*** Source: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, San Francisco Telephone Directory, February 1893. *** ---page 016--- SAN FRANCISCO TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. 16 281--CANDEE RUBBER CO....Rubber Boots and Shoes...409 Market. 5258--CANDELARIA CO. MEXICAN MINING CO...76 Nevada Block. 862--CANFIELD, C. L....Gen'l Ag't Fr't Dept. C. M & St. P. R'y..112 Montgomery. 3265--CANTWELL, H. C...Photo. Printing...40 Eddy. 1357--CAPELLE, ROBERT...Agt. North German Lloyd S. S. CO...18 Montgomery. 2049--CAPELLI & SCATENA...Fruit and Fish...Polk and Austin. 373--CAPTAIN OF POLICE...Old City Hall. 3623--CARAH, J. H. & CO...Machine Works...511 Fifth. 903--CARBONE & MONTI...Florists...343 Kearney. 4417--CARD, C. W...Physician...502 Devisadero. 4121--CARD, E. F...Physician...2406 Sutter. 5054--CAREW, JOHN...Residence...7 Montgomery Ave. 3156--CAREW & ENGLISH...Undertakers...19 Van Ness Ave. 3--CARLISLE, A. & CO...Stationers and Printers...417 Montgomery. 5158--CARLTON, HARRY P...Dentist...67 Crocker Building. 834--CARNES, W. A....Residence...235 Post. 1187--CARNES & CRIMMINS...Wine Room...16 Third. 2624--CAROLAN, F. J...Residence...2264 Franklin. 4244--CAROLAN, JAS...Residence...1714 California. 635--CAROLAN & CO...Hardware, Iron, Steel...113 California. 1573--CARPENTER, F. B...Physician...32 O'Farrell. 6175--[CARPENTER, F. B]...Residence...2522 Market. 4598--CARPENTER, L...Residence...499 Devisadero. 3069--CARPENTER, W. H. & SONS...Veterinary Surgeons...331 Golden Gate Ave. 1189--CARPY, C. & CO...Wines and Liquors...517 Sacramento. 4321--CARR, JAMES...Wines and Liquors...Sutter and Central Ave. 5114--CARRERE, PIERRE & CO...Maison Tortoni...109 O'Farrell. 2480--CARROLL, GEO. L...Residence...1418 Sutter. 2015--CARROLL, R. T...Residence...California and Van Ness Ave. 1408--CARROLL & CARROLL...Wholesale Liquor Merchants...306 Market. 1818--CARTAN, F. M...Residence...330 Sutter. 1817--CARTAN, MCCARTHY & CO...Wholesale Liquors Merch'ts...312 Sacramento. 188--CARTWRIGHT, D. S...Drayman...100 Main. 1943--CASE, J. D...Wharfinger S. P. Co...Foot Market. 6065--CASE, REV. W. W...Residence...2026 Howard. 5601--[CASE, REV. W. W]...Howard St. M. E. Church...643 Howard. 4505--CASEY, M...Residence...2712 California. 2381--CASEY, MAURICE, MRS...Residence...1329 Sutter. 4553--"CASINO"...Kreling Bros...Golden Gate Park. 5012--CASPAR LUMBER CO...48 Market. 4316--CASSERLY, TERESA, MRS...Residence...2123 Buchanan. 293--CASTLE BROS...Merchants...Davis and Sacramento. 2197--CASTLE, FRED. L...Residence...Sutter and Van Ness Ave. 1174--CASWELL, E. E...Millinery...28 Post. 2072--CATHERWOOD, CLARA L...Residence...1802 Pacific Ave. 680--CATTON, BELL & CO...Office...406 California. 5201--CAVAGNARO, F...Agent Italian-Swiss Ag. Colony...626 Montgomery. 1654--CAVERLY TRANSFER CO...East Oakland Express...21 Market. 126--CAZEAUX, J...Butcher...65 Center Market. 4333--CEBRIAN, J. C...Residence...N. W. Octavia and Pine. 69--[CEBRIAN, J. C]...Office...406 Montgomery. 1056--CEDAR RIVER COAL CO...Coal Dealers...108 Mission. 6187--CEMENT BRICK CO...YARD...Eighteenth and Folsom. 66--CENTENNIAL STABLE...M. Conlon...1523 California. 4561--CENTER, ALEX...Residence...2015 Broadway. 1389--CENTER, JACKSON & SPADER...Real Estate...307 Montgomery. 1857--CENTRAL CALIF'A LUMBER CO...Lumber...Foot of Fourth. CENTRAL GASLIGHT CO...See Pacific Gas Improvement Co. 3278--CENTRAL HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO....Hardware and Undertakers' Supplies...1708 Market. --------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE ALL ORDINARY COMPLAINTS BY TELEPHONE TO INSPECTOR--No. 85. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- The Mail is Quick, the Telegraph is Quicker but the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE is Instantaneous, and you Don't Have to Wait for an Answer. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---end---