*** Source: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, San Francisco Telephone Directory, February 1893. *** ---page 132--- OAKLAND TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. 132 706(6)--DE WOLF, W...Wood and Coal...Fruitvale. 98--DEXTER STABLES...Hoos & Carr, Props...Twelfth and Harrison. DIEVES, J. P...3-Mile House...San Leandro Road. 35--DINGEE, WM. J...Real Estate...460 Eighth. 734--[DINGEE, WM. J]...[Real Estate]...Piedmont. 101--DINGEE, WM. J...Residence...Fernwood. 760(3)--DISTILLED SODA WATER CO...Fifth and Kirkham. 19--DISTRICT ATTORNEY...Chas. E. Snook...Court House. 763(4)--DOOLAN, JAMES H...Livery Stable and Hacks...1070 Thirteenth Ave. 743(3)--DORAN, J...Wood, Coal, Hay and Grain...2001 San Pablo Ave. 268--DOWNES & BYRNE...Druggists...Eighth and Washington. 247--DRESCO, L. & CO...Wines, Liquors, Coffees and Spices...1072 Broadway. 645--DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR...370 Eleventh. 545(3)--DUNBAR, W. A. M...Veterinary Hospital...Eleventh and Harrison. 219--DUNHAM, B. F...Residence...Eighteenth and Alice. 259--DUNN, J. P. H...Physician...1103 1/2 Broadway. 554--[DUNN, J. P. H]...Residence...536 Twenty-Fourth. 688--DUSINBURY, M. T. & CO...Real Estate...459 Ninth. 39--EAGLE BOX AND MFG. CO...Eagle Box Factory...611 Market. 712(4)--EAST OAKLAND BREWERY...Rudolph Ringgenberg...401 East 12th. 862--EAST OAKLAND ST. R. R. CO...East 20th and Commerce. 547--EDWARDS, F. J. & CO...Fish and Oysters...916 Washington. 397--EDWARDS, J. G...Residence...520 Tenth. 690--EGERT, LOUIS H. & CO...Butchers...Eleventh and Clay. 751(4)--EIBEN & NOR...Grocery...1572 and 1574 Seventh. 269--EICHWEDE, MUHR & CO...Groceries...1154 Seventh. 130--ELDORADO STABLES...Kane & Daley...Eleventh and Franklin. EMERIC, H. F...Residence...San Pablo. 877--ENTERPRISE BOTTLING CO...Reudy & Christensen, Prop'rs...820 Magnolia. 333--EUREKA HOTEL...Ruedy & Voegelin...501 Seventh. 142--EUREKA MARKET...L. Burgelin...1110 Market. 284--EVERS, HENRY...Undertaker...865 Washington. 182--[EVERS, HENRY]...Residence...1418 San Pablo Avenue. 403--EVERSON, WALKER & SMITH...Blacksmiths' Supplies & Ag'l Impl'ts...420-422 Ninth. 4--[EVERSON, WALKER & SMITH]...Builders' & Gen'l Hardware...927 Broadway. 86--EVERTS & CO...Flour, Hay and Grain...First and Webster. 463--[EVERTS & CO]...Warehouse...[First and Webster]. 52--EXAMINER, S. F...Oakland Office, L. C. Straus, Mgr...918 Broadway. 794(3)--FABIOLA HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION...Moss Ave. and New Broadway. 505--FALL, E. E...Physician...N. W. cor. 75h and Broadway. 715(7)--FALL, DR. E. E...Residence...810 E. Fifteenth. 8--FASHION STABLES...McCleverty & Noblett...860 Broadway. 43--FELTON ENGINE HOUSE...Fire Department...Sixth. 245--FIBUSH BROS...Cigar Manufacturers...1103 Broadway. 723(5)--FIEGE & TOMINSKI...Restaurant...Long Wharf. 5--FINE, ANDREW...Physician...11th St. and 6th Ave. 139--FINELY, C. J...Fish and Oyster Dealer...464 Eleventh. 109--FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OAKLAND...1002 Broadway. 453--FISCHER'S BAKERY AND COFFEE PARLORS...866 Washington. 846--FISH, GEO. L...Residence...1232 Madison. 635--FISHER, CHAS. M...Physician...Seventh and Market. 874--FISHER, GEO. W...Residence...1219 Webster. 483--FITZGERALD, R. M...Attorney-at-Law...854 1/2 Broadway. 25--FLEMMING, ROBT...Residence...533 Nineteenth. 156--FLINT, GEO. B...Druggist...1171 Broadway. 391--FLUNO, DR. F. J...Residence...568 Seventeenth. 123--FOLGER, JAS. A...Residence...1308 Jackson. 410--FOOTE, W. W....Residence...Thirteenth and Brush. 692--FORREST, R. A...Physician...263 E. Eighteenth. 158--FORTIN, V. L...Lime, Cement and Bricks...480 Third. --------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE ALL ORDINARY COMPLAINTS BY TELEPHONE TO INSPECTOR--No. 85. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- The Mail is Quick, the Telegraph is Quicker but the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE is Instantaneous, and you Don't Have to Wait for an Answer. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---end---