San Francisco Genealogy
E - G

Source:  1949 Official Social Membership Register, San Francisco Bowling Assn. Inc. of the Americal Bowling Congress
Compiled by Halsey H. Fink, and Mrs. Clara Roller, San Francisco Bowling Assn. Inc., San Francisco, California, 1949

Eagan, Frank T.  Earley, Melvin A. Early, Wayne Earney, Ray H. Easterlig, Wm.
Easterwood, Jay Eastwood, Norman Eaton, M. Bruce Eaves, Duward Ebel, Melvin
Eberhard, Adolph Eberhardt, Jack E. Ebert, Wm. Echols Ecker, Frank
Eckhardt, John H. Eckhardt, Joseph Eckroat, Richard W. Eckrote, Otto E. Eddy, Wm.
Edelson, Dan Edelstein, J. Edgington, Fred Edlin, Harold Edmison, Carleton H.
Edson, Arthur Edwards, Art E. Edwards, Al Edwards, Horace L. Edwards, James
Edwards, Lloyd Edwards, Wilbur G. Edwards, Willard D. Eells, Jazmes Efsaif, John W.
Eggers, Howard Ehlers, R. Ehling, Josef, Jr. Ehmann, Fred G. Ehmke, Ronald
Ehni, Wm. Ehrhard, Antone Eiken, Wm. Eimers, Herman Eischen, Ray
Eisele, Vincent F. Eisemann, Carl Eisenzopf, Gus Elder, Harold M. Elgin, Chet
Elgin, Jack G. Elgin, Wayne S. Elliot, G. Elliott, G. Elliott, George
Elliott, Gordin E. Elliott, Leonard Elliott, Richard M. Elliott, Robert Elliott, Robert O.
Ellis, Ralph Ellison, Chas. E. Ellison, Frederick Ellison, Roy Ellison, Wm.
Ellsworth, Frank Elovski, Victor Elswood, Robert Emanuel, Oscar Emanuelson, H.
Emmerich, Michael Emmons, Richard Engh, Leonard England, Robert Engle, Herman
English, A. English, Richard English, Wm. M. Engstrom, Paul Engrstrom, Wm.
Enloe, Wesley Ennis, Joseph Ennis, T. Enright, Edward Enslow, Lawrence
Ercole, Henry Ercolini, Angelo Erhard, Chas. M. "Bud" Erhard, Gene Erickson, Chas.
Erickson, Clarence E. Erickson, George Ervin, W.L. Eskelin, Art Espinosa, Richard
Esposito, Al Esposto, Roy Esque, Ira Estel, D.G. Etheridge, P.
Etherton, E. Ethridge, Claude Evanchak, Alex Evans, Bert A. Evans, Chas. M.
Evans, Harry D. Evans, Howard L. Evans, John Evans, Raleight N. Evenson, Mark
Everett, Wm. E. Everly, Harry E. Evers, Alvin Everson, Vern Ewing, Cliff C.
Fabian, George Fadely, Alex Fahey, Frank Fairbanks, Leland G. Falconer, John
Falconi, Augustine E. Falk, Frank Falkenberg, Fred P. Fall, E.E. Fall, John
Fallon, Thomas J. Farb, Hal Farley, F. Farley, Harold Farley, James
Farmer, James  Farquhar, Reg. Farr, Cecil Farr, Earl Farrell, Jack
Farrell, Raymond H. Farrell, Tom Farris, Arthur G. Fassler, Frank Faull, Harold W.
Fauss, Earl Favara, Louie Favrat, Vern Fawthrop, N. Fazio, Nick
Fazio, Robert Federico, Art Fedorchak, John Feehan, James Feener, Walter H.
Feeney, John J. Fehl, Delbert A. Feil, Hank Feist, Donald Feldbush, H.W.
Feldman, Henry Feldman, Morris Fellows, George Fennell, Robert Fenno, Robert
Fenton, Keith Ferguson, C.C. Ferguson, Frank P. Ferguson, Wm. B. Fernbach, John E.
Ferrante, Vincent Ferrebouef, Geo. Ferrell, Floyd Ferretti, Alex Ferretti, Arthur
Ferris, Jack Ferris, Ken Ferroggiaro, Wm. Fetterman, Kenneth W. Fevrier, Mervyn
Field, Ken B. Field, Wallace Field, Yale L. Fields, John Fields, Walter E.
Filiberti, Ted Filios, John P. Fillman, Milt Fineman, Henry Fink, Halsey
Finkel, Howard Finkenkeller, Ernest Finlay, E. Finn, Jack Finnegan, Bernard
Finnegan, Ed Finnesey, Ken Finocchio, Al J. Finocchio, Joseph A. Fiori, Pete
Firstbrook Walter Fisch, Neil Fischer, Ernie Fischer, Glen Fisher, Bud
Fisher, Fred Fisher, Gus Fisher, John T. Fisher, Roy Fisher, Vic
Fiske, A.O. Fistolera, Elmer V. Fitt, G.E. Fitts, Ken Fitzgerald, Al
Fitzgerald, Herbert Fitzgerald, Toby Fitzgerald, Walter Fitamauirice, Gerald Fitzsimmons, Melvin
Fiuren, Ed Flach, Geo. Flach, Hank Flagg, Walter B. Flagler, Walter E.
Flath, A. Flatt, C. Flecklin, Fred Blemming, Bart Flemming, Lloyd
Flesh, Roy Fletcher, Leslie Flieger, Bert Flink, Al Flinn, Harry
Flint, Earl R. Flint, Morton M. Flosi, Rinaldo Flynn, C.D. Flynn, Harry B.
Foehr, John Fogle, L. Foley, Ed. Foley, Jack Foley, John N.
Foley, Richard Folley, Peter Folmer, L. Fonseca, Geo. E. Fontaine, Jack
Fontaine, Rene Fontana, Elio Fontana, Louis Fontenrose, Louis Foppiano, Sylvio
Forbes, Henry J. Forbush, Joe A. Forchini, F. Ford, Richard Forman, M.
Forment, August Formosa, Anthony R. Formosa, Geo. L. Forrester, Wm. Forsberg, Frank
Forsgren, A.L. Foss, Ray W. Foster, Chas. L. Foster, Ralph Fotenos, Frank
Fotopolis, Nick Fouche, Ben Fountain, Claude E. Fox, B. Fox, Harrison
Fox, Richard K. Foye, Laurance V. Francheschi, Lou Franchini, Mario Franchini, Roy
Francis, Herb Francis, Jack Frank, Earl Frank, George Frankland, Ray
Frantz, Frank Franusich, Anthony Franz, Val Franzen, R. Fraser, Bruce
Fraser, Wm. Frasher, P.W. Fredericksen, Henry Frederickson, Roy Fredricks, James
Fregosi, Joe Freistas, E. French, Wm. C. Frenna, Hal Freund, Vince
Frew, J. Frey, Adolph B. Fricke, Frank Friedling, Monroe Friedling, Murray L.
Friend, Earl Frische, Wm. Fritz, Richard Fritze, Lester R. Fritze, Walter
Friezel, Henry Frogner, Money Fronce, Don L. Fronce, Jack Frost, Anthony J., Sr.
Frost, Harry Frugoli, Victor Frustuk, Roy Frye, Glenn Frye, Walt
Frye, Wm. Fuentes, John Francis Fuerniss, AL Fuhrer, Wm. Fuhrig, Geo.
Fullan, Cy Fullerton, Gerald P. Furderer, Arthur Furnas, Arthur Furrer, Edward J., Sr.
Furrer, R.J. Furtney, Glen Fuste, Henry Futernick, Joe Futrell, Richard
Gaab, Casper Caafe, Norman Gable, Francis Gabriellini, Vando Gaddy, W.T.
Gagen, Edwin H. Gagliolo, Mario Gagnon, Frederick H. Gagnon, Marcel Gailey, Chas. L.
Galassi, Fred J. Galbraith, G. Galdin, George Gallagher, Hubert McA. Gallagher, Paul
Gallant, A.P. Galleazzi, Ted Galli, Guido Gallick, Ed Gallman, Lawrence J.
Gallwitz, Joe Gambini, Jake Bamble, Chuck Gangi, Joseph Gann, Edward J.
Gannon, Paul Garber, Hank Garber, Hiram Garcia, Carlos Garcia, George
Gardiner, Elmslie W. Gardner, Walt Garibaldi, A. Garibaldi, George Garibaldi, John
Garibladi, Larry Garland, F.W. Garland, Vern Garnero, Hector Garnett, Lovell R.
Garris, George Garrison, Chas. W. Garrison, Dwaine O. Garrison, Edgar N. Garrity, Edward
Garton, Morris Gary, Al Gaspar, Harry Gassman, Ernest Gay, Douglas J.
Gay, Ralph Gazzano, Henry, Jr. Gazzano, Henry, Sr. Gaegan, Gilbert Geary, Victor
Geddes, Wm. J. Geiger, J. Geiger, John Gekas, Arthur C. Gelatti, Zeno
Gellepis, Gus Gelston, Edgar Gemma, Peter Genasci, Pete Gendron, Geo. G.
Gennai, Joe Gensler, D. Gent, Frank Gentile, Paul J. Gentry, Marty
Gerogeson, F. Gerhow, Frank German, Fred Gernander, Floyd Gerstle, Peter
Geston, Phillip Ghidella, Mario T. Ghidossi, Everett Ghilardi, Rico Ghilarducci, Eugene
Ghiorzi, Robt. Ghiselli, Glen Giannini, Vasco F. Gibbs, C. Gibbs, Chas.
Gibbs, James Gibson, Ben Gibson, James K. Gielow, Edward H. Giffin, Don
Giffin, Wm. Giganti, Carl Gilardi, Thomas Gilbert, Harold Gilcrest, G.
Gildez, K.M. Giles, Henry Gill, Cecil Gill, Millard Gillespie, V.E.
Gillies, Robert Gilligan, E.C. Gilmore, Ed Gilmore, Geo Gilmore, Wm. C.
Gilnack, Walter Gilson, Gerald Gimondo, Henry Gingery, Harry Ginotti, Wm.
Ginsberg, Leslie O. GIoffre, Eddie Giomi, Frank Giorgetti, Babe Giorgetti, Leo
Giradot, N.J. Gish, William Giuntini, Hector, Jr. Giuntini, Hector, Sr. Givens, Sid
Glaser, Cecil Glass, Edward T. Glassburn, J. Glasser, James Glasson, James
Gleba, Chester Glendinning, J.F. Glenn, Chas. D. Glenn, H. Eugene "Mike" Glenn, Roy
Glenwood, Ernest Glew, Harold Glick, Bert Goddard, Paul Godet, Chas.
Godfrey, Wallace W. Goethe, Robert Goetschmann, Ernie Gogas, Frank Gohmert, Rolan
Goin, GLenn Goins, Lawrence Golaszewski, Goldberg, Henry Golden, Chas.
Goldfinger, Wm. Golob, Alfred Golobic, Bud Golobic, Rex M. Gombia, Chas.
Gomez, John Gonzales, Arnold Gonzales, Arthur D. Good, Gordon H. Goode, Lee S.
Goode, Tom A. Goodrich, Gene Goodwin, Wesley Gora, Walter Gorden, Frank X.
Gordon, Don Goresczky, Oscar J. Goren, Louis A. Gogoll, Leslie Goshert, Gilbert
Goss, W.P. Gossee, Andrew Gottlieb, Paul Goualhardou, Midge Goulet, Carl P.
Gove, E. Lloyd Governale, Tony Grace, Robert Grace, Volney Gracey, Max L.
Gradek, Bruno Gradek, Joseph Gradisher, August Grady, Theodore A., Sr. Graf, Clarence
Graf, William Graff, P. Graham, Clem A. Graham, Dallas Graham, Irving
Grandy, John Graney, Dan Granieri, Sam Grant, Ted Granville, Joe J.
Graston, Earl J. Grattapaglia, Harry Graves, Hugh M. Gray, James Gray, Len
Gray, Ray Graziani, Leonard Greancy, Neal Green, David B. Green, Howard
Green, James A. Green, K. Green, Norman O. Green, Ralph Green, Russell E.
Green, Stanley Green, Ted Green, Warren Greenamyre, J.H. Greenbaum, Leonard
Greenberg, Alex Greenberg, Melvin J. Greenfield, Mel Greenman, James Greenwood, Claude
Greenwood, Ray L. Gregg, G.R. Gregoire, Albert Gregoire, Nicholas W. Gregoire, William
Greiner, Arthur P. Gresham, Cecil Griese, A.C. Griffin, Maurice B. Griffin, Stanley
Griffiths, Edward Grill, Paul A. Grimm, James Grisez, Norm Gritsch, Tony
Groene, Al Groff, Geo. E. Groh, Reinhold Groothoff, Wendell E. Grossman, Theodore C.
Gross, Henry Grosse, Joe Grosse, Maurice Grosskopf, Al Grote, Frank
Grubb, Geo.  Grubbs, Frank G. Gruber, Gene Grumm, Arnold Grusser, Gunnar
Gryga, Ben Guaraglia, Fred Guaraddi, Louis Guddee, Gerald Gudgel, James
Guenette, John Guerra, Lalo Guerrazi, Art Guerrero, Joseph Guest, Donald
Guidotti, Andy Guidry, Prince Guild, Ray Guilliani, Oliver Guinasso, Guido
Gulliksen, Stanley Gundred, Alvin C. Gunn, Joseph Gunn, Wally Gunnell, John P.
Gunnerson, A.W. Gunter, Al Guse, Roger Gustafson, A.W. Gustafson, Leo
Guth, Lee Guthrie, Hugh D. Gutleben, Don    
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Original book donated by Nancy Pratt Melton to the History Room, San Francisco Public Library.
copyright © 1996-2004  Pamela Storm & Ron Filion.   All rights reserved.