San Francisco Commercial Club
Officers and Members, 1916
Source:  By-Laws, House Rules, Officers and Members of the San Francisco Commercial Club
San Francisco, California 1916

MacBOYLE, Errol, Mining Engineer, Crocker Bldg.
MacCONAUGHEY, H.E., Haiku Fruit & Packing Co., 112 Market St.
MACK, Adolph, Imperial Oil Company, Mills Bldg.
MACK, Harold, Bryne & McDonnell, 242 Montgomery St.
MACK, P.E., Geo. H. Tay & Co., Mission St. at 2nd.
MacLEOD, R.F., Balfour, Guthrie & Co., 350 California St.
MacMEANS, H.V., H.V. MacMeans & Co., 1204 Merchants Exchange Bldg.
MADISON, James, Canned Goods, 112 Market St.
MAGEE, Frederic E., Thomas Magee & Sons, 5 Montgomery St.
MAGEE, J.F., Columbian National Fire Insurance Co., 314 California St.
MAGEE, Wm. A., Thomas Magee & Sons, 5 Montomery St.
MAGNER, Joseph, Scott, Magner & Miller, 40 California St.
MAGNER, Saul, Magner Brothers, 419 Jackson St.
MAGNIN, Grover L., I. Magnin & Co., Geary and Grant Ave.
MAGUIRE, Jas. A., Schwagacher-Frey Stationery Co., Walnut Creek, Contra Costa Co., Cal.
MAHONY, Andrew F., Andrew F. Mahony Steamship Co., 1 Drumm St.
MAKINS, George, Makins Produce Co., 310 Davis St.
MALCOLM, Robert K., Jacobs, Malcolm & Burtt, 101 Washington St.
MALDONADO, F.B., Maldonado & Co., 37 California St.
MALM, C.A., C.A. Malm & Co., Hobart Bldg.
MANGRUM, A.S., Mangrum & Otter, 561 Mission St.
MANHEIM, H.S., Manheim Dibbern & Co., 420 Montgomery St.
MANN, Seth, Attorney-at-Law, Merchants Exchange Bldg.
MANSS, F.H., Morris Plan Co. of S.F., 80 New Montgomery St.
MARIS, Wm., Insurance Adjuster, 206 Pine St.
MARSH, H.C., Haines, Jones & Cadbury Co., 851 Folsom St.
MARSHALL, B.F., American Can Company, 1001 Mills Bldg.
MARSILY, Geo. J.G., 628 Montgomery St.
MARSTON, Col. Frank W., Real Estate, Marston Bldg.
MARTENS, H.G., Imprerial Glue Co., 620 Kohl Bldg.
MARTIN, Clifford C., Martin-Camm Co., 93 Drumm St.
MARTIN, Joseph, National Ice & Cold Storage Co., 22 Battery St.
MARTIN, Samuel, Martin-Camm Co., 93 Drumm St.
MARTIN, W.J., South San Francisco Land & Improvement Co., 702 Market St.
MARWEDEL, C.W., Machine Tools & Supplies, 76 First St.
MARX, Julius, Haas Brothers, Davis and Sacramento Sts.
MASON, J.R., J.R. Mason & Co., Merchants Exchange Bldg.
MASON, J.W., Western Pipe & Steel Co. of California, 444 Market St.
MATHEWS, John A., Aetna Insurance Co., 301 California St.
MATSON, Capt. Wm., Matson Navigation Co., 268 Market St.
MATTERN, Geo. A., Gantner, Mattern & Co., 80 Geary St.
MAUZY, Chas. S., Byron Mauzy, 250 Stockton St.
MAXWELL, Wm. B., Blake, Moffitt & Towne, 41 First St.
MAY, A., Mutual Life Insurance CO., Sansome and California Sts.
MAY, A.H., Western Union Telegraph Co., 237 Russ Bldg.
MAYBECK, Bernard R., Maybeck & White, 35 Montgomery St.
McARTHUR, W.D., Produce Broker, 310 Clay St.
McCARGAR, Jesse B., Crocker National Bank, Market and Post Sts.
McCARL, F.A., Army & Navy Y.M.C.A., 58 Sutter St.
McCARTHY, John W., Jr., John W. McCarthy, Jr. & Co., Santa Marina Bldg.
McCARTHY, W.G., Levi, Strauss & Co., Pine and Battery Sts.
McCAUGHERN, J.C., Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific Merchants Exchange Bldg.
McCAUGHERN, Thos., Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific Merchants Exchange Bldg.
McCAULEY, T.N., 71 Broadway, N.Y. City, N.Y.
McCLURE, Chas. L., Union Special Machine Co., 684 Mission St.
McCOBB, E.F., Elevator Repairs & Supply Co., 525 Market St.
McCONNELL, E.W., 2703 Forest Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
McCORMICK, C.H., First National Bank of San Francisco, Montgomery and Post Sts.
McCORMICK, Chas. R., Chas. R. McCormick & Co., Fife Bldg.
McCORMICK, E.O., Southern Pacific Company, Flood Bldg.
McCORMICK, J.S., Frye & Co., 119 Sacramento St.
McCOY, Henry J., Y.M.C.A., Golden Gate and Leavenworth St.
McCULLOUGH, A.R., McCullough Lumber Co., 807 Santa Marina Bldg.
McCULLOUGH, Frank S., McCullough Provision Co., 340 Davis St.
McDERMOTT, J.H., Standard Oil Co., 200 Bush St.
McEWEN, John A., Johnson-Locke Mercantile Co., 210 California St.
McGREGOR, J.A., Union Iron Works Company, 260 California St.
McHAFFIE, W.R., Crown Willamette Paper Co., Camas, Wash.
McHENRY, F.T., Standard Varnish Works, 119 Lafayette Ave., Piedmont, Cal.
McKEE, John Demster, Mercantile National Bank, 464 California St.
McKNIGHT, Wm. S., Attorney-at-Law, 821 First National Bank Bldg.
McLAREN, D., McRorie-McLaren, 141 Powell St.
McLAREN, Norman, McLaren, Goode & Co., 519 California St.
McLEAN, J.W., Simonds Manufacturing Co., 12 Natoma St.
McMILLAN, Anthony, Argyle Dredging Co., 244 Kearny St.
McMURTRY, L.B., McMurtry & Hoeppner, Inc., 507 First National Bank Bldg.
McNAB, Gavin, Attorney-at-Law, 1203 Merchants National Bank Bldg.
McNAB, Stewart, McNab & Smith, 38 Davis St.
McNAIR, W.W., McNair & Stoker, 1304 Merchants Exchange Bldg.
McNEAR, John A., G.W. McNear, Inc., 433 California St.
McNICOLL, A.J., Otis Elevator Company, 2725 Sacramento St.
McQUILKIN, J.C., General Fireproofing Co., 444 Market St.
MEARES, John London, Jr., Balfour Guthrie & Co., 350 California.
MEDAU, J.E., John H. Spohn Co., 49 Main St.
MEDILL, W.P., McKay & Co., 311 California St.
MEERTIEF, A., Haas Brothers, Davis and Sacramento Sts.
MEESE, Constant, Meese & Gottfried Co., 660 Mission St.
MEJIA, E., Consul General of San Salvador, Italian Bank Bldg.
MENDELL, John M., London Assurance Corporation, 160 Sansome St.
MENDENHALL, E.D., C.B. Jennings Co., 24 California St.
MENGOLA, Geo. D., Growers Rice Milling Co., 110 Market St.
MENZIES, R.H., Parrott & Co., 320 California St.
MERRILL, J.H., Jay H. Merrill Co., 150 Post St.
MESSLER, L.B., National Life Insurance Co. of U.S.A., 209 Balboa Bldg.
MEYER, B.F., Meyer Cloak & Suit Co., 114 Sansome St.
MEYER, Fred H., Architect, Bankers' Investment Bldg.
MEYER, Geo. H.C., Meyer, Wilson & Co., 454 California St.
MEYER, J. Henry, J. Henry Meyer & Co., 440 Montgomery St.
MEYER, M.O., Getz Bros. & Co., 530 Davis St.
MEYERFELD, Albert M., Printer, 311 Battery St.
MEYERS, Henry H., Architect, 1201 Kohl Bldg.
MEYERSTEIN, Jos. C., Asher, Meyerstein & McNutt, 110 Sutter St.
MICHAEL, Dave, O'Rourke Eubanks Hat Co., 7 Battery St.
MICHAELS, C.F., Langley & Michaels Co., 50 First St.
MICHALES, Henry, Langley & Michaels Co., 50 First St.
MIDDLETON, Howard, Goodyear Rubber Co., 589 Market St.
MILLAR, J.R., California Cotton Mills, Oakland, Cal.
MILLER, H. Clay, Henry F. Allen, Inc., 210 California St.
MILLER, Homer T., Continental Casualty Co., 706-8 Pacific Bldg.
MILLER, R.E., Owl Drug Company, 611 Mission St.
MILLER, W.A., Scott, Magner & Miller, 40 California St.
MILLER, W.L.W., Miller, Henrly & Scott, 340 California St.
MILLS, Edward, Mills & Hagbom, 154 Sutter St.
MINOR, R., Eschen & Minor Co., 24 California St.
MIRALDA, Dr. Timoteo, Consul General Honduras, Italian-American Bank Bldg.
MITCHELL, H.G., Harron, Rickard & McCone, 139 Townsend St.
MITCHELL, Robert, General Petroleum Corporation, 1204 Alaska Commercial Bldg.
MOFFITT, J.K., First National Bank of San Francisco, Post and Montgomery Sts.
MOHR, Rudolph, Rudolph Mohr & Sons, 660 Market St.
MOHRHARDT, C.A., Port Blakeley Mill Co., 544 Market St.
MOHRHARDT, E.F., Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific, 914 Merchants Exchange Bldg.
MONTIJO, Gernando, W. Loaiza & Co., 502 Postal Telegraph Bldg.
MOORE, Chas. C., Chas. C. Moore & Co., Sheldon Bldg.
MOORE, C.G., Alex. Smith & Sons Carpet Co., 43 Fremont St.
MOORE, Joseph A., Moore & Scott Iron Works, 678 Second St.
MOORE, J.G., Moore-Watson Dry Goods Co., Market and Front Sts.
MOORE, J.M., J.J. Moore & Co., 225 Pine St.
MOORE, Ralph H., Products Development Co., 605 Sharon Bldg.
MOORE, Walton, N., Moore-Watson Dry Goods Co., Front and Market Sts.
MOORE, Wm. H., Sterling Furniture Co., 1049 Market St.
MORGAN, Kendall, Willits, Cal.
MORRIS, Leon E., Attorney-at-Law, First National Bank Bldg.
MORRIS, W.A., Cheney Bros., Chronicle Bldg.
MORRIS, W.T., Gas & Electic Applicance Co., 441 Sutter St.
MORRISON, Wm. H., 390 Euclid Ave., Oakland, Cal.
MORSE, Lester L., C.C. Morse & Co., 737-759 Front St.
MORTON, J.W., Crane Company, Second and Brannan Sts.
MOSELEY, E.L., Merchandise Broker, 268 Market St.
MOSS, I., M. Blum & Co., Merchants Exchange Bldg.
MOSS, S.A., Mining, 625 Market St.
MOULTON, I.F., Bank of California, California St.
MULCAHY, R.E., E.F. Hutton & Co., Kohl Bldg.
MULLER, August H., German Savings & Loan Society, 526 California St.
MULLER, Frank F., Muller Sales Co., 24 California St.
MUNSON, A.K., J.A. Folger & Co., Spear & Howard Sts.
MURDOCK, Geo. H., Geo. H. Murdock & Son, 311 California St.
MURPHY, George R., Electric Storage Battery Co., 1536 Bush St.
MURPHY, Thomas, Producers Hay Co., 176 Townsend St.
MURPHY, W.H., Associated Merchants Credit Bureau, 812-17 Merchangs National Bank Bldg.
MYERS, B.D., Southern Pacific Company, 461 Market St.
NAGASHIMA, Yuji, Mitsui & Co., Ltd., 340 Merchants Exchange
NATHAN, Henry S., Holm & Nathan, 733 Market St.
NAUMAN, Chas., C. Nauman & Co., 517 Clay St.
NAUMAN, Clarence, C. Nauman & Co., 517 Clay St.
NAUMAN, H.A., Chapman & Nauman Co., 322 California St.
NEELEY, Fred M., California Hydraulic  Engineering & Supply Co., 70 Fremont St.
NEIGHBOR, R.W., E.C., Atkins & Co., 257 Mission St.
NELSON, A.S., Moore, Ferguson & Co., 244 California St.
NEUHAUS, S., Levi, Strauss & Co., Pine and Battery Sts.
NEUMANN, Paul S., H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., 310 Sansome St.
NEUSTADTER, J.H., Neustadter Bros., 1st and Mission Sts.
NEUSTADTER, Newton H., Neustadter Bros., 1st and Mission Sts.
NEWBAUER, Jesse, Newbauer Bros., 37 Battery St.
NEWBAUER, J.H., J.H. Newbauer & Co., Davis & Pacific Sts.
NEWCOMB, Guy H., Badische Co., 592 Howard St.
NEWMAN, George H., Pacific Coast Glass Works, 7th and Irwin Sts.
NEWMAN, Leo, Rathjen Bros., 272 O'Farrell St.
NEWMARK, Milton, Attorney-at-Law, Mills Bldg.
NEWTON, Geo. F., Newton's California Fire Works, 249 Front St.
NICHOLS, Chas. C., Nichols & Fay, 601 Merchants Exchange Bldg.
NICKERSON, E.A., San Joaquin Valley Sugar Co., 311 California St.
NOLAN, J.C., Nolan-Earl Shoe Co., 24 Fremont St.
NORCROSS, David C., Western Fuel Co., 430 California St.
NORMAND, Paul A., Home Insurance Co., 333 California St.
NORTON, H.C., American Rubber Mfg Co., 408 Mission St.
NOWELL, J.C., Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., 313 Shreve Bldg.
NUTTING, Franklin P., Attorney-at-Law, Holbrook Bldg.
O'BRIEN, Geo. N., American National Bank, Merchants Exchange Bldg.
O'BRIEN, T.I., O'Brien, Sportorno & Mitchell, California Market.
O'CONNOR, F.J., Donovan Lumber Co., 917 Hobart Bldg.
O'DONNELL, Jos. E., Attorney-at-Law, 832 Phelan Bldg.
O'DONNELL, Wm. James, A. Fleishhacker & Co., 134 Fremont St.
ODDIE, Clarence M., Attorney-at-Law, 827 Mills Bldg.
OESTREICHER, Julian, 3528 Washington St.
OLDHAM, Chas. F., Empire Mines, Grass Valley, Nevada Co., Cal.
OLDS, A.C., Fire Insurance, 219 Sansome St.
OLDS, Lee M., Keogh & Olds, 68 Post St.
OLIVER, A.D., Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank, Montgomery and Market Sts.
OLIVER, F.B., Shipping and Commission, 24 California St.
OLSON, Oliver J., 1 Drumm St.
OPPENHEIMER, A.C., Rosenberg Bros. & Co., 334 California St.
ORD, W.E.J., Balfour Guthrie & Co., 350 California St.
OREAR, Horace, Foster & Orear Confections, Inc., 440 Natoma St.
ORR, O.O., Prudential Insurance Co., Hearst Bldg.
OSBORN, R.W., Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co., Royal Insurance Bldg.
OSBORNE, L., Cashier of Customs, Custom House.
O'SHAUGHNESSY, M.M., City Engineer, City Hall
OTIS, Frank, Attorney-at-Law, Merchants Exchange Bldg.
OTIS, James, Otis, McAllister Co., 310 California St.
OTTINGER, A., San Francisco-Portland Steamship Co., 722 Market St.
PADILLA, Dr. Juan M., Consul General Guatemala, C.A., 460 Montgomery St.
PAGE, Arthur, Page Brothers, 310 California St.
PAGE, Geo. T., Page Brothers, 310 California St.
PAGE, Wilfred, Geo. E. Billings Co., 312 California St.
PAINTER, Edgar, Real Estate and Insurance, Kohl Bldg.
PALMER, F.S., A.B., Field & Co., 244 California St.
PALMER, W.S., Northwester Pacific Railroad, Phelan Bldg.
PARKER, A.P., A.P. Parker & Co., 1206 Merchants Exchange Bldg.
PARR, Fred D., Parr, McCormick Steamship Line, 16 California St.
PARR, John D., Parr, McCormick Steamship Line, 16 California St.
PARRISH, Edwin, Niagara Fire Insurance Co., 334 Pine St.
PASCHEL, Philip P., Baldwin & Howell, 318 Kearny St.
PATERSON, Thos. M., Mercantile National Bank, California St.
PATRICK, J.M., Patrick & Co., 560 Market St.
PATTIANI, W.L., Langley & Michaels Co., 58 First St.
PAUL, Frank, Tea Broker, 356 Market St.
PEAKE, H.G., Union Construction Co., 604 Mission St.
PEARSON, Edwrad N., Jr., Investment Bonds, 408 Insurance Exchange Bldg.
PEDDER, Stanley, Attorney-at-Law, First National Bank Bldg.
PELL, R.C., American Biscuit Company, Battery and Broadway.
PENFIELD, A.J., Atlas Insurance Co., Ltd., 100 Sansome St.
PENNINK, E.J.F., De Fremery Company, 426 Battery St.
PENOVER, C.W., Pacific Lumber Co., Hobart Bldg.
PENTZ, Wm. R., Bank of California, California and Sansome Sts.
PERCY, John A., Attorney & Counselor, Claus Spreckels Bldg.
PERRIN, John, Chairman Federal Reserve Bank, 24 New Montgomery St.
PERRY, Chas. J., Volmer & Perry, 701 Merchants Exchange Bldg.
PETERS, Fred'k. W., Geo. A. Moore & Co., 511 Insurance Bldg.
PETERSEN, Ejlert, Petroleum Products Co., Insurance Exchange Bldg.
PETERSON, Frank B., Frank B. Peterson & Co., 73 Main St.
PEW, J.W., Union Fish Company, 141 Clay St.
PHELAN, Jas. D., United States Senator, Phelan Bldg.
PHELPS, F.C., Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., 140 New Montgomery.
PHILLIPS, Louis A., Refining & Production Oil Co., 354 Pine St.
PICKERING, Fred M., Baldwin & Howell, 318 Kearny St.
PIERCE, Lyman L., Y.M.C.A., Golden Gate and Leavenworth.
PIERSON, L.H., Pope & Talbot, Foot of Third St.
PIKE, Chas. W., C.W. Pike Co., 22 Battery St.
PILLSBURY, Albert F., Marine Surveyor, 310 Sansome St.
PIPPY, Goe. H., Attorney-at-Law, Humboldt Bank Bldg.
PITCHER, E.C., Pacific Tank & Pipe Co., 5th and Bryant Sts.
PLANT, John W., American Manganese Steel Co., Insurance Exchange Bldg.
PLATSHEK, M.J., Attorney-at-Law, Pacific Bldg.
PLATT, C.B., J.A. Folger & Co., S.E. cor. Washington and Locust Sts.
PLUMMER W.A., W.A. Plummer Mfg. Co., 37 Front St.
POLHEMUS, J.H., Hamberger, Polhemus Co., Front and California Sts.
POLK, Willis, Willis, Polk & Co., Hobart Bldg.
POLLAK, Arnold, Manufacturers Agent, 715 Merchants Exchange Bldg.
POLLARD, L.R., H.G. Prince & Co., Fruitvale, Oakland, Cal.
PORTER, A.W., The J.K. Armsby Co., 627 Howard St.
PORTER, D.H., Porter-Burnham Co., 426 Front St.
PORTER, E.D., Lumber, 513 Hobart Bldg.
POTTER, E.E., E.E. Potter & Sons, 578 Sacramento St.
POTTER, E.G., E.E. Potter & Sons, 578 Sacramento St.
POTTER, W.W., E.E. Potter & Sons, 578 Sacramento St.
POWELL, Henry T., Standard Oil Co., 200 Bush St.
PRATHER, Samuel D., Merced Stone Co., 57 Post St.
PRATT, R.L.., Griffin & Skelley Co., 16 California St.
PRELAT, Randolph, Baker-Vawter Co., 444 Market St.
PRIBER, E.C., Viticulturist, 194 20th Ave.
PRIEN, H.F., H.F. Prien & Co., 461 Market St.
PRINGLE, Wm. B., Attorney-at-Law, 319 Mills Bldg.
PROCTOR, John W., The Procter Realty Co., 320 Market St.
PYE, Alfred W., Eastman Kodak Co., 241 Battery St.
QUEEN, R.E., Capitalist, 2212 Sacramento St.
RAAS, Alfred E., Muller & Raas Co., 833 Market St.
RAAS, J.C., E.G. Lyons & Raas Co., 535 Folsom St.
RAILTON, H.E.A., Pacific Mail S.S. Co., 508 California St.
RAISS, Albert, Carl Raiss & Co., 429 California St.
RALSTON, W.C. Ralston Brokerage Corporation, 25 Broad St., New York City, N.T.
RAMM, W.C., Globe Indemnity Co., 201 Alaska Commercial Bldg.
RAND, W.J., Jr., F.W. Woolworth Co., 410 Rialto Bldg.
RANDALL, H.C., Randall Elevator Door Contro Co., 115 Mission St.
RANKIN, W.A., Moore-Watson Dry Goods Co., 7 Front St.
RATCLIFF, W.H., Jr., Architect, First National Bank Bldg., Berkeley, Cal.
RATHJEN, Henry, Rathjen Mercantile Co., 467 Ellis St.
RATTO, J.F., J.M. Ratto & Bro., 88 Clay St.
RAY, F.M., Fourcar Ray & Simon, 512 Folsom St.
READER, J.B., Insurance 310 Crocker Bldg.
REARDON, P.H., General Machinery & Supply Co., 39-51 Stevenson St.
REDINGTON, Wm. P., Coffin-Redington Co., 35 Second St.
REED, Colvin M., George Russell Reed Co., 341 Clay St.
REED, John L., J.R. Hanify Co., 24 Market St.
REID, J.W., Architect, Claus Spreckels Bldg.
REID, M.J., Architect, 105 Montgomery St.
REID, Robert C., Balfour Guthrie & Co., 350 California St.
RETTENMAYER, J.P., Acme Brewing Co., Sansome and Greenwich Sts.
RETTIG, Adolph W., Perrier, Ltd., London THoreau Terrace, Bush and Jones Sts.
REVUELTO, Jose, Capitalist, 900 Postal Telegraph Bldg.
REY, V.J.A., Britton & Rey & A. Carlisle Co., 251 Bush St.
RHEEM, W.S., Standard Oil Co., 200 Bush St.
RHODIN, Carl J., Civil Engineer, 509 Alaska Commercial Bldg.
RICHARD, H.G., California Fruit Canners Assn., 120 Market St.
RICHARDS, J.W., Sharon Steel Hoop Co., Monadnock Bldg.
RIEGER, Paul, Paul Rieger & Co., 116 First St.
RINGWOOD, R.J., Pacific-ALaska Navigation Co., Pier No. 24.
RIX, E.A., Rix Compressed Air & Drill Co., 505 Howard St.
ROANTREE, J.D., Franklin Printing Trades Assn., 527 Call Building.
ROBBINS, M.H., Union Ice Company, 354 Pine St.
ROBERTS, J.G., The Mercantile Bond Co., Balboa Bldg.
ROBERTS, J.T., Stockton Fire & Enamel Brick Co., 212 Rialto Bldg.
ROBERTSON, Will J., Crane Co., 2nd and Brannan Sts.
ROBINS, F.C.H., Northern Assurance Co., Ltd., 330 California St.
ROBINSON, Merrill E., Pope & Talbot, Foot of Third St.
ROBSON, Kernan, Robson & Sattler, Nevada Bank Bldg.
ROESCH, Louis, Louis Roesch Co., 15th and Mission Sts.
ROETHLISBERGER, H., Roethlisberger & Co., 323 Front St.
ROHLFS, John C., Standard Oil Company, 200 Bush St.
ROLPH, Geo. M., California & Hawaiin Sugar Refining Co., 230 California St.
ROLPH, Jas., Jr., Mayor, San Francisco, Hind-Rolph Co., 230 California St.
ROLPH, Ronald T., Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd., 310 Sansome St.
ROLPH, W.N., Griffith-Durney Co., Fife Bldg.
ROOT, N.A., A.L. Young Machinery & Co., 26 Fremont St.
ROSENBAUM, Albert S., A.S. Rosenbaum & Co., Marine Bldg.
ROSENBERG, A., Rosenberg Bros. & Co., 334 California St.
ROSENER, Leland S., Consulting Engineer, Merchants Exchange Bldg.
ROSENFELD, Henry, John Rosenfeld Sons, Merchants Exchange Bldg.
ROSENSHINE, Albert A., Attorney-at-Law, Mills Bldg.
ROSENSTEIN, Otto, Illinois-Pacific Glass Co., 15th and Folsom Sts.
ROSENTHAL, N., Rosenthal-Kutner Co., 612 Merchants Exchnage Bldg.
ROSS, A. Carnegie, Consul General Great Britain, 268 Market St.
ROSSETER, J.H., W.R. Grace & Co., 332 Pine St.
ROSSI, R.D., Italian Swiss Colony, Grape Growers Bldg.
ROSSIER, Chas. A., Chas. A. Rossier Co., 266 Pine St.
ROTH, Wm. P., Matson Navigation Co., 235 Montgomery St.
ROTHSCHILD, John, John Rothschild & Co., Market and Spear Sts.
ROURKE, Frank B., California Fruit Canners Assn., 120 Market St.
ROWE, C.V., Certified Public Accountant, 268 Market St.
ROWLEY, Howard C., California Fruit News, 460 Montgomery St.
RUDGEAR, A., Rudgear-Merle Co., 198 Bay St.
RUETHER, F., Mohns Commercial Co., 260 California St.
RUSSELL, Alexander, Investments, 1301 Merchants National Bank Bldg.
RUSSELL, A.J., Portland Lumber Co., 16 California St.
RUSSELL, B.K., Grain Merchant, 1037 Merchants Exchange Bldg.
SACKETT, H.P., National Tank & Pipe Co., 275 Oak St., Portland, Ore.
SAINT, W.W., The N.K. Fairbank Co., 461 Market St.
SALZ, Ansley K., Kullman, Salz & Co., Wells Fargo Express Bldg.
SALZ, Edward, E. Salz & Son, 809 Merchants Exchange Bldg.
SAMET, R., Rainier Brewing Co., 1550 Bryant St.
SAMSON, Walter J., Samson & Co., Flatiron Bldg.
SANBORN, I.H., American National Bank, Merchants Exchange Bldg.
SANBORN, Ralph E., Gould & Ash, 216 Pine St.
SANFORD, J.W., Southern Cotton, Postal Telegraph Bldg.
SANJINES, Carlos, Consul General Bolivia, S.A., Holbrook Bldg.
SAPIRO, Aaron, Attorney-at-Law, First National Bank Bldg.
SATTLER, H.H., Robson & Sattler, Nevada Bank Bldg.
SAUNDERS, E.V., A.I. Hall & Son, Inc., 150 Post St.
SAVAGE, M.J., Capitalist, 304 Flatiron Bldg.
SAVAGE, Wm. C., James-Force Co., 24 California St.
SAXE, John D., Insurance Broker, 19 Leidesdorff St.
SAYRE, F.F., California Sugar & White Pine Co., First National Bank Bldg.
SBARBORO, A.E., Italian-American Bank, 460 Montgomery St.
SCHEELINE, S.C., Menlo Park, Cal.
SCHERNSTEIN, Frank C., Attorney-at-Law, 1044 Mills Bldg.
SCHILLING, A., A. Schilling & Co., Second and Folsom Sts.
SCHILLING, Rudolph, A. Schilling & Co., Second and Folsom Sts.
SCHILLING, Walter, A. Schilling & Co., Second and Folsom Sts.
SCHLESINGER, B.F., The Emporium, Market St.
SCHLESSINGER, Charles, Schlessinger Realty Co., 448 Mills Bldg.
SCHLOSS, Ben, Schloss Manufacturing Co., 42 Beale St.
SCHMIDT, Carl H., Tillmann & Bendel, Pine and Davis Sts.
SCHMIDT, Carl R., Schmidt Lithograph Co., Second and Bryant Sts.
SCHMIDT, Max, Schmidt Lithograph Co., Second and Bryant Sts.
SCHMIDT, Richard, Jr., Schmidt Lithograph Co., Second and Bryant Sts.
SCHUCKL, Max, Schuckl & Co., 16 California St.
SCHWABACHER, A.E., Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Co., 611 Market St.
SCHWABACHER, F., Crown Willamette Paper Co., 310 Sansome St.
SCHWABACHER, Jas. H., Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Co., 611 Market St.
SCHWABACHER, Max, 2101 Van Ness Ave., Apt. 20.
SCHWARTZ, S.L., L.H. Butcher Co., 214 Front St.
SCHWEITZER, Melville, Levy, Schweitzer & Co., Fifth and Minna Sts.
SCHWERIN, R.P., Associated Oil Co., 808 Sharon Bldg.
SCOFIELD, D.G., Standard Oil Company, 200 Bush St.
SCOTFORD, F.E., Advertisitn, 242 California St.
SCOTT, A.W., Jr., Scott, Magner & Miller, 40 California St.
SCOTT, Bert C., Hall-Scott Motor Car Co., 818 Crocker Bldg.
SCOTT, Geo. B., Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 600 Stockton St.
SCOTT, Geo. W., Scott & Van Arsdale Co., Inc., Crocker Bldg.
SCOTT, H.S., Barneson-Hibberd Warehouse Co., 310 Sansome St.
SCOTT, Henry T., Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., Shreve Bldg.
SCOTT, John T., Moore & Scott Iron Works, 678 Second St.
SCOTT, Leland S., Hall-Scott Motor Car Co., 818 Crocker Bldg.
SCOTT, W.P., Commercial Paper, 454 California St.
SCOTT, W.R., Southern Pacific Co., Flood Bldg.
SCOVEL, Geo. S., Scovel Iron Store Co., 754 Howard St.
SCUDDER, Eric G., Attorney-at-Law, 1103 First National Bank Bldg.
SEAGRAVE, M.C., Western Rock Products Co., Balboa Bldg.
SEALBY, Inman, Attorney-at-Law, Kohl Bldg.
SEARLES, Mailler, Manufacturers Agent, 805 Monadnock Bldg.
SELBACH, B.O., Selbach & Deans, 411 Sansome St.
SETRAKIAN, A., Hagopian & Setrakian, 422 Davis St.
SEYMS, R.W., Taylor Wharton Iron Works, Insurance Exchange Bldg.
SHAINWALD, R.S., The Paraffine Paint Co., 34 Fist St.
SHARP, C.B., Hammond Milling Co., Merchants Exchange Bldg.
SHAUGHNESSY, Frank C., Pinckard & Shaughnessy, 246 Montgomery St.
SHEA, W.D., Architect, 244 Kearny St.
SHEAHAN, J.J., Home Insurance Co. of New York, 333 California St.
SHEPARD, A.D., 2636 Union St.
SHERMAN, Frank P., Carlson-Currier Co., 114 Sansome St.
SHERMAN, Fred R., SHerman, Clay & Co., Kearny and Sutter Sts.
SHERMAN, Leander S., Sherman, Clay & Co., Kearny and Sutter Sts.
SHERWOOD, C.W., Jacob Dold Packing Co., 805 Montgomery St.
SHERWOOD, H.H., Sherwood & Sherwood, 47 Beale St.
SHERWOOD, Wm. R., Sherwood & Sherwood, 47 Beale St.
SHIELDS, A.M., Equitable Life Assurance Society, Crocker Bldg.
SHINN, H.H., Stock Broker, 310 Bush St.
SHREVE, E.O., General Electric Co., Rialto Bldg.
SHURTLEFF, Roy L., Blyth, Witter & Co., 704 Merchants Exchange Bldg.
SIDEY, J.A., Crane Co., Second and Branna Sts.
SIEGFRIED, C.J., J.C. Siegfried & Co., Hansford Block.
SIMMONS, E.E., W.P. Fuller & Co., 201 Mission St.
SIMMONS, W.M., Attorney-at-Law, 519 California St.
SIMONDS, Ray W., Simonds Machinery Co., 117 New Montgomery St.
SIMONS, Louis S., Wholesale Notions, 50 Sansome St.
SIMPSON, H.L., New Hampshire Fire Insurance Co., 300 California St.
SIMPSON, T.M., Building Material Exhibit, 77 O'Farrell St.
SIMS, J.C., Attorney-at-Law, Claus Spreckels Bldg.
SIMS, J.N., C.B. Jennings Co., 24 California St.
SIMS, R.M., Mercantile Trust Company of S.F., 464 California St.
SINCLAIR, Wm. H., New York Life Insurance Co., 320 Nevada Bank Bldg.
SINSHEIMER, Bernard, Sinsheimer & Co., 149 California St.
SINSHEIMER, Edgar, Attorney-at-Law, 12th floor, Flood Bldg.
SINSHEIMER, Henry, S. Koshland & Co., 110 Market St.
SISSON, Everett, Curtis Publishing Co., First National Bank Bldg.
SKAIFE, ALfred C., Attorney, Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Maryland, 701 Insurance Exchange Bldg.
SKINNER, John H., Bank of Italy, Clay & Montgomery Sts.
SLADE, Russell C., S.E. Slade Lumber Co., 112 Market St.
SLADE, S.E., S.E. Slade Lumber Co., 112 Market St.
SLAUSON, C.T., Missouri Pacific Ry., 207 Monadnock Bldg.
SLINGERLAND, Russell N., Standard Oil Company, 200 Bush St.
SLOAN, R.W., The Agency Co., 310 Sansome St.
SLOSS, Joseph, Butler & Brittain, 55 Main St.
SLOSS, Leon, Northern Commercial Co., 310 Sansome St.
SLOSS, Louis, Northern Commercial Co., 310 Sansome St.
SMELLIE, Wm., James & Alexander Brown, 332 Russ Bldg.
SMITH, B.J., Connecticut Fire Insurance Co., Insurance Exchange Bldg.
SMITH, C. Henry, C. Henry Smith, Inc., 311 California St.
SMITH, C.L., Anglo-California Trust Co., Market and Sansome Sts.
SMITH, Christian Wm., Coffin-Redington Co., 35 Second St.
SMITH, E.B., C. Beyfuss Co., 244 California St.
SMITH, E.R., Adjuster Fire Losses, 356 Pine St.
SMITH, Frank B., Smith, Lynden & Co., 231 Davis St.
SMITH, Geo. A., McNab & Smith, 38 Davis St.
SMITH, Geo. Ormond, London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., 332 Pine St.
SMITH, Grant H., Attorney-at-Law, Mills Bldg.
SMITH, H. Stephenson, General & Marine Insurance, 311 California St.
SMITH, James B., Western Fuel Co., 430 California St.
SMITH, Seldon C., Ginn & Co., 20 Second St.
SMITH, T.W., Stephens-Smith Grain Co., Merchants Exchange Bldg.
SMITH, W. Garner, Insurance Broker, 340 California St.
SNOOK, F.W., Frederick W. Snook Co., 596 Clay St.
SOARES, M.J., H. Hackfeld Co., Ltd., 310 Sansome St.
SOLOMON, C., Jr., Importer and Exporter, 409 Battery St.
SOMERS, F.A., Somers & Co., 240 California St.
SOMERS, R.J., Somers & Co., 240 California St.
SOMOZA, V. Fernando, Rancher, Santa Rosa, Cal.
SOOY, Chas. H., Attorney-at-Law, 702 Mills Bldg.
SOULE, J.F., Lumber, 112 Market St.
SPEAR, Lewis E., Pacific Wire Rope Co., 587 Mission St.
SPERRY, Horace B., Sperry Flour Co., 332 Pine St.
SPERRY, Jas. W., Nolan & Bartlett, 946 Folsom St.
SPEYER, W.M., New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd., 334 California St.
SPIEGL, L.M., A. Levy & J. Zentner Co., Davis and Washington Sts.
SPILMAN, Jas. S., Attorney-at-Law, 244 Kearny St.
SPLIVALO, R.B., C.R., Splivalo & Co., 956 Bryant St.
SPOHN, John H., John H. Spohn Company, 49 Main St.
SPRECKELS, A.B., J.D. Spreckels & Bro. Co., 100 Davis St.
SPRINGER, Geo. E., Union & Alameda Sugar Companies, 310 Sansome St.
SPRINGER, Geo. J., Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., 333 Grant Ave.
SPROULE, William, Southern Pacific Company, Flood Bldg.
STACKABLE, E.R., La Zacualpa-Hidalgo Rubber Co., Sheldon Bldg.
STADTFELD, W.B., Selby Smeltin & Lead Co., Merchants Exchange Bldg.
STADTMULLER, Edwin W., Wellman, Peck & Co., 311 East St.
STAHL, Adolfo, Banker & Importer, 14 Montgomery St.
STALLMAN, F.O., Pacific Tool & Supply Co., 701-27th Ave.
STANDISH, Miles, Standish & Hickey, Crocker Bldg.
STANIFORD, F.C., Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, 234 Sansome St.
STANNARD, A.C., Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., 835 Howard St.
STARK, Geo. J.W., Dodge-Sweeney & Co., 3038 Telegraph Ave., Oakland, Cal.
STARR, Robert E., Boltz, Clymer & Co., 312 Clay St.
STARR, Walter A., Grain Merchant, 322 Merchants Exchange Bldg.
STEARNS, F.A., Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co., Shreve Bldg.
STEED, Geo. V., Mangels Estate Co., 8 Pine St.
STEINER, David H., California Credit Clothing Co., 39 Stockton St.
STEINHART, Jesse H., Attorney-at-Law, Nevada Bank Bldg.
STEINMAN, I. Leland, Owl Publishing Co., 704 Hooker & Lent Bldg.
STERN, Sig., Levi, Strauss & Co., Pine and Battery Sts.
STEVEN, A.D., J.C. Whitney Co., 149 California St.
STEVENSON, C.C., Jr., Gardiner Mills Co., 16 California St.
STEVICK, Guy LeRoy, Fidelity & Deposit Co., Insurance Exchange Bldg.
STEWART, L.C., Hammond Lumber Co., 260 California St.
STEWART, W.H., Consulting Engineer & Marine Surveyor, 260 California St.
St. GOAR, Henry, Edward Pollitz Co., 419 California St.
STILES, Geo. R., Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., Claus Spreckels Bldg.
STINDT, H.G., Scott, Magner & Miller, 40 California St.
STODDARD, Clark W., The Tabulating Machine Co., 403 Wells Fargo Bldg.
STODDARD, Elgin, Chas. C. Moore & Co., SHeldon Bldg.
STOKES, Chas. E., Thomas Cook & Sons, 689 Market St.
STOLP, F.A., National LIfe Insurance Co., Flatiron Bldg.
STONE, BERTODY W., Klamath Dredging Co., Walker, Siskiyou Co., Cal.
STOY, Sam B., London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., 332 Pine St.
STRANGE, R.R., Pacific Oil & Lead Works, 155 Townsend St.
STRATFORD, Frank C., Zellerbach Paper Co., Battery & Jackson Sts.
STRATFORD, H.J., Payot, Stratford & Kerr, 429 Market St.
STREETS, R.R., Pacific Tank & Pipe Co., 5th and Bryant sts.
STROH, F.T., Lang & Stroh, 219 Drumm St.
STRONG, Chas. A., Attorney-at-Law, 1039 Mills Bldg.
STRONG, Geo. H., Dewey, Strong & Co., 911 Crocker Bldg.
STRUTHERS, H.R., Struthers & Dixon, 244 California St.
SUGG, W.P., Sperry Flour Co., 332 Pine St.
SULLIVAN, W.F., Attorney-at-Law, 112 Market St.
SUSSKIND, S.H., M. Getz & Co., Inc., 135 Main St.
SUSSMAN, L.I., Sussman Wormser & Co., 140 Spear St.
SUTRO, Alfred, Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro, 200 Bush St.
SUTRO, Oscar, Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro, 200 Bush.
SUTTON, J.G., 2201 Baker St.
SUTTON, Walter, Pope & Talbot, Foot of Third St.
SUYDAM, James H., Taft & Suydam, 100 Market St.
SWANN, Ed. S., E.S. Swann & Co., 104 Front St.
SWAYNE, Lloyd, Swayne & Hoyt, Inc., 430 Sansome St.
SWAYNE, R.B., R.B. Swayne Inc., Lumber, 805 Royal Insurance Bldg.
SWAYNE, R.H., Swayne & Hoyt, Inc., 430 Sansome St.
SWEARINGEN, H.H., Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R.R., 685 Market St.
SWICK, C.E., Graham Paper Co. of St. Louis, 311 California St.
TAFFINDER, W.G., Pacific Underwriter, 417 Montgomery St.
TAIT, John, Tait-Zinkand Cafe, 168-170 O'Farrell St.
TALBOT, F.C., Pope & Talbot, Foot of Third St.
TALBOT, W.H., Pope & Talbot, Foot of Third St.
TASHEIRA, Geo., Capitalist, 2336 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
TAUSSIG, R.J., L. Taussig & Co., 200 Mission St.
TAYLOR, Henry W., Capitalist, 605 Berkeley Bank Bldg., Berkeley, Cal.
TAYLOR, Samuel H., Electric Ry. & Mfgrs. Supply Co., 36-40 Second St.
TAYLOR, W.F., Southern Pacific Company, Flood Bldg.
TELLER, Philip S., Norton Teller & Co., 233 Front Bldg.
ten BOSCH, John R., The ten Bosch Company, 121 2nd St.
THACKARA, R.C., Luckenbach Steamship Co., 504 Merchants Exchange Bldg.
THANKE, A.F., A.F. Thane & Co., Hobart Bldg.
THATCHER, C.E., Western Union Telegraph Co., 258 Montgomery St.
THAYER, C.A., E.K. Wood Lumber Co., 112 Market St.
THAYER, Philip R., I.E. Tyaher & Co., 110 Market St.
THAYER, Philip R., I.E. Thayer & Co., 110 Market St.
THIEBEN, Jos., Panama Electric Lamp Co., 595 Mission St.
THIERBACH, Chas. F., Jones-Thierbach Co., 437 Battery St.
THOMAS, Edwin J., Smith, Thomas & Thomas, 704 Market St.
THOMAS, H.W., Hakalau Plantation Co., 408 Postal Telegraph Bldg.
THOMAS, J.A., Hercules Powder Co., 1020 Chronicle Bldg.
THOMAS, William, Attorney-at-Law, Alaska Commercial Bldg.
THOMPSON, M., M. Thompson & Co., 112 Market St.
THOMPSON, Mark, Wells Fargo & Co. Express, 2nd and Mission Sts.
THOMPSON, W.M., Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 815 Battery St.
THORNING, E.B., W.A. Plummer Mfg. Co., 37 Front St.
THORNTON, A.W., W.A. Plummer Mfg. Co., 37 Front St.
THORNTON, A.W., London Assurance Corporation, 160 Sansome St.
THORNTON, H.A., Attorney-at-Law, 604 Royal Insurance Bldg.
THUE, Mark, China Mail Steamship o., 416 Montgomery St.
TIBBITTS, W.G., W.G. Tibbitts & Co., 24 California St.
TIEDEMANN, T.J.A., Insurance, Grant Hotel, 745 Bush St.
TILDEN, C.L., Overland Freight & Transfer Co., 217 Front St.
TILLMANN, Fred, 67-2nd St.
TIMSON, Wm., Alaska Packers Assn., 85-2nd St.
TOMLINSON, Wm. W., Wilcox, Peck & Hughes, 311 California St.
TOMPKINS, P.W., Curtis & Tompkins, 108 Front St.
TOPLITZ, Joseph B., Stock Broker, 381 Bush St.
TOURNY, Geo., German Savings & Loan Society, 526 California St.
TOWNSEND, Geo. E., Aetna Insurance Co., 301 California St.
TRAUNG, Chas. F., Traung Label & Lithograph Co., Battery & Green Sts.
TREADWELL, E.F., Attorney-at-Law, Merchants Exchange Bldg.
TRIEST, Jos., Haas Brothers, 200 Davis St.
TROWER, F.W., Trower Bros., Lumber, 110 Market St.
TRUMAN, C.H.J., Truman Undertaking Co., 1919 Mission St.
TRUMAN, I.J., Truman Investment Co., 701 Humboldt Bank Bldg.
TRYON, E.H., Wool Merchant, Chronicle Bldg.
TRYON, L.H., Wool Merchant, Chronicle Bldg.
TUBBY, W.G., Oil, 3218 Jackson St.
TUKCER, T.C., California Almond Growers Exchange, 311 California St.
TURNER, M.H., Broker, Canned Goods, 112 Market St.
TURNER, Thos., Accountant, 354 Pine St.
TURPIN, Chas. S., Insurance, 312 California St.
TYNAN, Jos. J., Union Iron Works Company, 20th and Michigan Sts.
TYSON, Geo. H., Insurance, 210 Sansome St.
TYSON, James, The Chas. Nelson Co., 230 California St.
TYSON, R.J., Seabord National Bank, Market and Spear Sts.
UNGEWITTER, H.T., Associated Underwriters, 374 Pine St.
UPHAM, B.P., Isaac Upham Co., 510 Market St.
UPHAM, I.O., Isaac Upham Co., 510 Market St.
UPHAM, J.L., Boorum & Pease Co., N.Y.
UPWARD, W., W.R. Grace & Co., 322 Pine St.
VAIL, D.P., C.C. Moore & Co., Sheldon Bldg.
VAIL, R.R., J.A. Folger & Co., 101 Howard St.
VAN GEUNS, S.H., Merchandise Broker, 268 Market St.
VAN NOSTRAND, L., Milton, Bradley Co., 20 Second St.
VAN SICKLEN, F.D., Dodge-Sweeney & Co., 36 Spear St.
VAN SICKLEN, F.W., Dodge-Sweeney & Co., 36 Spear St.
VERDIER, Paul, City of Paris D.G. Co., Stockton and Geary Sts.
VINTER, James H., John T. Wright & Co., 22 Battery St.
VOLKMANN, D.G., A. Schilling & Co., 2nd and Folsom Sts.
VOLKMANN, Wm. G., A. Schilling & Co., 2nd and Folsom Sts.
VOLLMER, Fred V., Anglo-California Trust Co., Market & Sansome Sts.
VOLMER, R., Vomer & Perry, Merchants Exchange Bldg.
VOORSANGER, J.H., J.H. Voorsanger Co., Insurance Exchange Bldg.
WACHOLDER, J., Illinois-Pacific Glass Co., 15th and Folsom Sts.
WALDECK, Herman, Bissinger & Co., Front and Jackson Sts.
WALDRON, Vernon, Waldron & Dietrich, 576 Mission St.
WALKER, Geo. L., Brown, Walker, Simmons Co., Crocker Bldg.
WALKER, O.H., Pacific Coast Paper Co., 545 Mission St.
WALLACE, F.W., E.I. DuPont de Nemours Powder Co., Chronicle Bldg.
WALLACE, J.S., Mining, 1022 Crocker Bldg.
WALSH, James J., Tillmann & Bendel, Pine and Davis Sts.
WALSH, Louis K., Sturdivant Coal Co., 423 Fulton St.
WALSH, V.S., Advertising Specialties, 560 Mission St.
WALTER, Clarence R., D.N. & E. Walter & Co., 100 Stockton St.
WALTER, David L., Merchants & Manufacturers Assn., 515 Call Bldg.
WALTER, Sanford F., Accountant and Sundstrand, Adding Machine, 449 Mills Bldg.
WARD, KLouis A., American Trading Co., 244 California St.
WARD, Roy C., Geo. E. Billings Co., 312 California St.
WARD, Timothy W., San Francisco News Co., 747 Howard St.
WARD, W.S., Williams, Dimond & Co., 310 Sansome St.
WARNER, F.B., Los Angeles Soap Co., 250 Front St.
WARNER, R.C., Standard Oil Co., 200 Bush St.
WARREN, J.P., Felt & Tarrant Mfg. Co., 544 Market St.
WASHBURN, F.L., Western Meat Co., 6th and Townsend Sts.
WATERHOUSE, C.J., The Waterhouse Co., 595 Market St.
WATERMAN, Emil, Grain, Beans, etc., 255 California St.
WATERS, R.J., R.J. Waters & Co., 717 Market St.
WATERS, W.C., Retired, 1946 California St.
WATT, H.J., Marwick, Mitchell, Peat & Co., 310 California St.
WATT, James Alva, Attorney-at-Law, Royal Insurance Bldg.
WATT, Rolla V., Royal Insurance Co., Ltd., Royal Insurance Bldg.
WEAVER, Chester H., Chester N. Weaver Co., 1216 Van Ness Ave.
WEAVER, Stuart E., Stuart E. Weaver Co., Merchants Exchange Bldg.
WEBER, R.W., F.W. Woolworth Co., 410 Rialto Bldg.
WEBSTER, D.F., Pacific Commercial Co., 310 California St.
WEEKS, Geo. K., N.W. Halsey & Co., 424 California St.
WEIDENMULLER, L.A., Harrigan-Weidenmuller Co., 354 Montgomery St.
WEILL, Raphael, Raphael Weill & Co., White House, Sutter and Grant Ave.
WEINMANN, Louis, Fireman's Fund Insurance Co., 401 California St.
WEINMANN, L.R., Merchants Exchange Bldg.
WEINSTOCK, Harris, Weinstock-Nichols Co., 525 Market St.
WEINSTOCK, Walter, Weinstock-Nichols Co., 525 Market St.
WEIR, W.B., Whittier-Coburn Co., 301 Howard St.
WELBANKS, Webster, Welbanks & Co., Drumm & Washington Sts.
WELCH, Fred V., M.A. Gunst & Co., Inc., California and Front Sts.
WELCH, S.B., Berkeley, Cal.
WELD, C.W., Crane Co., 2nd and Brannan Sts.
WELISCH, W.T., W.T. Welisch & Co., 230 California St.
WELLINGTON, A.E., West Sacramento Co., West Sacramento, Cal.
WELLMAN, C.J., Bradstreet Co., Kohl Bldg.
WELLMAN, H.P., California Fruit Canners Assn., 120 Market St.
WELLS, C.B., Capitalist, Cor. Ocean View and West View Drive, Oakland, Cal.
WENTWORTH, F.W., Frank W. Wentworth & Co., 539 Market St.
WENTZ, Walter B., Maryland Casualty Co., Kohl Bldg.
WERNER, Frank, Frank Werner Co., 764 Market St.
WEST, Ross R., M.G. West Co., 353 Market St.
WESTFALL, F.T., Amalgamated Freight Traffic Bureau, 829 Monadnock Bldg.
WESTLAKE, J.S., Wells Fargo & Co. Express, Ferry Depot.
WESTPHAL, Dr. Otto F., Dental Surgeon, 275 Post St.
WETMORE, C.J., Wetmore, Bowen Co., 166 Eddy St.
WHEELOCK, E.A., The Chas. Nelson Co., 230 California St.
WHIPPLE, F.B., National Ice Company, Postal Telegraph Bldg.
WHITE, A.L., White Bros., Lumber, 5th and Brannan Sts.
WHITE, Edward H., A. Galli Fruit Co., Front & Washington Sts.
WHITE, Walter H., Insurance Broker, 235 Montgomery St.
WHITE, Wm. L., R.N. Burgess Co., 742 Market St.
WHITE, Wm. T., White Bros., Lumber, 5th and Brannan Sts.
WHITING, R.V., Attorney-at-Law, Monadnock Bldg.
WHITNEY, Chas. M., Crown Willamette Paper Co., 310 Sansome St.
WHITNEY, Leslie D., Leslie Salt Refining Co., Flatiron Bldg.
WHITNEY, St. John, Leslie Salt Refining Co., Flatiron Bldg.
WHITTON, Frederick, Construction Manager, 251 Kearny St.
WIEL, Eli H., Buckingham & Hecht, 657 Mission St.
WIGHT, F.G., Crown Willamette Paper Co., 310 Sansome St.
WILLIAMS, B.J., The Paraffine Paint Co., 34 First St.
WILLIAMS, E.G., Dodge-Sweeney & Co., 40 Spear St.
WILLIAMS, J.B., Sloss Securities, 310 Sansome St.
WILLIAMS, T.H., Insurance Adjuster, 614 Insurance Exchange Bldg.
WILLIAMS, W.F., Four Merchant, 738 Merchants Exchange Bldg.
WILLIAMSON, C.H., Willcox, Peck & Hughes, 311 California St.
WILLIAR, Henry R., Exporter & Importer, 75 Newhall Bldg.
WILLIS, John S., S.F. Chamber of Commerce, Merchants Exchange Bldg.
WILLITS, Chas. D., Willits & Patterson, Fife Bldg.
WILLSON, G.H., Weather Bureau, Merchants Exchange Bldg.
WILSON, A.A., Canadian Bank of Commerce, 204 Pala Ave., Piedmont, Cal.
WILSON, Chas. E., Lawyer, Mills Bldg.
WILSON, H.A., Consul of Chili, 311 California St.
WILSON, J.K, Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank, Montgomery and Market Sts.
WILSON, John Scott, Real Estate & Insurance, Nevada Bank Bldg.
WILSON, R.O., Bay Side Lumber Co., 112 Market St.
WINCHESTER, Fred. P., Manufacturers Agent, 382 Mission St.
WINDT, Henry, Eagle Tannery, 26th and San Bruno Ave.
WINTERHALTER, W.K., 2633 Green St.
WIRTNER, John J., Manufacturers Agent, 605 Wells Fargo Bldg.
WITTER, Dean G., Blyth, Witter & Co., 704 Merchants Exhcnage Bldg.
WOLBACH, Karl, Haas Brothers, 200 Davis St.
WOLCOTT, L.W., The Sherwin-Williams Co., 454 2nd St.
WOLF, Myron, Attorney-at-Law, 1022-1028 Monadnock Bldg.
WOLF, W.H., Wolf & Sons, 201 Drumm St.
WOLFE, F.W., Bank of California, California and Sansome Sts.
WOLFE, L.G., Bartow, Wolfe & Hastings, 516 Mission St.
WOLLMAN, A.H., Sutro & Co., 410 Montgomery.
WOOD, C.J., Caspar Lumber Co., Hobart Bldg.
WOOD, E.K., E.K. Wood Lumber Co., 112 Market St.
WOOD, Frank F., Seeley & Co., 408 Clunie Bldg.
WOOD, Walter, E.K. Wood Lumber Co., 112 Market St.
WOOD, W.H., Hart-Wood Lumber Co., Fife Bldg.
WOODHEAD, Wm., Woodhead, Field & Co., 460 4th St.
WOODS, C.D., Frank H. Woods Trust, 417 Montgomery St.
WOOSTER, C.M., C.M. Wooster Co., 303 Phelan Bldg.
WORDEN, W.H., Leland Equipment Co., 126 Pine St.
WORMSER, Gustav, Sussman Wormser & Co., 140 Spear St.
WORMSER, S.I., Retired Merchant, 203 California St.
WRIGHT, Allen G., Wright & Wright & Stetson, 1019 Mills Bldg.
WRIGHT, Chas. A., Plant Rubber & Supply Co., 32 Beale St.
WRIGHT, F.F., Elliott-Fisher Co., 259 Monadnock Bldg.
WRIGHT, Geo. T., Wright & Wright & Stetson, 1019 Mills Bldg.
WRIGHT, J.R.,. Safe Cabinet Co., 215 Balboa Bldg.
WRIGHT, W.H., Bay & River Dredging Co., 731 Merchants Exchange Bldg.
WRIGHT, W.Q., Bay & River Dredging Co., 731 Merchants Exchange Bldg.
YATES, R.R., First National Bank of San Francisco, Montgomery and Post Sts.
YEAZELL, H.A., Globe Grain & Milling Co., Chestnut and Montgomery Sts.
YEAZELL, W.T., California Dried Fruit Assn., 255 California St.
YORK, Ralph E., York-Bradford Co. Inc., 663 Howard St.
YOUNG, A.L., A.L. Young Machinery Co., 26 Fremont St.
YOUNG, Garnet, Telephone & Electric Equipment Co., 612 Howard St.
YOUNG, H.H., Young & Swain Baking Co., 2140 O'Farrell St.
YOUNG, H.R., California Stevedore & Ballast Co., 210 California St.
ZADIG, Herman, Zadig & Co., 365 Bush St.
ZANE, F.A., Executor Estate Edward Coleman, 10 Insurance Exchange Bldg.
ZELLERBACH, I., Zellerbach Paper Co., Battery and Jackson Sts.
ZELLERBACH, J.C., Zellerbach Paper Co., Battery and Jackson Sts.
ZIMET, H.I., A.F. Thane & Co., Hobart Bldg.
ZOBEL, Dr. A.J., Physician & Surgeon, 518 Shreve Bldg.

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