San Francisco Genealogy
L - M

Source:  1949 Official Social Membership Register, San Francisco Bowling Assn. Inc. of the Americal Bowling Congress
Compiled by Halsey H. Fink, and Mrs. Clara Roller, San Francisco Bowling Assn. Inc., San Francisco, California, 1949

LaBarba, Joe LaBate, Raymond Lacombe, John A. Lacombe, Roger C. La Farga, Arcy
La France, James La Gace, Pierre Lager, Gunna Lagomarsino, Gene Lagunoff, Val
Lahaderne, John Lahr, George Lahr, Herb Lajinga, john Lake, Frank
Lamas, Al Lamb, Douglas H. Lamb, Pete Lambert, Robert Lambertson, Robert
Lambrigger, Max Lambros, James Lameka, Stephen J. Lamoureux, Henry E. Landi, Angleo J.
Landis, Labory Landolt, H. Landucci, Phil Landucci, Vince Lane, B.
Lane, Hank Lange, Chas. Lange, John Langer, Carl D. Langford, Led Langhorn, Clarence D.
Langhorn, Syd Langston, Harold A. Langton, Royle A. Lankford, K. Lansberry, Luke
Lapera, Paul Lapeyri, G. "Jim" La Plante, Ed Laprevotte, Rene Laramie, Tom
Larcombe, Louis C. Laregina, L. Larkin, Kenneth U. Larkins, Fred La Rosa, T.
Larrieu, Joe Larrieu, Remi Larsen, Albert T. Larsen, Ralph Larson, Carl
Larson, Carl B. Larson, Chas. Larson, D.P. Larson, Edward M. Larson, Fred
Larson, John Larum, Chas. Lascurain, Julian Lashkoff, Nicholas Laskey, B.
Laskey, James H. Laskey, Jim Lasko, Jack Latimer, Glenn Laub, Fran
Laube, Robert H. Lauer, Maurice Lauer, Tony Laughlin, Ross Laughbridge, Frank
Laumond, Andre P. Laurence, Jackson Laurence, James M. Lauricella, C. Laval, Ray
Lavin, Ed Lavin, Frank Law, Paul Lawhon, Ed Lawhorn, Clarence
Lawrence, Robert W. Lawson, A. Lawson, Albert Laye, Lou Laymon, Earl "Red"
Layne, Jack Lazarus, Bernard Lazo, Larry Lazootin, Paul Lazzaretti, A.
Lazzari, Ernie Lazzari, Guido Lazzari, Louis Lazzarini, Ed Lazzaro, Guido
Leachman, Si Leal, D. Leavitt, James Leavitt, Sheldon D. Lebaron, Edward F.
Lebeck, Maurice LeCocq, D.M. Lee, Everett R. Lee, George E. Lee, Jerome D.
Lee, Leonard Lee, Raymond Lee, Robert E. Lee, Robert M. Lee, Roland
Lee, Samuel Lefcourt, Al Le Gallee, Al Legg, Harrison Legorreta, Hank
Legro, Richard F. Lehman, E. Lehman, Ray Leiser, James Leishman, Geo.
Lelick, Jack Lemley, Erwin J. Lemley, Ralph E. Lemley, Ralph T. Lemmelet, M.L.
Lemmelet, Ray C. Lemos, Richard Lempp, Art Lenci, Thomas Lencioni, Angelo
Lenser, Val Leon, Fred Leonard, A. Leonard, Arch W. Leonard, Eugene F.
Leonard, Robert Leonardini, Al Leonhart, Moreland Lerma, Wm. Leslie, James
Leslie, John Leslie, Wm. Lesser, Hal Lessig, Russell Levault, H.M.
Levchak, John Leuze, Lawrence L. Levin, Jack A. Levine, Abe Levy, Eddie
Lewis, Dave Lewis, Dean Lewis, Ed Lewis, Elmer Lewis, Elmer O.
Lewis, Harry N. Lewis, Jack Lewis, Martin J. Lewis, Oscar Lewis, Ronald
Lewis, Spencer H. Lewis, Wm. Lewterk James Liberatore, Primo Lichtenberger, Paul
Lichtman, Max Lidley, Henry W. Lieb, Henry Lieberum, Arthur B. Liebold, Everett
Liesk, Rudy Lill, James Linczer, Robert E. Lindberg, Norman A. Lindfors, Ray
Lindsay, Ray Lindstrom, Clarence D. Link, Chas L. Link, J.E. Link, Nelson
Linkins, H.U. Linnett, Gene Lipman, Mel Lisa, Wm. Lisac, Jack A.
Lister, Walter Liston, Lester Lithwin, August J. Little, Ed Little, Robert
Littlefirld, J.D. Livacich, John Livingston, J.D. Livingston, P.M. Livingston, S.A., Jr.
Lloyd, Elmer Lloyd, Jack L. Lobenstein, M. Lobianco, Geo. Loch, Cal
Locke, Cliff Locklin, Chas. Lococo, Tom LoCodo, Peter Loconsolo, Ernest
Loesback, Thomas A. Loeck, Robert E. Loeffler, L. Loewe, Al H. Loewenguth, Eldredge
Lofrano, Frank Lofstedt, Linn Loftus, George Lombardi, P. Lombardo, Dominic
Lommatsch, Paul Londeree, John Long, Dr. W.G. Longaker, Keith Lonie, Dave
Loomis, Jack Lopes, Stanley Lopez, Antone Lopez, Joe Lopez, Manual A.
Lopez, Tony Lorin, Dave Loscher, Wm. J., Jr. Lotz, Geo. Loveland, Joseph
Loveland, Verl J. Lovstad, Marvin Lowe, Harry R. Lowry, Bud Lowther, Geo.
Lubimir, Lubeski, Joe Lucas, Lee Luce, Edward W. Luce, R.
Luce, Robert Luchini, J. Lucia, Joe Lucia, Vince Lucido, Paul
Luebkeman, Al H. Luedtke, T. Luehe, Wm. Lukrich, Cazmo Lund, Maurice
Lund, Roy Lund, Walter Lundell, Henry Lundquist, Robert Lundstrom, Cameron
Lundy, John Lunkes, Geo. Luporini, Evo Luporini, Frank Lurie, Larry
Lusich, Peter Lutes, C. Lutley, Herbert Luttinger, J. Luttringer, Frank
Lutz, Raymond Lybrand, Ed Lybrand, Ken Lydon, James Lynch, Don
Lynch, R. Lynch, Ray Lynch, Thomas Lyons, John J.  
MacArthur, Peter J. Maccia, Frank MacDonald, Geo. MacDouall, Ray Machon, Robert P.
Maciolek, Barney Mack, John Mack, William Mackay, John MacKeever, Felbert
Mackey, Robert Mackey, Thomas Mackin, F. Mackin, Tom Mackinnon, C.
MacLean, Robert MacNeil, F.W. Macomber, E.M. MacWilliams, Leonard J. Madden, James
Madden, Wm. Madeira, Ward A. Maderios, A.M. Madison, B.B. Madronich, Paul
Madronich, Rudolph Madsen, Al Madsen, Pete Maffei, Vic Magdeburger, Geo. F.
Maggi, Adolph A. Maguet, Frank E. Maguire, Walter E. Maguire, Wm. H. Mahar, Frank
Mahon, James J. Mahoney, Geo. Mahoney, H. Mahoney, Jerry Maino, Tom
Maitland, Ralph Majors, Russ Malispina, Elvin Mallen, Ralph Malloy, Jack A.
Malloy, Walt Malman, Jack Malnick, Don Malofsky, Maury Maloney, E.
Maloney, Richard Maloney, Wm. Malstrom, Nels Malvesti, Frank Malvesti, Rico
Malz, Fred Manasy Mancuso, Edward T. Mancuso, Wm. Manfredi, Domenic
Mangal, Norman Mangini, Emil Mangini, John B. Maninger, Gene Maniscalco, Paul
Mann, Dennis Mann, Geo. Mann, Harvey Mannering, Wm. Mannina, Fred A.
Manning, Alfred Manning, Edward Manning, Geo.  Manning, James Manning, Rollin G.
Manone, Joe Manseau, Robert Mansfield, Richard Mansure, Art Manto, Ben
Maraccini, Pete Maragliano, John Marconi, Sam Marcus, Dan Marcus, Leslie
Marenda, J.D. Marenzi, Ernest Margetts, Wm. Marinelli, Paul Marino, August C.
Marino, Peter J. Marjouls, Al Mrkell, Wm. A. Marker, Claude Markle, Harold
Marklin, Richard Markovich, Antone Mardovich, Joseph Markovits, Burt Marquardt, A.
Mazrraccini, Joseph Marschke, John Marsh, Harry P. Marshall, David W. Marshall, Geo.
Marshall, Maurice D. Marszalec, Ted Martens, Walter Martin, Bert Martin, Francis
Martin, George Martin, Jack Martin, Larry Martin, Reg.  Martinelli, Geo.
Martinez, Al Martinez, Cipriano Martinez, Henry Martinez, J. Martinez, Joseph A.
Martinez, R. Martinez, Ray Martinez, Richard Martini, Joe Martucci, Chas.
Marty, Joe Marwedel, C.A. "Bud" Mascarello, Angelo Maslach, Mihcael J. Masry, Al
Masry, Ernest Massara, Joe Massoni, Evo P. Masters, Herbert W., Jr. Masters, Otis W.
Matgen, Marcel N. Matheny, Otis. Matheny, Wm Mather, Raymond F. Matheson, James
Mathews, Norman G. Mathews, Roy Mathis, Ben Matson, A. Matson, P.C.
Matson, Walter N. Mattea, Gene Mattes, Willard N. Matteucci, Ralph Matthews, Robert
Mattonx, Robert Mattson, Arthur R. Mattson, Gabby Mau, Clyde Maul, Edward, Jr.
Maule, Norman Maurer, Clarence A. "Chas." Marunio, Joseph B. Maxwell, Guy May, Bernard
May, Joseph May, Richard E. May, Robert F. Mayer, Ben Mayer, Ora
Mayer, Stan Mayerle, Joseph Mayfield, Len Mayger, Wm. Maynard, Robert C.
Mayo, Co. George Mayo, L.R. Mazella, Frank Mazotti, Arnold Mazza, Angelo
Mazza, Frank Mazza, Harry Mead, Lewie Mead, Wm. E. Meade, Wm.
Meagher, G. Mealman, Robert L. Meaney, John P. Means, James L. Means, Thomas M.
Medeiros, Al J. Medley, Neil Medlin, Wm. V. Meek, Harold Meichsner, Mike
Meinhardt, Edward Mejia, Len Melancon, Clarence Melanephy, John Melani, John
Melbostad, Clarence Melby, Chas. Melikean, Geo. Melluish, Alan Melnikoff, B.
Melvin, Edwin J. Mencoff, Morris Menges, Clyde J. Menicucci, Frank Mensing, Walter
Menzel, A.F. Merchant, James Merkh, Albert Merkle, Harry Meroux, Lloyd
Merrill, Harry Bud Merritt, Earl Merritt, R.B. Merry, Chas. Mertens, Paul
Messier, Art Messier, Felix Metcalf, John W. Metke, Pat Metters, Fred
Metz, Alfred H. Metz, Bert Metzel, Hal Metzger, C. Meyer, Henry J.
Meyer, Tom Meyers, Chas. Mezzetta, Ernest Mezzetta, Wm. Mibach, Richard
Micco, A. Michaels, Stan Michalik, Henry Michel, Elmer Micheletti, Enrico
Micheletti, Joseph P. Mickelson, C. Mickelson, H. Miille, Walter Miles, Roy
Milford, Jess Millani, Frank Millane, Mike Millar, John Miller, Antonio
Miller, Bing Miller, Bob Miller, Bob "Robert L." Miller, Chas. Miller, Don
Miller, E.L. Miller, Ed Miller, Edward J. Miller, Fred H. Miller, G.
Miller, H.K. Miller, J. Miller, James Miller, James H. Miller, James F.
Miller, Joe Miller, John Miller, John G. Miller, K. Miller, Leland
Miller, Nelse Miller, Ralph Miller, Raymond E. Miller, Richard Miller, Robert
Miller, Robert L. Miller, Rufus Miller, Wm. Millerick, Emmett Millett, Josph
Millhollen, Bud Milligan, Tom A. Milliken, John S. Mills, Barton Mills, Harvey "Bill"
Mills, Hubert Milles, Robert L. Mills, Thomas Milo, A. "Tony" Milsner, Leon
Minahan, Joseph N. Mineau, Lee Minenna, James Miner, Juan Minero, Manuel
Mingo, Andy Mingram, Peter Mingram, Wm. J. Mingst, Adolf Mini, Ray
Minsinger, Wm. Minto, Robert Minus, Samuel L. Miramontes, E.A., Jr. Miramontes, E.A., Sr.
Miramontes, Richard Miramontes, Russell Miranda, Walt Misrack, Sam Missamore, Hal
Mitchell, Dan T. Mitchell, Fred Mitchell, Larry Mitchell, Ned T. Mitchell, Norman C.
Mitchell, Robert Mittnacht, Richard Mize, Gene Mlekus, August Mock, Joe
Moeckel, E. Julius Moeller, Walter Moellinger, M. Mohr, R. Mohrdick, Wm.
Mohs, Joe Mohs, Neil Molinari, A. Mollenkamp, Herbert Molloy, Frank J.
Molossi, Ted Molteni, Don Momyer, Arthur I. Mondot, Gabriel Monroe, Robert J.
Monroe, Wm. Monsor, Harold A. Montalto Paul Montanye, Robert Monte, John
Montedocino, Louis Montgomery, Harold Montgomery, Les Montgomery, Wm. Monti, L.S., Jr.
Montour, George Mooney, Wallace Moore, Al Moore, Carl F. Moore, Gibson
Moore, Hoyt Moore, Maurice Moore, Olie Moore, R. Moore, Ralph E.
Moore, Wm Moos, Frank Mootz, John L. Mora, Frank A. Morales, Sal
Moran, Joe Moran, Ray Morando, Ted Morano, Brownie Mord, John
Moreci, Vincent Morehead, Robert Moreland, Hugh Morena, Paul Moresco, Dick
Moresco, Henry G. Moresco, Loui Moresco, Nich Moret, Elie Morey, Richard
Morretti, Anthony Morgan, Geo. E. Morgan, Glenn Morgan, James C. Morgan, Joe
Morgan, John E. Morgan, Jonathan B. Morlen, August, Jr. Morin, Phedime J. Morini, Fiori
Moritz, Frederic P. Morley, Leonard A. Morley, Wm. H. Morlock, Francis J. Moro, Dennis
Morphew, Ken Morrill, Jack L. Morris, Dave Morris, Harry E. Morris, Lloyd
Morrison, Grant Morrison, John Morrison, Robert Morrow, Ronald "Buck" Morse, Frank
Mort, Al Mortensen, Ed Mortensen, Rudolph H. Mortigia, John Mortlock, D.
Moss, Jack B. Moss, Lou Moss, Van A. Mountain, Lawrence Mountaintes, Joe
Mountaintes, Milton Moura, Marcel Moya, Paul Moyer, Frank Mueller, Norbert
Mugele, Louis Mugnani, Elmo Muldowney, Chas. J. Mulesky, Mike Mulgrew, James W.
Mullen, James, Sr. Mullen, Ray A. Muller, Adolph J. Muller, Chas. Muller, Geo.
Miller, Robert G. Muller, Ted Muller, Wm. A. Mulligan, Barney Mulvey, John
Mulzer, Albert Mundell, James Munson, Orris Murdock, James Murdock, John D.
Murison, Alexander S. Murphy, Chas. E. Murphy, Con Murphy, Harold Murphy, Jack
Murphy, James Murphy, Joe Murphy, John Murphy, R. Joseph Murphy, Maurice
Murphy, Paul F. Murphy, R.E. Murphy, Robert Murray, J.R. Murray, Paul
Murtagh, Joseph A. Murtha, Brent Muylaert, Stanley Myers, Ed Myers, Jack D.
Myerts, Robert D. Myerson, Irving R.

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Original book donated by Nancy Pratt Melton to the History Room, San Francisco Public Library.
copyright © 1996-2004  Pamela Storm & Ron Filion.   All rights reserved.