Source: The
San Francisco Blue Book & Pacific Coast Elite Directory, 1892
The Bancroft Company, San
Francisco, 1892
JACKSON, Mr. and Mrs. Byron,
941 Golden Gate ave.
JACKSON, Miss Caroline,
2014 Van Ness ave. and Oakland.
JACKSON, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
H., 517 Mason st. and Napa Soda Springs.
JACKSON, Col. and Mrs. John
P., 720 Sutter st. and Napa Soda Springs.
JACKSON, Andrew, 720 Sutter
st. and Napa Soda Springs.
JACKSON, Mr. and Mrs. G.H.T.,
308 Haight st. and Napa Soda Springs.
JACOBI, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick,
1320 Sutter st.
JACOBS, Edward L., 3830
Pine st.
JACOBS, Mr. and Mrs. Henry,
1737 Sutter st.
JACOBS, Mr. and Mrs. Isador,
2018 Webster st.
JACOBY, Franz, 2601 Sacramento
JACQUES, Mrs. E.C., 2210
Leavenworth st.
JACQUES, THomas G., 2210
Leavenworth st.
JAMES, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson,
2131 Howard st.
JAMES, Mr. and Mrs. N.T.,
721 Ashbury st.
JANEWAY, John H., Cosmos
JARBOE, Mr. and Mrs. John
R., 917 Pine st. and Santa Cruz.
JARBOE, Miss Kate, 917 Pine
st. and Santa Cruz.
JARBOE, Paul, 917 Pine st.
and Santa Cruz.
JARDINE, Mr. and Mrs. William
Harvey, 134 Haight st.
JAYNES, Mr. and Mrs. Frank,
The Colonial.
JENKS, Dr. and Mrs. George
H., 321 Geary st.
JENKS, J. Shepherd, 321
Geary st.
JENNINGS, Mr. and Mrs. D.A.,
2105 Devisadero st.
JENNINGS, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas,
941 Fifteenth st.
JESSUP, Mr. and Mrs. J.D.,
116 Liberty st. and Santa Cruz.
JEWETT, Mr. and Mrs. John
H., 931 Bush st. and Marysville.
JEWETT, Miss Fidelia, The
JOBSON, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.G.,
1029 Dolores st.
JOHNSON, Mrs. S.B., The
JOHNSON, Mrs. M.D., The
JOHNSON, C.R., Cosmos Club
and Fort Bragg.
JOHNSON, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
S., 1503 Jackson st.
JOHNSON, George A., 1513
Pierce st.
JOHNSON, Mr. and Mrs. H.C.,
1620 California st.
JOHNSON, Mr. and Mrs. James
A., 1707 Octavia st.
JOHNSON, Mr. and Mrs. J.M.,
1721 Jackson st.
JOHNSON, Mrs. Robert C.,
605 O'Farrell st.
JOLIFFE, Mrs. W.H., 1225
Pine st and Del Monte.
JOLIFFE, Miss Nellie, 1225
Pine st and Del Monte.
JONES, Miss Julia Clinton,
1410 Twenty-fifth st.
JONES, Alfred, Cosmos Club.
JONES, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
C., 2902 California st.
JONES, Mr. and Mrs. C.W.,
246 Chattanooga st.
JONES, Senator and Mrs.
John P., Palace Hotel and Santa Monica.
JONES, Mr. and Mrs. D.H.,
Palace Hotel.
JONES, Mr. and Mrs. H.B.,
1822 Broadway.
JONES, Mr. and Mrs., 1121
Pine st. and Blithedale.
JONES, Mr. and Mrs. Webster,
NE cor. Gough and Clay st. and Ross Valley.
JONES, Winfield S., 1313
Hyde st.
JONES, W. Brooks, 1313 Hyde
JORDAN, H.C., 606 Folsom
JORDAN, R.J., 897 Fulton
JOSEPH, Mrs. H., Hotel Richelieu.
JOSEPH, Mrs. E., Palace
JOSSELYN, Mr. and Mrs. Charles,
1815 Gough st. and Abroad.
JOST, Charles, Jr., 1108
Post st.
JOST, William R., 1108 Post
JOULIN, Mr. and Mrs. Amedee,
714 Franklin st.
JUDIS, Mrs. A., Hotel Richelieu.
JUDSON, Russel H., 2305
Devisadero st.
JUNKINS, Mr. and Mrs. C.K.,
1032 Twenty-fourth st.
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