Source: The
San Francisco Blue Book & Pacific Coast Elite Directory, 1892
The Bancroft Company, San
Francisco, 1892
MacCRELLISH, Mrs. Frederick,
907 Pine st.
MACDONALD, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm., 2219 Scott st. and Santa Barbara.
MACDONALD, Miss Hildegarde,
2219 Scott st. and Santa Barbara.
2219 Scott st. and Santa Barbara.
MACDOUGALL, Miss Florence,
431 O'Farrell st.
MACGREGOR, Mrs. Marguerite,
1222 Pine st., Van Ness Seminary.
MacGROTTY, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred, 422 Franklin st.
MACK, Mr. and Mrs. L., 2329
Bush st.
MACK, Miss, 2329 Bush st.
MACK, 2329 Bush st.
MACKENZIE, Rev. and Mrs.
Robert, 1727 Sacramento st.
MACKENZIE, Mrs. Bolt, 1816
Pacific ave.
MACKEY, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan
C., 1419 Washington st.
MACKEY, H., The Berkshire.
MACKEY, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander,
619 Nineteenth st.
MACKEY, Miss, 619 Nineteenth
MACKEY, Walter S., 619 Nineteenth
MACONDRAY, William, 1315
Leavenworth st. and Menlo Park.
MACONDRAY, Horatio N., 1315
Leavenworth st. and Menlo Park.
MACONDRAY, Faxon A., 1950
California st. and Menlo Park.
MADISON, Mrs. S.E., 1515
Sacramento st.
MADISON, Frank D., 1515
Sacramento st. and 324 Pine st.
MADISON, Mr. Geo. E., 329
Jessie st. and Marin Co.
MADISON, Mrs. Mary A., 328
Jessie st. and Marin Co.
MADDEN, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome,
1135 Montgomery st.
MADDEN, Miss Eva E., 1135
Montgomery st.
MADDEN, Lieut Jno. F., 1135
Montgomery st.
MADDUX, Mrs. J.H., 3009
Sacramento st.
MADDUX, Miss Lulu, 3009
Sacramento st.
MAGEE, Mr. and Mrs. S.D.,
Hotel Bella Vista.
MAGEE, Wm. A., 800 Van Ness
ave. and Fruitvale.
MAGUIRE, Mr. and Mrs. James
Appleton, Hotel Pleasanton and Ross Valley.
MAGUIRE, George E., 516
Van Ness ave.
MAHAN, Lieut. and Mrs. Dennis
H., U.S. Str. "McArthur".
MAHAN, Mr. and Mrs. H.H.,
2001 Eddy st.
MAHAN, Miss Addie, 2001
Eddy st.
MAHAN, Miss Bell, 2001 Eddy
MAHONEY, Mrs. J.H., Windsor
MAHONEY F.J., Windsor Hotel.
F.J., 2001 Eddy st.
MAIN, Mr. and Mrs. Charles,
Palace Hotel.
MISON, Mr. and Mrs. N.E.,
561 Seventeenth st.
MALLON, Mr. and Mrs. John,
2508 Sacramento st.
MALTER, George H., 912 Scott
MANCUSI, Guiseppe, 522 Sutter
MANGELS, Claus, 2518 Howard
MANHEIM, Henry S., 1428
Geary st.
MANN, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
M., 2825 Jackson st. and St. Helena.
MANN, Dr. and Mrs. F.P.,
2223 Sutter st.
MANN, Mr. Frederick, 2223
Sutter st.
MANN, Hubert H., 2223 Sutter
MANN, Miss Leila A., 2223
Sutter st.
MANN, Mrs., 2444 Howard
MANN, Charles H., 2444 Howard
MANN, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
R., 2011 California st.
MARGO, Mr. and Mrs. J.A.,
707 Bust st.
MARKS, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph,
Palace Hotel.
MARRIOTT, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick,
1016 Green st. and Alma.
MARSH, Mr. and Mrs. J.F.,
2507 Howard st.
MARSHALL, Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin,
924 Sutter st.
MARSHALL, Gen. and Mrs.
E.C., The Bella Vista.
MARSHALL, Miss Nellie S.,
The Bella Vista.
MARSHALL, Mr. and mrs. Louis,
2195 Devisadero st. and San Rafael.
MARSHALL, Miss Jennis L.,
716 Central ave, Oak Grove Farm, Sonoma Co.
MARTEN, Arthur, M.D., 818
Bush st.
MARSHUTZ, L.C., 412 Eddy
MARSTON, Frank W., Hotel
MARTEL, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
L., 2226 California st. and Mt. View.
MARTEL, Miss Adele, 2226
California st. and Mt. View.
MARTEL, Miss Ethel, 2226
California st. and Mt. View.
Jacob A., 616 O'Farrell st.
MARTENSTEIN, Jacob, 1129
Turk st.
MARTIN, Mr. amd Mrs. Camilo,
2412 Webster st.
MARTIN, Mrs. Eleanor, Bryant
and Second sts. and Del Monte.
MARTIN, Mr. and Mrs. H.
McL., alifornia and Taylor and Santa Cruz.
MARTIN, W.H., 2015 Franklin
MARTIN, Dr. William, U.S.N.,
Bohemian Club.
MARTIN, William, 2914 California
MARTIN, William C., 314
Oak st.
MARTIN, Mr. and Mrs. Henry,
Palace Hotel.
MARTIN, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel,
309 Haight st.
MARVIN, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey,
1911 Broderick st.
MERWEDEL, C.F., 2011 Bush
MARWEDEL, Charles W., 2011
Bush st.
MARYE, Geoorge T., Jr.,
Occidental Hotel.
MASLIN, S.P., 1500 Second
st., Sacramento and Occidental Hotel, S.F.
MASON, Mrs. N.H.A., 1404
McAllister st. and Mason Valley, Ne.
MASTEN, N.K., 2218 Clay
MASTEN, Miss Georgie, 2218
Clay st.
MASTEN, Irene, 2218 Clay
MASTEN, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
M., 2503 Fillmore st.
MATHEWS, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey,
1632 Clay st.
MATHEWS, H. Allen, 614 Powell
MATHEWS, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
E., 803 Pine st.
MATTHEWS, Miss Cora, 415
First st. and Clear Lake, Kelseyville.
MATTHEWS, William, 2116
Golden Gate ave.
MATHIEU, Mr. and Mrs. Julien,
1510 Larkin st.
MATHIEU, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
L., 1510 Larkin st.
MATHIEU, Mr. and Mrs. Julien,
Jr., 1510 Larkin st. and Sausalito.
MAU, Mrs. H. Albert, 2215
Broadway and Larkspur.
MAU, Miss Alice, 2215 Broadway
and Larkspur.
MAU, Miss Julia, 2215 Broadway
and Larkspur.
MAU, Mr. and Mrs. William
F., 1327 Sutter st. and Larkspur.
MAULDIN, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh,
Hotel Bella Vista.
MAUZY, Mr. and Mrs. Byron,
O'Farrell st. near Gough.
MAXWELL, Mr. and Mrs. George
H., The Bella Vista.
MAXWELL, Mr. and Mrs. J.D.,
2319 California st.
MAXWELL, Mr. and Mrs. J.W.C.,
318 Van Ness ave.
MAXWELL, Miss Emily, 318
Van Ness ave.
MAXWELL, Walter, Bohemian
Club and Los Angeles.
MAY, E.F., 559 Seventeenth
MAYER, Albert M.S., 412
Jones st.
MAYER, Charles, Jr., 924
Fillmore st.
MAYER, Miss Josehine, The
MAYER, Colonel and Mrs.
Samuel D., 825 California st.
MAYER, Mrs. Samuel D., Hotel
Bella Vista
MAYERS, Miss Rae, 3031 Sixteenth
st. and San Rafael.
MAYERS, Miss Bessie, 3031
Sixteenth st. and San Rafael.
MAYERS, Miss Kate, 3031
Sixteenth st. and San Rafael.
MAYHEW, Mr. and Mrs. H.B.,
516 Golden Gate ave.
MAYHEW, C.H., 516 Golden
Gate ave.
MAYNE, Charles, Pacific
Union Club. and Del Monte.
McAFEE, Mrs. T.C., The Bella
McAFEE, C.Wm., 2919 California
McALESTER, Miss A.E., 8
Yerba Buena st.
McALLISTER, Elliot, University
Club and San Rafael.
McALLISTER, Mr. and Mrs.
Hall, 1214 Hyde st. and Ross Valley.
McALLISTER, Mr. and Mrs.
W.F.M., Palace Hotel and Manitobe Springs, Col.
McALLISTER, Ward, Jr., Pacific
Union Club.
McANNEY, Mrs. A., 616 Ellis
st.and Santa Rosa.
McARON, Thomas P., Palace
Hotel and San Jose.
McBEAN, Mr. and Mrs. P.
McG., 2611 Pacific ave.
McBEAN, Miss, 2611 Pacific
McCALL, J.C., 22 Montgomery
McCABLE, Mrs. M.A., Point
Lobos ave. bet 18th and 19th aves.
McCARTHY, Mr. and Mrs. James
P., 1801 Pierce st. and Los Angeles.
McCARTHY, The Misses, 1801
Pierce st. and Los Angeles.
McCARTHY, Avery, 1801 Pierce
st. and Los Angeles.
McCLUNG, Mr. and Mrs. J.W.,
1913 Devisadero.
McCLUNG, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Wm., 2612 Webster st. and Calistoga.
McCLURE, Mr. and Mrs. Penuel,
408 Ellis st.
McCOMBE, Mr. and Mrs. John,
2114 Pine st.
McCOMBE, Miss Eliot, 2114
Pine st.
McCOPPIN, Mr. and Mrs. Frank,
Hotel Richeliue.
McCORMICK, Mr. and Mrs Wm.
H., 1715 Larkin st.
McCORMICK, Mr. and Mrs.
W.H., Jr., 1715 Larkin st.
McCORMICK, Emanuel B., 1715
Larkin st.
McCUNE, Mrs. L.G., 1034
Pine st.
McCUTCHEN, Mr. and Mrs.
E.J., Hotel Bella Vista and Ross Valley.
McDONALD, Dr. and Mrs. J.T.,
717 Pot st.
McDONALD, Captain James
M., 912 Union st.
McDONALD, Dr. R.H., 813
Sutter st.
McDONALD, Frank V., 813
Sutter st.
McDONALD, R.H., Jr., 813
Sutter st.
McDONALD, Mrs. D.L., 1800
Laguna st.
McDONALD, Miss Laura, 1800
Laguna st.
McDONALD, Miss Blythe, 1800
Laguna st.
McDONOUGH, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph, New California Hotel, Menlo Park.
McDONNELL, Miss M.L., 415
Franklin st.
McDOUGALL, B., 721 Devisadero
st. and Bakersfield.
McDOUGALL, C.C., 721 Devisadero
st. and Bakersfield.
McDOUGALL, G.B., 721 Devisadero
st. and Bakersfield.
McDOUGALL, Ben G., 721 Devisadero
st. and Bakersfield.
McDOUGALL, Miss Nellie,
721 Devisadero st. and Bakersfield.
McELROY, Mrs., 704 Pine
McELROY, Mr. and Mrs. Robert,
SW cor. Buchanan and Haight sts.
McELROY, Mr. and Mrs. James
R., SW cor. Buchanan and Haight sts.
McELROY, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
D., 122 Chattanooga st. and Pacific Grove.
McEWEN, Mrs. J.A., 1615
Clay st.
McEWEN, Mis Susie, 1615
Clay st.
McGARY, Mr. and Mrs. Edward,
1036 Mission st.
McGAULEY, Mrs. Julia F.,
1345 Union st. and Mill Valley.
McGAULEY, Miss Julie C.,
1345 Union st. and Mill Valley.
McGAULEY, James F., 1345
Union st. and Mill Valley.
McGAVIN, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
J.T., 1406 California st. and San Rafael.
McGILL, Henry M., 1808 Fillmore
McGILLIVRAY, John D., University
McGLYNN, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
J., cor. Francisco and Leavenworth sts.
McGILLIVRAY, Jno. P., University
McGOWAN, Mr. and Mrs. Th9os.,
1139 Bush st.
McINTYRE, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.,
2814 Webster st. and San Rafael.
McKAY, Thos. D., Occidental
McKEE, Mr. and Mrs. John,
26 Twelfth st.
McKINLEY, Mr. and Mrs. D.A,
Palace Hotel.
McKINLEY, Miss Ida, Palace
McKINSTRY, Judge and Mrs.
E.W., 1237 O'Farrell st.
McKINSTRY, Miss Laura, 1237
O'Farrell st.
McKINSTRY, James C., 1237
O'Farrell st.
McKISICK, Judge and Mrs.
L.D., 2010 Pacific ave. and Alameda.
McKISICK, Mr. Lewis, 2010
Pacific ave. and Alameda.
McKISICK, Mr. R.T., 2010
Pacific ave. and Alameda.
McLAINE, Mrs. Laughlin,
2226 Clay st.
McLAINE, Miss, 2226 Clay
McLAREN, Mr. and Mrs. Norman,
Pacific ave. near Gough st.
McLEAN, Mrs. Robert A.,
Pacific ave. near Broderick st.
McLEAN, Sterling, Cosmos
McLENNAN, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
P., 1515 Clay st. and Santa Barbara.
McLEOD, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel,
336 O'Farrell st.
McMILLAN, Robert, 202 Ridley
st. and Yosemite.
McMILLAN, Miss Jennie, 202
Ridley st. and Yosemite.
McMILLAN, Miss Emma, 202
Ridley st. and Yosemite.
MacMONAGLE, Dr. and Mrs.
Beerly, 3118 Sacramento st.
McMULLEN, Mr. and Mrs. Frank,
820 Grove st.
McMULLIN, Mrs. George O.,
1104 Post st.
McMULLIN, Miss Mamie, 1104
Post st.
McMULLIN, Geo. O., 1104
Post st.
McMULLIN, Thurlow, 1104
Post st.
McMULLIN, Mrs. Thurlow,
1252 California st. and Santa Cruz.
McMULLIN, Latham, 1252 California
st. and Santa Cruz.
McNEIL, Miss, 1019 California
McNULTY, Mrs. Charles A.,
1252 California st.
McNULTY, Bert, 1252 California
McNUTT, Dr. and Mrs. W.F.,
1805 California st.
McNUTT, Miss Mary, 1805
California st.
McPHERSON, Dr. and Mrs.
Maynard, 11 Essex st.
McPHERSON, Miss Belle F.,
11 Essex st.
McPHERSON, William, 11 Essex
MEAD, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
H., 1513 Sacramento st.
MEAD, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
W., The Colonial and Sausalito.
MEAD, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
R., 2606 California st. and Byron Springs.
MEAD, Mr. and Mrs. Walter,
1511 Sacramento st.
MEAGHER, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F., 926 Clay st. and Calistoga.
MEARNS, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
S., 1412 Octavia st. and Santa Cruz.
MEDAU, Mr. and Mrs. J.P.,
2324 Pine st.
MEDAU, Miss Dora, 2324 Pine
MEDAU, Miss Emma, 2324 Pine
MEDAU, Mr. Emil, 2324 Pine
MEHLERT, Mr. and Mrs. E.,
1400 Webster st.
MEINECKE, Mr. and Mrs. Charles,
1917 Franklin st.
MEINECKE, Miss Inez, 1917
Franklin st.
MEINECKE, Miss Minnie, 1917
Franklin st.
MELCZAR, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.,
504 Market st. and San Rafael.
MELCZAR, Raphael H., 504
Market st. and San Rafael.
MELLIS, Mr. and Mrs. D.E.,
1531 Sacramento st.
MELONE, Mr. and Mrs. Drury,
Palace Hotel and Oak Knoll, Napa Co.
MELROSE, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth,
2517 Octavia st.
MELROSE, Miss Mamie, 2517
Octavia st.
MELTON, Miss Annie E., 2709
Larkin st. and Berkeley.
MENDELL, Col. and Mrs. George
H., 2310 Clay st.
MENDELL, George H., Jr.,
2310 Clay st.
MENTON, Rev. and Mrs. H.C.,
2206 Devisadero st.
MERRILL, Mr. and Mrs. John
F., 1732 Washington st.
MERRILL, Louis, 207 Thirteenth
MERRITT, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
W., 133 Tneth st. and San Bruno.
MERRY, Mr. and Mrs. W.L.,
2030 Pacific ave.
MERRY, Miss, 2030 Pacific
MERTON, Mr. and Mrs. August
F., 923 Fillmore st.
MESICK, Richard S., 24 Montgomerh
MESSER, Mr. and Mrs. N.T.,
Hotel Pleasanton.
MEYER, Capt. and Mrs. 1610
Van Ness ave.
MEYER, Em., 615 Taylor st.
MEYER, Miss Lee, 615 Taylor
MEYER, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene,
1730 Pine st.
MEYER, Miss Rosalie, 1730
Pine st.
MEYER, Mr. Leopold C., Hotel
MEYERFELD, Mr. and Mrs.
J., 1513 Pierce st.
MEYERS, Mrs. Juliet J.,
1155 Octavia st.
MEYERS, Sidney E., 1155
Octavia st. and Belmont.
MICHAEL, Francis, University
MICHAEL, Frank, Bohemian
MICHAELS, Mrs. Leopold,
Hotel Richelieu.
Mrs. A., 2102 California st.
California st.
MIDDLETON, Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel P., 431 O'Farrell st.
MIDDLETON, Mr. and Mrs.
John, 2311 Jackson st.
MIEL, Rev. and Mrs. C.L.,
206 Lombard st. and Sausalito.
MIER, Richard J., 1217 Hayes
st. and Sacramento.
MILLER, Mr. and Mrs. John
M., Occidental Hotel.
MILLER, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
E., 312 Haight st.
MILLER, H. Clay, 1037 Post
MILLER, Mr. and Mrs. H.M.A.,
111 Pine st. and Del Monte.
MILLER, Mr. and Mrs. Henry,
34 Essex st.
MILLER, Herbert, Oriel Hotel.
MILLER, Mr. and Mrs. W.S.,
712 Sutter st.
MILLER, Louis, 807 Van Ness
MILLER, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel,
102 Guerrero st. and Yosemite Valley.
MILLS, Mrs. Wm. O., 1920
Van Ness ave.
MILLS, Mr. Edgar, NE. cor.
California and Octavia sts.
MILLS, Miss Ardella, NE.
cor. California and Octavia sts.
MILLS, Elizabeth, NE. cor.
California and Octavia sts.
MILLS, Mr. Irving W., NE.
cor. California and Octavia sts.
MILLS, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
T., 1906 Bush st.
MILLS, Mrs. James E., 2106
Van Ness ave.
MILLS, Miss, 2106 Van Ness
MILLS,Mrs. W.L.B., 1918
Sutter st.
MILLS, Mr. and Mrs. William
H., 1707 Octavia st. and Santa Cruz.
MINER, Mr. and Mrs. W.H.,
2025 California st. and Del Coronado.
MINER, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
G., 2025 California st. and Del Coronado.
MITCHELL, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
H., 6 Ford st.
MITCHELL, Mr. and Mrs. G.H.,
Hotel Pleasanton.
MITCHELL, Mr. and Mrs. George
M., 813 Grove st.
MITCHELL, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
B., 727 Ashbury st.
MITCHLER, Mrs. G., Hotel
Bella Vista.
MITCHLER, The Misses, Hotel
Bella Vista.
MITCHLER, Alfred, Hotel
Bella Vista.
MIZNER, Mr. and Mrs. L.B.,
Occidental Hotel and Stags Leap, Napa Valley.
MIZNER, Edgar A., Occidental
Hotel and Stags Leap, Napa Valley.
MIZNER, Lansing, Jr., Occidental
Hotel and Stags Leap, Napa Valley.
MIZNER, Dr. William G.,
204 Ellis st. and Benicia.
MIZNER, Addison R., 204
Ellis st. and Benicia.
MOALE, Colonel, U.S.A.,
Cosmos Club.
MOHUN, C.C., M.D., St. Mary's
MOLERA, Mr. and Mrs. E.J.,
805 Van Ness ave. and Monterey.
MOLIERE, James W., M.D.,
126 and 128 Phelan Building.
MONTEVERDE, Mr. and Mrs.
F.E., 1518 Sutter st.
MONTEVERDE, Miss Lolita,
1518 Sutter st.
MONTEVERDE, F.E., Jr., 1518
Sutter st.
MONTAGUE, Mr. and Mrs. W.W.,
1103 Bush st. and Santa Clara.
MONTAGUE, Miss, 1103 Bush
st. and Santa Clara.
MONTEAGLE, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis F., 1830 Jackson st.
MONTEAGLE, Miss Jennie,
1830 Jackson st.
F., 1114 Bush st.
1114 Bush st.
MONTEALEGRE, Herman, 1114
Bush st.
MONTEALEGRE, Maria T., 1114
Bush st.
1114 Bush st.
MONTGOMERY, George S., 1201
Bush st.
MONTPELIER, A., 2009 Buchanan
MOODY, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
L., Franklin st. and San Mateo.
MOODY, Mrs. C., 1221 O'Farrell
MOODY, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
L., Lombard and Jones sts.
MOODY, Miss Edna, Lombard
and Jones sts.
MOODY, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
S., Lombard and Jones sts.
MOORE, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
S., 711 Jones st.
MOORE, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
W., 2420 Pacific ave.
MOORE, Mr. and Mrs. Austin
D., 2728 Pacific ave.
MOORE, Mr. and Mrs. Percy
P., 2032 Bush st. and King Landing, Visalia.
MOORE, Mr. and Mrs. George
A., 1511 Gough st.
MOORE, Samuel E., 2934 California
MOORE, Howell C., Cosmos
MOORE, Mr. and Mrs. James,
1903 Baker st. and San Rafael.
MOORE, Mrs. E.J., 711 1/2
Hayes st.
MOORE, William S., 711 1/2
Hayes st.
MOORE, Mr. and Mrs. Walter,
Palace Hotel and Los Angeles.
MOOSER, Mr. and Mrs. William,
2709 Pierce st. and Brandley, Monterey.
MOOSER, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
H., 2709 Pierce st. and Brandley, Monterey.
MOOSER, Miss Alice, 2709
Pierce st. and Brandley, Monterey.
MOOSER, Chas. E., 2709 Pierce
st. and Brandley, Monterey.
MOOSER, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.,
Jr., 2518 Laguna st.
MOOSER, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
H., 21 South Park.
MORGAN, Mr. and Mrs. Cosmo,
2210 Devisadero st. and San Rafael.
MORGAN, Edw. D., 2312 Clay
st. and Del Monte.
MORGAN, Miss Alicia M.,
2312 Clay st. and Del Monte.
MORGAN, Miss Laura R., 2312
Clay st. and Del Monte.
MORGAN, Miss Susie D., 2312
Clay st. and Del Monte.
MORFFEW, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas,
1725 Pine st. and Russian River.
MORGAN, Mr. and Mrs. W.I.,
1700 Oak st. and Valley Springs, Calaveras Co.
MORGAN, Percy T., Cosmos
MORGAN, Mr. and Mrs. William
P., 1451 Franklin st.
MORRILL, Mrs. Paul, Taylor
and Bush sts.
MORRILL, Miss, Taylor and
Bush sts.
MORRILL, Grant A., Taylor
and Bush sts.
MORRISS, Sam'l. F., 707
Mason st.
MORRISON, Miss, SW cor.
Union and Fillmore sts.
MORRISON, Col. and Mrs.
George H., 908 Guerrero st. and Carson City, Nev.
MORROW, Robert F., 916 Leavenworth
MORROW, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.H.,
1326 Leavenworth st.
MORROW, Hon. and Mrs. W.W.,
600 Bush st. and Hotel Del Monte.
MORROW, Miss Maud, 600 Bush
st. and Hotel Del Monte.
MORROW, William H., 600
Bush st. and Hotel Del Monte.
MORSE, Capt. and MRs. H.G.,
Palace Hotel and Str. "Alameda".
MORSE, I.H., 1216 Jones
MORTON, Mr. and Mrs. H.D.,
Taylor and Ellis sts.
MORTON, Mr. and Mrs. John,
Taylor and Ellis sts.
MORTON, W.R., 309 Taylor
MORTON, Mrs. E.C., 2014
Pierce st.
MORTON, Miss May W., 2014
Pierce st.
MORTON, Julius W., 2014
Pierce st.
MOSBY, Colonel John S.,
MOSELY, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
S., 2510 Fillmore st.
MOSES, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
S., The California.
MOTT, Baldwin E., 1522 Vallejo.
MOULDER, Hon. and Mrs. A.J.,
812 Bush st. and Blithedale.
MOULDER, Miss Maude, 812
Bush st. and Blithedale.
MOULDER, Mr. Augustus B.,
812 Bush st. and Blithedale.
MOULTON, Mrs. Adeline, 1515
Washington st. and Blithedale.
MOULTON Miss FLorence, 1515
Washington st. and Blithedale.
MOULTON, Mr. and Mrs. Frank,
The California and Fair Oaks.
MOWRY, Mr. and Mrs. L.J.,
1719 Oak st.
MOZELEY, Mrs. Brandon, Richelieu.
MULLINS, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
F., 1809 Gough st.
MULLINS, Miss Alice, 1809
Gough st.
MULCREAVE, Miss Alice, 621
Octavia st. and Sacramento st.
MULFORD, Thos. W., 322 Haight
MULFORD, Miss Gertrude,
322 Haight st.
MUNDY, J.H., 1609 Jackson
MUNRO, Mr. and Mrs. George
R., 1114 Seventeenth st.
MUNRO, Miss Minnie, 1114
Seventeenth st.
MURDOCK, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
C., Palace Hotel.
MURPHY, Miss Nellie, Palace
MURPHY, Miss Fannie, Palace
MURPHY, Daniel T., Pacific
Union Club. and Del Monte.
MURPHY, Judge Daniel J.,
119 Liberty st.
MURPHY, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
P., 1304 Guerrero st.
MURPHY, James T., Cosmos
Club and San Jose.
MURPHY, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
G., cor. Bush and Mason sts.
MURPHY, The Misses, cor.
Bush and Mason sts.
MYER, Mr. and Mrs. A.W.,
517 Baker st. and Santa Cruz.
MYERS, Wm. C., Cosmos Club.
MYRICK, Judge and Mrs. Milton
H., Palace Hotel.
MYRICK, Miss, Palace Hotel.
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Francisco Blue Book, 1892
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& Ron Filion. All rights reserved.