*** Source: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, San Francisco Telephone Directory, February 1893. *** ---page 056--- SAN FRANCISCO TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. 56 4020--LEVY, S...Residence...1624 Geary. 143--LEVY, S. W...Insurance Agency...212 Sansome. 2062--[LEVY, S. W]...Residence...1296 Van Ness Ave. 1016--LEVY, S. & CO...Commission Merchants..210 Washington. 5521--LEVY & PARTRIDGE...Commission Merchants...308 Washington. 1660--LEWIS, ANDERSON & CO...Duck Bags and Awnings...33 East. 2541--LEWIS, H...Residence...1420 Sutter. 5461--LEWIS, M...Importer of Window and Plate Glass...673 Mission. 131--LEWIS PACKING COMPANY AND VINEGAR WORKS...627 Front. 4524--LEWIS, SOL...Residence...1601 Post. 2356--LEWIS, WM...Residence...1212 Geary. 759--LEWIS, WM. & CO...Cigar Manufacturers...24 California. 4559--LEWITT, W. B...Physician...800 McAllister. 829--LEZINSKY, GEO...Attorney...206 Sansome. 3456--LIBERTY SODA WORKS...A. Becker, Mgr...511 Brannan. 3276--LICENSE COLLECTOR'S OFFICE...New City Hall. 1342--LICHTENBERG, WM...Shipping and Forwarding...325 Market. 4183--LICHTERMAN, WM...Druggist...Eddy and Steiner. 229--LICK HOUSE...Montgomery and Sutter. LICK OBSERVATORY...See San Jose List. 1313--LICK TRUST...120 Sutter, r. 26. 519--LIDDLE, R. & CO...Gunsmiths...538 Washington. 3404--LIEB, A. H...Pork Packer...810 Bryant. 2050--LIEBES, H...Residence, 1714 Van Ness Ave. 880--LIEBES, H. & CO...Furs...137 Post. 4613--LIEBES, I...Residence...1814 Pacific Ave. 6038--LIEBMAN, SPEYER & CO...Oil Clothing...2223 Folsom. 3235--LIEBMANN & WATERS...Cigars and Tobaccos...Powell and Ellis. 873--LIEVRE, FRICKE & CO...Coffees and Spices...709 Sansome. 825--[LIEVRE, FRICKE & CO]...Eagle Mfg. Co...117 Battery. 633--LIGHT HOUSE INSPECTOR...Twelfth District...Appraisers Building. 3533--LIGHTNING FILTER CO...6 City Hall Ave. 5658--LILIENCRANTZ, A...Physician...819 Market. 4779--[LILIENCRANTZ, A]...Residence...2103 Pacific Ave. 2351--LILIENTHAL, E. R...Residence...1510 Van Ness Ave. 2058--LILIENTHAL, J. E...Physician...1316 Van Ness Ave. 4219--LILIENTHAL, J. LEO...Residence...1918 Jackson. 4255--LILIENTHAL, P...Residence...Franklin and Clay. 384--LILIENTHAL & CO...Wholesale Liquors...100 Front. 889--LINCOLN, JEROME...Residence...555 Harrison. 2507--LINCOLN TEA CO...1801 Polk. 496--LIND'S ALAMEDA EXPRESS...A. W. Lind...112 East. 645--LINDLEY, CURTIS H...Attorney...212 Sansome. 645--LINDLEY & EICKHOFF...Attorneys...212 Sansome. 3478--LINDSAY, THOS. H...Wines and Liquors...147 Larkin. 1915--LINDSEY, E. K...Mgr. Oliver Chilled Plow Works...37 Market. 2139--LINK, V. A...Druggist...400 O'Farrell. 616--LION INS. CO...Wm. Sexton, Mgr...214 Sansome. 6049--LIPPMAN BROS...Dry and Fancy Goods...16th and Valencia. 6049(3)--[LIPPMAN BROS]...]Dry and Fancy Goods]...Hayes and Octavia. 454--LISBON HOUSE...Cardoza & Baptisa...422 Drumm. 4370--LITCHFIELD, J. M...Residence...1020 Page. 445--LITCHEFIELD, J. M. & CO...Military and Navy Goods...12 Post. 925--LITTLE, WM...Carpenter and Builder...208 O'Farrell. 123--LIVERMORE, O...Real Estate...137 Montgomery. 666--LIVERPOOL, LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE CO...422 California. 4519--LIVINGSTON, J. M...Residence...2111 Pacific Ave. 361--LIVINGSTON & CO...Wholesale Liquor Dealers...206 Davis. 4787--LIVINGSTON & CO...Butchers...843 McAllister. 3017--LLOYD, R. H...Residence...1010 Folsom. --------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE ALL ORDINARY COMPLAINTS BY TELEPHONE TO INSPECTOR--No. 85. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- The Mail is Quick, the Telegraph is Quicker but the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE is Instantaneous, and you Don't Have to Wait for an Answer. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---end---