San Francisco City Directory

Names received too late for regular insertion, are placed on a ommitted page.

al. for alley, b. between, bldge, buildings, c. corner, com. commission, ct. court, ex.
exchange, forwdg. forwarding, h. house, la. lane, mfer. merchant, mkr. maker, manuf.
manufacturer, off. office, n. near, op. opposite, pl. place, shipg. shipping, sq. square.


                      Jackson House, Martin, proprietor, 95 Montgomery, c California
Jackson, J. Tilman, printer, Daily Whig, 125 Sacramento
Jackson, John, grocer, 124 Clay
Jackson, Joseph, Tehama Jouse, 94 California
Jacks & Woodruff, jewelry, 157 Montgomery
Jacobs & Levy, dry goods, 76 Montgomery
Jacobs, M. tailor, 210 Kearny
Jacoby, (Berenhart, Jacoby & Co.) merchants, 25 Sansome, h Broadway n Stockton
James, George F., attorney, 159 Montgomery
Janssen, Edmond, (Basse & Janssen,) grocer, 25 Sansome, H Broadway n Stockton
Jarnatt, Thomas, saloon, 51 Montgomery
Jehu, N.L., Pacific Hotel, 35 Pacific
Jenkins, (Keith & Jenkins,) druggists, 146 Washington
Jenkins, Mrs. millinery, 108 sacramento
Jennings & Brewster, dry goods and clothing, 83 California
Jessel, E.A., auction and commission merchant, 88 Commercial
Jessup, Richard M. grocery and provision store, 79 Washington
Jewett, Mary, 233 Sacramento
Jewitt, W.S., artist, Merchant, n Montgomery
Jobbi, ? liquors, 208 Sacramento
Johns, Thos. D. residence, 245 Washington
Johnson & Canfield, manufacturers and importers clothing, 169 Clay
Johnson, Charles, saloon, 199 Pacific
Johnson, C.J. jeweller, 130 Commercial
Johnson, Henry & Co., druggists, 146 Washington
Johnson, George, bar keeper, 10 California
Johnson, George, feed store, 145 Washington
Johnson, Jacob, watchmaker, 199 Pacific
Johnson, Samuel H. (Hyde, Greenman & Co,) 14 California
Johnson, Thomas G. keeper Niantic Hotel, 124 Clay
Johnson, Thomas G. bowling saloon, 57 Commercial
Johnson, (Gihon & Johnson,) booksellers 140 Sacramento
Johnson, Mrs. saloon, 95 Pacific
Johnson, Mrs. millinery, 156 Sacramento
Johnson, Miss M. dressmaker, 92 Montgomery
Johnson, daguerreian artist, 136 Montgomery
Johnson, S.O. publisher Prices Current & Shipping List, office c Leidesdorff & Commercial, r Washington b Montgomery and Kearny
Johnson, James, Eldorado saloon, c Washington and Kearny
Jonston, Thomas J., Oriental Hotel, c Bush and Battery
Joice, E.V. 124 Clay
Jones, B.L. clerk, (Townsend & Flint,) Battery
Jones, Cyrus W. (G.N. Shaw & Co.,) 47 and 49 California
Jones, David, hotel keeper, 119 California, c Leidesdorff
Jones, Franklin L. painter, 192 Montgomery
Jones, E.H. & Co., fancy goods, 151 Montgomery
Jones, J.P. bookkeeper, boards Crescent City Hotel, 119 Sansome
Jones, Henry W., M.D., 129 California
Jones, Wm. B. & Co., merchants, 129 California
Jones, W. Carey, attorney at law, c Merchant and Montgomery
Jones, James T., Blue Wing saloon, 139 Montgomery
Jordan, M. & Co., jewellers, 126 Montgomery
Joseph, A.A., City Drug Store, 19? Clay
Joseph Bros. & Co., jewellers, 175 Clay
Josephi, Robert, & Co., jewellers, 176 Clay
Joyce, M.T., clerk, 162 Kearny
Jreif, (Arnold & J.,) San Francisco Baths, 18? Montgomery
Jubson, D. proprietor, 158 Dupont
Judah, Charles D., (Hackett& J.,) attorney, c Washington and Montgomery
Justi, C. jeweller, 221 Dupont


                      Kandler Bros. importers and jobbers, 193 Clay
Kashaw, Israel, California c Merchant
Kates, B. clothing, 83½ Commercial
Keesing, M.B. clothing, ?98 Dupont
Keeney, Wm. notary public, 139½ Commercial
Keith & Jenkins, druggists, 142 Montgomery c Clay
Keith, W.H. (Keith & Jenkins,) 142 Montgomery c Clay
Keiser, Jacob, tinsmith, 117 Sansome
Kellogg, C.L. druggist, 134 California, h Sac. c Prospect Place
Kellogg & Provost, grocers, 25 Commercial c Front
Kellogg, Calvin W. grocer, 25 Commercial c Front
Kellogg, A., M.D., 125 Commercial
Kells, Wm. F. carpenter and builder, 166 Washington
Kelly, Hugh, blacksmith, Webb n California
Kelly, Janson & Co. wholesale dry goods, 147 Montgomery
Kelsey, D.S. Texas house, 173 Commercial
Kelsey, W.F. Oriental Hotel, Battery c Bush
Kemble, E.C. editor Alta California, Plaza c Washington
Kendall, Joseph, sign painter, 142 Clay
Kendig, Thomas, 181 Sacramento
Kendig, Benjamin, auctioneer and real estate broker, Merchant n Montgomery
Kennedy & Taylor, produce merchants, 117 Commercial
Kennedy & Co. grocers, 184 Kearny
Kenney & Rath, blacksmiths, 277 Dupont
Kewen, E.J.C. atty at law, Merchant c Montgomery
Keyes, original clothing emporium, 178 Clay
Keyes, W.E. clothing, 178 Clay
Keyes & Co. clothing and furnishing store, 195 Clay
Keyes, Seth C. (Keyes & Co.) 195 Clay
Keyes, William, (J.H. Brow & Co.) 141 Com., h Webb n Cal
Keyes, E.D real estate, 186 Dupont
Kilbourn, T.C. builder, Battery c Bush, h John c Powell
Killgore, H.C. (Morse & K) 28 Commercial
Kilmer, Cornelius, printer, 144 Clay
Kimball, Chas. coach painter, Webb, h Dupont n California
Kimball, Chas. P. Noisy Currier's office, 77 Commercial
Kimball, Merchants' bowling saloon, Merchant
Kimball, Jerome, painter, 47 Battery
Kinchela, J.B. liquors, 116 Jackson
King, E. jobber, 156 California
King, H.W., (Dewitt, Hatch & Co.) Leidesdorff
King, James of Wm, banker, 131 Montgomery c Com.
Kingsbury, James, (J.D. Hunt & Co.) 115 Sansome
Kinyen, G.W. registry clerk, Custom House, 145 Dupont
Kirchner, Alex. (Friedlander & Co.) 58½ California
Kitchen Saloon, 123 Sacramento
Kittle, N.G. 189 Sansome
Kittridge, J.G. & J. blacksmiths, 127 Washington
Klanckee, Mell & Co. gen. com. mer., 124½ California
Klanckee, M.F. gen. com mer., 124½ California
Klump & Kunen, engravers and jewellers, 103 Montgomery
Klumpke & Co. boots and shoes, 152 Montgomery
Knight, E., agent Pacific M.S.S. Co., office, 118 Sacramento, c Leidesdorff
Knight, Daniel, clerk, Pacific M.S.S. Co. office, 118 Sacramento, c Leidesdorff
Knower, Wm. B. hatter, 150 Commercial
Knowles, James, 181 Sacramento
Kohler, A. toys and fancy goods, Stockton, n Jackson
Kohler, Frederick, assayer,
Kohlman & Bro., clothing, 165 Montgomery, c Washington
Kohlman, L. clothing, 165 Montgomery, c Washington
Koen, Thomas R. hardware,
Koll, William F. baker, 234 Jackson
Koster, Henry, cigars, 188 Washington
Kostromitinoff, M. 172 Montgomery
Konthier, (Nongillet & K.,) jewellers, 58 Kearcy
Krambach, L. crockery and glassware, 169 Montgomery
Kreagen, Charles, block and pump maker, 17 Sacramento
Kripp, Frederick, barber, 202 Commercial
Kum, Nooe, washing and ironing, 162 Jackson
Kurtz, John C., 139 Commercial, h Portsmouth Square


                       Labbat, S.K. (Davega & L) 148 Clay
Ladd, (Bradford & L.) saloon, 98 Sansome
Lagautere, C. & Co. wines and liquors, 140 Jackson
Lahar, Harlor, liquor and cigar dealer, 153 Clay
Laheesen, Henreck, boarding, 243 Dupont
Lake, Delos, Judge
Lake, Lorin, carpenter, Commercial c Kearny
Lamson, N.K. Tehama House
Lamont, Hunter & Co. com. mer., c Battery and Jackson
Lamlin, E. & C. jewellers
Lam Sang, Chinese grocer, 291 Dupont
Lambert, Geo. G. & Co., com. mer. 52 Front
Lamkin, S. clerk, 198 Washington
Lambert, E. saloon, 258 Dupont
Lang & Brady, National hotel, 76 Pacific
Landers, John, clerk, 173 Clay, b Fulton house
Lauenstein & Landsberger, new German bakery, 172½ Clay
Landers, James, Central house, Merchant n Kearny
Lane, E. r 139 Sacramento
Lane, Thos. A., saloon, Jackson c Kearny
Langerman, Wm. & Co. importers cigars and tobacco, 182 Mont.
Lander, P.C. California n Kearny
Lane, S.A. sign painter, 78 Commercial
Laprabre, Peter, National restaurant, 147 Commercial
Laroo & Co. com. mer., 138 Jackson
Larrimore, Richard, builder, 202 Pacific
Larkin, Thos. S. liquor dealer, 85 Sansome
Larrabee, Jno. R. (Luce & L.) boots and shoes, 38 Commercial
Lask, Joseph, salesman, 22 Commercial
Lattimer, P.G. (Winter & L.) 28 Battery
Lattimer, R.L. clerk, 28 Battery
Latchen, Louisa, lodging, 177 Dupont
Lavie, Isaac, dry goods, 212 Pacific
Larale, E. 169 California
Laventhal, clothing, 149½ Front
Lawrence, J.E., editor Placer Times and T. 152 Clay
Lawrence, Geo. S. jeweller, 198 Clay
Lawrence, Benjamin, (Tuthill & L.) Jackson, r 71 Washington
Lawson, Wm. farmer, 183 California
Layden W. printer, Alta Cal. office
Lazro, E. & Bro. dry and fancy goods, 217 Dupont
Leavitt, Joseph S., Montgomery baths, 161 Montgomery
Lebatard, M. grocer and liquor dealer, 142½ Sacramento
Lebertre, Chas. perfumery, 187 Sacramento
Lee, George, saloon and dance hosue, 258 Dupont
Lefobere, Josephine, millinery, 197 Dupont
Lefranc, Chas. & D. upholsterers, 198 Dupont
Le Francois, carpenter, 88½ Kearny
Le Goode, Freres, dry goods, 74 Montgomery
Lehman & Co. clothing and furnishing store, 186 Clay
Lehigh Danl. cooper, Leidesdorff n Sac. h Stockton c Green
Leipuity, G. apothecary, 81 Kearny
Leland, Chas. (Smith & L.) 116 Commercial
Leland, Wm. 190 California
Lemon, Geo. Frank, book keeper, Alta off
Lemon, James, brewery, Happy Valley
Lemon, John E. supt. Bella Union, 198 Washington
Lengfelt, L. clothing, 92 California
Lentell, J. carriage manufactory, 160 California
Lans, Chas. E. (Thompson & L.) 208 Kearny
Lent, John A. atty at law, 130 Montgomery
Lent, (Grogan & Lent,) commission merchant, 170 Montgomery
Leonard & Lenel, dry goods, 209 Pacific
Leonard, W.J. produce merchant, 154 Pacific
Leonard, E.W. real estate agt, Merchant n Montgomery
Leonard, Wm. commission merchant, 119½ Sansome
Leonard, Major, off California c Leidesdorff, bds Oriental Hotel
Leonard & Glenne, dry goods, 264 Dupont
Leon, Francis de, r Green n Kearny
Leopold, King, clothing, 73½ Commercial
Leppine & Schultz, importers and commssion merchants, 126 Cal
Leppine, F.K. importer and commission merchant, 126 Cal
Leroy, Theodore, paper hanging, 151 Montgomery
Leroy, (St. Losky, L. & Co.) cigars, 199 Washington
L'Esperance, boarding and lodging, 150 Sacramento
Levell, Benjamin, 250 Clay
Levy & Wolf, shirt warehouse, 143 Clay
Levett, David, surgeon dentist, 299 Clay
Levi, Saul, furniture, 241 Clay
Levee, Isaac, dry goods, 265 Dupont
Levy, (Jacobs & L.) dry goods, 76 Montgomery
Lench, John C. printer, Daily Whig off., 125 Sacramento
Leweck, C. clothing, 83 Commercial
Lewis, John, barber, 60 Pacific
Lewis, M. shoemaker, Merchant n Kearny
Lewis, H.M. jewelry man., 189 Clay
Lewis & Martin, provision dealers, 20 Sacramento
Lewis & Bassett, produce and grain, 75 Washington
Lewis, J.R. produce and grain, 75 Washington
Lienan, John (Depman & Co) 123 Sansome
Lightner, Joel F. (Guild & L.) merchant, 172 Sansome
Lilly, (Cornell & L.) painter, 166 Washington
Lindeman, T.M. Steamboat Hall, 16 Commercial
Little, Henry S. (Guild & L.) 172 Sansome
Livermore, D. & Co. commission merchants, 149 Battery
Livick, Isaac, 295 Dupont
Livingston, Mrs. private boarding, 297 Washington
Livingston, Miss Bella, private boarding, 206 and 208 Dupont
Lingreau, C.H. Pacific foundry, 1st st
Lolor, C.P. & Co. flour and grain, 46 Commercial
Longley, Samuel, restaurant, 144 Clay
Long, (Caire & L.) hardware, 178 Washington
Loomis, F.R. merchant, 161 Montgomery
Lord, D.S. books and stationery, 129 Sansome
Lount, Daniel, 181 California
Loud &Hosmer, wholesale liquor dealers, 89 California
Loud, Warren, wholesage liquor dealer, 89 California
Loutrel B. books and stationery, 117 Sacramento
Low, Isaac, 100 Pacific
Low, H.S. 164 California c Joyce
Lowenberg, Leopold, (H.S. Fitch & Co.) 160 Montgomery
Lubey, Wm. upholstery, 135 Sacramento
Lucke & Co. boot and shoe makers, 285 Dupont
Luce & Larabee, boots and shoes, 38 Commercial
Luce, D.W. boots & shoes, 38 Commercial
Ludly, Frederick, Atlantic Hotel, 10 Commercial
Ludlam, Anthony, oyster dealer, h Cunningham's wharf
Ladington, George C. clerk, 78 Commercial
Lutkin, Mrs. J. dress maker, 150 Washington
Lull, Cyrus, boots and shoes, 60 Commercial
Lunt, J.R. clerk, 78 Commercial
Luhning, N., Oriental Hotel
Luysten, T.G.W. variety store, 237 Dupont
Lyndall, W.E. jeweller, 187 Clay
Lynch, John, butcher, 176 Pacific
Lyons, Dennis, merchant tailor, 170 Clay
Lyon & Cannon, grocers and commission merchants, 76 Jackson
Lynch, John, machinist, Pacific foundry, First
Lynch, P. machinist, Pacific foundry, First

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