*** Source: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, San Francisco Telephone Directory, February 1893. *** ---page 057--- SAN FRANCISCO TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. 57 148--LLOYD & WOOD...Attorneys...9 Nevada Block. 1593--LOAIZA, W...Commission Merchant...308 California. 1593(3)--LOAIZA, W...Residence...1217 Washington. 6177--LOCHBAUM, A. H...Beer Bottling...15th, near Guerrero. 3640--LOCK & KING...Commission...133 Taylor. 3491--LOEFFLER, JOHN...South End Pickle Works...422 Fifth. 4049--LOEHR, GEORGE W...Druggist...Geary and Devisadero. 5010--LOEWE BROS...Wholesale Liquor Dealers..217 Battery. 4679--LOEWE, H., MRS...Residence...830 McAllister. 5512--LOFTIS, F...Western Mfg. Co...116 Mission. 3334--LOG CABIN BAKERY...T. W. & W. H. Ward...409 Hayes. 4578--LOGAN, M. E., MRS...Residence...2228 California. 854--LOGAN, M. H...Physician...101 Grant Ave. 4265--[LOGAN, M. H]...Residence...627 Webster. 2410--LOHSE, NICHOLAS...Residence...1333 Pine. 112--LOMBARD WAREHOUSE...Geo. S. Neale & Co...Lombard and Sansome. 4405--LOMELINO, J. W...Druggist...542 Haight. 4382--[LOMELINO, J. W]...[Druggist]...2300 Sutter. 2235--[LOMELINO, J. W]...]Druggist]...Pacific and Leavenworth. 746--LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE CO...315 Montgomery. 1632--LONDON AND NORTHERN INSURANCE COS...501 Montgomery. 1031--LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED...424 California. 316--LONDON, PARIS AND AMERICAN BANK (Limited)...Sansome and Sutter. 1622--[LONDON, PARIS AND AMERICAN BANK (Limited)]..Private Office...[Sansome and Sutter.] 5400--LONG, S. F...Physician...14 Grant Ave. 4770--[LONG, S. F]...]Physician]...11 Park Road. 3486--LONG SYRUP REFINING CO...Eighth and Brannan. 5232--LONG, W. G...United States Marshal...45 Appraisers' Building. 1735--LONGLEY, GEO. W...House and Sign Painter...621 Mission. 165--LOOMIS, GEORGE...Office...13 Pine. 4513--LORD, J. H...Residence...716 Central Ave. 1307--LORENTZEN, A. P...Shipping & Commission...11 1/2 Steuart. 4309--LORENZINI BROS. & CO...Fruit, Vegetables and Poultry...2206 Fillmore. 5563--LOS ANGELES TERMINAL RV. CO...O. L. Swett, Agt...14 California. 887--LOUGHBOROUGH, A. H...Attorney...507 Montgomery. 2350--[LOUGHBOROUGH, A. H]...Residence...O'Farrell and Franklin. 797--LOUGHRAN, THOS...Provisions and Produce...223 Clay. 2127--LOUPE, L...Residence...1720 Sacramento. 3343--LOUVRE, THE...Eddy and Powell. 1592--LOUVRE, THE ORIGINAL...F. Eisele & Co...Market and O'Farrell. 1380--LOVELL, MANSFIELD...Commission Merchant...124 California. 2478--LOVEN, CHAS. E...Carriage & Transfer Co...1127 Sutter. 2343--LOW F. F...Residence...Sutter and Gough. 4322--LOW, J. B...Residence...709 Broderick. 2178--LOWENBERG, ISIDOR...Residence...609 Van Ness Ave. 1716--LOWENBERG & CO...Gents' Furnishing Goods..20 Sansome. 209--LOWENTHAL, M. S...Shipping & Commission...302 California 2326--LOWRY, AGNES & ISABEL...Residence...848 Van Ness Ave. 1105--LOWRY, DR. E. N...Physician...209 Geary 2099--[LOWRY, DR. E. N]...Residence...The Colonial. 1597--LOWRY & STELLER...Commission Merchants...118 California. 300--LUCE, G. W...Gen'l Agt. Union Pac. Ry...200 California. 5271--LUCOL CO., AMERICAN...Wm. Letts Oliver, Mgr...308 Market. 4719--LUDOVICI, W. O...Residence...3370 Washington. 2388--LUDWIG, ERNST H...Caterer...1206 Sutter. 6134--LUHN, OTTO & CO...Philadelphia Soap Co...117 Diamond. 531--[LUHN, OTTO & CO]...Soap Manufacturers...209 Battery. 576--LUKENS, ED G...Pres't Judson Dymte & Powder Co...18 California. 2293--LUMAN, F. E...Physician...420 Geary. 5228--LUMBER SURVEYORS' ASSOCIATION...9 Mission. --------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPHONE MESSAGES DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY--CALL 910. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- The Mail is Quick, the Telegraph is Quicker but the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE is Instantaneous, and you Don't Have to Wait for an Answer. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---end---