*** Source: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, San Francisco Telephone Directory, February 1893. *** ---page 062--- SAN FRANCISCO TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. 62 969--MCLAUGHLIN CO., THE...508 California. 3641--MCLAUGHLIN, DANIEL...Wagon and Carriage Maker...1112 Howard. 7023--MCLAUGHLIN, M. A...Physician...R. R. and 11th Ave. 6078--MCLAUGHLIN, W. H...Physician...26th and Mission. 3383--MCLAUGHLIN, WM...Residence...222 Langton. 1474--MCLEAN, R. A...Physician...603 Merchant. 4179--[MCLEAN, R. A]...Residence...Pacific Ave. & Devisadero. 2562--MCLELLAN BROS...Milk, Cream, Butter and Eggs...1713 Washington. 3060--MCLELLAN, F. P...Wool Merchant...Fifth and Bluxome. 2394--MCLELLAN, F. P...Residence...1515 Clay. 117--MCMAHON, B. & SON...Wharf, Bridge & Trestle Work...22 Howard. 2008--MCMANN, WM...Coal and Wood...Polk and Washington. 3182--MCMANUS, F...Union Hotel...Michigan, near Napa. 596--MCMANUS, H. J...Con. Steel and Wire Co...81 Crocker Building. 1481--MCMENOMY, J. H...Butcher...Cal. M'k't, Stalls 8 & 9. 3354--MCMENOMEY, JAS. & SON...Undertakers...1057 1/2 Mission. 87--MCMILLAN, RONALD G...Syrups, Cordials, etc...714 Front. 6032--MCMULLEN, J...Residence...811 Guerrero. 4339--MCMURDO, JOHN R...Physician and Surgeon...1326 Webster. 4732--MCMURRAY, ROBERT...Residence...2106 Pacific Ave. 1872--MCNAB & SMITH...Draymen...Bluxome, bet. 5th & 6th. 1872--[MCNAB & SMITH]...Draymen...205 Davis. 1726--MCNALLY, EDITH C...Typewriting and Steenography...39 Mills Bldg, 5th floor. 5195--MCNEAL PIPE & FOUNDRY CO...B. A. Knight, Mgr...308 Market. 649--MCNEAR, G. W...Grain Merchant...306 California. 2630--MCNEIL, A...Physician...784 Van Ness Ave. 591--MCNICOLL, A. J. & CO...Elevator Works...122 Main. 5455--MCNUTT, KAHN & CO...Stationers, Printers, etc...304 Market. 2088--MCNUTT, W. F...Physician...1805 California. 1972--[MCNUTT, W. F]...[Physician]...104 Sutter. 1215--MCPARTLAND, P...Fruit, Cigars, etc...Tiburon Ferry. 5253--MCPHERSON, R. C...U. S. Comr. of Immigration...320 Sansome. 2551--MCQUESTEN, CHAS...Physician...1618 Jackson. 4488--MCROBIE, J. W...Residence...1810 Turk. 2192--MCSHANE, DANIEL L. & CO...Groceries and Wines...427 Larkin. 1019--MECHANICS' INSTITUTE...J. H. Culver, Secretary...31 Post. 3183--MECHANICS' PAVILION...Larkin and Grove. 1749--MECHANICS' PLANING MILL...Mission and Fremont. 1663--MEIGS & STRAUT...Commission Merchants...305 Front. 1918--MEINECKE, CHAS. & CO...Importers...314 Sacramento. 1116--MELCZER, JOS. & CO...Wines and Liquors...506 Market. 5568--MENDELL, COL. GEO. H...U. S. Engineer...533 Kearny. 5507--MENDELSON BROS...Japanese Silk Goods...109 Battery. 266--MENDOCINO LUMBER CO...40 California. 2297--MENTZ, C. H...Druggist...1534 Polk. 3624--MERCANTILE LIBRARY...Van Ness and Golden Gate Aves. 909--MERCANTILE LUNCH...Chas. Claffey...213 Pine. 1872--MERCANTILE WAREHOUSE...Bluxome, bet. 5th & 6th. 693--MERCHANTS' CLUB...Club Rooms...Front and California. 552--MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE...California. 924--MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE BANK...Peter Dean, Pres't...320 Sansome, r. 9. 5631--MERCHANTS' STABLE...Jas. Fagan, Mgr...11 Webb. 3457--MERRILL, I. L...Asbestos Boiler and Pipe Covering...739 Brannan. 1472--MERRILL, JAMES W...Real Estate and Insurance...334 Kearny. 2003--MERRILL, JOHN F...Residence...Washington and Van Ness Ave. 1355--MERRILL & TIETJEN...Bay Freighting...54 Mission. 5477--MERRITT, EMMA S...Physician...530 Sutter. 669--MERRITT, JAS. B...Man'gr Cal. Fuse Ass'n...220 California. 5018--MERTEN MANUFACTURING CO...210 Davis. 5148--MERVY, E. C...Physician...434 Montgomery Ave. --------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE ALL ORDINARY COMPLAINTS BY TELEPHONE TO INSPECTOR--No. 85. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- The Mail is Quick, the Telegraph is Quicker but the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE is Instantaneous, and you Don't Have to Wait for an Answer. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---end---