*** Source: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, San Francisco Telephone Directory, February 1893. *** ---page 036--- SAN FRANCISCO TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. 36 1328--FRIEDMAN, M. & Co...Dress Goods and Furniture...228-230 Stockton. 129--FRIEDRICHS & GERCKE...Furniture...745 Mission. 2383--FRIES, WM...Residence...1814 Washington. 4286--FRINK, GEO. K...Physician...2307 Scott. 4387--FRISBIE, E. G...Physician...1922 Sutter. 688--FRITCH, GEO...Coal...141 East. 4110(3)--FRITZ, M.A...Residence...Masonic and Frederick. 1317--FROELICH, C., JR...Iron Pipe...202 Market. 1955--FROLICH & MEIGHAN...Pioneer Cigar Box Factory...320 Sansome. 1955--[FROLICH & MEIGHAN]...]Pioneer Cigar Box Factory]...Fourth and Bryant. 1757--FROLICH, T. H...Shipping and Commission Merchant..423 Washington. 1657--FROMM, LOUIS...Upholstery Trimmings...543 Market. 1551--FRONT STREET WAREHOUSE...C. H. Gilman & Co...Front and Broadway. 4737--FROWENFELD, J...Residence...2411 Jackson. 5590--FRUIT VALE IMPROVEMENT CO...119 Bush. 4477--FRY, R. D...Residence...2510 Pacific Ave. 1181--FUENDELING, REV. J...Pastor St. Mark's Church...705 Bush. 1644--FUGAZI, J.F...Railroad Ticket Office...19 Montgomery. 3313--FUHRMAN, ALFRED...Residence...1159 Mission. 888--FULDA BROS...Planing Mill & Cooperage...30 Spear. 3308--FULDA, L. R...Residence...106 Ellis. 4762--FULLER, CHARLES F...Fillmore St. Pharmacy...2300 Fillmore. 1540--FULLER, GEO. H...Office Furniture...640 Mission. 1540--[FULLER, GEO. H]...[Office Furniture]...Bluxome, bet. 4th & 5th. 4167--FULLER, G. W...Physician...2306 California. 2080--FULLER, W. P., JR...Residence...2219 Scott. 3337--FULTON COAL YARD...H. M. Kelly, Propr...236 Fulton. 225--FULTON ENGINEERING & SHIP BUILDING WORKS...Office...213 First. 5619--FULTON LIVERY STABLE AND RIDING ACADEMY...246 Third. 5159--FULTON MARKET...1013 Powell. =============================================================== SPECIAL NOTICE. We desire to impress upon our subscribers the importance of co-operating with us to improve the Telephone service, and we ask that the Company be promptly notified, in writing, of any interruption to the lines or instruments. --------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE ALL ORDINARY COMPLAINTS BY TELEPHONE TO INSPECTOR--No. 85. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- The Mail is Quick, the Telegraph is Quicker but the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE is Instantaneous, and you Don't Have to Wait for an Answer. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---end---