San Francisco
Divorces (1889)


A Decrease as Compared with 1888.


Statistics Which Indicate That Women Dislike the Bonds.

The following statistics dealing with the divorce question, as adjudicated by the courts of this city, furnish an interesting study. By reference to the comparative table it will be seen that the number of divorces granted in 1888 exceeded those of 1889 by 111. At the same time the record for 1889 shows the ratio granted on application of the wife is about the same as last year. The record for 1889, when compared with the three previous years, is certainly very gratifying with the exception of the single ground of cruelty, which looms up with undue prominence:
Number granted
Granted to Wife
Failure to provide
In 1884 there were 392 cases; in 1883, 342 cases; 1881, 363 cases, and 1880, 333 cases.

In the following list the name of the person to whom the decree was granted is given first:

Adams—M. L. from Charles, March 20th; adultery.

Alexander—H. M. from Eliza S., May 16th; refusal to cohabit.
Allen—Alice Bush from Charles F., September 14th; extreme cruelty.
Anderson—Martin from Alice, October 16th; desertion.
Apple—Sophie E. W. from Robert L., April 20th; extreme cruelty.
Archibald—A. W. from Eva, August 31st; desertion.
Aubrey—W. A. from L. O., November 14th; failure to provide.
Auilet—Delia from David, November 13th; desertion.
Babington—Susan M. from Clarendon, May 14th; desertion.
Bailey—Elmira from Benjamin L., July 17th; desertion.
Bailey—Newton J. from Ithau H., March 19th; desertion.
Barnes—William S. from Hattie A., December 11th; extreme cruelty.
Barrett—Elizabeth from Thomas H., August 5th; desertion.
Barry—Nellie from Thomas, October 17th; habitual intemperance.
Barry-Ellen F. from M. J., September 5th; adultery.
Bassagnino—Susan from Peter, August 12th; desertion.
Bates—C. P. from Emily, May 29th; desertion.
Becht—John from Ida, November 12th; adultery.
Bedford—E. H. from Belle, February 21th; adultery.
Behan—George H. from Anna G., April 19th; desertion.
Bennett—Alfred from Julia A, March 27th; desertion.
Bingham—Jennie from John, August 13th; desertion.
Bird—Annie Belle from George F., September 27th; desertion.
Bird—James W. from Sarah D., August 13th; willful desertion.
Bitter—Caroline from Emil, May 8th; desertion and failure to provide.
Blakery—Joseph H. from Mamie, June 1st; desertion.
Blaw—Sophie from David, August 2d; adultery.
Boyer—Nellie I. from Sydney R., October 7th; willful neglect.
Bradbrook—Alice A. from Harry, June 7th; desertion.
Brader—Louis from Charlotte, October 28th; desertion.
Bradlee—Belle from Frank R., March 26th; failure to provide.
Bradshaw—Julia from Ira C., December 4th; willful neglect.
Brinkmann—Johanne from Frederick, January 8th; cruelty.
Brison—Sarah from William M., June 4th; extreme cruelty.
Britton—Lydia from James A., June 18th; failure to provide.
Brown—Edward L. from Mary A., August 8th; desertion.
Brown—Martha from John W., November 16th; willful desertion and failure to provide.
Brown—Martha from John W., November 16th; willful desertion and neglect.
Brumenskant—Pauline from John, December 6th; cruelty.
Bulger—Margaret from Frank, November 6th; cruelty.
Butter—Susie from J. L., January 30th; failure to provide.
Cannon—J. Willie from D. E. S., October 10th; failure to provide.
Carter—Lucretia from Frederick F., June 1st; extreme cruelty.
Casey—Catherine K. from Thomas F., December 5th; desertion.
Casseres—Julia W. from C. F., May 11th; desertion and failure to provide.
Cazeneve—Louise from George F.; extreme cruelty.
Chapman—Benjamin from Alice, August 23d; desertion.
Chapman—Kate from John J., October 22d; failure to provide.
Chase—Jennie W. from Joseph G., July 30th; extreme cruelty.
Chenowith—Paralee from J. M., January 12th; desertion.
Christensen—Annie from Chris William, June 11th; extreme cruelty.
Christensen-Laura A. from Henry A., June 10th; extreme cruelty.
Clark—Frances E. from James, October 7th; failure to provide.
Clark—Henry A. from Emma J., September 18th; willful desertion.
Clarke—Victoria S. from John J., August 29th; extreme cruelty.
Clasby—Mamie E. from Julian E., September 30th; desertion.
Cleve—Laurenzia from Ernst, November 15th; failure to provide.
Cohne—Margarethe from Francis, July 31st; desertion.
Colburn—Mary from Peter, July 22d; failture to provide.
Colby—Susan M. from Richard A., August 26th; failure to provide and extreme cruelty.
Coleman—Mary from Harry A., December 13th; failure to provide.
Coleman—Norah from Norris, February 1st; failure to provide.
Collins—Henry J. from Catherine M., August 10th; desertion.
Collins—Sarah A. from Michael C., August 31st; desertion and failure to provide.
Collison—Margaret from James, November 21st; extreme cruelty.
Collraudt—P. W. from William M., August 13th; extreme cruelty.
Connolly—Alice P. from Francis J., October 4th; willful desertion.
Cook-Louisa from Morton, August 24th; extreme cruelty.
Cooper—Frances from William, September 21st; conviction of a felony.
Corbly—Charles E. from Maggie E., April 1st; willful desertion.
Corcoran—Lena from William, October 28th; failure to provide.
Corriveau—Charlotte H. from Louis, December 27th; desertion.
Counseller—Chalres from Sarah M., November 26th; intemperance and cruelty.
Cox—Thomas J. from Caroline C., May 16th; exterme cruelty.
Coxen—John from Sarah J., November 6th; willful desertion.
Craig—Jennie from Charles, December 5th; extreme cruelty.
Crandall—Theresa M. from Eli H., November 7th; failure to provide.
Creighton—Minerva from David I., July 24th; desertion.
Cristy—Librada L. from James A., December 30th; desertion.
Crosby—Frank B. from Estella R., July 15th; desertion.
Cunningham—Rosanna from Owen, February 13th; extreme cruelty.
Dailey—John T. from Elizabeth, July 3d; habitual intemperance.
Dall—Julia E. from George A., June 18th; desertion.
Danielson—Wilhelmina from John W., June 27th; extreme cruelty.
Davey—Lizzie from John, August 6th; extreme cruelty.
Davis—Barbara from John, September 17th; failure to provide.
De Corbe—Anna from M. C., December 23d; willful neglect and failure to provide.
Decker—Sarah E. from Henry C., February 28th, cruelty.
Demicheli—Rose from Giovanni, February 7th; extreme cruelty.
Desiree—Minnie from Eugene, May 23d; extreme cruelty.
Desslow—Mary from Henry, December 5th; desertion.
Dows—Charlotte M. from Henry James, July 21st; cruelty.
Drummond—Julia from Frank G., December 14th; extreme cruelty and failure to provide.
Dryer—Charles F. from Maria S., October 20th; desertion.
Dugan—Ellen from Patrick, May 10th; intemperance.
Dugan—Marie J. from Charles E., May 10th; willful desertion.
Dunbar—Elisabeth from Thomas, October 29th; failure to provide and desertion.
Dunbar—Mary A. from James, December 20th; extreme cruelty.
Dunu—Amanda from Joseph L., October 3d; desertion and failure to provide.
Eaton—Isaac F. from Elizabeth, July 17th; adultery.
Edwards—Nancy from Augustus, March 7th; failure to provide.
El Keles—Lizzie from Aaron, May 13th; extreme cruelty.
Elphick—Thomas H. from Annie E., August 3d; willful desertion.
Enright—Patrick from Frances, January 31st; intemperance.
Faber—Charles from Eva D., April 9th; desertion.
Farrell—Patrick F. from Rebecca, May 29th; habitual intemperance.
Fenn—J. w. from Matilda B., July 22d; adultery.
Filmer—William from E. M. A., March 28th; adultery.
Fitch—Maggie from Charles W., June 7th; desertion.
Flanigan—Winifred from Edward, July 15th; failure to provide.
Flewwelling—Magdalina from Clarence, November 8th; willful desertion.
Fonda—Mary T. from William M., August 16th; desertion.
Foor—Alice M. from George W., November 29th; desertion.
Foran—Elizabeth V. from Edward, November 8th; cruelty.
Freese—Wilhelmina from John F., November 7th; extreme cruelty.
Frey—Carrie from E. C., January 30th; failure to provide.
Garden—Johnathan H. from Abbi K. H., November 8th; habitual intemperance.
Gardiner—Kittie from Thomas J., August 28th; cruelty.
Geantil—Lena from Antoine, July 23d; cruelty.
Germer—Barbara R. from John C., August 13th; extreme cruelty.
Gladding—Ida I. from Charles F., June 14th; extreme cruelty.
Gomez—Kittie A. from Thomas C., November 8th; extreme cruelty.
Graham—Abbie W. from Charles H., February 4th; failure to provide.
Greenbaum—Nanette from Berthold, December 14th; failure to provide.
Grimley—Robert from Mary, July 25th; desertion.
Haas—L. C. from George S., Novmeber 6th; desertion.
Hadeler—Augustus from Elizabeth, September 28th; extreme cruelty.
Hahn—Adellea T. from Frederick L, July 25th; extreme cruelty.
Hair—Hilda from James, December 30th; extreme cruelty.
Hall—Mary Ann from Charles P., November 29th; willful desertion.
Hallin—Henrietta M. from Carl P., Spetember 17th; extreme cruelty.
Hamilton—Amelia from James M., March 15th; habitual intemperance and failure to provide.
Hamilton—Elma R. from Robert E., July 12th; failure to provide.
Hamilton—Martha from Miller, June 12th; failure to provide.
Hanbrich—Mary from Peter, November 23d; willful neglect and failure to provide.
Hansen—Ana M. from Louis H., June 5th; cruelty.
Hard—Nellie from R. B., September 1st; desertion.
Harrison—Ambrozina from Thomas M., October 21st; extreme cruelty.
Harte—Ella F. from Francis M., April 19th; extreme cruelty.
Hass—Lennie C. from George S., November 6th; extreme cruelty, desertion and failure to provide.
Hatteroth—Susan from William, February 21st; cruelty.
Haviland—Katherine S. from W. W., July 24th; habitual intemperance.
Haynes—Catherine from William, June 7th; desertion.
Hayward—Cassie from Henry M., December 7th; extreme cruelty.
Hehrmann—Ida from Frank, October 21st; desertion and failure to provide.
Heilbuth—John from Rebecca, December 5th; adultery.
Heimsoth—Sophie from Frudovich, May 14th; cruelty and habitual intemperance.
Hermann—Catharina from Max, August 26th; extreme cruelty.
Hern—Celia from Thomas, August 13th; cruelty.
Herold—Rudolph from Ida R., April 25th; desertion.
Heymans—Marie from Alexander, December 17th; failure to provide.
Hipple—Agnes E. from Jesse, May 9th; cruelty.
Hobbs—Edith J. from Frederick F., September 12th; desertion.
Hodges—Mary L. from Albert P., December 30th; cruelty.
Hodges—Nellie from Stephen H., Novmeber 29th; willful neglect.
Hollander—Hannah from Siegfred, August 19th; failure to provide.
Holley—William G. from Nannie A., August 10th; desertion.
Hooker—Elizabeth S. from Richard C., June 14th; desertion.
Hosmer—V. B. from Albert, April 13th; desertion and failure to provide.
Howe—Elvira C. from George F., October 4th; cruelty.
Howe—Frank C. from Sarah J., April 17th; adultery.
Hughes—Amelia M. from Frederick S., September 17th; failure to provide.
Hunt—J. A. from S. H., September 3d; extreme cruelty.
Hunter—Grace A. from William H., March 19th; willful desertion.
Huskinson—Alice from Edward, May 4th; desertion.
Irving—Rose from Washington, July 20th; desertion.
Jenkins—Mary from Thomas, November 13th; extreme cruelty.
Jennings—Annie from George J., September 25th; cruelty.
Jewett—Lillie A. from Thomas A., July 12th; intemperance and failure to provide.
Johnson—Maren from Oscar, June 24th; extreme cruelty.
Johnston—Mary from John G., April 10th; conviction of a felony.
Josselyn—Elia S. from Joseph H. J., October 4th; desertion.
Kahn—Maggie from Henry, May 10th; extreme cruelty and failure to provide.
Kaulbach—Alice A. from John F., November 15th; neglect.
Kean—Serenia Ann from Joseph B., December 23d; willful neglect and extreme cruelty.
Kearney—Annie E. from John A., June 19th; failure to provide.
Kempe—Victor M. from Johanna M., August 31st; desertion.
Kerrigan—Patrick from Mary E., March 8th; intemperance.
Kettie—Mary from William, November 16th; extreme cruelty.
Kiernan—Hattie from William, December 30th; failure to provide.
Kilday—James R. from Theresa, November 20th; adultery.
Kline—Samuel from Regina, April 19th; desertion.
Knox—Ellen R. from Edward R., April 19th; failure to provide.
Koster—Annie E. from Henry, May 25th; willful desertion.
Kuan—S. Ann from Joseph B., December 24th; failure to provide and extreme cruelty.
Kubach—Fredericka from William, September 26th; extreme cruelty.
Kuhn—Francisco from Frank, June 25th; failure to provide.
Kusel—Caroline from Solomon A., May 24th; cruelty.
Kutcher—Elizabeth from Adolph, December 10th; desertion.
Lang—Nicholas H. from Mary E., August 31st; extreme cruelty.
Lavin—J. P. from Henrietta, April 22d; failure to provide.
Laviolette—Charles F. G. from Emelie V., September 16th; adultery.
Lawrence—Annie C. from Charles F., August 11th; desertion and failure to provide.
Lecounta—Louisa A. from Joseph A., April 19th; willful neglect.
Leighton—W. H. from Ida C., July 27th; willful desertion.
Leishman—William from Julia, May 28th; extreme cruelty.
Lennon—Mary from Alexander, March 13th; willful neglect.
Levy—Guste from Jacob, August 31st; failure to provide.
Lewis—Edward from M. M., September 27th; exreme cruelty.
Lippman—S. from Bertha, July 24th; desertion.
Lohmann—F. from J. A., May 16th; desertion.
Love—Della A. from John D., July 11th; desertion.
Lovejoy—Ada A. from Lyman H., April 23d; failure to provide.
Lund—Deanie from Charles P., July 31st; failure to provide.
Lyons—Katie from William, March 15th; failure to provide.
M??lon—Harriet A. from Sargent S., June 28th; cruelty.
Macgregor—Margaret from Hugh, July 11th; habitual intemperance.
Mackie—Carrie M. from J. O., June 15th; failure to provide.
Magee—John from Kate, December 10th; intemperance.
Maloney—Daniel D. from Winifred, August 2; habitual intemperance.
Maloney—Mary from William, September 5th; desertion.
Marrin—Ellen from Thomas, October 14th; cruelty.
Marshall—Mary P. from J. B., July 19th; failure to provide.
Martenstein—Mabel from Jacob A., August 19th; habitual intemperance.
Mason—D. E. from Mary A., July 19th; desertion.
Mason—Nellie M. from Alfred D., June 18th; extreme cruelty and desertion.
Mathews—Isabelia J. from Jose R., October 29th; cruelty.
Mathews—Lillian M. from Frank S., September 19th; desertion.
Maxfield—Anna J. from L. L., August 21st; habitual intemperance.
Mayers—Anna J. from John, November 6th; extreme cruelty.
Mayes—Theresa from Louis, August 30th; conviciton of a felony.
McAuley—Minnie from Charles R., May 2d; failure to provide.
McCarthy—Ellen M. from Patrick, July 31st; extreme cruelty.
McCarthy—Kate M. from Timothy, May 2d; intemperance.
McClure—Bonnie from James W., April 20th; extreme cruelty.
McKiernan—Florence D. from Bernard M., June 7th; failure to provide.
McKinney—Elizabeth A. from James, October 24th; cruelty.
McLaughlin—Maria from Francis, October 25th; desertion.
McMurtry—Sarah from William K., July 6th; failure to provide.
Meis—Edith L. from Howard W., July 20th; adultery.
Meyers—Joseph from Josephine, December 6th; desertion.
Mogan—M. A. from P. J., February 15th; willful neglect and desertion.
Morant—Mary from Martin, August 27th; extreme cruelty.
Morgan—William J. from L. G. M., April 17th; intemperance.
Morlock—Mary E. from Charles F., November 6th; willful desertion.
Morrison—Louis from Allie, August 12th; desertion.
Morse—Mary A. from Franklin B., May 6th; desertion.
Mosbacher—Rebecca from Emmanuel, August 15th; extreme cruelty.
Moselter—C. R. from Peter, June 3d; extreme cruelty.
Mullen—Elizabeth J. from Aaron J., September 15th; adultery.
Murphy—Jennie from John, August 22d; intemperance.
Myser—Ellen M. from Joseph W., March 18th; desertion.
Neitler—Minna from John, December 9th; adultery.
Nelson—Agnes from Frank, October 1st; failure to provide.
Nelson—Johanna from Charles, April 11th; extreme cruelty.
Noary—N. E. from Jennie, June 13th; desertion.
Noble—Carrie G. from Patrick, June 13th; extreme cruelty and desertion.
O'Brien—Fannie from Cornelius J., April 26th; desertion.
O'Brien—Margaret F. from Frank, April 18th; desertion and failure to provide.
O'Connor—Josephine from Peter F., September 24th; desertion.
O'Rorke—Mary E. J. from Thomas, November 30th; cruelty.
Orr—Mintie T. from Frank B., May 27th; desertion.
Page—Isabella from Thomas, November 14th; extreme cruelty.
Palmer—Fannie from Cyrus E., April 4th; failure to provide and willful desertion.
Paris—Otto M. from Jennie E., October 16th; willful desertion.
Parry—Mary C. from Adam M., July 19th; extreme cruelty.
Pedruzzle—Mary from S. J., June 7th; extreme cruelty.
Peterich—Fannie from Joseph, September 26th; willful neglect and failure to provide.
Peters—Alice from Pierie, December 11th; extreme cruelty.
Petersen—P. H. from Minnie, May 20th; willful desertion.
Peterson—Annie L. from William F., December 13th; willful neglect.
Peterson—Catherine from Carl, August 8th; willful desertion.
Peterson—Olive from B. P., August 30th; failure to provide.
Phelps—Eleanor from W. M., April 25th; failure to provide.
Philbrick—W. W. from F. C., May 16th; desertion.
Piercy—Nora A. from Edward M., April 29th; desertion.
Pocock—Mary from George, November 29th; neglect.
Poll—Margaret from Dietrich, December 2d; extreme cruelty.
Pray—Fred N. from Maggie, September 19th; intemperance.
Prescott—Lottie from Charles, August 21st; adultery.
Pryor—Flora Church from Joseph Henry, May 14th; habitual intemperance.
Purcell—Mary from James. M., May 14th; extreme cruelty.
Quinlan—Catherine E. from Patrick, November 16th; extreme cruelty.
Reade—Mary E. from Isaac J., March 20th; failure to provide.
Reed—Isabella A. from Allan C., June 27th; failure to provide.
Reid—Louise from Louis, April 24th; desertion and failure to provide.
Revenaz—Gaston C. from Laura, September 13th; adultery.
Reynolds—Sarah from John, August 30th; extreme cruelty.
Rezzano—Katy from Angelo, November 5th; willful neglect.
Richie—Alice J. from Mangun, July 23d; habitual intemperance.
Rickbern—R. M. from Fernando, September 12th; cruelty.
Rohr—Joseph from E. Lily, June 21st; adultery.
Roloff—John from Fannie, December 16th; adultery.
Romeo—Anna from Domingo, November 8th; failure to provide.
Rothweiler—Charles from Mary L., June 20th; desertion.
Russel—Laura from William John, June 1st; cruelty.
Rutherford—Emma M. from John A., Nomveber 26th; desertion.
Sanagran—Millie from Burt, November 7th; desertion.
Sancedo—Alex from Maria, April 1st; desertion.
Sanderson—Lemuel A. from Lydia, December 30th; desertion.
Sawyer—Carrie F. from John E., March 11th; willful neglect.
Scharror—Elizabeth S. from Louis, October 11th; extreme cruelty.
Schlam—Lillian from Hugo Victor, April 8th; desertion and failure to provide.
Schmidlin—Frederick from Ida, August 26th; desertion.
Schultz—Emily from Louis, August 21st; extreme cruelty.
Sewell—Alice F. from Amos F., September 10th; desertion.
Shade—Emma F. from Frederick A., September 13th; failure to provide.
Shaw—Sadie M. from George L., September 26th; willful neglect.
Simmons—Caroline from James, September 17th; extreme cruelty.
Small—Mary Ann from Francis E., September 14th; failure to provide.
Smith—Della from L. M., June 27th; failure to provide.
Smith—Lena Mary from Harry M., June 28th; habitual intemperance.
Sodergren—Ruby R. from Franz O., June 18th; extreme cruelty.
Spenard—Anna from Neftaljo W., Novmeber 7th; failure to provide.
Spencer—Annie from John W., February 16th; extreme cruelty.
Staats—Mary from Tonko, November 12th; cruelty.
Staley—Maggie E. from Jacob E., December 16th; adultery.
Steele—Lile N. from George F., August 1st; failure to provide.
Stevens—Edward from Annie, January 29th; desertion.
Stohl—Henry C. F. from Johanna, December 20th; desertion.
Strand—Katy from Gustav, May 20th; extreme cruelty and failure to provide.
Strothoff—Louise from John, March 19th; extreme cruelty.
Strozynski—Katayna from Bolialaus, December 27th; extreme cruelty.
Stubbe—Bertia from Juloa, September 19th; willful desertion and failure to provide.
Sullivan—Mary from Patrick W., March 25th; extreme cruelty.
Sweeney—Nellie from Micahel D., May 29th; desertion.
Taylor—Mary E. from George N., May 13th; desertion and failure to provide.
Tennory—Pova from Lewis, July 31st; failure to provide.
Terry—Berdie C. from Thaddeus, October 18th; desertion and failure to provide.
Thayor—Caddie from Frank, September 20th; desertion.
Thomas—Rebecca E. from Frank, March 22d; desertion.
Thomas—Wellington from Kathlein, March 22d; willful desertion.
Thompson—Jennie R. from Henry W., June 28th; extreme cruelty.
Thompson—Ursula from A. W., August 10th; willful neglect and failure to provide.
Tobin—David J. from Venna, July 17th; desertion.
Tojette—Ameilia from Edward, February 25th; adultery.
Townsend—Fannie from H. C., March 7th; extreme cruelty.
Traynor—Martha D. from Pitner, December 6th; desertion.
Turner—Agnes from Charles, May 20th; failure to provide.
Tyrel—Alice S. from Charles H., December 2d; extreme cruelty.
Tyrrell—Margaret A. from John, September 12th; extreme cruelty.
Vail—C. T. from Jeremiah, November 21st; failure to provide.
Van Pelf—Marion L. from William, October 17th; extreme cruelty and desertion.
Volente—Giovanni from Maria, July 30th; desertion.
Waite—Anna E. from Alfred, June 29th; desertion and failure to provide.
Walker—Julia H. from Edward E., December 20th; conviction of a felony.
Walker—Thomas G. from Mary A., August 23d; adultery.
Ward—Margaret from Joseph M., August 9th; extreme cruelty.
Ware—Sidonia from Charles P., May 16th; desertion.
Warwick—Sarah J. from James, October 10th; failure to provide.
Waugh—Candace A. from William B. F., October 31st; extreme cruelty.
Weeks—Laura J. from Charles F., November 29th; cruelty.
Westfall—Caroline from John E., June 25th; cruelty.
Whipple—William B. from Hattie M., March 21st; willful desertion.
Whitman—Mary N. from Charles R., March 4th; extreme cruelty.
Whittenton—Emma from Samuel, October 3d; desertion.
Wilson—Amanda M. from Charles A., September 7th; desertion.
Wolff—Ellen from Auguste, September 6th; cruelty.
Wood—Wilfred S. from Celestina G., October 15th; adultery.
Wright—Elizabeth from John, June 22d; willful desertion and extreme cruelty.
Wyman—Richard M. from Nellie M., May 3d; cruelty. 
Source: San Francisco Chronicle. 7 January 1890. 5. 
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