Source:  Program of The Forty-Ninth Anniversary Reunion of the "George H. Thomas Post No 2, G.A.R.
Original at the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
Thank you to George Mallman for transcribing this material

Reunion of the George H. Thomas Post No 2, G.A.R.
Saturday Evening, July 28, 1928
Civic Auditorium, San Francisco.

Officers of George H. Thomas Post No 2. of the Grand Army of the Republic

Commander-----------------------------------John C. Chapman

Senior Vice-Commander-----------------------W. J. Watson

Junior Vice-Commander------------------------Samuel Yoho

Adjutant----------------------------------------------W. G. Bratton

Quartermaster------------------------------------Selden Sturges

Surgeon-----------------------------------------C. A. McQuesten

Chaplain--------------------------------------------------Jay Beach

Patriotic Instructor--------------------------------------Eli Hazel

Officer of the Day------------------------------C. A. Macomber

Officer of the Guard-----------------------------------A. E. Cohn

Sergeant-Major---------------------------------------H. J. Johnson

Q. M. Sergeant----------------------------------Geo. W. Molliere

Inside Sentinel----Son of Union Veteran--R.W. McKnight

Committee of Arrangements

A. E. Cohn------Chairman

H. L. Judel --- W. G. Bratton --- Sam Yoho

Prelude National Airs---------------------Albert B. Sperry Trio
 Courtesy, New England Association of California

"Star Spangled Banner" Mrs. Virginia Fischer Griffiths, Soprano
 At the Piano Mrs. Memory Roberts

Invocation---------------------------------- Jay Beach
Chaplain, Geo. H. Thomas Post No 2., G.A.R.

Introductory Remarks---------------John C. Chapman
Commander, Thomas Post No. 2, G.A.R.

Introducing Chairman of Program Committee, Comrade A. E. Cohn

Remarks------------------------------------------Seldon Sturges
Quartermaster, George H. Thomas Post No. 2, G.A.R

Remarks----------------------------------------Elbridge L. Hawk
Commander in Chief, Grand Army of the Republic

Remarks--------------------------------------Henry W. Woodruff
Commander, Department of California and Nevada G.A.R.

Tenor Solo-------------------------------------Mr. Abraham Levin
at the Piano Mrs. A. Levin

Address-------------------------------------------Milton A. Nathan
Past Department Commander, U. S. W. V.

Remarks---------------------------------Col. Nelson M. Holderman
Commandant Veterans' Home Napa County, Cal.

Address-------------------------------------------Deleven B. Bowley
Senior Vice Commander in Chief, Sons of U. V. of C.W.

Address------------------------------------------Hon. Emmet Sewell
Judge State Supreme Court

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