*** Source: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, San Francisco Telephone Directory, February 1893. *** ---page 061--- SAN FRANCISCO TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. 61 538--MAXWELL & BERRY...Insurance...421 California. 210--MAXWELL & MCENERNEY...Attorneys...67 Nevada Block. 4759--MAY, EDWARD...Residence...1333 Golden Gate Ave. 1965--MAY, MISS...Stenographer and Typwriter...5 Mills Bldg., 4th floor. 2614--MAY, N. E. & CO...Spelterine...701 Polk. 4585--MAYER, OSCAR J...Druggist...Post and Buchanan. 2280--[MAYER, OSCAR J]...[Druggist]...Geary and Octavia. 646--MAYHEW, H. B. & CO...Revenue and Customs Broker...413 Washington. 3237--[MAYHEW, H. B. & CO]...Residence...516 Golden Gate Ave. 3215--MAYHEW, W. E...Druggist...144 Fourth. 3068-- MAYOR'S OFFICE...New City Hall. 2104--MAYS, W. H...Physician...1009 Sutter. 3448--"MAZE, THE"...Market and Taylor. 592--MCAFEE, WM. & SON...Boiler Makers...210 Spear. 4778--MCALLISTER, HALL...Residence...2422 Filmore. 3303--MCALLISTER ST. LIVERY STABLE...E. S. Johnson...620 McAllister. 5397--MCARTHUR, W. D...Merchandise Broker...221 Front. 4547--MCAVOY, H. B...Residence...101 Broderick. 3080--MCAVOY & GALLAGHER...Undertakers...20 Fifth. 4289--MCBEAN, P. MCG...Residence...2611 Pacific Ave. 3505--MCCABE, OWEN...Hair Mattress & Pillow Manufactory...870 Mission. 2005--MCCAIN, W. H...Groceries...Hyde and Turk. 1417--MCCARTHY BROS...Teas, Coffees and Spices...113 Front. 2069--MCCARTHY, CHAS...Residence...915 Lombard. 2210--MCCARTHY, E. AVERY...Residence...1918 Sacramento. 5328--MCCARTHY, JAS. P. & E. AVERY...Real Estate...646 Market. 1356--MCCARTHY, JOHN F...Gen. Ag't Wabash R'y Co...626 Market. 3071--MCCARTHY, W. D...Physician...17 Twelfth. 2593--MCCARTHY, WM. N...Residence...525 O'Farrell. 3500--MCCLOSKEY & MCCLOSKEY...Hay and Grain...854 Howard. 620--MCCOLLAM FISH'G & TRADING CO...Wh'sle Dealers Cured Fish...203 Front. 4771--MCCORD, ALEX...Residence...1212 Buchanan. 2278--MCCORD, ALEX & CO...Fashion Stables...Ellis, near Mason. 918--MCCORMICK, F. H...Gen'l Ag't Fr't Dep't...228 California. 4700--MCCORMICK, WM...Residence...701 Pierce. 5318--MCCOY, C. C...U. S. Mail Stable...208 Jackson. 3061--MCCUE CARRIAGE FACT'Y, THE...Carriage Manufacturers...948 Mission. 6086--MCDERMOTT, WM. P...Physician...222 San Jose Ave. 5008--MCDEVITT, JAS. (ESTATE OF)...Teamster...309 Vallejo. 3024--MCDONALD, P. A...Coal...813 1/2 Folsom. 4703--[MCDONALD, P. A]...Coke and Coal...Greenwich and Webster. 1484--MCDONNELL'S PHARMACY...110 Grant Ave. 176--MCDONOGH & JOHNSON...Commission Merchants...404 Davis. 545--MCDOUGALL, B. & SON...Architects...330 Pine. 6146--MCELROY, JAS. B...Druggist...24th and Alabama. 3245--MCEVOY, JOS...Pork Packer...336 Tenth. 3604--MCFARLAND BROS...Planing Mill...225 Berry. 4689--MCFARLANE, T. M...Residence...1010 Golden Gate Ave. 3085--MCFAUL, JAMES...(Stable), Horace Davis & Co...Seventh and Harrison. 839--MCGILLIVRAY, GEO...Secty. Downie B. I. P. Co...204 Market. 3252--MCGINN BROS...Undertakers...31 Eddy. 109--MCGLAUFLIN, L. W & CO...Grain Merchants...309 California. 4129--MCGLYNN, CHAS. J...Residence...1500 Golden Gate Ave. 2026--MCGLYNN, PETER J...Residence...2424 Leavenworth. 1509--MCGOVERN, JOHN F. & CO...Shipping Commission...430 California. 607--MCGRAW, E. W...Attorney...318 California. 3315--MCGREGOR, ALEX...Carriage and Wagon Mnfr...660 Bryant. 1107--MCINTYRE, J. B...Bookbinder...422 Commercial. 6003--MCKEE, JOHN...Residence...26 Twelfth. 2165--MCKINSTRY, E. W...Residence...1237 O'Farrell. --------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPHONE MESSAGES DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY--CALL 910. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- The Mail is Quick, the Telegraph is Quicker but the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE is Instantaneous, and you Don't Have to Wait for an Answer. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---end---