Events of 1863
Jan. 3. Hon. John A. Lent, a pioneer citizen, and late County Judge of Alameda County, died of a lingering illness. . . .Judge Sawyer of the Twelfth District Court, decides that greenbacks are a legal tender.
Jan. 4. The P. M. Steamship St. Louis arrived with a large number of passengers from the East. . . .Weather inclement; a heavy rain falling.
Jan. 6. Rev. H. W. Bellows acknowledges the receipt of $20,000 from California to the Sanitary Fund. . . .The first pleasant day of the season.
Jan. 8. The New Hall of the Society California Pioneers—a procession of the Secretary; Inaugural Address by the President, O. P. Sutton; an Oration by Eugene Lies, and a Grand Ball in the evening. . . .The flags of the city and shipping were generally displayed in honor of the Anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans.
Jan. 9. The ship F. W. Bailey was starnded outside the harbor, and wrecked. The following persons, belonging to the vessel were lost: Samuel P. Dyer, Captain; the First Officer, and Wm. Rudolph, John Tarlando, Peter Simpson, John Conway, J. C. Fielding, Joseph Lynch, and George Kinckley, of the crew. . . .Allen Cook, formerly of Niles, Michigan, committed suicide by shooting himself with a pistol. . . .D. W. Barry, an irsihman, dropped dead in the street of an attack of apoplexy.
Jan. 10. The P. M. Steamship St. Louis left for Panama with treasure amounting to $893,790 50. . . .The steamer Scotland left for Hongkong with treasure amounting to $185,000.
Jan. 11. The steamship Pacific arrived from the north with $80,000 in bullion and dust. . . .The British bark, Mary Nicholson, arrived from Sydney after a stormy passage.
Jan. 14. The colored population of San Francisco celebrated the President's Emancipation Proclamation by a Grand Jubilee at Platt's Hall. The Proclamation was read by Rev. J. B. Sanderson, and an address was delivered by Rev. T. Starr King. . . .George Watson, Second Steward of the steamship Pacific, dropped dead on the street of disease of the heart.
Jan. 15. A young woman named Ellen Rowland died of burns received while reading in bed the night previous. . . .Eben Niles, an old citizen, was found dead in his bed from paralysis. . . .George Stewart, a carpenter, was found drowned in the Bay.
Jan. 17. Capt. James Hagan, an old citizen—the first Harbor Master of San Francisco, and a member of the Board of Aldermen in 1849-50—died of a lingering illness. . . .A difficulty occurred in a Saloon between James Eoff and Wm. Chapman, in which the former shot the latter with a pistol.
Jan. 18. The Staem Laundry at the Laguna, on the Presidio Road, was destroyed by fire. Loss about $20,000. . . .The Russian American Sitka Ice Company's building destroyed by fire.
Jan. 19. Wm. Chapman died of the wound received from James Eoff. . . .A fire occurred in the brick building adjoining the Railroad House on the west side. Loss about $2,000.
Jan. 21. The P. M. steamship Golden Age left for Panama, with treasure amounting to $1,731,815 36. . . .W. W. Kurtz, one of the founders of the Sacramento Union, died; aged 36 years. . . .Henry Bryan died from the effects of hair dye taken in mistake for castor oil. . . .E. P. Browning found dead in his bed from disease of the heart.
Jan. 26. The P. M. staemship Sonora arrived with a large number of passengers and considerable freight. . . .A fire occurred in the rear of the Suger Refinery, below Folsom and beyond Sixth, destroying several frame buildings. . . .Another fire occured at the same time on Jessie Street, between Third and Fourth, destroying several frame dwellings. . . .Thomas Toynbee, an Englishman, committed suicide by taking strychnine.
Jan. 29. The Opposition steamship Herman arrived from Panama with a large number of passengers.
February 3. The Twelfth Anniversary of the San Francisco Protestant Orphan Asylum celebrated at Platt's Hall. Addresses were delivered by J. B. Crockett, Nathan Porter and others. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year—President: Mrs. Ira P. Rankin; Vice-President: Mrs. R. J. Vandewater; Treasurer: Mrs. S. R. Throckmorton; Secretary: Mrs. F. MacCrellish.
Feb. 7. The P. M. steamship Constitution arrived from Panama with a large number of passengers, a quantity of freight, and $320,000 of the treasure lost on the Golden Gate.
Feb. 9. Four Companies of the Massachusetts Calvary Battalion, raised in California, quartered in Platt's Hall. . . .A son of Henry Marks, struck on the head by a horse and killed.
Feb. 11. A severe storm of rain and wind occurred during the entire night, doing considerable damage.
Feb. 13. Goods amounting to $200,000 in value, the property of some eight or ten foreign business houses, were seized by the Custom House and authorities for violations of the Revenue laws.
Feb. 16. A heavy south-easterly gale prevailed during the day, doing considerable damage. A large frame building, in the course of erection on the corner of Howard and Twelfth streets, was blown down, killing a boy named White.
Feb. 17. The U. S. sloop of war Cyane arrived from Panama. . . .Pilot boat Relief No. 2. capsized at the entrance of the harbor, and all on board lost.
Feb. 21. The P. M. steamer St. Louis left for Panama with treasure, amounting to $1,239,345 04. . . .Seventeen suits commenced in the U. S. District Court for violation of the Revenue laws.
Feb. 22. The anniversary of the birth of Washington was observed, by the firing of cannon, display of flags, and a general parade and review of the military. . . .The corner stone of the Broderick monument was laid at Lone Mountain by Gov. Stanford, in the prsence of a large assemblage, with the usual ceremonies.
Feb. 23. A fire occurred in the shanty between Battery and Front and Vallejo and Greenwich streets, in which an old lady, Mrs. Catherine Gunther, was burned to death.
Feb. 26. The Board of Foremen of the Fire Department met, and recommended a general parade on the fourth of May.
Feb. 27. A fire occurred in N. P. Perrine's Boston mastic roofing establishment, damages slight. . . .J. L. Eoff, charged with the murder of William Chapman, admitted to bail in the sum of $10,000.
March 2. The P. M. steamship Golden Age left for Panama with treasure amounting to $874,304 31. . . .M. J. Marshmetz tendered his resignation as Public Administrator to the Board of Supervisors. . . .A French woman, named Mrs. A. Gaud, fell dead of apoplexy at Mission Dolores.
March 3. The Stock Exchange organized. . . .A fire occured in the Boston House, a frame building on Stevenson Street, between Second and Third, destroying the property. Loss about $1,500.
March 6. William Worcester, from Gilroy, Santa Clara County, committed suicide at the Original House, by cutting his throat with a bowie knife.
March 7. The steamship Oregon arrived from Mazatlan, bringing $84,814 in silver. . . .J. R. Coryell, arrested on a charge of feloniously altering and falsifying an engrossed copy of the Tide and Marsh Land Act of the Legislature, admitted to bail in the sum of $5,000.
March 9. Great excitement occasioned by the reported discovery of silver rock on California Street above Powell. . . .Board of Brokers organized. . . .The Pilot Boat Daniel Webster sailed for China.
March 10. The Ship Shawmut, bound to Sydney, went ashore upon Mile Rock; vessel and cargo valued at $100,000; afterwards got off, and returned to San Francisco. John H. Gass, a Sacramento forger, one of her passengers, afterwards found secreted in the city, arrested and taken to Sacramento. The damage to the Shawmunt estimated at $20,000.
March 11. The P. M. Steamship Sonora arrived from Panama, with a large number of passengers and thirteen boxes of treasure lost on the Golden Gate.
March 12. The Commencement of the Medical Department of the University of the Pacific took place at Platt's Hall. . . .The French Corvette Cornelie arrived from Mazatlan.
March 15. The Rebel Privateer Chapman, fitted out for the Southern coast, captured in the harbor, and her officers and crew transferred to the prison at Alcatras Island. . . .A fire occurred in a frame building on the corner of California and St. Marys Street. Damage slight. . . .William Thomas, of Placer county, died suddenly of aneurism at the Railroad House.
March 18. St. Patrick's Day was celebrated in a spirited manner by the Irish population of the city, who turned out in procession. Religious services were held at the Cathedral, and patriotic addresses delivered at Hayes Park by Hugh Farley and E. F. Dunne, members of the California Assembly.
March 18. The Steamship Oregon left for Mexican Ports, with a large freight of mining machinery and merchandise. . . .A severe shock of an earthquake was felt through the city about two o'clock, A. M.
March 20. The P. M. Steamship Constitution arrived from Panama, with a large number of passengers, heavy mails and freight, and seven more boxes of the recovered treasury of the Golden Gate. . . .Frequent showers of rain during the day.
March 22. Ellen E. Moon committed suicide, by shooting herself with a pistol.
March 23. The P. M. Steamship Constitution left for Panama, with a large number of passengers, among whom were three Companies of California troops for the seat of war, and treasure amounting to $1,111,617 21. . . .A fire occurred in the California Saloon, a frame building on the corner of Fremont and Folsom streets. Loss about $3,000. . . .Humphrey Griffith, of Yolo county, a prominent California politician, died of consumption at the Lick House.
March 25. The U. S. steamer Saginaw, having been thoroughly overhauled and refitted, arrived from Mare Island. . . .John Hudson, plumber, died of injuries occasioned by the upsetting of his cart. . . .Dr. J. R. Prefontaine, for a long time connected with the San Francisco press, died after a brief illness.
March 27. Mrs. Isaac Levy committed suicide by cutting her throat with a razor.
March 30. The total amount of treasure recovered by the party who proceeded to the scene of the wreck of the Golden Gate on the schooner William Irelan, is estimated at $660,543 77. . . .An Irishman named Murray died suddenly of hemorrhage.
April 3. A fire occurred on the corner of Chestnut and Powell streets, destroying a number of frame buildings. Loss about $3,000. . . .The P. M. steamship Orizaba left for Panama with treasure amounting to $1,104,699 74.
April 6. The P. M. steamer Golden Age arrived with a large number of passengers.
April 8. The steamer Sierra Nevada arrived from the northern coast, bringing treasure amounting to $59,530. . . .David Maddux, a member of the Stock and Exchange Board, and former Treasurer of Sacramento County, died of a lingering illness.
April 11. James L. Eoff, arraigned in the Twelfth District Court for the murder of Wm. Chapman. . . .H. M. Miller appointed one of the Appraisers for this Port. . . .Henry Baker appointed to succeed Charles Watrous as Postal Agent for the Pacific Coast.
April 13. The P. M. steamship Golden Age left for Panama with treasure amounting to $813,360 66.
April 14. Capt. James Van Voast, of the Ninth Regiment U. S. Regulars, appointed Provost Marshal in place of Col. Leonard, ordered East for active service.
April 16. A meeting of the Polish residents of San Francisco was held at the Russ House for the purpose of expressing sympathy with their countrymen fighting for freedom. . . .Orrin Bailey, a prominent citizen and for many years a Justice of the Peace, died aged sixty years.
April 18. The P. M. steamship Sonora arrived with seven hundred and eighty passengers, and heavy mails and freight.. . .The transactions of the first Board of Brokers amounted to $102,227. . . .J. W. Osborn, of Oak Knoll, Napa County, was killed by J. W. Brittan, a man in his employ.
April 19. The steamer Brother Jonathan arrived from the northern coast, bringing treasure to the amount of $117,650.
April 20. The Opposition steamer Moses Taylor arrived with a large number of passengers. . . .Maj. Wm. McQueen, an old citizen, and formerly Post Master of New Orleans, died suddenly of disease of the heart.
April 23. The P. M. steamship Sonora left due for Panama with treasure amounting to $1,094,718 90.
April 28. Opera season closed at the Metropolitan Theater. . . .Citizens Nominating Committee closed its labors....Examination of the High School took place. . . .Seventh Annual Meeting of the Seaman's Friend Society held at Calvary Church. . . .The trial of J. L. Eoff, for the murder of Chapman, was commenced in the Twelfth District Court.
April 29. The P. M. S. S. Constitution arrived from Panama with a large number of passengers. News of the death of R. A. Harrison at Kingston, Jamaica, was received by her. A large quantity of ordnance, arms, and ammunition, received by the steamer for the Pacific coast. . . .Union Hall on Howard Street lighted with gas.
April 30. The fast day ordained by the President's Proclamation was generally observed, with services in all the churches. . . .A rise in the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers brought down driftwood and discolored the waters of the Bay. . . .The steamer Senator arrived from Los Angeles with the remains of Capt. T. W. Seeley, and others, killed by the explosion on the Ada Hancock, in the bay of San Pedro, on the 27th ult. . . .Union Hall, of the Omnibus Railroad Company, on Howard Street, dedicated by a grand ball. . . .Examination of witnesses in the Eoff murder case closed.
May 1. The jury in the Eoff murder case returned verdict of not guilty. . . .The funerals of Capt. T. W. Seely, of the Steamer Senator, killed by the explosion at San Pedro, and that of Frederick Cook, of the Overland Mail, who died from injuries received in being thrown from his carriage in Sacramento, were largely attended. . . .A fire occurred in a frame building No. 532 Clay Street, adjoining Court Block, destroying the same. Loss not serious.
May 2. The P. M. Steamship Constitution left for Panama with treasure amounting to $1,010,189 06. . . .R. B. Swain entered upon his duties as Superintendent of the Mint. . . .The remains of Edward Gilbert were removed from Yerba Buena Cemetery and reinterred in Lone Mountain by the Eureka Typographical Union.
May 3. An Italian named Pietro Arcardi or Lercari was shot dead near the Six Mile House on the San Bruno Road.
May 4. The Annual Parade of the Fire Department took place—the display being unsurpassed on any previous occasion. . . .The State Teachers' Institute met at Platt's Hall, the profession throughout the State being generally represented. . . .Bein sentenced to the State Prison for six years for robbing the U. S. Mint, pardoned by the President.
May 6. The Forty-fourth Anniversary of the Organization of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in the United States, was celebrated by a procession in which the Order throughout the State, was largely represented—an Oration by John W. Dwinelle and a Poem by C. A. Sumner, and a Levee and Concert in the evening at Union Hall.
May 9. The P. M. Steamship Orizaba arrived from Panama with a large number of passengers. . . .The Steamer Brother Jonathan arrived from the northern coast with treasure amounting to $102,836.
May 11. A fire occurred in a frame building on the south side of Broadway between Montgomery and Sansom, which with an adjoining building was destroyed. Loss estimated at from $18,000 to $20,000.
May 13. The body of Frederick R. Reynolds was found drowned in the Bay.
May 15. William Gibb, of the old established house of Daniel Gibb & Co., died after a short illness.
May 16. Intelligence of the death of Major S. H. Meeker, an old and well known merchant, received by telegraph from New York.
May 18. The Steamship Sierra Nevada arrived from the northern coast with treasure amounting to $121,454. . . .Thomas Fitch commenced suit in the Fourth District Court against the proprietors of the Bulletin for $15,000 for libel.
May 19. The election for City and County Officers passed off quietly. The entire People's Ticket was elected with the exception of Coroner, Sheldon being chosen over Dean by a small majority. . . .The vote in favor of the million loan to the Pacific Railroad also carried by a large majority. . . .The P. M. Steamship Golden Age arrived from Panama with a large number of passengers.
May 20. An oath of allegiance was administered to seventy-two teachers of the public schools, according to the provisions of the Act of the Legislature. . . .Bernard Kearns committed suicide by taking poison. . . .A man named Mr. Lake was drowned from the British ship King Lear.
May 22. A large mass meeting of sympathisers with the Polish Revolution was held at Platt's Hall, H. P. Coon presiding. A number of addresses were delivered and appropriate resolutions adopted.
May 23. The P. M. Steamship Golden Age left for Panama with treasure amounting to $1,194,195 50. . . .The 43d Anniversary of the birth of Queen Victoria was celebrated by the English residents, and on board the British vessels in the harbor.
May 25. Jean Baptiste Brusio, an Italian cook arrested in Washoe and brought to San Francisco, confessed ot the murder of Pietro Arcadi or Lercari on the San Bruno Road, charging that he committed the deed at the instigation of Rosano, the partner of the deceased.
May 27. The circulation of the New York Weekly Caucasian thorugh the mails prohibited by order of Gen. Wright. . . .The body of Nathaniel Brooks, ex-janitor of the Spring Valley School, found drowned near Fort Point.
May 29. The steamship Brother Jonathan arrived from the northern coast with treasure amounting to $139,000.
June 1. Ira P. Rankin retired from the position of the Collector of the Port, and was succeeded by Hon. F. F. Low.
June 3. The P. M. steamship St. Louis left for Panama with treasure amounting to $955,698 64.
June 4. A fight occurred at the Farrallone Islands between the Farallone Egg Company and a party of Italians, in which Edward Perkins, one of the former, was shot through the stomach and killed and five of the latter wounded. . . .The passengers of the steamer Panama on her pioneer trip to California, celebrated the fourteenth anniversary of that event by a banquet at the Occidental Hotel.
June 6. The steamer Oregon arrived from Mazatlan with silver amounting to $93,265 09. . . .The P. M. steamship Constitution arrived with 700 passengers, among whom was Hon. Edward Stanly, late Military Governor of North Carolina.
June 7. The Nicaragua steamer Moses Taylor arrived with a large number of passengers.
June 10. A Sicilian fruit picker, named Francisco Taranto, was struck by a box thrown by Michael P. White, a drayman, on Jackson Street Wharf, from the effects of which he died shortly after.
June 11. A meeting of citizens to make arrangements for celebrating the Fourth of July was held in the chamber of the Board of Supervisors.
June 13. The P. M. Steamship Constitution left for Panama with treasure amounting to $890,479 93. . . .The Mercantile Library Association filed in the County Clerk's office a certificate of reincorporation under the act of the last Legislature. . . .A girl named Marry Gillan, aged 19 years, committed suicide by taking laudanum.
June 15. An Italian woman, named Louise Freschi, was found horribly murdered with a carpenter's chisel in her dwelling, No. 9 Pike Street. . . .Eleven melodeon proprietors were arrested for carrying on business without a license.
June 17. The anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill was celebrated by the firing of cannon, display of flags, and a grand entertainment in the evening at Union Hall, in aid of the sick and wounded of the Union army and navy. . . .Joseph H. Prince and Angelo Magliani, an Italian, wounded in the Farallone Egg War, died at the City and County Hospital. . . .John Owen, an Englishman, fell suddenly from disease of the brain.
June 18. Capt. Alexander G. Taylor, of the bark Yankee, died suddenly of disease of the heart. . . .Slight showers of rain fell at intervals during the day.
June 19. The P. M. steamship Orizaba arrived from Panama with a large number of passengers.
June 22. The British steamer Fusi Yami arrived from Dartmouth with a cargo of merchandize.
June 23. The P. M. steamship Constitution left for Panama with treasure amounting to $1,200,317 59. . . .Judge William Rufus Longley, of Placer County, and formerly Alcalde of Monterey, died suddenly of apoplexy.
June 24. A grand Union ratification meeting was held at Platt's Hall, at which addresses were delivered by Hon. T. G. Phelps, F. F. Low, and the various candidates nominated by the Union State Convention at Sacramento.
June 26. Capt. R. S. Fretz, of the banking firm of Fretz, Ralston & Co., died at the Napa White Sulphur Springs, after a lingering illness. . . .The new Odd Fellows' Hall, on Montgomery, between California and Pine Streets, was opened for the inspection of the public.
June 28. The steamer Sierra Nevada arrived from the northern coast bringing treasure to the amount of $383,000. . . .An Englishman, named Wm. Sharn, committed suicide by taking strychnine. . . .The Russian corvette Rynda arrived from Japan via Sitka and Victoria.
July 1. H. F. Teschemacher, who had for four years successfully and satisfactorily filled the position of Mayor of the city, retired from office, and was succeeded by H. P. Coon. The Board of Supervisors passed by unanimous vote a resolution of thanks for the able and impartial manner in which the retiring officer had presided over the deliberations of that body. . . .John S. Ellis entered upon his second term as Sheriff of the County of San Francisco, and Mr. Loewey succeeded Washington Bartlett who had held the office for five years, as County Clerk.
July 2. The dead bodies of Dr. George W. Beers, his wife and daughter, aged about ten years, were found in their rooms, on the north-east corner of Geary and Stockton Street. The result of the investigation of the Coroner's Jury was that the wife and daughter "came to their death from injuries received at the hands of G. W. Beers, and that G. W. Beers came to his death by opening a blood vessel in his hand with the intention of committing suicide." Destitution and depression were regarded as the cause of this brutal tragedy. . . .Intelligence was received of the death of Wm. N. Thompson, for many years connected with the Pacific Mail Steamship Company's office, by being gored by a bull at his rancho in Alameda County. . . .The water of the Spring Valley Works was for the first time brought to the city from Lake Honda.
July 4. The Eighty-seventh anniversary of National Independence was celebrated in a manner becoming the great occasion and a patriotic and loyal people. The day was observed by an immense civic and military proession; a universal display of flags by the city and shipping, and the firing of National salutes. An oration was delivered at the Metropolitan Theater by Rev. Thomas Starr King, the Declaration of Independence and the President's Emancipation Proclamation were read by John Swett, and an appropriate poem by F. B. Harte was read on the occasion. The proceedings closed with a grand display of fireworks in the evening.
July 8. A laboring man, named William La Meet, was found murdered near his dwelling, between the Protestant Orphan Asylum and the Spring Valley Water Works. Upon an investigation before the Coroner's Jury, the fact was established that the deceased was killed by Andrew Cummings and Henry Wallace while in a state of intoxication. . . .At a meeting of the Board of Delegates Eureka Hose Company No. 4. was admitted into the Fire Department.
July 9. P. M. steamship St. Louis arrived with a large number of passengers. . . .The news of the surrender of Vicksburg was celebrated by a general display of flags and congratulations among loyal citizens. . . .Detective officer Lees was thrown from his buggy and suffered a severe fracture of the ancle [sic].
July 10. The city was startled with the rumor that the U. S. Government had sent out an agent with orders to take possession of the New Almaden Quicksilver Mines, and that a detachment of U. S. soldiers had been ordered to San José to aid the marshal in taking possession. Intelligence was received from Washington that the Government had rescinded the order. . . .The steamer Brother Jonathan arrived from the Northern coast with $181,669.
July 13. P. M. Steamship St. Louis left for Panama with treasure amounting to $889,094 81.
July 17. A sailor, named Wm. Henry Tillson, a native of Massachusetts, was killed in the harbor by falling from the mizen topsail yard of the ship Malay.
July 18. P. M. steamship Constitution arrived with a large number of passengers. . . .Madame Simeon, proprietress of the Hotel de la Fraternité, attempted suicide by leaping from the top of the building to the street below, injuring herself so severely as to produce death the day following.
July 19. The steamer Sierra Nevada arrived from the Northern coast with treasure amounting to $290,000.
July 23. The P. M. steamship Constitution left for Panama with treasure amounting to $1,210,229 29. The Opposition steamer Moses Taylor also left for San Juan del Sur with a large number of passengers.
July 24. A severe shock of an earthquake was felt in the lower portion of the city about ten o'clock in the day.
July 25. A fire broke out about 2 o'clock A. M., in the Arcade Restaurant on Market Street, between Third and Fourth, which extended to the Apollo Baths and Saloon, destroying the property. The proprietor of the restaurant, with Antonio Silva, William Bell, and John Marx, employed as cooks in the establishment, sleeping in the building, were burned to death. The pecuniary loss was estimated at about $7,000.
July 26. An Italian, named Carlo Adualdo, wounded one of his countrymen, named Giovani Passano, by cutting his throat with a bowie-knife.
July 28. A meeting of citizens was held in the chamber of the Board of Supervisors to take measures for the celebration of the late Union victories, at which preliminary committees were chosen. . . .The steamer Brother Jonathan arrived from the northern coast with treasure amounting to $143,315.
July 30. Great excitement was occasioned in commercial circles that Henry Garthwaite, head clerk in the Empire Warehouses, had raised large sums of money by hypothecating fraudulent receipts for the goods stored therein by a large number of merchants, the amount of liabilities in the case being estimated at $160,000.
August 1, 1863. The U. S. steam revenue cutter Shubrick was stationed in the Golden Gate, off Black Point, to overhaul all suspicious looking craft entering the harbor. . . .Two slight shocks of an earthquake were felt about eleven o'clock at night.
Aug. 2. Three severe shocks of earthquake at 11¼ o'clock.
Aug 3. Steamer Orizaba sailed for Panama with $1,060,409 87.
Aug 4. A riot occurred in which a number of Irish laborers drove off a party of Chinese employed by a contractor to grade a lot near the Sugar Refinery.
Aug 6. The National Thanksgiving, according to the proclamation of the President, was generally observed throughout the city by all classes. The various places of business were closed, services were held in all the churches, salutes were fired, flags waved everywhere, Union meetings were held—the whole closing with a general illumination and firemen's torchlight procession at night.
Aug. 7. Sierra Nevada arrived from Victoria and Portland bringing $200,000.
Aug. 10. Grand Jury of the U. S. Circuit Court empanneled, when Judge Field delivered his first charge defining what amounted to treason and the penalties attached to the offense.
Aug. 12. Thomas Jerome Wells arrested by Provost Guard for using seditious language.
Aug. 13. Golden Age sails for Panama carrying $999,785 27. . . .Telegraph announces the appointment of Col. Charles James to the Collectorship of the Port.
Aug. 15. Michael Brady, aged 83 years, committed suicide by hanging.
Aug. 18. The U. S. steamer Shubrick sent in search of a suspicious craft said to be cruising outside the heads, returned with the intelligence that the vessel was a whaler engaged in the legitimate pursuit of its business. . . .The steamer Brother Jonathan arrived from the north with a crowd of passengers and treasure amounting to near $300,000.
Aug. 20. Pennsylvania Engine Co. use horses to pull their engine to fires.
Aug. 22. Carlo Emanuel Odiardo arrested for the murder of Carlo Pissano. . . .The cars of the Ominibus Railroad commenced running through Montgomery Street to the Mission.
Aug. 23. Edward Ernhart, a special police officer, dropped dead on his beat of apoplexy. . . .The P. M. Steamship St. Louis left for Panama with the ordinary number of passengers and treasure amounting to $1,014,865 13.
Aug. 25. Vulcan Foundry, Natoma St., burned. . . .People's Nominating Committee assembled.
Aug. 26. Irwin Riggs sent to State Prison one year for endeavoring to induce a soldier to desert.
Aug. 27. Democratic County Convention assembled.
Aug. 28. Tripp & Robinson's Pyrotechnical Works, on Lombard Street, destroyed by fire. . . .Sierra Nevada arrived from the north with $440,355 97 in treasure.
Aug. 30. John Adams kills Martin Kanary in Fanueil Hall Market and escapes. . . .Gold reported discovered near Thorp's; many locations made.
September 1. Railroad and ferry connection with Oakland inaugurated. . . .Mass meeting at Platt's Hall to rejoice over Union victories.
Sept. 2. General election for State and County officers. . . .$82,787 38 received at Custom House.
Sept. 3. Constitution sailed with $1,454,207 46 treasure. . . .Exempt Fire Company celebrate second anniversary by parade and dinner.
Sept. 4. Adelphi Hotel Company incorporated, capital $600,000.
Sept. 5. Winfield Scott Saloon, corner Howard and Stewart Streets, destroyed by fire.
Sept. 10. Ridgley Greathouse admitted to bail in $15,000.
Sept. 13. Orizaba sailed carrying $651,592. . . .Steamer Panama, en route to Crescent City, broke her shaft off Point Arenas and returned.
Sept. 14. Edward Gallagher was shot and dangerously wounded by policeman Forner. . . .Ships Blackhawk and Crescent City collided, both vessels damaged extensively.
Sept. 15. A. Jones Jackson appointed Provost Marshal for this district. . . .Abraham J. King (money cheap) died at City Hospital.
Sept. 16. Ships Mazeppa and Invincible collided in harbor while beating out and were compelled to return for repairs. . . .Anniversary of Mexican Independence celebrated by Mexican population. . . .U. S. frigate Lancaster arrived in port.
Sept. 17. Peter Cornynn, boarding house runner, beaten to death by cabmen on Jackson Street Wharf.
Sept. 18. Young America Engine Co. housed their new engine.
Sept. 19. Major P. L. Solomon, ex-U. S. Marshal, died of consumption.
Sept. 20. Davis Street, opposite Oakland Ferry landing, caved in, dropping three houses into the bay.
Sept. 21. Store of H. I. Rothschild & Co., Sacramento Street, destroyed by fire.
Sept. 23. Golden Age sailed with $1,419,668 17.
Sept. 25. Dr. Henry Martyn Gray, a pioneer physician, died of dropsy.
Sept. 28. U. S. sloop of war Cyane sailed on cruise. . . .Russian corvette Novick lost off Point Reyes. . . .Howard Street M. E. Church dedicated.
Sept. 29. Spanish man of war Resolucion arrived. She carries 42 guns and 489 men, and is the flag ship of Admiral Pinzon. . . .A boy named L. Walcott was killed by a pile of lumber falling upon him. . . .Pasqualina Lacari, Jean Baptiste Bruzzo, and Francisco Pizano declared guilty of murder in second degree for killing Francisco Lacari.
Sept. 30. Henry Wallace and William Cummings adjudged guilty of manslaughter for killing William La Meet.
October 1. Col. James assumed the Collectorship of the Port of San Francisco.
Oct. 2. H. B. M. frigate Sutlej arrived.
Oct. 3. St. Louis sailed with $1,633,387 57.
Oct. 7. Second Brigade Encampment begun at Alameda. . . .William Dwyer and Johnny Walker had a "mill" near Napa for $2,000. Dwyer victorious after 114 rounds.
Oct. 8. Charles Anderson, colored man, declared guilty of manslaughter for killing Wesley Hazard.
Oct. 9. Callaghan's Mission Street Boarding House destroyed by fire. . . .Cummings and Wallace, convicted of manslaughter, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in the State Prison.
Oct. 10. Spanish frigate Triunfo, 42 guns, 312 men arrived from Callao. . . .Peter Monro, pioneer, died.
Oct. 11. James Jordan, an old citizen, died.
Oct. 12. Russian corvette Bogatyre, 48 guns, 312 men arrived. . . .P. M. S. S. Constitution sailed with $1,183,327 09.
Oct. 13. Chapman pirates, Greathouse, Rubery, and Harpending, declared guilty. . . .Hotels increase price of board 25 per cent.
Oct. 14. Captain Howard thrown from buggy and both legs broken.
Oct. 15. San Francisco and San José Railroad formally opened.
Oct. 16. Russian corvette Guidmack arrived.
Oct. 17. H. Hayen, proprietor of St. Louis Brewery, died of injuries received from being thrown from a wagon.
Oct. 18. A stable on Brannan Street destroyed by fired, and Peter Reynolds burned to death.
Oct. 19. Dwelling house of Maurice Doyle, on Jones Street, was burned; two children lost their lives by the flames. . . .Lacari, Bruzzo, and Pizano were sentenced to imprisonment for life. . . .Calavala, Russian frigate, arrived.
Oct. 20. First number of Democratic Press issued.
Oct. 21. Spanish frigate Resolucion sailed on a cruise.
Oct. 23. Block bounded California and Sacramento, Drumm and Davis streets, destroyed by fire; loss $300,000. . . .Steamer Sonora sailed with $793,555 22.
Oct. 26. U. S. gunboat Narragansett arrived. . . .Steamer Amelia began making trips to San José.
Oct. 28. Telegraph cable laid across heads, from Fort Point to Lime Point.
Oct. 29. Abreck, Russian corvette, arrived. . . .Sierra Nevada, from North, brings $265,265.
Oct. 30. Steamer Gov. Dana No. 3 launched. . . .Charles C. Sackett, pioneer editor, died.
Oct. 31. Frame house on Harrison Street blown down. . . .Corner stone laid of German Evangelical Lutheran Congregation's Church, on Geary Street, between Stockton and Powell streets. . . .58 suits instituted against Omnibus Railroad Company for overcharge of fare.
November 1. A fracas took place on Natoma Street, during which a negro struck a white man; the friends of the latter gathered in strong force, and a riot was barely escaped. . . .Troops began erecting fortifications on Angel Island.
Nov. 2. José de la Russe was arrested, charged with being a fugitive murderer from Santa Cruz. . . .George S. Dickey's drug store, on Howard and Fourth streets, was fired with an incendiary.
Nov. 3. The Golden Age sailed with $780,264 10 in treasure. . . .Miss Emma Hardinge, a trance lecturer, lectured at Platt's Hall for the first time.
Nov. 4. William Page, Chris Lowery, James Romaine, and Daniel Allen were arrested upon a charge of murdering Lloyd Magruder and others in Idaho Territory. . . .Thomas Ward's broom factory on Sacramento Street was discovered to be on fire; partially destroyed; loss, $2,000. . . .A dinner was given Commander Selim E. Woodworth, of the U. S. sloop Narragansett, at the Occidental Hotel.
Nov. 5. An ineffectual attempt was made to release the Idaho murderers by means of a writ of habeas corpus. . . .Joseph Myrick, an old and respected merchant, died after a short illness.
Nov. 7. Russian corvette Rynda entered our harbor. . . .Liberty Hose Company housed their apparatus.
Nov. 8. Thomas J. Nevins, pioneer Superintendent of Public Schools, buried. . . .Captain Isaac Graham, a mountaineer, hunter, trapper, and for thirty-five years a resident of California, died at the Niantic Hotel. . . .The building occupied by Mr. Cramer, shoe-maker, corner of Clay and Davis streets, destroyed by fire. . . .Moses Taylor arrived with $1,000,000 in legal tender notes, and $50,000 revenue stamps. . . .Artemus Ward arrived.
Nov. 9. William Joseph Sylvia and Marie Louise Vieira died from asphyxia, produced by the escape of gas in their sleeping room—they having blown out instead of turning off the gas upon going to bed.
Nov. 10. Sanitary Fund meeting at Platt's Hall. . . .Ship Aquila, with the materials for the iron-clad Camanche, arrived.
Nov. 11. First rain of the season.
Nov. 13. St. Louis sailed with $895,310 30. . . .Pacific arrived from the North with $548,300.
Nov. 15. A heavy storm prevailed all day and night; vessels dragged their anchors and collided with each other, wharfs were blown down, and a great deal of damage resulted.
Nov. 16. The storm of yesterday continued; the ship Aquila, on board of which was the material for the monitor Camanche, sunk alongside of Hathaway's Wharf. . . .West End Engine House blown down. . . .Steamer Pacific seized for smuggling.
Nov. 17. A Russian sailor was killed on board the Rynda by the premature discharge of a cannon while a salute was being fired. . . .A grand ball was given at Union Hall in honor of the Russian officers in port.
Nov. 19. Commercial Street Wharf gives way and tumbles into the bay, the piles having been destroyed by the toredo. . . .Divers examine the bottom of the Aquila, and report her keel and kelson store.
Nov. 20. Wm. H. Leighton, a well-known theatrical manager, died. . . .Bartholomew Dowling, editor of the Monitor, died.
Nov. 21. Harbor Commissioners take possession of Vallejo, Jackson, Clay, Washington, and Mission wharfs.
Nov. 22. Captain McAllister, of the U. S. Ordnance Department, died from injuries received by being thrown from a buggy. . . .A match game of billiards was played by William Goldthwaite and Harry Eaton, the former winning the match.
Nov. 23. Admiral Popoff and suite visited the Public Schools. . . .Steamer Constitution sailed with $1,387,975 01 in treasure.
Nov. 24. Corner stone of Washington Hose Company's house laid. . . .Partial eclipse of the moon.
Nov. 26. National Thanksgiving observed.
Nov. 27. Count di Castiglione and Major Devecchi, Commissioners of Exploration sent out by Victor Emanuel, were fêted by the Italian merchants of this city.
Nov. 29. Golden City, a new steamship belonging to the P. M. S. S. Co., arrived from New York.
Nov. 30. The annual banquet of the St. Andrew's Society was held at the Russ House.
December 1. Pumps were set to work upon the wreck of the Aquila.
Dec. 2. Irataba, Chief of the Mohave Indians, arrived in town.
Dec. 3. The steamer Orizaba sailed with $1,084,202 30 in treasure. . . .The attempt to raise the Aquila proving a failure, further work upon the wreck was suspended. . . .The steamer Chrysopolis ran into the bark Industry and sustained slight damage.
Dec. 5. The steamer Pacific arrived from the North with $476,098.
Dec. 7. David Scannell was elected Chief Engineer, and Cornelius Mooney Third Assistant Engineer of the San Francisco Fire Department.
Dec. 9. John Crane, an old resident of California, died.
Dec. 10. W. H. Barker, one of the original San Francisco Minstrels, died.
Dec. 11. Lieutenant Colonel James F. Curtis sailed for Fort Drumm, the troops at which place had been placed under his command.
Dec. 12. James A. Moore was horribly burned by an explosion of gas in the West End Hotel. . . .The hostlers employed by the North Beach and Mission Railroad Company struck for higher wages. . . .The U. S. steam gunboat Narragansett sailed for Puget Sound, to look after privateers supposed to be fitting out in Victoria.
Dec. 13. E. P. Ragsdale died suddendly of heart disease. . . .The steamer Golden City sailed with $1,349,349 97 treasure.
Dec. 14. Sister Madeline Murray, a Sister of Mercy, died.
Dec. 15. Steamer Oregon arrived from the North, having experienced heavy weather, and was compelled to throw a portion of the cargo overboard.
Dec. 16. The immense organ ordered by the Handel and Haydn Society arrived.
Dec. 17. F. W. H. Johnson arrested on a requisition from Nevada Territory, for shooting Horace Smith. . . .Fire on Stewart Street resulted in the total destruction of Marks & Walpole's Restaurant, Warner's cigar store, and Asher's clothing store. . . .La Cordeliere, a French gunboat, arrived in harbor.
Dec. 19. Hibernian House, on Second Street, destroyed by fire. . . .P. M. S. S. St. Louis sailed with $1,606,437 24 in treasure.
Dec. 24. C. O. Gerberding died. . . .Pontifical High Mass was celebrated at St. Mary's Cathedral.
Dec. 25. Christmas generally celebrated.
Dec. 26. George W. Colmere, having been refused a new trial by the Supreme Court, was sentenced to be hung on the 30th of January. . . .Alexander Devoe, a well-known fireman, died.
Dec. 27. Brigadier General John S. Mason, assistant U. S. Provost Marshal General for California, arrived.
Dec. 28. Dr. R. M. Treadway, while intoxicated, shoots Francis May, on board the steamer Princess. . . .An affray amongst some squatters took place on Buchanan Street, between O'Farrell and Geary, during which John McCormick was shot and slightly wounded in the head.
Dec. 29. W. C. Thompson was drowned by falling overboard from Vallejo Street Wharf.
Dec. 30. An explosion of gas took place in the store of Deming & Co., Masonic Temple. . . .Louise Paullin broke her leg by being thrown from a horse. . . .Several shocks of earthquake were felt today.