- 1941
Source: City Directory,
Bisbane, California
Compiled and Published by
the Community Baptist Church, Brisbane, California, 1940
ALLINGHAM, H.V., 123 Solano
St. RAndolph 5710
ALLRED, Eugene A., 1122
Humboldt Rd. RAndolph 6168
Alma Market, 285 Visitacion
Ave. RAndolph 8119
ANDERSON, W., 163 Monterey
St. RAndolph 6084
ANTHONY, Manuel, 173 San
Bruno Ave. RAndolph 1845
ASARO, Louis J., 445 Sierra
Pt. Rd. RAndolph 8704
ASHLEY, Frank, 115 Santa
Clara St. RAndolph 9135
BLAIR, L.D., 134 Monterey
t. RAndolph 9579
BLANC, Steward, Kings Road
RAndolph 5956
BOGART, Louis, 220 Sierra
Pt. Road RAndolph 8665
BOLGER, Harry A., 420 Sierra
Pt. Road RAndolph 5072
BOWMAN, Delbert, 102 Slano
Street RAndolph 0114
BROWN, Frank E., 286 San
Benito Rd. RAndolph 5818
BUMSTEAD, Jack, 291 Humboldt
Road RAndolph 8585
BUSH, Spencer H., 842 Sierra
Pt. Road RAndolph 6121
BYBEE, Lester E., 343 Mariposa
St. RAndolph 10402
CERNEBA, Jack, 597 San Bruno
Ave. DElaware 3516
CLINE, Florence L., 524
Klamath St. RAndolph 2981
COUNSIL, Charles W., 448
Sierra Pt. Road RAndolph 0897
DELBON, R.T., 477 Monterey
St. RAndolph 8902
DEBLIN, Joe, 125 Alvarado
St. RAndolph 8636
DODD, Howard R., 244 Mendocino
St. RAndolph
DOMINGUEZ, Anthony, 406
Humboldt Rd. RAndolph 5382
DUCKER, Andrew, 281 Alvarado
St. RAndolph 4647
Drug Store, 40 Visitacion
Ave. RAndolph 5172
DYER, Wm. L., 316 Monterey
St. RAndolph 3758
EASDALE, Scepter, 428 Mariposa
St. RAndolph 8428
ECKETT, A.H., 30 Glen Park
Way RAndolph 4893
EDLAND, Esther H., 262 Santa
Clara St. RAndolph 1414
ELLIS, Edward W., 300 Sierra
Pt. Road RAndolph 1124
ELLIS, James, 25 Inyo
RAndolph 5529
FAIRBANKS, Roy, 270 Mariposa
St RAndolph 5172
FARHNER, T.R., 239 Santa
Clara Street DElaware 5035
FITZGERALD, Robert E., 205
Kings Road RAndolph 7407
Florist, Jack's Nursery,
23 San Bruno Ave. RAndolph 7236
FREDERICK, Ernest, 261 Klamath
St RAndolph 0941
GARKE, Frank J., 338 San
Bruno Ave. RAndolph 10198
GOERGES, Earl, 481 Mendocino
St. RAndolph 6053
GONZALES, John H., 235 San
Benito Way RAndolph 9273
GRABOVSKY, Adolph, 38 Tulare
St. RAndolph 7236
GRIGSBY, Ray E., 372 San
Bruno Ave. RAndolph 7708
GUARDINO, Dr. S.J., 360
Mendocino St. RAndolph 5984
GULL, Emil, 285 Visitacion
Ave RAndolph 8119
GULL, Walter F., 436 Mendocino
St. RAndolph 8119
GULL, James
HACKETT, Gilbert T., 148
Monterey St. RAndolph 10063
HACKLEY, A. Clark, 371 Klamath
St. RAndolph 6954
HAM, John, 165 Lake St.
RAndolph 6193
HAMILTON, Peter, 240 Mendocino
St. RAndolph 2366
HARPER, Mrs. P.D., Home
Real Estate, 10 Visitacion Ave. RAndolph 9160
HARPER, W., 119 Mendocino
St. RAndolph 2482
HEIPORN, WIlliam I., 255
San Benito Rd. RAndolph 5114
HENDERSON, J.C., 300 Monterey
St. RAndolph 3758
HENRY, William Samuel, 300
Klamath St. RAndolph 9168
HESS, Wilbur, 224 Mariposa
St. RAndolph 5980
HEYWOOD, George, 301 Visitacion
Ave. RAndolph 7026
HOFFNER, Elmer L., 437 Monterey
St. RAndolph 7203
HUMPHREY, R.S., 176 Visitacion
Ave. RAndolph 6578
INGRAM, Hurman C., 14 Glen
Park Way RAndolph 9536
JEREMIAH, Earl E., 113 Mariposa
St DElaware 4508
JONAS, William J., Sr.,
351 Mariposa St. RAndolph 1414
JORDAN, Walter S., 265 Sierra
Pt. Road RAndolph 0222
JOUDREY, Arthur V., 143
Mendocino St. RAndolph 9046
KECK, Lawrence L., Auto
Camp RAndolph 9767
KIHS, Herman, 340 Klamath
St. RAndolph 10295
KIRKWOOD, James, 158 Santa
Clara St. RAndolph 7068
KLINE, George, 597 San Bruno
Ave. DElaware 3516
KUHLMANN, Irene, 682 Sierra
Pt. Road RAndolph 7558
KURTEZ, R., 500 Alvarado
St. RAndolph 0060
LANOUETTE, Jos. S., 260
San Benito DElaware 0811
LAWRENCE, Tom E., 115 Alvarado
St. RAndolph 10060
LONG, John W., Jr., 264
Mendocino St. RAndolph 2617
LOPEZ, Pete, 402 Mendocino
St. RAndolph 8229
LORENDO, Albert, 227 Mendocino
St. RAndolph 9959
LOWE, Melvin, 150 Monterey
St. RAndolph 2394
LYONS, James W., 432 Klamath
St. RAndolph 3178
LUCAS, Robert A., 648 Humboldt
Rd. RAndolph 4670
McCONNELL, William, 336
San Bruno Ave. RAndolph 10033
McDERMID, Lewis N., 290
Humbodt Rd. RAndolph 6849
McHUGH, T., 445 San Bruno
Ave. RAndolph 2338
McKINNEY, Francis M., 266
Trinity RAndolph 0829
MILLER, Robert Harvey, 8
Eldorado St. RAndolph 8843
MOOREHEAD, Ruby, 148 Santa
Clara St. RAndolph 1004
MORRIS, Raymond L., 400
San Bruno Ave. RAndolph 7304
O'CONNEL, Frank D., 6 Lehning
Way RAndolph 2542
PEARSON, Albert J., 524
Sierra Pt. Road RAndolph 9212
PETERSEN, Louis, 244 Mendocino
St. RAndolph 6039
PISTOHL, Alfred, 449 Mariposa
St. RAndolph 1080
PRITCHETT, Mary S., Dentist
RAndolph 1007
RANDRUP, Ben, 431 Alvarado
St. RAndolph 3203
RANGE, A.M., 144 San Benito
Road RAndolph 2697
RICE, Joseph F., 744 San
Bruno Ave. RAndolph 3113
RICE, Thomas A., 744 San
Bruno Ave. RAndolph 3113
RIGGS, Glenn D., 317 Mendocino
St. RAndolph 3042
ROOK, William, 221 Kings
Rd. RAndolph 0841
SBRIGLIA, Philip L., 501
Alvarado St. RAndolph 9320
SCHROEDER, Dick, San Bruno
Ave. and Visitacion RAndolph 4673
311 Mendocino St. RAndolph 8107
SHOAF, Arthur W., 274 Santa
Clara St. RAndolph 8662
SMITH, Mrs. Emma, 280 Klamath
St. RAndolph 5287
SMITH, William H., 395 Alvarado
St. RAndolph 2254
SORENSEN, Louis, Jr., 51
San Benito Road RAndolph 8854
STOUT, Earl, 340 Mendocino
St. RAndolph 1890
SWEENEY, Jack, 141 Santa
Clara St. RAndolph 5895
THOMASON, Travis L., 409
Klamath St. RAndolph 5584
THOMPSON, Allen B., 524
Klamath St. RAndolph 2981
THOMPSON, Joseph N., 805
Humboldt Rd. RAndolph 9307
TIKKANEN, Enio, 81 San Benito
Road RAndolph 7071
URBAN, John V., 465 Mendocino
St. DElaware 3051
VILLIER, Frank, 443 Mendocino
St. RAndolph 6006
VINCENT, Chas. Albert, 300
Klamath St. RAndolph 9168
San Francisco RAndolph 5112
WATKINS, Arthur L., Plumber,
401 Alvarado St. RAndolph 3821
WHEELER, Jack, 50 Solano
St. RAndolph 6726
WHITE, Ira E., 249 Sierra
Pt. RAndolph 8664
WHITELEY, Leslie W., 300
Mendocino St. RAndolph 1929
WILSON, Mrs. Ollie, 333
Klamath St. RAndolph 0912
WOODS, Arthur J., 349 Monterey
St. RAndolph 4365
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2005 Ron Filion and Pamela Storm. All rights