauricella, Donald
Lawless, Dale M.
Lawrence, William C.
Lawton, Diana C.
Lewis, Barbara M.
Lewis, John
Lindstrom, Barbara A.
Liotta, Joyce
Livermore, JoAnn
Logie, Dennis W.
Lopez, Daniel
Lopez, Dayne B.
Lovergine, Victoria J.
Lovett, Wayne
Lovisa, Rosemany
Lynn, Darlene
Lynn, Jack
MacLeod, Nancy L.
Madden, Mary D.
Mann, Joel
Mann, Linda M.
Marburger, Darla I.
Marquess, William R.
Martin, Thomas F.
Martin, Timothy A.
Martin, Venoma
Marz, Hal R.
Mashburn, James
Masini, Gene R.
Mattson, Larry W.
Maybury, Edward J.
McCall, Theresa M.
McCarthy, Charles
McGinnis, Richard G.
McKennee, Corning T.
McManus, James
McQuilkin, William A.
Meek, Judy
Meissner, Ernie
Merrill, John P.
Michaelsen, Laurine J.
Michaelsen, Maurine C.
Midiffer, Fred V.
Miles, Cecelia
Miliani, Dennis G.
Mills, Bill
Mizelle, Jacque C.
Moerman, Eric R.
Molina, Richard
Montague, Denise B.
Monti, David S.
Montobbio, Phillis J.
Montoro, Eddie J.
Moore, Gerald
Moots, Lawrence
Morgan, Joan
Mortimer, Robert
Morton, Thomas H.
Mottram, Susan M.
Moyle, Garrett R.
Mueller, Leigh O.
Mummert, Diane
Murphy, Earnest
Mussio, Janice G.
Nash, Richard
Niemeth, Jeanine E.
Nobs, Joan H.
Nurmi, Terry
Nylander, Wayne
O’Brien, Michael
O’Connor, Jerry
O’Neill, Patricia
Obramovich, Richard C.
Odle, Marilyn G.
Oeser, Robert A.
Oliver, Alice E.
Oliver, William
Osborne, Barbara
Packer, Ruth
Padilla, Patricia K.
Palino, Gerald F.
Park, Willard
Parker, Sandra L.
Parrish, Malcom L.
Parrott, Winifred L.
Partidos, Penelope
Partsch, John A.
Peairs, Faye B.
Peeters, Robert G.
Pelland, Phyllis M.
Perez, Nicholas
Perrier, Lloyd A.
Perrins, Beverly J.
Perry, Charles E.
Peter, Kenneth
Peterson, Joan L.
Peterson, Karen L.
Pinedo, Frances J.
Pinkham, James J.
Pollex, Susan M.
Pomposo, Frank C.
Powers, Patricia L.
Prara, Norman A.
Price, J.B.
Quigley, Mary M.
Quigley, Patricia D.
Ramirez, Mercy
Randlett, John C.
Rayer, Curtis A.
Regnier, David
Reimer, Loretta F.
Reviglio, Thomas R.
Reynolds, Patti
Ribeiro, Doreen A.
Ricci, Renato
Riff, Anita I.
Rivers, Rubina G.
Rivers, Walter E.
Robins, Judy L.
Rodriguez, James A.
Rodriguez, Johnny
Roman, Arlene V.
Roman, John
Romero, Esther
Rosa, Sharon
Rosenberg, Jerold B.
Ross, Luzon
Rosslow, Garret S.
Rountree, Dennis
Russell, Diane
Rutherford, Bruce W.
Ryan, Sharon M.
Saarela, Milton R.
Salinero, Michael
Salvi, Laura
Sands, Caralinda H.
Sanford, Gary L.
Sather, Jeannette R.
Sawdon, Evelyn M.
Sax, Roberta L.
Scarborough, Karen L.
Schmale, Jay A.
Schottler, Rhoda M.
Schulenburg, Samuel
Schwarting, Jacklyn A.
Schweickert, Jean G.
Scrimger, Janet M.
Sealund, Richard D.
Seaverns, Virginia R.
Seller, Carol L.
Sellers, Carl
Shadduck, Curtis M.
Shaff, Roger W.
Shaw, Barbara L.
Shawback, George W.
Sherwood, John W.
Shipley, Melva A.
Shultz, Jerry E.
Sigala, Robert J.
Silcox, Clifford N.
Simpson, Robert M.
Sinclair, Toni
Slater, Robert
Sloan, Lester T.
Smith, Terrance
Smith, Terry
Smithee, Richard B.
Smoot, Jerome D.
Southward, Jo Ellen
Spence, Michael S.
Spicer, Robert J.
Sprague, Linda L.
Springer, Gary A.
Starkey, James
Stedman, Robert A.
Stefan, Kathy A.
Stephens, Ulysses
Stepisnik, Joyce L.
Stewart, Barbara J.
Stewart, Ross
Stokem, Marvalee A.
Stout, Dianne J.
Stuhr, Robert
Swan, Ronald
Sweet, Joan
Swenson, Sharon
Swor, Robert P.
Sydney, Paul O.
Tanzer, Michael G.
Tavares, Agnes D.
Taylor, Howard G.
Taylor, Ray
Taylor, Robert B.
Thomas, Augustine
Thomas, James P.
Thompson, Roberta L.
Thorp, Robert
Ticky, Gary
Tirano, Laurel J.
Tomlin, Judith S.
Trambellini, Betty M.
Trausch, Joan M.
Trebilcox, Joyce
Trout, Roy F.
Trygstad, Terry J.
Tyler, Sharon L.
Uffens, Gary W.
Van Why, Frank A.
Vasilakos, Peter
Veliquette, Theodore
Vera, Carmen M.
Vincent, Thomas
Voss, Sandra L.
Wacker, Virginia M.
Walker, Robert
Wallwork, Patricia A.
Warren, Linda G.
Waterman, Linda E.
Watson, Margaret
Watts, Harold
Weems, Doug
Welch, Michael A.
Welsh, James
Westlake, Marilyn
Wethington, Sylvester
Wharton, Lyle A.
White, Judith B.
Whittaker, Donna M.
Wilkinson, William
Williams, Donna M.
Williams, Kenneth G.
Williams, Marilyn
Willis, Esther L.
Wilson, Eddie L.
Wilson, Philip A.
Winfield, Patricia A.
Wischhusen, Selma E.
Wise, Lawrence
Wise, Lynn S.
Wood, Bruce A.
Wright, Rosemarie
Wyant, Diana
Yep, Walter
Young, Robert
Zertuche, Esther
Ziegler, Suzanne R.
Zielinski, Ronald R.
Zilich, Leo N.
Zoller, Danny

Allain, Mr.; Boys Physical Education Department
Anderson, Bob; Boys Physical Education Department
Anderson, Julia; Social Studies Department
Awbrey, Helen; Business Education Department
Banuet, Mrs.; Business Education Department
Barnes, Gay; Business Education Department
Bava; Mr.; Language Department
Benezra, Joseph; Language Department
Bissell, Richard; Social Studies Department
Bloomfield, Anne; English Department
Bogie, Donald; Vice Principal
Bourquin, Miss; Social Studies Department
Bowling, Marton; Math Department
Braymer, Marjorie; English Department
Broaddus, Miss; Social Studies Department
Brown, Donald; English Department
Browne, Mr.; Science Department
Bryan, Gordan; Social Studies Department
Burns, Anne; Library
Callis, George; Business Education Department
Caplan, Rae; Board of Trustees
Chaffey, Mr.; Science Department
Chaney, Sam; Social Studies Department
Cherry; Donald; Social Studies Department
Clark, Elizabeth; Girls Physical Education Department
Clark, Helen; Language Department
Clark, Robert; Music Department
Claypool, Dr. Vincent; Principal
Clifford, Miss; Library
Cochran, Miss; English Department
Collins, Mr.; English Department
Connolly, Charles; Math Department
Cooper, David; English Department
Cost, John; Board of Trustees
Daetz, Robert; English Department
De Mello, Don; Boys Physical Education Dept. & Business Education
De Mello, Mr.; Industrial Arts Department
De Polo, John; Industrial Arts Department
Dean, Doris; Dean of Girls
Delbon, Miss; Business Education Department
Devine, Clyde; Science Department
Dimick, Hal; Boys Physical Education Department
Dimick, Ray; Boys Physical Education Department
Doak, Ruth; Girls Physical Education Department
Dragan, George; Art Department
Dusel, John; Language Department
Estep, Miss; Social Studies Department
Falconer, Helen; English Department
Faulder, Ed; Science Department
Folsom, Mr.; Industrial Arts Department
Garcea, Carmino; Math Department
Garcia, Elbert; Business Education Department
Garst, Miss; English Department
Gelbert, Max; Math Department
Gill, Mr.; English Department
Gillies, Jack; Industrial Arts Department
Goff, Gerald; English Department
Gould, Mr.; English Department
Grandfield, Mr.; Math Department
Griffin, Frank; Boys Physical Education Department
Hanson, Bernice; Home Economics Department
Hatch, Lawrence; Science Department
Herzing, Richard; Industrial Arts Department
Hockinson, Mrs. Jessie; Social Studies Dept. & English Dept.
Hutchinson, Mr. Francis; Head Counselor
Jarman, Miss; English Department
Jelenfy, Irene; English Department
Johns, Shirley; Library
Kauffman, Don; Math Department
Kauffman, Edward; Dean of Boys
Kauffman, Mrs.; English Department
Keating, Mr.; Science Department
Kehoe, Mr.; English Dept. & Science Dept.
Kenworthy, Mrs.; Girls Physical Education Department
Kerwin, Helen; Board of Trustees
Kimball, Clyde; Social Studies Department
Kirchgatter, Mr.; Math Department
Kleemeyer, Henry; Industrial Arts Department
Knapp, Mrs.; Girls Physical Education Department
Krogh, Thor; English Department
Kyle, Cecil; Science Department
Laumets, Juanita; Home Economics Department
Lombardi, Miss Palmira; Social Studies Dept. & Language Dept.
Lucas, Marjorie; Girls Physical Education Department
Mangiola, Marina; Boys Physical Education Department
Manoogian, Mrs.; Girls Physical Education Department
Marks, Jack; Social Studies Department
Marvin, Joe; Boys Physical Education Department
Maslin, Philip; English Department
McFadden, Miss; English Department
Melton, Vivian; English Department
Miles, Mr. Ferris; Board of Trustees
Miller, Gladys; Secretary
Mitchell, Malcolm; Social Studies Department
Mudra, Mr.; Social Studies Department
Newton, Al; Business Education Department
Nix, Florence; Secretary
Olds, Ruth; Girls Physical Education Department
Paine, Charles; Math Department
Palmer, Violet; English Department
Pastorino, Miss; Attendance
Peck, John; Language Department
Peterson, John; Art Department
Petherick, Margaret; Attendance
Philbrick, Eunice; Science Department
Poole, Robert; Industrial Arts Department
Pope, Mrs.; Home Economics Department
Raapke, Mrs.; Language Department
Rhinehart, Lillian; Girls Physical Education Department
Roberts, Mrs.; Attendance
Robinson, Mrs.; English Department
Rocca, Rosalie; Business Education Department
Roorda, Mr.; Industrial Arts Department
Rustad, Hugo; Math Department
Ryan, Mr.; English Department
Salvi, Evelyn; English Department
Salz, Lorraine; Attendance
Sanderson, Lawrence; Business Education Department
Sears, Dr. David; Superintendent
Sevier, Helen; Home Economics Department
Shaw, Mrs. Marian; Attendance
Sherman, James; Industrial Arts Department
Smith, Al; Boys Physical Education Department
Smith, Robert; Math Dept. & Music Dept.
Smythe, Gladys; English Department
Sohns, Beulah; Math Department
Steffens, Ben; English Department
Stein, Mr.; Boys Physical Education Dept. & Social Studies Dept.
Stewart, Phyllis; Social Studies Department
Sutter, Mr.; Boys Physical Education Department
Taylor, Dorothy; Girls Physical Education Department
Tendick, Owen; Science Department
Throckmorton, Mr.; Social Studies Department
Tompsett, Lawrence; Art Department
Truitt, Althea; Social Studies Department
Turner, Dr. Rex; Superintendent
Van Patten, Claude; English Department
Vilez, John; Industrial Arts Department
Wakefield, Miss; Social Studies Department
Watkins, Mrs.; English Department
Whitmore, Bob; Boys Physical Education Department
Winnburg, Frank; Business Education Department
Winnburg, Mrs.; Social Studies Department
Wuesthoff, Geraldine; Home Economics Department
Wyatt, Clarence; Math Department

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