Source: The
San Francisco Blue Book, 1905
Charles C. Hoag, Publisher,
San Francisco, California, 1905
DAHL, Miss Edna, 1272 Page (Tel.
Page 5491).
214 Kearny (Tel. Bush 171).
R., The Renton, 712 Sutter.
DAKE, Mr. Edmund Deane,
124 Sansome (Tel. Main 1063).
DAKE, Mr. and Mrs. Leland
W., 1016 McAllister (Tel. Fell 2426).
DAKIN, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
A., 1223 Jones.
DALTON, Mr. and Mrs. Frank,
725 O'Farrell.
DALTON, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
B., 2510 Clay (Tel. Scott 2256).
DALZIEL, Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Barker, 605 Golden Gate Av. (Tel. South 651).
DANA, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Stanwood, 1964 Pacific Av. (Tel. West 199).
D'ANCONA, Mr. and Mrs. A.A.,
995 Golden Gate Av. (Tel. Park 287).
D'ANCONA, Mr. A. Dawson,
2150 Devisadero.
DANFORTH, Mrs. Edward P.,
3427 Washington (tel. West 763).
DANFORTH, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin,
2027 Broadway (Tel. West 565).
DANFORTH, Miss Fanny, 2027
Broadway (Tel. West 565).
DANGLADA, Mrs I., 3334 Clay.
DANIELS, Mr. George Eaton,
843 Hyde (Tel. Polk 3261).
DANIELS, Mrs. Vesta M.,
843 Hyde (Tel. Polk 3261).
DANIELS, Mr. Sam Houston,
1321 Leavenworth.
DANIELS, Miss Josephine
F., 1321 Leavenworth.
DANNENBAUM, Mr. and Mrs.
S., 2231 Franklin (Tel. Hyde 836).
2231 Franklin (Tel. Hyde 836).
DARE, Mr. and Mrs. John
T., 2422 Clay (Tel. Geary 2304).
DARLING, Mr. and Mrs. George
L., 3251 21st (Tel. White 1528).
DARRAGH, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
B., 2857 Broderick.
DASSONVILLE, Mr. Frederick,
122 Lyon.
DAVENPORT, Mrs. E.H., 1981
Pacific Av.
DAVENPORT, Miss, 1981 Pacific
DAVENPORT, Mr. Dixwell,
1981 Pacific Av.
DAVENPORT, Mr. Hewitt, 1981
Pacific Av.
DAVENPORT, Mr. William H.,
2052 Fell (Tel. Page 9361).
DAVIDSON, Mr. and Mrs. George,
2221 Washington.
DAVIDSON, Miss Thos. D.,
2221 Washington.
DAVIES, Mrs. Frances, 901
DAVIES, Miss Fannie, 901
DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
M., 1722 Pine (Tel. East 642).
DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
J., 1319 Octavia (tel. Scott 997).
DAVIS, Mr. G.A., 1722 Pine
(Tel. East 642).
DAVIS, Mrs. George H., 314
Walnut (Tel. Scott 2912).
DAVIS, Dr. and Mrs. H.C.,
314 Walnut (tel. Scott 2912).
DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
H., 371 Jones.
DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. H.L.,
2108 Vallejo (Tel. West 396).
DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Horace,
1800 Broadway (Tel. West 1099).
DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Norris
King, 1909 Pacific Av. (Tel. West 1265).
DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
H., 146 Central Av.
DAVIS, Miss, 146 Central
DAVIS, Mr. Howard, 146 Central
DAVIS, Dr. Wm. E., 146 Central
DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. J. Warner,
1635 Sacramento (Tel. East 1246).
DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Max,
1808 Pacific Av. (Tel. East 255).
DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Percy
L., 2367 Sutter (Tel. Pine 4061).
DAVIS, Miss, 2367 Sutter
(Tel. Pine 4061).
DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. R.W.,
The Cecil, 960 Bush.
DAVIS, Dr. Seymour C., Hotel
Bella Vista.
DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Willis
E., 2501 Scott (Tel. West 347).
DAVIS, Miss Edna, 2501 Scott
(Tel. West 347).
DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Winfield
S., 3645 Washington (Tel. West 1281).
DAVIS, Miss, 3645 Washington
(Tel. West 1281).
DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. William
H., 1001 Pine (Tel. Larkin 1526).
DAVOUT, Prof. and Mrs. Armand
R., 505 Powell (Tel. Black 5600).
DAY, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
H., 1012 Devisadero (Tel. Scott 1087).
DEAHL, Mr. and Mrs. John
Linden, 3750 Clay (Tel. West 402).
DEAL, Mr. and Mrs. W.E.F.,
2702 Sacramento.
DEAL, The Misses, 2702 Sacramento.
DEAL, Mr. W.G., 2702 Sacramento.
DEAMER, Mr. and Mrs. W.W.,
2117 Broderick (Tel. Scott 2522).
DEAN, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Dudley, Hotel Roanoke, 808 Bush.
DEAN, Mrs. Eliza A., 3406
DEAN, The Misses, 3406 Clay.
DEAN, Mr. B. Douglass, 3406
DEAN, Mr. Jas. W., 3406
DEAN, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
A., 1450 Leavenworth.
DEAN, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Edwin, Palace Hotel (Tel. Main 708).
DEAN, Miss Helen, Palace
Hotel (Tel. Main 708).
DEAN, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
L., 1815 Gough (Tel. West 627).
DEANE, Mr. and Mrs. C.B.,
646 Fell.
DEANE, Dr. and Mrs. C.T.,
1217 Washington (Tel. Hyde 1466).
DDEANE, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel,
2401 Fillmore.
DEANE, Dr. Louis C., 1217
Washington (Tel. Hyde 1466).
DEANE, Dr. and Mrs. Tenison,
1217 Washington.
DEANE, Master Jos. Tenison,
1217 Washington.
DEANE, Mrs. M., 1919 California
(Tel. West 315).
DEANE, Miss Mary A., 1919
California (Tel. West 315).
DEANE, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
A., 340 23d Av. (Tel. Pine 621).
DEARDORFF, Dr. A.G., Parrott
Building (Tel. Jessie 4921).
De BRUHL, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
J., Hotel Granada.
De BRUHL, Mr. Arthur, Hotel
De BRUHL, Mr. Jessie, Hotel
De CHANGREAU, Dr. Jacques
D., 607 Sutter (Tel. Main 5741).
DECKER, Dr. Charles W.,
Palo Alto.
DECKER, Miss Ethel, Palo
DECKER, Mr. Chas. M., Palo
782 1/2 Union.
A., San Rafael (Tel. Res 431).
DEERING, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
J., SW cor. Broderick & Clay.
DEERING, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
P., 2709 Larkin (Tel. Sutter 4361).
DEERING, Mr. and Mrs. James
H., Jr., 925 Devisadero.
De BOOM, Mr. and Mrs. Romaine
C., 1609 Scott (Tel. Geary 1584).
De BOOM, Miss, 1609 Scott
(Tel. Geary 1584).
De BOOM, Mr. Wm. J., 1609
Scott (Tel. Geary 1584).
De GREAYER, Mrs. Josephine
A., St. Dunstan's.
De GUIGNE, Mr. Christian,
517 Sutter (Tel. Sunset Main 44) and San Mateo.
De GUIGNE, Misses, 517 Sutter
(Tel. Sunset Main 44) and San Mateo.
De HAVEN, Judge and Mrs.
John J., 207 Larkin.
De HAVEN, Miss Sadie, 207
DEKKER, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
N., 2423 Greeen (Tel. West 622).
De LAMARE, Mr. and Mrs.
August J., Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine.
De LONG, Mr. and Mrs. F.C.,
1710 Webster.
De LONG, Miss, 1710 Webster.
De LONG, Mr. F.C., Jr.,
1710 Webster.
De La MONTANYA, Mrs. Sarah
Jane, 1524 Taylor.
De La MONTANYA, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas., 2605 Pt. Lobos Av. (Tel. West 1122).
De La MONTANYA, Miss, 2605
Pt. Lobos Av. (Tel. West 1122).
De La MONTANYA, Jacques,
2605 Pt. Lobos Av. (Tel. West 1122).
DELAPORTE, Mr. George, Grand
De LATOUR, Mr. and Mrs.
G., 2850 Washington (Tel. Baker 3501).
De LAVAEAGA, Mr. Miguel
A., 1228 Geary.
DELGER, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
F., 2740 Twenty-fifth (Tel. Mission 27).
DELLEPIANE, Mr. and Mrs.
F., Hotel Oliver.
DELMAS, Mr. D.M., Pacific-Union
Club, "Casa Delmas," Santa Clara County.
De MARVILLE, Dr. H.B., 533
Sutter (Tel. Main 5584).
DENICKE, Mr. and Mrs. E.A.,
1000 Mason (Tel. Black 371).
DENICKE, Mr. and Mrs. F.A.,
3001 California (Tel. Scott 2540).
DENIGAN, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.,
1715 Octavia.
DENIGAN, Mr. Edward C.,
1715 Octavia.
DENNETT, Mr. and Mrs. W.D.,
Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine (Main 583).
DENNISON, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
E., San Mateo, Cal. (Sunset Black 261).
DENNISON, Miss, San Mateo,
Cal. (Sunset Black 261).
DENNISTON, Mr. and Mrs.
Edw. G., 3454 Twenty-first (Mission 135).
DENSON, Judge and Mrs. S.C.,
2900 Jackson (Tel. Jackson 3976).
DENSON, Miss, 2900 Jackson
(Tel. Jackson 3976).
DENSON, Mr. Henry B., 2900
Jackson (Tel. Jackson 3976).
DENVER, Mrs. M.W., Hotel
Bella Vista, 1001 Pine (Tel. Main 583).
DEPEW, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
M., 308 San Jose Av.
DERBY, Mr. and Mrs. Richard,
3637 Washington (Tel. West 2251).
De PUE, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
J., 2302 Clay (Tel. West 848).
DERNHAM, Mr. and Mrs. Albert,
2505 Devisadero (Tel. West 795).
DERNHAM, Mr. and Mrs. Henry,
2317 Presidio Av. (Tel. West 918).
De SABLA, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene,
Jr., 1916 Octavia (Tel. West 433).
De VECCHI, Mr. and Mrs.
Paolo, 1717 Jackson (Tel. East 124).
DEVLIN, Mr. Frank J., 2302
Devisadero (Tel. Baker 2201).
De WOLFE, Mrs., Hotel Pleasanton
(Tel. East 155).
De WOLFE, Mr. E.S., Hotel
Pleasanton (Tel. East 155).
De WOLFE, Mr. G.C., Hotel
Pleasanton (Tel. East 155).
De WOLFE, Mr. and Mrs. H.C.,
609 Sacramento (Tel. Green 840).
De YOUNG, Mr. and Mrs. M.H.,
1919 California (Tel. West 315).
De YOUNG, Miss Helen, 1919
California (Tel. West 315).
De YOUNG, Miss Constance,
1919 California (Tel. West 315).
De YOUNG, Mr. Chs., 1919
California (Tel. West 315).
DIBBLE, Mr. and Mrs. H.C.,
2515 Van Ness.
DIBBLE, Mr. Warren, 2515
Van Ness.
DIBBLE, Mr. Frank, 2515
Van Ness.
DIBBLE, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver,
2267 Union.
DIBBLE, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
J., Hotel Knickerbocker & Ross Valley, Marin Co.
DICKINS, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund
F., 1567 Clay (Tel. Hyde 886).
DICKINS, Miss Lisa, 2323
DICKINS, Miss Eva, 2323
DICKINS, Miss Lelia, 2323
DICKINS, Mr. and Mrs. Walter,
1557 McAllister (Tel. Fell 7956).
DICKINSON, General and Mrs.
John H., 873 Post, and Sausalito.
DICKSON, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Watt, 234 Cole (Tel. Fell 6571).
DILLON, Miss, 2962 Steiner.
DILLON, Miss Kate P., 3508
Clay (Tel. West 90).
DILLON, Mrs. Nano, 2962
DILLON, Miss Mary, 2962
DIMOND, Mr. and Mrs. E.R.,
2204 Pacific Av. (Tel. West 48).
DIMOND, Mr. and Mrs. H.P.,
952 Bush.
DIMOND, Mr. Alan W., 952
DINGEE, Mr. and Mrs. William
J., 1882 Washington (Tel. West 45).
H.G., 2101 Pacific (Tel. West 666).
DOANE, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
G., 614 Sutter (Tel. Black 1997).
DOANE, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Y., 1310 Hyde (Tel. Sutter 2441).
DOAK, Mr. and Mrs. D.P.,
2368 Boardway (Tel. Scott 1277).
DOBIE, Mrs. M.S., 1216 Jones
(Tel. East 484).
DODD, Mr. and Mrs. Willis
G., 1919 Pierce (Tel. Geary 1913).
DODGE, Mr. and Mrs. Al.,
2064 Van Ness Av. (Tel. East 1064).
DODGE, Dr. Washington, St.
Francis Hotel.
DODGE, Mrs. Henry L., 2015
Franklin (Tel. Sutter 2751).
DODGE, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.G.,
1312 Van Ness Av. (Tel. Hyde 1741).
DODGE, Mr. Zenas U., 550
Page (Tel. Pge 2609).
DOE, Mr. Bartlett, 2000
Laguna (Tel. West 3007).
DOE, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
W., 2002 Laguna (Tel. Pine 1296).
DOE, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
P., 2001 California (Tel. Jackson 631).
DOHERTY, Miss Laura Mildred,
1840 California (Tel. West 9).
DOHRMANN, Mrs. Elizabeth
A., 614 Mason.
DOHRMANN, Mr. and Mrs. F.W.,
1815 California.
DORHMANN, Mr. F.W., Jr.,
1815 California.
DORHMANN, Mr. and Mrs. A.B.C.,
1480 Page (Tel. Park 481).
DOLAN, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
J., 27 Woodward Av.
DONALDSON, Mr. and Mrs.
R.A., 2828 Washington (Tel. West 170).
DONOHOE, Mrs. Emilie, 2410
Pacific Av. (Tel. West 927).
DONOHOE, Mr. Edward, 2410
Pacific Av. (Tel. West 927).
DONOVAN, Mr. D.P., 1820
McAllister (Tel. Page 5551).
DOOLAN, Mr. and Mrs. R.P.,
N.W. corner Haight and Ashbury.
DOOLITTLE, Mr. and Mrs.
J.E., 1901 Page (Tel. Park 105).
DOOLITTLE, Mr. and Mrs.
J.H., Hotel St. Nicholas (Tel. South 778).
DORE, Mrs. E., San Mateo.
DORMAN, Mr. F.D., Hotel
Baltimore (Tel. Pr. Ex. 706).
DORN, Mr. and Mrs. D.S.,
1600 Fell (Tel. Park 446).
DORN, Mr. and Mrs. N.A.,
Hotel Baltimore.
DORN, Miss Ethel, Hotel
DORN, Miss Elsie, Hotel
DORNIN, Mr. and Mrs. John
Cushing, 2514 Octavia (Tel. Jackson 1406).
DORNIN, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
D., 2521 Benvenue Av., Berkeley (Tel. Dana 81).
DORR, Dr. and Mrs. L.L.,
1115 Hyde (Tel. East 204).
DORR, The Misses, 1115 Hyde
(Tel. East 204).
DORR, Dr. Wm. R., 1115 Hyde
(Tel. East 204).
DORR, Mr. Louis, 1115 Hyde
(Tel. East 204).
DOUGHERTY, Mr. and Mrs.
C.M., Hotel Pleasanton.
DOUGHERTY, Mr. Louis, Hotel
DOUGHERTY, Mr. J.W., Hotel
DOW, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E.,
1420 Van Ness.
DOW, The Misses, 1420 Van
DOW, Mr. Geo. A., 1420 Van
DOW, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
H., 222 Clayton (Tel. Fell 751).
DOWNEY, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.,
2537 Van Ness Av. (Tel. Larkin 1416).
DOWNING, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
A., 1220 Geary.
DOYLE, Mrs. Henry, Burlingame,
DOYLE, Thomas B., Burlingame,
DOYLE, Mrs. Henry, San Mateo,
DOYLE, Mr. John J., 26 Mills
Building, 4th floor, and "Cupertino," Menlo Park.
DOYLE, Thomas B., San Mateo,
DOYLE, Mr. and Mrs. John
T., Menlo Park, San Mateo County, Cal.
DOYLE, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
A., 1181 Jackson (Tel. East 1253).
DOZIER, Dr. and Mrs. C.A.,
1841 Oak (Tel. Park 378).
DRAPER, Mr. and Mrs. T.W.M.,
3032 Jackson (Tel. West 230).
DRAPER, Miss, 3032 Jackson
(Tel. West 230).
DRAY, Mrs. F.R., 1715 Broadway.
DRAY, Dr. Frank, 1715 Broadway.
DRAY, Miss Alice, 1715 Broadway.
DRESEL, Dr. Gustav, 124
Presidio Av. (Tel. West 230).
DREXLER, Mr. Louis P., 2526
Ocean Boulevard.
S., San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.
DRIFFIELD, Mr. and Mrs.
V. Carus, 1917 Vallejo (Tel. West 706).
DRINKHOUSE, Mrs. J.A., 2502
Broadway (Tel. Scott 417).
DRINKHOUSE, Mr. Frederick
A., 2502 Broadway (Tel. Scott 417).
DRISCOLL, Mrs. J.M., 2619
Buchanan (Tel. West 94).
DRISCOLL, Mr. Thomas A.,
2619 Buchanan (Tel. West 94).
DROWN, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
N., 2550 Jackson (Tel. West 395).
DROWN, Miss N. Newell, 2550
Jackson (Tel. West 395).
DROWN, Mr. and Mrs. Willard
N., 2822 Clay (Tel. Baker 466).
DRUCKER, Dr. and Mrs. George
I., 1298 Haight (Tel. Park 934).
DRUM, Mr. F.G., 1940 Vallejo
(Tel. West 1034) and San Mateo, Cal.
DRUM, Mr. John S., 2714
DRUM, Mr. Wm. G., 2714 Broadway.
DRUM, Miss Sara G., 2714
DRYSDALE, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel,
St. Francis Hotel.
DUBEDAT, Mr. Eugene, 1829
Pacific Av. (Tel. Sutter 1081).
DUDLEY, Mr. and Mrs. E.C.,
1322 Devisadero (Tel. Scott 533).
DUFF, Mr. and Mrs. B.F.,
345 Haight (Tel. Park 846).
DUCLOS, Mr. Alexandre, 428
DUFFY, Miss Anna G., 1944
California (Tel. Scott 750).
DUFFY, Mr. William F., 1944
California (Tel. Scott 750).
DUGAN, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
E., 159 New Montgomery (Tel. James 6261).
DUGAN, Mrs. Emma F., 698
DUGAN, Miss Adela E., 698
DUGAN, Herbert F., 698 Sutter.
DUGAN, Charles, 698 Sutter.
DUNANN, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
D., 1360 Page (Tel. Park 503).
DUNBAR, Dr. and Mrs. Luis
Lane, 1724 Fell (Tel. Park 528).
DUNBAR, Mr. Stuart Boyd,
1724 Fell (Tel. Park 528).
DUNCAN, Mr. and Mrs. William
L., 2825 Pine.
DUNCOMB, Mr. Edward J.,
2010 Devisadero (Tel. Scott 726).
DUNHAM, The Misses, Los
Gatos, Cal.
DUNN, Mr. and Mrs. P. Livingston,
83 Frederick (Tel. Fell 1217).
DUNN, Miss, 83 Frederick
(Tel. Fell 1217).
DUNN, Mr. Ritchie L., 2005
Lyon (tel. West 514).
DUNNE, Judge Frank H., 1457
Leavenworth (Tel. Polk 4291).
DUNNE, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
F., 2905 Clay (Tel. West 299).
DUNPHY, Mrs. C.U., 2122
Washington (Tel. West 489).
DUNPHY, Miss Jennie, 2122
Washington (Tel. West 489).
DUNPHY, Mr. and Mrs. William
H., Millbrae, San Mateo County, Cal.
DUNPHY, Mr. and Mrs. Charles,
2179 Pacific Av. (Tel. West 760).
DUPERU, Mr. Redick McKee,
351 Montgomery (Tel. Main 36).
Du PONT, Mr. and Mrs., The
Roanoke, 808 Bush.
DURAND, Mrs. Clotilde, 503
Devisadero (Tel. Fell 7681).
DURAND, Miss Gabrielle,
503 Devisadero (Tel. Fell 7681).
DURBROW, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
K., 2400 Leavenworth.
DURBROW, Miss Clara, 2400
DURBROW, Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge,
1718 Buchanan.
DURBROW, Ross L., 1718 Buchanan.
DURBROW, Mr. and Mrs. C.J.,
1347 Lombard (Tel. Larkin 2136).
DURBROW, Mr. and Mrs. Harry,
2308 Jackson (Tel. West 232).
DURDEN, Mr. Henry S., 1760
Union (Tel. Baker 2371).
DURHAM, Mr. and Mrs. R.L.,
1298 Haight (Tel. Park 926).
DUTARD, Mrs. H., Hotel Pleasanton.
DUTTON, Mr. and Mrs. George
W., 2178 Post.
DUTTON, Mr. and Mrs. Grayson,
St. Dunstan's (Tel. Priv. Ex. 728).
DUTTON, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Foster, 3560 Washington (Tel. West 920).
DUTTON, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
C., 901 Pine.
DUTTON, Miss Louise, 901
DUTTON, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
J., 2507 Pacific Av.
DUTTON, Miss, 2507 Pacific
DUTTON, Mr. Harry S., 2507
Pacific Av.
DUVAL, Mr. and Mrs. William
S., 1036 Pine (Tel. Brown 286).
DWIGHT, Mrs. C.E., 2019
Pacific Av. (Tel. West 1067).
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