San Mateo County Genealogy <> Pilarcitos Cemetery, Tombstone Transcriptions, Half Moon Bay, San Mateo County, California Transcribed by Dayna Chalif, December 2004. Posted by permission of Dayna Chalif [zoeys_mom at]. Traveling west on Hwy 92 towards Half Moon Bay, the cemetery is on your right or north side, just east of Main Street. The cemetery is just past a big field of grazing goats and a sign that says Hilltop Mobile Home Park. Watch for the cemetery sign. Originally, this cemetery was adjacent to a Catholic Church, Nuestra Senora del Pilar. The church was destroyed by fire in 1878, and later rebuilt in downtown Half Moon Bay. The church then established a new cemetery, thus the original Pilarcitos Cemetery was largely abandoned. Many of the founders of Half Moon Bay (aka Spanishtown and San Benito over the course of it's history) are buried at Pilarcitos Cemetery. This cemetery is in poor condition and does not, to my knowledge, have a caretaker. It is overgrown with weeds and there is some garbage and 3 or 4 homeless people living there in tents at any given time. Many of the stones are broken, toppled over or missing altogether. Many of the stones are also covered in lichen, moss and mold from the ocean air. It was an active cemetery from 1820 to 1923, although the last burial took place in 1964. Later burials were previously purchased burial sites. All information was copied from existing gravestones when walked this cemetery myself over the course of the month of December 2004. The one exception is for the grave of Petra de Jara Johnston. The top portion is missing, but there is a picture of the complete stone in the book Half Moon Bay, Birth of a Coastside Town by Katheryn Gualtieri. I would be happy to email pictures of individual gravestones to anyone who asks. - Dayna Chalif Alves, Antonio, b. Portugal, d. 22 Jun 1901, age: 54y, s/w Maria Alves & Isabella Bettencourt Alves, Maria, d. 19 Aug 1921, age: 69y, s/w Antonio Alves & Isabella Bettencourt Arana, Antonio, d. 1888, age: 22y 10m Avila, Frank L. Jr., b. California, d. 13 Feb 1902, age: 21y 5m, s/w Frank Avila Sr Avila, Frank L. Sr., b. 1844, d. 1904, s/w Frank Avila Jr Azevedo, Joseph V., b. 1868, d. 1936 Azevedo, Mary J., b. 1866, d. 1964 Belli, Adelina, b. 13 Oct 1871, d. 13 Jul 1876, Daughter of Antonio & Virginia Belli, writing on gravestone is in Italian Bettancourt, Annie J., d. 1 Jun 1902, age: 64y, Wife of Frank S, mother of John, s/w Frank S. & John Bettancourt Bettancourt, Frank S., d. 27 Feb 1877, age: 40y, Husband of Annie J, father of John, s/w Annie & John Bettancourt Bettancourt, John, d. 12 May 1875, age: 15d, Son of Frank & Annie Bettancourt, s/w Frank & Annie Bettancourt Bettencourt, Isabella, d. 4 Mar 1903, age: 95y, s/w Antonio & Maria Alves Bettencourt, Mary, d. 5 Dec 1897, age: 23y 1m Old Sec Boitano, Giuseppe, b. 20 Sep 1813 Italy, d. 20 Jul 1876, age: 63y Brown, A., b. 1837, d. 1882, s/w M & RP Brown Brown, M., b. 1869, d. 1903, s/w A & RP Brown Brown, R. P., b. 1843, d. 1909, s/w A & M Brown Brum, Roza, d. 3 May 1901, age: 18y, Extremoza con corte de Antonio S. Coehlo. Descanse em paz a' sua alma, Writing on gravestone is in Portuguese, translates roughly to note that Roza was the fiance of Antonio Coehlo. He is buried next to her, with his name changed to Antone S. Quilla. The rest translates to May her soul rest in peace Burke, Bridget, b. 1844, d. 1877, s/w Mary, Peter F. & Peter Burke Burke, Mary E., b. 1875, d. 1899, s/w Bridget, Peter F. & Peter Burke Burke, Peter F., b. 1872, d. 1895, s/w Bridget, Mary & Peter Burke Burke, Peter, b. 1836, d. 1900, s/w Bridget, Mary & Peter F. Burke Campbell, Alice, d. 9 Dec 1888, age: 16y 16d, Erected by John Campbell in memory of his beloved daughter, s/w John Campbell Campbell, John, b. Ireland, d. 13 Aug 1908, age: 72y, s/w Alice Campbell Canadas, Manuel, b. 1880 Half Moon Bay, d. 1921, This marker lies flat on the ground and could get entirely obscured by weeds. It is located approximately 20 paces from the fence at the northeest section of the cemetery Cardoso, Catharina S., d. 3 Jun 1891, age: 19y, Wife of Manuel S. Cardoso Cardoza, Clara, d. 1 Aug 1903, age: 2y 11m Cardozo, Anna, b. 14 Dec 1881, d. 19 Oct 1882, Daughter of Jacintho & Maria Cardozo, s/w children of John & Fillomena Valladao Casey, Ellen T., b. California, d. 1868, age: 3y 6m, Daughter of John Casey, s/w John Casey Casey, John, b. Ireland, d. 17 Dec 1906, age: 74y, Father of Ellen Casey, s/w Ellen Casey Caton, Antone, b. 1833, d. 1871 Caton, Mary, b. 1870, d. 1879 Costa, Manuel, b. Lisbon, Portugal, d. 24 Sep 1913, age: 80y Costa, Maria Isabel, b. Portugal, d. 3 Jun 1900, age: 58y Cunha, John, b. 1886, d. 1902, Son of Mr. & Mrs. M.A. Cunha Dutra, Antone P., b. 1875, d. 1880, Buried in Caton family plot Dwain, Julie A., b. Half Moon Bay, d. 10 Oct 1888, age: 17y 5m, Dearest loved one, we must lay thee in the peaceful grave's embrace. But they memory will be cherished til we see thy heavenly face, s/w Nellie & Patrick Dwain Dwain, Nellie J., d. 7 Mar 1888, age: 20y, Tis hard to break the tender cord when love has bound the heart. 'Tis hard, so hard, to speak the words we must forever part, s/w Julie & Patrick Dwain Dwain, Patrick, b. Ireland, d. 16 May 1893, age: 62y, May his soul rest in peace, s/w Julie & Nellie Dwain Fahey, John, b. Co. Clare, Ireland, d. 26 Jan 1887, age: 74y Fontes, Antone M., d. 2 May 1898, age: 38y, Erected to his memory by his wife, Laura Francis, Antoinette, b. Portugal, d. 26 Jul 1913, age: 73y Francis, Charles, b. Massachusetts, d. 18 Mar 1898, age: 39y, I know his face is hid under the coffin lid. Closed are his eyes, cold is his forehead fair. My hand that marble felt, o'er in prayer I knelt, yet my heart whispers that he is not here. He has gone before us with life's duty done. From darkness & from care. His children rise up and call him blessed for he has bade farewell to Earth and went to live in heaven. From his beloved wife & children Francis, Joseph, b. Portugal, d. 21 Oct 1901, age: 63y Freeman, Hellen, d. 21 Oct 1867, age: 21y 9m, Beloved daughter of Peter and Mary Freeman. Thou art gone to the grave, but we will not deplore thee. Though sorrow and darkness encompass the tomb, The Savior hath passed through it's portals before thee, and the lamp of his love is thy guide through the gloom, s/w Peter Freeman Freeman, Peter, b. Co. Westmeath, Ireland, d. 25 Jan 1865, age: 70y, The tree with age was smitten down, no care could stop decay. Though truth and virtue win a crown your kindness nothing can repay. Father of Hellen, husband of Mary, s/w Hellen Freeman Freitas, Alfred L., b. 1874, d. 1918 Freitas, John, b. 1835, d. 1903 Freitas, Maria J., d. 16 Sep 1882, age: 66y Furtado, Anibal J., b. 1849 Portugal, d. 8 Sep 1903, age: 54y, There are 2 markers for Anibal (s/w son Peter, the other is a metal marker s/w wife Louisa) Furtado, John, b. 1897 California, d. 16 May 1905, age: 8y 1m 9d Furtado, Louisa E., d. 1925 Furtado, Manuel, b. 1891, d. 1916 Furtado, Peter, b. 1879 California, d. 3 Jan 1903, age: 24y 6m, There are 2 markers for Peter (one is s/w father Anibal, the other is a metal marker s/w brothers John & Manuel) George, Rose Helen, b. 1895, d. 1912, Our Beloved Ones, s/w brother William George, William D., b. 1907, d. 1908, Our Beloved Ones, s/w sister Rose Gomes, Joseph, b. California, d. 6 Sep 1902, age: 20y 10m Gomez, Antone Francis, d. 27 Dec 1876, age: 46yrs Gouzenes, Louise, b. Hautes Garone, France, d. 12 Dec 1873, age: 29y Guerrero Lennon, Marguerite Josephine, b. 13 Nov 1897, d. 31 May 1898, Darling little Marguerite, Beloved baby of Gussie Guerrero Lennon, s/w Augustine Guerrero & Victor Lennon Guerrero Lennon, Victor, b. 1896, d. 28 Apr 1898, Darling Sonny, son of Gussie Guerrero Lennon, s/w Augustine & Marguerite Guerrero Lennon Guerrero, Augustine, d. 7 Jan 1882, age: 39y 4m, Husband of Margaret, Our loved one has gone before, waiting for us on the other shore, s/w Marguerite & Victor Guerrero Lennon Hall, Edward, no dates, age: 4m, s/w George Edw. & Maria Hall Hall, George Edward, no dates, age: 1y, s/w Edw. & Maria Hall Hall, Maria, d. 8 Apr 1874, age: 32y, Wife of Edward Hall, Beloved & cherished, may eternal rest be thine, s/w George Edw. & Edw. Hall Jasper, Louisa, b. 1870, d. 1870, Buried in Caton family plot Johnston, Alice M.T.J., b. 1854, d. 16 Nov 1858, age: 4y 27d, daughter of James & Petra Johnston Johnston, Petra Maria (de Jara), b. 23 Oct 1833, d. 30 Apr 1861, age: 27 y 6 m, Sacred to the memory of Petra, wife of James Johnston. None knew her but to love her, She is buried in the Johnston plot with her daughter Alice MTJ. The entire top portion of her stone (the part with her name on it) is missing Joseph, Isabel V. (da Avilar), d. 31 May 1907, age: 100y 11m, s/w Manuel & Minnie Joseph Joseph, Manuel, d. 1881, age: 15d, s/w Minnie & Isabel daAvilar Joseph Joseph, Marice, no dates, s/w Mary Joseph Joseph, Mary, no dates, s/w Marice Joseph Joseph, Minnie, d. 1883, age: 4m 15d, s/w Manuel and Isabel daAvilar Joseph Kelly, Rosa, b. 9 May 1869, d. 12 Jul 1871, Daughter of Charles E. and Sacramento Kelly Krumlin, Mary, d. 4 Dec 1883, age: 40y, Mother Lachner, Ludwig, b. Germany, d. 3 Oct 1900, age: 30y, large plot with no other visible stones LaFranghi, Angiolina, b. 1838 Switzerland, d. 1901 California, age: 62y, Wife of Antoini Marcilino, Joseph, d. 21 Feb 1886, age: 58y 11m Marsh, M., no dates, Plot with no surviving stones, the name M. Marsh is etched at the foot of the plot entrance McGinty, Annie E., d. 11 Oct 1895, age: 31y, We will meet again, s/w all McGintys McGinty, James A., d. 15 Dec 1887, age: 27y, We loved him, s/w all McGintys McGinty, James, d. 17 Nov 1886, age: 62y, Gone home, s/w all McGintys McGinty, Joseph, d. 29 May 1876, age: 18y, s/w all McGintys McGinty, Margaret (Fyfe), b. 1825 Scotland, d. 1900, Beloved wife of James McGinty, s/w all McGintys McGinty, Mary H., d. 27 Jun 1884, age: 17y, s/w all McGintys Mesa, Paula (de Sibrian), b. 27 Jan 1806, d. 2 Dec 1876, age: 70y, s/w Adela Sibrian de Vidal and is broken in half Nunes, Vergina (Rodrigues), b. St. Jorge, Azores (Portugal), d. 12 Apr 1903, age: 30y, Wife of Manuel Pemnentell, Frank Enos, d. 1 Jun 1909, age: 48y Pemnentell, Sophia May, d. 4 May 1902, age: 32y 11m Quilla, Antone S., d. 19 Feb 1911, age: 37y, Woodman of the World, Progress Camp 425, also known as Antone S. Coelho, fiance of Roza Brum, he is buried next to her Regan, James Steven, b. California, d. 19 Jan 1907, age: 37y, Woodman of the World Regan, Katie, b. 1874, d. 25 Dec 1888, age: 14y 5m, Daughter of James Steven Regan Regan, Stephen, b. 1875, d. 9 Mar 1880, age: 4y 11m, Son of James Steven Regan Robertson, Mary Jane, d. 13 Jun 1908 Scarpa, George, b. 1821, d. 1898 Scarpa, Helena, b. 1830, d. 1913 Seymour, Martin Joseph, b. Ohio, d. 23 Jan 1878, age: 23y Seymour, Mary Ellen, b. California, d. 27 May 1884, age: 8y Shoults, Georgie H., d. 18 Mar 1873, age: 13m 18d, Son of George and Lizzie Shoults Sibrian, Adela (de Vidal), b. 1851, d. 20 Sep 1872, s/w Paula Mesa de Sibrian, stone broken in half Simas, Manuel M., b. 27 Mar 1887, d. 12 Sep 1888, age: 1y 5m, In memory of our loving son Souza, Mary V., d. ?? Nov 1897, age: 1y, s/w Mary V. Souza (mother and daughter w/ same name) Souza, Mary V., d. 12 Jul 1911, age: 51y, s/w Mary V. Souza (mother and daughter w/ same name) Sylvar, Anton, d. 1908 Sylvar, Mamie, b. 1888, d. 1893 Old Sec Sylvar, Mary, d. 1914 Tapie, Bernadette, b. 1877, d. 1955, s/w George Tapie Tapie, Gaudens, b. 3 Oct 1834 New Aspret, France, d. 9 Jun 1876, age: 41y Tapie, George, b. 1871, d. 1955, s/w Bernadette Tapie Terry, Frank S. Sr., d. 21 May 1907, age: 78y Terry, Frank, Jr., d. 3 Apr 1899, age: 22y Terry, Louisia, d. 25 Dec 1932, age: 81y Thomas, Filomena, b. 1849, d. 1907, Wife of Joseph Thomas, s/w Filomena Thomas Thomas, Joseph S., b. 1840, d. 1920, Husband of Filomena Thomas, s/w Joseph S. Thomas Trowell, Bridget, b. Parish of Killeornan, Co. Galway, Ireland, d. 15 Jan 1870, age: 40y, Wife of Stephen Trowell Valladao, Anna, b. 18 Oct 1878, d. 30 Nov 1878, age: 1m, Daughter of John & Filomena Valladao, s/w Franciscoa, Manuel & Virginia Valladao Valladao, Antonio Jose, b. 14 Feb 1807, d. 20 Aug 1886, age: 79y, Father of Frederick Valladao Valladao, Carlos, b. 25 Apr 1888, d. 15 Aug 1888, age: 3m, Son of Maria Alvares & Frederick Valladao, s/w Maria, Virginia & Margarida Valladao Valladao, Franciscoa, b. 25 Apr 1845, d. 4 Mar 1863, age: 17y 10m, Daughter of John & Filomena Valladao, s/w Anna, Manuel & Virginia Valladao Valladao, Gorina, b. 25 Sep 1890, d. 2 Nov 1891, age: 1y 1m, Son of John & Filomena Valladao, nephew of Frederick Valladao, s/w Manuel Valladao Valladao, Manuel, b. 19 Feb 1891, d. 5 Dec 1892, age: 1y 9m, Son of J.C. Valladao, nephew of Frederick Valladao, s/w Gorina Valladao Valladao, Manuel, b. 25 Jul 1880, d. 26 Nov 1880, age: 4m, Son of John and Filomena Valladao, s/w Franciscoa, Anna & Virginia Valladao Valladao, Margarida, b. 22 Nov 1893, d. 23 Nov 1893, age: 1d, Daughter of Maria Alvares & Frederick Valladao, s/w Maria, Carlos & Virginia Valladao Valladao, Maria (Alvares), b. 15 Jan 1870, d. 1 Dec 1893, age: 23y 10m, Wife of Frederick Valladao, s/w Carlos, Virginia, Margarida Valladao Valladao, Virginia, b. 14 Jul 1881, d. 13 Oct 1882, Daughter of John & Filomena Valladao, s/w Franciscoa, Anna & Manuel Valladao Valladao, Virginia, b. 7 Jun 1891, d. 29 Oct 1891, Daughter of Maria Alvares & Frederick Valladao, s/w Maria, Carlos & Margarida Valladao Vasquez, Pablo, d. 5 Oct 1910, age: 68y 7m, Beloved father of Eugene, Isabel, Edward & Maudesta, This is a very large plot, which looks to be a family plot, but no other stones are currently present Misc: Beffa, plot with no stones, surname etched at the base of the plot Bruno, plot with no stones, surname etched at the base of the plot Cunha, Plot with no stones, just family name at base of plot entrance D??, F. J., no dates, The initials FJD are etched on this otherwise unmarked concrete slab DeBrun, no dates, Plot with no stones, just family name at base of plot entrance Gonzales, Plot with no stones, just family name at base of plot entrance Machado, Plot with no stones, just family name at base of plot entrance missing, 12 broken or unreadable stone Quinlan, Plot with no stones, just family name at base of plot entrance Savage, Family plot, no small stones, just one large one marked Savage unmarked, 8 plots (end of page)