San Francisco City Directory

Names received too late for regular insertion, are placed on a ommitted page.

al. for alley, b. between, bldge, buildings, c. corner, com. commission, ct. court, ex.
exchange, forwdg. forwarding, h. house, la. lane, mfer. merchant, mkr. maker, manuf.
manufacturer, off. office, n. near, op. opposite, pl. place, shipg. shipping, sq. square.


  Abrams & Co., clothing, 79 Commercial 
Abrams & Co., clothing, 200 Kearny st. c Jackson 
Abrams, M. & Co., merchant tailors, 115 Jackson 
Abraham, P. & Co,, gents' furnishing store, 108 Commercial 
Abran & Co., clothing, 83½ Commercial 
Abran, Jacob, (A. & Co.,) clothing, 83½ Commercial 
Acheong, washing, 124 Sacramento 
Ackley & Co., stoves and tinware, 88 Clay 
Ackley, John T. (Ackley & Co.,) 88 clay 
Adams & Co., bankers and express, 104 Montgomery 
Adams, Paul, grocer, 7 Battery 
Adams, Samuel, druggist, 214 Clay 
Adams, T., architect and builder, 91 Jackson 
Adams, Frank, merchant, 129 Jackson 
Adelsdorfer & Neustadter, commission merchants, 113 Sacramento 
Aders, F., (Neuhaus & A.) 70 battery 
Adrain & Story, ship chandlers, Washington, c Front 
Adelsdorfer & Bros., fancy goods, 131 California 
Afau, Chinese merchant, 176 sacramento Aitken, Stilwell & Co., commission merchants, 67 California 
Aitken, Joseph, 67 California 
Alden, Solomon E., restaurant, 74 and 76 Long Wharf 
Aldridge, Miss Lorina, dress maker, 242 Clay 
Aldridge, Edward S., M.D., off Merchant n Montgomery 
Aldercy & Ryan, liquors, off, Merchant n Montgomery 
Alexander, Julius & Co., clothing, 65½ Pacific 
Alexander, Caroline, saloon, 121 Kearny 
Allen, Robert, Major, quarter master, 49 Pacific 
Alexander, J. jeweller, 200 Montgomery 
Alexander & Friedman, cig. and tob., Leidesdorff, b Cal. and Pine 
Alens, Augustus, 223 Dupont 
Allen, H.A., (Vanderbilt's Line office,) Battery 
Allen, Simon H., (Guild and Lightner,) 172 Sansome 
Allen, Elisha, carpenter, 27 Sansome 
Allen, Henry A., Oriental Hotel, Battery, c Bush 
Allen & Co., drugs and medicines, 223 Dupont 
Allan, McKinlay, Lowe & Co., commission merchants, 145 Clay 
Alsop & Co., commission merchants, 113 California 
Ambrose, Goodhue, (Hoffman's saloon,) 41 Pacific 
Ames, Daniel, 145 Sacramento 
Anderson, E., bar and saloon, 186 Sansome 
Anderson, S.G. & Co., liquor dealers, 85 Sansome 
Andornette, J. grocer, 224 Kearny 
Andrews, A. Franklin printing office, 136 Montgomery 
Andunse, Miss Placide, saloon, 209½ Dupont 
Anthony, A., liquor store, 72 Pacific 
Anisa, M. & Co., general merchants, 55 Sacramento 
Annan, Wm. C., com. mer., 4 Maynard's Row, 88 California 
Apple, A. clothing store, 29 Commercial 
Apple, (Ramus & Co.), clothing, 14 Long Wharf 
Ardler, B. meat market, 204 Sacramento, c Dupont 
Argenti, F. & Co., banders, 135 Montgomery 
Archer & Schaeffer, cigars and tobacco, 34 Long wharf 
Archer, Thos. G., 34 Long wharf 
Arnold, Miss Charlotte, 205 Clay 
Arkey, Chinese merchant, 108 Sacramento 
Arnold, Josephi & Co., San Francisco Baths, 180 Washington 
Arrington & Co., groceries and provisions, 65 Jackson 
Atkinson, Miller & Co., merchant tailors, Clay n Montgomery 
Atlen, B., butcher, 169 Dupont c Sacramento 
Attard, L., Apollo saloon, 19 Commercial 
Atwill, J.F. & Co.,music store, 212 Clay 
Austin & Lobdell, wholesale clothing, 162 Clay 
Austen, Joseph, hardware, 47 Commercial 
Austin, A. & Co., dry goods, 133 Sacramento 
Austin, H., M.D., surgeon dentist, 136 Montgomery 
Avery & Cogswell, copper, tin and sheet iron workers, 22 Sac 
Aveillard & Fredet, saddle and harness, 130 Kearny


  Babson, George, clerk, 110 Battery 
Bache & Grotjan, druggists, 203 Washington 
Backus & Harrison, auction and com. merchants, 119 California 
Backus, B.M., auction and com. merchant, 119 California 
Backus, W.W., auction and com. merchant, 84 California 
Bacon, J.C., (Boardman, Bacon & Co.) hardware, 135 Sansome 
Bacon, R.H. (Boardman, Bacon & co.,) hardware, 135 Sansome 
Bagg, H.C., physician and surgeon, Franklin House, Sansome 
Bailey, Mrs., saloon, 134 Kearny 
Bailey, O.W., justice peace, office Leidesdorff, b Cal. and Sac. 
Bailey & Gilbert, Pacific oil works, 23 and 25 Battery 
Bailey, J.H., grocer, 215 Pacific 
Bailly, cabinet manufactory, 207 Sacramento 
Bainbridge, Henry, (with D.L. Ross & Co.,) 113 Battery 
Baker, Frank, upholstery and paper hanger, 181 Clay 
Baker, G.A., North American Hotel, 40 Sacramento 
Baker, M.P., Franklin House, Sansome 
Baker, S. & Co., importers boots and shoes, 117 Sacramento 
Baker, David, importer boots and shoes, 117 Sacramento 
Baker, E.D., (Crockett, Wells & B.,) atty at law, Mer. 
Baldwin, E., engraver, 152 Washington 
Baldwin, B., bookbinder, 173 Washington 
Balderans, Mary, 222 Dupont 
Baldwin & Norton, Osceola House, 18 and 20 Long wharf 
Baldwin, L.F., Osceola House, 18 and 20 Long wharf 
Baldwin, Hiram, M.D., office Niantic Hotel, 124 Clay 
Ball, P.R., Arcade House, Webb, b Sacramento and California 
Bame, Jeremiah, grocer, 153 Sansome 
Bandmann, Heilsen & Co., commission merchants, 49 Front 
Bancroft, H., (Stevens & Bancroft) commission merch'ts, Leidesdorff c Sacramento 
Barker, E.R., (with D.S. Lord) 129 Sansome 
Barker, L., commission merchant, 140 Sansome 
Barclay, G.R., (Southgate & Co.,) 31½ Pacific 
Barnes, Isaac, grocer, 224 Dupont Barnett, Edwin, watchmaker, 60½ Long wharf 
Barremfreund, David, jobber fancy dry goods, 94 Montgomery 
Barre La Petite, A., restaurant, 158 Kearny 
Barrett & Sherwood, watch and chronometer makers, 161 Clay 
Barron, Richard, cartman, Dupont c Perry 
Bar & Danie, saloon, 230 Pacific 
Barry, James, blacksmith, 152 California 
Barry & Patten, saloon and billiards, 116 Montgomery 
Bartherl, Michael, boot and shoemaker, 107 Sacramento 
Bartlett, Earle, attorney, 123 Montgomery 
Bartlett, W., printer, Evening Journal, 160 Sansome 
Bartol, A., 159 Montgomery 
Barulle, M., restaurant, 214 Jackson 
Barron, Wm. E., (bolton, Barron & Co.,) Merchant n Mont 
Batturs, E.T., (E.L. Morgan & Co.,) 210 Pacific 
Basse, Thomas, grocer, 25 Sansome, c. Bush 
Bassford, (Smiley & Bassford,) druggist, 194 Washington 
Bassett, Joseph, (Lewis & Bassett,) 75 Jackson 
Bassett, Nathaniel, Webb, b Sac and Cal 
Bayio, Jasper, saloon, 27 Long wharf 
Bayley, (Shirley & Bayley,) crockery and glassware, 176 Montg'y 
Baum, Joseph, fruit dealer, 2 Merchat 
Baugh, T.E., (Telegraph Hill,) Merchants Exchange, Sacramento 
Baush, Jacob, (Fitzgerald & B) Battery 
Bayley, David T., attorney at law, 127 Montgomery 
Beals, E., Wilson's Exchange, 85 Sansome 
Beale, Thos, & co., agents, 95 Jackson 
Beauchamp, L., printer, Daily Whig off., 125 Sacramento 
Beck & Elam, commission merchants, 125 and 127 Jackson 
Beck, Joseph P., grocer, 223 Pacific 
Becksford, Daniel R. clerk 150 Long Wharf 
Beers, Henry J. grocer and commission merchant, 128 Jackson 
Beers, Dr. J.B. surgeon dentist, 134 Montgomery 
Bersn, A., machinist, Pacific foundry, First 
Beggs, George, 92 Pacific 
Begin, Joseph, butcher, 100 Long Wharf 
Beidman, J.C., produce and commission merchant, 98 Front 
Belden, R.H. merchant, cor Clay and Montgomery 
Belfor, Charles, restaurant, 172 Clay 
Bell, C.E. agent, empire oil works, 87 Montgomery 
Bell, J.C. upholstery, carpets and paper hanging, 202 Clay 
Bell, Lucius, 89 California 
Bellean, E. St. Francis Hotel, 191 Dupont, cor Clay 
Belloc Freres & Sescau, wholesale merchants, 147 Clay 
Bell, P. Locofoco bakery, 96 Pacific 
Benaire, J., cigars and tobacco, 80 Pacific 
Benedict, R.W. 
Benjamin, E.B. c Battery and Sacramento 
Bennett, G.L. tin smith, 150 Clay 
Bennett, Harris & Bennett, produce merchants, 72 Jackson 
Bennett, R.H. commission merchant, 129 Jackson 
Beraurd, G. fruit dealer, 284 Dupont 
Berenhart, Jacoby & Co. merchants, 70 and 72 Montgomery 
Beresford, James, boots and shoes, 170 Clay 
Berg, E.M. dry goods, 186 Kearny 
Bernstein, E., clothing, 121 Commercial 
Bernard, W.R. painter, 107½ Montgomery 
Bernett & Raderick, fruit dealers, 165 Sacramento 
Berrey, William, painter, 220 Montgomery 
Berwin, P. & Bros., clothing, 133 Commercial 
Berthelot & Shearer, auct. and com. merchants, 112 Sansome 
Bertody, Chas, M.D. office 225½ Washington 
Bettner, Char. A. clerk, (Hinkley & Davis,) Webb near California 
Bevan, C. & Co. livery stable, 84 Kearny 
Bevins, William, printer, Alta California office 
Bewley, A.H. commission merchant, 65 Jackson 
Bewley, C.W. commission merchant, 65 Jackson 
Biays & Shipley, wholesale liquor dealers, 80 Battery 
Biays, J. (Biays & Shipley,) wholesage liquor dealer, 80 Battery 
Bickford, Daniel C., blacksmith, 164 California 
Bickham, W.D., editor Evening Journal, 160 Sansome 
Bidleman & Co., importers and liquor dealers, 186 Montgomery 
Biggs & Kibbe, saloon, 137 Commercial c Montgomery 
Bigelow, Jabez, boot and shoemaker, 58 Long Wharf 
Bigelow, E. & Co., commission and jobbing merchants, 100 Front 
Billings & Eddy, wholesale grocers, 66 Sansome 
Billings, Frederick, (Halleck, P. & B.,) Mer. at, h Nor. Beach 
Bingham & Reynolds, commission merchants, Sansome n Brdway 
Binney, J.B. & Co., upholstery, 164 Sacramento 
Bischoff & Blumhardt, watchmakers, 163½ Washington 
Bixby, S.R., (Maloon & Bixby) tea store, 196½ Kearny 
Black, Edward, machinist, 164 California 
Black, Sam. A., Crystal saloon, 39 Pacific 
Black, Susan N., saloon, 233 Pacific 
Blackman, C.W., wheelwright, 42 Sansome 
Blackstone, N. & Co., commission merchants 44 Sacramento 
Blakely, Daniel, Wilson's Exchange, 85 Sansome 
Blake, Geo. M., merchant, 66 California 
Blake, C.T., (Strobridge & B.,) 85 Commercial 
Blake & Virgin, ship brokers, 9½ Long Wharf 
Blair, James, agent, 44 Sacramento 
Blaise, Charles, wines and liquors, 21 Sacramento 
Blank, Marina, boots and shoes, 217 Washington 
Blankenship, R., bar keeper, Bella Union, 198 Washington 
Blazdel, S., blacksmith, 70 Kearny 
Bleakley, J.L. & Co., groceries and liquors, 210 Montgomery 
Bleyman, E., upholstery, 152 Sacramento 
Blethen, James E., carpenter, 132 Dupont 
Bloomer, Hiram G., house and sign painter, Long wharf 
Blum, E., boots and shoes, 144 Montgomery 
Block, David, fruit dealer, 2 Merchant 
Boardman, Bacon & Co., hardware, (c California and Battery,) 135 Sansome 
Boardman, E.L., hardware, 135 Sansome 
Boardman, W.F., hardware, 135 Sansome 
Booraem, Foler H., atty at law, Montgomery c Merchant 
Bock, Lewis, variety store, 43 Montgomery 
Bodeker, B., musician, 284 Dupont 
Bodenheim & Haas, clothing, 164 Washington 
Bonhomme, L.J., saloon, 93 Kearny 
Boffer, William & Co., hardware, 138 Sacramento 
Bogart & Clerk, druggists and fishing tackle, 50½ Long Wharf 
Bolton, Barron & Co., Merchant n Montgomery 
Bonnard, F.A., Dispatch office, e Leidesdorff and Commercial 
Bone, Henry, restaurant, 143 Commercial 
Bonnet, Andrew, restaurant, 251 Dupont 
Bonestell & Williston, books and stationery, 201 Clay 
Bookstaver & Irving, Meat Market, 150 California 
Boon, John, machinist, Pacific foundry, First 
Borel, J., boots and shoes, 219 Jackson 
Borel, F., tailoress, 174 Dupont 
Boris, L., grocer, 184 Washington 
Bonaird, P., watchmaker, 103 Commercial 
Borton, George, painter, 174 Long Wharf 
Boschulte & Brodersen, commission merchants, 187 Sansome 
Boslet, John, saloon, 226 Jackson 
Bossange, L., agent, 148 Washington 
Bostwick, (Choate, Bostwick & Co.,) 122 Sansome 
Bowman, Chas. C. 66 Pacific 
Bouchard, Hippolite, boarding, 74 Kearny 
Bourdin, J., fancy goods and toys, 260½ Dupont 
Bourguin, Charles, dentist, 200 Sacramento 
Bourman, B., boot and shoe dealer, 109 Montgomery 
Bourne, John B., c Davis and Washington 
Bourne, Russel (Chapman, Bourne & Co.) 11 Long Wharf 
Bourn, William B, commission broder, 68 Front 
Boucher, V. barber, 60 Pacific 
Bowden, Miss, dress maker, 296½ Clay 
Bowen & Despo, Rhode Island House, 221 Sacramento 
Bowie, Dr. A.J., office 183 Dupont 
Boyd, O.H., hat emporium, 152 and 154 Commercial 
Boyd, Wm. J., clerk, St. Francis Hotel 
Boyle, Francis, blacksmith, 160 California 
Boyle, James, boarding and lodging, 73 Montgomery, c Pine 
Boyne, L., 184 Washington 
Brace, A.R., oyster dealer, New World Market, 137 Clay 
Bradish, Richard, Battery 
Bradshaw & Co., grocers, Battery c California 
Bradshaw, Saml. C., Jr., (Bradshaw & Co.,) Battery, c California h Post n Mission 
Bradley, Charles, Oriental Hotel, Bush c Battery 
Bradley, H.W. daguerreian gallery, 197 Clay 
Bradley, John, clothing store, 17 Long wharf 
Brady, John, civil engineer, 61 Sacramento 
Bradford & Ladd, saloon, 98 Sansome 
Bragg, Geo. F. & Co. shipping and com. merchants, 126 Calif's 
Braham, Emanuel, clothing, 61 Long wharf 
Brannan, Samuel, real estate broker, 120 Montgomery 
Brazier & Smith, sailmakers, 70 Front 
Breck & Co., jobbers w nes, liquors & cigars, 65 California 
Breckwell, H. & Co., grocers, 232 Clay 
Breed & Dennis, proprietors Cal. and Mar. st wharf 
Breed, H.A., wharfinger, California and Market st wharf 
Brendlinger & Kurtz, cigars and tobacco, c Com and Battery 
Brendlinger, H.J., cigars and tobacco, c Com and Battery 
Brennan, Martin, Crystal saloon, 39 Pacific 
Brewster, B., (Jennings & Brewster,) 83 California 
Brewster, R.E. & Co., commission merchants, 191 Pacific 
Brignareloe & Medana, merchants, 191 Pacific 
Brigham, C.O., (Merrill & Brigham,) 106 Long wharf 
Brigham, Otis F. & Co. patent sewing machine, Leidesdorff n Pine 
Brigham, Chas H., patent sewing machine, Leidesdorff n Pine 
Brigham, D., Oriental Hotel, Battery c Bush 
Brigham, D.J., agent for Vanderbilt's Line steamers, Battery 
Brickle, Conrad, Eagle Hotel, t9 Kearny 
Briggs, J.C. & Co., crockery and glassware, Washington b Kearny and Montgomery 
Briggs, J.C. (J.C. Briggs & Co.) Washington b Kearny & Montg 
Bringhurst, Henry W., clerk, 210 Pacific 
Brinderhoff, J. jr., merchant, 195 Sansome 
Brisch, H., American Hotel, 65 Montgomery 
Britton & Devoe, liquor importers, 173 Sansome 
Brittan, J.W., hardware, Front, b Sacramento and Commercial 
Brockway, Jas. H., fruit store, 199 Pacific 
Brodie, Daniel H., attorney, 140½ Montgomery 
Brodnitz, Marx, clothing store, 37 Long wharf 
Brooks, Benj. F., atty at law, 162 Montg., res. c Sac. and Taylor 
Brooks & Luken, drug store, 200 Clay 
Brooks, Geo. J., paper warehouse, 87 California 
Brooks, George, (J.C. Briggs & Co.) Washington b Kearny and Montgomery 
Brooks, Robert F., hair dresser, 161 Montgomery 
Brooks, J.W., wholesale store and tinware, 87 Washington 
Brown, J.D., M.D., off. Merchant n Montgomery 
Brown & Phillips, hardware, 165 Sansome 
Brown, John, tailor, 170 Clay 
Brown, J.H., clothier, 178 Clay 
Brown, F.W. & Co., wines and liquors, 152 Clay 
Brown, W.H., gunsmith, 208 Clay 
Brown, John, farmer, 183 California 
Brown, Lorenzo C., atty at law, 143 Montgomery 
Brown & Nixon, fruit dealers, 125 Washington 
Brown, John Grenville, Merchant st 
Brown, G.H., barber, Merchant n Montgomery 
Brown, J.H. & Co., clothing store, 141 Commercial 
Brown, J.H., clothing store, 141 Commercial 
Brown, Nicholas, saloon keeper, 213 Pacific 
Brower & Mullen, Oriental bakery, 182 Clay 
Brower, John D. & Co., printers, 56½ Montgomery 
Brownson, Wm. M., painter, 83 California 
Bruce, Robert, saloon, 116 Kearny 
Brumer & Webber, jewellers, 117 Montgomery 
Bruran, Frank, Wilson's Exchange, 85 Sansome 
Bryan, E.H., stoves and tinware, 185 Pacific 
Bryant, Wm., tinsmith, 117 Sansome 
Bryant & Co., agri. warehouse, California c Battery 
Bryant, Wm. F., agri. warehouse, California c Battery 
Bryant, A.H., scrivener, Leidesdorff 
Buckley, John P., house and sign painter, 14? Clay
Buhler, Louis, teacher French language, 210 Jackson 
Bulger, (Shear & Bulger,) saloon, 132 Montgomery 
Bunce, Mrs. Sarah, saloon, 177 Pacific 
Burdell & Payne, surgeon dentists, 205½ Clay 
Burdell, Galen, surgeon dentist, 205½ Clay 
Burdett, Henry, jeweller, 187 Clay 
Burgess, Gilbert & Still, booksellers, Brenham Place, w side Plaza 
Burgoyne & Co., bankers, 163 Montgomery c Washington 
Burling & Hill, commission merchants, 69 California 
Burlian & Moore, upholstery and furniture, 133 Jackson 
Burlingham & Congdon, produce merchants, 24 Sacramento 
Burnell, L.B., Crescent City Hotel, 109 Sansome 
Burnham & Mann, butchers, 62 Pacific 
Burnham, T.D. butcher, (Burnham & Mann,) 62 Pacific 
Burr, Mattoon & Co., importers and wholesale grocers, 91 and 93 California 
Burr, E.W., importer and wholesale grocer, 91 and 93 California 
Burrows, Silas E. & Sons, 147 Battery 
Burritt, Samuel L., atty at law, 135 Montgomery 
Bush, Henry, commission merchant, 142 Sansome 
Bushnell, Wm. H., civil engineer, California c Montgomery 
Bhsl, J., machinist, Pacific foundry, First 
Busswiler, (Waterman & Bussweler,) cigars, 152 Wash. c Mont. 
Butenoy & Baar, grocers, 193 Pacific 
Butler, Andrew J., 181 Kearny 
Byrne & Hochkofler, merchandise brokers, 154 Sansome 
Byrne, Henry H., district attorney, Bolton & Barrons' bldg., Mer.


  Cabban, John, butcher, 100 Commercial 
Cady, W.H., barber, 200 Sacramento 
Cady, Willis, (with Bryant & Co.,) Battery c California 
Caire & Long, hardware, 178 Washington 
Calchic, Peter, Raphael restaurant, 68 Commercial 
California Savings Bank, 129 Montgomery 
Calish & Co., clothing, 81 Commercial 
Calish, R.L., clothing, 81 Commercial 
Calish & Newman, clothing, 67 Pacific 
Campbell and Peebels, produce and com. mer., 74 Jackson 
Camero, A., laborer, 44 Montgomery 
Cannon, (Lyon & Cannon,) wholesage grocers and commission merchants, 76 Jackson 
Cantor, E., grocer, 82 Kearny 
Cang-on, Chinese merchant, Sacramento 
Cardis, J.J., grocer, 98 Kearny 
Carothers, (McNulty, C. & Co.,) bankers, 118 Montgomery 
Carey, John W., coffee saloon, 166½ Washington 
Carman & Martin, druggists, 203 Washington 
Carpenter, S.W., barkeeper Bella Union, 198 Washington 
Carpenter, D.C., M./D., 31½ Pacific c Front 
Carpenter, Horace W., atty, Bolton & Barron's bldg., Merchant 
Carrier, Defona & Thompson, Polka saloon, 161 Commercial 
Carrier, H., Polka saloon, 161 Commercial 
Carroll, Doct., 41½ Pacific 
Cary, James C., (Sanders, C. & Parker,) atty, Merchant b Kearny and Montgomery 
Carter, J.T. & Co., crockery dealers, 119 Sansome 
Carter, William, Coasters' House, 53 Montgomery 
Carter, Chas, D., commission merchant, 147 Battery 
Carrison, H., 149 Sacramento 
Caryl, W.B., livery stable, 73 Kearny 
Carro & Bros., clothing, 10 Commercial 
Casanueva, F., 197, California 
Case, Heiser & Co., wholesale grocers , liquor and provision dealers, 60 Sansome 
Case, Chas. L., wholesale grocer, liquor and provisions dealers, 60 Sansome, res 145 Washington 
Caselli, Alex., (Rising, Caselli & Co.,,) 94 Sansome 
Casserly, Eugene, atty at law, 137 Montgomery 
Cassin, Francis, wines and liquors, 75 Montgomery 
Casson, P. & Co., French and Spanish library, 105 Montgomery 
Caskall, R., (Alexander, Julius & Co.,) 65½ Pacific 
Castle & Bros., grocers, 43 Commercial 
Caverly, Edward, porter house, 189 Sansome 
Cerf, Egan & Co., crockery and glassware, 173 Montgomery 
Chambers, Judge, Oriental Hotel, Battery c Bush 
Chanbers, T.J.A., Eldorado, Washington c Kearny 
Chandler, Wm. H., wood dealer, 194 Sacramento 
Chapelle, Marius A., (Fitch & Co.,) 160 Montgomery 
Chapin & Sawyer, hardware, 127 Sansome 
Chapin, Samuel A., hardware, 127 Sansome 
Chapin, B.M., produce store, 110 Commercial 
Chapin, Abel, produce store, 110 Commercial 
Chapin, Geo., produce store, 110 Commercial 
Chappellet, Zervier J. 128 Commercial 
Chappell, J.S., bookkeeper, 81 Pacific 
Chapman, Edward, carriage trimmer, 160 California 
Chase, Mrs. Irene, saloon, 206 Kearny 
Charance, Adele, grocer, 263 Dupont 
Chazal, P.A., 12 Sacramento 
Cheaver, H.A. & Co., commission merchants, 46 Battery 
Cheminant, Antonis A., druggist, 61 Kearny 
Cheeny, Geo. A., clerk, 49 California 
Chauviteau, J.J. & Co., 189 Washington 
Chetwood, Edwards & Rose, atts at law, 137 Montgomery 
Cherry & Ickelheimer, painters, 222 Kearny 
Chevalier, boots and shoes, 126 Kearny 
Chevalier, F. 156 Dupont 
Chipman, C. & Co., builders and contractors, Sansome c Clay 
Chipman, Bourne & Co., grocers and ship stores, 11 Commercial 
Chipman, Nelson, grocer and ship stores, 11 Commercial 
Chipman & Freelon, attorneys, 161 Montgomery 
Chittenden, N.W., atty at law, 110 Battery, b Stockton and Clay 
Choate, Bostwick & Co., stoves and tinware, 122 Sansome 
Christie, R., silk dyer and scourer, 29 Sansome 
Christal, Cornen & Co., merchants, 117 Jackson 
Church, Isaac S., Tehama House 
Church, (Drexel, Sather & Church,) banker, 134 Montgomery 
Cinivis, M., porter house, 273 Dupont 
Cipriani, O.F., (Hinrichsen, Reincke & Co.,) 122½ California 
Clapp & Kimbal, Merchants' Bowling Saloon, Merchant ab Montg 
Clapp, Samuel L., Merchants' Bowling Saloon, Merchant ab Montg 
Clark, Daguerreian artist, 138 Montgomery 
Clark, H.C., commissioner for New York, 135 Montgomery 
Clark, Hiram, Oriental Hotel 
Clark, J.S., saloon, 97 Kearny 
Clark & Colgorve, livery stable, 91 Montgomery 
Clark, P.B. & Co., hardware merchants, 125½ Sansome 
Clark, W.H., attorney, Bolton & Barron's building, Merchant n Montgomery 
Classin, Milton J., card and seal engraver, 166 Clay 
Clausen, Mrs Susan, washing, 53 Kearny 
Clayton & Truesdale, saloon, 148 Commercial 
Clayton & Thare, custom house, 296 Dupont 
Clements, Eliza, boarding house, 239 Clay 
Clement, Joseph, Deputy County Recorder, h Green b Stockton and Dupont 
Cleurry, John, harness maker, 67 Montgomery 
Cloudman, J.D., artist, Merchant ab Montgomery 
Clunsen, F.W., grocer, 143 Jackson 
Clyde, R.S., notary public, 162 Montgomery 
Cobb, Charles, barber, 26 Commercial 
Cobb, H.A. & Co., auction and commssion merchants, 63 and 65 Sacramento 
Coburn, Thomas, tailor, 88 Battery 
Coddington, Wm. H., meatmarket, 111 Kearny 
Cogen, Eliza, 239 Clay 
Cogen, Maria, 239 Clay 
Cogen, Richard, 239 Clay 
Cogle, John, California Wharf Market 
Coggeshall, J., grocer, 8 California 
Cogswell, D.H., dentist, 200 Sacramento 
Coghill, J.H. & Co., merchants, 115 Battery 
Coghill, Wm. N., merchant, 115 Battery 
Coghill, A.J., merchant, 115 Battery 
Cohn, Mayer & Co., cigars and tobacco, 159 Sansome 
Cohen, Adolph, watches, diamonds and fancy goods, 159 Sansomne 
Cohen, Herman, broker, Pacific c Battery 
Cohan, Henry, liquors and cigars, 148 Washington 
Cohn, H., gent's furnishing store, 177 Washington 
Cohn, Christopher, city bakery, 207 Jackson 
Cohn, Wolf, clothing, 7½ Commercial 
Coit, B.B., physician, 228 Sacramento 
Coit & Beals commission merchants, Battery, b Clay and Com 
Coleman, Lewis, saloon, 49½ Montgomery 
Coleman & Co., clothing, 81 Commercial 
Cole & Finney, dentists, 197 Clay 
Cole, R.E., (Cole & Finney) house, Montgomery near Battery 
Colgan, E.P., saloon, 30 California 
Coleman, Wm. T. & Co., importers and wholesage grocers, Front c California 
Collins, R.W., builder, 266 Clay 
Collins, Benjamin, house carpenter, 193 California 
Collin, J., importer dry goods, 157 California 
Collins, Thos., barber, 26 Commercial 
Colbourn, Mrs. R., children's clothing, 146 Sacramento 
Commercial Printing and Job Office, 159 Montgomery 
Collins, Cushman & Co., importers and com. merchants, 55 Front 
Comstock, Geo, merchant, 79 California, h Stockton n California 
Conroy, M.D., 125 Pacific 
Conroy & O'Conner, hardware &c., 141 and 143 Sansome 
Conover, Simpson, Niantic Hotel, 124 Clay 
Cone, Aaron, boarding house, Leidesdorff, c Sacramento 
Cony, S., tailor, 270½ Dupont 
Conrad, H.W., translator, 200 Sacramento 
Conner, C., fruit store, 123 Washington 
Conner, E., editor Alta California 
Convers, S.F., reporter for Alta California 
Constuna, Marcuet, Louisiana Restaurant, 129 Commercial 
Cooke, Bros. & Co. commission merchants, 130 California 
Cooke, Joseph J., commission merchant, 130 California 
Cooke, Levi G. commission merchant, 130 California 
Cook, Jacob, tinman, 114 Battery 
Cordes, Steffens & Co., importers, 116 Battery, c Washington 
Cook, Hill, clerk, 50 Sacramento, c Front 
Cook & Lecount, books and stationery, 139 Montgomery 
Cook, Edward L., meat market, 281 Dupont 
Cooper, Wm.M., bar keeper, saloon, 30 California 
Copp, Mrs. M.A., millinery and fancy goods, 151 Sacramento 
Coombs, John J. (Vandoren & Co.,) 17 California 
Corse, Willis, Post Office Exchange, 219 Clay 
Corey, Isaac D., blacksmith, 150 California 
Corey, Michael, liquors, 100 Pine 
Corbinien, Miner's Restaurant, 126 Commercial 
Cornins, P.B., tin smith, 125 Commercial, h 132 Dupont 
Cornwell, J.S., 154 Pacific 
Cooes, J., boots and soes, 166 Montgomery 
Corcker & Co., 176 Montgomery 
Corson, E.A., mail carrier, 44 Sacramento 
Corea, Miss M., 210 Dupont 
Cornish (Hober & Cornish,) boots and shoes, 186½  Sacramento 
Cornell & Lilly, painters, 166 Washington 
Cornell, bar, 89 Washington 
Cosme, L., saloon, 39 Commercial 
Cottrell, E.M., clerk, 17 Clay 
Cotter, John, broker, 162 Montgomery 
Cowell, John, & Co., merchants, 157 Sansome 
Cox, Sully, billiards, 228 Kearny 
Cox & Baker, Franklin House, cor Sansome and Battery 
Cox, Geo., hotel keeper, cor Sansome and Battery 
Coy, Horace C., feed store, 35 Sansome 
Craig, Annis & Co., house and ship joiners, 161 Battery 
Crane, Chas. H., Surgeon Dentist, 187 Clay 
Cramer, Rambach & Co., importers, 139 Sac 
Cramer, George, carpenter, 272 Dupont 
Cramer, (Rice & Co.) hair dressers, 140 Montgomery 
Creigh, J.D., attorney at law, 150 Montgomery 
Cressy, W.K., com. merchant, 108 Battery, h Stockton n Clay 
Crockett, Wells & Baker, attorneys at law, corner Merchant and Montgomery 
Crockets, J.B., (C., Wells & Baker) c Merchant and Montgomery 
Cronheim & Co., clothing, 83 Pacific 
Crosby, saloon, 157 Commercial 
Crowell, E., druggist, 139 Commercial 
Crook, John, butcher, 5 Commercial 
Cromwell & Smith, restaurant, 202 Jackson 
Crummey, John, butcher, Kearny c Jackson 
Crowther, Geo. F., liquors, Leidesdorff bet Sac and California 
Cronin, D , gent's furnishing goods, 159 Montgomery 
Crosby & Dibble, commission merchants, 111 Battery 
Cross & Co., bonded warehouse, 151 to 157 Battery 
Culver & Mashier, 47 Commercial 
Cudy, Danl. T., h Washington above Stockton 
Cummings & Phillips, com merchants, 73½ Jackson 
Cumbus, Michael, 17½ Dupont 
Cummiskay, John, liquors, 126 Sacramento 
Cushing, Mrs., boarding, 68 Montgomery 
Currier, Cornelius, blacksmith, 164 California 
Cundell & Co. shipping and passenger office, 2½ Commercial 
Cutter, H.F. & Co., grocers, 87 California 
Curtis & Spinney, shipping masters, 26½ Commercial 
Curtis, H. F., 26½ Commercial 
Curtis, Perry & Ward, U S A    , 144 Commercial 
Curtis, Jos R., 144 Commercial 
Cunon, Adam, Barnum's Restaurant, 146 Commercial 
Cuyve, Joseph, (Wunnenburg & Co.) 62½ Commercial 
Curle, R.M. agent Sacramento Daily Union, Merchants' Exchange

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