San Francisco
Divorces (1885)

Mismated Couples.



List of Judicial Separations During the Year.

Whatever other piece of machinery in the affairs of the human family may have failed in its functions during the past year, the divorce mill has performed its usual amount of grinding. A comparative reading of the separate court transactions for the year, as given in a summary published in another colum, reveals an amount of domestic infelicity, or least incompatibility, that, even if not less than usual, is simply appalling. In one or two of the courts two-thirds of the entire calendar of cases disposed of are divorce cases, and in all the departments the percentage does not fall below 25 per cent. As compared with last year the apparent decrease is one, but all former years are far in the rear. Of the 391 divorces, 291 were to the female side of the house, 138 were for desertion, 109 for cruelty, 44 for failure to provide, 33 for adultery, 30 for neglect, 19 for intemperance, and 6 because of husbands convicted of a felony. The divorce case for yesterday will be found in the usual local columns.

Abrook—Emma from John, January 30; extreme cruelty.

Adkins—Solomon from Martha, January 8; desertion.
Adriance—Willard B. from Alice, September 23; desertion.
Alexander—Anna from James, October 8; extreme cruelty.
Allen—Elizabeth D. from Newton F., August 4; failure to provide.
Allen—Louisa from Alonzo W., September 10; willful desertion
Ambler—John from Loretta, June 23; desertion.
Andersen—Neils H. from Susanna, January 19; desertion.
Antell—George M. from Minnie, June 24; desertion.
Arguello—Sarah E. from Albert R., March 24; extreme cruelty.
Arthur—Frances from C.S., April 9; extreme cruelty.
Aschard—Melitore from Maria, June 29; desertion.
Ashim—Florence from George, June 17; adultery.
Ash—Nellie from Robert, November 9; neglect and desertion.
Ash—William H. from Julia A., September 11; willful desertion.
Atherton—Dolores from F.A., October 22; desertion and willful neglect.
Avery—Hannah M. from George H., September 2; extreme cruelty.
Baker—John from Mary, October 5; adultery.
Baker—Sarah J. from Jacob, November 6; desertion.
Baker—Sarah from Lewis S. A., July 6; failure to provide.
Baldwin—Elmira W. from Hiram S, February 20; willful desertion.
Barnett—Absalom J. from Mattie W., December 29; desertion.
Barry—Annie from Michael, October 25; desertion.
Bas—C.T. from Maria Emeline, November 10; extreme cruelty.
Bean—Ida L. from Sylvanus S., September 3; extreme cruelty.
Beatty—John W. from Emma, December 17; willful desertion.
Beauregard—Jennie from Napoleon; April 17; failure to provide.
Bellows—M.A. from H.H., June 29; failure to provide.
Bell—Mary A. from Abram P., February 10; willful desertion.
Beltrami—Rosalia from Cario, Decmber 1; extreme cruelty.
Bennett—Albert A. from Viola, September 30; desertion.
Bernbamer—Louise Helen from Henry, November 9; extreme cruelty.
Bevans—Lizzie from John T., November 9; extreme cruelty.
Biggins—Catherine from Thomas, April 13; extreme cruelty.
Bird—Mary D. from Allen T., January 16; desertion.
Black—William R. from May V., March 23; adultery.
Blockley—Bridget from Arthur, October 16; desertion.
Bloxam—Margaret R. from William, February 6; convicted felony.
Born—Caroline from Charles, March 5; willful desertion.
Bouffard—Emilie from Joseph, August 13; willful desertion and extreme cruelty.
Brown—Daniel from Laura C., October 19; adultery.
Brown—Frances A. from Andrew, August 5; failure to provide.
Brown—George T. from Cherry, June 29; adultery.
Brown—Mamie A. from Edward L., September 10; desertion.
Buel—Nina L. from David E, March 23; neglect and failure to provide.
Bullock—Mary C. from Benjamin V., January 27; failure to provide.
Burks—Lefonso from Mary, April 27; desertion.
Burnett—John H. from Mary E., February 2; willful neglect.
Canly—Catherine from Francis, July 28; habitual intemperance.
Carleton—Lena from William H., April 18; failure to provide.
Carlow—Lena C. from William, April 18; failure to provide.
Carpenter—Ida C. from Joseph, October 28; willful desertion.
Carpenter—Virginia from James T., December 8; willful neglect.
Carran—Levi from Alice, October 29; desertion.
Carrick—Thomas from Annie J., June 25; desertion.
Casebolt—Jane from Jacob D., June 2; willful neglect.
Chase—Ellen from John G., September 18; extreme cruelty.
Chase—Mary J. from Owen; September 15, willful neglect.
Chrieste—Catherine from John, Decemer 30; extreme cruelty.
Clarke—Rosa from Aylivin, June 2; willfil neglect.
Clements—Robert R. from Addie M., November 23; extreme cruelty.
Cohen—Mary from Albert, September 23; adultery.
Coldman—Carrie J. from Henry, November 18; failure to provide.
Collins—James from Sarah, September 1; habitual intemperance.
Collin—Rachael Crane from George Crane, June 28; desertion.
Collyer—Susan from W.E., October 16; willful desertion.
Connelly—Mary A. from Bernard W., August 20; failure to provide.
Connolly—Bridget J. from Michael J., March 3; extreme cruelty.
Cook—Charles James from Rosetta Maria, September 24; desertion.
Cook—Louise from Morton, March 16; failure to provide.
Coon—Albert from Belle, March 20; adultery.
Corbin—Thomas H. from Annie A., July 24; desertion.
Corcoran—Ellen from Timothy H., November 10; felony (convicted of).
Cordes—Albert F. from Sittara, January 14; desertion.
Cosble—Charlotte M. from William, April 10; habitual intemperence.
Coughlin—Nettie from James, December 14; adultery.
Crahert—Emil Laurence from Marie Luzadia, July 30; adultery.
Crandall—Edna from William, January 10; ground not given.
Cranford—Ella from John A., March 19; desertion.
Creagh—Annie from Merrick S., February 13; habitual intemperance.
Crockett—Mary Kate from Frank, September 10; extreme cruelty.
Crowley—Maggie from Daniel F., November 17; extreme cruelty.
Cummings—Ellen from John, March 30; extreme cruelty.
Cunningham—Thomas B. from Margaret L., September 21; extreme cruelty.
Danforth—E.L. from E.E., November 9; willful neglect.
Dashwood—Katie from Fred, June 10; no cause given.
David—Lena from Jonas, October 22; extreme cruelty.
De Bona—Marie Josephine from Antonio, August 6; extreme cruelty.
Decker—M.M.E. from L.W., October 21; desertion.
Demartini—Hachelina from Alesandro, October 5; desertion.
Depello—Zitta from Geroloma, May 8; neglect, extreme cruelty.
Dickey—Sarah Grace from Sebastian Ray, April 15; failure to provide.
Dingle—Emma from George, May 29; desertion.
Dixon—J.D. from Mary, August 18; extreme cruelty.
Donald—Rose from William, July 31; willful desertion.
Donavan—Emma V. from John Francis, June 24; extreme cruelty.
Donovan—Bridget from Daniel, August 5; extreme cruelty.
Driscoll—Mary A. from Jeremiah J., June 5; desertion.
Drolet—Johanna from Juan, February 13; extreme cruelty.
Drury—Catherine from P. H., May 22; desertion.
Dudley—W.S. from Carrie, April 21; desertion.
Duff—margaret Ann from James, December 15; habitual intemperance.
Dunlap—Martha from Wilson, June 22; willful neglect.
Dunn—Elezabeth from Moses C., January 28; willful neglect.
Dunn—Margaret from James, December 15; habitual intemperance.
Dutton—Annie E. from Cyrus H., April 18; desertion.
Elias—Margaret from Hugh, May 22; cruelty.
Emmerich—John from Vasti, October 27; adultery.
Ermath—Philip from Sophie, September 2; desertion.
Everet—Sarah from Philip, August 14; annulment.
Farrell—John T. from Mary, September 4; extreme cruelty.
Farrell—Mathew from Theresa, February 27; habitual intemperance.
Felix—Eleanor from David, March 23; desertion.
Ferie—Caroline from Redentore, August 24; extreme cruelty.
Field—Elizabeth B. from George D., May 14; desertion.
Finkernagel—Henry from Minna, January 16; desertion.
Fischer—Henry from margaret Alice, October 2; habitual intemperance.
Fischer—Julius from Henrietta, August 24; extreme cruelty.
Fitzpatrick—Catherine from John, August 19; extreme cruelty.
Flanagan—Catherine from James B., November 25; extreme cruelty.
Fletcher—Elizabeth J. from Thomas W, January 26; willful desertion.
Fogarty—Catherine from James, April 25; failure to provide.
Forrest—Mary from W.G., May 14; failure to provide.
Foster—George E. from Jennie, January 29; willful desertion.
Frank—Frances from George, April 1; willful desertion and neglect.
Fratis—Mary from Manuel, February 24; desertion.
Frazier—Ferdinand F. from Jane, July 7; desertion.
Freeman—George A. from Sarah, December 9; desertion.
Frey—Reinhold from Louisa, October 5; willful desertion.
Fuhrmeister—Fanny F. from George, July 15; desertion.
Fuller—N.D. from Martin, December 5; adultery.
Gafford—Nannie from Jonathan, June 4; desertion.
Garrett—Mary L. from John B., December 4; extreme cruelty.
Gear—N.A. from Nelson, April 16; willful neglect and failure to provide.
Gerndt—Auguste from William, July 20; desertion.
Gilman—Sarah from Joseph, February 27; willful neglect.
Glassman—Catherine C. from Jacob A., May 20; willful neglect.
Goes—Annie M. from Almeron, August 30; extreme cruelty.
Gonzalez—Mariano K. from Susan, April 8; adultery.
Gottung—Mary E. from George C., March 17; convicted of felony.
Goyer—Mary M. from John, May 15; extreme cruelty.
Grabe—Caroline D.E. from Frans C.T., April 10; cruelty.
Graham—Henry R. from Rose Elise, November 18; willful desertion.
Greene—Henry P. from Anna T., January 13; desertion.
Greth—Joseph from Fredericka, June 24; adultery.
Griffin—Alice from Amos Grover, October 26; willful neglect.
Groome—L.A. from Ella, July 21; defendant unable to contract marriage.
Guptill—Edwin A. from Kate A., January 28; willful desertion.
Hacker—Rosa from Joseph A., June 12; failure to provide.
Hadenaber—Maria from L.A., February 5; desertion, failure to provide.
Haight—Robert from Sophie P., January 3; extreme cruelty.
Hall—Georgia M. from Derimus M., April 3; extreme cruelty.
Hall—Louise from William A., August 27; failure to provide.
Hammond—Charles H. and Annie, May 19; annuled.
Hansell—Geraldine A. from William L., January 12; desertion.
Hansen—Frances from Theodore, April 10; desertion.
Harris—Juia Ann from John, December 2; desertion.
Harris—Lewis B. from Amanda C., June 9; willful desertion.
Harry—Mary from August, April 15; willful desertion.
Haulbach—Mary A. from Theodore, January 2; cruelty.
Hauschild—Dedrick from Mary, September 8; desertion.
Heenan—Louisa from Edward, June 19; extreme cruelty.
Heffner—Francisca from Frank G., October 13; willful neglect.
Hellier—Mary E. from William, June 5; failure to provide.
Henry—Josephine M. from Watson H., April 13; desertion.
Higgins—Alice from William J., December 2; failure to provide.
Higgins—Mary Isabella from William L., December 4; desertion.
Hild—Joseph from Mary, September 3; extreme cruelty.
Hills—Sarah from William, October 2; willful neglect.
Hill—John T. from Annie M., May 20; adultery.
Hinkle—H.C. from Annie, September 2; cause in complaint.
Holland—Martha from Gustave, March 28; extreme cruelty.
Homsher—John H. from Lizzie, August 25; desertion.
Horn—Hannah J. from Charles V., March 2; no reasons given.
Hudgins—Ella from N.M., July 27; willful neglect.
Huff—Charlotte from Justus, April 27; failure to provide.
Hughes—Benjamin Morlias from Hannah, August 17; willful desertion.
Husbands—Ellen A. from William, December 17; desertion.
Jahn—Annie from Frederick, April 28; habitual intemperance.
Jaques—Thais from Isaic Frederic, March 6; extreme cruelty.
Jenkins—Johanna from Frank, May 14; desertion.
Jewell—Leonard A. from L.B., December 28; desertion.
Jewell—Mary C. from Richard C., October 1; extreme cruelty.
Johnson—Ellen J. from John O.L., February 3; cruelty.
Jones—Leonard from Charlotte, May 6; desertion.
Kavanaugh—Atylouse from James H., November 11; willful neglect.
Kearney—Mary from Frederick, July 14; extreme cruelty.
Kelsey—Elizabeth A. from Kilborn, August 10; desertion.
Keppler—Robert from Katie, April 1; adultery.
Killilea—Maria from patrick, March 28; adultery, extreme cruelty.
King—Frances from Michael, October 23; extreme cruelty.
Kinsella—Annie from J.T., April 27; failure to provide.
Knoblock—Christian from Sarah, March 30; adultery.
Kohler—L.G. from Isabella, August 3; desertion.
Kolbe—John T. from Clara E., December 11; desertion.
Kraushaar—Louisa B. from Philip F., May 5; failure to provide.
Krawetzki—John J. from Elizabeth G., November 30; habitual intemperance.
Kuck—Lena from John, January 3; desertion.
Kurlbaum—Theresa from Hermann, August 27; desertion.
Lacour—Maria from Peter, May 21; habitual intemperance.
Lafaix—Felix from Louise, April 14; willful desertion.
Lakk—Jennie A. from George M., March 23; failure to provide.
Lancaster—Mary Ann from Joseph, June 9; failure to provide.
Land—Maggie E. from William C., August 1; desertion.
Langdon—Nancy C. from Forest E., July 30; desertion.
Lang—May from Stephen, January 27; extreme cruelty.
Lantomasimo—Louise from Constantine, January 20; extreme cruelty.
Latimer—Savanah Jane from Charles Augustus, November 6; willful neglect.
Leone—Antonio from Francesca, March 4; desertion.
Lindheimer—Jennie from Joseph, July 1; desertion.
Lourie—Annie from James William, December 13; desertion and neglect.
Lovely—Marian W. from George S., September 8; extreme cruelty.
Lowell—John T. from Mary E., August 14; desertion.
Luttrell—Mary from James F., September 15; desertion.
Maass—Meta from Henirich, July 29; extreme cruelty.
Madden—Margaret from Archibald, May 4.
Madison—Fannie from James, February 19; desertion.
Mahan—Hattie from Owen J., April 27; extreme cruelty.
Mahoney—A.L. from J.H., January 6; neglect and failure to provide.
Mahoney—Edward from Margaret; August 26; habitual intemperance.
Mahon—Eliza from Arthur, September 14; failure to provide.
Malcom—Alice J. from James, September 14; willful neglect.
Mansfield—Appolonia from Henry H., November 18; convicted felony.
Marah—Howard T. from Maria Bartha, November 30; desertion.
Marheluke—Inez A. from Bernard B., May 28; willful neglect.
Markel—Kathrina from Orton, November 2; extreme cruelty.
Marrou—Patrick from Catherine, June 2; habitual intemperance.
Martin—Hodie B. from J.P., January 10; extreme cruelty.
Mastersen—Hannah M., from Joseph J., November 17; extreme cruelty.
Mathiox—Bessie from John W., May 21; desertion.
Matoza—Antonio from Helen; January 12; adultery.
Mauley—Mary C. from George, January 19; failure to provide.
Mayer—Serene M. from William, January 27; extreme cruelty.
McCabe—Annie Kane from John M., March 20; cruelty.
McCauley—Margaret from Thomas, September 24; desertion.
McClelland—Emma L. from Felix G., December 8; no cause given.
McCormick—Hannah M. from John A., October 2; failure to provide.
McDonald—Mary from Benjamin L., July 27; failure to provide.
McElheran—Hattie E. from William D., June 10; neglect and extreme cruelty.
McFarland—Angie from S.W., November 18; extreme cruelty.
McFartland—Myles from Mary, November 23; adultery.
McGuire—Catherine from Thomas, December 3; desertion.
McKee—Annie from Patrick, March 20; desertion.
McNichol—Johanna from Howard R., September 15; failure to provide.
McNulty—Eliza from John, November 24; convicted of felony.
McPalin—Louise from John, November 4; extreme cruelty.
McQuade—Elizabeth Agnes from Patrick, January 19; extreme cruelty.
Melaner—Gustav from Julia, April 23; adultery.
Miller—Charlotte L. from Charles E., November 16; extreme cruelty.
Mills?—Jedediah from Mary, September 29; extreme cruelty.
Mollinari—Rosie from James, June 2; willful desertion.
Moody—Catherine L. from Charles S., October 2; habitual intemperance.
Moore—Maggie from Herbert B., November 4, willful neglect.
Morejan—Pierre from Annie, August 3; adultery.
Morris—Isaac from Rachel H., October 20; extreme cruelty.
Morton—Henrie F. from Julia E., August 24; desertion.
Morton—Mattie from Frank, May 16; willful neglect.
Murphy—Harriet E. from John M., June 10; extreme cruelty.
Murphy—Mary from James H., March 2; no cause given.
Murray—Julia from Edward S., July 14; willful desertion.
Myers—Mary from John, September 18; failure to provide.
Nattian—Charles S. from Alice, June 22; adultery.
Nausen—Elizabeth from Peter, August 27; extreme cruelty.
Neefus—Harry P. from Mary Louise, October 13; desertion.
Nelson—Christine from Thornwald, July 2; extreme cruelty.
Neufeld—Ada from Jacob, April 7; cause not given.
Neuschwander—Amelia from Samuel, June 4; extreme cruelty.
Newell—Catherine from Robert, June 4; cruelty.
Nickerson—Clara E. from Byron, June 2; habitual intemperance.
Nolte—Josephine from Frederick, April 20; extreme cruelty.
Norton—Emma from Julius, May 14; failure to provide.
O'Connell—Alice R. from John, May 6; extreme cruelty.
O'Connor—Margaret A. from Alfred O., September 2; willful desertion.
Ogliby—Louise E. from Robert E., June 12; extreme cruelty.
Oleson—Annie from William, September 15; extreme cruelty.
Oswald—Marian from John J., March 18; desertion.
Owens—Ida G. from Thomas S., August 4; extreme cruelty.
Owen—Florence B. from Frank, April 27; willful neglect.
Panle?—Mary E. from Carl Victor, October 17; extreme cruelty and habitual intemperance.
Parr—Bridget from William, October 30; willful neglect.
Patterson—Clara from Edwin R., February 5; extreme cruelty.
Payton—Mary from Thomas, July 20; extreme cruelty.
Perkins—Amelia from Augustus, September 1; desertion.
Perry—Celestina from Oliver, March 3; convicted of felony.
Peterson—Lizzie from Andrew, August 7; extreme cruelty.
Peterson—Louisa from Olla W., November 19; desertion and failure to provide.
Peterson—Louise from Ella W., November 19; failure to provide.
Philbrook—Emma from A.K., March 11; desertion.
Pierce—Robert O. from Bridget, August 4; desertion.
Pillsbury—Minnie from James A., August 20; extreme cruelty.
Pinkham—Martha A. from Charles E., July 7; failure to provide.
Powers—Mary Ann from Edward J., September 14, extreme cruelty.
Pozzi—P. from Annie, January 5; desertion.
Prendergast—Mary E. from Dennis C., June 1; desertion.
Price—Ada from Charles, October 19; desertion and willful neglect.
Puetz—Elizabeth from Peter Joseph, November 27; willful neglect and desertion.
Purdy—Mary Jane from  James Spencer, August 19; willful neglect.
Quince—Charles from Catherine, June 26; adultery.
Rasmussen—Hans from Sine, October 12; adultery.
Rebwald—Rachel from Lewis, August 28; extreme cruelty.
Regli—Frieda from Joseph N., May 13; extreme cruelty.
Reynolds—Amanda from William M., October 5; desertion.
Reynolds—Carla E. from Harry C., October 9; extreme cruelty.
Reynolds—Ella W. from William H., October 22; desertion.
Rice—Alphonsine from Henry A., August 18; extreme cruelty.
Richardson—Margaret from John, December 8; cruelty.
Rogers—Edward J. from Catherine H., September 10; habitual intemperance.
Ross—Daniel from Catherine, May 29; desertion.
Rott—Theresa from Michael, November 27; desertion.
Roux—Agnes from Paul, May 27; desertion.
Rowlinson—Hannah from Mortimer, October 16; desertion.
Rush—Annie from Patrick, May 4; extreme cruelty.
Rutherford—Elizabeth A. from Thomas L., February 10; desertion and cruelty.
Ryken—Josie from Frank G., April 27; extreme cruelty.
Sabin—Dora from Ferdinand, November 6; extreme cruelty.
Sachse—Emilius C. M. from Amanda, March 26; willful desertion.
Sawyer—Mary from Samuel T., January 19; cause not given.
Schade—Emma C. from Gustav E., January 27; extreme cruelty.
Schaefer—Louise from John, February 24; habitual intemperance.
Schiemner—Agnette from Philip, July 30; failure to provide.
Schmidt—John P. from Eva E., May 20; willful desertion.
Schnauer—Marie C. H. from Charles, February 3; extreme cruelty.
Schneider—Emilia from Martin, September 6; desertion.
Seely—Catharine A. from Charles M., May 4; desertion.
Seymour—Priscilla from Benjamin, October 12; failure to provide.
Shehelman—Louisa from William, November 27; desertion.
Sheldon—Mary from Samuel, October 8; willful neglect.
Sherwood—Celia M. from Andrew T., November 2; desertion.
Simmons—Hortense A. from G.O., July 3; failure to provide, plaintiff assumes maiden name.
Simons—Louise from Joseph, November 9; adultery.
Simon—Hyman from Amelia, August 3; adultery.
Simpson—Ada F. from James, April 25; desertion.
Smith—Alice M. from Perry W., June 27; desertion.
Smith—Elizabeth C. A. from William, January 2; extreme cruelty.
Smith—J.F. from Mollie, December 1; adultery.
Smith—Josephine from William, December 27; willful desertion.
Smith—Mary G. from J.J., March 27; extreme cruelty.
Smith—Mary G. from J.J., March 27; extreme cruelty.
Sprague—Jane from John F., March 30; desertion.
Sprague—Mary A. from Edward B., May 7; habitual intemperance.
Stierlen—Frances from George, Setpember 18; extreme cruelty.
Stock—Edward from Mary L., January 23; adultery.
Stohn—Louise M. from Charles G., December 8; failure to provide.
Stratton—Anna M. from Cias M., January 19; desertion.
Strong—Lilla Frances from George Henry, June 5; extreme cruelty.
Swain—Harry L. from Helen H., August 13; adultery.
Swaney—Sadie from Albert, February 27; extreme cruelty.
Swett—Fannie J. from Eben, July 23; extreme cruelty, failure to provide.
Swett—Rebecca from Edwin, August 17; extreme cruelty.
Swiggart—Mary Ann from John J., June 28; cruelty.
Taggart—Delia from John F., October 1; desertion.
Tagliafeori—Julia from Andrew, January 16; willful desertion.
Taylor—Frank B. from Lillie E., December 2; extreme cruelty.
Tejida—Mrs. A. from M.D.C., April 16; extreme cruelty.
Terry—Eliza R. from Walter.
Thompson—Lydia from A.C., February 17; extreme cruelty.
Thonen—Eliza from Jacob, September 15; willful neglect.
Thorpe—Robert C. from Maggie, March 10; desertion.
Tidd—Margaret from John A., January 5; desertion.
Tinker—William W. from Mollie, October 16; desertion.
Toepke—Mary from William, March 23; extreme cruelty.
Townsend—Ellen B. from Clarence F., November 6; desertion.
Treadweil—Lizzie M. from James B., November 11; willful neglect.
Treche—Louise from Michelena, December 19; desertion.
Tripp—Almira from Clark, May 19; cruelty.
Tubbs—Frank from Chloe, August 17; desertion.
Tuckfield—Eudora from Frank L., March 20; willful desertion and neglect.
Turner—Bridget Ann from Thomas, December 14; willful desertion.
Turner—Matilda from George, May 11; cruelty.
Van De Mark—Ferdinand L. from Marietta, February 16; desertion.
Von Huttenbach—Henrietta from Joseph Baron Loehuer, April 16; willful neglect.
Wacker—Caroline from Charles, December 17; extreme cruelty.
Wade—Annie from William M., June 29; failure to provide.
Walford—William from Rosa Longille, September 4; adultery.
Wall—Eliza from Peter, July 13; extreme cruelty.
Walter—Julia H. from Herman N., June 23; desertion.
Ward—Christina from Thomas, June 8; failure to provide.
Warren—Cynthia L. from Job E., April 15; willful desertion.
Wedmeyer—Mary A. from Frederick W., March 20; willful neglect.
Wescott—Charles W. from Emily Ann, December 1; desertion.
Westerfield—Hannah from Charles, October 12; extreme cruelty.
White—Maria L. from Charles W., May 18; failure to provide.
Wilcox—Mamie E. from William C., May 21; desertion.
Williams—Lizzie from Thomas, May 21; desertion and failure to provide.
Wilson—George A. from Lettie E., September 30; willful desertion.
Winberg—Lillian L. from John A., March 17; willful neglect.
Winks—John William from Ella Louise, September 29; desertion.
Winship—E. from T., July 21; adultery.
Woodhull—Malvina from Edward F., Mrach 23; willful desertion.
Wood—George M. from Margaret, June 1; desertion.
Yamdley—Helen M. from J.W., April 28; habitual intemperance.
Young—Robert S. from Martha J., February 26; desertion.

Source: San Francisco Chronicle. 1 January 1886. 14. 
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