*** Source: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, San Francisco Telephone Directory, February 1893. *** ---page 050--- SAN FRANCISCO TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. 50 120--JOHNSON, M...Coffee and Lunch...28 Montgomery. 2544--JOHNSON, R. D...Physician...830 O'Farrell. 4003--JOHNSON, W. R. A...Residence...Page and Lott. 6179--JOHNSON & BROWN...Milk Depot...Mission and 18th. 5001--JOHNSON & HIGGINS...Average Adjusters and Insurance Brokers...315 California. 5655--JOHNSTON CO. THE SAM'L...Insurance...16 Mills Bldg, 2d floor. 4633--JOHNSTON, SAMUEL...Residence...524 Oak. 4308--JOHNSTON, WM. D., Dr...Residence...2044 O'Farrell. 6235--JOHNSTON, W. R...Planing Mill...18th, near Folsom. 3249--JONAS & CO...Wholesale Butchers...1115 Mission. 433--JONES, ALFRED...Mgr. Western Assurance Co...423 California. 4344--JONES, CLARENCE F...Druggist...1162 Golden Gate Ave. 4638--JONES, E. C...Residence...2902 California. 5604--JONES, GEO...Coal, Wood and Oil...251 Stevenson. 1044--JONES, GEO. B...Florist and Decorator...317 Sutter. 3366--JONES, H. L...Carpets...25 and 27 Eighth. 3204--[JONES, H. L]...Carpet Beater...38 Eighth. 6153--JONES, J. W...Residence...1003 1/2 Church. 3375--JONES, L. E...Residence...26 Glen Park Ave. 2405--JONES, M. P...Residence...1121 Pine. 285--JONES, MUNDY & CO... Commission Merchants...16 Front. 2599--JONES, O. W...Physician...1532 Jackson. 3424--JONES' PERFECT CARPET CLEANING WORKS...25 Eighth. 314--JONES, S. L. & CO...Auctioneers and Com. Merchants...207 California. 935--JONES & CHARLES...Transfer Company...11 Steuart. 142--JONES & CO...Wholesale Grocers...26 Fremont. 1160--JONES & LOTZ...Elite Photograph Gallery...838 Market. 5047--JONES & O'DONNELL...Attorneys...24 Montgomery. 3220--JOOST BROS...Hardware & Mechanics' Tools...1440 Mission. 5287--JOOST, HERMANN...Commission Merchant...312 Battery. 5417--JOOST, MERTENS & CO...Real Estate...326 Montgomery. 3268--JOOST, M. & BRO...Hay, Grain and Stables...Ash Ave. and Gough. 5608--JORDAN ALFRED B...Physicia.n...330 Sutter. 4544--JORDAN, JAMES C...Residence...2202 California. 865--JORDAN, WM. H...Attorney-at-Law...328 Montgomery. 6104--JORY BROTHERS BOOT AND SHOE CO...18th and Shotwell. 4311--JOSEPH, ALBERT...Residence...1500 Post. 1559--JOSHUA HENDY MACHINE WORKS...51 Fremont. 1560--[JOSHUA HENDY MACHINE WORKS]...Francisco and Kearny. 11--JOSSELYN, G. M & CO...Ship Chandlers...38 Market. 795--JOST & SON...California Distilling Co...306 Clay. 6216--JOYCE, EDMOND...Valencia St. Stable...729 Valencia. 151--JOYCE & ORNDORFF...Billiard Parlor...Flood Building. 3027--JOY'S PHARMACY...954 Market. 7017--JUDGE, T. F...Wholesale Butcher...Butchertown. 5365--[JUDGE, T. F]...Wholesale Butcher...331 Kearny. 4523--JUDIS, ALPHONSE...Residence...2230 Jackson. 576--JUDSON DYNAMITE AND POWDER CO...18 California. 88--JUDSON FRUIT CO...308 Washington. 749--JUDSON MANUFACTURING CO...14 Fremont. 3642--JUMP, R. L...Physician...313 Ellis. 6057--JUNCTION PHARMACY...2000 Market. --------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE ALL ORDINARY COMPLAINTS BY TELEPHONE TO INSPECTOR--No. 85. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- The Mail is Quick, the Telegraph is Quicker but the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE is Instantaneous, and you Don't Have to Wait for an Answer. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---end---