*** Source: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, San Francisco Telephone Directory, February 1893. *** ---page 43--- SAN FRANCISCO TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. 43 638--HANSON, W...Secty Pac. Aux. Fire Alarm...90 Telephone Building. 392--HANSON & CO...Lumber Dealers...48 Market. 3451--HAPERSBERG, A. K...Physician...1104 Market. 3258--HAPPERSBERGER, EMIL...Druggist...Market and Sixth. 3258(3)--[HAPPERSBERGER, EMIL...Druggist]...Mission and Sixth. 448--HARASZTHY, ARPAD & Co...Wines and Champagnes...530 Washington. 1562--HARBOR COMMISSIONERS...General Office...10 California. 1672--[HARBOR COMMISSIONERS]...Supt. of Urgent Repairs...Pacific Street Wharf. 4748--HARBOR VIEW BATHS...R. Hermann...Beach and Baker. 5029--HARBOURNE & FORSYTH...Real Estate...325 Montgomery. 946--HARDING FORBES & BARNARD...Attorneys...215 Sansome. 1618--HARDING SHERIDAN...Produce and Commission...422 Battery. 217--HARDING'S COLLECTION OFFICE...303 Montgomery. 5056--HARDY, J. J. CO...Bakers' Sundries...36 Jessie. 3233--HARLEY, CHAS. & CO...Junk Dealers...840 Harrison. 419--HARMON, A. K. P...Chollar Office...80 Nevada Block. 4110--HARMON, F. N...Residence...750 Ashbury. 4117--HARMON, S. H...Residence...2000 Gough. 648--HARMON, S. H., LUMBER CO...Office...42 Market. 250--[HARMON, S.H., LUMBER CO]...Yard...First and Brannan. 785--HARMONIE CLUB...421 Post. 134--HARRIS BROS. & Co...Grocers...221 California. 4610--HARRIS, F. W...Physician...832 Haight. 2097--HARRIS, HERMAN...Dairy Produce...1306 Polk. 4273--HARRIS, J. W...Residence...2326 California. 3289--HARRIS, KINGSTON & REYNOLDS...Wine Growers and Distillers...127 Eddy. 5591--HARRIS, LOUIS...Poultry and Game...103 California Market. 21--HARRIS, R.W...Montgomery St. Stables...807 Montgomery. 1111--HARRIS, ROME...Laurel Palace...Bush and Kearny. 5087--HARRIS, T. J...Mgr. Dairymen's Union...119 Davis. 3096--HARRIS & JONES...Lumber Dealers...Bryant & Oak Grove Ave. 5165--HARRISON, RALPH C...Residence...919 Pine. 1143--HARRISON, ROBERT...Attorney...325 Montgomery. 360--HARRISON, WM. P...Hotel Gazette...420 Kearny. 5257--HARROLD, HOCHHOLZER & ALLEN...Furniture and Upholstry...508 Sutter. 1571--HART BROS...Merchant Tailors...116 Montgomery. 3408--HART,HENRY H...Physician...943 Howard. 1676--HART, KATE S., MRS...Elmer House...314 Bush. 1572--HART, M...Men's Furnishing Goods...400 Kearny. 4757--[HART, M]...Residence...2620 California. 687--HART, W. H. H...Attorney...230 Montgomery. 354--HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO...313 California. 5618--HARVEY, D. MORRIS...Physician...762 Howard. 3563--[HARVEY, D. MORRIS...Physician]...1112 Folsom. 1673--HARVEY, J. DOWNEY...Office...64 Telephone Building. 2054--[HARVEY, J. DOWNEY...Residence]...2262 Franklin. 4558--HARVEY, W. A...Physician--Residence...235 Oak. 2155--HASKELL, J. L...Residence...Vallejo & Van Ness Ave. 2620--HASKIN, W. H...Physician...836 Sutter. 1914--HASLETT & BAILEY...Warehouses...403 Spear. 5081--HASSETT & TEVLIN...Attorneys...310 Phelan Building. 4555--HASTINGS, J. U...Residence...2618 Buchanan. 1542--HATCH, A. T...Fruit Grower...42 Flood Building. 2144--HATCH, J. H...Physician...1011 Pine. 6062--HATCH, W. W. R...Teamster...2308 Harrison. 1748--HATTEROTH, WM...Surgical & Electrical Instruments...321 Kearny. 1746--HAVEN & HAVEN...Attorneys...8 Mills Bldg., 7th floor. 5429--HAVENS, CHAS. I...Architect...55 Flood Building. 2452--HAVILAND, JOHN T...Residence...1909 Van Ness Ave. 1696--HAWES, A.G., & WALKER, SAM'L P...New York Life Ins. Co...Bush & Sansome. --------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPHONE MESSAGES DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY--CALL 910. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- The Mail is Quick, the Telegraph is Quicker but the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE is Instantaneous, and you Don't Have to Wait for an Answer. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---end---