*** Source: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, San Francisco Telephone Directory, February 1893. *** ---page 065--- SAN FRANCISCO TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. 65 626--MOORE, Z. W...Fruits and Vegetables...37 California Market. 463--MOORE & SMITH...Lumber...109 California. 3280--MOOSER, WM. JR...Architect...73 St. Ann's Bldg. 1329--MORAGHAN, M. B...Oyster Dealer...68 California Market. 5595--MORAN, J. C. & CO...Commission Merchants...404 Davis. 6157--MORDAUNT, A. P...Lumber, Wood, Coal, etc...2813 Mission. 4343--MOREL, CHAS. F...Residence...20 Devisadero. 3443--MOREY, CHARLES E...Druggist...1324 Market. 4534--MORFFEW, THOS...Physician...1725 Pine. 5217--MORGAN, E. M...Notary Public...319 Pine. 2101--[MORGAN, E. M]...Residence...419 Geary. 886--MORGAN OYSTER CO, THE...Oyster Dealers...614 Third. 2272--MORGAN, P. BRETT...Physician...725 Geary. 938--MORGAN, PERCY T...Auditor & Financial Agent..112 Telephone Building. 871--MORGAN, W. I. & CO...Real Estate...512 California. 6119--MORGAN, W. J...Residence...1225 Florida. 534--MORGAN & CHICK...Commission Merchants...211 Washington. 3195--MORGAN & CO...Druggists...401 Sixth. 1705--MORGENTHAL, A...Attorney-at-Law...Flood Building, room 63. 1595--MORGENTHAU, M...Soaps and Candles...108 Bush. 1947--MORGUE...Dunbar Alley. 1868(3)--MORNING CALL CO...Branch Office...710 Market. 1874(4)--[MORNING CALL CO]...Editorial Rooms...509 Clay. 1874--[MORNING CALL CO]...General Office...525 Montgomery. 532--MOROSCO'S THEATRE...727 Howard. 3201--MORRILL, A. L...Physician...235 Franklin. 1651--MORRIS PLATING WORKS...321 Mission. 5140--MORRIS & KENNEDY...Apts, Artists' Materials, etc...19 Post. 6178--MORRISON, DAVID J...M'g'r Glenwood Livery Stable...2415 Mission. 3173--MORRISON, G. H...Lumber Dealer...575 Brannan. 1636--MORRISON, STRATTON & FOERSTER...Attorneys...123 Crocker Building. 35--MORROW, GEO. & CO...Hay and Grain...39 Clay. 4422--MORROW, W. H...Residence...1920 Washington. 829--MORSE, HARLOW...Attorney...206 Sansome. 930--MORSE, J. F...Physician...200 Stockton. 1456--[MORSE, J. F]...Residence...320 Geary. 1485--MORSE'S DETECTIVE AGENCY...H. N. Morse, Prop'r...545 California. 4083--MORSHEAD, J. W...Residence...1011 Devisadero. 1936--MORTON DRAYING & WAREHOUSE CO...Office...204 Battery. 1933(5)--[MORTON DRAYING & WAREHOUSE CO]...Berry and Third. 1935--[MORTON DRAYING & WAREHOUSE CO]..Drayage & Storage...204 Battery. 3034--[MORTON DRAYING & WAREHOUSE CO]...Stable...Ellis and Taylor. 1935--MORTON, J. & CO...Draymen...204 Battery. 1933(4)--MORTON'S SOUTH END WAREHOUSE...Townsend and Japan. 46--MORTON'S SPECIAL DELIVERY...408 Taylor. 2152(4)--MORTON, T...Wood and Coal...Sutter and Laguna. 2152--[MORTON, T]...[Wood and Coal]...628 Geary. 2223-MORTON, WM. R...Residence...309 Taylor. 4769--MOSES, C. S...Residence...2732 Pacific Avenue. 3090--MOSES, C. S. & CO...Wool Dealers...Fifth and Bluxome. 5032--MOTRONI A. & A. GUASTUCCI...Venezia Stable...515 Green. 2408--MOUGIN, L., MADAME...Dressmaker...526 O'Farrell. 7023(3)--MOUNT ST. JOSEPH'S INFANT ASYLUM...South S. F. 5005--MOUNT & STOREY...La Rosa Saloon...213 Montomgery. 4641--MOWE, HARRIET, MRS...2013 Sacramento. 2485--MUDGE, R. G...Residence...1412 Washington. 310--MUECKE & CO...Agents S. F. Mineral Paint Co...319 California. 417--MUEH & LYNCH...Wholesale Wine and Liquor Merchants...1411 Stockton. 1766--MUELLER, ALBERT & CO...Cloak Manufacturers...723 Market. 2391--MUFFE, FREDERICK P...Physician...1206 Jackson. 5390--[MUFFE, FREDERICK P...[Physician]...418 Kearny. --------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPHONE MESSAGES DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY--CALL 910. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- The Mail is Quick, the Telegraph is Quicker but the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE is Instantaneous, and you Don't Have to Wait for an Answer. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---end---