*** Source: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, San Francisco Telephone Directory, February 1893. *** ---page 148--- SACRAMENTO TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. 148 51--BOOTH & CO...Grocers. 162--BREUNER, JOHN...Furniture Factory. 170--[BREUNER, JOHN]...Residence. 286--BRIGGS, W. A...Physician--Residence. 374--BRIGGS, W. E...Residence. 68--BROWN, R. A...Residence. 337--BRUSIE & LAYSON...Lawyers. 209--BUFFALO BREWING CO...Herman H. Grau, Mgr. 421--BUGBEY, B. N...Residence. 405--BULGER, A. D...Exchange Saloon. 246(3)--BURR, R. P...Residence. 329--BUTLER, S. W...Coupes (25 cents a mile). 419--BUTTON, M. R...Intelligence Office. 199--CAFE ROYAL...H. D. Gamble. 188--CALIFORNIA MARKET...Garzoli and Genis. 11--CALIFORNIA STATE BANK...Fourth and J. 142--CALIFORNIA WINERY...21st and R. 319--CAMPBELL, CHAS. M...Furniture, Carpets, etc. 33--CAPITOL BOX FACTORY...Second and Q. 153--CAPITOL FURNITURE CO...616 J. 15--CAPITOL GAS CO...Office and Works. 4--[CAPITOL GAS CO]...Work Shop, Sixth. 112--[CAPITOL GAS CO]...Electric Light Department. 203--CAPITOL HOTEL...H. K. McLennan, Prop'r. 126--CAPITOL PACKING CO...Works and Office. 131--CAPITOL SOAP CO...Sparrow Smith. 265--CAPITOL TRANSFER CO...Walrath Bros. 328--CARLAW BROS...Stone Yards. 403--CARLE, MRS. M. S...Residence. 311--CARLE, SILAS...Contractor and Builder. 133--CARROLL, EDGAR B...Residence. 375--CASTRO, M...Coal and Wood. 407--CENTRAL HOUSE...Horlein Bros. 268--CENTRAL STREET RAILWAY CO...Office. 409--CHIEF ENGINEER...Fire Department. 60--CHIEF OF POLICE...Office. 129--CHRISTIANSON, DIERSSEN & CO...Pacific Market. 201--CITY BREWERY...F. Ruhstaller. 250--CITY HALL...Auditor's Office. 274--CITY PHYSICIAN...Sixteenth and L. 134--CLARK, J. FRANK...Undertaker. 24--CLARKE, J. W...Residence. 207--CLAUSS & KRAUS...Meat Market. 218--CLOW, G. B...Residence. 206--CLUNESS, W. R...Physician--Office. 206(3)--[CLUNESS, W. R]...[Physician]--Residence. 73--COLEMAN, W. P...Real Estate and Ins. 27--COLGAN, E. P...State Controller. 139--COMSTOCK, W. D...Furniture. 275--CONNOR, J. O...Groceries and Provisions. 294--CONSIDINE, D. J...Railroad Exchange. 27--CONTROLLER'S OFFICE...State Capitol. 117--COOK, T. H. & CO...Grocers. 385--COOLEY, CHARLES...Real Estate and Insurance. 368--COOPER & CATEY...Capital Electrical Works. 323--CORBIN, J. H...Corbin's Saloon. 134--CORONER...1017 Fourth. 87--COSBY & ROTHER...Wholesale Liquors. 302--COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE...W. W. Rhoads. 55(3)--COUNTY HOSPITAL...Hospital. --------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE ALL ORDINARY COMPLAINTS BY TELEPHONE TO INSPECTOR--No. 85. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- The Mail is Quick, the Telegraph is Quicker but the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE is Instantaneous, and you Don't Have to Wait for an Answer. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---end---