*** Source: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, San Francisco Telephone Directory, February 1893. *** ---page 092--- SAN FRANCISCO TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. 92 4073--STONE, A.L., MRS...Residence...2200 Post. 1150--STONE, C.B...Gen'l Mgr. S.F. Breweries (Limited)...403 Market. 3072--[STONE, C.B]...Residence...130 Haight. 4274--STONE, CHAS. B...Residence...2208 Devisadero. 5549--STONE, FRANK M...Attorney...67 Chronicle Building. 5496--STONE, GEO. & CO...Contractors...508 California. 2587--STONE, J.S...Physician...533 Turk. 1382--STONE, J.S...Physician...215 Geary. 1411--STONE, L.D. & CO...Harness and Saddlery...417 Market. 3317--STONE, LEON D. & CO...Butchers...236 Sixth. 2371--STONE & CO...Milkmen's Depot...1515 California. 5378--STONEBERGER, A.A...Physician...439 Third. 1422--STONEHILL & E.B...Attorney...420 Montgomery. 1422--STONEHILL & WHALEY...Attorneys...420 Montgomery. 2274--STORROR, E...Physician...Larkin and McAllister. 4236--STORROR, L.W...Residence...711 Broderick. 3541--STORY, CHAS. R...Residence...30 McAllister. 1179--STOVER, FRANK C...Gamewell Fire Alarm Tel. Co...723 Market. 1960--STRAHLE, JACOB & CO...Pioneer Billiard House, founded 1852...55 First. 4514--STRASSBURGER, I...Residence...Washington and Buchanan. 1515--STRASSBURGER, I & CO...Real Estate Agents...326 1/2 Montgomery. 5286--STRASSER, A...Poultry and Fish...78 Center Market. 3546--STRATHMORE APARTMENT HOUSE...207 Larkin. 1636--STRATTON, F.S...Attorney...123 Crocker Building. 3228--STRATTON, S...Carpet Beater...453 Stevenson. 5307--STRAUB, JOSEPH..."Progress"...327 Bush. 42--STRAUSS, K...Drayman...6 Battery. 212--STRAUSS, LEVI & CO...Clothing, Furnishing, Dry Goods...14 Battery. 3316--STRAUT, W.E...Lumber Dealer...564 Brannan. 3186--STREET SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE...New City Hall. 2470--STROZYNSKI, S...Ladies' Hair Dresser...435 Ellis. 4446--STUBBS, J.C...Residence...2519 Pacific Ave. 3634--STUDEBAKER BROS. MFG. CO...Market and Tenth. 5493--STULZ BROS...Grocers...533 Montgomery Ave. 4698--[STULZ BROS]...[Grocers]...1931 Fillmore. 4010--STUMP, IRWIN C...Residence...1424 McAllister. 7003--STUMPF, JOHN...Hay and Grain...15th & R.R. Ave. 5223--STUPARICH BROS...Gilt Edge Card Mfrs...518 Clay. 4482--SUHR, A.& CO...Maud S. Stables...1639 Eddy. 3168--SUHR, H.F. & CO...Undertakers...1209 Mission. 4070--SULLIVAN, C.A...Residence...525 Oak. 987--SULLIVAN, FRANK J...Attorney-at-Law...132 Phelan Building 2493--[SULLIVAN, FRANK J]...Residence...Van Ness Ave. and Washington. 2341--SULLIVAN, JAS. F...Physician...1105 Van Ness Ave. 205--SULLIVAN, THOS...Curled Hair and Upholstery Materials...743 Mission. 4225--SULLIVAN, T.J...Sullivan's Stable...2432 California. 5068--SULLIVAN,W.J...Grain Weigher...Sec. 1 Sea Wall. 5310--SULLIVAN, W.J..."The Hoffman"...601 Market. 3529--SULLIVAN & DOYLE...Livery Stable...327 Sixth. 1500--SULLIVAN & SULLIVAN...Attorneys-at-Law...38 Nevada Block. 1451--SULLIVAN'S CLOAK HOUSE...Kelly & Liebes...120 Kearny. 6120--SULZBERGER, TH. L...Druggist...2901 Mission. 1125--SUMMERFIELD, A., JR...Cresent Coal Co...35 and 37 Clay. 4072--SUMMERFIELD, H...Residence...1523 Ellis. 5559--SUMMERFIELD, H. & CO...Clothiers...928 Market. 4691--SUMMERHAYES, H.J...Residence...2125 Broderick. 346--SUMNER, W.B. & Co...Hides, Leather & Wool...415 Front. 5167--SUN INSURANCE CO...428 California. --------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE ALL ORDINARY COMPLAINTS BY TELEPHONE TO INSPECTOR--No. 85. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- The Mail is Quick, the Telegraph is Quicker but the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE is Instantaneous, and you Don't Have to Wait for an Answer. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---end---