San Francisco History

Home of Peace (new) Cemetery
(aka Giboth Olam or Hills of Eternity
and Navai Shalome or Peaceful Abode)

Dates of Existence: 1860 to pre 1905
Location: between 18th & 20th, Dolores & Church streets
Number interred: Giboth Olam—300, Navai Shalome—300 (1867)
Moved to: unknown
"CONSECRATION OF THE JEWISH CEMETERY. — The Hebrew Cemetery in Lot No. 186, near the Mission Dolores, was consecrated yesterday by many of our Jewish citizens.  Dr. Eckman, of the Gleaner, performed the religious ceremonies, and Mr. A. Helleb delivered an appropriate and eloquent address.  The grounds are to be beautified and adorned with shrubbery.  The old burial-ground, on the Presido road, was found to be too small for the purposes required."

Source: Daily Alta California, 26 April 1860.

"DEDICATION OF THE NEW JEWISH CEMETERY.  The Jewish burial ground at the Mission Dolores was dedicated yesterday with the customary imposing formalities on such occasions.  The audience, which was very numerous, gathered about the platform, on the northern side of the "house for the dead," which is within the enclosure, when Dr. Eckman opened the ceremonies with a dedicatory prayer, after which Mr. Seligman, in behalf of the Emanu El Congregation, delivered the sacred keys to Mr. Tichner, the President of the Supervisors of the Burial Ground, making at the same time appropriate remarks.  He was followed by Mr. Helbing, President of the Eureka Benevolent Society, who at the same time delivered to the President of the Supervisors of the Grounds, the keys hitherto entrusted to him, when he made some brief and eloquent remarks.  As the keys were tendered to Mr. Tichner, Chairman of the Directors, he responded, ending with the hope that he would be called upon to open the gates to the "House of Rest" no oftener than the Merciful Father deemed best for the good of his children.  At half past eleven, Dr. Elcan Kohn, Minister of the congregation Emanu El, commenced his sermon in the German language.  It was eloquent and impressive, occupying about half an hour.  After the prayer, the ceremonies closed, and the assemblage returned to town.  The Cemetery is pleasantly located on a side hill, a few minutes walk from the depot of the railroad.  It contains 10 1/2 acres, of which 6 3/4 are included in Block No. 86.  It is substantially fenced in, and has a handsome gateway structure.  One of its rooms is dedicated to the purification of the corpse, and is arranged to have hot and cold water admitted for that purpose.  The whole place, both as regards the grounds and the building, evinces good taste.  A better site could not have been selected for the purpose."

Source: Daily Alta California, 26 July 1860. 

"The Cemeteries of San Francisco. . .NEW JEWISH CEMETERY. Nearly two years ago two new Jewish Cemeteries were established at the intersection of Dolores and Eagle streets, about half-a-mile southward from the Mission. They are separated by Eagle street, and are the respective burial places of the two Jewish Congregations of this city. One is called the Navai Shalome, or the Peaceful Abode, the other the Giboth Olam, or Hills of Eternity."

Source: Daily Alta California, 22 July 1862.

S.W. Eighteenth and Dolores, south 520 feet by west 560 feet. Purchased from Congregation Emanu-El...for $151,350. Deed dated February 18, 1905..."

S.W. Nineteenth and Dolores, south to Twentieth street, west to Church street, north to Nineteenth street, east to beginning. Purchased from Congregation Sherith Israel, for $140,000. Deed dated February 23, 1905..."

Source: Real Estate Owned By the City and County of San Francisco..., A. Carlisle & Co., S.F., 1 July 1909.


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