Mack, Wm. importer, 62 Sansome
Mack, Patrick, laborer, 162 Clay Mackintosh, Dr. 89 Montgomery Macondray & Co. com. mer., 54 and 56 Sansome Macreody, builder, shop Webb, h Clay above Powell Maher, Miss Rozana, dress maker, Pine b Montgomery and Kny Mahony, Florence, (Case, Heiser & C0.) 60 Sansome, h 245 Wash Maigrot, E. liquor merchant, b Montgomery and Kearny Main, Wm. com. mer., 129 Washington Main & Winchester, saddle and harness, 68 Sansome Mains, Wm. S. builder, 65½ Pacific Malatovich, A. tailor, 126 Kearny Mallory, Stuart & Co. ship chandlers, 58 Commercial, c Battery Mallory, Henry, 58 Commercial Maloon, B., & S.R. Bixby, tea store, 196½ Kearny Maltby, Theo. D. (Weldon & Co.) 12 California Mandelbaum & Silvermans, importers dry goods, 80 Montgomery Manchester, J.B. atty at law, 238 Kearny Manetta, cigars and tobacco, 109½ Commercial Mann, W.D. (Burnham and M.) 62 Dommercial Manning, A.C. 229 Clay, r Cal Tem house Manning, Mrs. 125 California, up stairs Manrow & Co. real estate brokers, 162 Montgomery Maury, P. jun., importer and com. mer., 172 Montgomery Mansfield, Wm. paper carrier, 66 Montgomery Marcy, Wm. J. 191 California Marengo, John, merchant, 151 California Margand (Venard & Margand) coffee grinders, 50 Kearny Maria, Jose, 242 Dupont Marke, a. 232 Dupont Marks, J. clothing, 61½ Commercial Markwald, Caspari & Co., importers and com. mer., 157 and 159 Jackson Martin Shultz & Co., auction, 160 and 162 Sansome Martin, F., Jackson house, c Montgomery and California Martin, M.S. 164 Kearny Martin, (Carman & Martin,) druggist, 203 Washington Martin, Abram, grocer, 120 Pacific Martin, M.S., 195 Clay, h c California and Joyce Martin, J.S., M.D., 235 Clay Martin, Paddy, saloon, 174 California Martsh, Robert, paints, oils and glass, 139 Sansome Marvin & Hitchcock, books and stationery, 153 Montgomery Marriott, F. & Co., notary public, 162 Montgomery, up stairs Marnett, J. grocer, 172 Dupont Marshall, Sandy, 6 (old number) Kearny Marshall, Dr., druggist, 162 Sacramento Marsh, C.R. carpenter, 218 Sacramento Marsh, Charles, saloon, 86 Sansome Marshall, H. attorney, Bolton & Barron's bldg, Merchant Marye, George T., lawyer, 26 Sacramento Marziou & Co. importers of French goods, 178 Montgomery Masalski & Co. 69 Sacramento Mason, B.A. upholsterer, 81 Pacific Mason, John F. painter, 47 Battery Mason, F. (the Irving) 158 Montgomery Mason, Levi, Crescent City Hotel, 109 Sansome c Commercial Masterson, Thomas, fancy dry goods, 177 Clay Master, N.R. (Burr, Mattoon & Co.) 91 and 93 California Mustick, E.B. attorney, Leidesdorff Maurun & Brother, grocers, c Broadway and Stockton Matthews Wm. A. (Williams & Matthews,) 1 California Mattoon, J. (Burr Mattoon & Co.) 91 and 93 California Maubec, Bernard, grocer, 111 Sansome Maume, Matthew, grocer, 223 Washington Mauran & Brother, grocers, c Broadway and Stockton Mantoucher, R.C., watchmaker, 110 Pacific Mayblum, Greenhood & Co., cigars and tobacco, 157 Sansome c Jackson Mayer, (Cohn, Mayer & Co.) importer cigars, 114 Jackson Mayer, George, blacksmith, Leidesdorff Mayers, Jacob, dry goods, 167 Clay Maza, Pedro, Mississippi house, 7 Commercial McAllister, M.H. & H., attorneys at law, 153 Montgomery McAlpin, saloon, 198 Kearny McAskell, H. blacksmith, 160 California McCabe, A.J., El Dorado saloon, c Kearny and Washington McCarty, John & Co. grocers, 130 Sansome McClenachan, Robert, (Starkweather, McC. & Co.,) Battery McCloud, N., Excelsior House, 60½ Pacific McCloskey, Henry, blacksmith, 43 Sansome McClure, Dr., A.T., druggist, 98 Montgomery, c California McCombe, D.W., El Dorado saloon, 159 Commercial McCoy, Wm., barkeeper Bella Union, 198 Washington McCoy, W. liquor, ale, &c. 197 Sansome McCormic, J.B. storage, 43 California McCullough, H.V.S., commission merchant, 228 Sansome McCracken, John, attorney at law, 162 Montgomery McCrea, J.A. & Co. importers of jewelry, 58 Sansome McCright, atty at law, 118 Montgomery McDelany, Chas. atty, 137 Montgomery McDermont, Miss M.R. bdg, 178 Dupont McDermutt, D.A. accountant, Alta office McDonald & Peck, grocers, 242 Pacific McDonald, A.D. grocer, 252 Pacific McDonald, Chas. liquors, 65 Sansome McDonald, D. druggist, 202 Kearny McDougal, Haight & Sharp, attys, Bolton & Barron's bdg McDougal, Jas. A. atty, bds Tehama House McDonald, Chas. liquors, First n Mission McFarlan, John, Oriental Hotel McDougal, John, h Clark's Point McGlynn, D.C. wholesale paints, 132 Sansome McGowan, Edmond, Treasurer State M. Hospital, 90 Jackson McGregor & Phillips, watches and jewelry, 137 Montgomery McIntyre, M. cooperage, 188 Sansome McKee, David, bds Bay State Hotel, Cunningham's wharf McKay, P.N. 118½ Commercial McKee, J.H.D. (at Cross & Co's.,) 151 Battery McKinlay, Garrioch & Co. com. mer., 98 California McKinley & Vinton, boots and shoes, 44 Commercial McKinley, C.V. rr Commercial McKenzie, A. intelligence off. 130½ Commercial McLane, Allan, P.M. off. c Leidesdorff and Sacramento McLean, boarding, 169½ Front McLellan, David, Maine Hotel, 114 Pacific McManus & Co. provisions, 80 Front McMullin, Geo O. (Verplank & McMullin) 126 Commercial McNab, J. New England House, 53 Sansome NcNally, P. pilot, off. Cunningham's wharf McNiel, Wm. (Delong, McNiel & Co.) 63 Battery McNish, Wickham C. (J.B. Roberts & Co.) 65 Pacific McNulty, Carothers & Co. bankers, 118 Montgomery McRone, laborer, 48 Montgomery McVickar, John, atty at law, 159 Montgomery Mead, Chas. H. saddlery, 138 Sansome Megquier, Thomas L., M.D., 139 Jackson Meier, J. boots and shoes, 140½ Montgomery Meiggs, (Williams & M.) lumber, 162 Montgomery Meiggs & Forbes, saloon, Merchant, b Kearny and Montgomery Meiggs, Henry, merchant, Broadway c Montgomery Melick, Chichester, Isthmus house, Pine n Mission Mel, John, (Klanckee, Mel & Co.) 124½ California Melfattie, cigars, 165½ Commercial Melvin & Ames, furniture manufactory, 145 Sacramento Melvin, A.F. 145 Sacramento Melville, Peter, fruit, 104 Kearny Mellus, George, wines and liquors, 133 Montgomery Mendon, G.A. (with D.S. Lord,) 129 Sansome Mendels, (Silver, Mendels & Co.) furniture, 114 Jackson c Sac Menges, A. meat market, 241 Dupont c Jackson Menser, Henry, coffee saloon, 105 Montgomery Menyman, E.H. merchant, 84 Commercial Menne, Clemens, tailor, over 88 Battery Merchant, F.G. Canton Tea Co. grocer, 120 Kearny c California Merchant's Exchange, 123 Sacramento Merrill & Brigham, produce, 106 Commercial Merrill, Robert, 106 Commercial Merrill, Annis, atty at law, 159 Montgomery Merrill & Co. Eastern Hotel, Broadway b Sansome and Battery Merritt, Samuel, M.D. 93 Montgomery Merser & Bernheim, confectioners, 215 Sacramento Messer, W.D. commission merchant, 19 Pacific Messer, W.L. commission merchant, 165 Battery Messerve, A.C. & Co., upholstery, 164 Caly Meyerback, Solomon, 295 Dupont Meyer, William, (Gibson & Meyer,) 30 Battery Meyer, A. coffee house, 246 and 248 Pacific Meyer & Sohlke, cigars, 115½ Commercial Meyer, Louis, boarding, 83 Kearny Meyer, Wm. & Co., merchants, 58½ California Myer, S.F. & Co., importers staple dry goods, 116½ California Meyer, (Rosenfield & Meyer,) cigars and tobacco, 144 Washington Meyer, L.F., coffee saloon, 48 Battery, c Washington Mezes, S.M. (Hinrichsen, Reincke & Co.,) 122½ California Michels, Hiram, cigars, 201½ Washington Mickle, E. 146 Clay Middleton & Smiley, auction mart, c Battery and Sacramento Miller, Mrs. Stiles, widow of Stiles, bdg house, Clay, ab Kearny Miller, John H., printer, 83 California Miller, Peter, liquors, 77 Pacific Miller, Thomas S. hardware, 93 Pacific Miller, J.B. 93 Pacific Miller, Peter, Waverly house, 58 Pacific Miller, J. (Atkinson & Co.,) Merchant Miller, Henry, meat market, 199 Jackson Mills, James, mercantile agent, 73 Jackson Milatooch, A. fruit, 252 Dupont Mills & Co., merchants, 57 Front Minturn, Charles, commission merchant, and agent for the People's Line Steamers, Cunningham's Wharf Mitchell, C. importer and commission merchant, 141 Jackson Mitchell, Wm. H. & Co., merchants, 52 Front Moellen Brothers, clothing, 45 Commercial Montefiore & Burgoyne, commission merchants, 137 California Montaguie, J.E. lumber, 61 California Montange, Samuel H. merchant, 160 California Montague, Dr., 162 Sacramento Montgomery Baths, Leavitt & Edwards, 161 Montgomery Montgomery, Geo. provis, 15 Sacramento Montross, Miss Bell, 163 California Montier, Hiram, boot and shoe maker, 14½ Sacramento Monson, Haswell & Co. Commercial printing and job office, 159 Montgomery Moon, Miss Ellen E., Cottage saloon, 125 California Moody, John N. architect, Merchant, b Mont. and Kearny Moore, B. boarding house, 240 Pacific Moore, Miss M.L. 163 California Moore, E.J. notary public, 134 California Moreau, Adolphe, 143 Sacramento Moran, Edward, cigars and tobacco, 132½ Kearny Moran, John, assistant, Wilson's Exchange, 85 Sansome Mordica, Mrs. boarding house, First n Mission Morgan, J.D. & Co. butchers, 100 Commercial, h Willis at Happy Valley Morgan, A.W. (Bryant & Co.) 53 Commercial, h Bdway. a Stock Morgan, J.R. merchant, 73 Jackson Morgan, E.L. & Co. grocers, 266 Dupont, c Pacific Morgan, Dr. 50 Montgomery c Bush Morgan, Wm.S. watchmaker and jeweller, 166 Clay Morgentham, M. 183 Washington Morrell, A.J. gent's furnishing goods Morrison, Jas., M.D., 92 Montgomery Morrison, Leonard, Oriental Hotel Morrison, J.C. jun. importer and jobber, 186 Montgomery Morningstar, S. clothing, 75 Pacific Morley, Eugene A. school teacher, 7 California b h Com Hotel Morton, J. & J.B. & Co. com mer and lumber dealers, 68 Cal Morton, Robert, boarding, 133 Front Morret & Van Evers, European grocery, 219 Washington Morris & Reynolds, ship joiners, 15 Sacramento Morse & Killgore, importers and jobbers in stoves and tin ware, Front c Sacramento Morse, H.B. Front c Sacramento Morse, P.A. (Hastings, Thomas & M) Merchant b Oriental Hotel Moses, Fredk. B. China goods, 84 Montgomery Moses, A.J. & Co. grocers, 205 Clay Mashier, Wm. Commercial Hotel, 47 Pacific Moulton, Jon. pump and block maker, 16 Sacramento Moulton & Smith, hardware, 46 and 48 Sansome Moulton, M.F. watchmaker, 160 Washington Mowry, Albert, 164 California, h Pike Moulton & Co. stocks and money, 151 Washington Moulton & Merritt, carpenters, 77 Jackson Moulder, A.H. assistant editor and reporter S.F. Herald, 120 Montgomery Mudge, B.W. 151 Montgomery Mulvihill, Michael, Liberty house, 33 Sansome Mumfrey, Wm. hotel, Webb n Sacramento Murray, John S. clothing, 167 Sansome Murray, Thos. H. carriage maker, 169 California Murray, Jas. shipping office, Front c Long wharf Murray & Forster, com mer, 112 Battery, b Niantic Hotel Murray, H.K. 112 Battery, b Niantic Hotel Murray, (Wheeler & Murray) liquors and cigars, 64 Sansome Murdoc, Geo.L. Bay State Hotel, 36 Sansome Murdock, H.M. builder, Webb b Sac and Cal Murphy Danl. boots and shoes, 119½ Montgomery Murini, grocer, 236 Dupont Muro & Freepnian, liquor bottling, 123 Jackson Murr, Chas.B. bakery, 89 Kearny Musson, Eugene, atty, 137 Montgomery Mutzenbecker, J. cabinet maker, 254 Dupont Muzzey, Chas.O. 110 Battery |
Nachann, Adplphus, cigar store, 53 Powell
Nathan, Samuel C. pilot, Cunningham's wharf Nadouf, Rudolph, bar, 109 Kearny Nason, J.D. produce merchant, 11 Sacramento Neall & Smyley, com mer, First n Mission Neale, D.O. blacksmith, 42 Sansome Neall, James, (Neall & S.) First n Mission Nelson & Doyle, blacksmiths, 152 California Nelson, James, pilot agt, off. Conningham's wharf Nelson, Henry A. Bay Hotel Neppent & Covell, furniture Neuhans & Arders, liquor store, (D.H. Newhans, H. Newhans) 70 Battery Neville, Miss, lodging, 312 Sacramento Nevins, T.J. Pacific Tract Depository, 227 Clay Nevis & Snokk, liquor dealers, 33 Pacific Newell, Wm.L. printer, Alta off Newhall, O.W. laborer, 17 California Newhall & Co. auctioners and commission merchants, 108 San Newman & Price, clothing store, 47½ Pacific Newman, J. cigars and tobacco, 74 Pacific Nichols, A.C. (N. Parker & Co.) h Powell b Clay and Washington Nichols, H.C. clerk, Battery c Clay Nichols, Parker & Co., commission merchants, Battery c Clay Nichols, E.B. Alhambra, 90 Pacific Nicholson, Capt. J.Y. shipping and broderage, 169 Front Nicol & Pattrick, liquor dealers, 51 Clay Nickerson & Lovett, Whitehall saloon, 83 Battery Nickerson, J.B. butcher, 24 Long wharf Nightingale, Joseph, Union house, First n Market sq Nightingale, John, Union house, First n Market sq Niles, E. saloon, 149 Montgomery Nisbet, John, Glasgow house, 109 Pacific Noble & Ganley, house and sign painters, 238 Clay Noltling & Precht, cigars and tobacco, 7 Kearny Norcross, Daniel, military and regalia trimmings, 148 Sacramento Norris, David, printer, Alta office Norris, Joseph, carpenter, 65 Kearny Norris, Wm. agent, 44 Sacramento Northrop, D.B. atty, Bolton & Barron's bdg, Merchant Norton, Joshua & Co., merchants, 95 Jackson Norton, Nelson, (Baldwin & N.) 18 and 20 Long wharf Noyes, Chas. H. clerk, (P.M.S.S. Co.) Sacramento c Leidesdorff Nuogellet & Kouthier, jewelers, 58 Kearny Nourse, Geo. F. clerk Mercantile Hotel, 61 Front Nunan, Edward, house joiner and builder, 247 Clay Nugent, John, editor S.F. Herald, 120 Montgomery Nuttalls, Doct. off. and drug store, 107 Montgomery Nutter Wm. boarding, 214 Kearny Nutting, C. & Co., 162 Washington |
Oakley & Davis, 104 Sansome c Commercial
Oakley, L.F. & Co. wholesale liquor dealers, 56 Pacific Oakley, B. jr., (Davis & Oakley,) 176 Commercial Ober, Benj., M.D., office and residence, 239 Sacramento Obener, John, Minerva Exchange, 73 Commercial O'Brien, P.M., drugs, 270 Dupont O'Brien, John, housesmith, 92 O'Connor, Wm., porter house, 278 Dupont O'Conner, Thomas, lawyer, Kearny b Clay and Sacramento O'Conner, Thomas H. bookkeeper, 139 and 141 Sansome O'Connell & Haley, restaurant, 22 California Odell, James A., 177 Front Ogden & Haynes, merchants, 66 Jackson c Front Oliver, J.D., paints and oils, 122 Sacramento Oliver, Miss Mercedes, 209½ Dupont Olmstead & Pattison, produce and commission merchants, 112 Front O'Meara, Robert, saloon, Clark's Point Onchong, washing, 172 Sacramento Onderdonk, George, carriage maker, Webb b Sac and California O'Neil, Michael, tinman, 69 Kearny Ooolley, saloon keeper, 36 Long Wharf Opposition Pilot's Office, 16 Sacramento O?som, George A. boot and shoe store, 216 Clay Oregon, John, proprietor coach and horses, 47 Montgomery Oriental Hotel, c Bush and Battery Or?nke, B., Orlean's house, 196 Pacific Osborne, O.C., flour merchant, 135½ Front Osgood, J.K., commission merchant, 64 Sansome Otis & Farnham, flour dealers, c Battery and Sacramento Oughton, William E. printer, Union jouse, First Owens, P.A. & Co. ship chandlers, 25 Sacramento Owen, William E. cigars, 230 Dupont Owens, Mrs Elinor, 117 Dupont |