San Mateo County Genealogy
1878 'Patron's Directory'
Surnames K - M
from Moore & DePue's Illustrated History of San Mateo County, California,
G.T. Brown & Co. Lith., San Francisco, 1878.

[Transcriber's note:  The surnames do not all appear in strict alphabetical order.  They are shown here in the same order they appear in the original book.]

KINCAID, Harvey Missouri 1849 1862 Attorney at Law Redwood City Redwood City
KINNE, Wm. H. Nova Scotia 1859 1865 Dairying Colma Colma
KREISS, M. Germany 1853 1865 Brewer Redwood City Redwood City
KELLY, C.E. Missouri 1852 1855 Notary Public San Francisco San Francisco
KNAPP, Wm. Prussia 1860 1861 Farmer and Dairyman Pescadero Pescadero 1
KEIFFER, G.F. Virginia 1853 1854 Farmer and Dairyman San Gregorio Ranch San Gregorio 190
KANE, M. Ireland 1874 1874 Saloon Keeper San Mateo San Mateo
KEEFE, Peter Ireland 1869 1869 Carpenter San Mateo San Mateo
KELLEY, M.G. Ireland 1858 1860 Saloon Keeper Woodside Woodside 4
KUCK, J.H. Germany 1854 1876 Saloon Keeper Redwood City Redwood City
KREISS, Jacob France 1853 1854 Farmer and Teamster Cañada Raymundo Redwood City 150
KNIGHTS, S.L. Maine 1852 1853 Stage Proprietor Redwood City Redwood City
KING, Henry Kentucky 1852 1868 Barber in Grand Hotel Redwood City Redwood City
KEGG, Francis Canada 1852 1855 Baker Visitacion Valley San Mateo
KNOWLES, J.G. Ohio 1850 1853 Farmer and Dairyman Ocean View Colma 140
KELLEY, John Ireland 1854 1868 Pound Master Colma Colma
KINNEAR, E. Scotland 1868 1868 Farmer and Dairyman San Mateo Millbrae
KING, Frank Indiana 1852 1862 Proprietor Mountain Brow House Mountain Brow Woodside 80
LOW, W.S. Maine 1867 1877 Proprietor American House Redwood City Redwood City
LANTENSCHLAGA, C. Germany 1853 1869 Farmer San Gregorio San Gregorio 345
LIBBY, J.N. Maine 1867 1869 Carpenter San Mateo San Mateo
LANTZ, Levi Ohio 1852 1859 Farming and Dairying Purissima Purissima
LASSEN, N.C. Denmark 1853 1858 Farmer Belmont Belmont 109
LAWRENCE, W.H. New York 1859 1860 Superintendent Spring Valley Water Company San Mateo San Mateo
LITTLEJOHN, Wm. England 1850 1852 Carpenter Redwood City Redwood City 40
LEARY, D.G. Ireland 1861 1862 House and SIgn Painter Redwood City Redwood City
MALONEY, P.J. Ireland 1861 1863 Farmer Menlo Park Menlo Park
MICHAEL, Henry Germany 1869 1869 Farmer Woodside Woodside
McNULTY, W.J. Georgia 1857 1858 Farmer and Teaming Woodside Woodside 8
MONATH, Henry Germany 1873 1874 Florist Woodside Woodside 3
McEVOY, Mrs. J. Ireland 1849 1852 Farmer Redwood City Redwood City 336
McHERNAN, Hugh Ireland 1859 1867 Coachman and Superintendent Water Works San Mateo San Mateo
McCORMICK, A. Irealnd 1849 1853 Farmer Cañada Raymundo Redwood City 30
MIRAMONTEZ, Owen California 1846 1846 Farmer Cañada Raymundo Redwood City 1,500
McCLELLAN, Jas. D. California 1854 1854 Farmer Redwood City Redwood City
McGARVEY, Owen New York 1853 1853 Farmer Redwood City Redwood City
McEVOY, P.H. Australia 1849 1852 Farmer Redwood City Redwood City 330
McMAHON, Patrick Ireland 1853 1853 Farming and Stock Raising Baden Station Colma 150
MURPHY, Dennis Ireland 1863 1863 Farming Colma Colma
MILLETT, M. Ireland 1864 1864 Farmer and Dairyman Colma Colma 5
McNAMARA, B. Irealnd 1852 1857 Farmer and Dairyman Cañada Raymundo Byrne's Store 118
MILLIKEN, A. Maine 1849 1863 Physician Redwood City Redwood City
McPHERSON, Jr., A. Wisconsin 1856 1871 Foreman Times and Gazette Office Redwood City Redwood City
MILLS, R. England 1850 1855 Ornamental Glass Works Belmont Belmont 250
MOORE, T.W. Tennessee 1847 1850 Farmer Pescadero Pescadero 3,000
McCORMICK, J. Ireland 1864 1864 Farmer and Dairying Pomponio Pescadero 533
McCORMICK, James Ireland 1863 1864 Assessor Pescadero Pescadero 1
McMAHON, Owen Ireland 1852 1853 Farmer and Stock-faiser Baden Colma 700
McNULTY, R.J. School Trustee Pescadero Pescadero
METZGAR, W.T. New York 1849 1853 Farming Spanishtown Half Moon Bay 53
MARKMAN, C. Germany 1864 1873 Farming Purissima Purissima
MARTIN, N.H. New York 1859 1862 Farming and Stock-raising Lobitas Half Moon Bay 150
MARSH, A. New York 1875 1875 Farming and Stock-raising San Gregorio San Gregorio
MELROSE, A. Scotland 1858 1865 Farming and Dairying Pomponia Creek Pescadero 420
MARSTON, E.W. Maine 1850 1868 Livery Stable Pescadero Pescadero 85
MERRILL, R.C. Maine 1870 1870 Farming San Gregorio San Gregorio 240
MORAN, P. Ireland 1863 1863 Farming Lobitas Purissima 233
MORRELL, G.W. Canada 1860 1860 Farmer and Carpenter San Gregorio Valley San Gregorio 180
MURRAY, C.A. Vermont 1853 1862 Farming and Dairying San Mateo San Mateo 700 (shared with MURRAY, L.T.)
MURRAY, L.T.  Vermont 1852 1862 Farming and Dairying San Mateo San Mateo 700 (shared with MURRAY, C.A.)
MONIGETTI, A. Switzerland 1872 1877 Vegetable Gardener Redwood City Redwood City 20
MOORE, J.L.M. California Constable of Fifth Township Pescadero Pescadero
MURRAY, John Ireland 1849 1853 Farmer Searsville Searsville 147
MENAHAN, John Ireland 1852 1856 Farmer Menlo Park Menlo Park 250
McDERMOTT, Hugh Irealnd 1857 1866 Real Estate Agent San Mateo San Mateo
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last updated: 08 May 2004