San Mateo County Genealogy
Source: San Mateo Times, 17 July 1958
Transcribed by Bev Colgin

“Millbrae’s American Legion Selects New Post Commander"

Newly elected commander of Millbrae’s American Legion post is Thomas B. PARLETT, who succeeds Ted DAL DON.

The installation will be a joint one with the auxiliary, which has elected Mrs. Olga HALL as new president.  It will take place July 22 at the Green Hills school multipurpose room.

At the same time, R.J. (Art) PATTERSON, charter member of the Legion, will be awarded a 40-year membership pin.

Other officers who will serve with Parlett are Sanford LEBLANG, first vice-commander; Fred REED, second vice-commander; Pete PEREZ, sergeant-at-arms; John SCHAUER, finance officer; Tillman BOYD, chaplain; Ted DAVIDS, adjutant; Roger MARANI, service officer and assistant adjutant;  Barney MEEDAN, historian; and Bill LEUTENEGGER, judge advocate.

Auxiliary officers are Esther HOLCOMB, first vice-president; Madeline LIPMAN, second vice-president; Lillian HARNETT, secretary; Margaret MARAINI, treasurer; Catherine GILGER, sergeant-at-arms; Alice BENNETTS, marshall; Dora HOLCOMB, chaplain, and Aileen CARD, parliamentarian.”

[Transcriber's note:  Not sure if the “Marani” and “Maraini” names are typed incorrectly in the paper or if they are two different names.]

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