San Mateo County Genealogy
Hillsborough Blue Book Directory, 1924

Source: The San Francisco Blue Book and Club Directory, 1924
Jed J. Hoag and Arthur H. Page, Publishers, San Francisco, California, 1924

ARMSBY, Mr. and Mrs. George N., Forest View Road, Hillsborough, (Burlingame 206).
CAMERON, Mr. and Mrs. Goerge T., Eucalyptus Ave., Hillsborough (Burlingame 590).
CLARK, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W., "El Palamor," El Camino Real, Hillsborough (S.M. 911).
CROCKER, Mr. and Mrs. William H., "New Place," Hillsborough, Cal.
de SAINT CYR, Mr. and Mrs. Jean, El Cerrito, Hillsborough (Tels. San Mateo 36-1396 & 1897).
DRISCOLL, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A., 240 West Santa Inez, Hillsborough (San Mateo 548).
GRANT, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D., Forest View, Hillsborough (Burlingame 398).
HOOKER, Mr. and Mrs. Robert G., El Cerrito Ave., Hillsborough (San Mateo 161).
HOOKER, Mr. Robert G., Jr. El Cerrito Ave., Hillsborough (San Mateo 161).
HOOKER, Mr. John R., El Cerrito Ave., Hillsborough (San Mateo 161).
HOOKER, Master Lent, El Cerrito Ave., Hillsborough (San Mateo 161).
HOWARD, Mr. and Mrs. George H., "Howard House," El Cerrito Ave., Hillsborough (San Mateo 161). (San Mateo 514).
HOWARD, Mr. Henry S. Poett, El Cerrito Ave., Hillsborough.
HOWARD, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H.P., Hillsborough, San Mateo Co., Cal (Tel. San Mateo 604).
LACKLING, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cowen, Hillsborough and Hotel St. Francis, S.F.
McALLISTER, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, "Larkmead," Hillsborough (San Mateo 137).
McALLISTER, Master Elliott, Jr., "Larkmead," Hillsborough (San Mateo 137).
McALLISTER, Master Decker G., "Larkmead," Hillsborough (San Mateo 137).
McALLISTER, Breck P., "Larkmead," Hillsborough (San Mateo 137).
MERRILL, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D., "Merrillea," Hillsborough (Burlingame 356).
NOWELL, Mr. and Mrs. John C., 114 Medway Road, Hillsborough (San Mateo 70).
SCOTT, Mr. Henry T., Forest View Road, Hillsborough (Tel. Burlingame 433).
SCOTT, Mr. W. Prescott, Forest View Road, Hillsborough (Tel. Burlingame 433).
TALBOT, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H., Baywood and Edgehill, Hillsborough (San Mateo 147).
WHITMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm, "Barriolhet," Hillsborough (Burlingame 531).

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